The Suffering Messiah and Yom Kippur Worldwide Special

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Shalom hovering friends and supporters of a vitani ministries as we enter this important evening on the Jewish calendar where the books are opened for the last time and closed allow me to issue a public apology to anyone who might we might hurt offended or wounded as an organization as we read to died the words of a sham no Gaza all know all the things that we have done in this acrostic called the V Dewey exactly hundred and forty-four words I can't stop and think about the hundred and forty-four thousand may it be that every word of this negative words negative thoughts negative intention or bring thousands 1000 Jewish people back for all of you watches know that we are committed to continue to take the words of our Messiah forward bear each other's burdens this is the Torah of Messiah the times we sleep we fall down we get tired that's why we need grace so for those who were wronged offended or hurt friends family folks those who oppose us we are asking your forgiveness may we forgive each other so that we will also be forgiven made this new year that come upon us or be a year of thickening repels building new bridges forming new relationships and resurrect all relationships indeed the God of Israel is the Lord of relationships and we are thankful for each and every one of you thank you for your relationship with us we look forward to strengthening this relationships so that the Messiah of Israel or receive honor and glory behalf of a vitally ministries we wish you to be inscribed in the lamp book of life the Maserati Madhava a man women well since we had such a powerful time of Prayer to set the stage for what we're about to go through next figure that the Lord was steering mines my spirit as we start to add maybe my own to to sense in my own prayer for this session there was a man named ago who is the son of you care a man of utterance to ETL and here is what he wrote I am weary God but I can prevail surely I am only a brute not a man I do not have human understanding I have not learned wisdom no have I attained the knowledge of the Holy One who has gone up to heaven and come down whose hands have gathered up the wind who has wrapped up the water in a clock was established all the ends of the earth what is his name and what the name of his son surely you know got a favour ham kind of Isaac garden Jacob my prayer is simple if there is anybody here today who do not know this awesome and precious name the name of Yeshua the name of issue our salvation word I'm asking you to do something supernatural with them do something supernatural with all of us here in this place Lord we don't want just to study about the Messiah we want to experience him today experience is love and experiences mercy so lord I just ask right not that you soft in our hearts prepare our hearts to experience you Lord give me your words and not my own words helped us to experience Messiah together in this place as the gates are still open today I ask this in the precious name of Yeshua a man in a man well it's so wonderful to be here with you and I also welcome I know we are live streaming this those who are watching with us online and I got tell I I chuckled a little bit it read by marty today he came with the four questions but hey I had my four questions I don't know where the first fourth questions but here's my four questions what why how and when and in the next couple of hours we are going to engage in the greatest puzzle solving how many of you have play puzzles well the Word of God is like a giant and great puzzle and today we are going to partake in the greatest puzzle game that is going to hopefully with God mercy and help lead us to complete the greatest picture of all and I would like to start by asking a question or rhetorical question maybe it's not so a cold call but as we as we go move forward hopefully it's will become clearer it's a question of what and it's much more than that question of young people but we're going to narrow it for for more than young people but I'll start in the context of Yom Kippur and the question is what is the essence of the Torah and as led by Marty spoke about this morning rich who just was a great message prepare us to par - which is what you're about to get what is the essence of Yom Kippur what is the centrality or all of those things now the rabbi's are clear and they spoke to us and they said that the centrality of this giant puzzle that we are going to be looking into building is none other than the Messiah of Israel the centrality of from Genesis 1:1 to the end of 2nd chronicles then extended into the Buddha Hadassah is none other than the promised Messiah a matter of fact the rabbi's tell us the following statement in Sanhedrin 99 a and they tell us this there isn't we even receive prophets and prophecies is for one reason so we they kind of a kind of appoint pointers to point us to something greater and it was what they say they say rabbi son of ABBA says in the name of rabbi yohanan all the prophets prophets eyes of good things only for the days of the Messiah since Moses was a prophet himself Moses prophesied of all good things only two pointed way for us for the day of the Messiah and what I would like to do with you in the next three hours two and a half hours as the Lord give us strength and by the way I don't think you have to worry the Spanish team told me last night we're having a hard time following you you speak too fast so if some of you today notice that I speak slower than the usual just know it's not because I'm fasting it is because I want because it's really feel like I'm talking slow mo right now okay and those of you know me know I don't like to speak slow I don't like to do anything really in a slow motion everything got to go fast but I understand that we need to extend today Mel C and grace over the Spanish team who translated so today we're going to take a very slow approach to this thing hopefully we can get to this if we cannot get in two and a half hours I promise you we will stay another 30 minutes no worries at all but the purpose of everything is the mushiya some people tell us tell me although William Messianic Jew why everything with you is about Messiah Messiah Messiah Messiah why is it not about God God God God but in essence the rabbi's himself gave us a foundation statement that everything the essence of the Torah the essence of the prophets the essence of the writing is for the time of the Machine one of the things that we are going to do today is we're going to partake of a movie some sort of a movie making now if you know anything about making movies when they shoot movies they should have with multiple cameras right because it's boring if you just shoot with one camera the movies not very interesting the prophets of Israel each one of them have its own lens and it's a very unique lens where we capture the action so what I want to do with you today is to take all of those lenses together and put all those laces together to hopefully get back a true accurate picture of what this movie is actually look like because guess what we are living in it right now we are part of it so it's very important that we will get all lenses of the equations in two distinct now there is a very important principle that we have to abide by it's called in Hebrew they aim at principle let me explain to you this you have to understand that the Torah is more than just a book with a few letters in a few words it's a book that has been divinely inspired by a Great Creator with infinite and the Hebrew language is not just a language that is very precise by the Hebrew language is the language of mathematics it is a language of number is a language of symmetry because everything that God created in the world is in symmetry he created the man and then he created woman he created light and create the darkness the scripture tell us he says I only created in Psalm 45 I'm the creator of good and I'm also the creator of evil I'm the creator of light and I am on the creator of darkness God is a God of symmetry and if this statement is true all the prophets for our good things only for deserve the Messiah we better be able to find him right there in the middle points in the centrality of the Torah if you have free time like me and you like to spend a lot of free time counting numbers and do crazy things like this you will know that the Torah itself ever exactly three hundred and forty three hundred and four eight hundred and five letters if you count from Genesis 1:1 to the end of Deuteronomy the Torah also has exactly seventy nine thousand word 977 and lastly the Torah 5845 verses seem like a trivial it's just a bunch of numbers but there is something very important to this there is a principle in a booth at the scholars x20 is called the Ahmet principle Hebrew is a dynamic language and they met those who do not speak Hebrew now that they met mean what truth how many of you believe that God he is a true God his word is true everything about him is true and a matter of fact if you take this little Ahmet I try to make it kind of available to you graphically you will notice that you have the Aleph and you have the tuff which are the furthest of letters enable the Aleph is the first and the tuff is the last and the centrality the focal point between them that connected the olive and the Taff is the letter ma'am in a minute we will talk about what the men represent but it is their exact middle point from the olives and to the tuff in the middle remember the statement I made all the prophets prefer good at all for the days of the Messiah could it be that the Messiah is right there in the essence not just of Torah but of creation and everything that we are our own existence quite oppositely to the word amet we got the other word shekel shekel is life very interesting thing about checker is that the word lie is three Hebrew consecutive letters its consecutive xin after Chien you have you have qu for a confession right that's out three consecutive this the rabbi's dollars it's very easy in the world to find shekel almost everything around us is shaken that's why they're close together it's easy to see shekels in the world there's a lot of shock checkers but a met is far from one another because it's there and there is something that bind the Aleph and the tuff and what is binding the Aleph and the tuff together is the letter name what is mam represents is important here is what rabbi Bentley on Bellamy told us the letter a man that is in the centrality of of the word Emet relates to the word mind water which give life to everything it is life the binding between the Aleph and the top is the man the letter memory present the word mushiya well the memory present the messiah and the shia which is seha we felt that the people who speak in trying to bring him the Torah was given in 40 days the letter may my neighbor equal the number 40 maybe give MOT your equal 40 represent water my mouth start in this letter as it stayed in isaiah 55:1 come everyone that is thirsty come here for water and he that has no money come by and eat yeah come buy wine and milk without money and without price what is the intention of Isaiah the prophet what is the renewal the real meaning of the verse refers to the living water that will revive all who drink it as Amos State in Amos 8:11 the old days come says the Lord that I will spend a famine into the land not like a family of bread not the thirst of water but the healing of the world of the Lord beloved everything in Yom Kippur everything outside don't Kippur everything in every Jewish feast everything in the Shabbat everything in the Torah point to one thing the middle point which is the Messiah of Israel do you want to know what Yom Kippur is about it is about wanting and one thing only the mushiya the promised Messiah of Israel and a matter of fact the word ahmet as I explained to you now that you know what the met is is the middle is the Messiah the Wardell a met in the scriptures is an acronym in Jewish literature to the name of Michelle Michelle is known by the name Ahmet in rabbinic literature he known by the name of Ahmet truth truth is the name of Messiah interestingly I want to take you with me for a moment to the very first passage in the entire world of God Bereshit bara Elohim - am I invited in the beginning God created everything right what is the very first words there Bereshit bara Elohim if you take Bereshit bara Elohim what word do you get do you get the word ahmet the rabbi says the reason is because it was the Messiah of Israel who was there at the beginning and he created all things but remember what I told you before that all the prophets prophesied of good things or for what to point us to the Messiah well look what it says in second chronicles 15 3 it says now for a long seasons Israel was without a true God and without a teaching priest and without Torah the term that I want you to focus on there is the term hello hey Amit the prophet ala that there will be time that Israel will be without a high priest but now you know that the word and merit is the Allah from the tough and what's connecting the dollar for the task is Messiah there will be a time that Israel will be without those things there will be without the priests there will be a season even the season we are in right now that Israel most of Israel's without Messiah has been prophesized in the scriptures I love what it says in Jeremiah 10:10 it's Esther in Jeremiah 10 10 it says but the Lord God is the true God it is the word lol Oh him Ahmet he is the Living God he's the never lasting King is rot or the of the earth trembled and the nations are not able to abide is indignation the clue to understanding creation France and to understanding Yom Kippur is boiled down to this idea this principle called the principle of Emmet focused to the beginning focus at the end and focus in the middle in the inflection point in the Miletich will become clearer to you as you put on Jewish glasses let's see what else that never aimed the prophets of Israel tell us about Emmet which is the name of Messiah let's continue here you go in the scripture in Daniel shockingly the Prophet tell us this says and their host was given over to it together with a continual burnt orphanage offerings through transgression and it cast down truth to the ground and it is rot rot and prospered shockingly the prophet Daniel and if you want to know this is Daniel a 12 is telling us the truth was casting down or casting out no telling us exactly where but the rabbi's actually went forward and tell us where it was casting out from they say truth was casting out of heaven and determined that I want you to pay attention to the do with them to Schloss that's where we get the word Tosh lead to cast out like to cast other it does not only mean to cast something out but the word there and notice what was cast out its immense they are live in the tough in the middle the Messiah the were therefore cast out literally mean been humiliated being rejected somehow the truth which is a picture of Messiah was cast out thrown out of heaven and has been rejected and somehow it's poor spelled to its custom out it doesn't make sense what is this talking about well if you take the world and met as I told you the Bible is in a magnificent book the word Ahmet equal in gematria the number 444 which equal to this is Messiah son of David shockingly so another way you can read this scripture is he's like that it you can read it today and it's cast down Messiah son of David to the ground and it's rust and it's prospered you guys with me if I lost anybody today is not the day that I want to lose anybody rabbi gold explains that the term cast down in the context year of Daniel 8:12 means because the warrior I wanted to to want to pay attention to the world to slug true it's casting out of heaven getting kicked out of heaven to his own rejection we are the one who become prosperous shockingly look at this it says that he's cast it down remember the texture says that the truth cast it down of ever casted out of even if you take the Hebrew word cast out being rejected and you just flip the letters what would you get succeed there is a play on the Hebrew language here which also equivalent to the word Shalom rabbi God says to us true his own rejection from heaven whether he is the one who is called a met who is the Messiah the one who is standing in the middle we we receive the benefit what an amazing God we have a matter of fact the same were there in Daniel in 12 he uses in the rabbi's continued didn't stop there and we connected to to Isaiah 52 313 be old my servant shall prosper what is the servant who will prosper the servant of the Lord of course we are the one also partially the servant of the Lord we are the one who prospering because is rejection shockingly it's all come back to the one Hebrew word that I want you to pay attention to because remember we're building a puzzle here and when you peel build a puzzle you need to buy watch out so now that you understand they're met principle let me take it a step further with you they aim at literally mean this is Messiah son of David in gematria what is the scripture says about the met here you go it says here the world of the Lord you children of Israel for the Lord has contact controversy which is inhabitants of the land because there is no and that and when there is no a met there is no Messiah there is no what let me say let's say it again when there is no Messiah there is no what there is no mercy without the mats the scripture continued on again you have to look at the the Hebrew text to a multi dimension it's a multi-dimensional do book when there is no omit which means this is massage and then there's no mercy and there's no knowledge of God in the land people ask why do we need Messiah we need Messiah because without beside there is no mercy and Yom Kippur is a day we ask for mercy the net principle is a principle that starting Genesis 1:1 Bereshit bara Elohim Aleph mem death because God want his people to know him but he said if there is no Ahmet there is no mercy this the the Torah continue the prophets of Israel continued and he stopped again they said them mercy this is some eighty-five mercy and what truth are metz Messiah is the one right truth you know what truth now in the scripture truth is machine when there is truth there is going to be mercy mercy and you are met together righteousness and Shalom have kissed each other remember what the word Shalom mean Shalom means to be successful it's the same Hebrew word it's all connecting this dis giant jigsaw puzzle and I apologize if you don't know Hebrew might be it's be a little bit difficult that's why I encourage you to learn Hebrew mercy and truth I met wherever there is truth the mercy of God will be there people ask all the crime the question why do we need Michelle we need Michelle today more than any other day because we need mercy there's only one person in Jewish history who made this tact statement what do you think you should chose the word omit you shall know they omit and the ahmet will bring you to freedom because their mat is him there matt is michelle bend away that's what literally the wall Aleph mem and tough he says this ahmet will bring you to freedom Yeshua said I am the way I am the truth and I am the life nobody will come to the Father except through me again here sure language pay attention to your language yes sure chose the word and met because they say I Navid I am the reason the entire universe was created to begin with I am in the center of all of this thing so how is the annette principle apply now that you understand a little bit about the term amit and their mint principle let us do investigative works together are you ready put your detective hat good by the way to study this in Yom Kippur I can't think about anything better to do in young people the tourists are the first word Bella sheet Genesis 1:1 Bereshit bara Elohim right what's the first word burma sheet which mean what in the beginning if you go to the middle point you know i'm really really bored so i went to the middle middle word in the Torah remember there are seventy nine thousand words in the Torah if you go to the middle word what is the middle word in the Torah now the word foundation pay attention this is amazing foundation it is found in the book of I crime leviticus 8:15 disease death central point and remember we already say Aleph mem tough the central word is the word yes SID the word foundation by the way everything I teach you now it's not something I said it's something that our rabbi said okay I cannot be dot creative and the third word that I want you to focus on that the Torah and with his the word Israel Israel Deuteronomy in Deuteronomy Israel so if you put all of those words together you get the expression Bereshit your soul israel which literally means the beginning foundation of israel and the question we have to ask yourself today what is the foundation of israel well you should know now how it's work you have to go to the map right to the middle word the question is what is a father what they settle the centrality of this message is right during the Torah in the middle word which is the word yes solder if I'm a tag-along rabbi Marty questions I will add today or fifth questions because you know in Passover really there are five cups the fifth cup is called the cup of Machir so I'm going to add a fifth question to tag alone and the question today that we have to ask ourself in the context of Yom Kippur is what is Israel's foundation what is the foundation of the Jewish people today and we're going to try to answer this question because this is an important question it's dealing with a very basic existence of us is juice of us and our relationship with Hashem today what is the bait you know when you date somebody right anybody here in the dating I'm married I can date but if you take you know something that if there dating start with the mass it's not going to end up very good because if there's nothing on the basis for the dating right then the dating not going last very good very very long the same is true in a marriage if the marriage have no good foundation to hit what's going to happen to the marriage eventually it will crumble today and in young Kapoor is the question that we have to ask ourselves what hold this holy Covenant between Israel and ashamed together what is it what is this glue that hold this relationship together and the answer is going to be right there invite car chapter 8 verse 15 now before we will go there and we will go there believe me we will go to VY kite with them because that is the middle of the middle of the entire Torah right there before we answer this mystery I need to give you another piece of analytical understanding of how we are to approach this text okay and here you go when we read the Bible it is important for us to read the Bible as a cyclical text as opposed to linear text for instance Dave you spoke a little bit ago on Joseph who we will look at Joseph is a picture if you want to take it is a prototype of the Messiah to come it's a mini Messiah Moses is also a picture a prototype of the Messiah and a matter of fact all of those prototypes are to point us according to son Henry 99 a 2:1 think the Messiah of Israel here's what the rabbi's tell us in tractate Rosh Hashanah about Oceania about Nisan actually but connection to rosh hashanah they say this on the new year the bondage of our ancestors in egypt ceased in the sun they were redeemed and in this sunday will be redeeming the time to come rabbi joshua said in his son the world was created in the son Abraham Isaac and Jacob were born in the son Abraham Isaac and Jacob were died on Passover Isaac was born on New Year cerrado hell Hannah will visit Leon Neil yourself went forth from prison on new yield about your ancestors is in Egypt and in Nissan there will be a redemption in the time to come beloved everything in the scriptures is cyclical cyclical it's happening cycles anyway or what you have to do is look what's already happened it says in Exodus Rabbah - for what has happened will happen again history is going to repeat itself the only difference with the future is opposed to the past is the magnitude of how things going to be taking place but you can almost count on it but almost you can count on it the difference that took place will take place again it is the money in the bank therefore if we go to this middle point in the Torah and see what this is all about it is not all so long going to dictate for us what is the relationship between Israel and God and what's hold us together but it's also going to point us to the things that are to happen and to things that are to come everybody following them following me don't read the Word of God is a lineal book he did it through a principle that is called omit it is cyclical with always something in the middle there's always a point to the Word of God and what is the point for the entire Torah right here let's go and read it this is in the middle of the middle of the Torah remember I told you about foundation let's read this in context and the Bullock of the sin-offering was bought in our learn any son laid their hands upon the head of the Bullock of the seen offering and when it was slain Moses took the blood and put it upon the halls of the alder learn about it with his finger and purified the altar here we go we get into the middle point and poured out the remaining blood at the foundation of the altar and sanctified to make atonement for it if you read this chapter in context which is Leviticus chapter 8 you would know that this is a significant event in Jewish history anybody know what happening in Leviticus chapter 8 it is an important event it is Ellen integration Ellen ordination as the high priest of Israel this is according to the Emmet principle the foundation of the Torah the foundation of our relationship with God is right there the point that there was not just shedding of blood but there was a redeeming factor that this is after giving of the Torah the very first time after the giving of the Torah I talking about after the giving of the Torah well there is a redeeming factor a redeeming entity who stand between Israel and the Jewish people that is the essence of the relationship between the two so the question that we need to ask yourself if this is truly the case if this is truly the case and that is this centrality of the entire Torah a centrality of even two point uh suited the things to come we have to ask yourself you real questions today number one who is this figure well we know it's Aaron right but always this figure really pointing to and the question even more importantly that we all have to ask ourself in this whole Yom Kippur is why do I need him today daughter took more questions that we absolutely have to address together today and remember we're going to look at different camera angles so awfully when we finish and we put the puzzle together all of this complete picture will come in place those are two questions that telling us that the centrality of the Torah is Ellen but who is it really pointing to and why do we truly need him in this place one of the claims that people might say today in young people maybe it's you who say this claim I don't know you but this is a common claim that I hear from for my Jewish brethren something along these lines the wheels juice need the Messiah or High Priest no isn't that the Christian ID we have God isn't that good enough to receive a tournament couldn't we come today to God and say God I'm sorry and that's good enough this is an important question that we must ask ourself in the context of why do we need him and who is this figure I actually would like to deal first with the question of why do we need them let me spare you the suspense and tell you today that we must have somebody in our side to be quote-unquote our cheerleader who are fighting in our behalf why do I tell you that because datura saying that that is the center Aaron is the one who stood there in front of the people let us look together number one claim number one the famous Maimonides in diesel hot Maimonides is the greatest authority the greatest figure in Jewish understanding of the identity of the Messiah here is what he said he says if anybody does not believe in the Messiah or does not await his coming denies not only the statement of the other prophet but those that the Torah of the Torah Torah Torah and Moses our teacher in essence what he says without Messiah you cannot even follow Moses our people do they try and try with the Torah some of you may be wish I don't know where you had but some of you might try to walk into greater Torah Schmidlapp mitzvahs become more observant but in the end of the day without Messiah it is all dead there is no hope without Messiah we cannot attain the Torah without Messiah here is Maimonides the famous and great man my mother says one could not follow Moses even without Massiah claim number two and I will say this without a messiah this is a shocking prayer but this is a player that III just got from the mushaf for the yummy menorah in an eel is the prayer I'm going to read it to you but let me make a claim without a messiah we are in Spain exile listen to this shocking pearl this is actually came from the press for the month of Elul the ninth of Elul and the title of the prayer is a Solano mushiya we are in a deficit you know like you think about these terms there are certain terms you don't taste you a Jewish person like you don't set your Jewish person I am a complete Jew because that's mean that somebody else is in complete right it doesn't sound good to the ear but actually this person says we are incomplete Jews because our deficit is the Messiah listen to this player when a Jew feel that is in deficit he does at the chuva because the Torah commanded us to do teshuva and he's asked ha kadosh bahu is ask God to feel is void to fill the emptiness what is the emptiness your paragraph 2 what is the greatest emptiness that we have is Jews what we don't do enough Mitzvahed what we don't put enough money in the pushka box no our greatest deficit as Jews that we are and by the way this is a prayer we pray in Israel that we're in the Diaspora timeouts I live in Israel how come the process that I am in the Diaspora it doesn't make sense because we are in the Diaspora today because we do not last line ma she said can you attend Luba because the Messiah our righteousness has not come why do we need a messiah today we need a messiah today because without the Messiah we are in a spiritual exile our rabbis tell us so number one if you don't believe in him you cannot even walk into the Covenant of Moses number two we need a messiah today this is again everything I show you today is Jewish because without messiah we cannot get out of exile her spiritual exile beloved we need to be equipped with the truth to share these truths because our people think that they are healthy and their world but they are not well without Messiah without Messiah we have no hope in this world number three when I was a little boy I remembered the yom kippur eve i was maybe nine years old and he took me to what rabbi marty referred to this morning as min hug a kapa vote will a chicken they slaughter off your head well I actually took the liberty to bring the prayer to you today so you see what he does say you take the chicken you slaughtered the chicken three times sometimes you old the chicken in one hand and money in another sometimes you just take the chicken and and the blood is being shed and you say those word here is my suit here is my exchange this is my kappa fouram Kapoor made the chicken die and I will enter good and long life and into Shalom beloved the need for blood is right there in the benek thought let anybody delight you that Joshua is the only is the way to receive itami now we see in the scriptures in other places for example in Isaiah chapter 1 where God's rebuke those who live in Judah and he says to them your hands are filled with blood yet I did not hear your cry I don't say today that all blood isn't required but even the British are teaches us that with the blood we have to make a dash of a-- and confess it with our mouth and when our lips a tissue is still an important part but there is an absolutely need today in yom kippur for the blood so let me recap so far for you number one we cannot walk into the relationship Disko financial relationship of the torah with arts then looking forward and belief of the machine number two without a messiah and there is a spiritual exile number three there is a need of blood well there is a dilemma today because the temple is no longer standing therefore there is no way to make sacrifices yet the Torah tell us in lovicott Leviticus 17:11 and by the way I won't take you real quick to a passage very important passage very quickly and what happened to my Hebrew Bible can somebody bring me my my my arm yes very good thank you yes go with me because rabbi Marty quoted today Psalm 51 the player of the vide can you go there with me very quickly I want to show you something that you might have not caught before I just want to say one more word of this Psalm 51 just want to show you one thing right there there is a scripture the verse that says verse 18 lets us pay attention to verse 18 it says a lot of thoughts as ever God you do not require sacrifices or Lala he'll tell you don't want this dis offering but selenium EDA meme and then David cry out he says couple verses before that leftover lolly give me a new heart God you don't require those sacrifices require a new confession but I want you to pay attention to one thing what's happened because this is King David teshuva prayer look at what happened right there at the verse 21 us the word us we fell a condition has been met as in him Amina condition has been and which condition has been met the condition that has been met is that David confessed his sin us the thoughts Javaid Tzedek now that are you made it that I made at you one now you require sacrifices to come upon your altar do you see this model by David King David still needed those sacrifices to go and make a acapella for him but before those sacrifices would have gone up first at the Shiva has to be made okay the Alissa go heal is a player it is my exchange may the chicken will die that's the blood and then we walk into the young people and we confess everything the problem is today friends is that we do not have the beta Mick - to take partake of this great need for blood number 4 this is an important one they need for a mushiya but of fact I want to do this with you because all the Ashkenazic prayer is kinetic synagogues in Eastern Europe has doing this for exactly prayer in the Musa for Yom Kippur look with me this is an amazing pile why remember I asked the question with you today why do we need the Messiah and here's the way it would have worked in a traditional synagogue the Cantor would stand up and would say one is our God one is our Father he is our King he is our Redeemer and him will hear us in His mercy and the entire congregation would stand up and say I am a shame your God how great are you a shame our God and I'll get your name in all the earth and God was king over all the earth and his name was will be one week what we that's the name ow we said it today and then all the community would rise up rise up rise up rise up this is actually part of Yom Kippur liturgy and what is the essence of the Yom Kippur they are met and what is in the middle the mem let us read this together together Masaya of our righteousness and turn away from us we are perplexed and there is no one who can justify us he bare I iniquitous and the yoke of our crimes upon himself and he was profaned because of our iniquities he carries our sins on our shoulder shoulder to find forgiveness of our misdeeds we were healed by his bruises it is time to create eternal one and you as a new creation lift him up from the circle drying from Sahil and make us hear him again on the top of Mount Lebanon by his end off anon it's amazing prayer you may be seated it is an amazing plan this prayer justify saying that there is no justification to us today except true Messiah and not only that Messiah is glowing from look at look at this amazing / Messiah draw him up from where say illa what is Sahir who is the one who is called the seal in the scripture anybody know who is the Dom he saw anybody that know Judaism know that Islam is a nickname for which religion Christianity Christianity is called Edom and eserve in Judaism and we pray in this prayer that the Messiah who is right now with the Christians with Edom Anissa will be drawn back home come on now come on now are you with me today we need to follow me assurance I come home you have been with it going too long it's time for you to come home are you just slipping or you are excited about this yet there is a season that is going to be announced a about this season is coming to an end because it's coming home and how we as just receive justification in Yom Kippur look at this pearl only through the Messiah I suppose but now we answer the first question why do we need him I gave you four pieces and I'll really reiterate those to you number one we cannot even walk into a confidential relationship with Moses and the Torah without the Messiah according to Maimonides number two without a messiah we are in spiritual exile number three why do we need him without the shedding of the blood there is no remission for sin period that's their met that's Leviticus eight that Moses had to sprinkle the blood upon the altar and number four we need a high priest or a mediator to go before us to be part of your Kapoor and his name in the text according to detect his name is mushiya that's one of his names the name of Messiah so I suppose the next thing that we need to ask ourselves is who is this figure who is Messiah well let's turn together to our people to see how they define mushiya rabbi le Cohen from Jews for Judaism gave us a definition of Messiah but I think there's a layer few issues with definitions but we should at least start with this definition and he says this any conversation about this machine okay we know we need a messiah we can again but any country about the machine need to start with a strict definition I think that is a fair statement before to proceed to say anything about him the title the Messiah is one that is kind with the Jews not the Bible when Jews speak of the Messiah that is a common understanding of what is being spoken of so the slick definition of the Messiah for the purpose of any discussion with the Jews is the future the vide king who will rule during the time of the Peace of be so for yo for Israel and bring universal knowledge of God if this is not the strict definition then we are no longer in discussion about the mushiya that we as Jews expect so I want to take a stab at this because now we understand we need a machine and a connection to him is this centrality of Yom Kippur and this shedding of the blood right there they mem leviticus 8 starting litigate 8 all the way to leviticus Leviticus 17 this is the middle of the middle of the Torah but let's make sure that we can define him first of all the tan Messiah is not coined with the Jews the term ashiya is actually coined with the Bible let's I think he got this reversal the term mushiya is not gone with the Jews it's coined with the word of God however and I think this is an important point for us to be clear of not every times their word much because if you do you run there are like a word search on the word Messiah you will notice the word machine mention hundreds of hundreds of thumbing the table the Bible in the tomorrow not every time that the word machine appears is speaking of the mushiya the word mushiya come from the word mushy how am i shocked to be anointed Samuel for example called Messiah okay the judges of Israel they call the Messiah - but the term mushy in a context of a picture remember that I explained you that all the words of the prophets professor of all good things only student machine they speak to us in pictures to point the way to the function don't worry about the tale for a moment but the function if you want to use it the term that we owns in the job description of d1d Messiah officially there those are emmazym and the very first time now it's all going to connect to you the very first time that the term mushiya is used it should not be a surprise to you remember they met principle and I told you right there it's pointing to chapter five chapter eight chapter eight it's the same Torah portion the exact same total portion right there is the very first time the term mushiya is used in this in the in the Bible and who is the very first one who is called machine it's our own I told you that the centrality rider is eronel or a ordination as the hypothesis is the very first one who's called mushiya over his head for that exact purpose and matter of fact it says this on Ireland that's the very first time it is but there is another clue in the text for and it says and they anointed priests shall take the blood of the Bullock and bring it to the tent of meeting the very first time we see this term a shear man we see this dimension in the context of Cohen mushiya one who is a priest in a messiah but wait a second the definition that was giving us to her before is a definition of a king yet the very first time that I uses it he doesn't use it in a context of a king it is using it in the definition of a priest so make yourself a check point if you've kind of kid keep up a set point of the job description of this Messiah this Messiah is not only going to be our King he also at the same time he has to be a priest a priestly sort of King and to be she'd the shocking part if you continue in the same chapter the very first time coin was mentioned look why Aaron call coin machine look what it says only if the Kohana mushiya if the anointed we shall seen saw as they bring guilt on all the people then let him offer for his sin which he has seen I am Bullock without blemish unto the Lord for seen it's very important to understand it in the context of what rabbi itzhak about Bunnell one of our greatest Sephardic rabbis who ever lived and he explained to us that there is a distinction that we have to make between every priest every person that lived and the one who is called the high priest and he explained that the I priest okay the I preset is the one who received such an anointing from God as and I quote from him as its represent a relationship between a king and a son this is interesting the language the disease and it's a relationship between a king and a son who receive the crown of the king that is the relationship of who is the high priest and even the Texas says shockingly that the very first machine they met principle it's in the middle of the text of the entire Torah is the one who came forward to make an atonement first for himself and then for all of Israel look at this with me so number one the term mushiya is not coined with the Jews it's gone with the Bible and the Messiah the first time the term ashiya appears if its appeal with the term cohan mushiya Anointed Messiah number two here is a big one because this is his job description not just we need him here is his responsibilities well well the way out by the way we already say he has to be also a king but look at the second thing here with me it says here in the EBU if the anointed please shall sing all the way Oh so as the Barry guilt on the people can you imagine the kind of job pressure this is if I seen all of you are in trouble is that sounds good is that sound like a very good job that's like a high-stress job and a matter of fact the rabbi says that he is the exclusive mediator between God and Israel remember I taught you before that the middle letter the mem they wanted to glue everything together his job is to be the master gluer between the heaven anything else here is what rabbi here stole us on this world he was really concerned with this this word Lesh Mataram which really mean guilt on the people listen to rabbi his commentary on boss word bring guilt upon the people he says the scene of the people the high priests represent the nation's ideal fulfillment this is the reason why the Koran scene is considered the people scene being a scene that puts the risk on the nation destiny this is an issue of national security friend this to praising element the spiritual the national leadership together with the National work and endeavor are both physically present in the High Court and in the crowd being symbolically United in the high priests who represent the entire nation rabbi Marty hit it is to this morning perfection the high priest was the Messiah is a picture of the nation is the face of the nation therefore whatever going to happen to the high priest going to happen to the people who represent their parallels their paths their future their present their paths are all parallel what happened gonna happen to you sure in the end of the day is the pet that's going to happen to the Jewish people the Jewish people have been rejected and they despised Yeshua has been rejected in despise the Jewish people has died because they are cut off from the land spiritually the temple has been destroyed Messiah is also died but there is a third part through this equation as we know mushiya has rose again and our people are going to rise again again and we're going to believe in this today rabbi Uziel be Messiah is the only mediator between us and God and the fate of the entire nation is relying and depending porns him let me continue number three I'm coming back to rabbi about banal rabbi about bunnell quoted this particular verse when he's talked about the corn Bashir he'll say this is a picture there reason he called mushroom because he's anointing he's so great and used this as I explained to you as is he used it and if you want to put yourself a reference and we'd like to give you a quick reference go with me very quickly to Psalm 21 and I'm just using the Hebrew follow with me in the English some 21 it says Lama not Sarah me smaller dahveed some to David and then look with me at verse 4 it says that in the very end of verse 4 it says cash it leo show a turret pass you will put unto his head the water at allit is the word in english tiara that's where you get the English word tiara tiara of gold a tiara of gold will put into his head and who is this tiara of gold is going to prepare today to the head of the future remember this is just a picture this is like if you think about play this is act number one right but really what it's saying is there is an act number two and in the act number two this high priests going to receive a tiara of gold and with this tiara of gold the same tiara of gold that was written when God parted the Red Sea is going to be put on the head of the machine who is called Kohan machine is called high priest that is the relationship this is kind of the the authority that he is going to have in world and then we continue on I just have to give you this because he quoted some 89 that says the third thing he shall call unto me though are you my father you are my god and the rock of my salvation I will appoint him first born the highest of the kings of the earth I want you to understand this Stan he is going to be called the Hebrew term there that is used is the term before let me explain to you why this is significant for a moment the term behold there what does it mean that is not just gonna be a high priest he is going to be also be whole Abba Hall in Jewish thoughts is somebody you know if you have three or four children who is the one who received the authority the first the firstborn for all practical purposes he is acting as the chief okay because he has the full authority of the father the Ramban so this picture of the be whole is a metaphor for a picture between two figures again you think this is not messianic but the everything is pointing to one figure it is the Messiah Judah and Tamar are married and they gave birth to two children - one child named Zahra and another child named parrots Genesis chapter 38 verse 29 and then Zahra supposed to come out first of the womb but Sarah is not coming out first of the room who is coming out of the verse of the womb Peretz the Lord who will break that's what the main pellets mean the breaker the one who will break two pellets come out of there and then the woman look at him he said what have you done parents that you have come out first it is a battle for the first bone to ever going to be a first ball and my man says on this particular verse this the word parents talking about this child that was born where ever used signify the bridging of the fence of passing true just as I will break down the fence there of that in Isaiah five five and the woman shouted out why have you broke - why have you come true and then it says in Psalm 80 verse thirty thirteen why is the thou broken down her fences listen to this is important because it's all going to lead us to the high priest and in the language of the rabbis you know the word break true is very negative Ron bond says Brits are or a bridge of the wall is calling in - I think it's a hippo expression that you learn is a little boy you learned it when you see a bridge you said if there is a bridge there is a thief and who is the teeth that thief shockingly is the one who is going to come as the firstborn when a second Eve is the firstborn why is he going to be a thief you go see the entire story right here and well before you indeed enable delight the language the tempo let's will refer to anything overland the boundaries it is the reason that the woman shouted here in saying at the time that she sold the first child when parrots was born the following what great breach that you made in defense in order to hurry out before him the verse there used the term allaha upon you to indicate that defense was upon him and he was imprisoned in it this is very important because the rabbi's telling us the one who is going to come forth and burst out he's the one that we will think is going to look like a thief and because he's looking like a thief we're going to put him in threes and you know that the rabbi teach today that who is in the greatest prison today he is the Messiah and where is he sitting in prison he's sitting in prison in Rome today home is Christianity isn't that really what is happening Jesus is for the Gentiles is not reduced that's what our people says but in essence he is in prison today is in prison and the reason is imprisoned because he is the first born and the scripture continued to go in Psalm 89 and it says there that is seed'um is everlasting seat he's not just a regular king he is an eternal king are you with me yes no he is called here in the scripture behold he is the son but wait a second rabbi Shapiro how can he tell me is the son you are lying to me the scripture says that the son of God is not this high priest the son of God is Israel itself doesn't that what the scripture says Exodus 422 Rabbi Marty touched on it this morning and thou shalt said Pharaoh thus said the Lord Israel is my son Israel is the firstborn but in Sam he is calling the firstborn the high priest what's the implication and then if you go to Isaiah 11:1 it says when Israel was a child I loved him and out of Egypt I did what I called up my son and then we get to match you and how they're met you do this to us Matt you met you met you where he stayed until the death of Herod and so was fulfilled when the Lord had said through the prophet out of Egypt I called up myself Matthew applied this verse to the Messiah who is called behold who is called the high priest of Israel when the rest of the Bible applied it to Israel how what audacity met you has to do such thing to us what is the answer to this who is right is it apply to Israel is this firstborn he's Israel because today they teach in the synagogue that all of Israel are priests all of his relics onyx you know the teacher and today everybody by devolver Jewish attic because we altered the King not at all here is the answer given us by by the by the rabbi's themself rabbi Natan declares her as a sham started to Moses as I have make Jacob or Israel to be my firstborn as it stayed the firstborn in Israel I will also making Messiah firstborn as it is stated I will appoint him firstborn the highest of the kings of the else amazing the rabbi says the parallel of Messiah in Israel are one in the same because the Messiah is one who live inside of Israel he's one of us don't make you're sure to be Jesus Christ because he's not his name is Yeshua HaMashiach and he's a Jew he lived at a Jew he was raised up an Adu he died didn't enjoy and he rose again is a Jew and the rabbi said whatever is going to happen to Israel right there he's also going to happen to the Messiah therefore the firstborn who is this high priest yeah it is Israel is called a holy nation nation of priests but there is one place that is one of the highest the one who is given the full authority or dominion and that he's the one is called in the scripture cohan mushiya I love that a matter of fact - as we put his puzzle together the rabbi's even go further and tell us this about this firstborn of some 89 they says a flesh-and-blood king does not wear a crown of the King Hashem is giving him the tiara - - King Messiah as it is written the said crown of fine gold on his head it is not going to be just a regular king he's not just gonna be a regular priest he is going to be a priest and a king that where did you are off the king yet somehow he is imprisoned he's been casted out cast it down from heaven so we will be successful how is it possible how could it be I'll give you point dallied because remember we are still talking about this job description of this I placed the picture of disciples can be found in other place then Moshe Rabbeinu Moses our teacher as Moses was praying it says in the scripture that Moses was weeping over Israel and look at this as Moses was weeping over Israel they were Hebrew word to my oath which literally means fears again you have to read a Bible for the context of it the way or tears equal the number 520 which is the exact the same word as the word hot Fila d-plan 520 and here's what the rabbi stole us as I explained their word hot falada prayer equal to the word doom out here as the tears of the one who is the high priest will open the gates a sham whose call as you know in the scripture he call El Shaddai right everybody heard the term el shaddai before the word Shaddai literally is an acronym for my gate and doors will open beloved our rabbi spoken one day said the only way for the gates and door to open up in Yom Kippur is through somebody coming in our behalf and weeping and that is the essence of this relationship between us and God the religious people think that the issue is atonement Asia is not the term and Asia is relationship God says I want to have relationship with my people but I'm so holy and so pure that even the Angels cannot come to me they have to cover my ass therefore somebody have to come in your behalf in our behalf and move forward and a matter of fact if we've seen the Torah in this holy passage from Yom Kippur and I will not read you all of this because we read is this morning from Levi Vieques 16 but if if this is truly the foundation let me just point to you a few things and it says there vikas 16 the very first yom kippur people celebrated or observed it's as in our own shall present the bullock of the sin offering which is for himself and make atonement for himself and for his house and he shall make the two goats and instead them before the Lord at the door of the tent of meeting and our shall cast lots upon to God one of the Lots to the Lord and one for us as ell and our lawn shall present the goat upon which if the Lord is fell for the Lord and offer him for the scene offering but the goat in which he Lord felt for as as L shall be set alive before the Lord to make a power over him to send him away for as L into the wilderness part a I want to make it clear the high priests his self has to be perfect Aaron first had to make atonement for himself before he can make atonement for all of Israel the one who is called B whole had to be perfect in order to atone for somebody else somebody was imperfect cannot make a power for somebody that is not the Torah continues said if you take the blood blood of the Bullock and sprinkle it with the figure of the Ark cover to the east and before the art cover shall he sprinkle the blood with his finger seven times and then it says this and Ellen shall lay both of his hands upon the head of the life goat and he confessed s' over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel and all of the transgression even all their sins oh I love the word yet Avon betcha DC that intentionally unintentionally everything was put upon this anymore everything and he confessed those sins and then I want you to notice what happened next because this is very significant the very next thing is that this animal has to be taken outside the camp pay attention to this it's had to be taken outside the campus is very very significant and not only that you have to be taken outside the camp you're going to see that there is a picture of the Alex place to house so the one who make a cappella also who has to be taken outside the camp whoever take upon himself the sins cannot be in the camp with these people and then there were two people that had to take this this goat and their job was to push it over the cliff to others l and their job was to make sure that all the body parts are all according to the talmud all scattered so there is no chance that he will come back that will be a lousy job he said we push into hell and then that they go to come back it wouldn't be go good the Torah here says look at verse 22 16 it says and the gold shall bear upon all the iniquitous unto the land which is cut off the word ER in Hebrew for the land what is cut off is the word gazella are to be cut off to be dyed prophetically Isaiah the prophet tell us King examine at a time he will be cut off from the land of the living its uses the exact same term of Leviticus 16 word for word so what this is really is about and what is the connection here for Yom Kippur let us proceed now when you read the Bible as I explained to you it's important you read everything in context as I told you Deb beginning of the middle when we see the term coin mushiya's mentioned is parashat sub the beginning of the Book of Leviticus okay Aaron become the high priest over Israel after Parishad serve you have two important Powershot that are coming parashat toes rhea and parashat mitsuo after parashat is real and Parishad Matsuura you get to the Torah portion for Yom Kippur that we read today call parashat ray mode when you read a Bible it's important that you read a Bible - almost like a rithmetic rithmetic heartbeat and what I would like to suggest you that all four Torah portions have a consistent theme that is building building building building up to the very first Yoma Kippur will so really if I'm to ask as a question now that we understand a little bit more what is the Messiah responsibility if we can just take one step back and understand that everything in the Torah in the end of the day point to mushiya just take one step back and go to the beginning of parashat Ezria we can kind of put all of these species together look with me at parashat Ezria now the world does Lea in EBU talk about tazreen Matsuura mature a little Amin lapel okay leper the waters Lea in which were always red together in the synagogue it's always a double portion and the name of a Torah portion is indicative of what the Torah portion is going to be speaking about now there is a paradoxical in the Torah because the parachute Azria which start with this word and for the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin should be circumcised upon the air talking about the Syria from the world's air or sperm talking about a belt he started with talking about the belt but then the rest of the Torah portion is speaking about the leper okay now pay attention this is very important the Torah portion that is caught us read that appears like like like you know it's life talking about the leper okay and they stole a portion in the following week or the following tour pushing the same we call mate Sola you would think that the Torah portion will deal with the leprosy with the leopard right but it doesn't deal with the leper he's dealing with the purification of the leper okay so in the beginning of the Torah portion is giving talking about life so there is a very consistently you don't see the gospel maybe in a different way it starts with a bird parish otezla and all of this leading us to a remote and in the aid of the flesh of his fortune she the circumcenter pani upon the earth it starts with life down turn me down a little bit slow slow I thought I'm very slow you realize we're only in the introduction we start with life and then it's talking about the lapel right now lapel C is representative of death a person whoever lapel see has to be taken outside the camp of Israel you cannot put some skin makeup on this thing you have to be taken care curve because you remember leprosy is a spiritual condition that deal with the sin of the tongue that's what the Scriptures tell us Lashon Hara so we start with life then it's going to dead and then it's going to life again in parish at Matsuura it's talking about his life his day of his purification so there is this romantic thing in this in the Torah life death life as you going to see this this preparation for Yom Kippur for a very very first Yom Kippur now the question we have to ask ourselves who is he talking about here why is he talking about the leper why is the Torah spent so much time speaking about the leper why do we take to Torah portions not one two of them to talk about the leprosy before a high mouth before young people what is this all about and as I told you before us what Sanhedrin 99 says all of those things are given to us for one thing to point our way to the Machine remember I explained to you a minute ago that this Messiah was come first Koen Messiah is called the firstborn but at the same time is called the firstborn he's imprisoned somehow he didn't make sense well right here we are getting the answer from a giant piece of the jigsaw puzzle so that the pastor Asli are started by Amish mini by the way the number 8 in Hebrew represent miraculous right eight days of Hanukkah the number eight also represent the super Metro first I think the rabbi's told us about this verse it is not talking about any ordinary birth of any ordinary child it is a child who will come to the world in a super natural way make yourself a note starts unfamiliar to anybody here come on now I wouldn't be so creative to come up with this on my own and then the rabbis collected the beginning of parashat toss Rhea go with me very quickly very very quickly is it almost fun is this time right friends it's so much fun to study the word that I don't pay attention even a man go with me to some very quickly some too verse I believe six verse seven I will tell about the law of the Lord and ashame says to me you are my son today I have begotten you a young or liberal an ER yo melody Teja today I have begotten you the rabbi says that this verse today I have begotten you from Psalm 2:7 speak of the very same day that this mysterious figure is coming into this world on the eighth why because the word there a neighbor I wanted to pay that and Hebrew girl is very unique language the term dare enable today when you see the word today doesn't mean today is now the order if you look at there I make it says my Alma like we saved me Alma de Cavill Hotei the young lachemann who tell you know from the Kaddish what's the word me Alma mean may allah enable which mean what from eternity so one way to read some 2:7 really from eternity I have begotten you it is not talking about the child that just born today the word a yummy neighbor means for maternity yes are you guy are you following what I'm saying this is very important in a second each worker so they say there is a clue you for a child is actually born or his not Bonnie was there before the creation of the world he was there before the creation of the world and by Amish mini that's why same day a day he will become circumsized and then the question become so we're ago the child is born and the rabbi says this is the spirit of Messiah this child is none other than the Messiah so there is life I want you to follow this with me first coming that second coming right there there's this pattern life death life because the second question they asked who is this child and they said their reason the rest of the Torah portion does RIA which is a very positive still with the lepor because he's talking about the Messiah who is going to appeal into the world into the world as a leper this leper in this story is not about the leprosy is a picture of the Messiah of Israel who is called the leper and matter of fact the rabbi's tell us this Rev Roth said the world was created only on David account who else's on Moses account rabbi yohanan says for the sake of our Messiah and what is the mashiac name the school discovery by Sheila said his name is Sheila for it is written until Shiloh come the skull of rabbi and I said his name is he known for it is written his name shall endure forever and the son was his name is unknown the school of Rabbi Hahn Anya said his name is Sonya how genius his name is Kananga he says his name is Han Anya okay but it's made which will mean God is give us pardon that's what we're workin on yameen others says his name is Menachem that's why they say Menachem Mendel Schneerson is the Messiah he know of rabbi Schneerson his dad say Menachem the son of Hezekiah furry for it is written because Menachem that would believe my soul the rabbi's said that's where they're all agreed all his name will be called de leper scholar as it is written surely has borne our grief and carried our sorrows yes he did esteem him as a leper smitten by God and afflicted friends this picture that he leading us to young people is a picture of the leper the one who is actually going to bring the atonement to Israel it's a picture of the great and awesome leopard a rabbis did not stop there they continue on and say this about his responsibility rabbi Yoshio son of levi met elijah standing in the interests of rabbi shimon bar yohai tomb and asked him when will messiah come go and ask him is your say himself with this reply where is he sitting at the entrance and what are the sign that by i recognize him he is sitting among the poor among the lepers all of them unite them all at once and he rebandage them together we're a united nights and rebandage each separately before treating the next and he's saying should I be wanted I must not be delayed and the story continued and said that he's not sitting in any of any regular hall he's sitting in a hall that called the whole of the sick and were the hall of the sickest it is in big gates of Rome remember what I explained to you earlier that we pray in your Kippur for Messiah to draw himself from Rome back he is sitting decades of Christianity day and saying to our people remember that I say is imprisoned there's a bad verse in lamentation I wish I had time to show you that he says that he is looking through the bars it's in lamentation wish I had time I don't have time today he is looking through the bars and meant alone over here we shall I'm he's sitting there today this lapel and as we seen the Torah portion here he is outside the camp is absolutely accounts Ida kept of Israel cry always I said please you wish alive just call upon me I want to know that I'm wanted because I don't want to be imprisoned here left me out noticed the the language of the toll are you not if the picture there's a picture that I want you to understand it the first word in the Torah I told you terian met Sora are combined please understand that everything is prophetic parashat Ezria come from the world Zella it's not only talking about sperm but it's also talk about the seed that you put into the ground what's happened when you put a seed into the ground when you put a seed into the ground the rabbi said it's a picture of a mistrial within exile what happens to decedent if you know something about agriculture you know that the seed becomes hot he dies the seed has to die and then when he dies he became one with the soil and only when we become one with this soil it can spring out and become and that's a picture this did this this this rottenness is the picture of the galoot this is the phase we are in today the rabbi says but there is a third phase a phase when this seed become one with the soil and if spring out to produce fruit is interestingly enough that the rabbi's chose to explain the entire messianic Kingdom process with this because there was only one other person in jury history who said this he said remember I you didn't choose me I chose you Johanna chapter 15 and I command you today to go and make play make fruit and your fruit will last he's talking about this final gala he's saying the more seeds that are there the faster I will return there quicker the seed are sprung gallery the faster the final food will be produced for the kingdom if you see what happened in this process though the met surah now you know who is the Messiah of Polish admit Sora the one who is called the lapel is the Messiah himself who has been revealed in the beginning of time that's why it's mentioned the heyday he has been casted out but wait there is more to destroy look at what the Torah says via DeBell adonai el Moshe and the Lord spoke to Moses saying this shall be the law of the leper now this is a leper he a leper is he still a leper he still a leper but then it says in a young Tahara toe which the rabbi says now is not a leper he appears as a leper but he's really already been cleansed he appears leper Yeshua appealed today is a great level to the Jewish people but the text still says that the day of his cleansing the rabbi said the day of his cleansing and I love this because you mentioned there Dave Lionel Joseph revealing himself that's the day of Revelation the day of cleansing is the day that he will reveal himself in a ask himself back to the people and this day is coming in our lifetime and the pressure comfort to the camp and the priest shall look and behold if the plague leprosy healed in the leper in reality if we are to be true to ourselves today because all of this lead us to Yom Kippur you see Aaron has to take upon himself as we saw all the spiritual leprosy of all the people all the nega and if you take the word Nega and you just flip the letters you get the word on 'ok in god helping two and a half hours we'll have a Nanak but on ik it's not just food on ik is delight we don't need food if we have the Lord I mentioned not only by bread alone you understand that his greatest job description is not just to be casted out of the camp but to turn the nega that we all have inside and to flip it and turn it into onic in perfect harmony with Sanhedrin 98 referring to the Messiah Messiah as the great level I want you to hear what rabbi shall say he says the following the high police say I told you because it's all the picture of this now you understand why we then get to a lame art what is the next portion after this remote and what's the connection because I say what is the a fulfillment its act one of what you're going to see with the final eternal hi please come and listen to what it says the high priests carry the blood of animals into the most holy place as the scene of faith but the bodies are turned burned outside the camp and so is Yeshua also suffered outside the camp to make the people holy through his own blood but there's another verse that people forget this may be something to think about for Yom Kippur it's not part of my message but something for us all to continue to think about people don't like this next verse but I think it's appropriate for us to think about this let us now go outside the camp bearing the same disgrace that he himself bore what I'm trying to tell you today this is not a pastoral type of message but if truly you know Yeshua today then you have a responsibility today also to go outside the same camp so you can become a machine to our people yes and then are you with me where are we so the picture here is a picture of life it's a picture of death the leopard is dead is Oliver that and then it the day of his cleansing the desert of elation is not a leper is not a leper is the most purified thing that is given us to our people Israel as a matter of fact there is a great parallels the very first leopard in the scriptures if you look to out the scripture there is these pictures of the leper the very first leper in the second is the picture of Noah you know know who was a lapel know he's the first prototype of the Messiah it says in our found favor in the eyes of the Lord if you take the word north and you look at that in gematria is 58 which equivalent to the word may his name be cursed forever his name be blotted out the exact same name are people calling Yeshua this day but yet with his own actions he became the very first Redeemer for the entire humanity and that's part of the job description of this Anointed Messiah Cohen Messiah who nor did I press but a great example of the very first one from the coming of the Torah if you start to come from the Torah is a picture or a parallel of Moses himself I want us to look in the context of these levels at Moses for a second however I says this Moses was the first Redeemer and Moses also going to be our very very last Redeemer what did he mean by this well you can understand this the best way to understand this is through the words of Yeshua himself when he said if you believed Moses you also would believe in me the parallel of the life of the machine had to be parallel of the life of Moses Moses was also a prototype of this leper and a matter of fact it says in the text I want to look at two parallels between them it says on Moses Exodus 2:15 now in fair-haired esteem he sought to slay Moses but the Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwelling the leg of Midian and he sat down by a well the rabbi's drew a picture between this figure this adaptive figure of Moses and the redemptive Trego of the future Messiah they gave three two parallels I don't have time to go through all three but I want to very quickly to go through one or two that are important because if we can see the life of Moses and the rejection of Moses who was also the leopard so we can understand the leprosy that has been Putin but remember everything is magnified because Moses is just a little prototype of the future Messiah of Israel Moses it says they'll enable it didn't say in the text here that he said down by the well that's not what it says via Sheva Lebel he said with his tourists on top of the well that's what the Bible says he said on top of the well because you have to understand what the well represent what is inside the well water what water represent anybody no water actually represent life itself the machine of Israel says he said to me it is done I am The Aleph and tuff remember now they omit principle what in the middle machine I'm the elephant the tough the beginning the end today to the thirsty I will give water is a give of spring of water of life water is representation of life now notice Moses ran away Moses is not the owner of the well nor he is the owner of the water he is not the owner now he's sitting on the god of life because I do believe without Torah there is no life without the living tour there is no life but there is one with the owner of the world itself who is the owner of the world said to the saying if I give water here going Sukkot we're coming to see God in hoshanah Rabbah Yeshua is walking into you yerushalaim Hashanah abide the day we pray for water and says come over thirsty come come to me free water how dare he says I can give her free water he can send it because he's the owner of the well Moses was the one who said stand on top of the way is the owner of the LA well what what a represent I want to suggest to you that it's represent much more than life the word water in Ebru is the word mind which is a derivation of the word raha meme you see the suffix of the word raha meme is the word Mayim Yom Kippur is a day about coming to the well and drinking sorry I know you're thirsty right now maybe you can think about this right now but this is the time that we can come to the well and say okay where is your pass you know when you go to the swimming pool and they always ask you for the pass what is your pastor day to get in to drink water and the past today is only true knowing then now the one who is the owner of the well and the owner of the well is the Messiah of Israel is the Kohen Gadol that's why these distortions are going in such way but serratus reigned and we get into the climatic remote where we see the figure of the mediator between Hashem and the people ah ha Meem and if you want to take it a step further the name mo che equivalent in demetria to term ha mushiya Masha ha mashiac Oh Moshe hi HaMashiach why is it because Moses is a picture of the Messiah he is a picture of this figure now when Moses come and gave the message to the Israelite people she accepted or rejected was Moses accepted or he was he rejected he was rejected originally Moses was rejected medevac in Isaiah 52 5 you see something very interesting that the rabbi's told us about Moses himself it says now therefore why do I do I do I hear said the Lord seeing that my people is taken away for not that they rule over them do Hall says the Lord and my name continuously all day is blasphemed one of the greatest messianic verses in the book of Isaiah I want you to pay attention to disturb my name continuously all days being blasphemous if you take this time enable my day all they've been being bottoms it's an acronym for the name Moses the rabbi's told us that the second Moses will be blasphemy continually he will be rejected and despised continually because he is the leper and that was his job the rejection of the last Redeemer is prophesized by the pramod-bhai by the prophets of Israel there's another parallel very quickly in Genesis 22 5 God this is Mount Moriah we read in Rosh Hashanah God tell Abraham to take to take Isaac after Mount Moriah and to atone make a sacrifice right and he tell him to take a special type of knife there to slaughter is son Isaac the knife qohelet or literally mean the knife of feeding the knife that all of Israel is eating up to this day because this action of one righteous however the rabbi's put it on and say that women with Abraham greatness Abraham did not ride the donkey he didn't write the donkey he could not ride the donkey in Exodus 420 we see that Moses didn't ride the donkey and the donkey again in the Hebrew language is a representation of what anybody know Satan donkey is the world Hamal from the water water Holman is a picture of Satan and they say Abraham could not ride Satan he could not overcome Satan continually Moses couldn't come and override Satan but there is one who can do this and it's the one that it says this the same donkey of exodus genesis in zechariah it's the same literally they say it's the same donkey that appeals but there is one that the georgia that could ride the donkey in it is Zakariya Zachariah is the Messiah rejoice o daughter of Zion shout o daughter of Jerusalem below thy king come unto you he's triumphant and victorious lowly and riding upon a donkey even upon a Colt of a fall of an ass Moses couldn't ride the donkey for crying out loud Messiah think about this but it is weird he's a leper how can a leper right Satan is a leopard is cursed it doesn't make sense the one homer literally means desire something of Bissau the flesh or Satan what this is all about and how is this related related to the rejected Messiah let's continue on in this great journey one of the names of the Messiah in Abel is the name of the donkey driver why because different Satan and I got to tell you today if you know Yeshua Messiah you know that even Satan will bow at his feet don't give him too much credit do not give him too much credit look at this amazing story rabbi eliezer and rabbi arbor rejoice they also wept and said to him come you shall ride all the donkey and all should walk along be behind behind you now he's going to all connect together with the leper so pay close attention in other words he would ride upon the donkey and they should drive it he said to them Here I am not told that you told you that it is commanded of the king until the donkey driver appears this refer to the King Messiah who is described by the words tour and riding upon a donkey is poor and is running well Johnny buddies the king they said to him until now you have not told us your name where do you live he told them where I live is in a good place and it's very precious to me it is a tower a very highly exalted tower that floats in the air and those who live in this town are they are the Holy One blessed be he and one poor men but I have been exiled from there and I came to drive the donkey rabbi Abba and a by Eliezer look at him and his words tasted as sweet as manner in honey to him they said to him if you tell us your name of your father we will kiss the earth under your feet he responded why it is not my habit to take pride in the study of the Torah because they say I is so humble remember the Texas is so humble is so me that he would not even give them his name but his job and responsible wise he even come wise even become a leper he become a leper so we can drive away Satan from our life today you want to know what this is about it's not about atonement it's about the work that there is something that stand between us and the one who created us it's hasatan is the adversary and God says I am so jealous for you that I sent somebody you kick him out so you can be my children and I can be your dad again that this one is about suitable atonement it's about the relationship that God wants to restore today in this whole Yom Kippur do not walk out of the sanctuary today not knowing that this relationship have a fresh start and a new start in this holy day this is what young Kapoor is about Moses was not able to ID this donkey as much as he tried but the Texel says that he is Annie he is not just full we have nothing why he has nothing because he's dead he's outside the camp he has been rejected he's being despised matter of fact one of the greatest prophecies in the Hebrew Bible come to us from qohelet in the ninth chapter it give us a picture there again everything as I told you point to the same event and there is a picture in qohelet chapter 9 of a king that is besieging a city and look what's happening in this this is from the soil quoting qohelet 99 in another matter it says in Coyle at 9 there is a little city and there are a few men inside the city and there's comic a great King against it and besieged it now dial was found a man and this man is poor yet his wife and he by his wisdom deliver the city he became the deliverer of the city yet nobody know this man named because he is called according to the Texas called me skin the one we thought is a leper the one that we thought is a nobody the one we says that is the villain ur turn to be none other than the Messiah who is the son of David as it is saying in zechariah 9:9 he also proclaim in Isaiah 57 the righteous perish and no mainland aha the donkey with his name is smile is hasatan beloved he is coming back to a city the city called Zion it's the land of Israel not to rapture the church not to rapture us but it is coming back to Zion to become the hero and the deliverer of Israel once and for all but an interesting thing the rabbi said that is calling me scan is a level that's why nobody know his name nobody can you imagine a better story than this they're going to look upon him and say you anybody but you please let it not be you but it is going to be the greatest man at the great Mahalo flag one of our chief rabbis said it on this event in such a profound language the leper will be rejected from the campus Israel why will be rejected because he does not belong in this world remember I showed you before that he was this Texas Daniel 8 what truth was casted from heaven that's why because it says he does not belong in the world therefore it is written all the days were in the plug is in him he shall be unclean he's and clean he shall dwell alone similarly the Messiah will be separated from this world completely therefore when he comes he will resemble a leper he will resemble a leper but the good news is in the day of its cleansing he will not be anymore letter but he will be the greatest and the purest thing for our people Israel and that is the reason that today in this day in this holy Yom Kippur we must ask the question who is the one who is going to bat for us who is the one who is going for us in order for us to be able to come to what rabbi Marta called this morning the mercy seat so I was dissident going to happened when when this event going to happen I'm going to shock you and tell you that this event going to happen exactly the beginning of this event going to happen exactly in Yom Kippur it's going to begin in Yom Kippur and it's going to conclude with our rapture I guess we will be raptured in between Yom Kippur it's when if initially appear to five days later to Sukkot when we're all going to be raptured to Jerusalem in those five days this is the five days that it's all going partake and how do I know it because the test tell us so so let us now look everything up to this point was an introduction I'm not joking with you we got very little done today but I promise the Spanish speakers that I will slow down for them but now that we understand that I want us to look they took last questions for this afternoon how will this leopard appeal how am I doing with the time by the way listen it's not like you have anything better to do right now how will disappear how will he appear and when will he appear just two weeks ago I was know three weeks ago decision was in Philadelphia in Philadelphia it's a funny City how many of you ever visit feeling before when you're in the airport they have like those Rocky memorabilia everywhere do you know the Rocky's memorabilia everything is about rocky there so I wanted to go where rocky rum up and see it and film it and all of that stuff and the story of Rock is a great story because he's fighting and he's always losing and then the last round coming he always win the battle right no matter what happened you always win don't watch the entire movie what's your last run because those of you who know sports know that you win a sport match when do you mean it you meet it in the last minute you don't mean a football game in the first quarter you win it in the 90th minute that's a soccer joke for you you didn't get it real football is soccer never mind your anger but in order to understand that we have to attend to two principles we already said the pro number one everything is cyclical number two all the boards of the prophets point to the time of machine and I would like to add the third one that my monitors give us that I think is important for the conference that we're about to have I believe in a perfect faith that all the words of the prophets are what all the words of the prophets are true rabbie aria Kaplan explained this and he says and I just will shorten it and he says this he says the prediction of fortunes they contain little meet with they could a little weight mixed with it but God word is like pure wheat containing no straw at all what does it mean he said that every word of a prophet has to be come to true every word there is no such thing if I share in Jeremiah and Zachariah true prophet of God everything has to come to fruition and to fulfillment and today I suppose in kind of a conclusion I would like to look with you at the appearance the final appearance of the leper how will he appear and how do I know that it is going to happen in exactly Yom Kippur the beginning of this event will assist art in Yom Kippur how do I know this because the Torah tell us so turn with me to a very important passage in the book of the highe Zachariah in the chapter 12 and let us read there first of all it starts with the words Varia by Yamaha and it shall come to pass in that day every time you see in the text in the Hebrew Bible especially in the prophets the term that day these two words together by Omalu like when say by OMA who by OMA who had an I heard right by OMA who mean in the day of revelation of who the Messiah the Messiah and it says there in the text and it shall come to pass in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations and come against Jerusalem and I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication and they shall look unto me who they've trust him through true day appears and they shall mourn for him as the one who mourn for his son he shall be a bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness of the firstborn in that day shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem in all the morning in a deadly man and in the valley of megiddo now first of all we have to understand there is a great national mourning that is taking place there is only one day when Jews are agreeing enough to have a great national mourning which day is it it is Yom Kippur it is a clearly Yom Kippur when this event that is taking place but there is a lot of details remember when Zachariah receive a prophecy it's important in that we understand the the why prophecies work in the Bible just because we read something in the 12th chapter and then we're going to read it in the thirteenth chapter it doesn't mean that the one in the twelve has to come before the thirteen chapters I hope everybody understand it prophet does not get a time stamp hardly ever a prophets wood exception perhaps of Daniel he does not know the sequence of events instance he is receiving a Kodak moment he's receiving a Kodak picture picture and picture and picture okay so like in the Torah Moses receive a picture of the left him right the leper is being taken outside agree reveal taken outside away and being resurrected okay but it doesn't know exactly the sequence of things the same is true of the prophets the Prophet received a snapshot of prophecies but the quraían leave a lot of details for us in this episode remember this is one camera angle you leave a lot of things that are unclear number one he leave unclear it says it in the text and a lot going to come to fight for those who coming against Jerusalem one question we have to ask ourself in this context of young people is who is battling Jerusalem what is the purpose behind the battle why there is even a battle in Jerusalem number three another question we have to ask yourself whether is such a morning in Jerusalem because although it is Yom Kippur it does not seem like a regular yom kippur although there's a national mourning it's a pity is a mourning for us very specific reason pay attention to this Zechariah left a lot of details untouched for us so let's try to answer those details very quickly together detail number one who is battling who well Zechariah the Prophet received he had another vision okay another vision of this battle it's in the next two chapter and it says this then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations and who when he fight in the day of the battle and his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before you rush line on the east and to the Mount of Olives shall cleft in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west so there will be a great Valley right there in the middle of the giant mall on Temple Mount no more giant mall it's a joke no I'm serious there's a giant mall they built on Temple Mount there you know you know if you seen this giant mall shopping there will be no giant there will be no shopping center step I buy shopping and half of the mountain shall remove toward the note and after all the south the shocking part is in the cording to the second snapshot that Zacharias if it says that it is the term you'd hey Vevey it will be you'd hey valve Hey who's coming to do this very very final battle and what I'm going to suggest to you today that this final battle that is taking place is actually a battle that took place before this is just like I told you the final gling gling gling that is the final round but this is a battle that has been taking place for quite a while okay it is the final round and in the final round just like rock he started to punch with everything he got God Himself appeal in the final round he himself appear in the final round it is a day of a battle but according to the literal text here it doesn't tell tell us who it is who's coming from heaven but but according to Sakura fertility dudaev are they who is coming down to Evan and look at this text there it says in the Hebrew baby - a lie the word a lie is a singular word they didn't look at the pawn a bunch of people if it was a bunch of people they looked upon it to say they're happy to la him but don't say I am it's a baby - a lie they look from the heaven and the one that it says in Zechariah 14 somehow that is is a one is going to be you Dave are they somehow is coming down from the heaven shockingly the next question that we have to ask who is this mysterious figure that was appearing in in Zechariah 12 in Zechariah 14 it's called you Dave are they but the Quran 12 does not who it is the rabbi's of Israel have been divided in the opinions and there are two opinions of food these mysterious figures of the Cariah twelfth opinion number one that its speakers in sook attract 852 its are full chapters that there's argument on this particular passage the very first thought that the Jewish people have it is that it is actually there's a mourning over the righteous over corporate Israel righteous who died in the battle in the war against the nation there is a problem with this interpretation because the interpretation again uses the word singulair a lie to me one it's a one entity option number two is given to us in the talmud by rabbi dosa and he says the following what is the cause of the morning rabbi dosa and other rabbis differ on this point rabbi does i explained it is the cause is for the morning is because the slang of the Messiah who is also called son of Joseph the reason there is a morning in Jerusalem because the death of the Messiah son of Joseph but there is a problem here because the text uses the word has sped you see the word the morning morning is something that you do over somebody who died it's literally the Hebrew word eulogy what the text says here that they have eulogize over him but wait a second the text doesn't says he is dead the Texas that is very much alive disappearing from heaven could it be that the one that we thought that is dead to us because he has been outside the camp as the leper is the one who is appeal and everyone that is alive could it be because if that's the case it could be the best movie ever written can you imagine any better movie than that the war there literally mean eulogy and it's a eulogy over over one person the rabbi's try to keep on coming with excuses of who is he talking about one of them as an example will not to bombard you with the fear of with a lot of opinions but one of them is fascinating is found in the Czar if per shot kita Tate says this when the Gulf is open right because you remember the mountain was departed whoever fall there does not come up and who fell inside it's both Messiah we actually go and see two messiahs at the same time Messiah son of Joseph and Messiah son of David all going to fall inside and that's why we are crying another opinion it is because Messiah son of Joseph died but that's not what the text says rabbi moshe l she one of our most decorated and beloved rabbis was concerned with the words who they look at me with a pierced and here's what rabbi moshe Alshaya says he says the following when israel will look upon me they will look up their eyes in voltage shiva of yom kippur teshuva of yom kippur in for repentance when they will see that the one whom they have Pierce is the Messiah who was called ben yossef san jose joseph of whom our rabbis blessed be their memories have said he will receive upon himself all of israel el guilt remember we talked now about what rabbi Marty said this morning that he see the guilt offering in him here you go word for word he will receive upon himself all of Israel guilt then he shall be slain in words to make atonement for them in such a way that he will be accounted as true Israel has pierced him for he died of their account of their sin and therefore in order that he will be accounted for them as a full atonement they will look upon this image and I will repent and will make the greatest Achieva that our people have ever made or high in a famous Moroccan rabbi seventeenth-century says the following the debt or the one who appears dead with the machine madman yourself is came for full atonement for the Jewish people he is the Cohen hakka doll he is the one who has talked upon himself all the scenes and all the crimes of the Jewish people because Aaron was just a picture of the things to come remember everything in the Torah is cyclical I would like to present to you for a moment an alternative approach of how we are to read this amazing narrative from Zechariah 12 you see the rabbi's mention here that it will be the one who is called Mashiach Ben Yossef in essence they says to us if we want to understand this entity that is coming all what we have to do is look at the life of Joseph because Joseph is exact parallel in a picture of this heavenly defender high priests who come to atone for Israel for the sins well what does it says about Joseph there are three parallels that very briefly I won't discuss with you the number one it says of Messiah John son of Joseph that they have three esteemed well on Joseph it says that the archer have dealt bitterly with him and shot at him and hated him Marvis Joseph was pierced just as the Messiah of Israel also will be pleased it's also said that she looked it unto him on Joseph it says in Judah said to his brethren what profit is it if we slay our brother and conceal his blood come let us sell him on to the Ishmaelites and let not our hand be upon him for his for is our brother our flesh in our brother hearken unto Him remember that Joseph went to the pits that you people going to look at his picture and going to say what how can it be you without your dad all this time it's going to be a shocker remember what I told you before it is life death life in his second coming and again with Joseph there is a second coming and as you see you remember Joseph revealing himself at the very end to his brethren you meant evil against me but God meant it for good to bring it to pass as it is this day to save much people alive now therefore fear not you know he's talking to his brethren and he said today I will sustain you you little once and he comforted them and he spoke kindly unto them it is Joseph who brought a life and salvation into his brethren although they did not recognize him could it be that the Torah is so cyclical that the damned thing that happened to Joseph will happen again to the Messiah of Israel I would like to suggest you very much so that this is the case today there's actually 4th parallel that I would like to mention the fourth parallel has to be have to do with the water in the Hebrew I want you to notice something interesting the word here in the Hebrew the crew speak of the fact that he was pierced in the past it said talking about a past event he's not talking about something that will happen in the future he something that happened in the past the same is true of Joseph Joseph was rejected and despised by his brother in the past yes he revealed himself in the future it's all a picture of things that happen and the things that will be fulfilled the mourning beloved that is taking place at Jerusalem is not over the righteous who have been slain but it over one entity who was pierced in the past who we thought he is dead yet is going to be alive and he is going to come as the final atoning figure in the final and great battle this battle will be the climatic part of the battle is right here in Yom Kippur but the question still become if he is the redeeming figure and his coming is the Savior shouldn't we rejoicing in Jerusalem why does it says that we're crying what is the purpose for the cry in Jerusalem and again to understand the reason for the crying in Jerusalem Oh what you have to do is go to another snapshot from the same prophet the Prophet Zachariah and he's telling us why there is crying in Jerusalem and here is what he is saying he said the following this is in the thirteenth chapter and one shall sound to him what are the swoons between your hand that he shall answer those which which I was wounded in the house of my not my friends scratch it off my lovers those I love the most are the one who wounded me awake o sword against my shepherd and against the man that you near unto me says the Lord of Hosts smite the Shepherd and all the Sheep shall be scattered and I will turn the hand upon thy little ones interestingly enough all of Judaism with two exception say the DOS particular verse do not speak of the Messiah but they actually speak of the false messiah interestingly enough most of Judaism said no those are not exactly messianic versus I love what well I as much as I can love it but I love what one who opposed the Messiah says on those verse rabbi professor will you say from Hebrew you he says the thirteenth chapter of Zechariah in Kluger collection of Messianic prophecies and in that respect Christian view and Jewish views are consistent the major gap between the two views concerning the identity of the Messiah the era in which the event described in this chapter will take place as identified the Cariah thirteen one the first six verses in this step to deal with the removal of the impurity from judah and then we start here in verse six okay and here what it says it says the individual in Zechariah 13 6 that the one the one with excuse me let me start the individual Zechariah 13 6 the one with the contentious from being beaten turns out to be our false prophet even though he had wore a hairy mental which was distinctive our garment borne by the prophet of Israel Zechariah 13:7 is also a verse that is important to the context but tickler as it applies to the claim men by Christian missionaries the shepherd is also one privilege described as foolish and worthless and he surely deserve debt well this is not exactly true it's cannot speak on a false prophet yet I want you to pay attention to one thing that Rashi says Rashi said that this servant who has been bitten to death okay well hairy mental pay close attention who is the one that is wearing hella mental what is elemental who is the one that called hairy he salve he softly make a mental note for yourself and put it here in the side of your brain for a moment the one that is called hairy mentally the stuffy sufferer present what Christianity remember this for a moment how do we know that this man this entity this figure is not a false prophet let me give you a few reason why is not a false prophet reason number one notice it in the Bible it says that is again it says a sword against my shepherd against the man that is near unto me the term near a man that is barren to me is one Hebrew word it's the word a meat a meat the word Amit mentioned exactly forty nine times in the Hebrew Tana and it's mean one who is intimate with God one who is associate or affiliate of God one with a presenter representer of God in a positive way the world mate is not mentioning in a negative context in the title Torah not even once it cannot speak of a false prophet a meet is one was close to God number two it says there smite the Shepherd and what will happen to the ship they will scatter well if he's a false prophet and he's big in smitten why is the sheep running around this is of course a prophecy of the shepherd that is being smitten and that will cause all the Sheep to run around the Exile of Israel it's a picture of the Exile of Israel rabbi you'd give a novel arm a very famous rabbi who came to know Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah recap this passage like this he says if you accept the commentary of Evan Ezra that this is a messianic prophecy we can understand why the people are mourning the passage speak of the Messiah who will die in their wounds between his hands as we know from history the Romans instituted in Israel death by crucifixion well by one who is crucified is now to the angling tree through his hands and through his feet this is identical meaning of the scripture in addition the wounds or the wounds in the house of my lover are understood much more easy it is known historical fact that the Sanhedrin turn your show of not Sara to Pontius Pilate the expression awake o sword against my shepherd and against the man that is in unto me represent the Messiah who is the manifestation of God of Israel and how the full authority as a meat the scripture smite the Shepherd and the Sheep shall be scattered means that after his death to crucifixion the spiritual exile of Israel will begin the rabbi cells today in the day that the temple has been destroyed the Excel has begun exactly as the prophet project the reason that there is a morning on Israel in this day is because the fact that they are looking and they say we have made a mistake we made a terrible terrible mistake and it will cause a national mourning a national Yom Kippur like none other Yom Kippur in the Land of Israel among to the Jewish people matter of fact there's one more parallel between Joseph and this entity who are they mourning for how do we know they mourning for one because the rabbi's connected the Book of Amos Amos a 10 which says the following and I will turn the fish into mourning and all your song into lamentation and I will bring a sack lie upon your lawns and baldness upon your head and I will make it as a mourning for what you see now this term we talk about this term in Psalm 89 the one who is called B Hall remember the standard here it started LK Everly a hid it's a specific evil and here it's not warning the the word eulogy it uses the word Evan Evan you make over somebody that you will show is dead he is dead there is no coming back he's the greatest sworn in the Hebrew language for mourning but he stare in front of them at the same time and if you want the parallel I don't have time but you can look at Genesis 37 35 so now the question becomes why is he coming what is this reason for his coming the Messiah is coming but what is the purpose for his coming his the reason for his coming is the rapture to rapture us no again everything is cyclical when they told me deems is Yeshua coming from the heaven what do they ask him you sure you sure have you come to rupture us now they ask you schewe the following question yes sure Lord master did you come in this time to restore the kingdom to Israel the expectation of this final battle is that this battle between the network's appears a battle between the nations in Israel is a battle where he is going to come to restore the kingdom to Israel but I want to tell you today the big shock this is not what the battle is all about at all this is just a mask eration of the real battle that is taking place this is not the real battle they're asking you sure you sure are you coming now finally to settle all of this I love your sure response none of your business to my work men of Galilee the two angels tell him why you're said head is in the heaven go and mince songs to the kingdom that is our job today in yom kippur go and fill baruch hashem with jewish souls new jewish believers do it he's coming Wow it six is it six or five okay Wow okay I got finished this mini lesson okay I'll now going to speak in my regular speed okay but it doesn't work for me friends there the Spanish I give them mercy for Yom Kippur though it's okay but the warder enable or in the Greek restore is mean he's coming back to a place that he's been before it's not coming back to New York or New Jersey is coming back to Jerusalem to the same place let me take you forward with this the rabbi asked the question why is God named the pig pig and he said because in this last day he will return to Israel the word pig and the word to come back is the same Hebrew world just happened to be a coincidence no it's not a coincidence because they're going to look at him and they're gonna say not you you sure anybody but you you cannot be our high priest what an end to the story and a matter of fact here's another version of the Jewish Jewish version of the story rabbi male says all which is answered he says why is the pig call Pig because he's destined he is destined to restore glory and sovereignty to his rightful owners rabbi male continues sit and expand a time will come when the wolf will have fleece with a fine wool and dark coat in a mine they said to him there is nothing new Under the Sun because I told you before everything is repetitive why is the peak opaque because he is destined to restore greatness and sovereignty - who is due and the question today we ask who is it dude I want to tell you that sovereignty and awesomeness is not due just to Israel but the awesomeness is sovereignty is due to the one that we read that will why we're upon his head the crown of glory to the Messiah himself to the Messiah himself because matter of fact it says it another version another Church version he said he la casilla italiana he will return the crown to the days of old he wore the crown once before remember when he was the beginning of the world when he created all things danny's died to remember this for picture of the leper he died the Crown has been stripped away from him when he went outside the cave and now he's coming back home to put the crown back on and is going to put the car come on back on him it is going to be God himself so here you have Yom Kippur five days later from Yom Kippur is Sukkot I want to give you the picture of how all of this going to be playing out and it says our rabbi saying that day King Messiah will appear and it will be called the Feast of the ingathering hug us if is one of the name of Sukkot and where are being raptured to heaven now I not being raptured to heaven he is gather everybody in a giant suka to yerushalaim come on now we all in Jerusalem because the high priest to fight the battle it's going to take only five days for him to finish the deal it's a quick battle think about it prophetically we had the six-day war this battle will take only five days this will be greater than the six days war and what you will do he's building a science suka from the skin of Leviathan who is Leviathan Satan he is called the donkey driver why because it said and you see how it's all coming together I'm suggesting to you that this battle is not a battle of the juice again the it's a much greater battle it is like battle between the God of Israel and his anointed one an asset on himself this is what this little battle is about I love this here is the way this battle is described there are 390 heavens are shaken in you David a hint to one of the heavens who's concealed from the sixth day of creation he takes for one heavenly horse' a crown remember the pig is going to receive back the glory and what does he do with the crown hoof all the holy names he's take the crown and he's putting the crown on the head the tiara of some 21 the tiara on the head of King Messiah the leper and the villain the one is calling onto the coil at nine then we scan then nobody have you ever seen somebody like in your old school like somebody turned to be a big shot and he said you guys did you're the guy to wear the braces the nobody and then he's pretend a big marker that's what they all said that nobody's wearing the crown of your name of a and he's becoming the high priest at this point over all of Israel that is the picture this guy does battle described this way in the gym in Revelation 7 I don't have time to read you all of this but it's a big mess and there are 144 thousand just standing there that just a messianic all of Israel will be saved in this day but look at what he said I had a number 144 had been in the seal of all the tribes or is a there's no mention of two houses friends how do I know there's no two houses because he said after this I look and there's a great book that there's Jews in their Gentiles all of us American Jews are also being raptured to your shall I'm praise God where the numbers nobody able to see this is nations and what do they do they are shaking the lulav hello because shaking of the lulav is their victory dance that is when michelle has already won in five nights is going to win this battle all of Israel in this day are being restored come on get it rogue org get your little of today start learning out to shake it today if you don't know how to shake it how are you going to do it with Michelle calm are you with me I have to hurry up here it says on picture of this mysterious picture of this high priest now Zechariah 12 coming to life it says this there is a prince in Heaven's his name is the pig is God Raziel this particular prince is the prosecutor of Israel first time he comes the prosecutor but if the future he is going to come as Israel defending they're going to look at the hem and they say you defenders you bring the atonement a vain anybody just not you but it's going to be him and today is a rehearsal Yom Kippur is a rehearsal those of us who know you're sure today know not know the high priest today can be in this relationship today with expectation of tomorrow we have something to look forward to but if you are not you have really nothing to look forward to just a bunch of tourists a matter of fact Micah 5 says it's this way but dog Bethlehem Ephrata he doesn't say New York it doesn't say you're dead site doesn't send New Jersey he said he came from Bethlehem Ephrata which are little among the thousands of you that out of you shall come forth unto me a ruler in Israel who is going forth from the old from ancient day you see disturbing Hebrew from ancient a he was there before time Russia don't continue and tell us something about this figure that is appealing Zachariah and he says he connected this ruler who appeal in behind he says this check this out this is Russia and you Bethlehem Ephrathah well Devon he may emanate it as it is stated the son of your Boltzmann Jesse the Bethlehem ight and Bethlehem called a flood as it is said on on the road to a fraud this is Bethlehem you should have been at the lowest of the clans of Yehuda you should have been the lowest of the clan of Judah because the stigma of food the Moabites in you from you shall emerge to me the machine son of David and to scripture says the stone that the builders rejected will become what the cornerstone and his order only Johnny's be keen on the word you know is remember I took you to their met principle the word in on men before the Sun was formed he was already his name was known into the world the Messiah was there before was even the son and what it is said it says that he will be rejected the reason there's a mourning in Arusha line because he is going to reap it appear as the cornerstone who's been rejected what is it says someone 18 it says and he shook what did this exact verse it says Yeshua said to them have I not out of the scripture a stone Bigby builders rejected has become the capstone or Rosh Pina that is from a sham it is a wonderful in our eyes you know the word there enable the world stone even the prefix of the word even is the word of which means father and the suffix of the word Evan is the word then son it's the father and the son who are joined together the father and the son Devon and matter of fact in Zechariah 4 7 he received a message not by might not by power but by my spirit and then what the next verse is in heaven hand stone of shouting grace grace is the stone who has become the cornerstone of your shall I'm the Messiah coming not just to become the mediator he'd be coming to rebuild Jerusalem he is going to rebuild the temple is going to rebuild Jerusalem it's Esther why he's rejected though he says there Oh says the Lord beyond I lay in Zion the four foundations stone a tried stone across the cornerstone of Shu foundation that whoever believes shall not be case this is the profit this is an angle of the same event we read in Zechariah true Isaiah and what they are saying here is calling out right stone you see this term I tried stone Evan bokun this is something we all need to think about in this holy Yom Kippur the stone who examine us this literally the term there is the stone of examination Rashi says that all of Israel married is based on their belief in the other and the bin if we do believe in the oven the band who ever believed in this oven the band that's what become his foundation remember what I told you today what is the middle word in the Torah foundation the middle word is foundation here you go who is the foundation is there heaven who is the heaven is the Messiah hello is all Christ are coming together for you today I know it's a lot of time no yogibo but egg we almost done I love what rabbi humbled from from Sarah Khouri me say and also may Israel the son of RZA will fail on this versus say they will fail to recognize him we will not be living in his war in the world that he will speak in the name of Hashem they will say we don't believe in you're a liar Hashem will choose him to be our guilt offering and take all the sins of his rear is an Orthodox rabbi say that he will become the one we'll take upon him so all the sins of Israel rabbi Shimon bar Yohai very quickly I'm running out of time Messiah who is the lineage of Ephraim shall die and is also Mort for him after the holy one boys be here will reveal to them the Messiah the lineage of David but Israel will wish to stone him because he still and they will say to him you are liar they will say that my side this is not less expensive Joseph this is been dahveed say you're a liar Ben David Messiah already come they will scorn him as the scripture said despite and abandoned by man he shall withdraw and will be hidden from them like one who hiding the face from us but in Israel great distress dear Zachariah 12 again Israel Grace D says they will turn and cry out in hunger and thirst and the Holy One blessed be he will be revealed to them in his glory as the scripture promised to gather all flesh will see and the King Messiah will sprout out there saying be all he will come from the clouds of heaven as it is written after it and the authority was given unto him second Isaiah continuing tell us something about this stone whose will be rejected arisen the morning happening to resign because they say how can it be how could we rejected you and there is a promise in a warning if you have not put your faith in this machine today take the word not and don't take my world take the word of Isaiah and he say he will become like a temple for those but it would temple to those who believe but for a stone of stumbling for a walk of offense for both of the houses of Israel there is a child how can the same guy can be a blessing a sanctuary a temple and it can be also a stumbling the choice is yours if you believe in is married today with this thing that the sum is called Isaiah called the stone of merit today there is a chance that he can become a temple unto you and you know what's happened in the temple a tournament is happening in the temple we don't have to wait for the total temple to be built the third temple can be built today in him if you truly believe today don't walk out of here if you have not given your life to him this the Jewish message of young people matter of fact here at last to slide Paul take this verse and his quoting tree is connecting Isaiah 8:14 and in Isaiah 28:16 why Paul says that he will become stumbling here is what ami G Levine the author of the annotated New Testament says she says the following and I quote she say ironically Paul did not suggest that he will become a stumbling to Israel he simply was put in this position to slow down the Jewish people so that they will not miss the righteousness that they are to proclaim to the world if you think about it the message in the essence of the Jewish people is to proclaim according to some 96 verse one two three the name of Yeshua Yeshua salvation to the world so this storm of stumbling was put in place so we can trip and we will not miss the righteousness that God has given us as Jewish people Paul combined two scriptures into one the first scriptures from Isaiah 28:16 speak of the Messiah who is called the heaven the foundation stone the word behind does not actually mean foundation but rather mean examiner as I explained to you he will examine Israel as gold is to be examined not all will believe in the heaven and in the second part of the Scriptures soul or rabbi shai all quotes from isaiah 8:14 according to Russia Russia commentary from the Talmud it is speaking about the Messiah he was the Redeemer of Israel and he and the father are one that's the heaven he will be temple for those who believe in him and a stumbling block for those who deny so what is this climatic conclusion of Zechariah 12 I promise you a climatic conclusion here you go you see the conclusion of Zechariah 12 in the famous story of Jacob who fighting with the angel everybody know the story right that he fight with the angel the question is who was Jacob fighting wait who he was he fighting with prove it to me wrong all of Judaism says shockingly that he was fighting with Satan he is fighting with Satan wait a second doesn't make sense forever Superior confusing how can he can fight with Satan because he said I'm not going let you go Satan until you give me your blessing how many of us want the blessing of Satan in our life I'm going to tell you what is this battle is all about are you ready this battle is not about the fall war between the Jewish people and the nation it's not about that young khipu is not about that either it is about something much bigger matter of fact the rabbi's tell us that I'm not gonna read it all to you but they say he thought would Satan well it doesn't make sense right well he didn't really fight would Satan look at this that angel look upon Jacob and Jacob says to him tell me I pray to you I pray to thy name and he asked him what it is thy name that after my name and he said and he blessed him there so we received the blessing they turned their that he asked him what is it to change my name that the term my name leash me is an acronym enable Russia not Shmi Leah Cavalli Israel which literally mean to change the name of Jacob to Israel the job of this entity that appeared to Jacob was to change his name from Jacob to Israel okay and who was the one who changed his name from Jacob to Israel on one layer it's the one who appears as Satan remember that I told you before Zechariah 13 6 7 that he appeared to have a hairy hands heavy mantle who is the one Christianity Jesus okay that's a picture of this but the rabbi's don't tell us aha it is the one who appear is Satan but he's not really Satan this is the name that brought all the cancers upon you all the tribulation upon you under this name but this is really not who he is this is a masquerade ssin of who you thought he is but is not he really is they say this his name is the ladder and here is the conclusion the lad mission who is the Messiah the lot is actually Latin Hebrew is the word nya it's an acronym to have mercy upon your inheritance that who really appealed to Jacob one that we taught is Satan but is the one who is the messenger of atonement the messenger of mercy and what was his job the lad mission was to change the name of Jacob to Israel in order for Israel to receive favor from God it is a reference to the mission of the redemption attempted action of the lead the word Naaman have mercy upon your inheritance because when Israel was a child I loved him and out of Egypt I called my son what the rabbi saying here there isn't Zachariah 12 is such a important figure because you're gonna look at it not only that we don't want it to be you you're the one who appear Satan to us but this greatest Satan yes sure that's why we call into the yeshu may his name be cursed forever is going to turn to be the greatest blessing and the greatest skill in Jewish history and that's how this story is conclude this battle took place before the very first run happened in Genesis chapter 3 it was an a battle for the hill remember he pissed himself he put his foot the hill it said between the seed and the head and you shall bruise his head there were there heal now I tell you what this is all about for us in yarmulke Yom Kippur the word he'll hear the word heal is also the name of the Torah portion parish at a cave Deuteronomy chapter 7 12 and if you read Deuteronomy 712 you will notice that the word a cave have inside of it the Ten Commandments it's repeat of Exodus just we do the random ii 712 only a half time and how many words are in the Ten Commandments exactly 172 the exact same number for the word here what is this battle is all about are you following what I'm saying this battle is not about a war between the Jewish people and the nation's it's a war that we fight today in Yom Kippur it's a war between Hashem and aciton for this relationship that we are to have whoever control the hill the rabbi stitches control the entire human body do you know that that's why it's called the Achilles heel whoever controlled the heel control the entire human body and it is a wall between a certain inertia and in this final act for a war that happened in Genesis 3 is going to come out for the very last time to make the final atonement for his people but this case is not just making atonement he is coming to take sin to take evil and to destroy and crush evil for the final final last time Yom Kippur today for us is a reminder of this that God want the relationship with us today it's a relationship that can be won only if somebody can fight for you today you need somebody and all those who watch online can hear me as well you need somebody who fight for you today if the Lord is convicting you today I just want close with the power and you've sense today in this yom kippur that you need this midday mediate a mediator to come and fight for you in 5775 will you stand up if you feel today by the Spirit of God but you need somebody who fight for you today will you just stand up right now this battle is going to take place once again but I'm telling you today's a rehearsal Yom Kippur he's a day of this battle for your he'll acid on don't want you to drive today a sedan wants you to be lied to and cheated of the blessings of Hashem but you can through this redeeming figure the one who quit today and through his whipping the gates are open today yeah they will close at seven today but they are still open now and it's not too late the solution for our problem for our heels found in this world at that time the Holy One blessed be he came to him he kissed him and he said faithful Shepherd you are indeed my son and the son of the Shiina sages and angels kiss the son they're all rows as we all rise today and we kiss him and we accept him we accept him as our rabbi and as our King and as our mediator have been OSHA Basham I'm God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob i thankful for those who are standing today and they expect and they say to this mediator come today and take a hold of my hill I will not be lied to I belong to you today about for every temptation every test habitability tribulation to be met today with the power of the redemptive King breed life upon us Lord we ask that as we stand today and we proclaim our Hill all the Jewish people in the world will also want to proclaim the battle and the greatest victory for their heel Lord we recheck today we repent we repent Lord that we have not went outside that the city codes to where the leper seats just as the minded leper took upon himself in the name of Yeshua lord help us to have 5775 as a year of salvation upon our people upon our families upon our friends and upon entire Jewish community it starts with us today Lord bring Redemption to us so we can be the redemptions so we can bring the message of redemption to all of Israel Lord I also pray right now for those who are standing who might have never fully put their trust in the NA the one who bring in their mercy upon Israel help them Lord to walk with mushiya Yeshua today in confidence as it is says in Hebrews surely he became our assurity thank you Lord that is disg aids about the close we can walk with a surety today I thank you Lord for this day I thank you Lord for their opportunity to put on my lips and proclaim the name of your Kohanga Dorma share the name of yeshua a man and a man in a man thank you very much god bless you and now it's 6:30 so it's very late so Dave I don't know what's the protocol now to tell them to stretch stretch [Music]
Channel: Ahavat Ammi
Views: 14,618
Rating: 4.8194776 out of 5
Keywords: Hebrew Roots, yeshua, ahavat ammi, trinity, messiah, messianic judaism, jewish, israel, hebrew, torah, talmud, midrash, yeshua hamashiach, jews for judaism, anti missionaries, Moshiach, mishnah, Judaism, Jewish, Christianity, christian, messianic jews, messianic prophecy, tanach, יהדות, נצרות, משיח, ישו, ישוע, תורה, תלמוד, משנה, חסידות, זוהר, נבואות, ישראל, גאולה
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 4sec (12124 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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