Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement

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[Music] can god change your life in the next 30 minutes i believe you're watching right now because god has something special for you join me for jewish voice and you'll discover how bible prophecy is coming to pass before our very eyes and why you need to stand with israel you can play a role in god's end time plan find out how on jewish voice welcome to jewish voice where we help you to understand the jewish roots of your christian faith bible prophecy and why you should stand with israel i'm rabbi jonathan bernis and today my co-host ezra benjamin is joining me as we observe yom kippur this week we're observing the holiest day of the year in judaism but it also means something to you or should mean something to you as a follower of jesus the messiah of israel and the savior of the world ezra this is such an important week this is the we're observing the holiest day of the jewish calendar but it's more than the jewish calendar it's god's calendar amen and jonathan the word in hebrew is moed or appointed time and we call these days on the jewish calendar the moadim the appointed times but who is it appointed for and why does that matter to our audience well that's a good question it's appointed for all time it's a heavenly appointment okay and these are these are days specific days that god ordained before the foundation of the world that's what i want you at home to understand it's no coincidence that jesus died as the passover lamb on the passover at the very times that the lambs were being were being killed according to the scripture right it was a direct fulfillment of prophecy it was an appointed day the holy spirit was poured out on those first believers in jerusalem not at a random time but an appointed day an appointed moment the lord had ordained that directly connected to shavuot to the first harvest of wheat but now this is the first harvest of souls this is really important we're talking ezra about divine intersections being at the right place at the right time doing the right thing wow and and that's what we're observing this week an appointed time the day of atonement that god ordained first for the people of israel to observe but then for all the nations that would come into the commonwealth of israel which includes you at home because you are a spiritual son or daughter of abraham ezra i just want to highlight why this moab why this appointed time is so important okay it's so important first of all because you can't understand the book of hebrews without understanding what yom kippur is about without the context sure if you don't have have the context you can read hebrews and gain quite a bit from it of course i'm not saying that but i want people to understand that if you really want to understand hebrews okay then understand that the writer of hebrews wrote according in the context of yom kippur the day of atonement so he was writing it to those that understood yom kippur sure if you understand yom kippur you're going to understand the book of hebrews in a whole new way he was writing to jewish believers who would have lived and grown up in the jewish holidays the moadim as a part of their life and they understood as they read the words of hebrews whoever the author was i have my own opinion i think it was luke but if if you if you understand the context of yom kippur as the early jewish believers did then you understand what the book of hebrews is saying without it you get that surface meaning but you don't get that in-depth meaning right but it's available to us if you'll understand yom kippur if you'll understand this day of atonement going back to the law going back to the to the torah then you'll understand the meaning of hebrews so important for you at home to understand jonathan in order to understand the meaning of the book of hebrews maybe we can go to the hebrew itself now yom kippur correct me if i'm wrong literally means the day of the covering yeah let's put it on the screen uh so yom is day okay but then also in hebrew kippur kippur is a covering you know here's a very interesting analogy israel has a defense system right uh they call it the iron dome right but it's the keeper it's the kippur it's the covering okay it's the same as yom kippur it's the covering against missile attacks but this is the covering against sin a protective covering this is a protective covering that actually cleanses us this is the whole idea of yeshua as our covering he covers us from sin he covers us from the penalty of sin he's covering us eventually from the presence of sin itself wow yes amazing that's the idea so this is this is a very significant event moment appointed time of the lord sure so the day of covering or the day of the covering jonathan what is the covering itself i know in the past it was the sacrifice of animals in the temple but what's the heavenly significance or meaning of this whole idea of covering so it goes back and let me expand this ezra because you can't understand the atonement of jesus jesus dying and shedding his blood for us unless you understand the torah requirement from leviticus chapter 17 verse 11 that the life of the flesh is in the blood and i've given it to you for the atonement for your as an atonement for your souls or a covering yeah a covering wow which which is provided in the atonement without the shedding of blood we're told there's no remission for sin so why didn't the lord just say i pardon you sure i the god of creation pardon you from all sin and the answer is that god in his sovereignty which means he can do whatever he wants when he wants he doesn't have to ask anyone permission that's my simple definition of sovereignty god decreed that there has to be the shedding of blood when there's sin to cover sin here's the first example adam and eve sin in the garden they disobey god they eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they're hiding in the garden right because they know they've done something wrong now and they cover themselves with leaves with fig leaves god says no and he replaces their covering with the covering of a skin an animal skin implying there had to be the death of an animal to get that covering no question it's not only implicit it's explicit the life of the flesh is in the blood so beginning with the very first sin of mankind god covers that sin literally covers them with a death the death of an animal rather than their own death so important to understand it's so important so much significance jonathan to these appointed times and i wish we had time to go into the full depth of it but i know you've produced some fantastic materials like this daily devotional appointments with god to bring you into an encounter with god around his appointed i love this little devotional because you just keep it in your back pocket or purse and you pull it out and you have an appointment with god in 90 seconds you get the word of the lord into your heart and then some other materials i can't communicate to you how important it is to understand god's appointed times definitely if you want to be on his calendar get on his calendar we have the fall feasts and hanukkah this is a guide to celebrate and understand for you the follower of jesus to understand the fall feasts or the moadim the appointed times and how to observe them and also we also throw in hanukkah and then yom kippur have done a teaching on the day of atonement and you'll understand hebrews in a way that you never understood before and it will draw you closer to the lord these are resources we want to sow into your life as you stand with us i want to encourage you become a monthly partner and in addition to these materials we'll send you this beautiful replica scaled replica of the ark of the covenant that's what was in the holy of holies so we want to get these resources out to you and reach the jewish people that need to hear the gospel here's how this week we're celebrating yom kippur the day of atonement it's the holiest day on the jewish calendar and full of spiritual meaning that may not seem obvious to every believer that's why rabbi jonathan created this comprehensive teaching dvd that uncovers the layers of tradition biblical meaning and the modern day observance of yom kippur this full-length dvd is bundled together with this excellent guide on the fall feasts as well as this appointments with god daily devotional small enough to take with you anywhere we'll send all of these resources to you today as you support jewish voice outreaches with a one-time gift of just forty dollars call the number on the screen now so we can get these resources out to you today jonathan is aware that this outreach to the jewish tribes in africa will be a long-term commitment so he is asking you to join him as a monthly partner with jewish voice as you join us with your monthly support of just 30 dollars today you'll not only receive the incredible resources already mentioned but jonathan will also send you this reproduction of the ark of the covenant accurately depicting the ark described in scripture this replica will remind you of god's faithfulness to those who call on his name again you will receive all these resources for your generous support of just thirty dollars a month don't miss this opportunity to save jewish lives and receive all of these amazing resources for your monthly support of just thirty dollars and remember your gift will provide medical care for one person in need each month i want to encourage you to be a monthly partner with jewish voice the greatest blessing that you can give a jewish person is the gospel the good news that jesus yeshua is their messiah so if you want to bless the jewish people bless them by becoming a monthly partner with jewish boys call our 800 number now and let our representative know what level of giving you wish to participate in and again your monthly partnership with jonathan would be greatly appreciated if you prefer you can always make your choice online at jewish voice dot tv or you can also donate by mailing your gift to the address on the screen thank you in advance for your generous support of jewish voice and for making a difference through your sacrifice remember as a result of your giving today you will be changing someone's life by giving them the gift of clean water medicines dental care eye care and the saving knowledge of yeshua the messiah thank you in advance for your generous support and for making a difference in so many lives through your generous sacrifice now let's rejoin jonathan and ezra i just want to say how grateful i am to all of you who have stood with this ministry i get messages all the time that you're praying for us many of you already support this ministry financially we are so grateful for you well ezra and i are taking a look today at yom kippur where the day of atonement which is happening ezra this week and it's so important to talk about this because this is not just for the jewish people right this is not part of the law that's been done away with this is a universal eternal heavenly appointed moment in history that we get to be part of in yeshua so in jesus so important for you at home to understand now jonathan i have a question we know that uh passover the passover lamb was fulfilled in jesus dying his death and his resurrection so what does the day of atonement have to do with that if jesus died in passover what is yeshua what does jesus have to do with the fall feast of the day well i'm glad you asked that and there's a number of of of answers let me give you just a few of them okay the first thing is uh not only is jesus our passover lamb but something else happened on yom kippur in addition to the high priest going into the holy of holies and making atonement another thing that the high priest would do is he would take two uh two goats they were scapegoats that's the only scapegoat and he would lay his hands on the two goats okay and by faith he would transfer the sins of the people into these scapegoats now one of them would be sacrificed but the other and i think this is the one that represents jesus okay yeshua and you can read about this this is this has been lost because most christians don't even read the old testament right that other scapegoat would be sent off into the wilderness after the laying on of hands after the transfer of the sin into the scapegoat he would the scapegoat would be led out into the wilderness and would wander in the wilderness and eventually be be uh go over a cliff sure and and die that's jesus he's being led into the wilderness this is a picture of him being led to the cross outside of the city and in the desolate place and then bearing our sins so he's just he's not only the passover lamb he's also the scapegoat the one who suffered outside the gate he's the scapegoat of of the day of atonement wow amazing symbolism you don't get that unless you understand yom kippur that's number one okay number two yom kippur also connects to his return and i want to say something i've never said this publicly this may follow me for years to come but i'm going to make a prediction right now all right okay you ready i predict that jesus is coming back drum roll please yeah on yom kippur i'm not going to give you the date i'm not going to give you the hour i don't do that i'm not going to tell you that it's 2021 or anything like that but i believe personally that he's coming back on yom kippur now why do you say that i say that because of and i'm going to put it on the screen my basis is zechariah 12 10 which talks about israel recognizing that jesus is the messiah and crying out to him blessed is you comes in the name of the lord and it says in zechariah 12 10. look at this i'm putting on the screen it's so important they will look upon me whom they have pierced and will mourn for him as one mourns for an only son wow ezra that's yom kippur that's the day of atonement that i'm feeling goosebumps as i share this this is the moment when israel recognizes who jesus is because he's returning now they've cried out blessed is you comes in the name of the lord or they cry they've cried out come messiah come lord jesus he's jesus said you will not see me again until you say blessed is you comes in the name of the lord but now they're recognizing him wow and they're crying they're in repentance sure because the one that they helped put on that cross and we all put him on the cross sure is recognizing him and they're going into this repentance right i believe that's why he'll return on yom kippur amazing jonathan and not just repentance but you see sorrow in what zechariah is saying and for those at home who may not know this the majority of our jewish people worldwide reject the idea that jesus yeshua is the messiah but yet the scriptures are saying that when israel beholds him they're going to mourn for him not only in repentance but in this this national awareness right that the one we've rejected is actually the corner the missing link of bible prophecy of last days bible prophecy yeah is the return of the jewish people and then that they the fact that according to the words of jesus himself israel yeah the jews in jerusalem must cry out blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord and he said you won't see me again till that happens and then this day of national mourning wow that that uh the one that they've rejected for almost 2000 years is in fact their messiah and then look what it says in zechariah 13 1 in that day a fountain yeah will be open for sin and uncleanliness that's the the blood of messiah that's the establishing of yeshua's kingdom of the of the messianic age of the millennial kingdom and that's why i believe that jesus yeshua is going to return on yom kippur i'm not going to give the the date but the day itself i believe is yom kippur i love that passage jonathan a fountain of grace and supplication i think the new king james says what a fantastic image so hold me to that you'll i'm sure i'll be reminded of this as i travel you predict it well i am predicting and we'll see if i'm right yeah jonathan we're going to hold you to that prediction i know you will yeah i know you will jonathan you've produced some fantastic resources that we want to get into your hands at home this daily devotional appointments with god helps helps you helps your family members meet with the lord his appointed times are yours to embrace yeah i love this because every one of you can take 90 seconds out of your day you carry it with you in your purse or back pocket and you have an appointment with god and guess what he'll speak to you through that 90-second devotional and in many cases it will be the exact need you have for that day because god works in a supernatural way there's some other materials some other resources we want to sow into you this week one of them is yom kippur the day of atonement again you want to understand hebrews understand yom kippur the day of atonement it's not just a jewish festival that's been done away with for them this is about an eternal date an eternal day that god has ordained as an appointed time for you you want to grow closer to the lord understand the day of atonement and you understand how hebrews points to the jesus in the context of the day of atonement and then the fall feasts we want to help you understand the fall feasts and hanukkah and we do that through this this will help you to celebrate uh these appointed times and understand how they apply to you as a believer in jesus we we have materials that will help you grow in your faith we don't just sell things we want to invest in you as you invest in the jewish people and i really want to encourage you to become a monthly partner and if you'll become a monthly partner we have this special gift this is a scaled down replica of the ark of the covenant i mean it is gorgeous i'm even a little frightened just holding it because of what this symbolizes this is the uh this is what held the very glory of god or where the very glory of god uh dwelt above the mercy seat and you can have this scaled down replica as our way of saying thank you uh for being a partner with this ministry and it will be a reminder to you that you're blessing the jewish people through this ministry if you love the jewish people bring them the gospel here's how you can become a partner this week we're celebrating yom kippur the day of atonement it's the holiest day on the jewish calendar and full of spiritual meaning that may not seem obvious to every believer that's why rabbi jonathan created this comprehensive teaching dvd that uncovers the layers of tradition biblical meaning and the modern day observance of yom kippur this full-length dvd is bundled together with this excellent guide on the fall feasts as well as this appointments with god daily devotional small enough to take with you anywhere we'll send all of these resources to you today as you support jewish voice outreaches with a one-time gift of just forty dollars call the number on the screen now so we can get these resources out to you today jonathan is aware that this outreach to the jewish tribes in africa will be a long-term commitment so he is asking you to join him as a monthly partner with jewish voice as you join us with your monthly support of just thirty dollars today you'll not only receive the incredible resources already mentioned but jonathan will also send you this reproduction of the ark of the covenant accurately depicting the ark described in scripture this replica will remind you of god's faithfulness to those who call on his name again you will receive all these resources for your generous support of just thirty dollars a month don't miss this opportunity to save jewish lives and receive all of these amazing resources for your monthly support of just thirty dollars and remember your gift will provide medical care for one person in need each month i want to encourage you to be a monthly partner with jewish voice the greatest blessing that you can give a jewish person is the gospel the good news that jesus yeshua is their messiah so if you want to bless the jewish people bless them by becoming a monthly partner with jewish voice call our 800 number now and let our representative know what level of giving you wish to participate in and again your monthly partnership with jonathan would be greatly appreciated if you prefer you can always make your choice online at jewish voice dot tv or you can also donate by mailing your gift to the address on the screen thank you in advance for your generous support of jewish voice and for making a difference through your sacrifice remember as a result of your giving today you will be changing someone's life by giving them the gift of clean water medicines dental care eye care and the saving knowledge of yeshua the messiah thank you in advance for your generous support and for making a difference in so many lives through your generous sacrifice now let's rejoin jonathan and ezra welcome back today we've been talking about the importance of the day of atonement in hebrew yom kippur to usher in reconciliation with each other and god we've got some fantastic questions as we're connected with yom kippur what a great opportunity to intercede for our friends for our family for our co-workers for our neighbors anyway let's let's go to it we'll jump right in jonathan randall from lafayette indiana asks i have heard that most people who practice the jewish religion take yom kippur very seriously even though they may not live a conservative lifestyle afterwards why is this holiday such a big deal well randall it's true but it's no different really than easter sunday you know eastern mass or going to church that one time on easter twice on christmas and and easter it's just an important uh observance for jewish people it's kind of ingrained passover and yom kippur or passover rosh hashanah and yom kippur the high holidays and passover with your family is just part of the observance and i will say that that has been diminishing over the years as uh as jewish people become more and more secularized sadly and so that's not as strong a tradition anymore but biblically yom kippur is extremely important this is the day the moment where the high priest makes intercession by going into the holy of holies just that one day read the book of hebrews it's fascinating and reid leviticus 23 and as you understand yom kippur you understand hebrews i know i've said that over and over again but it's so true sure can't be said enough jonathan margot from harrisburg pennsylvania asks this one of my jewish friends told me that the term scapegoat comes from the observance of yom kippur is this true and if so can you explain what the term means in the context marco it's absolutely true i talked about it earlier and i'll just repeat it again one of the uh and most christians aren't even aware of this one of the big events of yom kippur in in times of old is that the high priest would lay hands on two goats one would be sacrificed but the other would carry the sins of israel into the wilderness into a solitary place that's exactly what yeshua what jesus does for us carrying the cross outside the ski the city into a desolate place and dying for our sins he is our scapegoat he literally fulfills that by becoming the scapegoat and bearing in his body as it says in the scriptures your sin and mind the sins of the world for all eternity thank you jesus for doing that what a great question yeah awesome yeah the scapegoat the scapegoat camden from hartford connecticut asks i'm confused by the similarity of passover in yom kippur why was yeshua sacrificed during the observance of the passover instead of yom kippur jesus comes as the lamb of god not only to take away the sins of the world but to fulfill or to bring to fullness just as it says in hebrews that these things pointed to the messiah greater fulfillment he fulfills this passover lamb that provides the blood for the covering against the the angel of death killing the firstborn so he comes as the lamb of god but he returns as the line of the tribe of judah on the day of atonement on yom kippur i'm jumping ahead but i believe that's his return when the people of israel look upon him and recognize that he's the messiah and they go into mourning into repentance so these are bookends he came the first time he'll return again it's not two messiahs coming once as the rabbis theorized but it's one messiah coming twice he has to return and he'll return in connection with yom kippur great question captain wow deep one last question jonathan while we have the time tina from petersburg virginia asks what are some ways that i can incorporate the observance of yom kippur into my life as a non-jewish believer in messiah tina i love your question i'm so glad you asked it what an appropriate question to finish with i take this opportunity to fast and to pray for my family for my loved ones for my friends that don't know the lord yet and for israel and the jewish people in general it's a great time of intercession it's a time to stand in the gap and also to rejoice that atonement has been made for us i go into some details and other materials that we have on the website so look at our website and it's really really an important appointed time hey if you have prayer needs or you'd like more information about our ministry you can log on to jewish voice dot tv again one word jewish voice dot tv i just want you to know god loves you yeah and so do we as we close our program today i want to remind you to pray for the peace of jerusalem psalm 122 6 says pray for the peace of jerusalem may they prosper who love thee so if you want to prosper this week pray for the jewish people especially during this week as we observe yom kippur the day of atonement stand in the gap and god will hear and answer your prayers until next time this is jonathan burns along with ezra benjamin saying shalom and god bless you hey hi everybody hey this is my daughter leo and we're just looking at pictures from last year's israel tour and we're doing it on the new jvmi mobile app my jvmi works on your iphone your android or your tablet here's the best part it's free and you can download it right now again that's my jvmi
Channel: Jewish Voice
Views: 11,269
Rating: 4.8814816 out of 5
Keywords: what is yom kippur, yom kippur, day of atonement, when is yom kippur, jonathan bernis
Id: OocsKyD4hJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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