The Truth About Xiaxue

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who the face all right I'm gonna show you faces of people that you know you definitely know it's like jail or something and then you can tell me the truth like where you met them whether you like them or you don't like them tell us something throw some shade be fearless I mean we know you are feeling it drop me up first so that I don't think of consequences they I'm just like bartender hey when I slept with small penis blah blah blah yes Oh have you met Nathan okay no I had no for Halloween I think that she wanted to do like a YouTube like her Nathan I don't know look with a camel jacket I was really observing it and the Chanel brooch the Stags so you're gonna go dragged by a sick boy dress yes but it's very difficult Costas has a better side so I really don't know how to do that like with a week and plus my eyelids are like cut right so the lines I'm really deep and he's like you don't think gaieties well you really see idea so oh my goodness really cute guy did you date him if you a single easy shake oh that's very butter ain't gonna say nothing on nothing okay I don't speak on camera so what would you date him just citraketu Nathan I would love to pay you nice family would come look you know yeah so like my lamb I brace you after you gave me with it like me anymore because it's by 50 hey lobster they don't look for your orders for expensive come on for this one it's Chinese food you know you're just looking away okay who the face next time oh you evilly very disgusting hahaha okay okay this is a scream easy I think it's really truly psychologically I am very confused cuz I have friends who know him and they say that you know it's a persona No so you really think he's legit like working on camera look I'm 32 years old he's like my generation kind of like person came out okay so I remember I first got to know him when it was longer in by IRC yeah yeah okay so hashtag Singapore channel he was on there his nickname was called eyebrows and he was just going there and prey on girls all the time and when I was there outside what 15 years old so this is a really donkey years ago like the start of the Internet right so you just like talk to people and I just private chat girls and I am I'm professional I brought back alive junkie for $10 just me to plot your brows among other things it was not a persona nobody could see his face and then oh you know what that he would send people he's like send me naked pictures in this life tighty whities they were praying and I yellowish patchy but I think is earning good money because he is doing bachelor parties and all the girls were Sabo they are friends right tonight I see Colette dance is like the most horrifying thing I can think of it is granny and open it with the face Odie Kosh um okay so enough of those who guys who don't know there was some major beef going on between the two of them and then I'm like oh my gosh she's going in so you met him for filth so how's your relationship with him now I've actually met him yeah I have I have actually met him and I think in the past like maybe I used to be more hot-headed or like more immature I guess and I always like picked fights with people and I get angry because they stuff about me but now that I'm a bit older I start to realize that maybe he was just smart and using me as a topic to get people to see his videos yes that's that long and like you know Ross worked with him in 97 so she always said dates very nice yeah yeah I used to think I we never got along until like this year I don't know like why this was in here though why would you think that I would say something about this I'm not gonna bash you on your own show I don't know why your producer did this why I can't I can not find her hat I don't know how I'm gonna do the whole rest of the shoot now but like we never got along like I would go somewhere where he's then I'll be nice to him it makes me more here's something you had my back when we cleared it up what they ended up sin that were good oh you la what'd he say about me and then I didn't want do it I think it reached a point well it's kind of like I didn't hear it from you you know I mean the truth is I never heard it from you I heard it from someone else so I'm not gonna I'm just gonna let it go so yeah these complete by it all right look like I have nothing against you and this is all shut up Josh why this is a setup this is mine it is I said us not why would you feel that way happy birthday George why you actually getting mo me no you should do like did you know something you know that's very good right you should consider it's like second fall back on all right who the piece oh yes Annabelle this thing started with her when she she wrote this caption and you know like something about like how like the gosh cop like Scott was like the best or something like that and like actually now that I'm looking at it maybe she really didn't mean to true initiated like you know like my crew like my enough thank bloggers and stuff you know I mean she didn't mean to do that but like at that point my friends were all agree that that was what she meant and it caught me quick you did that laughs because you know like she's the new generation and like I just was like huh who are you right after the whole saga I thought like they really care that much anymore and I was I did follow her on her snapchat for a bit and it was like are you a fan haha okay well I was falling a while really because there was this view of time in her life where she actually buy somewhere upstairs like I'm a stalker know everyone you do and when the snaps okay and like all of my friends were looking and it was insane so she was like she was she just broke up with that male boyfriend off for us and was in gosh pound one with the protuberant eyes so are you gonna flash a picture Phoenix this okay I hope he's not the next person so anyway hahaha yes after that brick' I think uhm with ice you know like or something shows let's go into a bad patch in her life and you are like in say night soup well I bet go clubbing sure this like parties in the hotel room oh I need to send you the footage because I put another phone the red card did you like screenshot discrete or guys catchy blow me like it party in hotel room and I smoking chain-smoking like secret after SIGGRAPH Tasigna and going so cheap stuff like that I remember so she was like just with all these things looking guys the teenage boys who how did you feel when you saw all that I was just really amazed I was like guys everyone follow you this Annabeth so you like it yeah she was like becoming interesting you know she used to be like I get what you mean I can't wait you girlfriend we see all these fight bad girls yeah all the way are you natural she just always insane like she has gone a bit crazy trying to show her ex like I'm gonna dumb you and I'm gonna go have fun I'll show you and she was in this room with like these guys and like it's just very like sleazy right after that she saw me but I back to her usual and she got together with this new guy yeah who is that quite cute lover looks very young so anyway then after that subsequently every snap was just the two of them on their bit canoodling and I just like like you know kissing each other and then taking a fool take a picture and it's just like after a while I just got a bit like oh it's been a bit like how do you do that oh you're in bed if someone is supposed to be intimate and beautiful like hold on we look hot let me just generation oh yeah so anyways I asked do you ever do that by the rain with you in your husband oh no but people didn't do like those photos like who knows with my husband usually get more likes yeah yeah you I should do that tip up right yeah just kiss me and then we did an episode with your niece right and she was a massive fan of you I think she's at peace with you you know but she was a massive fan okay Beauty so if she was here right now would you like hang out with her go shopping chill out she asked me to play Fillmore bring out unit oh my god that would be a profile I show yeah you should do that next time and push me with it and then would you walk out late no I'll just go oh you but like I do have a very bad memory so sometimes I write Bobby when I don't remember let me dam and I'm like how could I feel be uncomfortable around this person oh I remember now yeah she is a fan of you so maybe like yeah just makes me feel bad I just wish you tell me that she hates me yeah oh my gosh once you really you know that we're no longer friends right well so far I've kept like silent on the topic because yeah as I said it's just really really complicated but yeah when a longer friends I am NOT friends we need a key anymore you know what is friends do you like its friend someone that'd be really really close like every single day like real talk like what you're going through a situation really close and she's one of those people who one of the inner circle I invited to you know like witness my child being born just actually a second friend I call after my best friend to say I'm pregnant yeah so I didn't my mom and my who are the first to LA so um actually the friend she was kind of showing cracks due to high water issues as well so like years and years ago started showing cracks ready and she started distance herself so I tracked my really others to sort of like bring the friendship back to where it was but you just never really worked out do you still like check on her I mean I know you clean a stalker more do you like just occasionally knows your friends is for a bit sometimes yeah I mean she didn't block me or anything like I still openly see that but she's not talking about me online anymore for pure of time they grew up there were but I'm glad that it comes so I guess so you know I look back on it and I just think it's a it was a beautiful friendship like I enjoyed a lot of my time to them and sometimes things just end and you don't fall alone for a long time I guess I feel I feel like is there something wrong with me like why why I my friend said leaving me is it is it me you know and like how the public would perceive this decedents they were saying things like Oh Wendy such a queen bee you know I've actually bosses that around I bet they're sick of her you don't things like that and it gets to you sometimes so you start to like there were times where I would question myself and think is it true like am I being like that am i you know you know I tried my best to save the friendship and I saw a sign or I'm done right by them so I don't think yeah peace is a whole century that the most important thing you know like if you can just put it down and say like let's just work it out cameras off everything let's just work here and that person doesn't want to yeah there's nothing you can do it you've done your part okay all right happened to you before okay look at her shrink more she's regular you knew you're like top showing I'm trying to see if other people are the same nobody sure the friends that have not were really kept at a minimum and like there's gonna be a lot of people I don't look at it that way like a like see Leon's here right so he's the producer for the show it's like I work with him right and the great thing about it is that and I love what he says he says that even if I were to meet some new friend right and I was an to that person he will still think that friend side he's my bestest friend he'll tell you like straight up you're an ass hey hey and that's why I need you know I don't need a fan yeah I know you know in my friend group friends oh okay who's the face of you have mom who is this girl are you just like calling people were like no longer an adventure just calling good okay yeah that's kinky oh my god okay so cake you like my plans for writing all of this into a book in future you sure you know your Oh another brace for me we're brainstorming you know Kiki and I we were friends since a long time is it like choo-choo friend level oh yeah definitely that really close in a circle fan definitely from the start when she first told me that she wanted to be a blogger and she wasn't a blogger to begin with you know but she was just my friend my pretty friend whom I would write about a lot of the times and one day when she told me that it set up be a bit like really you want to and like I feel chat done yes a little bit and I feel a bit like betrayed in a way because like you never told me that that's what you want to do and that is sort of my area and you have your area and I already feel that she's prettier than me she's smarter than me it's just I just go in every day and she's more popular with boys than me you know idea this is my thing that you come into my thing and I stupidly enough have let you in by promoting you right by your time right without knowing that that's one day what you're gonna do to me but of course you do feel it that way right so but it's not as simple as that it's not just I feel threatened I'm a horrible person I am selfish know I feel immense guilt like I felt so much guilt for feeling that way cuz like I just felt like so bad like why am I feeling this way but I do feel that way I understand I feel like you are locked but you feel like because she's as much she's my good friend if I had something good should I want to share with her and I should I shoot one something good for her and I'm sure that's what she feels as well because she has two other people with came to tell me that you know like she feels that I'm being very selfish I'm not supportive of her after she told me that she wanted be a blogger I I subconsciously started to be whole a little bit early like it was not like a very deliberate evil move or anything like that it was just that the feelings were so strong that I didn't really want this to happen but I never told her any of this I just kept it in my heart because I know that what I was feeling was very selfish and I felt guilty about it and I love her a lot as a friend I really laughs so you know I do want us to still be happy and everything so outwardly I still show support and I did lie you know I was still like her pose and help promote her things at all but it came to a point where you know how social media personality started to overshadow her real personality and I started to miss like the old cakey I guess a little bit yeah and I still miss her till today you know like there's still times when I still think I wish I had she was here you know she the same like tasted with mean like clothes and we joke about like so many things and we make so many trips like to JV together and stuff like that so oh my god like I'm pouring my heart out here but you know good job I will I will share how I feel like I have friends who would hang out with me my radio station blah hey can you give me a job in radio no okay give me a look and like some people say don't bring your friends into the workplace I love bringing my friends in the workplace cuz if you actually become a good worker it makes you a called mix better colleague than anyone else cuz you're my friend I get to say I'm working with my friend I go to the office every day my best friend is that feels domestic yeah it is an optimistic thing but if he up our friendships way over this is my lane this is my bread and butter it's what I put on the play it's just overshadow you that has happened before you know likes and not okay no one is actually overshadow me but try to you know and like entertain the idea that you could do that and I got a little bit annoying because to me I'm annoyed because that's all you see you see the media tastings the events the red carpet you think is very simple so you think oh just by being funny you can get what I get you don't get it as a struggle there's a lot of things that go on behind the scenes that you don't understand and it's I feel upset with you that you would be so foolish to think that all that you can just inherit just by saying I want to be this person like you don't get it like I have not shown you the you have to go through behind the scenes so haul yourself out to get the way and I don't want to see you do that yeah I'm not saying that when I help somebody I expect gratitude but I expect at least you do not me over yes yeah so yeah oh soul mates now you know it's very frustrating but I think at this point in my life where I'm 32 it took me a long time to realize this when you help people expect the worst no good deed goes unpunished so I mean like I still do you know it's a life is about being able to love and put your feelings out there and being afraid of getting hurt but you cannot expect anything just one day this person whom you have helped so much well one day say Joshua you didn't help me I got there myself because I'm talented I'm better-looking than you I'm funnier than you okay your charge do you think that you think that yourself so like it's all you you don't believe those struggle that I had myself and then what I love this sighs I love this I'm not gonna say a sight of see I said I love this yeah sure who the face Oh super cute I want to a site when when you bring him to a school like do the kids go why your mom so pretty no no you know I haven't had gray hair and first I one of the kids was like why is that already here yes what happened cuz right dressed like this no I don't because I early in the morning and I used to send him to school but now it goes on a school bus who really loves the school bus then the kids would I see me with like this t-shirt and I shot it was really a struggle to make a decision to wear a bra like 8:00 in the morning and I typically develop grief a.m. so I have a 3 hours of sleep and then I just go cause um be driving him there is only 5 minutes drive so it's not that bad and I'm just like should I wear a bra just cool like this hula hello going to a preschool okay hi guys like if you could control - is destiny mmm like how do you see him like 20 years from now like okay well like say he's your age now I'm gonna be she answered what is it I just hope that he is hellah doctor healthy and happy that's all that's all I care about because I feel once again at my age that like all these like well blah blah blah blah blah all these things that you're talking about talking about does not matter what happened what matters the most is that you're happy and people don't understand that right you know it's not that easy like even if you have a lot it doesn't mean that you're happy right so that's the most important part yeah that he somehow happy regardless of what he's doing I kind of want to see you like just be in a room with like to chew and kicky and everyone that's not gonna happen and you need and you need g-gosh and then you hold your baby up it's do believe motors giving outside no he's not inside holy baby I like Lion King listen my child I know what I don't know like I want to just see a happy reunion like a happy thing where all of you guys just get together times things just thought and you're fine with that yeah it's just that's just the way it is and me man on that know me and love it man want more hit subscribe and thumbs up this video else
Channel: YAAAS TV
Views: 419,044
Rating: 4.6283216 out of 5
Keywords: YaaasTV, Xiaxue, Xia Xue, Interview, Wendy Chong, Wendy VS The World, Gushcloud, Nuffnang, Eunice Annabel, Nathan Hartono, QiuQiu, Qiu Qiu, Kay Kay, Dee Kosh, Feud, Beef
Id: vavs7l-adRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2016
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