So many Claw Machines at Gateway 26!!!

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hey guys today Greg Gateway 26 and this arcade has a ton of claw machine yeah most of them are only a quarter to play easily have to win me the fuel or the goldfish or anything what the sequence actually I think are you sure I'm pretty sure okay maybe that's like Shamu yeah maybe we will anything out of here they are so cool and sparkly it is only open across them yeah it's so hard yeah this makes it so much harder because once you push this button I am so sorry not mean to do that let's try again and Krystal do not touch it I will not touch your button the DA way back there okay hopefully it goes that far to the right these are so pretty I love the sequins on them last ride for the way yes no this machine is also and up and across so he has to be very careful oh my gosh I think you line that up pretty good on the side oh yeah okay I don't remember that character sounds good that's good line it up this way oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh you're being very quiet yeah cute maybe that's just oh that's his name I bet we're in another area of this arcade and look at this it's like a never-ending row of kamma Sheen's like what yeah over here this whole room like I think this is like just one giant room of claw machines she's going for it candy crush really everyone knows you have to go for the sprinkle ball it's a rare one that's why it's weird can't get picked up right here is like a jelly bean this is like a lemon candy I don't know what to say if you play candy crush you know Christmas they're not nasty lemon heads are the best you have to get that sprinkle ball I don't think it's actually big enough the other spring well it's like trying to pick up one of these you're not ever gonna pick this up do you think it's my five cents though that's what I was thinking because it's thin you might go to get it oh but the acrylic on the side might stop you from Oh hold your breath no it slipped out it wasn't what the thing is it wasn't because the call it wasn't because the cloth at it felt it slipped like sometimes a clone machines you know like this compass and then I open up that one slipped out because it's a bean shape oh come on yes yes again don't slip out yes no I was going to say don't don't start celebrating no I knew not to celebrate because I knew that was gonna happen it's happened so many times in the past Chris I can't hardly see let me see if I get up here oh that's not helping oh good luck no Enterprise you oh well that's ok because you're pushing it back don't go oh that's funny though yeah that was good but look it's I don't know I'm trying to stay confident you know that piece of candy bag it looks like that Oh does look like a butterscotch that's not what I was gonna say but I just it was like a donut with the hole still in it like it was pre-cut that's good this come on sweet that that is a sweet way this was weird like is that a buffalo it look like a buffalo or like a yak I've never seen a buffalo whoa I think that is really heavy what you have to do is like somehow tip it over Oh doesn't you want to get its legs yeah left of me no oh me and they don't do anything oh they have cars they have little miniature Deadpool Oh take a cloth no we'll just follow angel this is cool yeah this is cool this one 50 Cent's playing oh that is awesome it does look we're like the material look cleared as well I'm good for this one is right by the price okay two seconds I'm gonna get that one off the wall okay oh my gosh you canyon yes doing it do it you crazy porkchop I'm so ready do it oh my gosh oh my gosh usually driving it went on [Music] pick it up I've never actually seen these anatomists before so we go for this do you know his name so I do know this is Alvin right here I don't know the smart ones name and I don't know the short chubby ones name he's a cute one though although chipmunks in general are pretty pretty like chubby cheeks right so it's pretty much like a no more oh oh you almost had it I think if you get a good grip on it it doesn't really matter where it's at so you got that one again don't ask let's know what is his name they actually look different in this like in this car machine and what they normally look like cuz this one is normally shorter and that one's really tall and he's like normal I guess not normal but averaged out so he's in the middle Albert's always in the middle so she going for the short one good look just that one got down you just got it Chris you just got it you just won I don't know who it is no you're the cute one Christmas you have to go again don't try get the whole set or they should I get one more maybe you get another one so did you notice how you won there well what I mean is like it there's a lot of air under there yeah so the other times it grabbed it didn't actually have a lot of air so I think as long as you get down oh my glasses so I think as we get like far enough down it would actually pick it up so she's not for Alvin next I believe was always get in trouble Oh Jesse I think you guys do that both go a little further right so maybe that because one arm is always like hitting this smart one to play anyone the brainy one maybe his name is brainy wait no that's a smurf nevermind oh I think you're gonna overestimate how far right you go like just just think think this is enough and then put a little bit extra like you know wouldn't you reckon sweetie yeah put you like this is enough sugar but I'm gonna put a little extra sugar oh look it wants to slide down but it's not sliding down all right come on Alvin come on oh the things they come on over I said come on Alvin no person wants to wear a Peter Rabbit I'm not sure which one's Peter and which ones to grab it makes sense actually makes sense there's like a few different rabbits so which ones Peter Rabbit is asking which blue there's a blue and there's this problem now that you say then is that mrs. goose is that actually the name of the goose mrs. goose ooh but that one is good yeah because it's neck don't you guys can't really see it but there is a lot of air underneath that one yeah like the sound of that crystal yeah it's funny how we both hold our breath air underneath it things saying that's gonna help you win these trucks over here have like air underneath oh my gosh I can't hold my breath that long Chris but the trucks have like the tires and have anything what smell shiny things come on oh yeah you have to have that air underneath it's not gonna win it no all right good luck I was a baby way to go for Peter Rabbit bunnies are hurt nope this machine has a wide variety of different types of plush there's a Groot there's a Power Ranger there's Superman Darth Vader's one yeah big ones kind of cool woman no she looks really cool yeah I know know much that make her look really red but that one looks like it has like um a vintage look to it I like that one who's this guy I think he's like from Star Wars Lucas Skywalker guys having some crystal yes it is Lucas Skywalker Lucas Skywalker yeah Chris Lucas Skywalker it's actually Luke Skywalker Lucas Skywalker what did you see what are you talking about woman no don't put the Pink Ranger you said you liked her it might usually it goes pretty far to the right as long as it have anything stopping me yeah what about no you can't get group can use Batman I'm Batman from the gosh some evil Shh no like I actually grabbed his head only his head it might I think that's how you'd have to win these is actually grabbing only their heads like you did with the Wonder Woman no no I guess that's not the way to win yours please VAM pink in red so good there aren't beats inside these little pouches no I think you have to like a tenant to get the prize yeah so oh no that was a little anxious drop those in see my heart was going pitter-patter pitter-patter okay that's perfect not today not today so again that was really funny though I mean it's bad the other please don't stab anything and of course yeah all right guys that's what we're gonna in the video we only got three prizes but we had a lot of fun definitely well it was a little bit until we kept playing a lot and a lot more so what was your favorite oh that one is a cute one but I'm gonna have to say I like the sweet win because that was really cool how it like it fell just fell right into it you guys have to let us know I think everyone's gonna vote for the Lion King though well thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 1,667,356
Rating: 4.7668228 out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, plush time wins claw machine, claw machine wins, claw machine, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade game, arcade games, ptw, gateway 26, gateway 26 arcade, gateway 26 wildwood boardwalk, wildwood boardwalk
Id: OkrZvhHIn5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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