The Terrible Game that Tried to Say Something

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games are an art form and I don't know why that was ever a controversial statement like they can have illustration acting writing animation and music and those are old things that are considered art so I don't get it but sometimes games go P just trying to be fun and actually try to say something to varying degrees of success [Music] chory a colorful taale is a game where you paint and talk about your feelings and oh oh no playing Splatoon to explore this little world with your paintbrush is fun as hell but if you want you can just paint everything and cry because this dog you named eggplant has weirdly relatable self-esteem issues I'm not the biggest fan of painting on a controller I mean this is the best I could come up with and even that took me a while but the joy of killing a floating eyeball in a black void of nothing and just to become a inkling is unmatched it tells a genuinely good story about feeling [Music] inadequately in we are constantly compared to PFF owners of a paintbrush from NBCS that the character you're playing as the chicken your and when I was off the paining myself I was honestly a little bit self-conscious like am I worthy of this paintbrush when I have the OB of a 5-year-old you really feel like a guy who just happened to P the brush and has no idea what to do with it and I kind of like that I'm planning on taking it but it's yours now so get God the thing is that if you don't want to you literally don't have to paint at all well technically you do but only really for exploration you can just pretend that you're a five but just got to cop you spatoon free and a spray paint bottle for Christmas I don't know why You' want to but if you do then this game will make you a happy camper it's not a cinematic Masterpiece or an Incredible open world game but what chory is is a cute little op tutorial that is really sad you can also make a stencil to paste everywhere [Music] dust is simple it's a game about a person trying to climb a mountain just with added evil eyeball monsters and a mind Battle of an Emil clone of yourself this game is known for being pretty hot every level introduces a new difficult mechanic while keeping it all tied to a basic jump Dash and climb as simple as it basic controls are this game has some rooms that just why every challenge feels manageable most of time but there's also the assist mode because we don't want another CET on our hands from playing through the story to finding strawberries to secret levels that make you go okay I'm done this is some of the most fun I've ever had with a platformer I tried others and I did not enjoy that every fail immediately takes you right back to the start of every fail you can try again immediately after failing which is good because you're going to be doing that a lot CEST is a great game with fun gameplay a lot to say and Crystal Hearts F but Above All Else Celeste is incredible at using its gameplay to tell a great story about perseverance meline is just a random person who took it upon herself to climb an impossibly large mountain it's a perfect metaphor for mine's mental stay as her emo clone tries to stop her I know I sound like an English teacher right now but I don't know it's good okay you st have a thumbnail you know what it's time to talk about get ready to Yi [Music] out you know how theas was great at using its gameplay to C in its story well y 2K or Yik is about that too it's about floors and it has a lot of them okay before I start complaining I have to say that I have a lot of respect for the people behind this game the 1.5 update is an upcoming patch for the game it Promises to reor the game playay entirely and fix the leveling system trust me it was bad I can't comment on it at the time of writing but I would love to see this game get a Redemption it truly does deserve but now I'm going to play this game in the original state it was left in at launch meaning the 1.25 update well it's not the original original state the game was left in because it's 1.25 update but shut up so that was probably on the low end of all the games I've played before but that would depend on your opinions on playing this Robotic Revenge and the kid at Disneyland game I enjoyed them at six but I also liked hop back then so that doesn't say much yck has a great concept genely beautiful Offa music and pretty good level design even the voice acting isn't always half [Music] bad hey hey you come back I don't care if you so I need you I die the rest of it falls off hard the biggest disappointment for me though was the game play it goes with a paper Mario approach where you play a mini game for every attack you do in Paper Mario these were unique fun to learn and didn't interrupt the pacing at all Yik expects you to play the mini game watch the character attack watch the enemy get attacked watch the enemy attack you try to dodge the attack watch the character get attacked by the enemy do that again for every single enemy use an item to heal get attacked on the playing this game of OBS delay is a death sentence also I didn't like them let's compare a typical battle in Paper Mario to one in [Music] [Applause] y cat scratch all I'm trying to say with this is that I really hope yek becomes something truly great whether it's from an update a new project or whatever else act F decid to make next I can direct you to so many videos on this website that both criticize and praise this game but one steam review I found really stuck with me Yik is an objectively awful game but I feel it's very disheartening but it's not from a lack of effort there is some genuine Talent put into all three games that I talked about in this video but out of all three of them I wanted Yik to be good the most it is a mess in a lot of ways I'm frankly too stupid to describe but that's what happens when a game tries to say [Music] something hogers [Music]
Channel: Mageymations
Views: 7,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KYj7duerr0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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