Xbox Series S vs Series X Console Review: Can The Cut-Down Console Cut It?
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Digital Foundry
Views: 516,859
Rating: 4.89151 out of 5
Keywords: Xbox Series S review, Xbox Series X Review, XBox Series S vs Xbox Series X, XBox Series S, XBox Series S vs Series X, Series S vs Series X, Review, Digital FOundry
Id: 94O6o6yOGgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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As a mainly Sony gamer, I have been surprised and excited about how much power Microsoft was able to put in Series X. With Series S being pretty cheap it is an amazing deal to combine with game pass.
Friend of mine got an S. He's been mainly digital for years now & the majority of what he plays is on gamepass and his monitor is only 1080p. This is IDEAL for him.
Where as I like owning the disks, the ability to purchase games pre owned/on sale in stores would probably add up to more money saved in the long term. Also, I have a 65 inch, 4k 120hz TV. anything below 1080p looks very grainy on it in comparison to 1440p-2160p. So it's clearly the XSX for me.
I thought the concerned trolling and downvotes would stop once the systems were out. I guess playing the actual consoles to take up your free time is out of the question.
My problem with the series S is the lack of a disk drive.I have 2 Xbox one's and an Xbox one x .The lack of a physical drive severely limits your options both for gaming and buying..Go price your favorite game in both physical,digital and used .My digital S can only do ONE . My "all digital" Xbox runs great and has a purpose but ,it is not my Go To console.When i want freedom of choice i always prefer Physical first....Blu Ray is Hardware. Borderlands 3 Xbox one eBay $16.67...Xbox store $59.99..Do the Math over Years....
343 really fucked Xbox over here by delaying Halo Infinite. They seriously need to restart that studio from the top.
On the same note though, I just cannot understand how you release a next gen console without a single game to go with it. This is a huge failure that Microsoft has had years to fix and couldn't do it. Yes the exclusives are coming. But in this regard it feels as though the Series consoles were rushed just to come out in a year where consoles are in high demand.
The PS5 has:
Spiderman Miles Morales
Demon Souls
Astros Playroom
Not only do they have 2 extremely highly rated games to purchase, the console comes with a free, high quality game. Add that to the PS5 outperforming the Series X in multiplats, and you get a console with no revolutionary features, no exclusives, and slightly worse performance on multiplats.
Don't get me wrong. I love my Series X and I'm playing the hell out of Valhalla (which runs better on PS5). But if it weren't for me wanting to play Assassins Creed on the console I've always played it on, I don't know if I'd even be playing my new Xbox. At the moment I'm splitting my time equally between Valhalla on Xbox, and Miles Morales, Demon Souls, and Astros Playroom on PS5. Thats really saying something.
Also, there just aren't a lot of great games for release. Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed, COD, and Dirt are all just more of the same. Demon Souls and Spiderman are good for PS5 but they aren't exactly fresh and new either.
There's just no new and exciting IPs to look forward to around release. Maybe Halo Infinite would have been cool, but it's a return to the series roots, not something new and different.
I want the same feeling we had when seeing Destiny for the first time before the last gen consoles came out. We need new IPs.
DF is great, although I donโt get why they criticise Series S for not always meeting 1440p and then you have PS5 with fake 4K and suddenly it is ok... PS5 is advertised as 8K and 4K120fps and none are true
Same with BC, PS5 only offers double FPS at fake 4K for only PS4 games, and it is described as better in many ways than XSX, which also double FPS (and 99% of the time is flawless) autoHDR, true 4K, better texture filtering and 3 generations supported... I mean, sometimes they cannot hide their PS preference and end up not being that objective