Before you buy XBOX Series S - Questions Answered

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One review that i can recommend

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Armixyz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Youtube actually recommended me cause I saw your earlier video as well. Well made video!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ViGo83 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

So this isn't a vid that just compares it to the series X

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ph03n1x12345 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for posting this here, very informative and useful video!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ricodes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome back to another video guys today i'm finally able to talk about my experiences with the new xbox series console in particular the series s which is just behind me there i've had about a week and a half almost two weeks with it now and i've been able to play some optimized games some backwards compatible games and you guys sent in a lot of questions which i've been able to test out some of them unfortunately i don't have the ability to test out but i've answered as many of these questions as i can so let's dive straight in the first question we have is from m2704 and the question is if you plug in a usb drive maybe one from the one x will it recognize it immediately and i have an hdd with about 30 games it'd be awesome if i could just plug that in from the get go i'm aware that this would not work for series s and series x games yeah first question um straight on the money this is one of the things that i really wanted to know and i have i keep call of duty on a usb stick so i wanted to know if i could plug that straight in from my 1x to the series s as that obviously has a 4k uh textured game and yeah i took out the usb from that straight into the one into the series s and it works just fine um a couple of weeks well a week ago when i first did it i did have some load issues it was freezing but that may also be down to server issues because i had a similar issue on the one x um but yeah it is possible if you have games saved on a drive and an external from your one x or one s they will work and run off the series s now series s and series x games on external drives um on my one they don't seem to work you have to transfer it to the console maybe there's some speed issues there but if you want to run new newer games the series s and series x optimized games off of a external you'll need to get the expansion pack the next question is from joak99 are 1080p games upscaled to 4k and can they run at 60 frames per second um yeah that's one of the main reasons why this console i think is going to be really awesome for a lot of people because a lot of people won't want to go out and buy new screens if you're buying you know the more affordable of the two units it's it's more likely that you are on a budget and you don't have you don't don't have money to go and buy a fancy new screen 4k and high frame rates and all that kind of stuff but if you do already have a 4k tv this will upscale those games to 4k and one of the interesting things i noticed i did have a question that i haven't included here um was about gears and people saying that it doesn't seem to run at 1440p which is this console's native resolution one of the interesting things is all of the games what a large number of the games i've played so far run natively at 1080p or 4k um publishers don't seem to be making games specifically for 1440p yet uh gears tactics runs at 1440p which is great but it's interesting that they're going for 1080p as the kind of lower resolution if they're not hitting 4k um i'm not sure if that's because they've they've done a calculated guess and most people will have either full hd tvs or 4k not many people will have 1440p screens um you know people who are in the market for this console it throws out the question why has microsoft created a 1440p console that is mostly currently at launch running 1080p games maybe that's something future proofing for you know games to come down the line but in my experience mostly games are running at full hd that aren't on a 4k screen and then upscaling to 4k uh so that's something worth mentioning i thought and also will they run at 60 frames per second yeah in my experience the games that i've had they will run at 60 or close to 60 um when they're upskilled from 1080p next question is from mangia cakes or mangia cakes very if i said that wrong um do backwards compatible games run better on the one x or is it literally the same as the one s um yeah i've played i've got a couple of older games um loaded up on my console and including mass effects destiny 2 and the load times are the main thing that you'll notice that is much much improved so compared to the one x the series s and the 1s even when you're comparing those with the older when you're comparing it with the older consoles um the load times are night and day it's much much faster everything's smooth even navigating the menus is smoother so you will notice a difference coming from those older generation consoles and the next question is from mr tailmore if you play warzone how's the frames per second is there a possibility to change the resolution and frames per second in option um yeah i have played warzone frames per second it seems to be running as smooth if not a little bit smoother than the series i mean the one x that i have um and is it possible to change yeah so in the settings in um i think it's called device on hardware settings menu i'll try and put that up on the screen now so you guys can see but you're allowed to choose it enables you to choose your target resolution and target frame rates for your games depending on what your tv or projector is capable of then it will allow you to choose the settings that it can do the next question is from dr curser can you share some details about the new xbox one x controller improvements uh between devices campaign materials only say it's improved um yeah the controllers as you can see here look super super similar and they don't feel particularly different this just feels a little bit more refined i would say um they have added some textured material well textured finish to the back and to the triggers um they've also lost the dip that you've got there on the xbox around the xbox logo and obviously they've upgraded to usbc instead of um micro usb type a i believe and it still takes double-a batteries i don't know if your battery packs or existing controllers are going to work because they do feel slightly different in size it's tiny but yeah those older battery packs i'm not sure if they're going to work on this i don't think they will um someone else asked me if the light is much brighter or dimmer on the logo i would say it's slightly more diffused because it's got a frosted finish to it so it's not quite as bright as the older logo which might appeal to some people and there's also a new share button which i really love because i found sharing content before really really awkward so i'm loving that they've included that and the d-pad has a more pro design so instead of those kind of just a cross and with the gaps in between which normally gets crumbs in them and they've gone for a slightly more pro look on the d-pad which i really appreciate and yeah generally it just feels a bit tighter in terms of construction everything feels a little bit more responsive and they said it has lower latency i can't tell if it's the controller or the console that's doing that but everything does feel a little bit more responsive including using the controller next question is from save me hkv how much usable storage is there now this is a question not a lot of people did ask me that i wasn't able to answer before the embargo lifted you do have 364 gigabytes available which is one gig less than the one x i believe um and that is for me it was enough um it's been enough so far but i can i can appreciate some people's concerns that as games get more advanced that 364 isn't gonna get you as far with games uh you know huge like destiny like call of duty which are 100 gig files uh next question is from dragoon05 just curious what resolutions can you use the xbox game dvr to capture on the series s like can i capture games at 1440p um i'm not sure because like i said i can only see what my screen allows me to do um but in the settings when you look at it it allows you to choose either 1080p or 720 so i don't know if it can capture higher than that but that's what's available to me when i go into the settings robbie rr says does it heat up is there any noise from the fans in the games you've tested yeah it does get a little bit warm when i've been playing for significant periods of time um but that is to be expected from any console i would say and in terms of noise it is super super quiet like as you can see i play with it quite close to my desk well i'm quite close to my desk when i'm playing and it's barely audible at all um it's super super quiet even with games like gears uh with dirt 5 it was quiet like i haven't honestly i have to actually look to check it's on when it's just running and i'm doing other stuff because it doesn't seem to make much noise at all the next question is from d-e-a-e-n-n underscore i don't know is it dean dean n cool um would you recommend this to a person that doesn't care about 120 frames per second but cares about 4k the short answer to that is no if 4k and you know ultimate graphic quality is what you want then the series x is obviously going to be for you because natively this is 1440p and even upscaled it's not going to look as good as 4k um but saying that upscale 1080p games to 4k does look really good to me uh to my eye but if frames per second isn't the most important thing to you and you ultimately want the best looking games and the most detailed looking games then yeah the series x is probably the best console for you next question what's the system's internet download speed last gem was a gigabit connection my ps4 got 40 megabits per second i'm really hoping for something better this time around i'm not sure what the actual spec is i haven't checked sorry um but in my experience downloading games i was able to hit a thousand megabits per second on downloads uh anything between that and 60 seems to be about quite normal for my internet connection here uh maybe if your internet connection's better you'll get more consistent high speeds but yeah i have been able to hit a thousand a thousand megabits per second while downloading games which means a big big difference especially with updates on things like call of duty uh the next question is from maximilian h how does backwards compatible xbox one games run on the series s do they get better performance than the normal xbox ones well i kind of already answered that yes everything seems to load and operate a little bit smoother next question i'm trying to go through these quick because i appreciate this might end up being quite long um next question is from rr desai 93 what about assassin's creed games and red dead redemption 2 do any of them run on 60 frames per second on the xbox series x oh sorry xbox series s and are they at better resolution than the xbox one s i haven't played red dead redemption 2 on this console and what i believe from rockstar statements is that they haven't been a they've locked out their games at 30 frames per second for for next gen currently but i think that's probably because they're going to produce optimized and newer titles for this generation of consoles so yeah they won't run at six frames a second as far as i know and the same with assassin's creed i'm not sure what they're aiming for in terms of frames per second but they are making an optimized version of valhalla which will run at higher frames per second on the series s so it will perform much better for you in terms of resolution i think it's the same thing i said before some of these titles are going to be optimized for 1440p but a lot of them seem to run at higher frame rates at full hd and again that's going to come down to what the studio chooses to chooses to do with their titles so maybe they'll decide to do something different in the future but currently it seems to be full hd at higher frame rates for those titles next question is how fast does it boot um well let's just fire up and have a look that's it and we're in and one of the other questions that i didn't get i expected to was about quick resume and that is by far one of my favorite features about this new console and one of the big differences because for me this console's about casual gaming i don't want to sit around and i have time to sit around waiting for games to load so if i get home from work and i just want to jump straight into a game features like quick resume is going to make a huge difference to a lot of people so last night i was playing gears um i've just fired up the console and we'll just choose gears again and as you'll see i'm straight back in the game like no loading the game's just there right where i left it last night which is crazy another cool thing is you can switch between titles that are um optimized for quick resume as well so let's what other games i have that are optimized i think do maternal should be one so we'll fire that up and then we'll switch between this and going back to gears and you'll see how it works i mean if any of you guys are doomed fans you'll see how much quicker this is to get into the game than what you've experienced previously so we're loading now press a and we're [Music] in so i'm going to continue game you'll see how quickly it loads into that how long was that like six seconds and we're in i mean it looks good too right it's pretty decent and this game isn't even optimized for the new consoles now it's been a while since i played doom eternal so i kind of suck at it now but i'm gonna just give you guys a quick look at some action as well while we're here might as well don't judge me for being terrible though oh god i'm already dying go on do better god this is so hard [Applause] come on oh my god i haven't died yet [Music] uh okay i can't believe i actually did that every time i tried to play this part of the game in the last couple hours i mean the last couple days i have died um so that is an a miracle uh i didn't die right there you guys are bringing me good luck um so yeah anyway that was what it looks like on this is actually a full hd tv as well um so this is just running full hd at uh 60 or 120 i'm not sure but yeah looks pretty good so let's just dive straight back into gears so you guys can see quick resume and how that works you guys here to pick us up anyway enough of that let's jump back into doom and see if quick resume will work so as you can see quick resumes popped up resuming i'm back in the game almost no loading time which is just crazy um like i said one of my favorite features about the new consoles and i think is going to be one of the biggest difference makers to people who are upgrading from previous gen to next gen so yeah let's get back into the questions anyway uh that's enough from that okay next question how big is the xbox series s in comparison to the controller next to the controller it's i'd say if you put two of them side by side it's about that long or if you laid three flat along it and yeah it is really not that much bigger oh it's not that big in comparison or relating to the controller i think you are going to be completely surprised by the size of it that was the first thing that struck me about the console is how small it is i genuinely cannot believe that it's as powerful as it is being as small as it is it's quite impressive i'm getting the series x but i have one last question i know the technology from the s to the x is different but how much faster are installing times like a 40 gigabyte game how fast does it install once you've downloaded it install times uh like minutes it's super quick much quicker than on my one x i'd say maybe 25 to 30 percent faster next question is from shaggy poo great name will it will i be able to fit four aaa games uh yeah as i mentioned you do have 364 gig worth of storage to store games and apps i have currently what do i have on there so i've got valhalla warzone actually warzone is external uh destiny 2 doom eternal sea of thieves mass effects madden 21 and gears 5 all installed other than warzone and i've got 39.1 gigabytes free so definitely enough for four aaa games uh but not if they're the size of destiny and warzone because obviously those games are 100 gig each so you'll be really scraping it if you want to have four games that size on your console at any one time so with that said i think series s owners are gonna have to get used to the idea of you know regularly rotating if they want to play a lot of different games constantly and i think the same would be the case um for most people have income if you do that anyway on older consoles um because i think you had a similar amount of internal storage in the xbox one x as well i think that's three six five so yeah it's it's definitely enough for four aaa games unless four of them are you know destiny and war zone size the next question is from jamie lee i'm a casual gamer now due to family and work commitments i don't get a lot of time to game the series x and ps5 are not worth it for me personally as i won't be able to invest the time to actually utilize them i use google stadia which works brilliantly no downloads or updates click and play which suits my lifestyle but it's lacking the game department right now it's lacking in the game department right now hence why i was considering buying the series s yeah jamie i think this is specifically the type of person that i think is really going to love the series s because you know small footprint it doesn't take up much space you can take it and move it around the house if you want to play as you need but also there's not a huge investment in terms of cost you don't have to have loads of disks because obviously it's digital only and you've got access to hundreds if not thousands of games by a game pass and i think that's the huge benefit people are going to play a lot more casually you've got things like quick resume which means you're not going to be sitting around waiting for loading a lot um so yeah the series s for me is the ideal console for the more casual gamer that doesn't need the utmost quality i think this is for people that just want to have a fun experience on new games and older games and again the price tag makes it a lot more accessible for me and for people who don't want to make a huge commitment in terms of price and gaming next question is from ahuip i don't know how i say that but the next question is have you had any moment where you were disappointed with the performance and thought you should have gotten the x um well as you guys know if you watched my unboxing video if you didn't make sure you check that out after this but yeah i was given this um as part of microsoft's reviewer program so i didn't actually buy this console i have bought the series x which is arriving at some point i think monday um but i have been able to compare the two and i would say for the type of initially i did write off the series s when i thought you know the xbox series x is you know all bells and whistles that's the console to get but the series s at that price giving the kind of performance it has in my time with it i've been genuinely blown away by how good it's been once it's in the games it seems to be working beautifully well and i've been genuinely surprised by how good it is um so yeah not disappointed at all with the series ss performance if it was if it was my money and i was a more casual gamer than yeah i'd be more than happy to spend 250 pounds and get the performance that i've got from it so far next question is from s4 s4r0dk have you noticed any frames per second dropping while you're playing and are all the games you've played uh working at 60 frames per second no not all of them seem to be working at 60 frames per second some of them gears and dirt 5 are running 120 frames per second which is unbelievable and super super smooth which i absolutely love i haven't noticed any frame drops uh i did notice something weird on legion when i first had access to that but the publisher removed access because i think they were still making optimization so one time when i was playing legion i noticed a guy just kind of hanging in one of the scenes it was super weird um i'll put a picture of that on my instagram stories if you guys want to see that but it was super weird this guy was kind of hanging on a ledge and he wasn't moving so i think that was just a glitch in the game so i mean you will still get it's an early console and i was paying it before it was optimized so you will still get little things like that uh occurring in these early days but yeah in terms of frames per second it didn't i haven't seen anything drop it seems to hold fps a lot more consistently than the previous 1s m1x next question is from ultra swat does the share button immediately take screenshots when you press it um the share button is again like i said before one of my favorite new features of the console it makes it super easy to get stuff that you want captured while you're gaming one of the cool things is in the settings you can actually choose what the share button does so you can press it and hold it and you can set it to one of three things so you can either press it to take a screenshot uh press it to start and stop recording or you can press it to capture the last 30 or think 45 seconds of the game so i've got mine set so when i press it captures the last 30 seconds and when i hold it it takes a picture next question are there any noticeable differences from the xsx which i'm getting because i don't want to pay full price for games on xss um noticeable differences uh well detail is the first thing um games do look better on the series x as they should they're a lot more detailed a lot more depth um to them than the s but in terms of performance no i haven't really noticed anything that initial i think you'd have to be really really looking for noticeable differences to see them i haven't seen anything in terms of performance between the two next question is have the download sizes actually been reduced for the s uh yeah so obviously you're not running you're not downloading 4k detailed textured games for the s when they're optimized for the s so the game sizes should be about 25 to 30 different but across the board it doesn't seem like there is a uniform uniformity to them because war warfare on that is the same size as it is on here and there isn't really any difference so i'm not sure if that's a publisher thing or a microsoft thing but the game sizes should be smaller next question is from stringerbeal how's the s and what is the difference like i said before the differences are in terms of performance aren't very familiar with barely noticeable if at all obviously you've got no discs smaller storage and lower resolution gaming but other than that the series s is a beast it's a tiny beast next question does it run linux yet no i didn't even know why i read that out um next question is from kasim or kaz kazmin is it awesome yes yes it is uh the next question is from braille staff hey man not sure if you'd like to talk about this yet i am now but what is the resolution in fps for gears on the series s i've heard mixed things that it rarely hits 1440p and that was the reason i bought the console do you think it will be fine in terms of performance-wise for most games see i touched on this earlier that is one of the things that is quite interesting some games aren't running at 1440p even though that's what microsoft says they've created this console for they're running at 1080p and then full scaling or they're just running natively uh 1080p 120 frames per second on my setup which is weird uh yakuza seems to run at 1440p and gears tactics is running at 1440p but some of the other games i played sea of thieves uh gears watchdog legion uh gears five story the watchdog legion are all running full hd uh not 1440p i don't know if that's an optimization thing and publishers will need to push out uh 1440p games in the future but at the moment they're not all running 1440p as standard uh frame rate is getting um 120 frames per second on gears 5 which is super smooth and crazy and massive so yeah i'm loving that uh the next one is from zulu how are the load times as you guys have seen uh just with gears and with doom they're a lot faster someone asked me to check out destiny 2 the load time for that was about 40 seconds which is much much improved uh over the previous consoles i think i was getting like over a minute before load times which is i mean it's not crazy but the improvement is very noticeable in terms of load time so that is a big plus next question is from 4rn4s if you have gta how many frames per second do you get in a lobby with 20 plus people uh standing in the lobby well i don't have gta unfortunately i don't play that game anymore uh but as i mentioned before rockstars games currently are locked at 30 frames per second which means you're going to get 30 frames per second more consistently than you would have on older consoles but um they don't seem to be able to do more than that at this point in time zack cog100 has asked are you able to check if ark survival evolved allows you to host a dedicated server for the crystal isles map uh this is a very niche question it doesn't let you do it on the one s but it does on the one x so i'm unsure if it will as it runs on the xbox one s versions of the games i don't play that game and i don't know what the answer to that question is unfortunately i imagine if it's able to on the one x and it's a power issue then the series s should be able to um because in real terms the series s is more powerful than the one x but yeah i don't have a specific answer to that question sorry and the final question i have we got there is from me smart guy it says so i could only snag the series s i currently have the xbox one x will it look any better than my current console you'd say on my 4k tv the short answer to that question is probably no because the one x is obviously running 4k games natively um for a 4k display but um in terms of frames per second if it depends on kind of what you prioritize is smoothness and action the type of thing that you're looking for are you playing slower paced games and detail is going to be more uh or higher on your priority list if you play action games like i do like gears like dirt 5 like fours up then you're going to notice a much better difference on the series s it will look much improved and be more enjoyable i think over the 1x so that would be my answer to that question so we got there that was it for all of the questions that i was able to save and answer if you did have any that i didn't get around to i apologize also if this video was super long thanks for sticking with me at this point you are my heroes if there are any questions that i left out that i didn't get around to answering for you don't hesitate put them in the comment section i'll answer them if i can and yeah in the meantime subscribe thanks for watching i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: It's Gadgetsjon
Views: 18,843
Rating: 4.9192548 out of 5
Keywords: XBOX Series S, XBOX Series, XBOX, Gaming, XBOX Series X
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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