YandereDev Is Never Going to Finish Yandere Simulator

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bet bet bet why are we well back at it yandere simulator man I haven't talked about this game in over a year which doesn't sound like a lot but trust me it was a harsh year and a half I didn't finish twenty nineteen twenty nineteen finished me why so much has changed since then you've changed I've changed my shirts have changed by my lunch my bead has changed my glasses just changed my shirt just changed that was a lie if you think for a second that you know me that will be the last mistake of your life but first a word from today's sponsor me and my goddamn shirt that's right I have another show this one doesn't print on the front and the back the print on the back is literally just the back of the design why does he say 200k Club cuz he shirt limited time a little limited time discount limited time of existence gone forever 500 billion people have already lived and died and guess what they didn't have this [ __ ] that's right this makes you a mole problems with the Mexican cartel band sold the Negev s friends toe and a thousand of debt another prompt spill too macho mustache it up wife left you this shirt why can't you just been stabbed wearing this shirt is marginally better than being naked okay what are you waiting for by the showdown buy it dude seriously help me please dude buyer to Mum leaves the sales already started you're running out of time anyway buy my shirt it's limited time only also it was made by Leighton who made the charity tea so if you like that you'll like this one to buy my shirt thank you I've somewhat been meaning to make a follow-up video to my last one for quite some time now but there was one glaring obstacle in the way being that there wasn't exactly a whole lot of content to critique of his and not because he suddenly became good at anything that he does but more because there wasn't really any work for me to critique at all but I think time has passed and events have happened for me to come back and revisit this topic and say proudly with all my heart that not asanas she's not sure soon guys she'll be in the game soon trust me this is the luck the final stretch that I know I've said this before but this time it's real I'm real all right look look me in the eyes she's coming out sir something I do want to start with is is somewhat of an amendment to my previous video by talking about the game itself instead of what I did which was kind of like glossing over it as more of a product of code than as an interactive enjoyable experience which is the whole point of a [ __ ] game there's two things I want to specifically talk about the first being the implementation of an idea that acts as the core foundation for the entire game and secondly the focus of its development yawn droid ever stated before that he envisions yandere simulator as the almost is complex combination of hitman and persona now while this is quite possibly the dumbest [ __ ] thing I've heard about this game and I actually made it sound better he didn't use the word envision he just stated it like a fact but it is true that yandere dev has attempted to make yandere simulator a combination of those two games it raises the question why hasn't a game similar to this being made before well apart from the whole murdering children thing I'm coming back to this which could just be avoided by taking persona elements to a hitman universe instead of the other way around it inherently introduces a problem being that Believe It or Not hit rid of the soda at different games and work differently at a foundational level chemin is a game where you blend in through costumes and faceless crowds to eliminate assassination targets in one of a few finely tuned ways that have been carefully and precisely designed in a short several minute long enclosed level persona is a turn-based RPG that gives deep and expansive character development to a select few students in several wide-open locations over an ample period of time important part of the story hitman has almost no dialogue when playing the game and in persona dialogue is basically one of the cool mechanics there's so many words how do you take these concepts that inherently clash with one another and can bind them seamlessly into the same game well the answer will shock you and it will shock me because I haven't figured it out yet and neither has he Android though nobody [ __ ] knows the students in the school I designed it to be different from one another if you just ignore that they're all from the same template and really flex your imagination whether it be what they like where they walk what they look like they're cringy [ __ ] names first off the last name can kocchi misspelled its cang Gashi but that's fine it's not fine it's really not fine at all but I'll ignore that the first name however Nasu does not mean nurse that is Nassif with like a little tilde thing on the ape and I don't know if it's a restriction of what he's using to name these people but he just either forgot it or it's just not possible and that would have been fine if it just incorrectly translated to nurse but it correctly translates to big plane yeah NASA means eggplant NASA means nurse you had two chances to get it right and you [ __ ] up both of them that's pretty impressive anyway back to the topic of NPCs having individuality this is a good thing because in a social sim it's very nice to feel like you're talking to a character and learning about them rather than pressing a at an eggplant with the face but the Hitman series has a different way of approaching NPCs mainly being that they are all part of a faceless crowd and you have very little options to interact with them most of those options resulting in murder and maybe now you can see the problem it is quite physically impossible to have NPCs deep enough for a social sim while also still be disposable enough for a stealth assassination game without a massive team behind creating these NPCs that have a lot of experience with world building it's just not going to happen the most that you can interact with another human in this game so far is to compliment them beg them for something ask them to follow you or [ __ ] kill them instead the most that you get in the way of interesting characters is a short two sentence description of their entire [ __ ] life so most of the non-essential NPCs the ones that just fill out the roster of a club or what-have-you are just dead content already they just serve no purpose other than to be security cameras with different colored hand it feels very similar to watchdogs where they were very clearly given requirements for development one of them being you can see into the lives of all these characters but they all have to be able to die so they just programmed in an auto generation thing for character traits and it doesn't make any sense creating contradictions all the [ __ ] time which is off-putting and world breaking to say the least and to be fair it was worse in the first game and even then it's still worse than the handcrafted all they like the handmade descriptions in yandere simulator but it gives the same MO its gives like the same idea the same feeling where every character has to be unique but they all have to still be vulnerable to my gun move this bridges me to my next critic being what the [ __ ] what who what did what the [ __ ] is all of this what is all of this doing I don't get it what's the point of you oh my oh god based off both how I criticized this game continuously and look over the age of 10 I am clearly not a fan of this game so when I booted it up and went to look at you know what what do I do and I couldn't find a single [ __ ] objective there's it's just a sandbox it is still just a sandbox with nothing to do there are currently 18 forms of elimination in the game right now I've completed or in various stages of development there are 10 different clubs multiple different mechanics a bunch of different students and so much more I can't even go into and I can say for absolute certain that when if if our sauna gets released at the moment that she gets from the moment the update comes out most of this content will be buggy exploitable unbalanced broken or just dead on arrival why is that you ask well to cite my predecessors and I am including myself in this list um I must say it's because the Sun honor is not in the game and I know what you're thinking oh wow original criticism but I'm being completely genuinely serious just hear me out costume change as of right now the game is just a sandbox with no objectives and none of the core characters being implemented apart from your love interest and you know the character you play as and unfortunately this means that the game has no way of being actually tested in the way that it's going to be played in its final version the Android ever has said before that asana and the future rivals are essentially just iterations of each other at a higher difficulty unfortunately this means that the game loop is entirely based around something that doesn't exist cannot be tested and can't act as the center that future development gravitates around imagine as an example dark souls 3 except it's not it we're not calling it Dark Souls 3 it's its own game there's no there's no Souls born games none of that we're just calling this game soul MAME and it's the first game of its kind game in Soul man there are various forms of combat ranged magic prep and all forms of melee weaponry for the refined gentleman the game in its beta stage is just testing around a bonfire some enemies and weapons now you can test weapons and spells against enemies you can test movement and all that do you feel that things are bounced but it's actually a hollow success excellent pun yeah hell yeah that's what's up because it's in a vacuum it doesn't represent the game itself just some of the building blocks because of this any successful testing should be taken with a grain of salt because it only gives you a general idea of how the game will work but the developer does not do this he spends months or years developing the trees and styles of combat adding weapon after weapon spell after spell once they have been worked on and polished to an almost sickening extent an update that includes a new area has been released after like 6 years they finally get a taste of what the game was meant to be in the first area and they realized that prayer is bad as in it sucks it's it's it's worse than everything else there's no reason to use it maybe as a joke also most magic is kind of bad as well so go [ __ ] yourself back to the real world Dark Souls 3 was a game made by people who knew what they were [ __ ] doing and it wasn't the first game of its kind it was the third fourth technically maybe feel if you count it that way and it like it wasn't even developed in such a shitty way that didn't even account for the future this was the third iteration of this series they knew what they were doing and him unreleased it was still rife with game balancing issues exploits and just dead content it's still like that now magic in the series has either been the most powerful thing that just destroys everything else or weaker than any stick off the curb prayer has always sucked it just always has it's always going to the only souls born type game ish that balances everything correctly is secular because it doesn't have phantoms or PvP or magic or customizable weapons it just has the weapon arts and that's it this is just a fact about how games work at some point in the game's lifespan or its development there is going to be a strategy or mechanic a technique or item that is just objectively better than other things sometimes objectively better than basically everything else every game suffers this some more than others well what high level counterplay he could really see he could see that coming that was that was fair that was fair look that was fair okay yandere simulator has a billion things all surface deep because alex just thought to himself hey that would be cool if I added that and then he did this has happened so many times and it's going to be a balancing nightmare speaking of Alex adding things to the game because he thinks they're cool and no other reason snap mode hi it's 11 p.m. and yonder Roy they've just released the new build the one that has the new snap mode in it and while messing around with it I have kind of discovered something quite noticeably weird about it notice will be wrong I'm not actually filming with this camera I'm actually passing it through HD mind my capture card so I can capture this in real time because I actually need to be able to do that that's probably designed to how I'm going to stop of course it lacks the game why wouldn't the game wants me to kill him right but that would require playing the game so I'm gonna [ __ ] off and read this let's go dark souls beyond the grave very good book I've been have been quite enjoying it haven't found the time to read honestly I've been too busy with work [Music] I would say my only criticism of that is that there's too much interactivity and it's too quick I would rather it give me more time to do nothing so I can read my blog more but apart from that great gameplay feature really like how you don't actually have to do anything and it's [ __ ] pointless I really like that honestly I think it's the best part of it all the game crashed maybe on release dismembering and transporting with a heavy case even though it has requirements will be infinitely easier than carrying a dead body and I say maybe because we'll never [ __ ] know so it's bloated in the sense that Alex is going to have to remove a lot of the fat it's gonna have to trim a lot of things except I don't believe for a second he's going to do that because I believe that Alex will not remove features on mechanics if he himself is proud of them or they fit his anime viewpoint of the world but even then even if all of that was trimmed the game still has too much stuff for example in the game world there is an anime or show called magical girl pretty Miyuki I think that's the name I don't remember and it's it's basically the stock standard magical girl anime that then goes into an Evangelion twist and I'll get to how I know that in a bit but I'm not lying to you here in universe this show has a game multiple different characters with backstories and three [ __ ] paragraphs on the wiki about Alex talking about like how he would hear how he would structure the show how the show would be structured in universe I'm [ __ ] done this is a direct quote from the wiki by the way according to yan droid EV he imagines the show being like Evangelion it starts out as a typical show with all the usual tropes and then things start to get weird what what what the [ __ ] what the you're not making an anime you're making a video game most of this stuff about whatever is completely pointless there's no reason to have this in the game the more I've read in to the completely superficial parts of this game's development the more confused I am the more pain I feel in comparison to all of this stuff the plan for the games of future development is basically non-existent it's pretty much just a list of things yah Android dev eventually wants to do with the game this thing has a has a [ __ ] like character arcs and [ __ ] I genuinely recommend you go and read every part of the wiki page for this anime girl thing because it's so genuinely intrigued not because of the content but the fact that any of this has graced my eyes he stated an in world reason as to why that that one of the ones from the show was in the drama club like stating that last year they did a they adapted one of the episodes or something into a show and they got rid of the costume but the wand is still there which is way more detail than was necessary with the appropriate level of detail being it's a TV show and they're a drama club that's it that that's completely sufficient the best part for me was two years ago when somebody asked specifically about fan participation for the show's development or whatever like real life fans participating for the fake shark and he responded saying he's put a lot of thought into this and I don't need to tell you that he shouldn't have because you know the game in its current state isn't exactly what I would call near completion in his response he talks about the nuances of how they get their powers from admiration rather than attraction hence excluding swimsuit models and porn stars from being magical girls or whatever because people are simply attracted to them rather than admiring them all of this to talk about an example of a character that exists who is a court a busty swimsuit model but also has people admiring them and isn't getting power just because she's attractive and I've just when he posted this you could not save the game there was not a functioning save bun like you couldn't do that you couldn't functionally save when he said this and he's he's talking about [ __ ] busty swimsuit models and the differences between whether or not somebody can get power from attraction or admiration I'm going to I'm going to end something some things life ends with me all this mind-numbing Lee extensive world building for a tiny insignificant part of the in-game universe with the only real in-game content that matters to come from it being the augmented reality game that does basically [ __ ] nothing it's just there because alex likes writing things and not thinking about how the game is actually gonna function the wiki says that the people playing this game act as a threat that if you don't clear them it'll be harder to kill and transport a body in that location without being seen except how is that a threat if they clarify themselves in like 10 seconds it's not if you disappointed spot it's in the middle of the hallway when would you ever kill someone here ignore that I have changed clothes again I'm not doing this just to promote my match I'm recording these on different days and also I'm promoting my match by my knowledge this is just one of the many things alex is done to give a student a schedule I guess to make it harder to kill certain targets at certain times and we've seen that he's like wanted to do this for a while with Osama to artificially make it harder to kill her and in other games I wouldn't really have an issue with this most people wouldn't even notice it but that's because usually it's surrounded by an actually good experience yeah that's just kind of a theory honey Andre dev kind of only adds things because he thinks they're cool or they logically make sense rather than balancing or for the betterment of the health of certain mechanics in the game except for this video where he uses hitman as an example for something in which he says it's strange that he can enter the love with guns and explosives but weird that he can't enter it with a screwdriver a household object where you use the screwdriver for a certain elimination method it's such a hassle to get to why can't I just start with it you already know from the tone of this video that even if you know nothing about hip man I'm not gonna let that slide there's something wrong with that and there is that elimination method where you have to have a screwdriver is the best elimination method - for all of them ok let's break it down real quick to put it simply to eliminate someone with a gun explosive on knife something you can bring in to the level that isn't a screwdriver you need to have line of sight usually have a disguise at some point they need to be alone you need to pull off their guard either distract him or knock him unconscious or kill him you need to basically just wait until they're by themselves and even then it gives you less points where is the screwdriver elimination method requires you have knowledge of the map knowing that you've played it previously you need to know where to find the screwdriver you still need to have line-of-sight extorting to disguise but you don't need to dump the bodies and you get more points because it's an elimination method also something that he didn't mention in that video is that that method he's describing that he would want to be easier because it's such a hassle is the best elimination method in the [ __ ] game the reason it's such a good elimination method is because the weighting like the difficulty is placed on the preparation you need to know where to use the screwdriver and you need to know where the screwdriver is now just to prove him wrong I bought the game the whole $60 expansion pack just to play a single level twice which I did once killing them with guns and whatever just the normal play style and the second one with the screwdriver and despite never playing hitman 2 or hit man or whatever the hell it's called ever before my life I got the highest rating and I think 160,000 points with the screwdriver method and it was [ __ ] easy because I knew where to find the screwdriver if I didn't it would have taken a lot longer hence the balancing point but with just the guns I only got two stars and almost like half the points that I did because it's sloppier and it was easier and it was shorter hence the screwdriver balancing it's so strange because this is like the the very bare minimum case study for balancing like it something that gives you more takes longer that's pretty much it so I don't know why he finds strange how long it takes what is he complaining that he already knows where the screwdriver is and he just doesn't want to run there because I don't think balancing the game around people that have played it a hundred times is a very good idea either I I'm so confused am I going [ __ ] insane am I the only person here who understands bouncing and that's pretty much the issue yeah Android EV isn't even thinking of balancing he's just thinking Oh a screwdriver is easy to get than a gun therefore I should be able to get the screwdriver without thinking about what that would do for the game and how it would be played but yep other than those tiny minor issues that won't cause ripples in the foundation of the game yeah [ __ ] it who cares just have the screwdriver at least his games going to be good [Music] having a free roam hub you returned to across multiple days with RPG elements and player choice leading to a certain strategy the player would want to implement fills a whole lot more restrictive when you can only do those things when the game specifically says you can in hitman since there are no prerequisites like a strengths at to open a door for example every option is open to you you just have to find it plans can change on the flying you may not even know how you want to eliminate someone until you're right next to them and you can see the layout of where they're standing at that point you may start to see options environmental dangers who's around him who can see him that kind of stuff if you see it time to strike you can create a moment where you sneak in someplace you lure guard away you eliminate the target not to do that when he gets back and you stash the bodies and run you can't do that in yandere simulator because the guard on that analogy is a conglomerate of five different students and running doesn't exactly work when you have an exam the next day I don't feel like I have to say this but just for the sake of covering all bases I'm just going to point out that there is a very obvious reason as to why the levels and the gameplay is designed like that why it's short simple and sweet because that's that's how the game works at its best ignoring the obvious problems caused by having to return to the scene of the crime something that doesn't happen in stealth assassination games for a reason Alex seems intent on just placing a [ __ ] ton of people next to the rival if he doesn't want you to kill them at that time which can sometimes be changed with certain stats being part of the club befriending students etc which sounds like a great idea just in a different game in the Hitman games or any stealth assassination game for that matter if your target is being surrounded by guns you can eliminate them either altogether or one by one and then get to your target that's how you make your moment so to speak that's how you make eruption but in yandere simulator because you can't just kill the students because of course you can't you have to lead them away after befriending them which technically is like the same thing but so much worse when you have to grind to complete requirements to a meet someone in a certain way in a certain timeframe why is it even free-roaming anymore what's the [ __ ] point this the cent parts throughout asana schedule where she is just designed to not be killed like you're just not supposed to be able to get to her but why also I just like to point out that somebody actually found a way to like almost immediately eliminate asana by putting a bucket of gasoline on a door and having it fall onto a match which is actually really really smart which is why it is now no longer in the game now this is a very clear example of the game not being bounced correctly which I have literally just said before is a problem but the only thing worse than a game being unbalanced is being inconsistent now this player knows the game's mechanics knows where items are knows how to get them knows Oh signers of route now in hitman this is rewarded by giving you better elimination methods and making your score higher making you a cleaner assassin making you better at the game you really feel like your knowledge is actually coming into play however here man is a good game yandere simulator is not in he's much updated video yeah Android dev proclaims that he has quote-unquote fixed this issue seeing it as a bad thing because it's too easy to eliminate her despite her supposedly being the easiest rival to eliminate which why would the easiest rival be easy to kill but that doesn't make any sense in my opinion if your Android dev is not going to put any time care or effort into balance in the game correctly the players should at the very least be able to use these broken rules to exploit the game however they please this elimination method is literally just using the tools that he has given them and killing oh sauna with them which is the whole point of the game but apparently it's too easy so he's taking it out the strangest thing is it doesn't actually solve anything the only thing it quote-unquote souls is this specific elimination method at this specific time however what's the broken part of this equation is that the bucket on the door is at her schedule is it something else entirely won't ever known because instead of fixing the core issue which is the bouncing he's put a band-aid fix on it by making RIE brew able to smell gasoline and go through like the dolphin which doesn't make any goddamn sense and just kicks you in the [ __ ] nuts because why learn about the game if it's going to stop you from doing it the way you want also as an ending side note rhymer was like the worst goddamn character in this entire [ __ ] game both named wise and design concept because instead of just making her a bodyguard like in hitman where they are just a normal god but they trail someone she's just [ __ ] immortal yandere dev has a whole elimination method specifically for her lined up in the future because the stealth mechanics that are in the game that you've been learning for like 20 goddamn years don't actually work on her like they do every of the character so far what the [ __ ] is the point to distract her with a giggle or a radio won't work she ignores all audible distractions while she's hanging out with O sana and you won't be able to send a student to distract her either nice it was fair let's just pretend that this example is actually an Hitman if I really really wanted to I could go down stairs or whatever go outside and shoot them and then run away I would get basically no points because everyone would have seen the murder and there's nobody hidden it's like such a terrible assassination attempt but I would complete the level because I don't go back to the level I don't have to return I don't have to face the consequences but you definitely do in yandere simulator I can't want to put it simply if there is a time or the elimination target cannot be killed under any circumstance it is impossible to kill them why are they on the map people find it extremely annoying when games come on Mare oh it's open world you can do anything except that you can't do that don't do that all right don't ever do that I'll [ __ ] I'll kill you that's annoying enough when it's in a good game and this isn't a good game I don't even dislike the idea of RPG elements in the game but they implemented super awkwardly it would have been better if the week that you have was used to get bonuses and really grind your character up where you can't you can't attack the assassination target at all that weeks just for grinding and completing side line quests for whatever club you're doing to get bonuses with them and raise your thing or whatever across the seven or ten weeks until you finally have a maxed out Club status and you go to class to mold your character into the the type of play style that you really want and then at the end of the week you go into a level and then you can play the way you want or face off against people the way you want and I'm now talking about persona 5 and I didn't even realize it genuinely I wrote this part I didn't even [ __ ] think about it but yeah I know it kind of betrays the whole idea of the game but there were just clear foundational issues with having an RPG sandbox social sim assassination game set in a location that you continuously return to now when I said I would have preferred it if the game gave you a whole week to grind up and you know mold your character and then put you into a level at the end of the week the problem that I was thinking of they would solve was specifically one about kidnapping in the current version of the game you cannot kidnap someone without ranking up biology because you need to use the tranquilizer and without ranking up you'll just kill them but you can't get the tranquilizer because the nurse is currently just watching over it with a diligent eye so you need to poison someone's bento box to get her to focus on them but to get that poison you need to rank up in chemistry which is two days by itself for if you don't have any stat boosts which means your whole week is gone and to tranquilize someone you need to lead them away so you actually need people to like you and you need to do quests for them which all-in-all is about three days so that's three days of the week where you could be assassinating someone but because you chose this method to do whatever you just now have three days where your target walked by you in the hallway and you can't do anything because you're wasting your [ __ ] time mind you kidnapping is not a finished method of elimination yeah Android dev would say something like it's not finished it doesn't represent the game there's no point of it and then I would argue well then that was just time wasted adding a completely pointless mechanic that serves no purpose in the game in its current state hence delaying the main progression of the game but yeah [ __ ] it yeah kidnapping it's so cool the the first level for each subject is already to me a balancing [ __ ] nightmare what the [ __ ] are the other ones going to pay you have to make them better than the rank 1 unlock I always there's no point of really going for them and I really don't want to see more elimination methods locked behind ranks and [ __ ] because that's just annoying at first I was going to give a little slack to this idea or the idea of game balancing because you could just rank up your character across multiple fields over the course of multiple you know if the rivals ever get implemented and that sounds like a good idea except you won't know what method you want to choose for future rivals because you won't see their schedule until like they're in front of you at which point the whole problem of only having a week to get your stats up is just it's just repeated so you know I was gonna be nice but then I realized that's [ __ ] stupid because none of that makes any sense this whole thing creates this suffocating feeling that like you're not you're not playing the game the games playing you you know you're like you're not you don't finding where they are and making an advantageous position you're just like being given it to you if you have the required stats which is [ __ ] infuriating you don't spend a week trailing your rival and detail in their lives and setting stuff up a day in advance for preparation you're spending that time grinding for a mission this wouldn't be a problem if you actually were grinding for a mission because then it wouldn't feel like you were wasting your time training up your stats for kidnapping at which point you would spend three days doing it and then essentially just have two days to actually complete your plane which is just [ __ ] stupid the more I look into it the more I see just how many problems are are creating a hitman game and then slamming it together with the social sim and putting it in a high school there's just countless issues with mechanics game balancing even [ __ ] logically which he's running into before and I don't really think he recognizes that there's going to be problems implementing all these mechanics and getting them to work together they are he just doesn't care I just don't think he really knows I'm certain that there is definitely a way to implement at least some of these mechanics and have them work in a good flow perfect flow and have that all work correctly but that's not happening in yandere simulator at like any stage I could kind of let this slide if he wasn't planning on punishing you for killing all of your targets and making with the school I miss fear drop to the point where you would already fail the law of confession because everyone would be so [ __ ] depressed and like why treat these things like optional character growth when they're just not it just makes the entire game that's like boring and pointless assassination sandbox RPG with no reason to have RPG elements in it at the moment and no assassination target and no free choice to like justify having it as a sandbox like a social sim with nothing approaching the term social or sim with way too many mechanics that are all too vapid and pointless and are probably just going to cause more trouble than they're worth later on in the game's development and also he just keeps adding new mechanics because he thinks they're cool which just ruins the whole [ __ ] point of the game if you could even call it a game anymore tailed er just make the game representative of the final version that you want just have a flat plain with you and or sauna and then add things on top of that because you can't really know where future development will lead if you don't even have any [ __ ] idea what the current development is if you think I'm pulling some [ __ ] vague Chinese proverb about game design out of my ass trust me I'm not this is pretty common sense and also he even says like he has problems with the case balancing while he's making it in the most recent video at least at the time of this recording he's talking about adding a sauna and how many exploits and bugs he has to fix and of course there is you can't make an FPS game and then at the very last minute throw a bunch of unity asset guns into the mix and just say god he spends the video detailing how he fixed bugs and exploits around the expulsion elimination method which has existed for four years also known as the majority of the game's development also known as one of the core mechanics that he should have already known everything about which means he is [ __ ] his apps he's straight-up [ __ ] there's everything here is just going to be a potential bouncing issue also one of the problems that he had with asana and balancing him was a scheduling conflict coconuts routine made her stay at school until 6:00 p.m. so the cutscene where the guidance counselor lectures coconut would occur when the school day ended at 6:00 p.m. this would not work for asana because o saunas routine makes her leave school around 5:30 p.m. with send pine and I don't need to say this but I will Evo sana was in the game before you created the elimination method that specifically applies to her and no one else maybe you wouldn't have coded in the scheduling conflict because you would have already known what a sign as scheduled would have been it is such an unbelievably simple concept I can't believe this is flowing over his head for years that makes too much sense dude [ __ ] me those are just two big issues with the game that it definitely has and I like just can't be fixed because it's like design philosophy and stuff I have so many more but this is where the I can't really technically critique anything because technically nothing's finished part comes in all these parts that I'm going ahead with could technically be changed in the future and by technically I mean probably not but who knows maybe somebody will steal the code for yandere simulator and just finish it in like a year maybe this will all be wrong maybe this will all be outdated take it with a grain of salt if you actually believe alex is going to finish the game and take this as gospel if you don't all right let's go even at its furthest ooh the camera is so close I'm gonna have a claustrophobic panic attack and I do not have claustrophobia and on that point what purpose does this camera position to serve you're so awkwardly incentive frame I just I just don't get why it's this close in such a strange position while also still having the entire character in shut is it just that we can see her underwear maybe who knows it's probably that is he just proud of this model well he probably should because almost everything in this game so far has had some kind of tie to the unity store at some point such as the gym which is still in the game the main characters bedroom which is still in the game the main character which is still in the game and every other character in tie game where we oh my god he said before that the character models will be changed but how the [ __ ] can you even trick yourself into believing that like seriously if they were going to be changed they should have already been changed like he's going out trying to add [ __ ] like a [ __ ] music store ain't no straight that shouldn't even [ __ ] exist in the game right now like it genuinely is this is this straight addition is a slap in the [ __ ] face a music store are you serious you have animation rigs for every single character that you keep making new animations for but yeah I'm totally gonna change the character models and just delete all of that animation work because doing work and rudl and content is what I am known for yeah [ __ ] no but seriously at this point in the game if the character models get changed significantly to something that doesn't represent a unity store asset and actually unique and actually [ __ ] good then I imagine the animation work will set people back by about a year and also because modeling is not really you know his strong suit I mean nothing is his strong suit and the fact that he has to rely on volunteers to do his 3d modeling work I imagine any 3d modeling done for a character that has to be unique will take a long time and allow him to procrastinate even more so um the world's [ __ ] wrong with that despite the character models looking um trash can adjacent they actually aren't the strangest models in the entire game two of the environments the house from account seen a while back and the gym as far as people know I just basically just thought like a bunch objects slammed together which is good for single scene stuff like if you're doing a 3d render for a like if like a blender thing because you don't have to move the chairs but for a game that's [ __ ] that's bad that's really bad the more detailed an object the longer it takes to render and the longer it takes to load it and it's textures into the game or into the scene now if you're only doing like a single shot in blender and you're just rendering a single image from like a single point of view and you're putting some [ __ ] crazy lining effects in there you're putting some [ __ ] Antos Copic filtering and all that kind of [ __ ] ambient occlusion matte shadows max quality and all that takes it [ __ ] three days to render that's fine you know because you don't it's not a game you don't need to wait three days for a single frame of a game it's not interactive you have the image forever it seems like the majority of the time that the Unity stone asset is actually a placeholder and gets changed out for a specifically made asset just for yandere simulator it's because people told the original creator and they complained and they got mad and despite that the game looks [ __ ] it looks bad like it just it looks bad not so much graphically which I'll get into later but more stylistically because there's no theme there's no aesthetic no nothing it's just a bunch of objects thrown together which is very very obvious when you know that all the students like use the same base model and that base model doesn't really like fit with the trees that they spawn right next to because the trees look like they're out of like morrowind or something and the characters don't the worst part about this is if you go to the stairs that leave the school and you look at you can see trees you like I can see trees right now that stylistically an aesthetically fit the characters what the [ __ ] is going on just give me those trees everything here is stolen anyway who gives a [ __ ] the game [ __ ] like it just has to be able to run shadows in its current state with the current version like it just there's one light source anymore I guess would crash the game or maybe your life but it has to run shadows and I'm not talking like graphically oh it has to look like The Witcher no it has to run shadows on Unity engine otherwise it's not going to run despite being the butt of certain jokes a while ago unity engine is a really good engine right now it is not prehistoric by any means real-time lighting should not have my framerate why does it do that what I'm I am looking at it I am looking at real-time lighting not have people's frame rates why does it have mine what have you done to this game oh by the way I should also say that I recorded a lot of this footage on my capture card even though I have a more than powerful enough sing for you with more than enough RAM with an MDOT 2 SSD running the game and also a graphics card that is more categorically akin to a murder weapon than it is to an actual computer part so I don't think it's an overhead created by me or the software I am pretty sure the game just sucks ass no idea what you mean I just I just need a I just need to get a job I need to get a real job there's still being a little baby good real job but gaming computer yeah [ __ ] I haven't been able to get 60fps for more than a second like it's this is depressing at the end of use of moistfull recent video if he even teases new post-processing and can I ask is this a is this a bit is it a joke is this some cruel sick joke these are like post-processing effects look [ __ ] I don't want to but they look like [ __ ] everything is hazy over or underexposed like it doesn't it doesn't [ __ ] do anything it this feels like a unity project more than it does a game made by using Unity engine this feels like a $2.00 cheap scam artists game well they just [ __ ] blew that [ __ ] out of proportion oh my god it looks so [ __ ] bad why would you ever think that this was the answer this is like a workaround solution to a problem he definitely caused as a small addition to what I just said I wrote this part after I the parts that come after this one as a way to discuss the blog posts that I had just right when I wrote this specifically the February and March ones was talking about harassment and lies and hatred and lack I spend shitty people for talking like lies about him and how those lies make him depressed and can't find the will to go on and what have you and in a way I understand it but more so I know I don't while his feelings can't be invalidated which I am NOT trying to do the cause of them is very much within his control Alex genuinely believes that all the criticism levied against him is like some mean-spirited or ill will do [ __ ] like lies that he's already disproved and I mean if that was the case if like you could easily disprove all of my lies about how you're a bad programmer why does the game run like [ __ ] I mean why does why if it's so easy to disprove why is it not being disproved why does nobody why does nobody believe you to point to this to this these lives and fake critiques so to speak as the reason for your depression is like the it's the most guilt trippy thing I've ever [ __ ] seen if it was genuinely something something that you couldn't control that you had no power over that makes total sense that that would [ __ ] crush a lot of people's mental health but this is a totally syllable solution like the power to stop this is completely within Alex's hands it's just like admit that you're wrong and try and fix the game hain of development admit that you're wrong even if you don't believe it just like it's not about you anymore it's about the fans that's what the whole [ __ ] thing is as even me saying he's a bad programmer and a lazy person constitutes harassment to the point where it would cause a depressive state because of just how badly I'm lying to the public and trying to don't twist his words or what-have-you when in the very next blog post less than like half a month or something like less than a month later he just he specifically says he's having a skilled programmer or what have you working on getting the game from unity engine twenty seventeen point three two twenty nine point three which would fix bugs increase like like you decrease loading times and make the game run faster which is essentially just saying I'm not a bad programmer or a lazy person and saying so is really damaging my mental health because they are lies that I cannot refute to your satisfaction you're going to keep saying them and you're going to keep spouting lies to my fans anyway I am now going to get somebody else to work on my game to fix problems caused by my code what this feels a lot like when pharmaceutical companies get sued for putting on a drug that you know kills people or something they settle out of court deny responsibility and say the drug was perfectly safe there was no problem with it hence why we are now taking it off the market it's a complete contradiction which mind you is not uncommon especially with you Android dev but very rarely do I see them right next to each other and also don't [ __ ] care what the hell just give a hand off development to somebody skilled and then just take a sabbatical who gives a users [ __ ] but yeah after those minor issues great game I can't wait for it to be released wasn't that fun talking about video games oh damn that was the first pot done but now we're talking about Alex because there's me some developments while I've been going oh boy Wigan this is what you came for the biggest thing that has occurred in relation to me specifically since my absence would be the hate and shame video the world famous hate and shame video but he basically just straw man's every argument and the arguments he does represent correctly he doesn't understand and demeans basically everyone now I didn't want the game to fail and I still don't not because I want Alex to keep you know draining people's wallets dry but because I just found it very strange that children were giving him money with very little returns because of his callous and lazy management of an objectively popular project so the following statement is not meant to be condescending in any way this is just stating the fact with the hate and shame Bria Alex made quite possibly the worst decision he could have he basically just brought drama that his fans probably didn't even know about in front of them and then did a very poor job at dismissing the obviously misleading criticism to the point where any one of his fans may have gone curious and then researched it and then realized he was just lying to them and gone really [ __ ] annoyed and also he did this by making a video that took time away from developing a sauna which was one of the largest criticisms that we had of him the best decision here would have been a multi-step process and it starts with shut the hell up basically just stop you know doing social media stop using discard and don't check the reddit don't respond to anything that isn't a non-essential email stuff that volunteers are sending in just check that and basically nothing else slowed down the YouTube schedule don't post monthly updates don't post special Christmas whatever the [ __ ] just post updates when they're ready when big updates are ready number two for those videos drop the production value entirely or just get an editor like don't even like put any effort into them if you don't get an editor just get yes screen-capture and just talk through some notes be really transparent with people don't use animations though use any of that [ __ ] just here's what I've got working he's playing they didn't need to do this is what I'm having trouble with I could get help from this person something like that people really like that [ __ ] because it doesn't look like you're directly lying to them or like making excuses also stop proposing ideas in videos this one still applies to now stop proposing ideas and videos because every time he does that the fans go yeah that sounds cool and then he gets distracted and then does that and it takes like two weeks and then oh Sylar is dead in the water so yeah stop doing that number three work fervently and exclusively on our sana do nothing else do not fix bugs don't even try and get new acids into the game like replacing assets just ignore all that just get a son on working that's what the people wanted get her in the game even if it's in a broken buggy state get her in the game and then fix the bugs going on and then add you know all that kind of stuff to show that you're listening to people essentially that if people want a sauna hey maybe I should put a signer into the game all that kind of stuff Alex wanted a sauna to not be a disappointment but at this point by delaying her continuously he is built up hype that no game could ever fulfill it's just impossible just throw her out unceremoniously it doesn't matter anymore it's she's going to be a disappointment no matter what happens just [ __ ] kick her to the curb get her in the game and start making an actual good game instead of trying to be theatrical with all this [ __ ] because nobody cares about the theatrics people want to play a good game surprising I know but that's why that's why we do interactive experiences to have fun instead he attacked everyone ignore all constructive criticism and suggestions he represented me and other creators that criticized him in such ways as a stupid shitty youtuber with bad hair and stupid sunglasses and then called me a gremlin nod nice work man I'm sure the multiple critiques I made about you and the game across 50 minutes of my time won't come up again I'm sure nobody else will ever notice them and have problems with them they won't cause issues down the line because I am the smartest person alive I'm the only person that could possibly see these as issues nobody else will your fans are also stupid they won't notice ha [ __ ] dude oh [ __ ] that was so cool I got [ __ ] old dude my god as much as I would like to believe that I have any kind of power in this soul-crushing world in which I am but a measly tick I don't I'm noting my videos views don't really like relate that well to his patron dropping they spiked at different times but he's hating shame video's release correlates extremely well with his patreon dropping oops oh look yeah Android dev released another video hey I've been watching him for a long time maybe I should support him on patreon hello optic but oh what's this drama what is he talking about drama I haven't heard about this at that time he was making around three and a half thousand dollars per month with patreon and quite soon after he was making two and a half thousand because of course what did he just did he think people wouldn't get tired of him like they wouldn't get a knife a knife me fans have been begging him to do certain things or remove certain things from the game for ages and he just doesn't listen to them what which leads me to my next point watashi wa Nihonjin desu - it's very weird that he's making a game that heavily leans into japanese culture customs and way of life when he doesn't really understand any of it because he isn't Japanese and doesn't speak it there was a very interesting post on the yawn that are you seem annoyed a subreddit before he he bought it Oh sidenote he bought the he bought the subreddit he got to it which is great and there's some images of him arguing his price on which he goes from I wanted for free I'll settle for a thousand and then get this arguing without a thousand took like 2.8 K and then arguing against himself to bring that to for an 8k up to 3 K which is it that's up that's a Stokes moment of I've ever seen one holy [ __ ] that's out of the deal baby back on topic this post was made by somebody who was like native language Japanese and also knew English and was basically talking about how like cringe some of the names are all like how some of them just don't sound Japanese own nuances that we wouldn't really understand from just learning the language like how easing glyph speakers know that Johnson is a last name like it you wouldn't have Johnson Reid that sounds kind of weird you know or how certain names have gone out of fashion like how Beatrice is an old name and hasn't been used in a while and has been replaced but with Tris the criticism was pretty scathing not in its delivery but in its content instead and unfortunately I can only view this in broken CSS because of course the post has been removed in the post he actually she actually gave some pretty good replacement names I actually genuinely tried to help not just doing what I do where I'm just like yeah [ __ ] yeah that sucks yeah that's they were actually trying to give replacements and of course those replacements aren't in the game and the student council members still have the first name is their [ __ ] hair color also that the this student council leader who's perfect at everything because that's how animes portrayed them her name is like something got a so like perfect goddess or some [ __ ] and it's the it sounds cringy [ __ ] even for me luckily he's now moved on and he's now giving them actual Japanese names that just like kind of have some meaning related to what they're doing instead of just naming them like paint brush the damn unfortunately he hasn't done this retroactively lace so there's still a bunch of students all the majority of the students that have really shitty names you know I almost complimented him there for a second and you know it was a fun ride I liked it it was it was it was fun while it lasted okay so the entire game feels like it's being made by an American whose entire understanding of Japan is through the lens of anime because it is and it makes everything extremely uncomfortable I would hate to be Japanese that would [ __ ] suck before anyone says anything yeah I know the game is kind of meant to be that way and it's kind of meant to make you feel comfortable I'm already stretching my imagination and giving a lot of leeway but when everything is wrong it's kind of hard to ignore and also matter doesn't deter me in this life or the next I don't [ __ ] care it's just really strange how there isn't even like a hint of Western anything and they're like you from if you're from America you have boundless resources and like infinite texts you can read any book that you want that's printed in English to learn about your country learn about your culture you can do any of that which a Japanese person cannot do you have infinite resources to learn about where you're from and instead you don't do that and to make the entire game just Japanese centric like not even a Japanese American mix which would have been interesting which certain anime is actually do some anime games do as well none of that it's just old Japanese which is weird because it's entirely based around a single less than accurate portrayal of a country you don't live in with references in a language you don't understand that implements taboo concepts that you couldn't possibly understand the nuances - without actually having experienced it or being in that country I did a frankly ungodly amount of research just to make a single shirt which is that one where it's just two lines which is it's just my name on it it's just kept behind you and even then I am aware that I I got something wrong there are a few examples of this from the past like the school layout not exactly being correct and even now it's still a bit off the school uniform being for the wrong level of schooling because that's what it's like an anime and that's the only conceivable reason why he hasn't changed it even though people keep pointing it out but the most egregious manifestation of this is the panty shots and I'm gonna [ __ ] evaporate just saying that God you see because of Alex's incessant intent on adding trivial details to the game we know the age of basically any adult character I don't think there's a single one that we don't know the age of but that information becomes quite sparse when you look at the students in fact on the official wiki or whatever I think it's the official wiki then the ages not list them because there's a disclaimer at the start of the game that says all all characters are 18 years are over even if this contradicting evidence as if that makes any of the actions in the game like like it just makes them marginally more tolerable oh no my classmates have been assaulted and killed Oh No there's been some risk asexually stuff going on here but it's all good because we're all 18 which means we're all legal adults in a legal system from a different country my conscience is clear because I'm look at me look at me my middle school uniform I'm 18 I'm 18 say it back to look me in the eyes and say I'm 18 all right say I'm 18 say it now even in this tacky gub that I only bought for a skit I'm looking damn good this is like cosplay where and I could only get it from Japan and it's um very very apparent that it wasn't made for people over five foot six this is like the largest size and I feel like a [ __ ] child you know yeah I can murder kids and like invade their privacy and [ __ ] have sexually assault them but they're all 18 so Mike my consciousness is pure there's nothing wrong with this also when his most recent video he just announced that he's selling body pillows of some of the students and it's very weird and very messed up and also they're appearing in quite literally like a a Triple X right an adult game I'm desperately trying to dance around YouTube's algorithms yeah just give me a break the characters from your Android simulated that are in this game aren't depicted in a lewd way like they are on the games it is quite literally like the the whole thing definitely not safe for any kind of consumption burn my eyes out throw me in a ditch he justifies this because as he said before they're 18 plus and no I'm fine thanks for asking how are you and it doesn't matter anyway because the audience for yandere simulator I totally not children because he said that he doesn't want children to follow this game and he shows his YouTube demographic to prove that everyone's over the age of 18 calling it empirical evidence now I don't have a problem with using YouTube analytics to prove your point but you can't just call it quote unquote empirical evidence and pretend like that makes it foolproof that's not actually what empirical literally means YouTube demographics are the most unreliable source of information you could possibly find because people will just lie and say they're over 18 to watch 18 plus content that's literally what it is by the way the second to last rival that you face is your love interests younger sister who doesn't want him romantically nice save but instead just wants all of his attention and doesn't want to get a girlfriend and is listed as being two years behind but only a year younger which doesn't make any mathematical sense but even then at best she's 17 oh baby yeah yeah the killing and killing and taking panty shots of a 17 year old in the plant nineteen eighties mode you're supposed to play as younger Chan's mother it's specifically like the same time frame that her daughter is in right now you know with a little bit more challenge a little bit more law you know you can't use your phone because they're on our smartphones so you can't take panty shots of students therefore she's 17 also what the [ __ ] do we even have this information so when the Android Chan's mother is doing the same thing as Y Andre Chan she was 17 but when the Android chance doing it now she's 18 that's fine that's it's like kind of the same reason why all that lolly [ __ ] just [ __ ] me off so much you can put as much fry in front as you want on but if it barks it's a dog and if it's in high school it's a teenager what the [ __ ] you can disclaim the [ __ ] out of it it's the intentions are pretty [ __ ] clear also this disclaimer would only serve to dispute third-party sources it's extremely pointless if the person who wrote it also contradicts themselves despite it being scummy it still makes more sense to have it and then imply they're 17 it really doesn't work when you say don't trust what other people say only my word is Canon and then saying they're 17 you absolute [ __ ] I won't ever understand Japan so while I dislike it I can't really say I understand them but Alex isn't from Japan he's from America he should know better he should know that the age of consent shouldn't be 13 he should know that because he's growing up in a country where that isn't the case but he just ignores that you can't get away with that in my opinion you you can't just make a game that's set in Japan and then just ignore the fact that you've grown up in America like all your life that doesn't make any sense hey another side note here I know they're very common but I keep finding stuff and I just really feel like I need to mention it there was actually a concept that he either was working on or still is it hasn't been implemented yet obviously back in 2017 of having you open your skirt as an inventory system Allah you know like Resident Evil 4 except way more lewd he pulled it and there were three choices only proceed if you're going to censor them don't use it at all or proceed and just do whatever you want basically the the ludus option now he clearly wanted option 3 he didn't want option 1 and he certainly didn't like option to accept the vast majority of the the people that were polled just disagreed with him like just gave him answers he didn't want to hear so as a response in the next post he recognized this he mentioned it and then spent the next 17 paragraphs basically trying to reason as to why he should keep showing a school girls panties in a video game as if it's like important because it is important just only to him not even Americans defend freedom of speech of this valiantly like this is actually impressive it's just not exactly the hill I think he should die on he argues that the reason yandere simulator is popular is because it's not bland it's not being safe and it's risque which isn't really accurate um seeing is you can't really quantify what makes something popular without polling an entire audience which he hasn't really done so he's just making that up and if anything I would say it's more the concept of a stealth game at a school which is interesting rather than the fact you can sexually assault teenagers I don't think that ranks very highly on people's to-do list and while this poll is distinctive because of the subject matter um quite a lot of them stick out not because of the same reasons but because of the tone and the the implications of what he's polling people have found issue with this in the past specifically stating that like there's actually no statistical value in what he's polling because there's such loaded questions it is pretty much just like hey did you watch this video hey are you a human hey do you have empathy for other human beings crazy alright then you're a chill fan yeah dude what that poll was one of two from February 17 to 2017 the second one is actually worse the question is not great and the answers are even worse firstly the question isn't exactly polo ball it's it's far more complex than that and secondly the answers are all extremely loaded and pretty much completely worthless some of them don't even contradict each other so what's the [ __ ] point and he has the [ __ ] audacity in one of the answers to say your health and happiness are most important which I don't even think makes grammatical sense I could be wrong but I feel like I just read something while having a stroke and secondly it implies that if you don't answer that then you're saying he's health and happiness I'm not an important as if those two things are completely dependent on you fixing them for him that doesn't what the [ __ ] is wrong with him right back to the video having pay any shots of adults who are actually teenagers in your game to the vocal dismay of many is is [ __ ] pathetic to be honest I you could just change it to something else there are other ways to get around this problem but he seems pretty intent on making himself seem like a massive goddamn creep which is what some people may call a transition in my honest genuine opinion yeah Android dev is one of the vile human beings that has been given a platform to reach many an impressionable young fan now I didn't mention stuff like this in the last video because it was stuff like him being called a pedophile because I assumed he would give more evidence and would further refute the claims and then he didn't so here I am he doesn't exactly have the the hatred and disdain that most sane people have for pedophiles and he kind of has similar opinions - what a pedophile would have but yeah dude no it's fine it's not their fault he's gone on the record stating that in a discussion about the age of consent that he was just having with someone because people do that I guess that he would revoke on the idea to revoke the age of consent and instead have a sex license which out of context is the funniest [ __ ] thing I've ever heard now a Android dev says that this conversation started up because the person he was talking with seemed to believe that yandere simulator contains depictions of underaged characters in quote-unquote sexual situations however there are no quote unquote sexual situations in yarn that are simulated now this seems like easy pickings but I really feel like I should enforce the fact that he has no [ __ ] clue what he's talking about first off he didn't actually dispute they're underage which just go back 10 minutes in the video and what's that again you get my point and secondly he continuously uses the word lewd which by definition actually includes sexual behavior not every definition includes the word sexual but quite a lot of them do meaning a lewd situation could be reinterpreted as a sexual situation you know what the word lewd means like you watching this right now knows what this word means you know it implies sexual situations there's no way he doesn't this is just a complete lie basically the age of consent isn't a thing and you take a test to find out your sexual maturity which age of consent destroyed with facts and logic except none of that because it's a dumb idea there are quite a few studies and surveys that like show you when people become sexually active a certain demographics around the world and countries and all that but there are a few of them that actually asked did you regret it like later on did you regret all that kind of stuff and for a very low percentage of people at the 16 to 17 bracket a very disproportionately high percentage of them did regret it more so women wow what a surprise oh nobody would have seen that one coming oh hi there you probably know that the statistics are already going to agree with me so you can skip this part if you want but I just thought it should be you know important to list my sources and all of that and sure what I'm talking about so I'll just I'll do this real quick you can skip to this point if you just want to ignore this I'm specifically getting my information from a study in Scotland and also a compilation I think or like a write-up the Irish study of sexual health relationship which sources multiple different things later on so I don't know if it's actually a study itself in the section specifically about regret despite not mentioning anyone below the age of 18 they do conclude that younger age groups are significantly more likely to say they should have waited longer women are more likely to do it across all age groups 19 percent on average to 14 percent now this is just island however there is another study the extent of regretted sexual intercourse among young teenagers in Scotland across sectional survey specifically looks at teenagers around the mean age of 14 years old now this thing looks ugly as [ __ ] but it does prove a few points also the numbers in the brackets are the percentages firstly even at this age group women are more likely to regret the first sexual experience to say it was too soon while the percentage of men who so it was too soon compared to the percentage of women are comparable the percentage of women who say it shouldn't have happened at all are significantly higher sometimes more than double which is really really weird next if the boy pressured the girl into the experience the percentage of those who say it was too soon completely skyrockets on both genders also because there's no direct comparison to any other age group I should say these numbers are unbelievably [ __ ] high lastly and most importantly mind you pretty much nothing changed the percentage of those who regretted it it's just like the age and to that see that's pretty much the only thing that changes the percentage now if your Android dev sees this and still has any brain cells left after sniffing glue off his body pills he may argue that I just said that the younger they are the higher the percentages are and 14 is a bit unrealistic except in this post that were talking about he specifically talks about the age fourteen like that's specifically an example where the person he was discussing with asked with this sex license things still a funny name work if it was a 14 year old that want to have sex with a grown man or grow man have sex with a 14 year old and he says well obviously I stick with my point which is really weird because the numbers really don't agree with them also you should check out this post I don't know exactly how legitimate it is but it does not read like an attention-grabbing kind of post it does seem very genuine in which the age 14 is mentioned again and it is quiet strange to read so - so dude go ahead of your own caution if it was just this post and nothing else I wouldn't really be showing it to you but in compilation with what we know of him now this doesn't really look like an out of character fabricated on lines it does really seem like a continuation of the evolution of the person that he is now it is kind of seem like repeat behavior but surveys are financed so let's just imagine a situation with two people they're both the same age they're both teenagers in this situation both people have about as much power as each other neither of them really know much more than the other person everything's very safe it's in a controlled environment so to speak now let's take that remove one of them and then add a 30 year old who can totally take advantage of the other person because there is now an insane power dynamic in his favor holy [ __ ] what a great idea literally the defining feature of a teenager is God mom I'm not a kid anymore because they think that they know more than they do teenagers thinking that they know more than they do and then finding out through experience that they don't is like the whole purpose of being a teenager they're [ __ ] stupid and they're worthless and they leech off people that's that's why you're a teenager to learn that you're a [ __ ] idiot thinking that you're ready even technically knowing what you're doing isn't always an indicator that you actually are Rayden you just have to experience stuff that's not even about what we're talking about that's just life in general also you could cheat on the exam you degenerate [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [Music] throw up I could have just called him a dummy donger brain and been done with all this because nobody in respectable society would have disagreed with me but I chose to genuinely engage with the point and really get some statistics going and argue against it so I could have the cathartic experience of smacking him down with the mine of Zeus just to prove that he's not just wrong he's really really [ __ ] wrong someone that used to work with him once described yandere simulator as a perverted spin on hatred and I guess I somewhat take that philosophy to a yandere dev himself he's a perverted spin on a weeb and you know while weebs can sometimes be perverts by themselves this is like compounding pervert this is like pervert ^ itself that was a maths joke those are some big boobies the only reason we know his current or past position on the age of consent is because he he [ __ ] he just post it he does he gave us this as a response this is a response to somebody calling him a pedophile and he he wrote this down on his computer and he looked at it and go to parties Brown that just thought yeah this is good this will show people that I am NOT a pedophile what just lie just say not the age of consent is fine it should be at least 18 everywhere across the globe I don't like pedophiles I think they suck I hope I hope they all go to jail you could have just said that you could have lied to us and it would have been fine but instead he decided to post this and think yeah yeah yeah people will be on my side now I unbelief submit a toast I am really glad that I live in a world where my realm of existence like my circle has collided with the Freys consume the come challenge like that's a thing now that's objectively that happened and we can't pretend that didn't we can't go back we shouldn't but we can't the Android dev discord speedrun is um oh well it's a thing of beauty honestly I think it's a one of the triumphs of mankind as a whole because where I spent almost an hour detailing or trying to conceptualize Alex's toxicity towards his fans that was apparent but vague and also trying to show that you know the coding was incorrect both how it was written and the theoretical structure of coding languages peopled has posted a [ __ ] picture on his discord and it proved basically everything I was trying to prove anyway and the beauty of it is it's faster it's more efficient and proves more with fewer words it's basically the essence of speedrunning as far as I'm aware the world record is held by someone called Volsky who has a sub one second time if you round down from below point five and god damn look at that routing there's no exploits there's no engine manipulation that's just that's just [ __ ] rounding that's just technical skill pure [ __ ] speedrunning despite repeating myself I think it's important to reinforce that this entire situation or experience is completely indicative of who Alex was one-and-a-half years ago and who he is now well it's not him banning those people from the discord he's created this echo chamber through his toxicity and just such a anti 81 else mindset it seems like at every impasse as perceived by him he makes the wrong choice this has gone on for so long that enough knowledge has spread to his general following to the flow and wait like this isn't like ignorant anymore you can't really fame that this is you would have a better time responding to criticism by throwing darts at a dartboard you would get a higher success rate I am certain there are a few parts of this video that are aimed directly at Alex because spliced in between all my metaphors analogies jokes and flowery language is what I believe to be genuine like constructive criticism like genuinely trying to help and genuine messages so this is one of those times the getting banned on discord speedrun was and is not some blundering agent of chaos or the the mist borne from the souls of the Damned that just destroys anything the wind blows them towards its it's fight it's frustration I fail to see it as anything other than that like people are just getting so [ __ ] furious with how little is being done how little their voices mean to the developer it's just frustration I didn't even give him money and I'm frustrated you probably didn't most of the people watching the first video didn't either I couldn't even possibly approach the mental state of what what people would be thinking and even if you did give him money you couldn't possibly understand the wider communities feelings about it the only person who could really conceptualize all of this is Alex himself but he doesn't want to or he just doesn't know like what's going on I don't even think I have to use my platform to condemn these people for harassing Alex with malice intent because in reality it's petty intent at best and it's not really interacting with Alex at all honestly if he's not getting distracted by his work then he shouldn't even know any of these people joined they're having fun wasting his moderators time because he wasted theirs delaying crucial content dismissing anyone that was trying to help and being toxic to anyone who even approached a dissenting thought all the while streaming two to three hours a day even though he's monumentally behind on his work hey do you like this unintentional recurring feature of my videos where I take so long to make them that you see me physically age throw at them isn't that great I made this whole breakdown of the game showing like how much it's actually been completed thus far using you know what can his previous videos and Counting how long it took him to implement some features and the weighting of those certain features and I did this whole [ __ ] thing before I realized the thing that I realized at the start of this video that there is an unknown amount of balancing and bug fixes that he has to do so all of that is entirely pointless and we can't even possibly judge when the game's going to be finished I also spoke somewhat briefly about object-oriented programming and the pillars of it and to just recap that really quickly imagine the students writing an essay in he needs five references there's two options here to ignore the essay pie it's not actually important focus on the books now there's two options the first one is to get those books like buy them and then he owns those five books or he can borrow those five books from a library that's special that as soon as it gets a book it has an infinite supply of those books now if that student was the only person to ever write an essay in their entire lives in the history of the earth then yeah that's fine even like up to two or three students like in efficiency is fine in small numbers but if there's 11 people writing 11 essays you now have 11 copies of the same book when you only actually needed one so the library is more complicated and it takes a long time to build but it's more efficient in the long run this is a vague and insultingly simplistic way of the driving inheritance it's a lot more complicated than that and there's a lot more to go into it's actually kind of interesting but not in this video now the students in yandere simulator I coded so poorly that example doesn't even do it justice it's more like if you wanted to have two thousand three hundred and fifty seven books in one library or you wanted to have two thousand three hundred and fifty seven books in two thousand three hundred and fifty-seven libraries now the better way to do it is to have a student repository and just have each individual student grab traits that they use instead he just has a single student file that just is 17,000 lines long that has every single thing an npc could possibly have and they just turn off the things that they aren't going to use now to people that sounds efficient but to a computer it's actually the complete opposite and may actually be the worst possible way to code a student because it doesn't ignore the lines of code that it doesn't need in that 17,000 line clump it doesn't do that it reads like most of the lines of code and then picks out what it needs so it's essentially like running 17,000 lines of code on every student on every frame which is probably why the shadows are so [ __ ] now I know I was talking about the future of the game so I'm not bringing this up for no reason this is actually very important for implementing rivals which again he said it just iterations of each other that are hard difficulties and all that kind of stuff now if he was a suffer engineer or he understood the basics of the language his programming in that would be good unfortunately you already know where this is going if he was smart enough and had experience in this area he could create a solution that was fast and efficient for him to do but still gave him head room for expansions later on Wow look at this I'm actually fixing his code with basically no experience holy [ __ ] this is so hard it's crazy hey do you want to know where I found this super intense code that shows everything significantly you'll never guess it's cold duh w3schools also known as quite literally the starting place for pretty much everyone's first coding experience it's it's like the first thing you learned this is really easy by the way also shout out to my sister for reminding me how to use iterative loops I completely forgot I completely forgot how to code as far as I'm aware unless something completely off course has happened the game is running in c-sharp which isn't the coolest language and it's not the fastest language but it's a lot better than JavaScript and thank [ __ ] god it's not something like Pascal like can you code games in pass but can you even code in Pascal I [ __ ] hate that language that Pascal can go [ __ ] die unfortunately seeing as the game still very much runs like a young paraplegic boy who's also blind and chained to an anchor at the bottom of the ocean I very much doubt that Y Android dev has suddenly started to understand the the things that makes a sharp better than JavaScript like the fact C sharp has inheritance and JavaScript basically doesn't also slide bias by [ __ ] a job this is what I can gather from the either leaked or ripped or stolen student dot CS scrubbed thing which I don't know if it's real but it is to depressingly verbose for me to think otherwise like this is no one would write seventeen thousand lines of code as a joke and it was at that point that I realized what I thought was happening with the students was except it was actually worse and I kinda wanted to gouge my eyes out because I then found out that every single student uses the same [ __ ] script and like all had the same code so there was no chance that the rivals were getting made in a timely manner or at all there are ten planned rivals and I thought because the base map has been implemented and the core mechanics exist and all the students exist and they all have planned schedules and so on and so forth that each rival implementation would be about 10% maybe 8 to 9% of the total games development that would signal when it's getting ready to be completed you could change that 10% till about 4 to 5% he was correctly using inheritance meaning that the game would be like 3/4 of the way through development at this point except when you start to factor in code that's so janky it more often than not doesn't work and it occasionally breaks out into a functioning game or that it's so messy it's easy to reverse engineering then understand what it was actually intentionally used for all the bad practices that ignore the core principles of any coding language made after I was born and then packaged that with the terrible time management and resources that just go towards superfluous things that just unbalance the game and its foundation and I start to realize maybe the game isn't actually going to be released I would very much like to say that the time spent developing asana is not indicative of how much time it'll take to develop each other rifle because for any competent programmer it wouldn't but you know Android dev has done nothing to show that he is anything but completely incompetent there is no chance in how he develops his game completely in the next three years so I went back and I changed my model on how to look at some other things and in my opinion with the final product being a fun complete experience that does not look feel or run like an Xbox 360 demo this game is maybe six to ten percent of the way complete in the process of researching for this video by watching Android as content on YouTube it's not of recommending me more coding channels and go watch him by the way and it really made me think about the actual process of developing an indie game currently by anyway you want to describe it the game is not out of the prototype stage like it just isn't so I thought I want the way this would put it on the development you know timeline so you know I found this fun little chart on Wikipedia and can you guess where in this little process it is can you guess where it comes in no you can't because it's not actually on there the first stage which is like pre-alpha describes a game that has a representative gameplay asset and mechanics which I have gone to great lengths in the past hour and a half to prove that it doesn't the first playable so to speak is even described as having major gameplay elements which I would describe as the rifles and it doesn't have them at all fans have been like lulled into this idea that because they can play the game and they can physically see how it's changing that it actually is moving forward at a reasonable speed but it really isn't like the actual work being put into this or the work time being put into this and what you get in return when you actually look at it it's pretty much [ __ ] all this situation may remind you of early access games which is now very synonymous with not being released like the dayz standalone that was in early access development for five years with no actual reason as to why it was just like that and even with the term le axis being synonymous with a low quality final product and delayed releases and just lack of updates I wouldn't even really consider yawn very simulate an early access project because even compared to the dayz standalone that took like two years to add grass at least it has grass we just have a flat texture of grass and yawn that our simulator isn't that so cool I really get the feeling that because fans get to play these updates and they get to physically see the updates as they happen that they they're getting something but they [ __ ] not it's very much like how humans can't process the difference between a million and a billion because we just think oh it's a different letter and a millions a lot and the billing is like a lot a lot but in reality a billing just can wharfs a million like a million looks like a [ __ ] penny in comparison but that is how inconceivable this kind of like lack of development is it is so hard to comprehend how little work has been done and how much there is to go but when you compare it to any other game it doesn't even [ __ ] show up the biggest thing I want people to take away from this is the difference between both the Android dev as a person and the state of the game or really the lack of difference between now and one and a half years ago and while it is great fun to look at how Alex hasn't changed and Halloween hasn't changed I just think it's worth looking at the environment the difference in the environment that he's developing the game in now and when he started specifically with indie games because in the past not actually that long ago indie games were pretty proportionate they've had a modest budget and they attracted a modest audience you know with some exceptions however that was 2014 and the industry was still somewhat heralding binding of issac and Super Meat Boy is like the indie games like the best ones the quintessential indie games but as the years progressed it seemed like every eight months we got a new the indie game to play mostly due to the rise in power of consumer grade development tools like the Unity engine that he [ __ ] uses in 2014 we got shovel knight which replaced Binding of Isaac and the super meatboy is the indie game to play but then in 2015 we got Ari in the blind forest undertale 2016 fire watch inside Start Valley absolutely 2017 hell-blade 9 the woods holy night Hatton Timecop had 2018 beats Ava ashen rimworld The Messenger Celeste Delta in 2019 untitled goose game risk of rain - my friend prendre and disco Elysium which is one of the greatest games I have played and undoubtedly the best written game I have ever played in my entire life you have to check it out you may know some of those games you may have actually played most of those games and you would have loved a lot of them and every single game I just listed has started and ended development faster than yandere simulator the only exception is cuphead because every single frame is hand animated and it's beautiful and also they took a break and also it took seven years so if you're Andrea simulated does not finish development by the end of this year it would have taken longer which isn't just depressing it's it's [ __ ] embarrassing for him a surprising amount of those games were made or ported to unity engine during their development a surprising amount of them were made either without a Kickstarter goal or for a Kickstarter goal that was actually lower than what yandere dev has already earned through patreon alone not even counting YouTube ads a having time specifically actually started development then was put on hold added more members they formed a business called gears for breakfast and worked on the game from multiple different countries all for free until they had a presentable product to show to Kickstarter where they asked for money and they got it and they worked on it and they finished all of that from the very start of development with the break then Kickstarter campaign then finished the game quicker than yandere simulator and guess what it's one of my [ __ ] favorite games of all time because it's goddamn amazing in my opinion the best example of this is Toby Fox which many of you know as the cradle of undertale and delta room he asked for $5,000 on Kickstarter he got 51,000 dollars as a result which is still less than what your dev meant in 2017 alone from patreon again not including ads no but that's not fair Alex works by himself he he only uses a team of volunteers well Toby worked almost exclusively on the game by himself he only had another human touch the project in the form of art he made the music by himself which is [ __ ] iconic now and he developed the entire game on game maker which I don't [ __ ] care about your opinions on Unity engine you need the engine with c-sharp is pretty objective more powerful than game maker now he wasn't just recognized by Nintendo which is essentially the grandfather of all modern video games but he was respected by them and Masahiro Sakurai the creator of smash one of the most influential game directors and game developers that has ever existed and probably will ever exist like holy [ __ ] the man's a [ __ ] god but it really does show how quickly indie games are catching up to triple-a titles whether it be graphical fidelity or polish or gameplay or content richness or post release support it genuinely doesn't matter indie games at the moment can reach far more people than any other time in their past and the bar for entry is rapidly dropping also three days before filming this part I actually purchased bright memory I didn't know it was on Steam I didn't even know you could buy it at this point but I heard so much about it I bought it and I [ __ ] loved it I think it is absolutely outstanding and the reason I'm saying this is because as some of you may know bright memory is being created by one man that's it the game looks [ __ ] beautiful it runs surprisingly well and it is so much goddamn fun and it was made in a different language and it has good English better English than yandere simulator the [ __ ] competition is destroying him in 2015 and 2016 yandere simulator was in contest with other indie games and it was lying him behind it's 2020 metal yandere simulator is no longer in the competition it barely had anything of worth four years ago it has nothing left now it barely just stopped having to share its core idea with another game a fan game actually which had the shutdown development and while the developer does defend yawn dry dev and yandere simulator which I don't agree with [ __ ] obviously if there is any way in the future that you could support this game if you could follow us development if it ever comes back and you think it's interesting I would say show interest try and help because while he does defend Yayoi dev his game is the shining [ __ ] example of everything wrong yandere dev is doing the landscape for games development is full of people just filled to the brim with passion not just for their projects not just for their games but for gaming as an art form creating and finessing experiences for the player pouring unbelievable amounts of care into their projects care that Alex doesn't [ __ ] have it's pretty goddamn obvious that almost everyone outside of the industry and everyone inside of the industry can do a better job than him like he's not good at his job he barely [ __ ] cares about his job doesn't there is barely a place for him with passion involved with such a little passion now there's [ __ ] nothing there was barely a place for him four years ago there's not a place for him now and he's not releasing it now in one of his videos he murders hacks appa and where's the skin of quite a famous Miyazaki Court which basically says in a unbelievably cringy way that a brushed asana would be bad but adelaide o sana would eventually be good and I'm saying this from the most depraved bottom-dwelling part of my heart the game is [ __ ] it doesn't matter it does not [ __ ] matter he is delusional and is a goddamn [ __ ] the game is not going to be released it just isn't if it ever does get released it's going to be torn apart by the most pathetic indie early access [ __ ] on the market the game sucks the only reason the game continues to foul Minister lion he's fat [ __ ] pockets because he doesn't care if the game is released or if the game is good he wants the game to be anime and what's the game to be what he wants he doesn't [ __ ] care of people enjoy it he says he does but he doesn't actually believe that I mean for God's sake if he actually gave a [ __ ] about releasing a product good or bad just releasing a product before the majority of us [ __ ] died he would have handed off development to somebody else he would have handed off development when it was handed to him on a silver [ __ ] planet dude it was given to him he was given the best possible outcome from such a shitty product and he [ __ ] it up the game was and is a failure which is so impressive because it hasn't even [ __ ] being released the only reason it isn't the most prevailing case study to show what not to do during games development is because it technically hasn't finished yet you can't call the hindenburg the greatest disaster of all time if it's only half way to the ground thank you for watching I appreciate it greatly if I was hot enough to make the video this long I imagine it would be quite hard to watch it all this way don't also don't send hate towards him obviously you already know that you're not stupid but don't support him if you do and just [ __ ] dear [ __ ] God do not support him please I'm begging I'm on my [ __ ] knees I'm not on my knees you can see that I'm you can see me physically but I'm metaphorically I'm begging if you liked the video um but like it like with the button press the button and then subscribe and then put on the bail I don't know how to turn on the bail but do it also a quick shout out to the fellas the boys the home that I'm not gonna say homers the fellas again that are supporting me through these dark times even though I haven't released a video in like a month buy my merch if you like it if you like any of the shirts that I've been wearing in this video all right adios [ __ ] [Music]
Channel: Kappa Kaiju
Views: 6,307,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kappa, Kaiju, commentary, Yandere, Dev, YanDev, Simulator, anime, game, development, controversy, rant, exposed, expose video, drama, truth, The Real Yandere Dev
Id: G43G0B5gQpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 11sec (6551 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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