Mamamax Is a Complete FRAUD...

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today's video is the most serious I might have made in my entire career on this platform it's a video I don't want to make because it's personally so uncomfortable it's a video about someone I and many in the community considered a friend today I personally don't consider this person a friend I consider them a liar both professionally and on a personal level regarding very personal things but that's me going into things that I shouldn't need to I also didn't want to make a video on this because I'm not an expert on the topics that we are completely discussing today as you know when I upload things to my channel it can be about computer software it can be about Creepy games it can be browsing the weirder side of the internet like the Deep Web it can be looking at trending things it could be a bunch of stuff mostly light-hearted and yes I do occasionally dip into things that are very serious but when it comes to situations regarding you know um situations regarding trafficking and whatnot I am not an expert that is something for the law enforcement for lawyers for professionals to approach appropriately handle I don't even think YouTubers should be the ones that are running cases like this because in a vast majority of cases most of them aren't well equipped but in this situation this Creator specifically that we are talking about is Mama Max now Mama Max is a Channel with 746,000 subscribers a filmmaker dedicated to empowering children throughout his career Mama Max has cover topics such as his life suck series anime reviews but what most people know Max 4 is his Predator hunts videos where Max claims to infiltrate dark corners of social media he's made very popular videos and gained a lot of respect in the larger YouTube Community predator hunting is a popular topic on the internet and YouTube in general and it's seen a bit of a Resurgence in recent years with very high-profile cases such as edp445 caught in a massive YouTube Sting operation in an alleged Meetup of a minor nowadays the Predator poaching channels that exist are a dime a dozen and a big few fear of these channels that a lot of the community has is that in the grand majority for clicks and revenue basic investigative and evidentiary rules aren't met and law enforcement in many cases is not even involved until well after the fact and it's caused a serious problem in letting actual evil people walk free because of technicalities and failing to follow basic evidentiary patterns when in realistic fashion if law enforcement was involved these people would be tried in a court of law that said Mama Max has committed almost every single sin in the book in the hunt for who he believes is one of the most evil Predators currently walking in the world today so why am I talking about him so negatively now because again like I said Max has recently made several videos three in particular making what I believe to be a mockery of these types of serious investigations Max has covered a story he claims is peppered with human trafficking cult worship and brainwashing and violent abuse topics that are incredibly serious and as I've said I am not a key expert on topics where real victims exist and continue to exist on a daily basis so let's get started this is the story of how Mama Max has failed what he considers a very serious investigation and a prime example of how YouTubers should not be involved with serious situations like this so let's start off with the story The Story begins on October 3rd 2023 where Max sends me a message on Discord hey muda I hope you've been well I don't want to bother but I thought you might appreciate a heads up about an upcoming project of mine I'm on the verge of releasing a video for Halloween that is likely to generate significant drama while it may be deemed controversial the intent behind it is for charity the video is designed to be a trap for reaction channels knowing your integrity and the quality of your content I would hate for you to be caught off guard at the same time we would be honored if you would consider covering this in a thoughtful manner to facilitate a deeper discussion may I include you in a group chat with other influencers who are also considering covering this topic if confidentiality is not an issue I'd be more than happy to send you the video under a non-disclosure agreement this will allow you to become familiar with the video's content before it goes public enabling you to navigate any provocative elements we've included look forward to hearing from you Max now to understand initially I read this and said I'm down to hop in man good to hear from you hope everything is well and again Max says it's good to hear from you as well bro I'll add you in a few moments hey muda just wanted to let you just wanted to know your current thoughts within the group chat now if you notice the exact dates of these messages you'll probably pick up that around this time in October I was already busy with a massive investigation under our belt in the following weeks from my response to Max I would release a video on the completionist and further investigate that situation with a fellow YouTuber known as Carl jobst I was also in and out of the country for personal reasons and I wasn't really able for anything else as I wasn't really available for doing anything as you can assume during this time I was mostly away from Discord and if you really wanted to contact me using Twitter to directly message me or calling me on my personal cell phone is usually the best tactic which a lot of people in this scene you know if you need to absolutely contact me have that said I can't confirm what happened in the group chat Max invited me to as I honestly don't remember checking it nor which creators were in that specifically so a few days after inviting me to Des Max inquires and asks mudahar I've been it's been a bit since we've caught up and I get that your plate is probably overflowing but I wanted to touch Bas again sorry if our previous chats have been a bit heavy these issues are really close to my heart and that's exactly why we need to keep the conversation going you've got a seriously powerful platform and within your reach we could really make some noise for the betterment of children's lives just a little bit of your time could go a long way no pressure to dive into the subject but if you could spare a couple of hours for an interview I believe we could spark some real Change Is there a time that works for both of us to sit down and talk for an initial engagement a few days later Max says I'm reaching out again because the voices of child survivors cannot be ignored I've shared their stories with you because I believed in your capacity for empathy and action your silence so far has been disheartening but I still remain hopeful please understand we are determined to be heard and we'll continue to seek influencers who have the power to do something heroic watching the attached video and acknowledging their plight is all we are asking right now I hope you will not let us down now obviously the end of this you can see that it becomes very apparent that Max is emotionally guilting me into speaking and promoting a topic that I haven't actually seen much concrete evidence on nor do I know much about because it doesn't publicly exist at least the evidence as far as today and also because I'm working on another video for my channel as well a very serious investigation that I have to be 100% on Max sends me more videos that that have since been privated originally unlisted and these videos according to the time frame scent I didn't see since as you can imagine I was preoccupied with my own investigation the next video he sends me was originally titled this is the greatest cancellation of all time at penguin zero # we are real the title in the original play was a play on Charlie's content in which his descriptions are always this is the greatest blank of all time and the thumbnail being Charlie initially had me worried that something nefarious was going on or about to come out on a close online associate given the nature of Max's predatory hunting content this video was never a cancellation on Charlie but rather severe clickbait to draw eyes and then shift attention briefly to the story Max is covering and then focus on Cults misinformation and artificial intelligence in our world at this time I respond back max I've seen your latest video and I've caught up with this whole situation I haven't seen the 5-Hour podcast with Spencer who is one of the victims she has her own channel where she posted a four to five hour account of her involvement and experience with this cult that we are going to look into it's quite long and I feel the story could do with a bit more structure this is a serious matter and I have no issues covering it I would like the victims to seek proper restitution but going it in this manner isn't the best I would be down to talk further with these victims and analyze this evidence if their claims are as solid as it being depicted and at this moment Max had literally called the person in this video he wasn't alleging he was actually materially accusing them of on March 18th 2016 Spencer a 16-year-old girl from wle Texas mysteriously disappeared lured by the illusion of joining a supernatural family as a vampire on some random corner of the internet she actually found herself ens snared in a dangerous cult led by a child predator posing as a werewolf God the man had recruited hundreds of young children subjecting them to sending CP assault and attempted trafficking almost 7 years later Spencer and the other survivors shared their stories with me this video serves as their scream for action against their perpetrator [Music] a few minutes later towards a text Craw at the end of the video you can see that he puts an entire full name pinning those serious accusations on this person who is alleged to be this cult leader so these were very very serious accusations which need to be matched with very very serious corroborative Ironclad evidence the videos you produce Don't Damn Cameron a lot of the screen screen shots don't punch hard since they're on screen for less than a second and lack the required context if you want this person to be damned and attract the attention of a broader Community we need to sit down and piece this together out from beginning to its current stages in a damning but digestible manner the story has a beginning and we need to start there and that's where I'm going to leave these messages at okay obviously I communicated with Max privately about the situation but as we are making this video now it's evolved into an entire as of complete confusion for people jumping in and if you're confused now just wait until we dig in further now it's understandable that the story actually belongs to Max Max was the first one to bring it to YouTube and when you're making incredibly serious claims like he was making they require incredibly serious corroborative evidence you can't necessarily go to any YouTuber and tell them hey please say some of the most insane accusations you can make about anybody's character and do that basically on Blind Faith yes I know that he said to people that there is evidence locked behind an NDA but if that evidence isn't publicly available you literally are opening yourself up to a very very serious claim from this person that also said making these serious Claims can only entice this person if they're actually say allegedly guilty of them and it could cause them to go down and delete evidence so that if they know that they are under scrutiny or investigation they might start actually getting rid of actionable evidence that can exist if these people are potentially armed and dangerous it could make them go above the edge over the edge and then actually cause harm to the people around them as some form of Retribution to somebody online and that's why you have to be incredibly careful you can't be making claims unless you can 100% back them with evidence that would hold up in a court of law let alone public opinion but with that also said I understand that evidence sometimes can't be perfect sometimes you you can't have silver bullets sitting around but if you don't have anything actionable at all then it's best kept quiet until you do but this is where Max obviously wanted to cover the story make these claims and the way that he presented them was rather odd and this is where part two of this video comes into where we look at Max's rebranding known as God cult this video brainwash your favorite influencer begins with a QR code and a text to the bottom asking viewers to send the video to large specific channels he Scrolls a massive disclaimer I need frame by frame analysis to read two key points from this [ __ ] that I found interesting to me was when Max had signified that this was uh fictitious materials when in reality this is serious allegations we're talking about how is this a fictitious element and why are we putting any of that into this video even if it is for legal reasons can we actually believe anything that you're about to say and the people that you're about to name that's a pretty big point of contention and and one that will will come back to roundtrip towards the end of the video the other big part is when he starts pointing out that if influencers deny anything here in this then they could be one of these following horrible things like internet Predators like human traffickers groomers so on and so forth which again is insane to put anybody critical of what they're about to see especially when they should be critical of what Max is about to post uh into a severe Camp just again for Den in any of the contents that he's posted in this video so anyways he asks to send this video to their favorite influencer to test them on their character he Guides Through a tutorial on using the YouTube frame by frame keyboard commands to prepare viewers for a game and he asks a series of questions if God appeared before you and told you to sacrifice a child would you do it what then he gives another long string of BS that I have to frame by frame analyze now you can read this for yourself by pausing the video or slowing down I've slowed the footage down by around 70% so to understand the actual stuff that he's talking about is Humanity will end up destroying itself if we don't protect our children children should be taught self-sufficiency and and these are all Noble things to say he falls into a tangent about artificial intelligence and again misinformation these are topics that come up throughout this entire series later but again this is part of where the videos artsy nature come into so hopefully soon we'll be getting into talking about the actual allegations he will be making what comes next is a video from a cult expert that Max has brought on and then it Dives right into the first serious allegation and key part of this story on March 18th 2016 Spencer a 16-year-old girl from Wy Texas mysteriously disappeared lured by the illusion of joining a supernatural family as a vampire on some random corner of the internet she actually found herself ens snared in a dangerous cult led by a child predator posing as a werewolf God the man had recruited hundreds of young children subjecting them to sending CP assault and attempted trafficking almost 7 years later Spencer and the other survivors shared their stories with me this video serves as their scream for action against their [Music] perpetrator now give yourself a second to breath these are very serious allegations these type of allegations require Absolute Concrete proof and not a YouTube video okay this should be reviewed by lawyers sent to police agencies this is serious stuff and so when we get to this who is Max claiming to Target he talks about Camden now here Max gives full names plays loud music and again I have to frame by frame analyze which for a serious topic like this please stop the theatrics present this with the respect it deserves there's a possibility that he will use anonymous accounts on various internet forms to spread rumors or false information about the victim or filmmakers any proof of a disinformation campaign maybe some screenshots of his various accounts and postings none of that are provided here he may attempt to engage drama oriented media sources leveraging their platforms to spin a narrative in their favor to my knowledge no one in that drama specific Community has been contacted by this person and that also said this isn't drama Max this is a serious crime we're discussing and that's what bugs me why are we not treating this with actual respect this isn't a [ __ ] Netflix show this is a serious heinous crime he has a history of spreading disinformation to deflect the allegations against him again where's the proof any links to his posts online or his accounts that are spreading this disinformation in this video nothing like that's given he may resort to Legal threats as a method to suppress the story and silence victim to this date no one covering this has reported that they've received any legal notices from this person according to multiple sources he is implicated in criminal activities affecting minors again it's up to Max to provide the relevant relevant reports for us all to see in the section which he didn't do and we'll revisit this person's legal situation later it's not uncommon for figures like him to accuse detractors of Slanders in an attempt to shift the narrative as to the time of me recording this no one to my knowledge has been communicated by this person specifically there's a possibility that he will use social media and other platforms to discredit us or make counter claims to confuse the public the individual once again hasn't posted publicly and about this to my knowledge Max you got to substantiate these massive claims that is your job as a person delivering this story he gives us his name which I'm going to refer to as K to make it simple he cuts to a montage of what he discusses human trafficking is evolving destructive Cults are growing an enemy of the children is an enemy of us all God cult is translated to guard our descendants that's the cult it's about protecting children he asks us to share Spencer story and asks the audience to contact several large YouTubers some of them include h3h3 some of them include Joe Rogan some of them include Anthony Fontano literally he is in this video asking Anthony Fontano check it out there's a cool there's a cool Banger you're hearing in the same video where he is discussing very serious allegations and very very serious stories regarding victims you can imagine why a lot of people are looking at this as him treating this as a joke it's not a joke this is serious and in reality what are people like Mr Beast what are people like PewDiePie going to do what are you going to bring his kid into this what he's a father now so he's not going to signal boost unsubstantiated claims what is Joe Rogan going to do about this situation none of these people are experts or have any legal backing to help you in the situation all they can do is make unsubstantiated claims alongside you which ultimately hurts this case more than it helps it now I was expecting at the end of this video more explanation of how this person was a cult leader or how they human traffic spener so far we have a testimony but no real hard-hitting irrefutable evidence that corroborates that testimony that can at least be publicly shared Max has already called this person a child predator and I'm not a fly on the- wall so I don't know if that statement is true or not the only way to prove that tra statement is true is evidence which Max has not provided publicly yet how can a creators stick their neck out and help when this whole situation relies on Blind Faith instead of facts I worked on a case recently with Carl which relied on us not the same situation mind you definitely less serious but it relied on providing proper relevant documentation to corroborate our accusations had I made those videos without providing documentation from you know the Internal Revenue Service actually doing my journalistic duty to contact all parties involved on tape then people would laugh me out immediately nobody would ever talk about that situation and I would be a laughing stock that is a situation Max is currently facing at this moment and it's entirely of his own valtion okay so now that we've seen the first video we went over it the amount of evidence in this first brainwashing piece has culminated so far in one witness testimony not part of that video it's a four to five hour piece you can watch no supporting evidence to help corroborate the situation no records of conversation no travel documentation to show a minor at the time traveling across state lines which is a very important thing and he didn't even explain what this cult was I don't know I I only know the name of this person Kade I know what Max is accusing him of I just don't know of any supporting evidence to assist Spencer's testimony and accusation even at the time which I want to stress can be true again I don't know anything in this situation I was not a fly on the wall but I want to know more about this vampire werewolf cult so far nothing tangible from Max has been explained and again that's a serious Crux of this problem the second video on Max's channel is titled this is what happened to Mama Max a 25-minute video explaining the current trajectory of the channel and addressing criticism in this video he covers the history of what he produced how you YouTube tackled his racy uploads and how he constantly shifted gears to YouTube's evolving climate one of the big turning points in there was when he worked on the Kanye Quest video and found a group of friends in the horror community in the dark horror community and he found that there was an alarming situation of predators in YouTube comment section searching for kids and this is where Max claims his fight would be headed regarding the accusations he made the previous video nothing really substantial comes in this one and it's more of a response to the criticism that he been getting on that last video rightfully so so I want to address some pieces of criticism that he has Isn't scary it's ed20 Era garbage it's gross that Max is doing this thing where he pretends to reach out to other big YT channels in order to help victims when in reality he's exploiting these victims to try and get views genuinely evil Behavior genuinely evil behavior is taking the conversation away from sexual predators who victimize children and making it about the YouTuber that covered it specifically because you don't like them your profile picture already speaks volumes about where you're coming from if my aim were merely to chase views I am in the absolute worst Market of content creation on YouTube to do so I am engaging in projects that require time research scripting filming and editing just to get less views than everyone who is following the latest trauma or Trend this sounds a little deflected to me because regardless of who posted that comment and what sites they could be Affiliated to you are covering content that involves you hunting down and investigating and bringing to light serious crimes regardless of how much of a filmmaker you are these are real stories and hiding behind a shield of vulnerable children when people question your nature just doesn't sound good people right now especially are rightfully looking into your work critical of how you perform these investigations and how involved relevant law enforcement agencies are and how the people you claim to go after are actually converted into real tangible arrests it's also dishonest to say that you could make more money when you are in a more profitable Niche on YouTube I get your videos are demonetized and age restricted and gangbanged in the algorithm but your videos have been massively successful millions of views and you built a follow in on the platform which by the way is the hardest part of this whole game you've also built a patreon where your last reported figure was over 1,800 members now patreon introduced a free tier about 3 months ago according to this FAQ but with a peak paid membership of around 3,341 members according to this statistic website graph Tron and based on the recent membership options if you take just the minimum amount $7.50 Canadian which is around a little over five bucks let's make it five e even you're looking at a minimum paid earning potential before taxes and patreon fees of $1 6,75 just for the peak month which ain't bad if you're only making two videos a year people are putting money into your pocket thinking that it is going towards your fight against serious serious bad people and that's not bad money for uploading again very little and this level of pocket watching was brought to you by our sponsor anti- deflection argument you definitely did and I wonder just why in October of last year you started hiding those membership counts but that being said this was not a terrible Niche for you financially and you got to admit that taking subjects as serious as child and abduction brainwashing and using them as mere window dressing to get noticed again because your YouTube relevancy is dwindling rapidly comparing crucial issues like child human and as window dressing for YouTube relevance says far more about you than you realize months were invested collaborating with the Survivor to ensure her story is portrayed in a manner that reflects her lived experiences and the gravity of her suffering in fact the full 5-hour interview was uploaded to her Channel instead of my own what kind of a response is this to a valid question if you spent months researching this topic then you would be able to present The Narrative of Spencer with the best evidence that you can publicly present that would help build her case against this person that you have labeled a cult leader in child she posts a 5H hour video of her interview and testimony on the situation which is great and I'm glad she gets to speaker piece but let's not ignore that serious allegations require very serious pieces of evidence to corroborate them we cannot work off of testimony alone and that's what everyone's been saying about the situation had Max provided evidence about this then it would be all okay and gravy and that would be fine but in this situation he hasn't done that but if talking head videos are the language that the internet understands then let's speak it so last week I released a charity video in collaboration with the survivors of a destructive cult that has victimized hundreds of minors despite its significance it turned out to be the worst performing video on my channel while I fully accept responsibility for the video's under performance I want to make it clear before the video even hit the platform the Survivor was integrally involved nothing was done without her explicit approval the wave of criticism by detractors about a narrative that is not theirs to tell reveals behaviors that aren't just unhelpful they are harmful once again he describes his situation is a destructive cult that victimized hundreds of minors yet has produced no evidence of this cult even existing yet any cult documentation not even a name Max has uttered up to this point and again he's failed to provide tangible evidence of the hundreds of children again this would be something you would have locked down with months of research before you would even produce these videos it should be easy for someone who claimed to actually have pedophiles you know arrested you understand evidence and why it's needed to substantiate claims Max's third video on the topic was initially called This is the greatest cancellation of all time at penguinzo #e areal since then in the backlash he received he changed it to reacting to the reactions of the SSS sniper Wolf's action it's fair to also mention now that a lot of the disdain Max has for the community that he is preaching to is not responding to is because he genuinely believes his work is Meaningful and that the attention at the time put towards Sniper Wolf and her drama regarding Jack's films was you know something that people looked at more now obviously one topic can weigh uh sub objectively more in regards to the seriousness of the allegations mentioned but SS Sniper Wolf was a pretty big story at the time which involved a larger Creator revealing the home location of another Creator critical of them it wasn't meaningful playground nonsense it actually had real tangible implications on YouTube as well anyways the video begins with a disclaimer which now doesn't mention any fictitious elements he hopes the video brings crucial eyes to topics such as youth trafficking serving as what he believes is a guide to easily digestible content regarding these serious topics he starts a parody of this talking head video showing a fictional Creator covering lighter topics but chooses to discuss serious topics as he cuts to sniperwolf he cuts to Spencer and then multiple victims calling for actions he summarizes Spencer's story again and makes claims of a dangerous sex cult that is led by a werewolf God recruiting hundreds of young children where is the hard evidence I think by now you probably realize that there's nothing that he's showing is necessarily hard evidence so he presents new things in this video except it's all hidden in between frames of this massively schizophrenic editing and incoherent garbage look this is a serious matter please present it seriously leave this on for people to digest and provide context to what you're showing so I'm going to go frame by frame and show you each and every single screenshot to show you exactly what he's shown so one of the actual posts he shows is from whisper a social media app that promotes you to speak openly and honestly about yourself it's meant to be this Anonymous social media app that lets you post and share photo messages with text EMB bottled on top of them here's the post where they're asking the reader if they're human they want to learn about being Supernatural and if their age is between 11 to 18 please message them now while this is an alarming post it would help if Max could try to you know link this directly to Cade or you know to any person and you know bring this up the chain explain the context but without that context it's just a screenshot that exists the next screenshot he shows is from a messaging app I assume Facebook Messenger where it's cropped unfortunately and I can't seem to get an identity of the parties and also screenshots are incredibly tough at least for me in most cases because as you noticed with you know situations like dream where he faked DMS from Poké man and xqc and there were some people that actually believed this it's easy to fake a screenshot so again the whole concept of just looking at a screenshot is tough at least personally for me unless I can log into the account and refresh from the server then things are different but this is a cropped argument and it's a clear argument between two individuals one who appears to be reaching out to a person to explain reason to them telling them that they're looking out for them the other person says Cade who is the person Max is alleging to be this cult leader of course is stating they have one more time to bother his family before he tries to make a visit to Texas implying this violent threat and a response is try me then the next screenshot of a Twitter account called Camden exists where the handle ID black angel is cut off and using a Twitter advance search for this the account yielded no results which unfortunately means I can't prove the screenshot from Twitter even exists and I also wonder why Max cut off the handle for people to look up on Twitter the other mention is literally a public post from this cam an individual saying getting sucked by Kirby equals raisin balls what is the context here how does this explain the cult how does this explain anything this is why people are mad he is presenting these screenshots like they're damning evidences and they are not he then shows like social media accounts that are on Snapchat of allegedly belonging de Cade which again what context does this at what does this mean he then shows a uh social media direct message from I assume this is the app whisper correct me if I'm wrong and again if you read the chat I was bitten by a wolf that's how I became one can you show you in your form werewolf form what's the context what are we talking about here man like this could be anything he then shows like the Twitter account that belongs to Kade and he actually gives a handle but this account has been inactive since like you know 2016 really the next thing he shows is from a public Facebook account from Camden that says suck it suck it raw again what is the context okay I probably wrote suck my dick publicly somewhere too does that mean that I have done something nefarious or I could be running a cult what is the context to these messages you have to be able to provide them otherwise people are going to be confused he then shows the only tangible piece of evidence in this for me at least where it shows Spencer and Camden together in a photograph which proves that they've met in reality he then shows more images of random people couples blurred out that I can't exactly identify and he's also done a poor job of blurring them out too so I'm going to add more blur on top of the blur but what does this mean what is the context behind some of these images the only ones important to me are of of Cade and Spencer because those are the only people that he has introduced us to he shows us one screenshot of somebody making like devil horns in an Instagram selfie and again poorly blurred but what is the context here he's even blurred out the actual like you know Instagram blurb the little text blurb that even talks about this what is the context he then shows an image of a bite mark which again I have to ask what is the context is Max showing this as a evidence of physical abuse without context it could be anything it could be somebody getting a hickey it could be whatever Max doesn't do this he doesn't elaborate on what he shows he just presents it as part of this flashy editing the next screen grab is Charlie talking about Sniper Wolf which I assume is a jab because he tried to get Charlie's attention but Charlie wasn't having it he was busy had Co at the time and just didn't jump into this stop ignoring Mama Max yeah to here you want me to talk about it a little bit that rubbed me the wrong way we talked like a month ago about like what he was working on in his investigation and then apparently when I had covid he messaged me a couple times and I never saw it and now he's taken that as me ghosting him and ignoring his very important Mission and it really rubs me the wrong way instead of just he jumping to the most extreme possible explanation for me not seeing it which is really [ __ ] cringe that did make me upset there yeah that that really rubbed me the wrong way I had Co I and I barely used Discord in the first place it was a miracle ever I ever even saw his message to begin with and then I spent 12 days not doing anything online in bed and during that time apparently it changed his whole framing of the video in order to make it like a trojan horse of cancel critical cuz he didn't respond to my messages and ghosted me so yeah that did rub me the wrong way good intentions but I did not like that so then he shifts it to the National human trafficking hotline that gives statistics on trafficking reports again you haven't linked onto the trafficking situation you've it's all been random screenshots without context connecting a story together that many people just aren't understanding he shows one screenshot that describes how Kate told me not to but you also want to know what your humble leader did to me he convinced me to go to his house at the end of last August and engage with him he told and I and I still talked to the guy that drove me there I also almost got arrested for walking to his place at 2 a.m. one day because every full moon we have to have and also don't forget the miscarriages he made me induce this is the only other piece of evidence or you know conversation that is pertaining to this very serious topic everything else is insanity so max explains how his sister got him in contact with the story he switches the discussion to mass surveillance explains how evil markets such as Force labor and trafficking exist which is true but how does this tie back to the story of Cade and the allegations you've made again he hasn't provided solid evidence he's just sort of thrown things on a dartboard haphazardly tried to connect them and made a fool out of himself he goes on to this unrelated rant on artificial intelligence and how it can be used to manipulate and exploit vulnerabilities and after this they have a call to influencers that they should use their platforms to become agents of Change by platforming unsubstantiated claims apparently it shifts to this part where he chastises Charlie by showing tons of communications he's attempted to have and again like I told you Charlie wasn't there the time he had covid and he was in bed for 2 weeks unable to really you know look into the situation now this video is like the final nail in the coffin people really started losing faith and I hope you understand why look Max made a joke of this situation in my opinion he was brought this story and honestly it caused a lot of people who were already watching this raising serious questions on his character serious questions on the validity of this case and in response Max didn't make any follow video to explain this case properly instead he hosted these live streams inviting all manners of creators I even joined in and I explained to him what I explained privately Max as you can imagine has not listened which is why we are here right now to discuss a story that should have been delivered with seriousness and not Showmanship and I'm going to briefly go over the story of Spencer now and her interaction with Kate now Spencer's story is the part that Max has been harping throughout the entire three videos that he's made and the video that Max wants you to go watch is a 4 to Five Hour podcast from Spencer's actual Channel now again if you are 100% interested in the complete accounting from her end regarding the story I highly recommend you go check her video out but the problem is these videos that are this long are obviously going to have a viewer drop off Max understands this I understand this and if you've made YouTube videos for longer than a week you probably also understand this as well reality is Max has to be concise and explain the story properly now in this situation the best video I could find that concisely explains this for the audience's first viewing is by YouTuber known as slime beast who basically made the video what the is Mama Max talking about werewolf cult simplified and by all means it's a pretty good video that explains how this situation was effectively about Spencer who was a 16-year-old girl who met an 18-year-old Camden online who was only found out that he was 18 at the time from slime bees actually ual assessment into public police records so of course Spencer ran away from home to live with Camden an 18-year-old person that she met and of course going in forward Spencer's presence in Camden's family home was a secret giving him full control over what she was allowed to do which is one of the points of contention for a lot of people she lived there for three and a half to four months and the mother and it appears that other people may not have had an idea that she was there the entire time again 3 to 4 months I'm sure that human beings no matter how busy you are you may have an idea that somebody else other than the people you know is living in your house maybe you catch them sleeping maybe something happens this is a point of contention but again I'm not here to go into contention I'm here to relay what the supposed facts of this entire situation is and why it's been lost in a miasma of confusion so during this time Spencer was abused in multiple ways by Camden allegedly by her own account which uh that is effectively the story Camden had also tried to get Spencer to sleep with people that he you know he had found online allegedly so again this is effectively the quick summarization of what is Spencer's story I highly recommend you check out her Channel and her video to get her full accounting because there are a lot more uh you know details that are interesting to hear and it's not entirely even about Spencer 2 so again going in further the cult aspect which is by far the most embellished aspect and the most un explained one by Max so far is best described as Camden being a werewolf God allegedly and amongst other things whatever deities they may be he convinced Spencer and others that they too were vampires werewolves and they were hunted by outside forces which meant that they should all stay together as a pack of family he claimed that he could send their dead loved ones to hell if he could and again through these methods this guy allegedly controlled various targets and people who were joining into his fold he would then have as followers try to recruit others online some as young as 11 and that is of course alleged now of course this is a quick concise explanation and I highly recommend you check out the channel slime beast who actually did Cover and read through this as well too and it lines up with my personal interview with Spencer that I had a few days ago and generally like watching through the four to five hour piece I think this is probably the best concise way that Max should have put it and here's the reality there are actual things that are alleged here that are more important than even the cult aspect the story that is provided should be treated with a serious nature instead of the tangents that Max wanted to go to but of course this is the problem when a YouTuber who is way out of their depth jumps into a story that they honestly shouldn't even be relaying and should absolutely hand it off to professionals at the very beginning there is no excuse for this this is purely on Max's screwup that people are looking at the story in such a confusing manner the other takeaway from this is Spencer's video is that Max was also apparently being investigated by the FBI a failure of colen County Police is way you would say I don't I don't think it was the police cuz like I said I went through trafficking 911 and they handed it off to the FBI umbi never responded that's interesting I literally got a card on my front fence from the FBI and they didn't even bother contacting you no Spencer also brought victims and I can't stress this enough she admitted that she went on social media apps and started to form connections with people that could be as young as where what was the operation like did he tell yall like go to these places and so my particular recruitment style that he also encouraged others to do it this way too um was to go on whisper and post about oh hey if you want to join a family Dynamic and be a part of a pack uh hit me up on kick you know um or like DM me and then we'd give them the kick so um there was one time he did have me lure a girl like physically now that said I'm not qualified to be speaking on these situations because again without evidence and without properly understanding the story I don't know the proper accounts that's for Max to detail and describe if he's not putting in the effort how can he reasonably expect every other influencer in the world to put in the effort to interview and understand and then make claims on cases like this now what you're about to hear is a portion of a call that me Max Spencer and another YouTuber by the name of Nicholas diorio had when interviewing and confronting Max about the situation and while the first hour of that call was more centered around Spencer's Story the second hour of this call was more around Max's demeanor and his actions regarding this investigation and there are quite a few Bombshells in here that we personally feel are a little too irresponsible I guess if you wanted to put it lightly uh Max had actually revealed to us that there were portions where he didn't even properly vet and timeline all of the evidence I guess the challenge for me with showing showing the evidence is I personally have not been walked through the evidence besides Spencers um the survivors in the server not all of them are as active as we would like them to be uh obviously a lot of them have trauma they talk about it and that it's hard for them to actually just sit down and and speak with me um but that's that's why I've been just asking the general public to please be patient like there's a lot of things we need to wait for I am just trying to get the word out that this is Camden Gerard Davis this is what the accusations against him are uh and it's also you can also like we are fine saying this is all alleged like we are fine if but you can't just say it's alleged now you've been calling him a pedophile yeah 100% it's not I'm fine doing it because I I trust them but okay but you but you said you didn't review most of the evidence besides Spencer though I reviewed the evidence I just haven't had the context as to what it is pertaining to so you looked at the evidence but you don't understand yeah the in the exact timeline which has been why just one of many reasons why it's been such a struggle to create the comprehensive timeline as I'm waiting on a lot of different things but you see that's why that's why people are inflamed with you right now it's because you you just told me in this call that you didn't properly review every single victim and and now and just from this one clip you can ascertain the complete frustration that I and many others have had when communicated by Max about the situation how is it that you can make calls to action in blatant statements of fact when at the end of the day you have literally not even properly reviewed you have not properly contextualized and even timelined every single bit of evidence that consistently builds you're clearly not an investigator built for this case and it's not literally because someone like him is out of head because he only is one person I have done plenty of Investigations I've just never revealed and played my hand and explained things until I fully understood them how Max couldn't do it for such a serious situation like this is insane and that's where we're leading to now is this unethical practices not just this in this investigation but other previous investigations that a lot of people have been casting doubt over now unfortunately with situations as messy as this Max's unethical cover needs to be talked about Max has been live streaming by bringing these victims on to discuss and debate with randoms on the internet and for the most part this has been very unhelpful and this time could have been better spent with him preparing this evidence the timelines preparing a video and discussing the situation properly the levels of productivity on these live streams are so [ __ ] low that at one point he brings on keemstar lyrics please do not name my ex's on my stream well why wouldn't you just tell don't know can you hear me yeah I'm I was talking to Max though yeah you can hear me why are you running cover for these vampire yeah that's exactly what I'm doing Keem good [ __ ] in the Minecraft Community you're going around you're running cover [ __ ] storm EDP 445s you're going to the world with EDP 45 and keemstar brings up old 2016 memes in this moment these girls have to sit there and basically realize that their entire story is being invalidated in real time is being made a mockery of in real time as Max doesn't bring a serious person to discuss this topic it's also questionable with the relationship that Max has with law enfor in regards to Prosecuting or assisting to prosecute this case when confronted on a live stream by other YouTubers he actually had a lot of questionable statements to make regarding this specific topic and whether they were working with law enforcement or whether they weren't and this raised a lot of concerns and again another red flag to me we are not going to court zilin so what are you doing just hunting them down like a deer is that what we're doing what are we doing have you not been listening the stream I know but you Loop you Loop and then you always look to somebody else for an answer you can't give an answer yourself I'm answering you what are you doing then tell me right now I will be quiet for you to answer and go so when we reached out to the lawyer he told us it would not be beneficial to pursue a case against Camden Gerard Davis because he likely does not have substantial assets so he recommended that we all go in person to report him to the police station that is in his jurisdiction that is what we so they didn't tell you to go into the jur okay is he still in the same jurisdiction that the crime occurred the for the most recent survivors yes okay um because I was always under the impression you have to go into the jurisdiction that the crime occurred all right then yes carry your pretty asses over over to that jurisdiction and go hey Mr police officer I have a crime to report yes that's what needs to be done yes hell you might even be able and because since you know Co and stuff like that you might even be able to do it over the phone I don't know I don't know because I've only dealt because I know you're in a different state now you know what I'm saying but I I I've had to do it I've had to do stuff like this before on my own accord but yes you need to go to the police of the jurisdiction of where the crime occurred and go hello Mr Officer can you help me yes that is what we are doing okay that should have been done before all these live streams again this is by far the most important part is the relationship to the law enforcement again it's not really properly conveyed in my opinion whether this is a criminal civil case what departments are properly involved just how the evidence has been submitted this is a key key concern of mine and many others and it should be a key concern if you want to see Justice actually delivered and of course as people have looked into this a lot of Shifting has went into what Mama Max's previous content and the validity of it also uh meant about a month ago a actual redditor started to investigate Max's older content seeing the unhinged live stream caused me to wonder about some of Max's past content his newest God cult and his current project stuff has been reviewed so many times so I wanted to watch an old video and particularly his cartoon Incorporated video IMVU and puppy stomp so while this is a very long post that you can read one of The Oddities and I'll summarize them to the best of my abilities is with cartoon Incorporated conveniently considered lost media as the channel That posted it cannot be found the Frozen 3 video is edited with a similar style to Max's older content brainwashing clip subliminal messages hidden within the clip uses the font pixture granular a a unique font type that appears in Max's later videos the font type is not a default font on Windows Os or in Adobe fonts meaning the font was searched for and downloaded or purchased side note someone recreated cartoon Incorporated and posted breakdowns of the brainwashing clip what is the likelihood that Mac shares the same unusual font with something he happened across that literally no one else can find editing style also seems similar to his old video intros IMVU it is implied in the video that an account under the name Casey was exploited by Pablo Sunny remember that name the account only has one friend Pablo Max makes note of how she's isolated and moves on quickly Max supposedly finds the YouTube account owned by the same person by image searching her profile picture the image is from Naruto now how could one reverse search and find that specific YouTube page screenshot of IMVU profile Naruto character and YouTube page so this is the one right over here Naruto profile picture ivu you get the point he implies that he somehow gained access to the account to locate these unlisted videos one of them is titled this is where you killed me and depicts a bloody white sheet in the woods with Casey corresponding with herself uh in the comments it is implied that she or disappeared off the internet oddly enough the completely inactive Casey accounts no longer exist on YouTube and IMVU they were deleted at the same time Max and silit IMVU accounts were also deleted the most similar Casey account I could Tracked Down in 2002 and appears to be entirely unrelated and then he claims in a Discord Q&A that Casey is actually alive about Pablo sunny again does he know he's been caught or something oh wait yes is there an update on casy can you talk about how you got into the c or how you found it um yeah that's that's a bit much I can't talk too much about KC I uh I don't know what I can and can't say I will tell you that yes she's okay that's all I'm going to say oh thank God I didn't even know that holy [ __ ] that's something I wanted to actually jump in VC with you about at some point yes but thank God so in one surface he says that she could be dead and then all of a sudden she's okay there has been no proof that this Casey person even exists it now I'm not going to sit here and make an unsubstantiated claim at the end of the day I haven't had the time to sit down and review every single bit of Max's back catalog as I've been researching his current investigation however during the call with me Max Nick and uh uh Spencer he was absolutely telling at the time uh that you shouldn't really be taking a lot of his content seriously it's meant to entertain the facts are often uh embellished or at least simulated when it comes to producing movies which I think is really ethically damning when it comes to producing content that is all about hunting down children or you know pinning a lot of these uh crimes or implicating a lot of these Public Services on cases like this so recently people have been saying that your investigations kind of skew the line between fact and fiction because they're finding things that you've created as context for the video I think people are pointing to the Discord server that you were an admin of when you were showing it uh the lawsuit that you Chang the name or whatever how much of what you do is kayfabe and how much of it is legitimately like live this is the investigation here it is oh the investigation themselves are real but the obviously the films have fictional elements um there's multiple reasons like for example the admin thing on the Discord server I had to recreate it yeah that was a recreation because I didn't have the originals uh the IMVU thing I wasn't I don't know why people are saying I like it's a film like it's I am presenting it as if it were to be real but I didn't think people would take it as that like but you hunt pedophiles you don't think that people are going to think your videos are real so so that's the thing so I want everyone when you watch my video to assume everything is fake except like when I show up face on what they're doing again why are we interspersing fact and fiction when it comes to incredibly serious stories like this look I'm not here to say if Max is definitively faking his stuff or not people definitely have their suspicions but the thing about it is is if you're admitting that you don't want people to think your content is real how can you honestly take the responsibility to cover serious cases like this when you are admitting that yes my audience if they watch my videos I don't want them to think anything is real unless I show this person's face and make serious accusations look either all of it is real because this is supposed to be an investigation this is not some movie okay this is not some fictionalized media even media that does dramatic Recreations is following facts okay if they're emplo if if if that's the content they're trying to produce if the content they want to produce is making investigations where they are going after the darkest corners of the internet people have a very reasonable expectation to believe it's real so again with Max's former content coming into question that also shows you that maybe questioning everything that Max shares is probably the only way to go now if the man is willing to fabricate some things for videos and again in a call that we had with Max it very much is apparently the fact he is not above actually so this is an interesting part of the situation we actually know about about the Pablo Sunny stuff at a closer heart so I had a call with Max alongside Nicholas diorio uh Spencer the victim and of course him in a Discord call a couple days ago and inside this call he actually claims that he doesn't know if anybody has been arrested have you ever gotten someone arrested um if I have then I don't know it you went on my podcast to tell me that you've got someone arrested and it was because of your video Just to be clear would you like to re question I've been emailed stuff like hey you got this guy arrested congratulations you went on and you said this guy was arrested it was because of me it was because of my video and you told me that two years ago it's kind of egotistical of me to say that was my video that did it I don't know that for sure but then you said recently that he fled to the Philippines so was was sunny ever arrested Pablo Sunny did that ever even happen uh yes he did all we know is that his last location we picked him up from was Mexico um whether he fled to the Philippines or not we don't know we just know he has family there and that's the most likely destination they would go to just cuz but he was in like he so he was arrested that was public sunny I have no I don't think so I think he got away dude what the [ __ ] yeah if he was arrested I have no idea why did you tell me he was arrested you you said Pablo Sunny was arrested in my video did it why did you lie to me on my show do you have a clip of that yes it's in something I've been currently editing yeah send it to me okay give me two seconds um I think there's even a video on YouTube actually can you just jump in the screen share I'll just pull it over because somebody AR I guess I can hear stuff but I can't see anything that's all you need because the visual is a drawing um okay here you go this is the two clips contrasting clips of Pablo Sunny okay so obviously one of them is in December December 29th and the other is I sorry December 29th 2021 and the other is November 27th 2023 okay okay what was what is your your primary goal is that then there's no what's your other um well well I guess the question is like that the next getting at is like okay so you want to enact this change what do you hope is the eventual result of your video okay evolve this so I know there's people out there saying I'm doing it to selfs serve I just want my video back up I don't give a [ __ ] if my video comes back up it did what it needed to do that was in the video is currently in police custody and it was that as a result of your video or was that prior to the video yes it was because of the video the video was about IMVU and this one Predator I made it about him and him alone IMVU is a game right you played the game and you exposed this guy yes do you mind walking me through the chain of events that led from your video to him being imprisoned yeah so I dropped the video the end of the video is a call to action usually all my videos are a call to action like find him and we did so in this case find him meant like you didn't know who he was he wanted his doc so he could go to jail we had his we all we had was his face and his voice right and out of that I said find him and then within 24 hours we found him and then I started social engineering all of his friends to give me his information and they did and then we pegged him he fled to Mexico we found where he was in Mexico um I don't know if it if the police he was from Canada so I don't know if the police asked him to come back all terrible people are I don't know if the police asked him to come back or he went on his own volition or they forced him to come back I don't know any of those details I just know he went back to Canada and was in police custody for a certain amount of time so you lied uh so that was what I was told through Instagram post when I was in contact with his friends you didn't remember that until I showed you the clip you didn't remember that like this is your biggest crown achievement that you got a pedophile arrested uh I didn't remember the details no uh I just remember he fled to Mexico all the police custody [ __ ] that was only [ __ ] I was told I couldn't verify any of that uh so you just got on stream and told everybody it was me I did it Mama Max number one yeah that's not cool um you can let people know I think that I mean we literally had him had him in a voice call like it's like the the Mega Drive like it it's literally us saying we're 14 years old he's saying yeah I want to see I want to see like I want to I want you to ride me and [ __ ] like that to what he thinks is a 14-year-old and we verified that by telling him like I don't know I'm young I don't know I'm only 14 um I think that should be sufficient to put him in prison um but the law says otherwise I suppose because as far as I know he hasn't been imprisoned and people have been T I received an email that someone was going to talk to the deputy about why he hasn't been arrested and I'm also actually going to start uh inter inter police local to me as to don't get arrested cuz I know they all want to arrest them it's just the law binds them so you've never actually gotten a file arrested uh not to my knowledge he doesn't even know if he had any arrest under his belt so for a person to blatantly lie about this kind of [ __ ] this very serious stuff is obviously things that are going to bring every single aspect of his character into serious question now he fails to tell the Survivor story in a proper manner what really also Burns me is Max's incompetence to using actual proper research he literally brings chat GPT and believes that it can provide legal advice all right let's see what is this oh not chat GPT bro okay so look at what I just sent you yeah you sent me a chat GPT prompt not a [ __ ] legal definition do you I mean we can argue legal semantics no we're not arguing semantics we have to look at exact definition Max we can we this is the problem with this situation you're going in with evidence that can't be 100% cooperated you're going in with allegations as an Evidence courts would laugh you out are we talking to your lawyer chat GPT right now is this is this the lawy like right here bro come on you you you know if I make a video on this this is what I have to work with how do you honestly think I can take your side logically if you were if tomorrow I was like oh where's Max getting his legal definitions oh chat GPT by the way a chat GPT has also been getting [ __ ] Dumber over the last few months I mean come on if the judge and jury find a witness statement credible they can charge or convict you of a crime based solely on witness testimony alone that is from Bergen criminal y'all can look it up show me show me show me that show me that definition show me that definition not the chat GPT why did you not bring me that one I am giving you multiple give me that give me the one from the legal definition why' you bring me chat GPT link me that right now we'll read it together chat GPT understands the legal system now and of course in one situation Max was also in his own controversy with various ex relationships of his life which if Max believes that accusations are evidence or allegations are evidence Behavior can be evidence then all these five girls that were bringing allegations against him Max might be what they claim these allegations were brought forward by the victims but organized by someone named magnetar a boyfriend of one of the victims at the time Max outed magnetar as Anthony and accused him of pedophilia say why Anthony Haley's boyfriend magnetar on YouTube the one who published this video on me one of the worst crimes imaginable and it might have been okay if that was just one screw up but as of recently he still made more unsubstantiated claims to me that was a poetic ending is that this this guy who put all my exes together literally has a testimony against him and not only by one person it's supported by multiple people and there are now new stories coming about that he was sneaking that he was sneaking MTI that he was sneaking into his high school as an adult hanging eating lunch with freshmen there was wait but you're trying to you're trying to use other people that there was multiple people coming out against magnetar to try to bolster your argument but there were many more people who came out against you so I just don't without evidence and and although the burden of proof was on them I provided the evidence wait what was your evidence against magnetar Max's account and against magnetar at the time amounted to a witness statement over Twitter and that was all he really had to bring he made a serious allegation and even then he followed up in his video that he wasn't going to continue investigating because there wasn't enough actual evidence but I have not made a video on him despite wanting to all these years because I do not want to harass them and I feel this is not enough evidence to build an entire case against him so I have have not and will not until we have more proof Max made an unsubstantiated claim against magnetar without sufficient proof showed a bunch of his photos gave out his full name place of work and basically ruined this person's life now look I have no idea what the truth of this situation is right but what I do know is Max made an unsubstantiated claim and I made a very severe mistake of not looking into this at the time and giving a friend of mine a serious softball at the time in reality I talked about this on an episode of our podcast and without intention downplayed a serious situation not just for magnetar but for some of Max's ex-girlfriends in that situation and for that I'm beyond sorry if you call someone a which he did make sure it's 100% in the last 24 hours max made a video titled I'm taking accountability into my own hands now there's a few things I want to address from this video because for the most part in my opinion it's mostly him uh not not really taking any accountability other than for basically bringing Charlie into something that he never needed to be in in the first place there's two things I want to address from this that really drive me insane let's just start from the beginning I met Spencer she told me what happened to her uh I told her I was busy with other projects but if you need me to hand this to someone else I will she said no I want you and so a few years later I finally came back and I was like okay are you ready and we did the podcast how is it that you can waste three years on what could have been a solid investigation and decide to cover other content content that people are now questioning the characteristics of content that you have admitted to us is presented in a factually like misleading way where we have to sift between fact and fiction when you had something real if you could put the case something you believe so serious off for 3 years why do you give the average Creator 3 weeks to figure things out I've actually known more about this case in the last 48 hours than I have in the last two months I even found a YouTube channel through the help of one of the victims that reached out to me and they showed me how yes one of these channels exist and how they predate on girls in the Georgia area these are things that slowly are being built up but I'll get to that later the other point is this but you can't you can't just tell your story anymore now you need concrete evidence now you need to go to law enforcement multiple times now you need to consult with lawyers like we can't just listen to survivors when they're screaming for help yes you do need evidence this is such a misleading Thing by him yes I get it people do listen to survivors there's nothing stopping the story of survivors being out there you have put it out there 4 to 5 hours but beyond putting a story out there if you want people to join your call to action and start going after and and publicizing somebody who you are calling some of the worst names imaginable then they need more than witness testimonies they need corroborative evidence that can actually seal the deal or make a reasonable case against somebody this is not some Podunk crime we're accusing somebody of this is the worst possible crime that somebody can commit and everybody including you needs to have all of their tees crossed and eyes dotted this is a massive concern yes we live in a world where evidence is also required alongside the story that is provided and that's just how the world has always worked and how the world continues to work it's one of the reasons why you were able to exonerate yourself and people didn't just blindly believe the allegations against you if we lived in your world Max you would be one of the guiltiest parties imaginable with that said though this video is getting on long enough so I want to kind of touch upon one more clip that I'm still actually trying to process well I'm asking why you did not directly contact me but contact us only in public stream let's see I contacted you uh uh November 27th Max I've seen your latest video I've caught up with this whole situation I have texted you what it felt like seeing him on streams you went on with Tommy and lyrics and are sitting there talking to them when you literally haven't spoken to the other survivors hold on can you put Max on for a second I'm right here that was snaky as [ __ ] dude oh I'm coming after you mudar stand back stand back Spencer can you tell him what you felt you are literally just a little behind dude that's you listen to me can you listen to me it was so [ __ ] heartbreaking hearing M sit there and say that oh if this is fake then I'll I'll gladly put money towards uh Camden's defamation trial yeah if fake I thought you said it fine with saying it's allegedly now all of a sudden there's no like other side to the story how how do you feel how do you think that it makes myself and the other survivors feel when you're saying that it is okay to think think that but you're going publicly and saying that to everybody else when you haven't spoken to the others I I'm just trying to understand why would you do that without talking to us I've spoken with Max Max is your representative Max is supposed to be the one bringing the story across to everyone and yes if in the case that everything is actually why is it your job because you're the one who's spearheading this I you're the one spearheading it what do you mean fine give it to Spencer's Channel Spencer you upload this whole thing [ __ ] person who's running the investigation this is your this as well and you haven't yeah why are you putting it all on me like yes you're the [ __ ] one bringing it why are you talking about this I am the first one yeah I do not want to be the only one only well then you are the only one you haven't convinced exactly you haven't made anything comping haven't been listening to them I've Haven a call like this for months yeah and I've had a 2our long call and I'm not moving anywhere close to the situation in fact I have question why can't why can't you take initiative to talk to other survivors well I'm talking to you right now more than anybody else I want to address one comment I made here for Spencer and another apology I want to make I can understand how she could be frustrated and any of these potential survivors uh hearing that I would pay for a defamation case in reality this is is a heated moment as you can imagine where it's basically a big [ __ ] you to Max throughout actually investigating this entire situation to me I find it wholly disrespectable that people will put actual effort I will do my absolute dandis to come with all the evidence I have and any time I do an investigation and Max is playing incredibly loose all I've seen is a character here that has made a mockery out of serious investigations uh cover things with no due diligence and in fact if anything has made unsubstantiated claims to be honest with you Max is on a thin rope and this kind of a thin rope ultimately leads to Collateral Damage for everybody else involved making claims like this and causing a big mockery of this situation ultimately puts the case that is being built at risk and I don't think Max is intelligent enough to truly realize this and this is where this comment comes out of frustration speaking with more of the victims after this call myself I feel very disgusted hearing any more about the situation and the things that have been alleged to go behind it which is why I'm doing my due diligence to at least try and help these victims out but privately not a public spectacle like Max is doing now to say that I'm not flashbanged still by this clip is beyond me now I have no ill will against any of the victims I have no ill will against Spencer for even saying whatever she said to me in this moment I actually put more of the blame towards Max since he's the investigator and Lead char of this entire process this all falls on his shoulders to say that I'm not doing enough when I have spent 2 hours of my life in that call I've talked to two other victims and I've also researched what this cult is and again I've learned more about it in the last 48 hours than I have in the last two months look I'm not an expert and I can't claim to be doing anything that is genuinely super involved in a case like this but I guess to end this off off on somewhat of a positive note I don't know what to say other than I have tried to give my time my energy and I will continue to do it in a liaison capacity look there are people that are trained for this lawyers cops even other YouTubers who've worked with lawyers and cops regarding similar situations like this and all I can say is given my time and tenure on YouTube the people that I've worked with I have built connection and what I can do is utilize those connections to allow people to actually investigate this case but at no point is anything that I'm going to be doing anymore regarding the situation public I'm never going to be making a follow-up video and I never am looking for any apology or reconciliation from Max to be honest with you I absolutely dislike how he has handled this and it's left a serious serious serious uh bad taste in my mouth with that said all I can do is try to handle this situation and assist these victims and survivors privately whether that be at least even paying for a legal team to to to to bring this to a law enforcement team or working with people that can work with actual cops to investigate this matter with the respect it deserves and hopefully gain Justice for the parties that feel that they have been wronged ladies and gentlemen I have nothing more to say Max is a prime example of a YouTuber that has let his ego go way far beyond than than it should have he has taken a serious situation and made a complete mockery out of it and ultimately I don't really think that he has a place on this platform with the kind of content that he's made and the kind of profiteering he's done on serious topics I have less respect for him than everyone else that I've covered in the past that said this is me mudahar and uh I'm out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 2,150,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bjX4diA1PGQ
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Length: 79min 56sec (4796 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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