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oh we are going to dab inha we're going to hear uh the torah red we're going to hear some words of torah it's going to be a one in your if you would please rise if you're able on 361 as the ark is opened we begin on is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] new you may be seated we turn to our tour reading on page 362. the reading itself goes on page 363 we get a list of laws from the book of vayikra that we're going to be going through and why these laws at this time i'm actually going to ask that we're going to take 36 seconds no more no less what's the point of throwing a lot of laws at you right now at the towards the end of yom kippur if you are with someone on our i forgot to welcome everyone joining us on live stream um if you are with someone if you are sitting here with someone whose uh air you are used to breathing then turn to them and have a discussion if not please do not get closer to the people around you just think on your own why might the rabbis throw this reading full of laws at us right at the end of yom kippur there could be a practical answer it could be a spiritual answer there could be a legal answer take i've spoken too much take 18 seconds take 18 seconds ready set go i will be calling on sam haas i will be calling on phil cheryl just have answers ready to go guys sam's like why do i show up wait we're giving everyone a second to think rabbi we're giving everyone a second to think before the smartest guy in the room just jumps in and tells us all what the answer is so i'm sure this is very exciting for all of our guests on live stream and uh we'll be back shortly so rabbi why okay so that's my question why do we throw all these laws at you right now uh we're gonna i'll shout out so people can hear the answers yeah i'm not sure i can repeat that one that was great so so not so much an answer just as adding on to the incredulity of why are we looking at this and you know this is an odd list of things to pick for right now i i like it mr cheryl did you have your hand up earlier or just because you knew i was going to call on you okay so it's sort of it's in case you missed something that you're supposed to atone for we're gonna read uh a lot of things that you better be atoning for right now um could be i like that i like that um any others any others of before we get to actually reading it of why rabbi did you have i didn't mean to cut you off i'm very sorry okay uh if he doesn't know then we're all sunk okay um i was going to say it's just because it's really convenient from the morning's tour reading but you know on from rolling it place all right um we are have we have i uh are all of our leo sufficiently ready yeah oh ross sorry excuse me okay so this is sort of uh it's the same as what phil is saying but but looking the other direction it's not here's a list of laws things you better atone for it's we're all pure right now these are the things to look out for as you leave this place okay i like it i like it if anyone on our live stream has ideas after the reading of this um go ahead and send an email after yantiff to rabbi cosgrove with your ideas of why we read it now vertical level is you foreign [Music] [Music] for honoring our bhima with your presence and for your words of wisdom uh joy and sunshine from earlier today as always we turn now to the second aliyah which can be found on the middle a bottom of page 363. we call brian schreiber to the bema second aliyah barahuda [Music] [Music] foreign brian thank you we turn to the bottom of page 364. bottom of page for the mofthir aliyah and we call on stephen markowitz for the honor of [Music] [Music] ah all right thank you steven we'll hear from you in just a second if you are able i invite you to please rise as the safer torah is lifted undressed [Music] is [Music] foreign you may be seated before we continue with the half torah which can be found on page 367 it is a pleasure and honor to welcome to the bhima to give us words of wisdom one of the newest members of the senior leadership of the synagogue we are delighted to introduce rabbi lori kaufman who is the director of content and innovation if you heard uh our chairman's speech last night basically everything he was talking about is rabbi kaufman's job tradition innovation all right there on under tradition part and i'm working with all of you oh is that right okay um but we are really honored and delighted to have you uh on our team um you have already uh rabbi kaufman made our are synagogue better you are pushing us in all of the right directions and we cannot wait to see what the synagogue is going to be under your guidance and vision um so thank you for joining us today to teach us from uh something quite old uh from the book of jonah as we um look to the haftorah now thank you for those lovely words and um it's a true joy and delight and pleasure to be here and part of this amazing community and this amazing team so shannatova everyone so in a few minutes we will read from the book of jonah as is the tradition on minha of yom kippur and it's an odd prophetic book in many many ways and many scholars have commented on it and there are perhaps as many interpretations of the book of jonah as there have been scholars over the millennia so um i want to add my take here's my read jonah is one book with four chapters each chapter has its own theme with four essential yom kippur messages let's start with chapter one for those who don't know the story god calls to jonah and tells him to go to nineveh and warn the inhabitants of imminent destruction because of their evil ways jonah wants nothing to do with this task he runs away he runs down via red to the port of yaffo jaffa where he goes down valle red again onto a ship and the ship is headed to tarshish the opposite direction of nineveh that's how far he wants to get from this task well god's not so happy with jonah's actions and so what does god do god causes a raging storm upon the sea and when the storm rages the sailors start to scream and yell at each other they're terrified for their lives they throw things overboard to lighten the load where's jonah to be found in all this he has gone down yet again into the hold where he is sound asleep the captain says jonah how can you be sleeping so soundly it's a good question in the midst of this tempest how is jonah managing to sleep well the biblical commentators also wonder the same thing rashi adds that he says to jonah this is no time for sleep a barbanel says that the captain says don't you see the difficulty of this moment and the danger in which we stand how can you not feel it and ibn ezra suggests that jonah sleeps to hide from the danger of the sea and god's anger here's what i think i think that jonah does what so many of us do when we are confronted with a task we don't want to do when stuff gets hard or unpleasant we flee we run we watch tv we sleep we numb ourselves we choose flight over fight there's even a psychological term for it it's called the amygdala hijack the problem is we can't actually run away from our problems because just like god in this story they keep coming back avoidance doesn't solve our problems the deadlines will still be there real responsibilities cannot be ignored or escaped especially when they challenge us and they push us our task is to answer the call to say hiney here i am on to chapter two after jonah is hurled into the sea by the sailors at his request to stop the sea from raging chapter 2 opens with that infamous big fish swallowing jonah hall unlike the rest of the book which is narrative chapter 2 is poetry and the imagery is poignant jonah describes his descent down into the depths into the sea into the heart of the sea the floods engulfing him the breakers and billows sweeping over him the waters closing in on him the deep engulfing him weeds twined around his head as he sinks to the base of the mountains and the earth begins to close upon him forever and in that instant when jonah is almost at the very very bottom what does he do he prays to the very god from whom he is fleeing as the old saying goes there's no atheists in a foxhole jonah prays because he knows that even in the deepest darkest moment of his life you should not give in to despair somehow jonah is able to hold on to hope jonah prays because he understands something that we often forget no one knows what the future might hold anything can happen life is full of surprises that even a fish that swallows us whole might actually spew us out onto dry land in one piece which is exactly what happens in this story life is full of second chances never give up hope chapter 3 god tells jonah to once again go to nineveh and warn the inhabitants which brings us to a question many scholars have raised why does god care so much about the ninevites as scholars have pointed out all the other prophets of israel work in a national context they're messages addressed to the people of israel directly jonah however diverges from this typical prophetic way and he engages actually with no israelites in the story he speaks with the mariners he speaks with the captain he speaks with the ninevites and the god with whom he engages is not the typical god of israel we see with the prophets but a god who cares about the whole world biblical scholar robert alter calls the book of jonah its own kind of ad hoc narrative which aims to recast traditional israelite notions of prophecy in a radically universalistic framework in other words god the book of jonah teaches us that god doesn't just care about the israelites god cares about every living soul even the beasts as we will later learn this time jonah has learned his lesson this time when god calls to jonah and tells him to go to nineveh jonah heeds the call he preaches god's warning and the ninevites repent sincerely and promptly here's how chapter 3 closes god saw what they did how they were turning back shavu the same rude as shiva they turned back they did shiva they turned back from their evil ways and god renounced the punishment that had been planned for them and did not carry it out in other words witnessing their contrition god spares nineveh which actually makes jonah ironically the only successful prophet in our bible of the 15 prophets in our bible only jonah is able to achieve repentance on this day when we dedicate ourselves to repentance to renewal to asking god for forgiveness we read jonah to remind us to always maintain faith in the possibility of human transformation and lastly chapter four jonah becomes overcome with consternation at god's forgiveness so much so that he asks god to end his life but god has other plans for jonah first a gourd appears a kikayon providing shade for jonah from the blistering sun and this makes jonah really happy but the plant wasn't an act of divine mercy it turns out it was part of a divine lesson because god soon provides a worm the worm eats the plant and the plant dies jonah his gourd gone becomes distraught and with the heat of the sun beating upon him he begs god once again for death rabbi jonathan sacks of blessed memory has a beautiful teaching about this part of the narrative he says that by providing and then killing the gourd god teaches jonah to care by giving him something and then taking it away loss he says teaches us to value things though usually too late what we have and then we lose we don't take for granted the religious vision is not about seeing things that are not there rabbi sachs says it's about seeing the things that are there and always were but were never noticed or paid attention to faith says rabbi sax is a form of attention it's a sustained meditation on the miraculousness of what is because it might not have been faith is about not taking things for granted rabbi sachs reminds us to pay attention to really pay attention and be grateful for even the tiniest things in our life back to the narrative what is god's response to jonah's death plea god says you cared about the plant which you did not work for and which you did not grow which appeared overnight and perished overnight should i not care about nineveh that great city in which there are more than and twenty thousand persons who do not know their right hand from their left and many beasts as well and with that the book concludes what is the lesson of this last enigmatic chapter what is the meaning of god's perration the midrash gives us a clue the rabbinic sages postulate that in the moment god stopped speaking jonah fell upon his face saying god guide your world by the attribute of mercy in other words the jonah who yearned for a strict world of justice a black and white world of right and wrong when where evildoers are punished that jonah learned that god shows mercy for all creatures and so should we we read this book of jonah in these moments before ni'ila before our final pleas to god for forgiveness to remind ourselves that each and every one of us must open our hearts to compassion must open our hearts to forgiveness how can we be more compassionate parents less judgmental colleagues more forgiving friends how can we work to create a more merciful world jonah one book four chapters four reminders to stop sleeping through life wake up heed our call to hold on to hope and always choose life the change is possible we can be better and that compassion and forgiveness are our divine responsibility may we all be sealed for a sweet healthy year of blessing thank you for those beautiful words of wisdom and cannot wait to spend more time learning from you in the days weeks years to come thank you very much we turn to the half torah on page 367. we're back in our marx or [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] more [Music] [Music] [Applause] steven markowitz thank you the great half torah reading gemartov we turn back we return our mock stream to page 372. page 372. if you're able i invite you to please rise as we return the safer tour to the ark [Music] [Music] israel hallelujah [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so may be seated for a moment we go to the khati kadash on the bottom of 373 followed by the silent amidah which can be found on page 213 373 [Music] is [Music] [Music] if we're able to invite you to please rise silent amida for minha is on page 213 through to 221 when you've completed dramida the words on the page or the words in our hearts you may be seated you ready if you're still happening please continue at your own pace we continue with the repetition of the amidah i invite you to rise as the ark is open page 374. [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] may be seated continuing 3.75 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] to invite you to rise for the caduceus page 376 [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] i [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] may be seated continuing 377. [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] if you're able middle of page three hundred and eighty shema koalenu hear our voice adonai our god and be kind [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] um we remain standing as we turn to the bottom of page 361 in preparation for ashamu and prayers of confession [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] let's [Music] [Music] [Music] we continue on the top of page 384 alright [Music] hello [Music] [Music] a [Music] foreign [Music] oh return to page 386 you may be seated [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh for able to invite you to rise as the ark is opened avinu malcanu page 389. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is kendra davis thank you for leading us in a beautiful minukah service uh and for all that you do for the community rabbi kaufman thank you for your words of wisdom um and highlighting uh four really interesting themes in the book of jonah we can't wait to learn more from you uh stephen markowitz we can't wait to hear more from you and your beautiful reading of jonah thank you very much darcy dalton thank you for your torah reading uh rabbis thank you for all that you do for our community uh as well rabbi cosgrove robert zuckerman to urbanic intern gabriella kornsgold if you haven't met her yet make sure to say hello to our cantorial intern sydney lazar thank you for leading so many services so beautifully and uh and to cantor schwartz who's gonna fly in in a second for naila uh we thank you for your leadership uh shannon tovanga martov just a reminder so naila is about to begin uh here 6 15 downstairs 6 15 at fifth avenue after services this evening marie will be at 5th avenue in at fifth avenue and here will be downstairs is that correct so if you want to go to marv as soon as soon as the service is finished here head straight downstairs for marv anything i'm forgetting with that have a sweet and healthy new year the day's through [Music] the sun is setting the gates are closing we are here with you keep open the gates keep open the gates for us [Music] at the end of the day the sun is setting the gates are closing the day is through the sun is setting the gates are closing we're here with you [Music] keep open the gates keep open the gates for us keep open again at the end of the day [Music] at the end of the day [Music] the sunny city the gates are closing the day's thrones the sun is setting the gates are closing we are here with you [Music] keep [Music] open the gates [Music] at the end of the day the sun is setting the gates are closing we are here with you the sun has begun to set and the holiest day of the year is about to come to a close we are weak from fasting and tired from a long day of prayer on the one hand we may be looking forward to resuming our normal lives confident in our having cleanse ourselves and grateful for the chance to be a begin again on the other hand we're especially conscious of the passing of sacred time of the spiritual work that remains yet undone any of the extent to which we squander opportunities today and throughout the year the service of naila reflects these complicated emotions containing both joyful expressions of confidence and urgent pleas for just a little more time a little more time before the gates close good evening welcome to the final section of our yom kippur journey the nila service we open up our makhsorim we open up our hearts to page 395 394 ashrae yoshveh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] you're able to please your eyes foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] let's take a few minutes for our silent meditations the final one of yom kippur page 398. we begin silently through 406. the words in hebrew in english on the page or in our hearts reflecting on our aspirational selves and how we can arrive there in our lives and amongst our loved ones please go at your own pace when you're concluded you can be seated [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] on mine [Music] so please continue at your own pace with your meditations we turn to page four hundred and seven elenora alilah [Music] um [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] love cantor that's my favorite i have a pavlovian response to that you know why because it means we're in the home stretch and what i've learned about the home stretch is that you have to make announcements now before ever because you can't make announcements once a shofar blast is heard and so not if you want them to be heard so a few announcements um because we're not yet done with uh yom kippur but sukkot begins this monday um we are decorating our sukkah with special designs led by our artisan residents alan alt so everyone's invited um just come on up and and be part of the decorating of the sukkah um we're celebrating as a programming uh you know we have tip top stuff under rabbi kaufman and we have a dialogue with dan doctoroff on tuesday october 12th to discuss ways we can build a more just and equitable post pandemic new york city so that should be fabulous and if you haven't yet downloaded pas connect then i would ask everyone to do so so even uh to watch the sermons maybe you heard this rabbi sermon you want to hear that one or you want us you know whatever it might be it's all up there as well as all sorts of content all year round ever being refreshed music and learning and otherwise so a whole virtual campus of goodies um every single day of the year on a lay level i want to thank darcy dalton danielle morris lauren albert and maxine dover our fabulous lay ushers who have kept all of you in line over the course of services and when i want to thank people the problem with thanking people is the more you include the more you exclude if i forget someone then i'm going to feel terrible and that person will feel terrible so i just want to read something to you every year you know the sermon book that was put together that collects all the sermons i usually pick one person and i usually you know a teacher of mine a colleague of mine a family member of mine someone living someone not living who who i feel like the the greatest uh um thing i can do is is to dedicate um uh uh something to someone i love um and and i i wrote and i want to share with you what i wrote because i wrote the strength of a synagogue is a reflection of its membership and i thank every park avenue synagogue member resident and non-resident for your abiding confidence in our communal mission our success is made possible by the infinite time wisdom and love of our committed lay leadership and i thank the board and officers led by our chairman mark becker and our president natalie barth for your tireless labors it's equally important to spotlight the efforts of the park avenue synagogue staff family this year has tested our professional team in ways no one could have imagined colleagues have worked together while apart work-life boundaries blurred and altered job responsibilities everyone has done their utmost all the while trying to care for their own mental and physical health and that of their loved ones from our security guards to our educators from our maintenance team to our av professionals and everyone in between i know i speak for the entire community when i express my gratitude for your professionalism your kindness and your inexhaustible energy this past year you have kept the fire of our community burning brightly i thank you from the bottom of my heart and i dedicate this volume of sermons in honor of each and every one of you so i want um not just this book but i want the sentiment in this room and i'm not going to point out you know technicians or ushers or choir members or or otherwise because it's the entire staff of this community that is deserving of praise and gratitude and if the best thing the only thing i would ask of you if you're walking out and you see the security guard if you see a maintenance team crew if you see a av technician just wish them a shana tava and thank them because if it wasn't for them none of this would be happening and so i i express my gratitude constantly and especially on a night like tonight finally the efforts of the synagogue happen by way of the leadership of the past our achievements are only happening on the shoulders of giants to rabbi lincoln who's not here but we are very much thinking of him and he of us to him and his family we wish rabbi lincoln a sweet and health-filled year ahead and to cantor lefkowitz we honor you by inviting you to come up to the bhima one of the great honors of all to open up the ark at the ni'ila service to you and your family cantor we're always honored by your presence we thank you for your leadership that has brought us this to this moment and we hope that it is a year of only sweet things and we express our gratitude to you cantor as a community i'm representing all those who came before us uh we will sort of dispense with all that you can rise you can sit the ark will be open there might be a moment or two but it's naila we've all been fasting all day if you need to sit and sit if you want to stand and stand we'll we'll get through it together and a reminder after the shofar blast the mariv service anyone who's going to join us will be downstairs immediately to follow so i'm kendra lefkowitz and to the community please rise the ark is opened the cantor's repetition of the ni'ila amida [Music] [Music] you sure [Music] i am [Music] let alone [Music] [Music] is foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] him foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] far [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are on the top of page 410 hear us forgive us today for the day is ending and we shall praise you our awe inspiring holy one shaman [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] i [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we may be seated as the art comes who is closed kendra schwartz how much time do i have how are we doing rabbi take as much time no you can't you gotta what does it normally say when a rabbi takes off his watch and puts it on the table hopefully that you're like absolutely nothing um but all right no seriously i know you have this timed like swiss timing so ten minutes okay all right let's use our time well um as we approach this final moment of naila the question is how should we feel patachlanushar the sea door says the mothra says be at nailat keep open the gate for us at the time of the closing the date for the day is coming to an end and i want to you know throughout this holidays i harvest stories stories of congress and stories of family members the maxes the sams the gabes all the the personalities of whom i've spoken of that bring the themes of the holidays to life and i want to tell you one last story because i think it captures how we should be feeling exactly at this moment but i need to take a step back i was having coffee this summer with a dear friend in a long time congress a man by the name of ben winter and we were just catching up and he was sharing tidbits about his life and his family story and he told me that his grandfather maurice linder had been a past chairman of the society for the advancement of judaism presently still on 86 where rabbi mordecai kaplan one of my great rabbinic heroes served as rabbi not only was ben's grandfather maurice actually um involved there but he was the past chairman of the synagogue and he um and so we had this lunch and the the kaplan center kaplan was one of the great rabbis one of the great thinkers but he was also a great diarist all of his diaries are kept in an archive and it was actually quite tragic this year the chief archivist a man by the name of dan cedarbaum passed away and it's my hope that we as a community can continue to support the records of this great rabbi as well as this great chapter of american jewish history but i had this breakfast i sent an email um to the archives and i said do you have anything in the kaplan archives on a man named maurice linder and um sure enough i got three diary entries back um two of the diuret diary aunties were in fact about maurice's fundraising skills he was sort of kaplan's right-hand man whenever his congregants needed to be separated from their hard-earned money it was linder who kaplan sent and he was hugely successful ben if you're watching something i will remember if i ever need to send you to separate another congruent from their hard-earned money but it was a third diary entity that stopped me in my tracks because this diary entry was dated december 5th 1944 and it reads this is kaplan's word i just returned from a pastoral visit of a very sad nature jerry linder the 24 year old son of maurice linder chairman of saj and the reconstructionist foundation was reported missing since november 17th when he took part as a medical aide in a battle on german territory 1944 december i found his father mother and sister who would ultimately become ben's mother in their dressing gowns the father and mother were in tears and vide with each other in recounting the wonderful character and traits of their son he read widely in history and literature he was conscientious he couldn't tolerate any discrimination or injustice he would not stoop to any form of prevarication he had a keen sense of duty and would never utter a complaint or when an incurred hardship was placed on him in the performance of tasks by right he should have been assigned to such tasks as would have made unnecessary for him to be on the firing line since he was frail of body and nearsighted but through an unfortunate mistake a military clerk he was assigned where he was clearly unfitted i wouldn't and and kaplan goes on this horrific diary entry of um of kaplan doing what all rabbis do called into a home in the middle of the night in this case a bereaved family hearing news in the middle of the night of his of his son killed in action in world war ii and so i called ben immediately and i shared this story with him but here the story becomes even more interesting because um ben was very moved by the diary entry but he also wanted to be to know that jerry linder his uncle was not killed in action i had only part of the story he was missing he was a prisoner of war but he wasn't killed he was released at the end of the war but the family had no idea they had sat shiva they had mourned their son believing him to be dead until he was no longer dead a captive eventually freed and jerry went on to join the family business to get married and raise a family of his own it's really beyond words to think about it what the linder family believed during that time that their son was dead they had sat shiva for him they had mourned him the community had rallied and they would discover him to be alive the roller coaster the whiplash of emotions ultimately joyous but the horror it must have been at the time and i think that's how we're supposed to feel at this moment over the holidays this gasp this heart skip of a belief to be believed dead but then discover you're not that's what the ila is about the moment of standing on the precipice of our mortality peering off the edge and being pulled back from the brink yom kippur is often referred to as a dress rehearsal for our deaths we abstain from eating and drinking we utter the same confessionals we are supposed to when we are on our death beds we wear white like the shrouds we will be buried in it's a day when jews are asked to look at their own mortality in the face to imagine our deaths and to consider the cascade of implications the idea that the holidays are a dress rehearsal for our death is dark but i think it's not meant to be morbid it's meant i think actually to be a gift to have us consider a series of questions that we might not otherwise ask to ask certain questions that might prompt us to make changes in our lives we think of our own death we wonder where someone god forbid to sit shiva for us what would happen what would be said of us it's a framework to think of these holidays it's a framework to think of this exact moment what would be the measure of our life on this earth how big of an impact have we had in our families in our communities as ethical human beings loving family members and trusted colleagues the people tasked with remembering us what would they say how would they think of us do you like your answer if you don't it's a dress rehearsal now is a time to resolve to change what about our legacy if this were to be our time is there anyone who is ready to carry on your values and ideals do your children your grandchildren your loved ones know what it is that gives your life purpose do they know how it is that they should and could act on your legacy are you comfortable with your response if not it's a dress rehearsal now is a time to resolve to have those conversations what about our own lives and how we fill our days most people don't have the luxury of just doing whatever it is they want but we can aim to live intentionally in the small and big things in our lives are we generous of spirit are we generous of deed do we give people the benefit of the doubt do we comport ourselves in a manner that reflects the best of us are we spinning our wheels professionally emotionally it's a hard time right now our life choices are more circumscribed than we would like but we can do small things you know for years i've been putting off teaching at my alma mater jts who has time to teach the next generation of rabbis but then i realized that unless i made the time i would never find the time and so i am and so far so good physically intellectually professionally spiritually interpersonally are you filling your days in a manner that reflects an awareness of the delicate nature of life we only get one round in this world are we making the very best of it this is a dress rehearsal now is the time to make the adjustments because none of us ultimately know when opening day will actually be today tradition calls on us to face the truth we usually do everything we can to ignore we are all going to die so how exactly is it that we all want to live and that i think is how we should all feel at this moment of page 414 we rise once again keep open the gates for us at this time of the closing of the gate for the day is coming to an end [Music] foreign [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] god you are patient you are known as a source of mercy you have taught the way of repentance today and every day call to mind the wonder of compassion and mercy towards the children of those you loved turn us towards turn toward us in mercy for you are the source of mercy el melech el meleche [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] oh foreign [Music] i [Music] dear [Music] oh i [Music] daniel before you go do you know why i love your daddy so much well i'm going to tell you a story who do you think my grandfather who was a rabbi in scotland in glasgow who do you think his best friend was my grandfather's best friend who was a rabbi was the cantor and they led their community together throughout their lives and my dad who heard stories would always tell me that the most important thing for a good rabbi's career is a good cantor a good cantor and you know what i have the best cancer the best cancer and i want to thank you cantor schwartz in the presence of your family and your son and wish you a wonderful beautiful sweet year and thank you for leading this community together each and every day of the year we are blessed to have you cantor all right daniel you can go we are on page 417 the cantor continues hashem right hashem hashem i i i [Music] don't know [Music] [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] at this hour the closing of the gates and the setting of the sun may the stronghold of israel with kindness announce to the chosen people raise up high o you gates so that my people may enter pour the waters of atonement on the people whom you have chosen to adore you redeem the children of the upright and respond to the people who love you this is a path on which you shall walk see i stand before you go forth joyfully and with a full heart partake of your meal and drink your wine the top of page 419. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign 419 [Music] [Music] my [Music] 420. [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] or [Music] [Music] tea laws and commandments but it has not profited us surely you are in the right with respect to all that comes upon us for you have acted faithfully but we have been in the wrong autonomous 421 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cantor continues towards the middle of page 422 [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] m [Music] remember your compassion and subdue your anger bring an end to pestilence sword and hunger captivity and destruction sin and oppression plague and calamity every illness misfortune and quarrel all kinds of danger every evil decree and causes hatred bring an end to these for us and for all the people of your covenant we're on the top of page 424 of avenue volcano [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] m [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] may we and the entire house of israel be called to mind inscribed for life blessing sustenance and peace in the book of life amen [Music] m [Music] a [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] page 425 avinu volcano hi [Music] um [Music] l [Music] foreign [Applause] oh [Music] um [Music] um [Applause] [Music] oh foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] share more avinu malkenu forgive and pardon all our sins aveeno malcano do not look toward our sins and transgressions blot them out avinu malcano return us to your present fully penitent avinu mao kenu send complete healing to the sick among your people abeenu volcano remember us favorably avinu volcanoes seal us into the book of life avinu malkin who seal us into the book of redemption aveena malcano seal us into the book of sustenance avinu malcano seal us in the book of merit avinu malcano seal us into the book of forgiveness [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] raise up you're anointed with strength vina volcano hear our voice be kind and sympathize with us avinu volcano accept our prayer willingly and lovingly aveeno malcano do not turn us away empty-handed avinu malcano remember we are but dust avinu volcano have compassion for us our infants and children avinu malcano do this for the sake of those who were martyred for your holy name avinu malcano do this for the sake slaughtered for the devotion to you aveenamel came to do this for the sake of those who went through fire and water to sanctify your holy name avinu malcano do this for your sake if not for ours avinu malcano have mercy on us answer us for our deeds are insufficient deal with us charitably and lovingly and redeem us [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] um [Music] i [Music] i [Music] foreign [Music] heavenly father at the closing hour of this great day of penitence and atonement we turn to thee on behalf of all who are stricken with illness whether of body or of mind you who are the wondrous healer of all your creatures who renews each day the work of creation renew them in strength and gird them with the power to overcome their afflictions help them to emerge from their sufferings stronger to meet life's trials grant them to know that in all your dispensations there is a blessing for your children even when we cannot comprehend it fortify their faith in your providence by which we live and by which we are lifted from frailty to strength from grief to deliverance [Music] merciful god grant thy aid to those who minister to the sick inspire them with wisdom deepen them in compassion and help guide their hands in tenderness and skill help them help them to be faithful to their calling as your partners in combating disease in removing pain and in safeguarding health may your comforts reach every burdened heart in the new year and inscribe all of us in the book of life and of peace [Music] may the source of strength who bless the ones before us help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing and let us say [Music] [Music] body [Music] and let us [Music] you may be seated kadee shalem eating [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i [Applause] [Music] oh man whoo we are confident and unafraid god is our strength our deliverance with joy we will draw water from the wells of deliverance blessed is the one who trusts in you help us out and i answer us o sovereign when we call if you are able i invite you to please rise kander are you ready to bring us home all right we rise for abdullah if you have your children near you bring them close [Music] that would that was what i did last year [Music] wait look it's hamilton i don't alum zoe cosgrove and cantor schwartz dream team okay [Music] [Music] la [Music] la la la [Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music] la [Applause] [Music] la la hey [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] is la la la [Music] [Music] [Music] oh and we turn to page 429 page 429 as we affirm our faith with shama israel [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] elohim [Music] elohim [Music] elohim [Music] i elohim [Music] [Music] elohim [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] foreign [Music] you
Channel: Park Avenue Synagogue
Views: 29,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tXQoL_nyxyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 3sec (12123 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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