XBOX SERIES S - 6 Months Later (Honest Review)

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so it's been six months since the xbox series s has released i've had it for five months and for three hundred dollars with such amazing specs you probably think it's a really cheap console it's probably gonna fall apart soon but this is my experience with the xbox series s so let's get right into it [Music] now the xbox series s released six months ago six months ago the ps5 also released two and i was trying to get one of those and instead i came across this little guy super randomly and i just bought it and let me tell you something i do not regret it six months in it's been nothing but great now look it comes with 256 gigs of storage which isn't a lot but within the six months i have gotten so many accessories to enhance this console such as the external hard drive which is four terabytes this console went from only having like three four maybe five really good games to having like 30 40 and this thing still isn't even halfway full it's just there's so many games on here and then with game pass and the amount of games that are being added to game pass it's so good they're adding great games i'm playing mlb the show fifa 21 you know a whole bunch of games optimized for this console when i first got the console trust me there was not too many games available for this device that were optimized for this device to show this off but now there is so many great games and i highly recommend if you don't have game pass you go ahead and get one no matter if you have the series s or the series x game pass is an amazing and i mean amazing subscription literally hundreds of games so you may be thinking why should i even get the series s if it has no disk drive and no 4k well i have played the series s and i have also played the ps5 at my friend's house and let me tell you the graphics aren't too different like the jump from 1080p to 1440p is very noticeable from 1440p to 4k it is noticeable but it's very minimal trust me the ps5 is still very good and the xbox series x is still very good if you want those 4k graphics but i'm not complaining with these everything on this is amazing and i said it in my first review the disk drive doesn't really turn me off because i don't really go and buy physical games anyway i know there have been a couple of comments with people saying oh well you can get them cheaper you definitely can so if you do want the disk drive i highly recommend that you get it because if you don't like not having a disk drive not being able to play your blu-ray movies or even just older games then go ahead and get the series x or get a ps5 if you can get your hands on one but i have been nothing but happy with this console ever since i got it the next thing i want to talk about is when it comes to the size of this console i have found it very convenient see i'm the type of person who likes to travel a lot i live right between san antonio and austin so i'm always going both places i do tend to take this quite a bit it's easy just for me to get it throw it in my backpack and i still have space to put my laptop and a book and a whole bunch of other stuff and a couple controllers but one thing i will say about that is it held up really really great the only thing is that like on the bottom you can see like these little uh i think they're like little rubber things one of them actually uh came off right here i think it's because i i was traveling with it too much but i mean that's literally the only complaint that i have about this which isn't really a complaint that was probably me just you know being stupid and not really doing it so maybe it's user error maybe it's not you know but so far that's the only thing i found wrong with it another thing that you kind of have to take in consideration with this device is since i've been using it yes it's very small and very compact but with that being said it gets really really hot so whenever you do have it out make sure that it is not like blocked off that these vents are able to breathe because if they're not this thing it will probably overheat thankfully i leave mine in an open surface so it's great it's good i haven't had any complaints it does get a little hot from time to time but that is to be expected for everything that it does so like i said throughout the five months of me having this device not only have i enhanced it with the external hard drive but i have also got the razer key sheet where i can actually remote play off this device no matter where i go or just play game pass wherever i go i am giving one of these away once i hit a thousand subscribers so go ahead hit that link comment on that video we're almost there so you've still got a chance to win um i also got and um i love this right here for the xbox series s is the headset now look you don't have to buy all of these but let me tell you if you have the xbox series and all these accessories it is going to make your experience crazy and you're going to forget about any other console you were thinking about trust me i thought about the ps5 a lot and i am still not complaining now i'm at a point where i can wait and you know i'll wait for the ps5 slim to come out you know whenever that comes out in a couple years but i am completely happy and i love this device but if you don't want to buy all this stuff out of everything i would definitely recommend the external hard drive because that right there or any type of you know external storage or storage expansion or anything like that is really going to get you the most out of this xbox series s trust me i highly recommend it if you want to get these two it's going to make your experience a lot better but out of all these accessories this is the way to go hold on let me put these back real quick now the next thing i want to talk about the series s is not really about the series s it's about the series s controller and let me tell you the grip at the bottom i don't know if you've had one of these or if you switched one but it's amazing it just makes it feel good you also have that little grip on the triggers too and the d-pad really really nice one thing i will say about this though is i have not had any problems with the controller yet like i know some people have been saying like with their ps5 or even with my switch i've experienced where like the joystick kind of like tweaks out and it's like going everywhere i haven't had nothing happen with that the only thing i've had to do with that controller is change the batteries and it's good to go and another thing i really love about this console is the quick resume feature now i didn't think i'd be using it as much as i do but i use it quite a bit now with that being said you can quick resume up to five games that have to be stored on your series s it can't be on the external hard drive but if you have that expandable storage it could be on that too one thing i will say is when i do play like bigger games um and i do have like a whole bunch of other games on the quick resume there has been one time maybe two times two times max where this thing kind of just like froze up and then turned off on me so that that that's another thing but you know like i said that's happened once or twice and guys i'm trying to be really honest here like i'm not trying to bash xbox oh what's your thing doing no i'm just being honest i want to give you all the honest review and tell you my experience and my opinion and so far that has probably been the only thing besides these little rubber things that i actually have a problem with but you know it's not too big of a problem it's only happened twice maybe it's just the games that i had that were on quick regime but like i said man it's it's a great console like for what it is a 300 xbox that is this size that can play in 1440p upscale 4k that gives you 120 fps baby i highly recommend you get one of these now if you've had one of these ever since it came out or if you just got one please comment down below let me know your experiences and how you've liked it so far and if you're thinking about it comment down below tell me you're thinking about it and i could tell you how much i love it or i know there's a great community out there they'll tell you their experiences with it as well thank you so much for watching if you have any questions or comments go ahead leave them down below don't forget like subscribe and i'll see y'all next time okay [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Ceaser Rendon Tech
Views: 97,740
Rating: 4.8540144 out of 5
Keywords: series s review, Xbox Series S, xbox series s review, xbox, tech, gaming, tech review
Id: hkXPGGYVdqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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