Day of Atonement | Yom Kippur

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and i'm hopeful that that is going to actually happen in 2022 but for now we're gonna have to do with a cup of coffee and uh screen to screen i've been asked to share with you today on one of my very favorite subjects so you're gonna need to believe with me that i'm gonna stay on task and maybe you can say that out loud pastor paul stay on task i am infamous i'm gonna warn you right off the bat i am infamous for bunny trails uh i see a rabbit take off that way and uh my my sons when they would travel with me would stand around the back of the auditorium and when they saw that i was chasing a bunny they'd go trying to get my attention or they would go hello an hour and 45 minutes is long enough say already i've taken all this time to introduce but you asked for it so here we go father in the name of jesus in the name of yeshua thank you today for your word it is a lamp for our feet it's a light for our path it is life for those who find it so lord today i pray lord that there would be an unpacking a revelation an understanding lord of these moadim of these important times of these special days that you have set aside in your own life in your own heart you've demonstrated them to us they're on your ical and whether we are sharp technology wise or not they are there for our edification for our um revelation um for our instruction for our training in righteousness and help us lord today in these next few minutes as we look into your word i pray lord that you would light it up and it would become life for us maybe even in things that we've not understood or seen before lord for your glory let your kingdom come and let your will be done in south africa even as it's done in heaven right now in jesus name amen well speaking of the feasts i've been asked to share with you for just a few moments the feasts um what i see now in them how they're speaking to us today of course we're right in the middle of the days of awe um the famous rosh hashanah which you won't find in your bible it's been renamed it was renamed in babylon many many thousands of years ago there's good reason for that but you won't find rosh hashanah in your bible you will find the day for the blowing of trumpets now after the day of trumpets which began last week on monday night i was in tennessee with another one of our alliance partners and we celebrated the day of blowing of trumpets who they assembled about 50 shofars i brought my shofar player with me and he instructed them for an entire day before we attempted this and then we did it so well the following day last monday night and whatever that date was i'm now traveling so much that i've lost track again of days and times and these feasts help me stay on track god's ical god's calendar so we are right now just before the feast of what yom kippur oh my goodness the most holy day on the calendar and you may say well what about passover well passover is also pointing to something a redemption in blood and it is on yom kippur that we celebrate the day when the blood of atonement was brought into the holy of holies sprinkled on the mercy seat what is that we'll share that in just a minute that is the day when atonement was made the blood was spilled at passover according to the promise and because of that spilled blood just like in the days of the exodus the death angel passed over and we passed over with that great multitude who came out of egypt came through the red sea that was our baptism if you will water baptism then we went to mount sinai with the thunderings and lightnings and there a wedding uh was celebrated and were waiting for the great day of the wedding feast of the lamb which is still to come so we've been betrothed at passover we were wed at shavuot and there will be a great feast at tabernacles someday in the future still waiting the wedding supper of the lamb when all the nations will stream to jerusalem and sit down with the lamb and eat that wedding covenant meal this is all one story do you get the sense of that it's one story from bereshit which means beginnings which is translated for us as genesis in the beginning bear sheet yes i can't go off on that bunny trail either but right on page one of your bible we have a calendar established that i believe the king of calendars wants us to know about and observe now i had my finger stuck over here in leviticus chapter 23 and i'm going to very quickly go back to page one in my bible my niv i'm stuck i got saved reading the new international version and uh and i'm kind of stuck there so let's take a look at this heavenly calendar that was established for us back on page one of your bibles genesis chapter 1 and verse 14 says this and god said let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years and it goes on now let's go back for just a second he says let there be lights in the expanse of the sky so they the stars are the lights right moons don't have their own light they are reflectors but stars have their own light the fire generates the light to separate the day from the night and let them serve as signs now when we're reading simply in english or dutch or french we we miss quite a bit of the intention the hebrew is very specific initially hebrew was a picture language and i don't know what the picture is here for signs it it might be uh a sign stuck on a post go this way but these lights are intended to be signs and that word in hebrews oat o t or o a t oat oat and it means a director a sign a sign post pointing to something so let these lights point to something to mark and the word in english is seasons but the word in hebrew is mohed appointed times the stars in their courses he set them in a calendar they have specific movements that were given to them by yahweh the more we understand these things the more ridiculously incredibly marvelously so far beyond our ability to comprehend who he is how he operates how he thinks how he deals with us we simply have to say hallelujah that he would consider us this would be psalm 8 david says how majestic is your name oh lord what you do that you would consider man you made us a little lower than the angels you've crowned us with glory and honor why would you consider us you and your marvelous greatness how majestic is your name in all the earth all the heavens whatev is under the earth the king that we serve is so far beyond our ability to comprehend how dare we even think of criticizing him or challenging him on page one he established a calendar with billions and billions probably countless numbers of stars and heavenly bodies that move in their appointed courses to be for us signs pointing two appointed times we could stop right there and just say what do i need to do to serve a king like this but we can't stop there because we have a point or else i might be guilty of one of those bunny trails already so what are they pointing to remember on page one he established a calendar pointing to something before there was something to point to he set up and established a calendar to point to them i don't know about you but this is why david says in the psalm selah take a break man stop and just think about that all right so now i'm on page 104. in your pew bibles oh you don't have pews okay you don't have two bibles you probably don't even have page 104 i like my 45 year old bible anyway let's go to leviticus chapter 23 and let's read there and see what these heavenly bodies were assigned to point to this is good stuff you know all right now you see look this isn't religious these are not have to's this is our father pointing the way for us to live our lives after a pattern of avodah of devotion to work to worship to play that's another good hebrew word avodah say that with me okay i'm trusting that you did it means devotion in work and worship we are a family no i'm not gonna break out in that song everything is a song write that down that's gospel everything is a song we are family and our father put on page one a pattern for heavenly family celebrations and jesus taught us to pray uh and i'm and i'm gonna edit lord let your kingdom come so that our family here on earth can celebrate like we do in heaven hmm are you getting the point all right go with me to leviticus chapter 23 and i'm hoping not to get stuck here either there's a there's a whole chapter line by line for me to get stuck so say it again pastor paul don't get stuck we need to get to the point and you've only got 15 minutes left to do it okay i heard that i'm going to try no promises leviticus chapter 23 verse 1 and the lord said to moses speak to the israelites and say to them these are my appointed feasts the appointed feasts of the lord which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies now let me break this down a little bit the um when he says speak to the israelites he is saying speak to my family now if you recall um back in the book of exodus about half the way back towards genesis chapter one where we started not only did the children of israel the children of jacob remember jacob had his name changed to israel from a usurper to a prince of god israel when when israel came out of egypt as slaves we find in chapter 12 of exodus that there was a mixed multitude that came out with them this are you sitting down this was the birth of the church way back in exodus when not only the jewish people came out of egypt but a great mixed multitude read it for yourself they went from ramses and they came out from there to a place of rest before they cross the red sea jews and gentiles egyptians uh africa other africans and mesopotamians assyrians they were all there in egypt because at the time of the oppression of israel the slavery of israel under a pharaoh who knew not joseph they came from all over the world because egypt was expected to was the most powerful nation they had universities they had a huge uh organized system of worship with gods and underworlds and icons and all the rest they they were wealthy beyond measure they had government and they had order and so the other nations came they came from canaan to see what's going on here in egypt and so when the god of the slaves defeated the gods of egypt no time for that now they went out with the children of israel with the children of abraham isaac and jacob the slaves a mixed multitude came out with them and i'm saying this is who god is speaking to speaking to the israelites they were grafted in from the other nations does that sound familiar they were grafted into another god they were drafted and grafted into another economy they were grafted into another people who worshipped the god and so when i see israelites i see a mixed multitude in fact we find out from the apostle paul that there is an israel of god now be careful because he's talking about a spiritual israel right there is a physical israel there are physical jews there are those who are physically descended from abraham isaac and jacob you're looking at one now that doesn't give me any big kudos with god i have to come to salvation in the same way everyone else does there is only one name given to men under heaven by which we come on say it must be saved not could be saved not should be saved must be saved there is only one lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world since he spilled his blood two thousand years ago there is a physical israel but there is also a spiritual israel made up of jews and gentiles the spiritual sons and daughters of abraham why spiritual because we are sons and daughters spiritually by faith it was by faith that abraham pleased god it wasn't because of his natural lineage which was from the ur of the chaldees he was a middle eastern but he was called a hebrew hebrew means one who crosses over he crossed over and we don't get to the term jew until we get to his great-grandchildren isaac what technically wasn't a jew he was a son of abraham he was a hebrew one who crossed over and then we have jacob named israel and then we have his uh descendants and one of them called jacob has his name changed to israel and uh and then his son judah judah as where we get the name jew yahudim which means praiser of the living god some of these bunny trails i'm sorry i just can't i just can't help where were we well we were over here in leviticus chapter 23. speak to the israelites speak to the hmm i could you could get me in hot water here but i'm saying speak to the spiritual and natural sons of abraham by faith those who have embraced the faith of abraham the faith of jacob the faith of judah through whom we get jesus yeshua our messiah who is king and lord of all the earth and for those whether jew or gentile who call on his name in holiness is that clear enough okay so i believe that he's speaking to you who are by faith in abraham as well these are my appointed times that he spoke about back in genesis chapter one these are my appointed times notice he doesn't say these are the appointed times of the physical jews only he says they are mine if they belong to our father then they belong to us by inheritance now i know there are others who want to argue this stuff but i said can't we just read it and accept it and say okay these aren't the feasts of the jews these are the feasts of my father you don't have to say that okay the appointed feasts of the lord he goes on which you are to proclaim as sacred assemblies now how do we know what they are and when they are because he demonstrates them for us he doesn't only declare them but he also demonstrates them and they have a purpose he put them on his calendar oh my goodness can i can i get another hour and a half would that be okay with you pastor simon what do you i don't see okay all right stick to it and the very first appointed time listed here in your bible and mine verse 3 there are six days when you may work but the seventh day is a sabbath it is a shabbat there is no mystery about this word shabbat simply means cease there is a day to cease every seven there is this appointment to cease to stop it knock it off quit it this was unusual in those days that the god of the people of god told them look you done a good job okay you're bricklayers you electricians you whatevers you did good the last six days now put down the travel put down the water pots and all the rest and just quit set it aside spend a day with me and your family refresh renew you're gonna get to do all that stuff again for the next six days but take a break say law you are not to do any work wherever you live it is a sabbath unto the lord it is a cease unto the lord now i'm not going any further than that i'm not telling you quit your job i'm not telling you i'm not telling you anything you read it for yourself and decide don't violate your conscience pray and see how the lord would have you to celebrate him on the seventh day then it goes to in verse 4 the passover and unleavened bread where the covenant was cut and then in verse nine we have the feast of first fruits and the apostle paul tells us that jesus is the first fruits of those raised from the dead first fruits is the day of resurrection now the name was changed and the date was changed yes you know it as easter the feast of easter resurrection day and um and a lot of the traditions have been changed uh and i'm not going there either but i have to leave that alone i want to get to a specific feast that's coming up very soon just in a matter of hours once we get through those spring feasts uh we get to the feast of weeks shavuot again nothing super spiritual shavuot is the hebrew word for weak and shavuot is plural weeks the feast of weeks just like it says in the manual for worshipping the lord now those feasts those four feasts they make up a a pattern and a cluster and we get to another cluster of feasts in just a minute so the spring feasts and isn't it very interesting that these times pointed to specific appointments that jesus himself kept he kept the appointment of the passover why because it was declared by all the prophets that one was coming who would take away our sins especially right isaiah 53 52 verse 11 through the entire chapter of 53 is a graphic illustration of what this messiah king called the anointed one would do he made the appointment even though he knew what it would cost night before in the garden of gethsemane you know this very well in the gospels he swept great drops of blood because he knew what this appointment meant for him and because he loved you and me so much he kept the appointment and then he kept the appointment on the feast of first fruits to be raised from the dead and then he kept the appointment that he told his disciples in acts chapter 1 said wait here until the gift my father is sending and then you'll be my witnesses here in jerusalem judea samaria to the outermost parts of the world and he kept that appointment sent the holy spirit on this feast of weeks shavuot according to the prophet joel poured out his spirit sons and daughters prophesied tongues of fire showed up on their heads they spoke in other tongues they declared the gospel to all the jews who had come from the four corners of the world declaring that this yeshua this jesus of nazareth is the messiah and king and thousands believed the message because they heard it in their own language jesus kept the appointments they are important appointments they are still important because they give us an an opportunity year after week after month after year to remember to celebrate the appointments that he kept that he set in his word on page one and then he kept the appointments for our salvation for our eternal place with him and somebody say amen and so the spring cluster of feasts shows us demonstrates the work of god in the earth for us passover unleavened bread feast of first fruits and shavuot or pentecost penta 50 because it happens on the 50th day after who after the feast of the passover my all right in just the next couple minutes i want to give you the fall feasts and again they're right here in your calendar this is your heavenly calendar so um in verse 23 uh of leviticus 23 the lord said to moses say to the israelites or say to those who are walking by the same faith as abraham who trusted me believed me and it was credited as righteousness on the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of rest oh you lazy people a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts do you know regular work how are you supposed to eat if you don't work but present an offering made to the lord by fire so how do you do that today well the book of hebrews says to present ourselves as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to the lord build an altar with worship and then present yourself as a living sacrifice and the fire of the holy spirit will consume it and now you are that living offering how's that feel getting a little hot it should and then in verse 26 the lord said to moses the tenth day of this seventh month is the day of atonement who hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves it's a day of fasting it's a day of denying yourself why because on this day in history uh the lord jesus yeshua he denied himself he even denied himself of breath and he carried his own blood now i don't have time to go into the history of this and then of course the the very last feast uh of the fall the feast of tabernacles the lord said to moses in verse 33 say to the israelites on the fifteenth day of the seventh month the lord's feast of tabernacles the lord's feast and he says this in this chapter the lord's feasts or my feasts over and over and over just so we don't get the mistake uh as gentiles saying that oh well that's the feast of the jews that doesn't pertain to me anymore no these are the feasts of our father these are the feasts of the kingdom these are the appointed times these are the ceases these are the do no works these are come and worship with the lord come and spend time with your family come and be renewed and refreshed these are the appointed times that he set in motion way back on page one now i i have to bring this to a close maybe someday uh i can join you in person and we can go feast by feast on the day and worship and celebrate [Music] i would love that so in in just a little while we have now the feast of yom [Music] the day of atonement this day the holiest day of the calendar you might think that passover the day of the exodus the day of the cutting of the covenant the the first appearing and one other thing i want to say to you that cluster of spring point to the first appearing of our king which makes very good sense because he fulfilled those that's a be careful of that word he appeared and he cut the covenant that was promised he was raised from the dead as was promised by the prophets you have to read them carefully but it's there especially isaiah 53 again and the outpouring of the spirit that joel prophesied and and others as well the prophet joel and so in his first appearing he fulfills or fills full a better way of saying it these prophetic words these feasts of the lord he is the lamb of god he is the resurrection and is his spirit the same one romans 8 11 that raised him from the dead that was poured out on that shovel will that feast of pentecost so in that first cluster they they declare and demonstrate his first appearing but wait there's more he said i will be back yes i'll be back on that mountain mountains are important in the scriptures mount sinai and mount zion and the mount of transfiguration and the mount of olives is where jesus is standing with his disciples when he says i'll be back these fall feasts declare his appearing and they declare them in a pattern that we should be paying attention to if we go to first thessalonians chapter 4 he says the apostle paul says i don't want you to be ignorant brethren of those who have fallen asleep but very soon you will hear another shofar [Music] maybe on the day of the sounding of trumpets maybe you'll hear a trumpet blast but not from the earth from the heaven itself the shofar declared to be the voice of god and a loud shout of i deny the angel of the lord and those who have fallen asleep will rise from the dead this is what i would say is the this is the resurrection um which some people mix up with something else no time for that he said and then those who are still alive will be caught up together with those raised from the dead to meet me in the air then they will return with me to judge the nations and the earth so he's saying even here in acts chapter 1 there is another appearing when will that happen oh it's hidden it's hidden in the heavenly calendar but maybe that day of the blowing of trumpets is the very day that we'll hear from heaven while we're celebrating here some of us there'll become a sound from heaven a blast of a shofar those who have fallen asleep in him will hear that sound of resurrection they'll be raised from the dead those of us who are waiting for him will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet him that's what i would call the rapture i'm not going to get involved in that debate and then we return with him to the earth as he judges the nations we reign and rule with him no we don't have to we are not part of the judgment on the earth we've already been raised with him seated with him returned with him and then the day of atonement when the nations repent israel declares to him where did you zechariah 12 where did you get these wounds in your hands and in your side and he says to israel in the house of my friends and israel weeps and mourns for him as an only son their eyes are open they see him the salvation of israel the glory of our people israel and the light to all the nations and then the nations stream to jerusalem feast of tabernacles to worship him there together the spring feast his first appearing the fall feasts his second appearing with a timeline that will be demonstrated i believe according to the calendar that was established in the heavenlies now one more thing i i told you i wanted to speak very quickly about yom kippur a day when blood was brought into the holy of holies only once a year only once a year by the high priest a special individual who was chosen by lineage of blood first aaron the brother of moses then aaron's sons and on and on there's a lineage by blood covenant that is important and so one time a year the high priest would wash himself and prepare and he would put on clean garments and he would be fragranced and washed and it was quite a ritual and then when he was prepared he would take the blood of a goat and that blood was for himself to go in before the presence of the very presence of the lord a a fearsome and holy thing and he would take that blood and he would sprinkle it on the mercy seat for himself and then he would go out and take the blood of a bull and then he would go back in again to the presence to the presence that that word presence in the hebrew is the word pannim in hebrew means the faces when we say in english in your presence lord is where i belong we are sitting before your faces is where we belong this is a fearsome and an awesome thing to be before the face of a king not any king the king of all kings who created us who has poured out his own life to save us a king who was worthy of all honor and glory and whose presence filled that holy of holies now one last thing why blood why the mercy seat what is it and why on this one day if we go back to the time when there were only a few humans walking the earth remember the story of cain and abel abel brought a lamb as a sacrifice to yahweh cain brought the fruit of the earth it had no blood remember without blood there is no forgiveness of sins we see that not only in the book of leviticus we also see that in the book of hebrews blood is necessary for the remission of sin abel brought a lamb as a sacrifice with blood to the presence to the faces of yahweh cain brought the fruit of his labor he brought fruits and vegetables but they weren't acceptable why there's no blood and without blood there's no forgiveness cain was angry and jealous he killed his brother and later god came looking for abel yes he knew and he spoke to cain and he said where's your brother abel cain said i don't know what am i my brother's keeper and the lord spoke to him said your brother's blood cries out to me from the earth there is a blood under the altar in heaven that cries out the blood of the martyrs that cries out how long o lord before you justify and the blood of yeshua has a voice and so before the blood of yeshua in the holy of holies the blood of bulls and goats and lambs was sprinkled on the mercy seat this was the cover of the ark of the covenant inside oh my goodness i have to stop inside were three testimonies that brought testimony against the people the rod of aaron that butted that said they rebel against your laws the jar of manna that says they don't trust you to provide [Music] and the tablets the two tablets of moses said they'd break your law continually and in that box there were the three testimonies that spoke against the people but blood has a voice and the blood of bulls and goats sprinkled on that mercy seat year after year after year the blood of atonement that said forgiven but then there came a time when that seat that cover that place would be removed and so god in his grace and mercy provided a lamb whose blood would speak beyond a temple beyond an ark of the covenant beyond a mercy seat once and for all time and so yeshua with his own blood came into that most holy of places but not with the blood of bulls and goats with his own blood and he sprinkled his own blood on that mercy seat and his blood says over you and me not guilty that if you will confess your sin he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to purify us of all unrighteousness he did it once for all is it not appropriate that we would take one day out of the year to remember to deny ourselves to worship and thank the king of all kings who denied himself carried his own blood sprinkled it declared your name and said over you not guilty father i pray today that we as your sons and daughters would rightly discern lord as we embrace your kingdom let it come in us let the zeal for your name overtake us and may we truly be worshipers in spirit and in truth even so come lord jesus and now i pray lord for my friends may the lord bless you and keep you ye [Music] may the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you yah and may the lord lift up his countenance his presence his face turn his face toward you and give you his peace is the name of jesus our messiah the prince of all peace you are not guilty
Channel: Paul Wilbur Ministries
Views: 8,038
Rating: 4.9485531 out of 5
Id: TymKQEnsuqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 21sec (2841 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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