Yom Kippur Service | The Grafted Church

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[Music] all right welcome couldn't find your way in find your seat so as you guys know today is yom kippur it's the day of atonement i'm going to give just a um a brief intro to the yom kippur to the day of atonement once everybody gets seated all of our stuff is packed in a trailer so we're trying to adjust make do with the equipment that's on hand all right is this coming through pretty good in the back you guys hear me okay all right let me go ahead and open up with some prayer heavenly father we love you so much but as we enter into this holy feast day lord i pray that you would prepare our hearts but i pray that you would send your holy spirit that you would fill us fill us with your holy spirit that you would lead us but i pray that you would reveal things in our life that are not pleasing to you we love you so much and we praise you in the name of yeshua amen is the phantom power turned on why this mic keeps cutting in and out on me try this see if i just hold it no that doesn't seem to be helping either uh is that wireless one still handy maybe i'll give that one a try again this one's obviously not working check check okay let's see if this one works a little bit better that one seems to be cutting out quite a bit so all right so today's yom kippur it is the this is the beginning of yom kippur so tonight at sunset begins om kippur it's the day of atonement and it is a 24-hour period of fasting and prayer um let me just go ahead and open up with leviticus chapter 16 verse 29 and 31 29-31 just for anybody who is not familiar with what yom kippur is this shall be a statute forever for you in the seventh month on the on the tenth day of the month you shall afflict your souls and don't and do no work at all whether a native of your own country or a stranger who dwells among you for on that day the priest shall make atonement for you to cleanse you that you may be clean from all your sins before the lord it is a sabbath of solemn rest for you and you shall make and you shall afflict your souls it is a statute forever okay so notice it says that the priest is the one that makes the atonement this is important a lot of people think that you know what we're we're fasting and we're afflicting our souls so that we can make atonement for ourself that's not what the bible says the bible says the priest is the one that makes atonement for you this is not some kind of a a penitence or penance or whatever you know you might refer to like the catholics where they have to work and earn their salvation or something like that that's not what the day of atonement is about it's atonement is not something we achieve for ourself it's something that the priest does for us he does it on our behalf and uh but yet we're told to afflict our souls we're told to fast we're told to do these things so if that's not what is accomplishing our atonement then what is the reason for doing these things and traditionally afflicting your soul has been understood to mean fasting abstaining from marital relations avoiding oils and lotions not bathing and not seeking any form of pleasure which would mean no music no tv and no entertainment of any form and it basically is you're dying to yourself as richard you're living like a dead man for 24 hours you're living as if you have no uh no willpower no will of your own to do what you want you're laying down your will you don't want you're not doing anything according to what you want to do you're laying that aside and you're doing what the lord is asking and so you're dying to yourself and fasting puts us into a state of weakness and if anybody who has ever done this before you know that going 24 hours without food and water and things like that you get very weak and it shows us that we are helpless and unable to do anything to save ourselves fasting humbles fasting humbles us and so it's an act of humbling ourself before god and coming before him and saying that i am weak i am vulnerable and i am unable to save myself you are not you're not fasting to to earn your atonement i just want you to be clear on that that's not the purpose that's not what we're doing this is the priest makes our atonement for our sins this is what the new testament says that yeshua was doing so like for example hebrews chapter 4 says seeing then that we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens yeshua the son of god let us hold fast to our confession for we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weakness but was at all points tempted as we are yet he was without sin let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need and one thing a lot of people don't realize is we're the only ones who have a high priest the jewish people who don't follow yeshua right now they don't have a high priest they don't have a temple they don't have any way to get this atonement they have no way to come to a priest for atonement the bible says that we have a high priest who is seated in the heavenly tabernacle and his his atoning sacrifice is better than any other sacrifice and that he doesn't need to offer over and over yearly sacrifices but his sacrifice was done once it it lasts forever it's eternal but the bible says that blood is required for atonement the bible says that the wages of sin is death death must be paid for atonement you think about you know sin requires death that's the payment yeshua came to die to pay our debt this is something we should be reminded of often but especially at times like this in the day of atonement the bible says there must be blood and hebrews 9 22 it says and according to the law almost all things are purified with blood and without the shedding of blood there is no remission so without blood there is no forgiveness of sins there's no removal of sins there's no atonement for sins and so the the people who reject yeshua they don't have a means of atonement they have they don't have a way to receive atonement because they have no no priest no sacrifice yeshua's shed blood he shed his blood for us the bible says he is the way the truth in life and that's because he is the only way to receive the atonement right there's no other there's no other options this is the way that god chose so those who reject yeshua they don't have any atonement the bible says that in romans 3 23 that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god this is one of those verses that i think we've heard so many times that you know we just read it and breathes on by but it says that we've all sinned we've all fallen short of the glory of god all of us need atonement all of us need salvation all of us need redemption but the bible says that if we continue in sin if we make it a practice of sin as the way first john talks about it if you make it a practice to sin or you keep on sinning you continue in it you think about what does it mean to practice sin it means you do it regularly right if you're practicing a sport you regularly are doing the things that are connected to that sport and you get better at it so if you're practicing sin you're getting better at it you ever thought about it that way you're becoming a better sinner by practicing but the bible says that if we continue in sin if we don't get redeemed and set free forgiven atoned for that sin is going to separate us from god eternally that we won't be able to go into his kingdom that we won't be part of the resurrection that we're going to be cast cast into the lake of fire face the judgment and so verses like first corinthians 6 9-10 i think i think these are uh especially significant verses to be thinking about on yom kippur it says do do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god do not be deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomites nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of god galatians 5 19-21 says now the works of the flesh are evident which are adultery fornication uncleanness lewdness idolatry sorcery hatred contentions jealousies outbursts of wrath selfish ambitions dissensions heresies envy murders drunkenness revelries and the like of which i tell you beforehand just as i also told you in times past that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of god the bible says that all of sin and it says that we must repent to confess our sins to repent and to receive the salvation that yeshua has provided for us but it says we must repent this begins with having godly sorrow godly sorrow in 2nd corinthians 7 10 says for godly sorrow produces repentance that leads to salvation repentance is tied to salvation you you don't you don't receive salvation unless there's repentance and repentance there's there's actually a hebrew definition and a greek definition and both of them i think are significant the hebrew definition means to turn so you're facing this direction enemies to turn and go the opposite direction and so you're you're turning away from sin and turning towards god you turn away from your sin the greek definition means to change your mind to transform your mind to have a different way of thinking and it also has to do with your will to change your will your desires and so to repent from sin means that you change you don't do that anymore you turn away from it you change your mind you say i'm not going to do that anymore change your will you've stopped pursuing those things stop pursuing sanity start pursuing god that's what repent means in ezekiel chapter 18 it says repent and turn from all your transgressions so that iniquity will not abide i'm sorry so that iniquity will not be your ruin cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed and get yourself a new heart and a new spirit turn away from it cast it away from you throw it as far away as you can get a new heart and a new spirit is the way that ezekiel is describing repentance cast the sin away from you and change your heart and your mind so we're going to spend quite a bit of time tonight just doing some of that repentance prayer um seeking the lord i want to encourage you just really work on changing your heart and your mind and pursuing the things that please him tonight is uh the beginning again as i said earlier the beginning of day of atonement so tonight at sunset until tomorrow at sunset i want you to i just want to encourage you to continue in this mindset in a state of prayer and pursuing god and repenting and things like that so just make this whole day is supposed to be about prayer fasting repenting so the things that stood out to me this year every year i try to do something different you know a lot of a lot of congregations they just have a script you know this is how we're going to pray and we just do this it's like a liturgy and i i don't feel like that's sincere i think that it's great reminder and it you know it's great to say okay we need to remember these things these are things we should pray about but i don't feel like it's sincere and that bothers me and so every year i try to try to pray about what what would you have us pray for this year what would you have us seek to do this year and what stood out to me this year was what i read a minute ago in 1st corinthians 6 and galatians five the things that keep you out of the kingdom so if you remember last year we talked about the the seven churches in revelation we prayed according to what was written revelation two and three about the seven churches and this year's as i was looking at it i really feel like we need to be praying about and repenting for the things that would keep us out of the kingdom so i made a made a list of things here that based on what is in galatians and first and first corinthians and that's what i want to lead us out in tonight so go ahead and figure out where you're going to be praying at you know you may want to stay in your chair we're still cutting in and out a lot aren't we any idea what's causing that okay you may want to stay in your chair you may want to get on your knees and just turn around in your chair you may want to come up here to the prayer benches you may want to scatter out to various places in the room just find a place where you're going to be comfortable to just be vulnerable before god and spend some time with him so go ahead and make your way to whatever you're going to be doing right now because i'm i want to get started with that so i feel like the first thing on this list seems to be the most prominent most prelate prevalent thing in the world today is sexual immorality this could include anything like fornication adultery lust pornography homosexuality lewdness uncleanness crude jokes or perversions so i just want to encourage you let's together be in prayer about this you need me to come back there oh you got batteries for me okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so all right we'll see if see if this works a little bit better changed out the batteries nope it's still still cutting in and out take this time to search your own heart and your own mind ask god to reveal to you anything any kind of sexual immorality that you need to repent from this is one of those things that this will keep you out of the kingdom continuing continuing in sexual immorality we'll keep you out of the kingdom [Music] [Music] [Music] but we confess we confess our sins before you that we are we are sinful we confess our sexual immorality to you our fornications our adulteries our lusts pornography homosexuality lewdness uncleanness crude jokes any kind of perversions lord we confess these things to you lord we ask for your forgiveness lord wash us cleanse us remove the stains and the guilt remove the shame but i pray for healing that you would heal the things that have been broken that may be contributing to our immorality lord i pray for forgiveness that you would wash us cleanse us but grant us repentance grant us the ability to repent i ask that your grace would allow us to turn from our sins that your grace would draw us near to you the next thing on the list is idolatry idolatry can take a lot of different forms think about things like where do you spend your money and your time where do you spend your efforts and affections and attention what has priority in your life for some people it may be sports or money popularity television hobbies could also be work for some people because they're consumed with making money so money may be a god an idol could be some kind of a cherished items in your house keepsakes or valuables of some kind it could be vanity some people make an idol out of their own self-image self-worth what people think of them worshiping the mirror in a world where people are consumed with taking selfies vanity vanity is running running rampant in our world today pride is another thing connected with that but idolatry can take any form but it has to do with worship what are you ascribing worth to what do you give value and worth to things in your life that you are prioritizing above god take some time to think and pray repent for any kind of idolatry in your life ask the lord to reveal to you if there's anything in your life that has become an idol to you but we ask that you would search our hearts that you reveal reveal to us the things that have become idols in our life it would help us to tear down these idols i pray that you would cause these idols to go falling and crashing to the ground that we would no longer serve anything but you or tear down those high places tear down those idols reveal to us the things in our life that need to be broken destroyed cast in the fire and we don't want to put anything in place of you we want you to be our one true god lord we repent we repent and we confess our idolatry we repent to you lord for the times that we have not put you first for the times when we did not love you with all of our soul mind and strength or we repent and we confess that we have sinned against you lord forgive our sins would help us to turn help us to turn to you with our whole heart that we wouldn't just be serving you partly but we would serve you completely the next thing on the list is selfish ambition this can include things like theft coveting extortion pride envy gossip love of pleasure drunkenness lies not helping others when they're in need being stingy whether it be with money or with other resources maybe even stingy with time but basically just being selfish various ways this is the way we treat other people lord search our hearts [Music] [Music] lord we confess that we are selfish that we put our own desires our our desire to please ourself we put that above your desire we put that above our desire to please you forgive us forgive us for our selfish ambition for our selfish ways don't forgive us for theft whether that be money or whether that be time whether there be something else taking something that doesn't belong to us forgive us lord forgive us for our covetous hearts always wanting more always wanting something someone else has for not being satisfied with what you have given us us lord forgive us for our pride for envy jealousy lord i pray that you to remove such things from our life what if he goes for gossip and for slander for tearing other people down to make ourselves feel better pushing people down so that we could feel like we're a little higher those selfish things that we do forgive us lord but forgive us for constantly seeking our own pleasure for seeking to just to do what seems pleasurable to us for feasting when we could be sharing our food with those in need forgive us fulfilling our time with meaningless pleasures always seeking to be entertained rather than using our time to glorify you forgive us but forgive us for drunkenness seeking to be intoxicated or filled with some kind of a pleasure finding pleasure in something other than you forgive us lord forgive us for lies the lies we tell the make us look better keep us out of trouble but forgive us for our lies and deceit forgive us lord for not helping those in need for withholding something that we could give to someone in need forgive us lord we're so selfish i was not to be stingy help us be willing to reach out and help those around us who have needs forgive us lord when we don't do that yeshua we want to be like you we want to imitate you we want to model our life after you help us to serve the way you serve to give the way you give to love the way you love us not to seek our own pleasures but seek to do your will next thing on the list is sorcery this could be things such as witchcraft horoscope astrology zodiac fortune telling luck drugs television movies and games that are about magic witchcraft things like that occult practices summoning the dead talking to spirits all of those things come to mind when we think about sorcery but the bible also says that rebellion is just it's connected to sorcery it's as it's as the sin of sorcery so we need to think about times when we've acted in rebellious ways rebelling against our creator rebelling against authority authority that he has established lord search our hearts and reveal to us the things in our life that we need to repent from i want to pray that you purge those things from us [Music] do do [Music] do do [Music] lord forgive us forgive us for our rebellion forgive us for our sorcery but forgive us for the times that we have approved of such things in what we entertain ourselves with movies the games the things that we participate in that are connected to the occult that are connected to witchcraft i would forgive us for our participation and approval of those things lord help us to rid our lives of those things to get them out of our heart out of our mind out of our out of our life and forgive us for doing those things forgive us for participating in things such as luck fortune telling horoscope astrology zodiac things like that that deal with witchcraft and sorcery and magic and lord i just pray that you would remove those things from our life if there's any of those things remain but i pray that you'd remove them lord forgive us for our participation in such things lord if there is anything anything that remains in our life help us to purge that out whether that be some kind of an item that we need to get rid of a video game board game movie book trinket charm or if there are things in our life that we need to get rid of reveal them to us help us to rid our life of those things that do not please you help us to raid our life of the things that would keep us out of your kingdom next thing on the list is anger this can include things such as outbursts of wrath contentions arguments hatred being just being unloving towards others jealousy and we need to remember that the bible likens these things to murder when you're angry when you're contentious when you lash out you lose control of your your emotions your temper runs wild there's murder boiling up inside of you take some time to pray and repent for those things [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] lord yeshua we ask that you would forgive us for our anger for our arguments for our contentions and striving for our hatred lord we ask that you forgive us for those things forgive us for not being loving to others lord forgive us for the the evil that's in our heart to do harm to someone else forgive us for that lord and remove those evil ways far away from us help us lord to love you help us lord to love our neighbor to love our brothers and and lord also sisters us to love our enemies help us to love the way that you love the way that you taught us to love the way that you expect us to love remove the hate remove the anger lord fill us with your love uh next thing on the list is heresy this could include things such as false beliefs or not believing what the bible says it could be believing something different than what the bible says or it could be not believing something that the bible says it could include hypocrisy or not teaching the truth or not obeying his word there are a number of things that it can include it takes some time to pray to reflect ask the lord to search but if there's anything in me that is not of you reveal it so that we can get it out lord forgive us forgive us for heresy we're holding to false beliefs false doctrines lies things that are not true forgive us for holding on to those things lord help us to remove heresy from our life or forgive us for not believing your word not trusting it not applying it to our life lord forgive us for not teaching your word for teaching false things about you forgive us lord forgive us for our hypocrisy i was not to be double-minded of us not to say and not do but help us to be people who live according to your word that model what you have created us to be that model your your life your lifestyle that you desire for us help us to be obedient to you help us to stand firm on the truth and help us to get rid of all the lies to get rid of all the false doctrines reveal to us any anything in us that is in error any false doctrine any lies any unbiblical things that we cling to reveal this to us and help us to purge them from our life not to cling to those things but to remove them to cast them far from us true worshipers worship in spirit and truth you say help us lord to do that help us to worship you in spirit and in truth help us not to not to have lies false doctrines hypocrisy heresy things like that help us to remove those things from our life so that we can worship you in spirit and truth next thing is offenses times when you have offended other people this could be any time you've personally done something whether intentional or unintentional you offended someone you hurt them you hurt their feelings you hurt their reputation it could be gossip could be slander insulting thinking even just thinking poorly of them maybe you didn't say it and maybe didn't do it but maybe you thought about it you thought bad thoughts about someone else you thought about hurting them speaking evil saying something hurtful embarrassing someone else insulting them all kinds of things that we can do to each other that are horrible horrible things but i pray that you to reveal these things to us search our hearts lord reveal to us the offenses that need to be dealt with the offenses in our life that we need to repent from lord forgive us for the times when we have not loved others forgive us for the times when we have hurt damaged done harm offended our brothers and sisters forgive us for offenses lord forgive us for not doing unto others as we would have them do unto us forgive us for not loving them the way that you do but forgive us for gossip talking badly about other people forgive us for just speaking about things that we don't know about saying things about someone else that we shouldn't be saying or forgive us for slander speaking evil of someone else tearing them down ruining the reputation hurting their feelings making them look bad or forgive us for those things forgive us for our thoughts that we think about other people that are wrong forgive us lord bring negative thoughts about other people forgive us for our offenses whatever there would be people who come to the defense of our brothers and sisters that we would not offend them but that we would defend them or that we would love them encourage them strengthen them pray for them that was not to be people who tear down but people who build up it was not to speak evil but to speak life life and peace lord forgive us so the next thing we have to do is realize that if we are holding on to offenses if we are holding onto bitterness if we are holding on to unforgiveness then it doesn't nothing else matters you're not going to be forgiven yeshua says that we'll be forgiven in the way that we forgive others and so if we want to receive his forgiveness his mercy and his grace then we have to extend that to other people and so it's important for us to pray lord search me and show me if i am holding onto bitterness am i holding on to a grudge am i holding on to unforgiveness is there someone who has hurt me that i have not forgiven is there something in my life that is preventing me from receiving your grace lord and we need to forgive those people and let go of that hurt let go of that bitterness search us lord do you know it could be mom or dad grandma grandpa brother sister it could be somebody like that that has hurt you in some way that you need to forgive them if you're holding on to those kinds of wounds those kinds of bitterness you're not gonna find healing for yourself you're not going to find forgiveness you're going to continue to be bound up and trapped you've got to forgive them if you want to be forgiven you've got to forgive if you want to find freedom give grace so that you can receive grace for we come before you seeking your forgiveness seeking for your your grace for your approval your cleansing but lord we we know that you can't and that you won't unless we forgive others so lord we come before you and we we repent of our unforgiveness we repent of our holding onto grudges holding onto bitterness we repent lord i pray that you would reveal to us those whom we need to apologize to and those who we need to forgive would help us to make those relationships right was to bring restoration to relationships in our life would you all stand and join me in the lord's prayer i'll give you a second i know when you get down on your knees it takes a minute to get up especially as your knees get a little older it's the way mine are you should have taught us to pray our father in heaven holy is your name would you join me your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us let us not attend temptation but delivers from evil yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen as we leave this place tonight i just want to encourage you mend those fences if there's someone in your life that you need to forgive forgive them if there's someone in your life who you need to beg forgiveness from do that remember remember the words of yeshua forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us if you want to receive forgiveness from the lord then you must be willing to give it we use this next 24 hours as a time of fasting and prayer seeking the lord reading your bible meditating not eastern meditation may be clear meditating on the word of god meditating on his the things of god meditating on him his holiness his righteousness seeking him standing before an awesome and holy god and realizing that we are unworthy that's that's what this day is we stand before a holy god and we look at our sins and we say god i am i'm not worthy what a wretched man i am as paul says all of my righteousness is a filthy rag i have nothing i cannot save myself and i am burdened and weighed down i'm filthy go before the lord when you leave this place i i just pray that you would continue to stay in his presence and in this mindset of seeking him humbling yourself before him repenting exodus 33 15 is one of my favorite verses in the bible and it's when moses is talking to god and he says if your presence does not go with us do not send us up from here or how will anyone know that you're pleased with me and your people if your presence does not go with us so i i pray as you leave this place that his presence would go with you that you'll be transformed by it should be transformed by his presence in your life i pray that his holiness would become more evident and more transforming in your life [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] is [Music] may the lord bless you and keep you my lord cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you may he lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace you're dismissed and i just asked that you would leave in the same somber and contemplative state that we're in right now and just keep this peace as you walk out thank you guys for coming have a good night
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 1,337
Rating: 4.96 out of 5
Keywords: sermon, church online, sabbath service, live sabbath service, preacher, bible teaching, Lex Meyer, Grafted Church, Torah Portion, Yeshua, Jesus, Bible
Id: aCA4ahEVJa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 56sec (4376 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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