RimWorld Royalty! [1] Let's get started! [1.1 | 2020]

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hi everyone its fallen Lorelai and welcome to our first let's play series featuring rimworld if you are a returning viewer of this channel it's great to have you back and if you are new to this channel welcome I hope all of you enjoy so I've been playing rimworld since I think alpha 16 or alpha 17 a few years now and I've been pretty obsessed I love these kinds of games if you don't know rim world it is a colony management survival simulator where each pawn has their own backstory their own likes dislikes skillsets relationships things like that it's kind of like the sims if the sims had war crimes I guess so the idea is that you've crash-landed on this planet the rim and you have to find a way to survive and get off the planet it's very sci-fi which is interesting for me since I don't actually like sci-fi that much I actually prefer to play rim world with a bunch of medieval mods that get rid of all of that technology but one-point-one just launched and there aren't really any medieval mods that work right now so I'll be patient still even without all of those mods I love this game that being said I've never beaten the game I've never gotten off the rim but this new royalty DLC does actually have a new winning objective so maybe I'll be able to actually finish the game this time no but in this playthrough we will be embracing the new royalty theme we're gonna have a princess we're gonna have a throne room we're gonna have all that fun stuff now if you've never played boom world before a little disclaimer I am using quite a few mods but I don't think they'll change too much from the vanilla experience now they're mostly quality-of-life but there are quite a few things that do add items and races I'm not gonna go through each one of these mods that I'm using because that's gonna take all day but maybe I'll add a list down in the description or something if you're interested in what I'm using all right so I think that's all I wanted to say let's go ahead and start so I'm gonna click new colony you'll see I have a bunch of scenarios here I guess the biggest thing to mention here is that I am using the rim craft mod which adds World of Warcraft races to the gameplay Draenei forsaken blood elves the Alliance the Horde things like that I do that because I really like the fantasy that it adds the flavor that it adds I think it's fun and I like seeing that those races in my gameplay it's nostalgic for me so ignore all this son elves Munoz that's more mods we're just gonna do the regular old crash-landed this is the vanilla experience I'm not even going into the scenario editor very basic so we have Cassandra classic as our storyteller Phoebe chillax and Randy random if you don't know quickly cassandra classic has the linear progression very typical rim world experience Phoebe chillax has more time in between major events so you can just relax as you play and then Randy random it just generates random events anytime he wants it's kind of crazy it's kind of unpredictable but it's fun I actually really prefer to play on Randy random as opposed to Cassandra or Phoebe just because I like the unexpected elements that he adds we're gonna go ahead and go with Randy random I'm playing on medium and reload anytime and now we're going to generate a random world it is poker and landed on poker before let's do another one orange that sounds good Jenner okay so here is our world not bad not bad um so for this playthrough I was thinking we just go ahead and go with a very typical temperate forest biome as opposed to one of these extra ones that's lying around I do have alpha biomes we're not going to do any of those those just began for flavor I do usually like to play on air at shrublands because I like like farming games I like farming and the arid shrub lands usually have year-round growing period but again I think we're just gonna go ahead and go with the basic basic temperate forests but to spruce it up let's let's settle by the ocean let's go by the ocean that'll be fun so let's see here large Hills there's three types of stone types here I usually like to hang out with them hang out what I usually like to have only two stone types in my starting area just so that I'm um I don't have a ton of stone blocks in my stock piles it just ends up being way too much so this one's sandstone and granite and it's mountainous I do like mountainous zones I like mountain and large Hills and there are no caves that's great because some of ya like this one has caves and that's no fun the only problem here is that if we were to ever Caravan out we're gonna have to cross these mountains which will slow us down a bit but it's not that bad it's not like we're trying to cross these impassable mountain ranges here so let's go ahead let's let's do this one I have a good feeling about this one alright so in rim world you start with 8 characters but you really only choose three who land on the rim with you the rest of them are left behind it's very sad so what I usually do is I just spam randomize for all three of these I don't even really look at whoever else is here I mean maybe I'll quickly go through it but they're they're typically really terrible yeah I'm not oh well I'll take a look I'll take a look and then randomize if I need to and come up with a good set of team skills that complement each other I'm not gonna bore you with that so stay tuned alright I think I have a good combination of colonists now not great but I'm tired of randomizing so we're just gonna go with this the first character we have is Luke Jiang who is just like really great at everything he's my all-around her kind of guy he's a master diplomat which i think is from the consolidated traits Maude I'm not sure it might be new with the with a DLC but he's really good with social so that's great and he's a glutton which means he's just gonna be a fast eater that sounds good for me next we have Jolly Kirsten Kristin jelly fortune she is incapable of dumb labor which oh I hate but she's really good at a whole bunch of stuff she's got double passion in construction and in mining which is going to help out a lot she's trigger-happy but with double passion and shooting that shouldn't be a problem quick sleeper is always good fisherman is from the fishing mod that I have that's always nice if she's really upset I can send her go fish and she'll be happy and jogger just means she's gonna be so much faster and the best part is she's got a lover already boiled Norman who I also randomed into he is a pretty underground er so he's a pretty pretty man and he's gonna be my planter and my cooker my crafter um well I think yeah yeah he'll probably be my crafter because this guy's gonna be doing everything so I like I like this combination on the fact that they're lovers means that I can save a whole room if they're sleeping together which which is nice plus they're gonna be they're gonna have a social boost and a mood boost from that so I think yeah let's go ahead and start with these guys I'm also going to choose jolly as my royalty countess lady whoever's gonna receive all of the royal favor because she is incapable of dumb labor already I figure why not cuz eventually I'm pretty sure they can't do quote commoner things which I'm not a hundred percent when that entails yet in my other playthroughs I haven't gotten that far but I'm assuming it's like dumb labor so that works this is good I'm happy some princess jolly all right let's start all right the three of you awake in your crypto sleep sarcophagi to the sound of sirens and ripping metal you barely get to the escape pods before the ship is torn apart sometime later you land on this unknown rim world as pieces of the shredded starship fall around you you start making plans to survive okay all right let our pods fall and let's look at our map wow this is a good man this is really nice oh I'm so excited okay cool so many times I've gotten terrible maps and then having to re-roll everything it's it's it's the worst and we have some ruins that have beds already and end tables this is wonderful we have an entrance here but that's fine I'm pretty happy we're gonna have to mine this out probably some Raiders are gonna come up from over here and probably up here so we're just gonna settle in this big-ass sorry this big here yeah okay I'm happy this is good this is good this is a good spot so the first thing I always do when I land in in rim world is to plan out my entire base that might be super boring for a lot of you to watch so what I'm going to do is plan out my base and um edit that into its own video that you can watch on my channel and hopefully in this video I'll just skip over it and you won't have to you won't have to bother with with that boring details but if you're interested you can watch it in another video so let me go ahead and start that alright so here is my plan maybe watch the other video maybe you didn't but what I explained was that I always have these three tile wide or deep walls that sort of enclose my entire area that I plan on you know building in so I have it here this was planned through the watch the card toggle visibility of terrine affordance so you can see what I can build on and what I can't so that that's why I chose this area here I also want to close in this area because this is only 1 1 tiled thick I guess Granite Mountain where a sapper could easily very easily just come right into my base the three tile walls aren't perfect but they'll do they'll do and then up here too I have I have it closed up here so when the Raiders come in they're going to come in from up here or down here they're gonna be forced to go probably here I'm probably gonna add a kill box here which I haven't planned yet but I can the problem is that I'm going to need to mine away if they come up through here they're gonna need a way to get around so they can enter through my kill box here so we're gonna have to mine maybe yeah well yeah it'll be it'll be an adventure but I have a good miner so it should be fine let's see let's go ahead and start my kill box maybe I could have put that in the other video but it's too late now umm plan not everyone does kill boxes but I like them they make me feel more secure so again 3 tiles and yes so the idea is that the Raiders will come in through here and I'll have my colonists surrounding them on all sides basically and even force them to come in through this this little white here and I don't even need to to make these three tiles I think that's fine and then I'll probably put in somewhere is it security I'll put in some spike traps here alright so they're forced to walk on the spike traps and then they come in through here I might even mine this out so they come in through here and then the entrance to the kill box will be here and then what I do is I go like one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three that's good and I and I make it like that I put my archers here and my melee people here so when they come in they'll be male aid while my archers can shoot them from here I am using an embrasures mod which some people think is a little pee I like them so it is what it is and then we can also put turrets around here so this whole thing will be embrasures and actually I'll go ahead and make this three tiles at least at least two there and then make a nice little tapered off section there okay all right good I like it this is looking good so if you missed and missed my video um you'll know why I planned it the way I did so basically I choose where my garden area is the garden area chooses where my fridge is and my fridge is double-walled it's gonna be double insulated I do have an installation mod here I have to research it I've never used it before I downloaded it just because it sounded useful so that'll be a learning experience for me but for now I'm still doing the typical double wall insulation I have an airlock here that goes into the garden to the fridge to the to the kitchen and the kitchen is based off of where my fridges and then this area here is the butcher room then my kitchen determines where my dining room is and my dining room determines where all of my bedrooms are and these bedrooms have actual bed chambers so I have a blueprint here if you missed it so it looks like this so here's um the the bed chambers you know where you sleep and then I have Dubbs hygiene mod for the bathroom which i think is just a nice size I think it's it's fine you might want to make it smaller like that but this is good for me okay okay Wow so enough of the planning maybe we can actually finally play the first thing that I do is in my my growing zones and I always choose three starting plants I want I'll start it up here closest to the closest to the fridge and actually unfortunately we can't plant here I don't think turn that off - you know we can't plant here and this area is really bad fertility so I'm probably not even going to bother I'll just plant straight next to it like this sure and it can be a little fertile - so that's one growing area it's a little small right now but we'll have more growing areas later here one - and this one I'll make a little bigger so that it fills in that fertile zone 3 and then 4 at least and then of course I can always add more if I want to I'll do that alright that looks nice let me turn this off in my 100% fertile area I actually have two here at least in one of them I'll put my corn I'll put corn here and then I'm gonna put strawberries in the next one so I really like corn and strawberries it's like a vegetable green I don't know actually of corn is a vegetable it's a grain right and then a fruit so strawberry so they can they'll be happier by having different types of food and then we want cloth and heal roots I'll put heal root here and then I want cloth here and then I could also have growing zones for and let's see hops if I researched beer then I could have happy colonists drinking beer at nighttime or smoke leave if they can smoke a joint if they wanted to and then some of these are added by the vegetable garden mod so for example the wheat plants and the sugarcane so I can bake cookies if I wanted to which we probably will I'm probably gonna do that I usually do I usually do I I can add an oven and they can cook cookies make cakes and stuff so we'll do that later but for now right at the beginning we really just wanted these four all right and then after that what I'm going to do is plan our stockpile I want that to be built and covered so let's go ahead and use these fancy wooden walls from gloomy furniture and I explained in my other video that you don't really want to use wooden walls but I like how they look so and we actually have ruins here which is really neat oh my gosh and some sculpt sculptures - that's really cool so we can repurpose these to make to make for a really nice base so I'm just going to build here lips and this will be our stockpile room let me add some doors so just use basic doors right there in the middle is good and we'll add a door there too or is this the middle I can tell it's hard to tell and then eventually we'll want to hear - so this is really convenient because normally you would have to make your own your own place to sleep at night but because we have these oh shoot I can't build on that of course not that's what this is for all right all right all right that's fine how come you can build on that but I can't I'll go ahead and just build around it for now and then we'll figure out what to do can i build a bridge on that hold on a second structure i thought i could build it yeah I can build a bridge and then I guess I guess I just can't build all right so that works I guess I just can't build the gloomy the gloomy wall is there which is fine I might as well just cancel it cause it's not gonna match it's not gonna match so I'll go ahead and just make it out a regular walls then boom that's okay it's just a stockpile room doesn't have to be beautiful I guess Oh what was I saying anyway we we don't have to build a place to sleep we can just sleep inside the ruins and that's really nice but eventually we will dismantle this to construct this so that we can make our own living area alright what else do I want to do I'll go ahead and plan the actual stock pile like this oh and I might have forgotten to say but the reason we want all of this roofed in is so that they do not deteriorate if they're not in a room with a roof and a door like actually closed in they will deteriorate so yeah it is t rating because of unroofed and outdoors so that's why I always prioritize getting these guys up alright this looks good so this is my storage for everything but foods medicine and drugs and plant matter because those things need to be frozen which will go here in our fridge which is really big finance should be fine let's see yeah so clear all we want foods we want plant matter and we want medicine and drugs perfect and then after this is built we want to prioritize building this as well alright let's go ahead and allow all all I know it's to press the home button I guess it's somewhere in this in this mess and then I'm going to figure out who my hunter is we also have to do this that's fun too but for now who's my hunter Hunter hunter yeah Luke do I really have this lo of hunters why is that zero six and four I guess because their animal skills are so low all right so who's my number one well jelly has is the trigger-happy one but she's also gonna be my constructor in my minor so I might have her but he's my cook so yeah jolly will be my hunter then so she can equip the hunting rifle of the bold action and then Luke will have the little little revolver wherever that is here it is you know if that and then Norman you will have the knife for now okay alright what do you guys think you think we can actually start playing I can go ahead and fix these up real quick so dr. bedrest everyone hauls everyone does basic everyone we arms refuse Luke is my warden someone's got a handle and train um it was my cook you are you're my cook and you are my backup cook jolly was my hunter you can be my backup hunter we're not fishing right now jolly is constructing Norman is growing and you're my backup grower in fact I like having everyone at one grow they don't have to harvest but they can they can actually put the seeds in the count binding is really important quarry ISM as a mod well we'll deal with that later I'm playing Cod it's really important to I want although is that one crafting is really important but we'll figure that out later and then research oh wow my cook is also my researcher that's alright that's okay I like having managing at one too and that's also a mod the colony manager mod and then we'll figure out scanning later at you all right okay um after you pick up your gun miss jolly we're gonna explore here we have to clean these actually a luke you can also come down actually you already have your knife so you come down alright and link you can just do whatever you want I know we need beds and we need a recreation variety which I will do in just a hot minute okay oh it's just one big room well gorgeous he's made out of turquoise again the turquoise is from the gemstones mod and it's supposed to be the common the common or so jelly you come down here Norman you are free oh she's got a vomit poor girl she's got the Crypt asleep sickness alright you poor thing come on and then we have this room which is just that's kind of spooky there's a chair with two urns that's fine alright so now you guys are free to do what you want alright so jolly is making my stockpile Thank You jolly and Norman and is gardening and so is Luke and there's a birthday already are you kidding me oh my gosh so I Oh No all right that's fine normally I try to avoid having older colonists I thought I'd be okay with 57 but I guess not so he landed on the rim on his birthday happy birthday Luke and now he's got a backpack and that's gonna that's gonna hurt him a lot yeah moving minus 30% that's really too bad what else are you you're just my my you might everything guy oh well oh well well let's go ahead and add your sleeping areas real beds sometimes I'll just go with the sleeping spots but for now let's have them down here a big old double bed for jolly and Norman and then a regular bed here and then a pet peeve of mine is having these plans still shown even after everything is built so I'm gonna go ahead and remove that but keep the rest so that I can remember to uh to do that to get rid of that all right this is indoors good and then this is for jolly and norman excellent well now now that that's built we'll go ahead and build our fridge we're gonna run out of wood we haven't already will add the doors to here and then a door to the butcher area yeah let's go ahead and cut some mature trees it's a little early in the season so we don't have that many mature trees but that's alright we'll try our best oh I totally forgot that I could have cleaned this and brought that over oh oh well let's go ahead and claim these guys and reinstall them down here oh my gosh that reminds me that reminds me so I always forget because I'm still new to this mod but you need to set up at least a latrine right at the beginning of your playthroughs so that they can use the bathroom so let's use this as a bath my guess for now it's really nice freakin bathroom and that's fine so just a wooden latrine and then a water tub I'll put just out here I guess so everyone can use it and then we need a well also let's put them well and I just want it in your by I'll just put it there in the middle oh right in the middle there and with the well they can take water to and from what animal do I have I have a French Bulldog you are useless useless and you're already bonded to Luke perfect so I can't even slaughter you and you have the flu that's cool that's cool what's your name Artyom Artyom all right Artyom you're you're you're dead to me is it was pretty I wonder if this is new for the dlc the way it's so vibrant i don't remember it looking like this but maybe i've just never noticed i've never looked clearly oh god what is that oh it's the great devourer we need to kill this guy so he's going to just like eat everything on the map and i don't like that he's in my my area here so i think in the morning once these guys have a good night's sleep we're gonna we're gonna shoot shoot this guy we're gonna kill him i also want to add a butcher table because he is going to die yeah this is way too big this room so i'm going to plan a bigger just yeah just like that that's fine also need a recreation room just horseshoe pins for now that works we'll put it put it right there all right where is that devourer great oh he's all the way up here now I'm still gonna go kill him all right Luke and jelly come on this might be a mistake for my first let's play serious Here I am playing it risky come on Luke Oh Luke is my bad back he probably shouldn't even be here alright maybe it's up to you jelly I do have run and gun so I can always just kite him I actually can't kite with Luke so you run you run away you got this jolly Jolly was my double passion shooter yeah Sochi this is good practice for her okay it's still that 100% health are you even trying your get closer at least you've level five now keep at it oh my gosh are you kidding me are you kidding me there we go thank you got one shot in all right what's everyone else have two Luke is playing games and you're hauling that's good thank you actually now that it's the second day usually the first day I let everyone hang out doing anything but now that it's the second day let's make sure you guys are actually working alright Djali come on at least he's not like mad at me and man-hunting at me Oh freaking violently thank you a raid a raid already okay that's fine um so you're gonna be coming in around here they're tacking immediately let's go ahead and hide behind these these rocks here I don't even have my prison bill yet no ah ah yes you've got um good job how you doing and you're dead alright that was quick are you free you're free to go alright and with that we got our royalty DLC quest this is the quest that starts the whole royalty fever and all of that fun stuff the the sigh magic abilities but I think that is a good spot to end part 1 so let me know what you guys think did I make any huge mistakes yeah maybe by not giving her French Bulldog his sleeping spot because he is tamed with Luke it's a darn shame that Luke got his bad back already but I guess brandy will be random uh yeah so let me know what you guys think how I should improve uh yeah thank you guys see you next time
Channel: Loreplays
Views: 44,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld royalty, rimworld 1.1, rimworld royalty gameplay, rimworld gameplay, rimworld royalty dlc, rimworld game, rimworld dlc, rimworld royalty playthrough, rimworld royalty walkthrough, rimworld royalty review, rimworld let's play, rimworld royalty part 1, rimworld tips, rimworld royalty trailer, rimworld review, rimworld royalty expansion, rimworld expansion, rimworld 1.1 royalty, rimworld lets play, let's play rimworld royalty, modded rimworld
Id: nZjj9g5At2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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