XBOX series S opinion after two weeks.

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what's going on everybody it's your boy derrick the gator and i'm back back after two weeks man look let me tell y'all so first of all let me say i missed y'all all right don't get me wrong i want you to understand that i missed y'all it's been two weeks since i communicated with you there are some of you i like to shoot the breeze with down in the comments hey you know who you are but these this past two weeks have been an amazing two weeks y'all in my previous video i did an unboxing of the xbox series s and yes i have been spending 14 days probably probably 15 just immersing myself in xbox goodness this video i want to talk to you about it this is my opinion on the xbox series s thank you for watching if you're new to the channel welcome i hope you like what you're saying i hope you like what you're hearing hit that subscribe button if you do give your boy a like also and if you are a subscriber what's happening all right let's get to it i'm not going to try to spend a lot of time with this but there's so much that i want to talk about i know i always say this and i can't stress it enough i'm not one of those tech guys okay i can't talk to you i'm not gonna spit numbers at you i'm not gonna break things down and all that stuff hey leave that stuff up to digital foundry okay shout out to digital foundry i love y'all but uh of course you don't know me but anyway i'm just a regular guy in my spare time i like to game i love xbox and i love playstation equally okay they both have their pros and cons one company does something that the other company don't do and i'm fine with that i don't discriminate i love both companies the xbox series s look man this little box packs a punch it ain't about the size of the package it's the motion in the ocean right ladies i don't know that from experience but hey that that's the same right okay whatever but my point is don't underestimate this console you look at how small it is it doesn't have a disk drive it's a price point of 300 bucks most of you are like nah man i'm just gonna wait for the series x when that becomes available i'm gonna get that hey i felt the same way i felt the same way until one night i went to my local walmart and saw this on the shelf and i was like you know what i'm gonna go ahead and i gotta get this and i'm totally glad i did totally glad i did now i cannot i can't give you any i can't give you any experience as far as the xbox series x because i haven't experienced that yet but i can tell you the differences i see between the xbox one x and xbox series s there is there's difference okay you may feel that it's marginal because you know this ain't how it used to be back in the day we went from like 18-bit to 16-bit 16-bit to 32 of pixels to polygons you know the leaps forward in game game visuals and video gaming as a whole it's kind of marginal it's like how not like how it was back in the day but there is a leap between the xbox one x and the xbox series s once again do not underestimate this little console right here man and i'm gonna get into it um this is one of the games i've been playing on my xbox series x it's a star wars falling jedi an amazing game a gorgeous game look i'm looking at the tv like wwe superstars watch tv backstage but yeah man my camera don't do any any justice to what i'm seeing here but this game was already gorgeous this game is just it looks phenomenal on this console i don't know how it looks on series x but on the s this looks great another game i've been playing let's see let's get out of here i'm going to show you this little quick resume feature okay quick result i play star wars jedi fallen order that's the name of the game another game i'm playing is the medium now i just hit the home button now let's go back to the medium this is quick resume okay quick resume you see it right there in the corner right there boom now i'm playing the medium another amazing game you should play by the way the medium play this game i think it's exclusive to xbox and pc great game i'm toward the end so i don't want to spoil it let me get out of this go back to star wars quick resume you can jump from one game to the other seamlessly in like less than 10 seconds that wasn't even 10 seconds man but i am so happy that i ran across this console i am so happy if you're waiting for the x like most like most of us are if you're waiting for the x you're waiting to get your chance to pick one up but if you see an xbox series s available you decide to get it i promise you i'm giving you a gator promise you will not be disappointed you will not be disappointed man i still have my xbox one x right it's now in my bedroom and uh i still play it you know i'm not gonna get rid of it at least that's how i feel right now but i see the difference i see the difference in not only visuals but audio i can hear the difference it's man microsoft has really done a damn thing when it comes to this let's go to the home terrain now you may be a little disappointed nothing has really changed as far as the dashboard you know you know how microsoft is if it ain't broke don't fix it i mean look at the controller the only difference is they have a share button here and you have a textured bottom and uh you don't have this little indention like around the xbox home button like you used to have but yeah it's basically the same controller it feels good the texture bottom feels good but but you know you don't see anything really different as far as the dashboard because you know i understand how this is kind of disappointing to us because when you buy a new console you want a whole new experience you want to boot that sucker up and you just just blown away at like the new ui and and have things look all flashy and all that kind of stuff but nah microsoft basically now they didn't do that they just didn't do it but uh but hey i kind of feel the same way i do it hey nothing was wrong with it i just wish that you know we had like some things going on in the background you do have the option of changing your background and you know personalizing things like that but yeah for the most part it's the same but um i got so much stuff running through my head man like i said i've been saying i've been spending the past two weeks just working playing with the kids and xbox series x and i i got to tell you man do not underestimate this console if you find one pick it up if you if you can you would not be disappointed all right what i'm going to use this for now of course this is it's a digital only console this is going to be my game pass machine if let's go if you have an xbox you need game pass it's not a necessity but if you don't have game pass you're cheating yourself you're straight up cheating yourself look at all these games this is a subscription service 100 plus titles ready to play i want to say uh what is it like 20 25 bucks a month or something like that and if that sounds expensive i mean look at what all you're getting look at this and i have a game pass ultimate so ea games are included in this look at this newer titles don't eternal got all your ea sports games ufc 3 i can play these games whenever i want all i got to do is download it long as i'm a subscriber and i am a proud subscriber i got all these games all the first party games all the xbox exclusives look at all the gears and got halos up there and all that stuff grounded another exclusive now of course this is available to you know if you still have the xbox one and all that kind of stuff i just want i just want to drive home the fact that if you have xbox man please do yourself a favor become a game pass subscriber do not cheat yourself look at this look at all these guys i'm still going still going wow don't don't cheat yourself y'all yeah current games i'm playing dirt five that came out i want to say last week still playing gears i just finished gears 5 and the download i mean the uh dlc hive busters which you really gotta check out hive busters is amazing and it really shows off the optimized uh features that's on the xbox series s and x so the visuals are just mind-blowing let's see let me uh go into gears and see what happens yep still quick resume third game that quick resume i don't know how many games you can do with this but you just see you see three games like i said man i i cannot tell you this really makes me excited to see what the xbox series x is capable of i can tell you right now what the x is capable of because i don't own one but if what what the s is doing man it's hard i can't see i mean of course you got your more teraflops and blah blah blah and all that kind of stuff but i'm already blown away so when i do get an x my head is going to explode i guess now another thing the way we're gaming now you have to buy this if you want to be up today you have to buy this powerhouse console right you have to buy the new consoles your ps5 your xbox series x or s but it doesn't stop there does it it doesn't stop there you got to get a tv you got to get you got to get your mac daddy television you know uh 4k um hdr got to have certain amount of hurts and all that kind of stuff so you can yeah this television is about three years old let me go to settings i'm not even experiencing everything at full power because my tv is three years old i'm not in the market to buy another television yet so i'm gonna show you what i'm working with i'm kind of ashamed of this so please don't mess with me all right now it's uh the console is reckoning right recognizing this is a 4k tv that's fine let's go into the details you want all green check marks down here and you see i don't have that because my tv is kind of old and you know i need to upgrade um tv resolution 4k uhd at 60 hertz i'm good on that um but my tv doesn't you know have support for 120 hertz you know kind of a bummer but uh my tv doesn't support 120 hertz and it won't play games at 120 fps so yeah but even though i'm handicapped by this television even though this television is a small handicap i'm still amazed i'm still amazed i am telling you that this is a step up from the xbox one x don't doubt this console don't write it off as something that you know i'm gonna pass on this and just get an x hell man i would say if you choose not to get an x and you get the s you will be satisfied you will be satisfied later on down the road you know you choose to get an x you know catch one on sale or whatever like that that's fine that's fine but like i was saying a moment ago you know we live in this era now where you know you got to have the powerhouse tv to go with the console and at the end of the day you're spending like two grand on a setup just to get the the full benefit of buying a new console and owning a new console that's the way gaming is now but if you're like me and you have a 4k tv and it's not brand new i'm telling you you're still going to see a difference you're still going to be blown away and it's totally worth it 300 price tag is well worth it not a dollar wasted i'm telling you right now not a dollar wasted but i just want to let y'all know man what's you know what's been going on over here i know you guys haven't heard from me in about a week this is what it's been man this is what it's been work and play this is what it's been and i i just now this quick resume feature i'm not going to lie to you it doesn't work 100 of the time every now and then you know i'll it'll leave one game that's working this time again that's great majority of the time it does work but uh a couple of times out of two weeks you know uh if i left one game it took me to the home screen of another game and still i i you know i wasn't disappointed because the load times on this console is very fast it really is i mean from booting up a game to game play title screen copyright information all that stuff it just it it just flows through it so quickly oh yeah i'm telling you man i cannot wait for the day and i'm not in a hurry but i cannot wait for the day where i get to experience the xbox series x because the xbox series s it's the shares man it's the shiz and that's a compliment you know that's one of my words she is i'm not going to say the others because i don't know if kids watching but this console is great you've been through a lot to get here i wish you were here i wish you were here to see these visuals man my camera ain't gonna do it justice and i know youtube you know the little video how they do this stuff don't do it any justice but this is derek the gator man you know i'm not i can't i'm not going to break down i'm not going to get all technical with all this stuff but y'all saw my unboxing thank you for watching if you did if you didn't go back and watch it and now i'm telling you how i feel about the console if i were to give it a five star rating i would definitely give it a solid four and a half stars out of five four and a half stars out of five man really wow just wow good job microsoft good job xbox i am so satisfied with this thing and i know i'm not the only one well this is just a little short video i know i was doing a lot of rambling on but i got to get back to gaming man y'all if y'all run across one of these systems next my series x hey pick it up i'm telling you pick it up you will be satisfied all right thanks for watching if you're not a subscriber hit that subscribe button and hit that notification bell for future videos i don't want you to miss anything all right and uh thanks for watching gator loves you i'll see you next time peace
Channel: Derrick The Gator Riverboat
Views: 104,757
Rating: 4.9102397 out of 5
Id: _6jX3LJqT4M
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Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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