How the Media and Literati Class Determines the Politics of a Nation

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same as in local government constituencies of 60,000 far too big for people ever to know their MP so electors have to make up their minds on the basis of the telly and of radio and the press yes they pick their favorite party leader and then they vote for whatever clan a few dozen people in their constituency party of chosen as their candidate believe me I do understand how the system works you know I'm Badou listen country if a politician lives or dies by his media image then he survival depends on the civil service publicity machine helping him with his factual speeches and articles and photo opportunities politicians are dependent on us a thousand press officers to publicize their little triumphs the Official Secrets Act to conceal their daily disasters so what you're saying on it is that under professor Marriott scheme MPs would be elected on their own local reputation rather than on their leaders media image dierence governments and ministers would have to earn their votes in the house actually do what the electors want instead of leaving us to do it our way while they do the fame and glory bit it's a frightening thought frightening to us but what about the prime minister of the course even more frightening reforming the civil service would remove his life-support system but would kick away the ladder that's put him where he is while he's still standing on it that's right the only real way to reform the civil service system is to reform the political system and no governments going to reform the system that put it into power well the thing is to get the prime minister to see the danger that's your job I know I'll tell him it'll be the most courageous thing he's ever done that always does the trick house why don't you sit over here Magnus the Prime Minister is really worried about your attitude to the police oh good so he is proposing a wholesale reform of local government Street representatives voting communities of a couple of hundred households total involvement of the whole Barrow electorate in the selection of candidates this isn't serious oh I'm afraid it is he strikes at the very heart of our democratic social reforms what do you mean the people don't want your policies well of course they would if they could understand voters are simple people they don't see their needs they can't analyze problems they need leadership to guide them the way they ought to go and don't you think the people would vote for such leadership but people don't always understand what's good for them oh I do so agree with you do you well of course that's how the civil service has survived the centuries we made this country what it is but nobody would ever vote for us we know what's right for this country so the way the only way is to have a small group in charge and just let the people have a mass vote every few years but if they actually got to know the people they were voting we actually got to talk to them then they'd fall for all the silly convention line here's Humphrey Magnus this would be a disaster for you too you know I know community councils always lead to regional government Agnes we must stop the Prime Minister you want to stop him chin well of course and you must help me how well I think I know how to do it but I want your written assurance that you will stop harrassing your local police I mean stop making them democratically accountable to you it will remove some of the urgency right what do you want me to say well I thought it might go something like this Oh Humphrey you're a great loss to the militant revolution can you my dear Agnes are a great loss to the civil service
Channel: rubatirabbit
Views: 1,341,855
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Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2016
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