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well well well these people think they can come into singapore space and just leave their rubbish hanging around everywhere huh not on my watch not only have you entered our space but the screaming it pissed me off today we're going to witness the origins of everything pictures videos emails websites everything i'm even going to sign up for their program and also there's going to be a police report you've played your hand and now it's my turn and i hope you're ready for what's coming [Laughter] you see when i say something is a scam so openly obviously i've got tons of stuff to back it up i've personally seen many different variations of this specific ad going around but the thing is it all leads you back to one of their funnels only which i will show you guys later but trust me by the time i'm done with this video every single video or website everything that they have it'll be completely useless and i assure that okay so here's a few variations that i found on the internet which um i came across okay so this one i'm just gonna mute everything enough of the screaming the amount i heard to film this and research this video is crazy okay so i'm just gonna skim through i think many of y'all saw so again what they do is they get all these uh fake videos across the internet and uh this [ __ ] [ __ ] i swear to god hi my name is arnold and i don't want to waste your time it's just that i found this really amazing method and it provides a look at his nose look at his nose amazing results directly with drawable ah they show you this stupidest picture it's all fake which i will show y'all why later also look at this at first before last spots are filled the bloody no effort one nope so this is the second one i found and i think this is a fan favorite because this one was the extremely loud and screechy voice right this girl ah why i can still hear it even though it's on mute so same thing again they get a bunch of clips showing you random photos and then here got another different angmo this angmo uh started talking nonsense the same thing this is the third one i saw again no difference like random clips random photos and then arnold arnold comes back to scan the life out of you you know what's really scary in all this i went to the comment section in one of these videos i don't know if this is real but okay it sounds legit maybe it is and is this rate of fake it is so scary to think that people actually are considering this advertisement to be real everything that you just saw is fake they just took random clips of the internet of students actually getting accepted into colleges right now i'm gonna show you a side by side comparison okay so on my left right here this is the scan video okay by passive income secrets it continues to make singaporean set for life and on my right this is the original clips of where they stole all these clips from the first clip okay the person shouting and running off it says 88k ah mom okay look at this clip this is the original one it's by my compilation on gen 11 uh 2020 dream college acceptance reaction look at her okay just in a watch is gonna do exactly the same thing and right there right there that's it let's continue watching go on to the next clip so it's a bunch of guys just jumping hugging each other and right there okay it's a bunch of guys look at this it's the same bunch of guys same clothes same everything same face and just in a couple of seconds they're going to do exactly what they did yeah they're looking at they are they are what they call that they are acceptance or whatever right there right so and uh right now right now um there there you go there you go right there and pop i think that's the photo somewhere along this like it's it's the same thing and this was posted by elliot choi 2019 college decision reactions next clip okay it's a family and it zoom into the father face take note of that take note of that okay college decision reaction 2019 by elliot choi again look at this huh the father comes in the father comes in right are they look it will zoom into the father face see look it's no effort just copy and paste copy and paste okay next clip this girl it says what plus 63 thousand this is by dblo boys april 6 2020. jessica lee her mother comes in her mother walks there boom this girl very happy she got accepted into college obviously and there we go uc berkeley i think that's how you say berkeley like yeah college college decision reaction 2019 and there you go oops yeah it's pretty much there there it's ridiculous right i have a plan for all these scam videos that we just saw that we as a community can do together but i'll get to that towards the end of the video now let's talk about the badly photoshop stuff that we just saw all the bank account balance and people showing their phone right ah let's let's get to that now so again the same thing okay on my left this is arnold's gang and on my right this is rishi's gang or whatever okay so look at this part of the clip okay uh let me play okay let's audio okay look listen and look at this part uh 26 000 in the last 30 days and then in the last 12 months i've done over 390 000 that is what he said that is correct this is actually the original video by kevin park he is the original owner posted on september 8 and coincidentally it was about amazon fba step by step all right so it's pretty early in the morning right now and boom so we've gotten eight sales today so this is amazon seller 20 something i can't read backwards but 26 000 in the last 30 days and then in the last 12 months i've done over 390 000 so this is the exact clip that they took and look at what he's showing he is actually showing amazon sellers account that what he has done in in a matter of time but they took the exact thing and just photoshopped this image in let's look at another clip by april dong this person she uploaded this on august 27 again knowledge decision reactions 2020. oh my god and according to the scam clip oh what according to the scam clip they photoshop the uob mighty 29k blah blah blah but look at what she's actually showing right there right there she's actually showing a status update regarding the acceptance to university right and i found this in the last minute okay look look at this image okay i'm going to zoom in and look at it properly it actually says lorem ipsum it's a dummy text they didn't even bother to change up the [ __ ] thing if you're still not convinced that those are just photoshop images right i myself went to try it out and keep in mind that i suck in photoshop i literally know the basics and that's about it and it took me two minutes dude i i cannot emphasize this more i suck at photoshop and it took me two minutes just imagine uh so i went on google and i typed in asian men showing phone because they are targeting asians and singaporeans that group of people so i found this person looking like somebody's father and how a perfect fit the phone screen is so bloody empty so okay so i needed dbs account balance next go to google type exactly that right go to the images tab and look at the amount of things i have to play around with i got so much of choices but i found this perfect fit got star hub got 4g got the time got all the bloody dollars signed down there but i only needed that specific part so what i do just open it up in a different tab and with love just crop out make sure i get all the important details the startup the dollars and bam so we just dump both of the images into photoshop and it's down to business so let's handle the money part first of course and for those of you who are not so familiar with photoshop i want you guys to look at this very carefully okay look it took me one button to get rid of that bloody number look right now all i do is press delete on my keyboard and boom it's gone vanish easy that's that's only that's all it takes and all i have to do is edit a separate like i just put in like 560k down there align it get the asian dude in and then now i just i have to like align the thing back to the phone which was so coincidental for us that the phone screen was empty and i didn't have to do and think about it all i took me literally like a few seconds to find these images on google and i suck at photoshop you can see i i'm suffering i'm clearly suffering so i just align it and now take a look at this look at the other one the bloody photoshop is really out of the bloody phone nudity you can't wait let me look look look at this what the hell what the hell is this at least mine now mine you see at least mine got started got 4g and all that i mean it looks ridiculous but think about it it took me two minutes to do this and i don't have too much of knowledge on photoshop just imagine what can someone do when they have the advanced knowledge when i saw one of the ad on youtube i already knew i had to make a video on them but at that time i had to keep it in my pipeline because i was working on one of my previous videos right during that time this person called bibiana lim on instagram she tagged me on a story saying that she actually went through this entire um ad itself so what she did differently was she went through the entire funnel and at the end of the day she made a police report on them big ups on that big ups bibi so i replied to her saying that i definitely will make a video on this it's just a matter of time right now let's see what actually happens when someone clicks the sign up button when they see that idiotic ad on youtube and i'm going to sign up every single way and show y'all what comes up what email comes up what webinar comes everything everything so they have a few different landing pages you can see this one is by bank for the buck and this one is by the money regime so if you guys remember this this particular ad comes from bank for the buck and then this one the account is money regime on youtube so depending on which account and which ad that you click you will land on the whatever landing page but the funnel down is exactly the same so that's what we are going to look through and at the same time i created a new email address a spam one because i know they are going to spam it i've already tried it okay so i made an email caller i am batman casey and named the batman we'll just use this let's uh register for our beautiful million dollar course okay so we'll put uh the the batman you register for the thing and then obviously it loads up to the next page oh look another beautiful video the secret crisis the blueprint this video now they up their game now it's normal of screaming college kids now our actual adults with photoshop images and all that speaking to you so let me show you this video okay so you can see from here this video is like 25 seconds long but it's the same thing you can see now there's senior citizens involved don't know which youtube video they took this from also and then right here it asks you to reserve your seat the batman i am batman kz okay select date and time friday 6 november 10 30 a.m right now it's our 5th november 11 41 pm okay let's click get started because that's all they need they need your phone number and i'll i'll show you why in a bit again again another video look at this oliver james okay we will dive into that later but just remember oliver james we have an email from oliver james so the email he said okay you're in okay your place has been booked to join oliver james for his urgent secret crisis blueprint so in here they will say congratulations again another stupid video in this video okay again i'm gonna do the same thing not gonna bother watching it this video is 10 minutes long look at this this video is 10 minutes but if someone actually sits down for 10 minutes and watches this full video you already know that they are pretty much screwed in this specific page there will be a button which appears only after 10 minutes which i will show you on now i need to wait for 10 minutes after 10 minutes i need to record again this is the magic button click here to qualify before it's too late okay loading by the way all this is fake if for someone who needs to know all this yahoo wsj fortune all is just fake fake fake okay so again congratulations you are just one phone call away guys this is what they want this one phone call away is where they suck people in and look at this this will allow you to instantly turn your 250 deposit into a potential six thousand sixteen thousand hundred and seven thousand and their reasoning is they need to verify your identity that's why uh they do they need you to pick up the phone which is absolutely complete rubbish so if you scroll down you see you get to qualify please answer the following questions or this is good this the first question are your government officials are you a banker are you serious about changing yes are you looking to replace yes youtube is not paying me enough i'm not big enough yet why are you looking for extra income uh i'm gonna say family how much are you looking oh i'll take 5 000 a day when you want to withdraw every day i want 5 000 how credit card credit card credit card what's your preferred starting capital uh i'm willing to do a thousand dollars let's do it credit these are the credit cards spacing are you aware this cryptocurrency investment is only available right now while the markets are flooded with free government money ah i have qualified to the next step another beautiful video this is another four minute video which we are not even gonna bother oh look we have an email thank you for registering with trading deck okay so this one i got something more interesting to share with y'all after this but wait wait wait let's go back here okay so qualified to assess right but look at what they say here for optimal you advise to turn on the sound of your phone and keep your preferred deposit method ready and due to the incredible amount of incoming requests it can take up to 24 hours please stay available at all the time yo let's recap a little from the perspective of someone who actually clicked the sign up button okay they saw the ad on youtube they registered for the webinar then they reserved their seat they gave their hand phone number their email address their full name they set through a full 10 minute clip and then they clicked the button and at this point the junction they have given everything the person is so deep in the funnel that they will probably do anything that this person is going to ask and think about it right now they are wanting to call them up on the phone so you can think about the process which goes on after that that is what happens that is what they want they want to get you on the phone to screw you up from there that is the escalation so couple days prior to filming this entire video i actually used another spoof email to sign up for them because i know there'll be a lot of follow-up emails so let me share with you something even more interesting this one they sent me two separate different websites they sent one which was invest and then another one was now look at this this is all of this very professional looking stock images all the the stock market thing running this is it's the same thing just different format they have a lot of spoof websites a lot and i only managed to get three for this stuff and then this one is again the same thing all about trading but look at this okay they have like education they have traded tools about us all these even though these are all spoof people who have no knowledge regarding all this when they look at such a well-designed website with things which are running and when they have education and speaking about all the related stuff very easy to trick them right so we got to look from that perspective so i wanted to find out where actually these websites are being registered from so i went into who is and i put in the invest one of their sites under registrant contact information they had all this crap which again is false according to here it says it's from arizona uh what scotsdale and all that right but it's fake and let me show you why all i have to do is just copy the phone number they put here and search google right and down here you see there one thing called contact information and i click this you can see that this actually belongs to something called prom look at this exactly what's written okay scottsdale arizona eight five two six zero now let's go back here arizona scottsdale eight five two six zero our phone number ending with two five nine nine facts ending with two five nine eight and when we go back to invest market phone number two five nine nine packs two five nine eight it's the same thing all these spoof websites which are run by this bunch of scammers they are using completely another person's details phone numbers addresses everything is proved we don't know where they are coming from it can be somebody from germany india nigeria wherever it may be right but it is not it is all spoof it is all fake and you guys remember earlier on in the video i told you guys to take note of this guy named oliver james let's look at oliver james right now the first thing on his website we see financial freedom this guy okay right here online money making with oliver james is who they claim oliver james is let me let me show you who oliver james is this is oliver james a stock photo dreamstime a stock image is who oliver james is oliver james shaking hand with somebody who another stock photo that you can find it's ridiculous okay you scroll down again okay cool they have a team that they are working very seriously right bam another stock image you see when i say something is a scam it is probably a scam because i bring proof and let you all know when i don't when i don't say that a company or entity or an individual is a scam in the video it obviously is a discussion based on references regarding whatever that i find online which is public information if this video doesn't prove it i don't know what i don't know i don't know how i can say it even more clearly also there's a reason why i made these videos so in-depth because firstly they are targeting asians and singaporeans right and secondly there is something very personal that i've been i've been wanting to speak to all about recently you guys have been emailing me or sending me via ig facebook or email whatever that is a lot of companies to like expose or like speak about them dive into them so on and so forth i also know that many of you guys subscribe to this channel thinking that it's going to be solely focused on exposing or like diving into all this basically to be more clear a lot of y'all think that this is going to be like a coffee zilla type of channel right right now as the channel is slowly starting to grow i wouldn't want to give you all the idea that this channel or rather rishi as a person is solely for that purpose of exposing or talking about all this catered for that specific purpose because there is really a very personal reason as to why i don't want to do that the reason really is personally i do not want to grow my personal brand or rishi or my channel as a whole towards that way catered for that purpose because i enjoy speaking about a lot of other things right like have been happy be sad be weird be like just some random stupidest stuff you know just enjoy i like to entertain make your life have some good vibes while watching my videos i just want my personal brand to be that way not catered towards the purpose of this exposing and specifically speaking about this really that's just a it's just very personal to me like it's just what i wanna what i wanna what i wanna um build my brand around yeah like for example some of y'all sent me this two million dollar sugar everything which i went to check it out then i realized that actually sneaky sushi did a video on that and that's where you all got the idea and wanted to see my perspective on it smart smart bastards but yeah things like that you know just different kind of stuff just enjoyable stuff as a whole this is a very very um weird for me to say because getting so many views and exposure on a small channel like this on a specific trend that is actually rising up it's like almost every small youtubers dream to achieve such a thing right when the algorithm comes in and all but the thing is i am actually planning to build a career out of this with an audience that will follow me for the content that i put out not in a specific category that is that is just not me i cannot the thing is i am best being me i am best in entertaining speaking about things you know making people laugh that's just me i am best at being me and again this is going to be damn weird for me to say but you can unsubscribe to me if that is what y'all came in here for it is so weird for me to say because it is just it like it is just it is just weird this almost sounds like a breakup and i don't want to end the video on a sour note so here's what we're going to do remember just now i said i had a plan for all these videos and we are going to do it together as a community community guess what we are going to do i'm going to leave all these three links below in the description okay these are passive income secrets and money regime and and bank for the bug so what we're going to do is at the time we have what 23 dislikes and 15 comments i'm going to add a comment here and then what we're going to do is click this click report and report channel and where's the spam and scams next this next additional note submit again go to money regime dislike the video leave a comment report channel submit go to bang for buck dislike leave the comment click the video next and submit also please please please spread this video on social media because each of their videos almost or it already has reached 100 000 views and that's where we're gonna leave the end of the video with thank you guys so much for watching i hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to leave a like on this video it will again help with the youtube algorithm stuff again please share it on social media as much as you can follow me on instagram at rishikrz and if you're new and you enjoy new happy enjoyable content from me as a person then feel free to subscribe and yeah i guess i'm going to leave you there i hope you guys enjoyed and i'll catch y'all next week with more stuff peace [Music] you
Channel: Rishi
Views: 90,522
Rating: 4.956718 out of 5
Keywords: singapore scammer, scams in singapore, online scams singapore, malaysia scammer, scams in malaysia, rishikrz, rishi
Id: K3VEZh0FJxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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