The Creation Story: A Deeper Study of Genesis | SESSION 1

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all right so what we're gonna do is we're going to talk about the creation account and in my mind this is going to kind of be open-ended I'm not gonna get in a hurry about anything we want to stop and take questions and any thoughts you have observations input what-have-you as long as we kind of stay in the topic you know that's fine and so it doesn't necessarily have to just be me talking all the time if you have anything to contribute please speak up and and let's just kind of make it a study all right but as we begin I am actually gonna read from Isaiah chapter 46 if you have your Bible you didn't turn over there with me Isaiah chapter 46 beginning in verse 9 one of my favorite scriptures it says remember the former things of old for I am God and there is none else I am God and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and that's one of the key phrases that we're gonna focus in on declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure and so the reason I wanted to start off with this tonight is because more than looking at the Genesis account as a history lesson I want us to look at it as that but also a prophecy because it tells us what happened but it also tells us what is happening and what's going to happen and that's going to be the goal to demonstrate that the entire book of Genesis for that matter but in specifically these first few chapters of Genesis are more than just a history lesson there are they are a pattern for what's going to happen in fact what we just read in Isaiah when it says that he declares the end from the beginning if I were to translate that out literally from Hebrew it would it could be rendered that he tells us the end by telling us the beginning does that make sense so when he's telling us the beginning in reality he's telling us the end so I'm gonna go to this board here that I just purchased especially for this occasion and I'm gonna borrow for my Brent my friend Brad Scott but let's do this alright that is a line and that's a circle and the reason for this is to get into the idea of linear thinking as opposed to cyclical thinking because most of us anyway we grow were brought up to believe at least when we study theology to look at things in a linear fashion here's the beginning and then along this line there are certain things that happened this is the Covenant that God made with Adam he made the covenant with Noah and then he made a covenant with Abraham and then there's the Mosaic Covenant and then we get on down here and then this is the cross and this is the the New Covenant of course which changed everything that came before everything over here is good and new everything over here is old blood and guts and those kinds of things all right the problem with this kind of dispensational thinking is the word dispense because when you dispense with something what do you do you get rid of it that's one way to that word or one meaning that word has you dispense with something you get rid of it and so what is what's inferred in all of this is that when God made a covenant with Noah it got rid of that when God made a covenant here got rid of that when God made a covenant here it got rid of all that but of course when this happened they got rid of all of this the issue is is however when was the lamb slain over here before any of that happened right so linear thinking linear theology really isn't I don't believe any way supported biblically now does anybody we're gonna watch do we wear watches anymore do you know what time it is 723 alright so when you look at your watch if it's got a minute hand and an hour hand in a second hand I want you to notice that the hands of your watch do not move across the face of your watch like this do that what does it do moves in a cycle it goes the second hand moves every 60 seconds it moves the minute hand one space and then 60 minutes creates an hour twenty-four hours a day and on and on and on and so the point here is the time we measure time cyclically not linearly however when it comes to theology we scrap all of that and then we go to this when we probably should be looking at things theology theologically the same way we look at time the way that God teaches us all right so going back to this if this is correct if linear thinking is correct and once you move on down the line and you get to certain points and then that dispenses with what comes before it what happens to this when you get over here follow the logic on out do you understand what I'm asking you you begin to get rid of it now what's been going on theologically in some circles today right dismissing the importance of the birth the resurrection the death the bear all of those things getting rid of it right we go by our feelings we go by our emotions and I'm speaking and in generalization here well that is this kind of logic being carried out going back to this though if let's say that that's the beginning here and we start going around the cycle when we get back to the beginning we're at the end when we get to the end of the cycle we're at the beginning so the beginning is the end the end is the beginning you can't say that for this because somewhere out here in infinity is the end and this over here is the beginning so they're disconnected but cyclically the beginning is the end the end is the beginning and so if you know what's in the beginning you can kind of tell what's going that what the end is going to be like are you following me here alright so I'm suggesting arguing that this isn't biblical thinking this is more lined with biblical thinking right now we are approaching Rosh Chodesh this weekend is Rosh Chodesh and we'll start a new month the month is that little and a little will lead us into the Montessori the High Holy Days and would come into that the fall season we come into those that's cycle of seasons well these things don't just spread out on the line somewhere they move in cycles fall becomes winter winter becomes spring on and on these are things we already know it's just that most of us were trained to think theologically in this way but we want to look at it cyclically all right is everybody with me there but last point before I go on just underscore point here thinking in cyclical terms the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end which is kind of interesting because when Yeshua appears to John on Patmos and likely does not speak to another Jew in Greek so he would not have said I am the Alpha and Omega he would have said I am the olive and the top because the olive is the first Hebrew letter the table is the last to be letter and of course you'll better understand this when we start our Hebrew lessons here shortly but he probably said I am the olive in the Tov all right so let me write that on the board I want to get into some of these things just to kind of lay some groundwork for kind of how this is going to unfold if he's the olive and table the first and last the beginning in the end that's very interesting because in the very first verse of the Bible in Hebrew he says bruh sheet bara Elohim Edd's olive tov hashem i'm vietze harlots and the presence of the olive tov in hebrew grammatically it serves as a sign of the direct object but rabbinical e it's always been understood that the olive table appears in the very verse very first verse of scripture as an indicator that it was the Word of God from olive to table that created the heavens and the earth in other words it was the Word of God that brought this all into existence that's from her binnacle point of view and so when the Messiah says to John I am the olive and the toe of the first and last beginning in the end - John that would have been a hint that he is the word of God and interestingly John is the only writer in the New Testament that fatica Lee refers to Yeshua as the word of God in fact how does he begin his gospel in the beginning was the word and the Word was with Elohim and the word was Elohim without him there was nothing made so all of that is just to establish as we begin that Genesis is not just a history lesson but Genesis is a pattern for human history even to this very day Genesis also provides a blueprint for spiritual laws and concepts that we're going to develop as we go through this I kind of hinted it well I didn't hit just hint at it I spoke of this the other day kind of getting ahead of myself but I want you to look at Genesis in particular Brigitte in Hebrew as a seed from which all things come both physical and spiritual so but a sheet is the sea from which all things come we're in the book of their frame right now Deuteronomy alright and pretty soon we'll come back and we'll go back to Genesis well but out of Genesis comes Exodus numbers Leviticus Deuteronomy Joshua judges the major Minor Prophets the Gospels the writings of Paul and Peter and all these the book of Revelation all of that comes out of what is established in Brushy tour in the book of Genesis it's like an apple seed when it's planted in the ground it already contains the roots the trunk the branches the foliage the blooms and the blooms that produce fruit God doesn't add those things later during the process it's already contained within the seed and so think of Genesis as the seed from which all of these other things that are written in the Word of God all of them come from in fact even more specifically I would say that most I'm hesitant to say all but I would say that most doctrine most most every pattern most every prophecy concept you can trace them in some form or fashion back to the garden most all of it goes back to the garden so everything is in the beginning just like everything is in a seed and all that the creation needs in order to function according to the creator's purpose is there in the beginning so we're still kind of just giving you the introduction here more than looking at how God created what I want to do and what I believe the Torah does actually is a description of why God created you and I want to understand all of the mysteries of the universe we want to understand how it happened what the sequence of events was chronologically what happened all the nuts and bolts that's the way we think but in reality God doesn't tell us everything we want to know right would you agree most often he tells us just what we need to know we are on a need-to-know basis and the things that we don't need to know guess what he does tell us and it seems to me that when you read the creation account he gives us the highlights he gives us the things that we need to know and he gives us enough information for that leads us to conclude that he is the creator of all things and with every passing day science instead of dismissing a creator is having to come to terms with there is a creator in fact this is a little bit out of my field of expertise but I know enough to be dangerous but right now cosmology is having to abandon the whole notion of a Big Bang are you aware of that you know for years and years and years and years they said it was this big bang that started everything and now the more they learn the more they discover they're actually having to abandon a big bang and left with how did this all start and more and more and more science is proven science not just hypothesis and theories mind you but proven science is having to push them to the realization though they're going kicking and screaming that there is a creator you know I heard a story and I'm hesitant to relate it and but the lady came to me a few years ago in Florida she had her a teaching that I had done and she had a connection to Stephen Hawking who that is okay so she says do you mind if I take this teaching to Stephen Hawking or get it to it I think her son or son-in-law worked with the man I'm like I don't care I don't think he's gonna listen to it but I don't care but it come back through the grapevine and I'm not suggesting at all that it had anything to do with my teaching I'm just saying that through this lady I would I was hearing things that Hawking was you know having some second thoughts about certain things now how it all turned out I have no idea but I just found it very very interesting that the more science really learns as fact it's pushing them to the realization that there is a creator so my point in getting into the is this God doesn't tell us how everything happened because if he told us how everything happened we wouldn't still be questioning how everything happened so maybe what he was doing was he was giving us enough information for us to be satisfied that he's responsible for it but our job is to try to understand why one of the things when we get into Hebrew that I will talk about not so much not limited to even two Hebrew classes but Hebraic thought is not so much about the form not so much about what it looks like how tall is it what color is it those kinds of things the how but what does it do what is its function have you heard me say function in your purpose you know serving our purpose that's what matters most and so that to me is what we want to really get into as far as studying the creation account is not so much to how as much as it is the why why did God establish things why did God create things and so that's going to take me back to the board up here are y'all still awake all right just checking know is Hebrew to you David all right let me step over here to the side I want everybody look at this alright so now first of all if you take the Hebrew classes by the time we get done you'll be able to read that you'll know what it says or at the very least you'll be able to put be able to pronounce the words all right some of you might know what that is but I'm gonna ahead and tell you this is the Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 but a sheet da da Elohim 8 how um I'm vet hobbits now if you're looking at a massive retic text it looks a lot neater than what I just did here but anyway but that's what it is and so we read Hebrew from right to left everybody should know that one okay if you don't go and if you're playing while doing the Hebrew class make sure you get that engrained in you right now we read Hebrew from right to left and before anyone asked me why do they read it the wrong way keep in mind English came a long time after Hebrew alright actually we're the ones that are reading and writing in Reverse but anyway build a sheet but ah Allah he met the Hashem I am the it's hot it's in the beginning God or Elohim created the heavens and the earth right here's what we're gonna go to this word right here more specifically this letter okay because in most text you will see that the very first word of the Hebrew Scripture the very first letter of the Hebrew Scripture the baked which is this letter here is enlarged now why is it enlarged well the scribes wanted to do that for a purpose and so when we see certain oddities in the Hebrew text it's not just superfluous it's intended to kind of be waving a banner and a red flag that says hey pay attention so what is the enlarged Bates supposed to do well the idea that has come down is this why or excuse me how does a man build a house well he takes wood he takes stone and takes brick and mortar and all these things and he puts a foundation in and he builds a house no that's how a man builds a structure a man builds a house by taking a wife because when he takes a wife the idea the function of husband and wife is what to be fruitful and multiply to have fruit to have offspring and so a husband and a wife have offspring those offspring grow up they get married they have offspring and a couple of generations later you've got the house of Jesse you've got the house of David you got the house of Judah you got the house of Israel that's the way it's turned in the scripture so man builds his house not with wood and stone and mortar but a man builds his house by taking a wife and the two become one flesh and as one they produce offspring now it's also understood in that that they raised them in the fear in the admonition of the Almighty and they built a righteous house but we'll get into some of those things later all right so then how does man get the idea that he builds his house by taking a wife it's because that's how the Creator builds his house he also chose to take a wife and so in the very beginning the enlarged bait Abra sheet is intended to tell us that from the beginning the creator's purpose of creation was to build a house he wanted to build a house in which he and his bride could be one and that there would be offspring that there would be fruit from that relationship of course now we're not talking in temporal terms we're talking in spiritual terms but remember how you and I glorify our Father in Heaven does anybody remember what Yeshua said you bear much fruit how do you and I bear fruit this is where the class can get involved here how do you think we bear fruit some say it I heard the word disciple income in what okay in obedience well if you love me you'll keep my Commandments right alright and so if you love me what is that what does that infer what is that talking about let's talking about relationship right okay he's the he's the bridegroom we're the bride right and when we come become one with him we're walking with him we're walking in obedience we're doing what he said to do we're not doing the things he said don't do and in that way well we all can obedience we produce fruit in our lives well it's not just you know not eating shrimp and and catfish it's more than that it's much more than that but when we are walking in obedience and being led by the spirit because we can't walk in obedience if we're not being led by the spirit II Ezekiel chapter 36 bears that out because he says in Ezekiel 36 just a paraphrase when he's gathering his people from the land he says I'm gonna put my spirit within you I'm gonna put my new heart within you heart of flesh I'm gonna put my spirit within you and I'm gonna cause you to walk in my statutes to observe my judgments and do them it seems to me that his spirit in us is what allows us to walk these things out the way he intended aren't but back to the point we bear fruit which infers that we are to be one with him that's what he's doing he's wanting to build his house so this is something that's hinted at from the very beginning in the very first word of Genesis 1 am I gonna go ahead and tell you that tonight we're not gonna make it past verse 1 okay but there is so much in verse 1 that we don't we don't want to really rush these things I hope you're not in a hurry all right but again debate is to imply or to symbolize I should say that God's purpose for creation was to build a house so I'm gonna go one step further with that all right it's not a target but this larger circle represents Eden because Eden was a region that's spoken of in Genesis chapter 2 by the way the the term Eden loosely translated is paradise paradise comes from a Persian word that means an enclosed space so there was a region called Eden now what did he plant in Eden he planted a garden all right I'm gonna start putting the Hebrew so you can start seeing that that's Eden gone is the Hebrew word for garden and then what was in the midst of the garden a tree of life right and the tree of life in the midst of the garden is where the the creator apparently would commune with the man because he came that in Genesis chapter 3 he came walking in the Breezy part of the day or in the cool of the day in the midst of the garden alright so here's my point going on with the idea that creation is a demonstration of God's purpose in that he wanted to build a house where he could dwell with his bride his people and commune with them so we've got this place called Eden and inside Eden there's a garden and inside the garden there's the midst of the garden and that's where the Tree of Life was of course its high and we're tree of life is emblematic of what the Word of God proverbs talked about talks about wisdom the Hebrew word is ha ha wisdom but if you read in Proverbs 8 particularly you'll see that wisdom is synonymous with the Word of God you'll see that wisdom was daily his delight when God was creating everything that wisdom was with God when everything was being created and so wisdom is synonymous with the word of God and proverbs talks about whiz as a tree of life it's a tree of life to everyone who takes hold of it if we had an arc with a sefar Torah in it and on Shabbat if we took that out and if we did a tour processional and we brought it back up here to the platform and we put it back in the ark there is a prayer that is pray recited it's called it's Haim heat which is to say referring to the Torah it is a tree of life to all who take hold of it and that tree of life has two branches the two spindles that you see and the parchments are rolled on those spindles and those parchments are divided up into what is called leaves and so it has all of the symbolism of being The Tree of Life all right so I'm gonna suggest to you though that Eden corresponds to the court that the garden corresponds to the holy place and that the midst of the garden where the Tree of Life was where the Word of God is corresponds to the holy of holies and if that's accurate than what we have in Eden the Garden of Eden the midst of the garden that collectively they constitute the first earthly sanctuary or if you will house because this is being true to God's purpose for creation that he wanted to build a house so again the reason we're getting into all of this is because more than the how creation came to be have we gotten it all figured out do we do we have it all figured out how creation came to be we know that God spoke the worlds into existence okay but what are the nuts and bolts of that we don't know right how is it that these things came to be other than what we read in the scripture no one really knows and science and cosmology try as they might to describe it for us the more they learn the more they realize how much there is they don't know I could have told them that already and I barely made it out of high school so much of the house creation remains a mystery I'm gonna go off a little rabbit trail here for just a second would it be fair to say that we don't have the Creator figured out that be fair do we have lots of questions about just him how all this works has he enlightened you and gaben given you all the mysteries of the universe as it relates to that No so maybe there again we are on a need-to-know basis and would it also be fair to say that where he's concerned there's more about him that we don't know than what we do know would that be fair considering he's infinite he has no beginning he has no end if I send him to heaven you're there if I make my bed and show you're there where can I go that he isn't there I can't figure that out all right so there's more about him that we don't know then there is what we do know so it seems to me that what he asks us to do he he gives us enough information to know him and the rest that we can't understand and fathom with our brain he says to have faith Trust which is something I don't really do well with this it's this so if that is true of the Creator is it possible that it also is true of his creation there's a lot that evolutionist and cosmologists they have all these questions and you know they want theologians to explain it and every time theologians try to explain it you know they scoff at it but the reality is you're never going to explain to an atheist or an evolutionists or some of these people the creator or the creation in any way that's going to satisfy their intellect not fully because there are some things that we have to accept on faith and faith is not something that comes natural to the to the evolutionist and the zoologists and you know all of these people all right that's just the way it is all right let me get back on my my topic here so here we have I believe anyway the first earthly sanctuary again the court would correspond to Eden that's the region that he planted the garden in the garden that's something very specific he planted it and in the midst of the garden was the Tree of Life so it's the first I'm convinced anyway it's the first earthly sanctuary which is just another evidence that his purpose for creation the how I mean it's gonna be the why of creation is to build a house and so later on this kind of gets fleshed out a little bit more in Exodus chapter 25 verse 8 he says to Israel let them build me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them scanty that I may dwell in them literally and so the Mishkan the tabernacle while we're doing Hebrew who might as well do this one too I'm erasing all this assuming that if you're taking notes that you had time to write it down I started to get a huge bored but it was like twice the money so I said I'll erase alright this root word chacón it means to dwell inside to dwell in you could say dwell among but literally means to dwell inside if I take the mem the letter mem and add it to the root word Chacon becomes Myshkin and Myshkin is the Hebrew word for sanctuary or tabernacle and so the point here is that in the word that means Tabernacle is embedded the purpose of the tabernacle because what was the purpose what was the why of the tabernacle so he could dwell with us he could dwell in us he could dwell among us it wasn't that there could be priests per se that was a component of it but the priests were not the purpose of it they supported the purpose of it it wasn't that people could bring sacrifices and offerings that was a component of it but the people brought sacrifices and offerings if they desired to draw near the creator and there is no provocation to draw near the Creator unless the creator is dwelling among you so all of those other things that we associate with the tabernacle are important they serve their role in purpose but their purpose falls flat if he's not dwelling among them so do you see the thing that develops here that from the very beginning the creator has always wanted to abide with us he's always wanted to have a relationship with us and so the creation and all that it entails is the most important questions are not how it came to be but why it came to be and so if you really think about that long you have to realize that the vastness of the universe and how its you know this delicate balance of distances and mass and weights and shapes and all of the things and were anything thrown out of kilter just a little bit the entire universe would be corrupt and some even say that it you know if it was too far corrupt that the universe could implode upon itself and if you think how vast it is and how in our minds anyway infinite it is all of that happened so that he could dwell among his people that he would have a people kind of blows my mind the reason that the creator wanted to dwell among his people it seems is because he wants that relationship and not just with a small segment of people he calls Israel but it's through Israel that he wants to reach other people of course this is going to be embodied literally in the Messiah who is the light to the nation's but now we're going to get into the the role that Israel has to play and by Israel just so will everybody is on the same page here when when I use the term Israel most of you know this but just in case we're not just talking about Israel of old Israel is a name given to the people who are God's people and not just through genetics and DNA and blood lines but in faith because by faith abel by faith Abraham by faith Joseph by faith Sarah by faith Ruth by faith David on and on and on and on what is always motivated God toward people is not who their mother and father were necessarily but their faith let me remember wasn't at the syrophoenician woman who was following after the Messiah and he and she he was she was begging him to to help her daughter if I got my story straight here I'm not mixing up my stories Emma all right okay yeah she's coming and you know she's wanting healing for her daughter and she's the Syrian woman and you know read the account and it's almost like you should comes across as kind of cold you know what have I got to do with you woman you know your your I've come for the lost sheep of the house of Israel you know I didn't come for you is what it seems that he's inferring although I don't think that's what he was saying but he just kind of comes across that way yeah and you're uh you're reading that thinking wow you know that doesn't jive with her God so loved the world but then finally you know the he says the statement about you know is it right for me to give the children's bread to dogs and then she comes back but even the dogs eat the crumbs from the table and then he turns around he says I haven't seen this kind of faith in the people or among the people who should have this kind of faith now he phrased it differently but that was his message my point is he's pointing out not who she was genetically or DNA and bloodlines but he was pointing out her faith that these are the people that the father responds to those who are of faith DNA and genetics and bloodlines I'm not saying they aren't important but according to Paul they're certainly not the most important thing because your DNA won't save you all right genetics won't save you faith it's by faith you're saved right all right so Israel is a term that we use he this congregation to denote those who are God's people primarily because they are people of faith if you are messiahs Paul says in Galatians chapter 3 verse 29 you are the seed of Abraham and heirs according to the promise and of course the seed of Abraham in a word is Israel so the purpose of creation is so that God can have a wife that he can build a house that they can commune with one another and then they could produce fruit well it just so happens that Israel is the identity of that bride we use the term you know a lot of us have used the term church in the New Testament era alright well the church was in the wilderness according to Stephen in Acts chapter 7 and what was the church in the wilderness well it was that assembly called Israel so church is just a word that means assembly in Hebrew would be cahal which is an assembly of people I do it is also another Hebrew word or a DA which is witnesses but all this is to suggest that it's a group of people who have answered that call to be his bride to be his wife to be betrothed to him to join themselves to him and they're motivated by faith and so all of that is to say that Israel God's people plays a very important function in creation in fact rabbis believe that ultimately and I'm gonna read this so I don't get it wrong ultimately that creation exists for the sake of those things that are first or the head namely Israel which is to say God's people now remember this past Shabbat when we were reading the Torah portion we talked about the head and not the tail right and the word rush means head and so what the rabbinical commentary is saying is let's go back to this word here but a sheet and what does put a sheet mean in the beginning one person what does British eat me in the beginning all right look at what is at the heart of the word but a sheet or in the beginning it's this word right here and what does the rush mean head and so this is the idea that rabbis have that the that creation exists for the sake of those things that are first first not necessarily being ordinal you know but in premise II what's the first and Great Commandment here o Israel love the Lord your God with all your heart all your soul all your strength is that the first one that's written no so it's not first ordinarily but it's first in primitive preeminence right so that's what we mean and that's what they mean that creation exists for the sake of those things that are first not ordinal E but in preeminence or those things that are those things that are the head namely that is going to be Israel and by the way I'm gonna drop these three letters down here in a different way here oops here and this is going over here I know I'm getting sloppy here I'm sorry but you'd shame flesh Alif LAAM 'add is israel and in the middle of your 3l are the three letters that form the word rush or ahead do you see the connection okay all righty are y'all okay I'm gonna go a few more minutes here I know we're not gonna keep you too late tonight all right so let me read this statement again kind of get my thoughts here Rebennack Lee's believed that ultimately creation exists for the sake of those things that are that are first or the head which is emblematic are symbolized by the word Rosh namely Israel and so then that is is in a manner of speaking saying that the reason creation exists is so that Israel can exist all right now the next question it would be why does Israel exist what is the function of God's people all right to be fruitful to be his betrothed all right but being fruitful would mean if you love me keep my Commandments doing what he says to do not doing what he says don't to do but then what is the what's understood is going to be the outcome of us doing what we're supposed to be doing and producing fruit multiplication thank you glorifying him yes but glorifying him in the sense that there's multiplication because when oxy goes into the ground the tree grows up it produces fruit what's in the fruit seed what is the seed intended to do to multiply to propagate and if the wind blows the Rua blows the spirit carries that see what happens then that fruit isn't growing in just one spot it's going to spread this is the analogy I've used in times past the house we had here in Cleveland we put in some flowerbeds one year we put in some black-eyed Susans is that what they're called not brown-eyed Susans and black-eyed Susans right okay anyway you know so we planted some of these things and you know they did pretty well next year they just spread out a little bit more you know they were a little more abundant in the year after that they were taking over they were everywhere and I was transplanting them to other beds you know and they just were just prolific they just kept multiplied well but in the multiplication process they didn't just stay in one place they spread out and so when God says be fruitful and multiply what is implied in that statement is that as you are fruitful and you multiply spread out what did he tell the man you know be fruitful and multiply the ideas spread out when Noah comes off the boat and God speaks to him after he just gotten off the ark remember what he said be fruitful multiply and subdue the earth which is to say to me to spread out multiply what did Nimrod and the people who built Babylon want to do they wanted to come together and be in one spot they didn't want to spread out and that was working in defiance of what the Creator had said so again the idea here is that Israel is to produce fruit but it was always understood that Israel in producing fruit was to multiply and spread out not be constricted to one little place they were going to be a light in the midst of the nations in the midst of the darkness but the love the source of that light the source of holiness the Creator dwelling in and dwelling among them living in them working through them it was to spread out and impact the nations around them because ultimately the whole world will be filled with what the glory of the Lord right as the Seas cover the earth that's how his glory is going to impact the earth all right now let me interject this thought into that one what is our inclination at times when it comes to spreading out as God's people what do we tend to do we tend to want to just kind of congregate together you know you know my for and no more or whatever the case may be we want to kind of congregate together we want to isolate ourselves away from everyone else look I'm not I'm not one of those you're not going to see me on a street corner with a sign that says the end is near preaching through a megaphone That's not me I'm not gonna do that but at the same time what you and I are to be about shouldn't be hidden and it shouldn't be isolated and it shouldn't just be for us what we have been given and the one who lives in us wants to work through us to reach out to all of these people that we come in contact with it was always intended to be that way so getting back to the purpose of creation Israel God's people play a very important role in the purpose of creation to be his betrothed to be those who are fruitful and multiply and in multiplying we are being a light to those that we come in contact with now that was first I guess given to Adam that that mission that mandate in fact all right it's eight minutes after a if I go to about 8:15 or 8:20 was that gonna be okay he's not gonna give you any one heartburn okay all right well I'm not I'm probably gonna do that I'm gonna try to discipline myself not to just go on and on and on and on because everybody's got work kids got to go to school things like that but let me go to about 8:20 and we'll call it a session for tonight but if that's the mandate given to God's people and Adam is that first man then it was seemed logical to see to assume then that that mandate and mission was given to Adam can you see the logic in that all right so let's go back to this edan the court the guard the holy place in the midst of the garden the most totally place where the Tree of Life was who did God put there he formed man from the dust of the earth he breathed that new his nostrils the breath of life and then he placed him that Hebrew word could also be rendered appointed him he put him there placed him their own purpose which by the way that also infers that his body was formed outside of Eden okay all right I got to go down this little road for just a second okay notice that Israel Jacob doesn't have wives and children in the land they're all with the exception of Benjamin they're all born outside of the land right in Syria everybody with me all right so when he left Canaan he was by himself he came back he had sons he had daughters he had wives he had flocks it hurts he had been multiplied formed as it were outside of the land outside of the garden outside of Eden all right later on during a time of famine Jacob and 70 Souls go down to Egypt and while there is sojourning in Egypt what does God do he forms them he forms a nation two to three million strong not in the land of Canaan outside of the land of Canaan that is a pattern that is established in the very beginning when God formed the man from the dust of the earth he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and then he placed him in the garden to do certain things one more thought in that vein the prophets are pretty clear on this that God's people by and large live in exile and one day he's going to gather all of his people and he's going to bring them back into the land right and they will no longer say the Lord lives he brought them up out of the land of Egypt but the lord lives who brought them up from the north country and from the West and from all the lands to which he had scattered them so once again what we see happening he is forming his body but he's doing it by and large we're outside of the land one day he's going to put them back in the garden by the way Exodus excuse me Ezekiel 36 talks about gathering from all these places and then when he brings them back into the land the people will pass by and say this place is like a Garden of Eden speaking of the Land of Israel so he forms man from the dust of the earth I'm sorry I went off on that little trail we're back on the main trail now alright but he forms man from the dust of the earth and he appoints him to work and to guard this area so if this is the first earthly sanctuary and Adam is given the mission of working here and guarding it then what does that infer his function is if this is the first earthly sanctuary what would that make him a priest okay what were the priests of Israel to do they were to minister unto the Most High right they were to make sure his dwelling place was clean was kept holy that everything was going and functioning just the way he said it should why because he wants to dwell among his people he's holy they're not really and so we have to keep these things just the way he wanted them so that he wants to stay and then the other part of that is now that he's dwelling among his people there are those of his people who desire to draw close to him well they're gonna draw close to him something has to happen there in a fallen state so they're without the shedding of blood there is no remission so they have to bring these certain offerings and gifts because their desire is to approach the Creator who's going to teach the people what to do when to do it the priest now in Messiah Peter says you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation that you should show forth the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light what's inferred in that statement that if I'm walking in the light I'm producing fruit and I am to be a light in the darkness that that means that there are those in the darkness that will be drawn to that light so all of this is to say that the mission that was given to Israel was first invested in Adam how did that turn out terrible all right yeah that's a good word because he fell he was lured away with looking at this other tree his wife kind of helped him in that but but anyway he was the one responsible and man falls now just because man fell doesn't mean the mission fell just because the man faltered doesn't mean the mission changed and how do we know that I am the Lord I changed not you should the Messiah's the same yesterday today and forever so the mission was not altered only the conditions under which it would be carried out so there has to be this concept known as repentance the Schriever because the shuva makes it possible for the mission to be carried out because the creator has always from the very beginning chosen to work through his people those that he appoints so repentance allows us to return to the creator and to fulfill that mission and Abraham is an excellent example of the concept of repentance and the process of repentance I don't want to get too far off into legend but legend has it that when he was still off from his father Terah was an idol maker and maybe you've heard this that one day Terah went off to town to do some stuff and he left Abram in charge of all the you know the shop and everything where all the idols were and when Terah got home all of the idols were broken on the floor except one and terraces Avram what happened here I left you in charge why what happened here he says well that big idled is still standing over there he jumped off the shelf and he broke all these other idols into a hundred thousand pieces and his father said to him not in Abram you know that can't happen idols can't do that and then Abram says well father than why do you worship them okay now it's a legend you know but apparently something did happen Abram living in herb the COS Dean which is the same as Babylon he's living among Babylonians he's living among idol worshipers he's living among people who worship the Sun the Moon the stars and all these different things and he hears this call to leave your country leave your family leave your father's house go to a place that I will show you and I'm gonna make you a great nation and so when Abram leaves Babylon he steps out of that he passes from death unto life and he starts on this journey go into a place that the writer of Hebrews says he didn't even know where he was going initially but he goes and he crosses over the river and he comes into a land that God shows him and when he's there he says I'm gonna give this land to you and to your descendants and so that is a picture of repentance and ultimately restoration you have to turn away from where you wandered that's what Adam did he was placed outside of the garden you know and at least symbolically he was put away he turned his face away from God God turned his face away from him and there was distance Abram is the picture of how someone starts turning in their face back to the Creator and he begins to turn his face back to them and he says okay now let's meet up but in a particular place everybody still with me here so repentance makes it possible for us to return to the creator and fulfill the mission and that is to be the light and where Abraham is concerned and the Creator even acknowledged this that Abraham's descendants through Abraham because he was faithful would learn God's instructions what God wanted his people to do what he wanted them to abstain from that they would learn these things they would accept these things and their obedience would affect all mankind and so then and we'll close with this thought because it's coming up on 8:20 and we haven't even made it past verse one I hope this is okay all right all right but creation is the story because we're talking not know how but the why creation is the story of the birth of Israel and those people who were given the task of doing what Adam failed to do Adam was placed in a particular land and told to work it and to guard it to keep it holy why so that the creator of all things could continue to commune and live and dwell among man Adam failed in that and so creation is the story in the book of Genesis at large is the story of the birth of Israel and that is a people who are tasked with fulfilling the mandate that was given to Adam of course they're gonna fail multiple times as well and that's why the last Adam had to come set things in order so that you and I would have the prime example of how weird to do this I mean I'm gonna pause did anyone have any questions or anything that they thought something an observation you'd like to to share or to add to what we talked about yes here's how I'm going to answer your I see I see what you're saying here's how I'm going to she's asking what what the purpose is now as far as as given to Adam he failed and so he was supposed to take care of the garden so what do we do now how does that work for us now how do we appropriate that and you're saying we're supposed to live in the word and that in cultivate that right all right here here's how I see it okay we're the garden all right parable to the sower so we're scattered seed right he's so seed some falls among the wayside some falls on stony ground some falls among the thorns and thistles but some falls on good ground and it produces fruit some 30 some 60 some one hundredfold so yeah the seed is the word all right but where does the seed have to get planted here all right so when Adam was working in the garden yeah it's it's soil it's working in dirt so to speak all right to tend it to make sure everything is as it should be you know first and foremost it starts with me as an individual I have to be born again of the incorruptible seed the ground has to be broken up that it will receive the seed of the word so that it will produce fruit and sometimes I got to work the weeds out I got to pull the weeds that want to gather you know I have to continually make sure that everything is as it should be so that the word continues to grow in me and produce fruit in my life and then take it another step family all right because the man biblically is the priest of that home and it's the priests responsibility you know people do what they want to do women do the wife does things she says things the children do things they say things but ultimately the family unit the responsibility for that family unit comes back to me the husband the father the priest of that home and so if my house is out of order guess who creator's gonna come speaking to not her know them but me who did God go to speak to he didn't go first to the woman or the serpent he went to the man who told you were naked have you eaten from the tree I told you not to eat from yeah he addressed everyone else in due course but he came to the first one he came to the roof she came to the head so it starts with me as a person my family that's my garden I have to tend to that I have to guard that I have to make sure that things don't encroach in and what is the standard it's the word it's what the creator has spoken is what he has instructed us to do it do nots do that is the standard in personal family alright then we're gonna expand it a little more community again the standard is the word but this is our garden as a community and we have to collectively work to make certain that the word remains the standard and that everything the conditions and environment are proper so that his presence wishes to abide with us to remain with us because of his presence isn't here we're wasting our time right it's our job to work the garden to cultivate the garden to guard it to make sure that nothing walks through that door that's going to pollute and contaminate we're by his presence wouldn't be welcome here whether that's an attitude you know gossip or just you know rebellion whatever it may be the word is the standard so I mean we could expand it on out from there but that's that's how I see it we we have a garden here we have a garden here and we have we have this collective garden here that will work you know so anyway anyone else want to add anything before we dismiss for this evening well let me let me ask you this I don't know what you had in mind when we said we're gonna study creation but tonight we just kind of laid the groundwork laid a little bit of a foundation for you know how I'm approaching it but again I want I want you to know that when we get into this and if I'm talking it doesn't matter if you have a question you have a thought raise your hand and go ahead and let's let's address that because you know sometimes we'll we'll forget and this isn't going to be like a you know a regular service or anything you know if you raise your hand the middle of the service I'm gonna say wait until after the service here it's different all right I want you to you know feel free to ask questions but let's just try to keep him on topic did you want to ask something all right go right ahead oh the the last word in the first verse okay yeah I'll write it up here when we when we conclude all right Nayla the body is a Peter says is a royal priesthood yes as far as the home in the home the the husband the father is serves in the capacity of priests of the home but as a body collectively we are all regarded as a royal priesthood right so we're all ambassadors that doesn't matter for male or female you know we're all to be his representatives we're all his bride male and female but but when it comes to a family unit there is a particular order yes even in this even in as a community you know even though we're all considered a priesthood even though we're all ambassadors even though we're all disciples he there is God there has to be a certain order there have to be those that you know he comes to and says okay what's your problem you know and you know and if I'm if Beth and I are going to be the ones that are kind of the congregational leaders then it's our responsibility first and foremost if you will as the head and I don't you know when we get any of these words you you have to understand lay aside what you've you know how terms have been misappropriated misused and try to understand what I'm saying okay so we're you know if we're kind of designated as the heads so to speak you know that would be similar to what the husband's role in a family unit would be doesn't mean the in the family you're beneath his feet you know say there's evidence right there that you know well let's go back to what the priest of old did they had to make sure that the sanctuary was holy right it was as he instructed that everything was in proper place or else his presence wouldn't long abide there right okay where the people were concerned bringing their gifts bringing their offerings what would the priesthood by and large charged with to teach the people to distinguish between holy and profane clean and unclean in other words no that's not the proper way to approach the creator you have to do it a certain way and they were instructed to make sure to teach the people the proper way so collectively as a royal priesthood we go out here engage the world what's the world want from you they want you to coexist they want you to tolerate they want you to enable they want you to endorse what they're doing right what do you have to do no this is right this is wrong this is clean this is unclean if you you know if you want to approach the Almighty then he's not going to condone that lifestyle that goes against what he said so in a very broad way when I'm our role as priests is when we're out there in the world we're to be an ambassador a faithful representative of what is clean and unclean what is holy what is profane what is acceptable what is not I'm not one of those just like I'm not going to get it on a street corner with a you know placard and a megaphone at the same time I'm not going to go into somebody's house and start you know telling them this is wrong that's wrong etc you know but I'm gonna live my life in a way that when it when their lifestyle wants to encroach on what the standards are I'm gonna say no that's not proper that's not right you know and so I'm being a priest in that regard I'm alive and yes sometimes through my words I'm telling people this is clean this is unclean this is holy this is unholy so that's what I'm that's what I see anyway so we're all functioning in that regard Zarek was first David what well here's here's how I translate what you're saying into to my world there is a stricter standard for teachers who teach the word then for those who don't you're aware they're right so that's why I'm always very very careful to say now this is what the scripture says and then this is Bill's opinion this is what Bill understands today you know so that's not of us says the Lord that's what Bill understands right now our this is my opinion or this is something you know this is how we could look at it but then there are those things that are absolute there are those things that are black and white those things that are just concrete and foundational in the immovable you know and we can't budge on those kinds of things so a teacher is you know a little there are ranks in the kingdom that's that's Bible and to whom much is given much is required so the Creator goes to those that are higher up so to speak in terms of rank I guess you'd say and I hesitate to use that terminology but I don't know what else to use it doesn't dismiss every person having to bear their own responsibility it's just that like in a congregational setting if something's going on it's my responsibility to address it and if I don't address it it's going to affect everybody and everybody is going to have to answer for how they respond to that but ultimately I'm gonna have to stand before the creator and him say why didn't you do what you're supposed to do you know so that that's we're in an army we are called army more than one time and so there there is there are those dynamics at work all right anyway well David was and then I'll come to you Dana well we're not live-streaming this no just for the people in the it's not gonna be played for everybody it won't be the first or last time yes sir well I think I know what you're gonna ask me but go ahead go ahead yeah I did say that in a very broad way but to put a little finer point on it I don't believe that everybody who is a it claims to be a believer is necessarily the bride okay look at it this way there is Israel and then the Levites are set apart from Israel and the priests are set apart from the Levites all right everybody's part of the kingdom right but not everybody goes into the holy place right so if you can grasp that then the bride goes into the chamber but not everybody is necessarily the Bryant so I do see it that way I use that terminology in a very broad way and I'm glad you you you brought that up exactly exactly it doesn't mean you no one's disqualified from the kingdom necessarily it's just like there are the greatest in the kingdom there's the smallest in the kingdom and what did what determines whose greatest and who's this who's the least those who keep my Commandments and teach others likewise are the greatest in the kingdom those who don't and teach others likewise will be considered least in the kingdom so I am of the opinion that the bride and the priests are kind of synonymous in terms okay because the priests well the Kohen iime all right the priest went into the holy place all right not all the Levites did right but the Levites were still very important component all right whether they're the the guests of the bridegroom or they're the attendants I don't know how that works out but but do you understand what I'm saying right so yeah I do believe that and the probably the most important component of that is in terms of knowing the Hebrew idea of knowing ya BA to be intimate Adam knew his wife and she conceived and bore a son right they were one they were intimately one and so massage prayer in John 17 is that we would be one first of all with each other and that we would be one with him and the Father even as he and the father one so that was his prayer that we would be that closely connected to him now many are called few are chosen and really literally rendering that out all are called but few choose to answer that call all right yep well first of all I don't know but I will say this I think we're gonna be very very surprised and who is the bride and who isn't I think we're gonna be very surprised and who is in the kingdom and who's not in the kingdom and Yeshua said something along those lines when he's speaking to the religious people of his day he said I'm paraphrasing he said publicans are tax collectors and harlots are going to enter into the kingdom before some of you people do and so obviously there is that concept there that what they know up here that isn't this is the most important thing you know because you know it's like that thief on the cross he was obviously guilty of some crime okay but he had good sense to say remember me when you come into your kingdom right so there is that concept that we can see in the scripture that those who their hearts or two for him and toward him and he is merciful the compassionate so you know to say emphatically can that happen in regard to what your question was I don't know wouldn't be so presumptuous as to say yes or no but I will say that he looks at that heart and will be something we're gonna all be surprised about a lot of things when we get into the kingdom one more because it's getting known into the the night was when Dana was first over here and I'll come back to you well again there is rank in the kingdom that's yeah it relationship is based on blood the Messiah's blood that's in the acceptance of that and belief in that and confidence in that that's why we are in this relationship but then there are those things that you know it boils down to how committed am i how close do I want to get you know and how much there is left of me is going to determine how close I get to him and so I think it would be fair to say then that those who are the bride are those that Paul said it's no longer I who live but Messiah who lives in me those who overcame by the blood of the Lamb the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives even to the death I don't think everybody fits into that category in fact usually the Bible calls that a remnant right and and so I would I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the remnant is the bride which is emblem as oppressed - at the Coenen who went into the holy place you know it's a remnant there's there's this large family right but then there are those who are set apart from those who were set apart from those who are set apart alright we're back in you wanted to ask or say something real quick No well I would say you know this is miss my view those who have a holier-than-thou or I'm better than you or superior to you are generally speaking of a religious mind and not so much of a relational mind okay and and of course I will go to my grave declaring that God could care less about religion what he wants is relationship you know so you know there is that when you use terms like rank or leadership or something like that that look that can offend someone who has a religious mindset and a religious way of thinking but if someone is doing what Micah said we're supposed to do do justly love mercy and walk humbly with our God if someone is is manifesting the fruit of that kind of life then they won't have to put on their business card that their rabbi so-and-so or their apostle so-and-so or their prophet is so-and-so they don't have to do that it'll be obvious by the fruit in their life did you agree alrighty folks it's 8:45 let's do this let's this ask the Father by his presence and spirit to seal what we've been discussing here today in our hearts those things that he wants us to retain and before we go our way our Father we do thank you for your word we thank you for the richness of it and we thank you for your presence and your spirit that that spirit of truth that leads us into all truth and we just pray that you will continue to do that father that you will by your spirit lead us into all truth and let the truth that we hear provoke us to adjust our lives where it's necessary and to amend our ways where it's necessary and as we enter begin to enter this very very special season we pray father that we would already be at work searching our hearts making sure that there is no unclean thing in us so father we ask that you would purchase with hyssop and that you would cleanse us from all unrighteousness by the blood of the Messiah and that you would renew our minds by your word and that you would lead us by your spirit help us to as we go back to work tomorrow and children go back to school and we're facing different things I pray father that you will equip us that you will and enable us to walk upright before you to be to be stewards of what
Channel: Bill Cloud
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Keywords: bill cloud, shoreshim, torah, bible, shabbat, shabbat night live, hebraic roots network, brad scott, michael rood, messianic, prophecy, rapture, sabbath, daily devotional, perry stone, a rood awakening, jewish history, judaism, christianity, joel richardson, mount sinai, israel, jerusalem, conservative, hebrew roots movement, unlearn, bible truth, hebrew, yeshua, messiah, politics news, donald trump, jesus, yhwh, 119 ministries, jonathan cahn, end times, last days, monte judah, revelation, esau
Id: sCHU_oPzx8o
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Length: 87min 37sec (5257 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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