Xena the 6'6 Trans inmate Who Plucked People's Eyes Out & Cut Off Her Genitals | PKA

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these stories so far mild compared to my dick balls and gang rape and beheading stories I was I've got Holt head written down so like you you like you mentioned it and we moved past it real quickly but I was curious so you said it was on one of your videos the like what do you do if some powerful guy the the Hitler you know portrait guy green lights you to get your [ __ ] pushed in and beat the [ __ ] up if that gets greenlit is there any way to go to that guy and be like hey I'm so sorry let me give you some Snickers or is it like no once that's okayed you're [ __ ] he can't go back on it or he'll look weak or complacent like how's that pan out prison rape is so common there's a rape class now that you have to attend under prea Prison Rape Elimination Act yep it's it's mandatory a rape class are you better raping now than before so you watch a video and there's some guys in the day rooms and predators the young prisoners coming in a hungry if they take food they're in debt and once they got you in debt they got you they say look you got to pay this they're us we're going to kill you well I got no money are you gonna go in that cell over the do whatever he says and that will pay your debt off and if you are weak minded enough to do that there's no turning back that's called getting turned out becoming a prison Punk they rent you out as a prison prostitute and you know you ruined the lot at the lowest level in the prison is punks snitches and Cha moles so the conclusion of the rape class was to stop rape you have to report it if you report anything you know snitch so after we went to the rape class a young mentally ill prisoner was gang-raped and nobody reported a single thing in the rape class the class yeah so that was just like a nephew to the guards now the story of Xena is a transgender prisoner six and a half foot charismatic transgender prisoner she seemed happy living with her boyfriend when I met her in prison he was protecting that but decades before when she first came in she was big weight weight lifting clicked up with the Aryan Brotherhood gang as a deck leg there it's blood in blood out these gangs use people up and they brutalize them so I asked Xena what happened she said the first time was a gang rape they beat me until I was unconscious raped me while I was unconscious and sure things inside my body I said well what did they shove inside your body a broomstick I said well how did you know they were raping you if you were unconscious she said when I went the toilet afterwards I could tell by what came home I said well what did you do after being raped I sat in my cell waiting for the scars to go I got moved to another yard but the same thing happened they beat me up raped me used me as a sex toy a prostitute Punk there's no recourse no one to talk to you can't go to the guards they'll throw you in a dungeon for months or years and say it's for your own protection you can do absolutely nothing other than kill the perpetrators the victim is labeled a rat a punk and considered less than human I said did you think about killing the people who did this yes I did I feel I've also thought about killing myself and I still do sometimes and then Xena started crying she commenced any more questions but she came back because because we were writing a blog to raise awareness of prison rape and when she came back I said does this mostly happen to youngsters yes it does breaking up to anyone Big Bad Dudes skinny ugly people who are street smart you don't understand the mentality of ghetto life they get picked on the most I said well how did you stop it I took the abuse for as long as I could my started fighting I won most of the fights when I stood up and told them I think about living or dying it stopped you've gotta be ruthless now that is understatement Xena hadn't told me the truth as to how she stopped this gang raping business because she didn't want to risk any trouble what she'd done Xena was studying Anatomy and the next two times the gang members came - rape zina the first member of the gangs put his hand on Xena Xena plucked his eyeball out it was dangling from the optic nerve and that's what I thought when I first heard that story holy [ __ ] is that even possible so I had a workout partner called iron man in prison and he told me to join a page a to join a dojo when I got outside I did karate for almost 10 years and they teach us in karate it's called bird beak strike you just go BAM into the eyeball like that and it comes out on the optic nerve now Xena did that twice they came back to rape her again and she did so the classifier is extremely dangerous because that eyeball when you put it back in it just doesn't go back in snugly and behave normally the fluid coating the brain can leak through the socket and you can die you can be blinded you know if it could really match your visual apparatus up let's say Xena was a woman and men were raping her how why were they together I got I missed something she's okay so Xena was a trans prisoner six and a half foot when she first came in decades before she'd met me she was big and weightlifting and she was a debt collector for the Aryan Brotherhood now when I met her she was tall skinny she was making melting plastic and making sex toys she had her own beaded g-string and she's cool what what she did was they tried to get estrogen smuggled in and they tried to stop the other chemical so Xena wakes up one morning grabs a felt-tip pen and draws lines on her scrotum yeah drinks a cup of coffee and without any painkiller at all she's got the razor blade and she cuts the scrotum open now the testicles are on branches called the vas deferens so she goes into one side of the scrotum cooked through the spermatic cord and the and she manages to cut one side off now the other side must have known what was about to happen she's got a hand in her scrotum up in her guts searching for this of a testicle redhot pain is hitting her now from cutting the first 1/2 where she's got it tied off to stop the blood comes undone and the blood it's that spraying across the cell she's now bleeding to death and losing consciousness but she believe she's got to get this over one off it's a one-shot deal you feel squishy things like organs while she's scrambling around to find this thing in the end she didn't find it and the prison was informed somebody saw this and they managed to get a helicopter to the prison just in time to get to hospital to save her life now Xena was put on suicide watch for a year and when she got off suicide watch she cut the / testicle off so just when the testicle thought it was saved it's so comical to me that she plucked out a rapists eyeball with her bare hand and then the next week or let's month or whatever sometime here had passed and that same group of rapists got together said you know what we should do we should go rape the eyeball plucking chick we should go rape wait wait why are they calling the eyeball whoa they pointed and he's got a [ __ ] eye patch on it he's like I don't know guys shame on you [Laughter] around body parts with their own nuts next thing so alright so rape attempt one eyeball comes out rape attempt to eyeball comes out thinking strong during the pipe lucking or is she the leader she was she was uh collecting debts for the area Bravo so what two separate occasions eyeball comes out they classify zina as extremely dangerous and they move on to some of her friends now one friend is gang-raped they shove a light bulb in his backside and they make bets on who could smash it first and that prisoner committed suicide afterwards another one is gang-raped they get a shovel from the work crew they hold him down caught his head off and when his head is finally off they put it on display in a part of the prison to show the gangs that they the most violent and ruthless of all the gangs in would you okay Jesus really intense like it's it the first two examples were just horrific but then it escalated it's so far when we got to a beheading it's just like where do you go from here
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 173,962
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, PKA 492 w Shaun Attwood - Keemstar vs H3H3, Prisoner Eye Pluck, Convict Code, shaun attwood, prison, jail, fpsrussia prison, fpsrussia prison clips, shaun attwood prison, pka 492, pka 492 clips, pka 492 highlights, inmate, prison inmate, prison story
Id: qSuSuuPKfAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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