You CAN'T Play This Map!

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I wanted to play this map stop pressing that button no stop pressing that button no stop pressing that button hey what's going on guys look that zip here welcome to special map my friends it's known as someone is playing that's right yours Truly's gonna be playing this map today it's my guy who let's go jump into it thankfully I'm like thanks for subscribing all right we all start now start adventure okay sorry this map is for zero or less players only what let's try to get sorry this map is for zero or less players only what is this okay oh it just you're not listening it I said zero players hold on a second stop talking to me if you join now too many players are playing what's up with already playing the map I'm pretty sure my on the server right now it's odd zero plus one is one and one is too many get out he says no I'm playing this map I gotta get a video up for today why you so persistent is it normal to be for one player but we already have one I'm the player what like look I'm fully decked I got armor everything I look ready okay government with diamonds advanced been made listen man if we turn this thing into multiplayer some systems will crash a lot of systems I don't care about your systems you should have thought of that already died dude just press escape and save and quit the title or something wait no joy of your PC will work to this guys take me we run all day so where you have a player why are you still here I want to play this map stop pressing that but no it's not pressing that but no stop pressing that button wait well this is different okay you know what narrator huh so you want to play huh yes I do want to play narrators what been trying to do so you want to be v1 more player yes I do well I have good news tell me more narrator what is your good news we could use another helper for some setting up okay interesting I suppose you'll do fine what are you talking about I want to play the map I don't want to set up the map so off you go to the mines to the mines no I want to play the map oh my gosh what what I just jump into boss we have another player what can he do for us Oh another one didn't everything say Zoo or less he insisted surely you can be helpful right there like talking in front of me I can see what you're saying I suppose it's just some systems might break oh well I got some tasks for you okay cool so these are the mines now listen up great great great the heroes can be here any moment there are emeralds in that Chester problem they could mind their own F so make sure they can't give me a picket we've made me do dirty work you got that intruder sure alright alright fine fine fine now what I was expecting I'll play the map I'll play the game I guess we're literally setting up this map for someone else to play it's kind of a joke kind of stupid I wanted to play for myself now I had it set up for other people yeah so we had a mine emerald so that the players can't get to him okay well we're good oh oh there's some okay the things I do I'm trying to show off this fantastic map to you guys and instead I'm getting played by not playing literally so we got one of the emeralds okay it's gonna find some more who are these players he thinks Oh specialist can't go that way naturally where there are these emeralds I got things to do oh there's one okay that's number two maybe there's some over here in the corner hiding around why doesn't he wanted to have emeralds and there's no one perfect all right that's three I don't know how many there are four five ten twenty thousand I don't know oh oh hey you're hiding how do we get to you though I think we got a park or what I perfect that's for all right Hootie - jeez man things are popping off right now we need wait there's a final one right there okay cool that's convenient let me see ah you know you're kind of okay both sports we're almost in the hero site oh wow that's the help bro they cannot see us we oh no you over done play hide somewhere they won't find you me well you already please you put me somewhere you took me the mines what can you tell portraits or else can i I need to like [ __ ] I guess I gonna hide in here can we right in here yeah my denier maybe I is this is this a good enough hiding place maybe I don't know nothing's happening maybe that's not a good hiding place we got to find some oh wait I've been here matter compressor has this been here the whole time what's to do hello okay but can't see me here the matter compressor fine I suppose yes Cassandra mines emerald shards wait why did I get what as I said malfunctions you're also targeted sometimes oh look there's players talking look Nani the animals charge right here there's players actually outside right now they're talking oh man Nani these ones do the actual players finally all that climbing wasn't for nothing now let's compress these to the Emerald cutter for the wait I'm in the compressor crap the compressor oh no we can't use that yet first you must find the titanium breaker and steel factorial I want to play this map why do I have to be the one setting it up ah darn and we need that for the unobtanium key yes exactly so go to the forest now before you make the sword this is great they just got married it is a sign of a new quest so they wouldn't find me in here oh this is rich not as rich as me because I mind all those emeralds that was a close call though but what about the key in the break according to nari that's important the breakers real don't worry point is the key is in the forest but right here and I'd say the player solves that he caused it too what do you mean I didn't do anything agreed come out you have things to do okay here's the deal and the key okay we just got the factory key hide it and main goal of forest make sure no one sees you then get out as far as possible my helpers will track you down and get you out after well now what I'm going to do drag it to participate in the story or what kind of map is this no we have to plays you're still not needed now go okay whatever so berry this is the forest now we have to hide the key in a good place ok I will do it a place where they won't find it right away but also a place that's kind of obvious just find the right chest and hide somewhere good afterwards all right I'll work on it okay narrator I did not think I was gonna enter this becoming a map maybe we can put in here can we put in there is that that fairly obvious is that can we can we work with that I think I'm gonna leave the key in that little chest right there and we'll try and hide somewhere else in the meanwhile huh can I get up in that you know I can't get over the trees maybe I can get a ball up but on in on this tree let's see where can we hide I mean I'm I'm literally in the trees and it's pitch black I don't think anything will find me here I mean I hope I'm not wrong but you know there's always a chance okay maybe the trees wasn't a good idea I couldn't find anywhere to go what is this hello mangola temple warning monsters interesting that sounds horrifying okay better go inside and start seeing what's happening huh that makes perfect sense so dark in here well can i I'm like stuck oh are you something hey you know what it's hard to see I think I'm gonna get myself night-vision effect I uh I know can we relax okay I'm gonna get myself oh my how many more are gonna beat oh it's - okay we're it's gonna run instead let's keep going we're getting out of here yes yes yes yes yes please someone keep me away from the zombies I don't even know where I am anymore oh my god oh my god what was I supposed to put them in here is this where you're supposed to be oh my word we gotta go back okay well I'm not sure it's that chest anymore I've seen like ten other chests just lying around in this area waiting for a key to be placed in it that might be what we need to do okay can't come out that way that's the entrance that we came in through see look the chest here we got to figure out which one is the right chest I have no idea how we might be able to even tell that but maybe the narrator will give us a little hint or something special will happen huh look at this hello what are you beautiful well okay oh here we go that's something it is nothing well how about you what do you know where's that dungeon I want to go back there it's probably please I use a key you anything no come on here we go - forever stupid now I can explore a little bit oh I thought I fell for a second now you look around see if there's oh hello another chest okay great oh did something son like this please semi hidden dangerous place looks like treasured perfect you can't hardly see anything in here oh they're coming quick hide deeper in the temple wait am I gotta go back I was just in here it's getting assaulted by zombies okay let me try again all right boys step aside for a minute there we go stay in the dark I'm trying to stay in the dark okay getting ambushed left right all the players here look look the unobtanium key let me complete the quest yeah let's go find that factory now they say I come on oh my god and then the emerald soul and then through the portal beat the Guardian world yeah can we wait sorry I'm gonna the next quest Ori I'm getting overwhelmed with zombies all over the place can I even break this please let me mine it at least yeah she don't repeat it every time oh my god narrator they're gone you okay no I'm not okay with mobsters in here come on but we have you on resistance you can't die oh well it's alerts as long as you're fighting we can't get you out yeah well I could use some assistance then here's a sword kill enough and our helpers can come to the next pack okay okay well at least you're helping me a little bit I'll take the sword that's fine I'll do that all day but come on can we worry a little bit faster please thank you darling kill any more cheese they're all empty alright I guess I'll just keep killing zombies oh there we go great that's enough we're safe to go I'm working on it come here you oh wait this is it give me you will make sure that the heroes into the portal correctly that's the best album place this is the portal to the water world the narrator says okay I see it we open it a while ago and all I have to do is wait wait you can choose wait in the dark dungeon or in the dangerous waters uh-huh I can't go through the portal is that normal yeah the poor is not working right now can we why can't isn't it open no it's not open because of this player the system thinks the heroes already passed oh you blamed me for everything fine you got to reopen it just follow the one path outside to the dungeon keeper okay I'm doing it I'm doing it he has to trigger he won't be expecting you though so be careful great now I gotta meet with people that aren't even looking forward to me can I at least help defeat a boss after that no people say no this is the worst map I just want to play that no map and now someone else is playing instead so now we're we looking for we got like fine we got to find the trigger to the dungeon keepers got a trick none of the okay nothing on that side either I guess we can go upstairs know what to expect so far this has been an eye-opening map to say the least hello what are you mine shaft your quest compress the animals charts get this whoa they're like starting the questions out me right now I gotta move fast hold on and what is this portal this is like a I love a portal holy moly it's burning me already let's keep going huh what do we have in here this I mean we're going up more and more stairs so must work somehow locked find the key to continue are we like going backwards through someone else's map right now I can't believe like interrupting someone else's gameplay experience check this out I gotta find this dungeon keeper stat they're like halfway through one of their quests oh hello okay okay that's good and then what's in here the earth portal how many portals are there is it just the water one that's broken huh okay well I can help out with that can we can we like I would love if we could come on come on hit the lover lover geez what do I do yes God got it got it perfect and another one right there it's exactly what I wanted to see now and get through and I assume we're supposed to do something right yeah hey this looks new oh here's someone maybe that's the key hello dungeon keeper Otis Oh naughty did you forget something naughty wait you're not either of them who are you I mean Who am I I'm the third player I got to reopen the portal for these guys I don't be able go any further without me really but this is for zero or less players only yeah well it'd be boring without me you know it's sure don't answer my questions you know what I don't care here's the trigger get out yeah thank you I appreciate that I just threw water trigger thank you I said get out man everyone this map is so rude it is terrifying all right well we got the water trigger I guess we just got a head on back now we'll go right all the way back through all this yeah let it do its thing let me through thank you and we'll see you when we get back to the water portal upstairs Downstairs up more stairs down more stairs through wood pieces through gravel we're doing it all and we're not even being appreciated for always finish the quiz really quick all right all right water port of water port of water port we're coming were coming were coming we're going fast come on oh the portals open again I guess all I had to do is stand on your slow the heroes are almost there what do want me to do man I'm trying here Josh go to the portal but don't go to the main path see you on the other side what am I supposed to jump into you okay well well that worked I am quite surprised this place Wow said exactly what I actually said here the heroes will battle the guardian Lord they will unlike you come from the hole in the ceiling right there okay your task is to go behind the throne and listen to or everything goes according to plan you'll get a couple messages ignore them really now the heroes will be here in a minute I'll summon the boss that will drop the moon shard that's not important go to the back I want the moon shard well can I be a part of this map oh I I need to find somewhere to hide maybe mm oh maybe over here yes this looks a little promising Hey hide away that's what I say okay what okay that's probably not for us to hide there oh this looks new I think oh here it is boss battle the guardian Lord there is the guardian Lord says o me foolish mortals you cannot give me wrong I the Emerald sword my parting any will help slay you try to get different voices that's right we need your moon shard from that we can go to the end lands and get treasure and every like treasure right hey we were not rich until you perish oh that's kind of messed up dude then we shall see who battles best minions I'll take care of him go to the Lord wow there's like a full-blown map experience going on over there and I'm not any part of it I like stupid water potions and first diamond crystal beat oh the minions are dead I'll help that was quick Diamond blade crystal bass play water blade deluxe I will freeze you yuck no I can feed you but I'll help you first says naughty time of my water blade but this is pretty stupid I wish I could just be part can I join the fight I can battle I could slay enemies I should be the main player you know what that was narrator in his boss done with you after this I'll go to the plays and I'll ask them to join their team myself got him Oh got him oh my life hello boss is slain you know what I'm a just got the moon shards good let's take one each and split up hey we have a big kid surviving okay then see ya yeah that's my chance I'm gonna go talk to Oh mayor Donny or something no crazy narrator did the fight go well I didn't see it and they're gone yeah I'm not sure either just get me out of here okay just what I'm done with this oh so I'm just broken you'll have to leave yourself I'll go now some paths cleaning to do first okay maybe maybe well then what am I supposed to do instead I've been had by a whole bunch of weirdos and people that don't even play I mean this is I'm not even playing this map someone's doing it for me worst time ever oh that opened that's fresh okay cool I already know where I was going at first so this looks promising up we go I think I forgot my helmet oh hey hey hey hey hey wait a second who are you [Music] oh there you are finally we meet I am I don't care you are I'm playing not you come on I want to join your team Nani I can play with you right honey no you're not supposed to do this adventure come here I'll make you respawn in a stone box yeah I don't think so I want to keep knocking you in the water you can't do anything you stupid stupid not I just want to be a part of your team and now you try to attack me as well what I do to you I'm gonna knock you all back good can't even deal damage to me this is real you can't I'm like I'm like Opie mode in this game nice hey this is fun I'm fired with this because I can't hey hey hey yeah I killed you no permit dead yeah took you maybe next time you let me play the map with you huh okay please handle I think you should be dead you probably responded earlier part of the map so we should probably go as fast as we can to get out of this area I don't want to deal with that guy again maybe I was pretty weak so we'll see it's at the top here and just go from there I suppose hey this is looking pretty good this is looking pretty nice yeah I don't think I want to fall back down there pretty sure that's just boys let's go this way we got a portal over here oh I see you're back how'd it go it seems as though Nani didn't make it boss really I thought he could handle it oh well he's gone now yeah yeah after all what's the point of dying when there's no penalty anyways you got to go to the inland now the treasure is there yeah someone died can I just play the map now I'd like to play this accurate map no we said well we're playing you are not needed just leave already the boss is right Oh Mae can do the job alone you have to leave now it's not far and he could already be there can we push you want to rot in this dungeon he won't see you here NIF I'll go to the end --lens and finish I mean let him finish the story teleporting Oh teleport you there now you now above the treasure which is a dragon 800 May will come soon to get it this finishes this grand quest we're already at the end of the I didn't get to play the map away they would just stay quiet and if anything goes wrong warn me yeah here it is behind the shield but I have the moon shard no uh dang it where's Noddy he should have come by now Nani oh no I was a dude I thought I was a girl the whole time well what neck I'll just do it myself yeah yeah yeah you nipple ma says the aid now don't right-click it can I finally it's my eyes look at my wait did the egg hole this thing together or something I think the floor is about to break I hope the floor is not about to probably just did oh hey hey what the who are you I'm me look that's it I'm a new player and I'd love to join you and you got a really nice egg there I'd like to take part in it well you can't I'm playing and I found the treasure it's over wait a second you fall from above right when I take the egg oh no no no no you must be the final boss not final boss what are you doing you have the treasure yeah yeah yeah just just let me do another quest okay and we're all good to go no mate isn't it mmm I have to choose a side he says trust the player or fight the boss oh he chose oh I thought he chose no this must be a trap how else did you get up there get up where I'm no no up there yeah I don't come here and face me you demon boss battle unknown entity I'm the unknown entity I'm the boss battle and you know this guy is very very strong he's not as strong as I am I'm literally play the stupid map and instead I got deal with other people playing map so I'm trying to record not how it happens this is the law odds if chant I get my bragging if it's the last thing I do on this path taken the world you come easy or it's gonna be that much harder when you hit the ground you stay getting the light I need to be able to see son son you are my son call me a dad oh me oh my okay can you just die already really I'm with the egg egg yeah perfect no my my venture you you've done now we have no players and no story well you have me right you should have never joined in the first place never it says never you should never join now it easy for me to do I don't have any other quests so my problem boss okay I know I should never let you in I guess that's it the adventures are over but surely this was a little bit of fun right no oh man what that's pretty lame to hear no all right I get it you didn't have fun it's fine boss this map is for zero or less players only you cannot join if others are playing now I must go and you too okay after all you are with one and one is one too many game over thanks for not playing thank you for not playing click here to reset the game if you want to not play again for some reason dude does a heck of a map called someone's play it's my guy hoot there's a lot of fun I've never played a map like that before where we're not actually playing the map you'll play not played a map for yourself down here you found the scripts this video if you enjoyed the video though let me know leave a like on it hey subscribe hit that Bell be notified ever seen minecraft video I post right as it comes up and a big shout-out to die Oh for this amazing map thanks and everything's in the description have a good one and get the plane baby because no one's gonna do it for you we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,143,368
Rating: 4.8436937 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, you, can't, play, this, map, minecraft 1.13, gaming, comedy, funny, mods, maps, roleplay, no cursing, new, lets play, game, moments, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip, logdotzip minecraft,, log dot zip
Id: OKMb7fUit1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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