Dee Kosh Allegations | NICOLE CHOO HARASSMENT (Part 2)

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yo so many of you guys probably have watched part one of this entire saga and while i was recording that i saw nicole chew trending so i decided to hop in and find out what was happening only to find out that even bigger youtubers are involved lah so what i do let's get in hey guys what's up hope you guys are doing well so um since this is part two of the entire saga i just wanted to clarify or rather address certain comments that i got on part one of this entire thing just to clear some air or just to clear something out okay bn said that alex from twitter is a girl so it's a she not a he i cannot believe that i got so much information in the video but i failed to click a profile picture to see whether is it a girl or a guy hey alex if you are watching it that's my bet okay that's really my bet so my apologies okay don't get too offended with that why don't say age of consent is 16 and it is illegal for you to pay for anyone first and foremost i thought this was a complete common understanding and everybody knew this but it doesn't seem to be the case like there were people coming forward saying hey i didn't know that you couldn't pay anyone under 18 so on and so forth so i just straight up wanted to put it out here that you know no no means no that's the end of the story the next comment came from king ben he said sg keemstar and firstly thank you so much for comparing me to somebody of that caliber but i just want to straight up put it out here because tons of you guys subscribed and i wouldn't want to give you the fake impression right keemstar does like just straight up drama and that's it like he just covers whatever drama which is happening in their country so on and so forth in the youtube space but to be fair i don't only do that right i like if i see an interesting video i react to it i see other youtube videos like from other creators if i want to like mess it up i just do that and there's other things that i do so not just cover drama so um i just wanted to keep it straight up with y'all so that you know you guys don't have the fake the the wrong impression over subscribing to the channel okay um in in dre said came here from sneaky sushi instead yeah yeah i saw this and uh he even put the like the swipe up link on his insta story so sushi man thank you ah thank you thank you appreciate it appreciate it for the [ __ ] views masala curry said moving on who cares about decoys what about rishi taking over food king now first and foremost it's not like i have a chance but believe me after this video bro after this video it is completely cancer beliefy so the last thing i like to say before we jump into today's juice is the chances of this video getting cancer getting deleted getting copyrighted so on and so forth is super extremely high okay let me tell you why because there are there are videos which are going to be which are going to be appearing in this video which were previously deleted which were copyrighted which were which i don't know all the all the nonsensical stuff which happened i just wanted to put this at the beginning of the video so that you know you guys know in case in case anything happens with that let's jump in so i'm pretty sure that many of you guys are like super familiar when decoys called out eden ang when he was under the fire and the drama and the nonsense that he did and this is what eden says okay this is what eden ang a 30 year old guy i think he's 30 31 i'm not sure a 30 year old dude who is impressionable an influencer an entertainer and allegedly a christian this is what he says with a smile he replies good girls listen to daddy the internet came alive and say hey look at the irony and how hypocritical of decoy should do this i call him out only to end up in the place that where he's at right now one by one it escalated only to move on to the harassment and bullying avenue and in this in this sphere they brought up nicole chu's case which also happened in 2018 of how she was being bullied and harassed and all that and to be fair i didn't know and i wasn't involved back then knowing about all this i had no idea after i saw this post on facebook by um eliza theo she shared her whole experience over what happened from the start to the end and i was like yeah time to go in love so you can see it's like a very long and detailed pose right so what i'll do is i'll break it down into segments part by part with references videos and images pertaining to that part and then we'll move down the the chain trust me guys is so much of juice juice kabiga oh ah let's let's look at the post let's look at the post okay so eliza said decor harassed me a few years ago and this happened in 2018 and she said it very clearly that this is not the same thing as what happened with the boys so this is a completely different um case of bullying and harassment okay and then she said that she only came to know him when he started harassing nicole who was published by her company bubbly books and the whole thing started with him posting a youtube video reading out her work mocking her looks at work uh degrading her as a person uh nicole was only 19 then and he was 30 like why why i don't think when this video was being done because and jersey was in the mindset of oh she's 19 years old let's like attack her and all that no no i think this was just a an influencer put out something let's review it or an influencer versus influencer or some beef whatever that may be i don't think that this was anything to do with the age like i put it in perspective right if me being 27 right now and my next video is is putting out a video to attack a 19 year old person that will look damn stupid on me and i don't think that they were thinking that way but still but still you know let's let's take a look at the video then time for the real trash so we are going to read nicole choo's book today i can't believe she wrote a book there she wrote the book it's called 19 after okay let me just fast forward to the nicole is a 19 year old content creator yeah you see that's why i said right it might be like an influencer influencer beef kind of thing because obviously there was a cousin i don't even need to explain it but but you you get you get what i'm saying lah she started uploading youtube videos of herself singing and playing the guitar when she was 10 wow wow so parented this video sparked her interest in creating content on social media i don't even need a sip of alcohol you make me feel a whole new different feeling of intoxication that's it you know that's all if you guys don't know her poetry are inspired by facebook captions not facebook captions like instagram captions facebook status facebook instagram caption yeah so if you don't know what to post that you post on instagram you don't know what to put capture and you buy the book you buy the book ah then you can just write all this money yeah so you clearly you clearly get like where they are going with it with the contents or what's in the book giving your opinion on what's in the book is is fine right there will always be people who appreciate the work and people who don't people who went to school for this okay people people do masters for this and and yet you know sis is just gonna put number pages next to facebook status this is not a poem it's not at all it's not right this is too hard to understand that was a little even more faster it was too difficult it was too difficult to understand what did you think about continued what did you think about uh if let's say she wanted to do other things and write a book i think she should what okay i think you roughly get the idea where i'm going with this and how the whole thing ended so with that we are going to go back to eliza's pose and continue rereading the next segment the next part of this video really went a level higher when i read right because eliza said nicole left singapore because it came to a point where she was physically afraid and the trash did not stop so she went overseas for a few months to stay with a friend because if this like this one really escalate the level high right it's not the be that i meet you and you meet me and then let's like talk it out or something this was like this was really a level higher if you ask me and uh eliza went on to say that she didn't know the ugliness of social media so she asked nicole if she wanted to file a police report which they didn't but what they did was they contacted a lawyer so you can see she said i consulted a few lawyers too one of them a copyright lawyer pointed out to me that they are infringed on our copyright by broadcasting her pages and reading them that's exactly the video that we just saw right so she said okay great so there's something i could do she reported the video and the v and the video got removed out of youtube moving ahead she said you know that wasn't the end of the story they again made a apology video which we are going to see right now so today we came out hiding because as you know the latest scandal for me i decided to like not do videos because of the scandal how [ __ ] fitting we're scared and he's not doing videos because of what so you would like to make a video to to apologize raw hi very sorry very sorry to everyone who was affected by the video we're sorry that you know without the video with 300 000 views no one know about the the book yeah and also i would like to apologize that uh sheltina cut the video and say the part where i say you are grotesque nikolchu you are not grotesque but while you arise you're very talented with makeup yes so i thought finnish really know they put up a video reviewing that book and then the video got taken down they put up a sarcastic or whatever you want to call it apology video but no what happened was eliza said in a post that later on that year saw that i got his video removed he posted the top 10 idiots naming me directly and broadcasting my name my personal bio my company details at my personal email so i have to i have to check it out [Music] you know what this is a record ladies and gentlemen at number seven for the fourth time the fourth time in the world this person has been on the top 10 idioms for four years okay that you gotta be one time big idiot to be on this list for four years and number seven we have none other than miss nicole to give her a random flaws please ladies and gentlemen once he said that i immediately stopped this video went back and my curious mind just hit [Music] at number six we've got nicole ii at number nine we have again for the i think this is the third time in a row redwan and nicole choose breakup this year the 2015 one right i never find too much but believe me that part that i took out uh it is so golden that i know you guys will enjoy so much uh let me leave it to the end of the video believe me it is so worth it just continue watching you will you will love it now let's let's continue with the 2018 one but a few weeks later a copyright claim was filed and the video was taken down getting interesting it is who took it down so i of course went on my youtube i went on my youtube page i went to check who took it out and the email was eliza too yeah yeah so this is where um she was saying like her email came out and i think her company name also i did a simple google search and what i found was that she is the director of a boutique publishing uh singapore called bubbly books as you can see it's very simple just google it and who is bubbly books you ask well they are the publisher of the book itself right now people all are bringing this back up saying that you know they used to bully and harass biko at that point of time percy what he did he released the full apology on social media he spoke about the first video he spoke about the second video being the mock apology and he said that you know i take full ownership and responsibility for the things that they said in the video not only that he also said that um right here i immediately cringe at some of the offensive things that he said and more importantly more importantly he also addressed the very um like higher level stuff that i spoke about in eliza's post of how um nicole went overseas because she felt very unsafe right uh you can see right here that he said um i saw in eliza's letter that she had to travel out of the country for a long period of time to escape the social pressures and he apologized for that and he goes on to explain of how social media you know has really brought everything and taught him a lesson right after jersey's tweet nicole actually tweeted this she said would an apology be existent if he wasn't called out would an apology be existent if what happened to his friend didn't this is to me completely fair if you ask me because she's the main person who actually got hit with all the hate and the comments so on and so forth and she ended up saying that this is a joke so it's quite a it's quite a serious thing right so what what becomes interesting here is she said that this has gone on for years not only were those two involved in that if you go watch more videos you will realize that so many more influencers or content creators are supportive of the bullying and instigating and guess who during this exact time was trending together with them right now i have very special videos let's have a look my friends are you verified i don't know where to start then how should start where where where to start i think she's very beneficial honestly okay and like it takes a lot of talent to cover up that face you know i don't know where to start i really don't [Music] because streams have big heads and small right so if there's one advice you would give to nicole would that be oh interesting advice because streams have big hits and small right so if there's one advice you would give to nicole chu or would that be there's no more hope i'll say let's just move let's just move on all right elizabeth okay so this next video is called smash or pass okay this was uploaded on tenhau channel back in 2017 also but this came up all over again because of the harassment and how the sexual harassment and the allegations are up on decoys right now the main argument for this video was um sexual workplace sexual harassment this video was put up was being put up on reddit you can see on the screenshot right now it says the content was removed in response to a copyright claim by a third party what i said in the beginning of the video makes more sense at this point of juncture that you're watching this video as to why i say the my video might get taken down but i cancelled it anyway let's watch the video [Music] play fun i thought he was gonna say something nice to be fair for both these videos right apology videos were made apologies were made out in public and even till um i think last week or last month when the public brought up this entire smash or past video general took the time to actually address this whole issue on his insta story you know i'm saying story and what a dumb idea it was so on and so forth but i think i want to go back in time and look at why he actually decided to take down the video because i think there's a couple of points that actually i want to talk about so there's actually videos for the apology but you know i'm not i'm not even gonna just thank you thank you um who's this oxana newbie for like transcribing this whole thing because it makes it so much easier and um you can see that zen house said right the reason why he took noisy and i've taken it down because i don't not because i think it's wrong but because i just respect the people who ask me to take it down and because you know everywhere everywhere else in the world you can do a reaction video make a joke but no we have to be good role models i guess we have to see what the argument was for this particular smash or past video because the argument was workplace sexual harassment in conjunction with d cautious allegations coming out right so with that i also think that because you see if we go on youtube right now and we type in smash or pass there's so many other creators like what xianhua posted right that other country people are doing it is true it is true and right now to be to put it in perspective again you see there's this new trend called uh rating youtubers as well so imagine imagine right now right like my next video i'm gonna imagine my next video i go and do ratings singapore youtubers are calling my opinion and i go do up a cheerleads i put all the different singaporean youtube youtubers there and then i start like throwing them up will they accept it maybe that is just a youtube thing so channel sort of has a point but not to the extent of not arguing the workplace sexual harassment argument right so that is a whole different thing so with everything the only thing that we can do right now is to wait and see what the investigations bring towards us and what's the end and story of the case right so until then i don't think i'm gonna continue making videos on this topic unless something really big like like thumbs up or something like then maybe we can do something about it thinking about it right just now speaking about the rating youtubers thing i might actually make it into a full video you know get singaporean youtubers break down their content and just watch a bit here and then and see like you know i think it will be fun anyway the channel is so small like only y'all and me know it exists but still thank you all for subscribing you know i know that 500 plus of y'all came from the previous video so thank you all so much for subscribing i really really appreciate it so i guess with that we are done with this video and i know that i owe you all something but before that subscribe to the channel follow me on instagram as well because all the updates i'll put it on there most of the time so follow me on instagram subscribe to this channel and here's what i oil [Music] he was all sorry and all that and i'm like yo you got caught okay don't be sorry when you got caught i hate people like that they keep doing what they do until they get caught and then they're sorry excuse me okay at this point of time when you get caught it's too late to say you're sorry [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Rishi
Views: 85,564
Rating: 4.8931451 out of 5
Keywords: dee kosh allegations, nicole choo book, dee kosh nicole choo, nicole choo, dee kosh sexual allegations
Id: WwgQ-cP8gaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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