15 Minutes of Useless Information about GTA V

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hey you guys seem to love useless information so in this video i'm going to waste 15 minutes of your time to tell you some more useless information which you'll most definitely forget about as soon as you click off this video ready let's go all wheelie bins in gta 5 have text written on them that says rockstar north it's quite an easy joke to be made here but i'm not going to be the one to make it in all metro stations you can find this beta map of los santos as you can see there are many missing roads from this map including the entirety of the airport if you shoot a phone from a phone box it makes a slight digging sound the tesseract supercar in gta online is immune to catch up in races if you don't know what catch up is it basically just slows down the person in first place which can help other people catch up for whatever reason catch up has little to no effect on the tesseract around the holidays you could find a christmas tree in your apartment if you take a closer look at these presents under the tree you can see the rockstar logo equipping scuba gear on the kosaka will slightly change your face there's a book in franklin's house that's called red dead that was written by jay marston this is quite clear easter egg to the red dead redemption games the cool thing about this is that it could be canonical as jacques marston john master's son is shown to love reading books it's not too far of a stretch to assume they would write his own book about his experiences with the vandaling gang the perico pistol hasn't got any sway when you aim down the sights this is a very slight oversight from rockstar f1 cars have so much downforce they can quite easily drive upside down while in this tunnel translates into killer whale in english there are 1038 rockstar created jobs and yes i counted all of them on this building there's some stairs that lead to this weird looking room the window in this room seems to be reflecting out of bounds as seen by these weird textures at this location above these shops you can find some stairs that lead into a unused shop interior i have no idea why they put this place in the game pretty much all parachute pickups are glitched they can be seen floating way too high or being the ground at this location deep in the water you can find a mysterious hatch that looks to be a reference to the tv show lost if you get close enough to detach you can hear some morse code that translates into hey you never cool how do you fancy going bowling which is a reference to the annoying phone calls you'd get from roman in gta 4. how much can our gta online characters carry if we add up the way of all 7 assault rifles 3 snipers 9 shotguns 7 heavy weapons all throwables 17 melee weapons 15 pistols 4 mg's and 6 smgs we get an estimate of 332.5 kilograms or 733 pounds let's not forget the 95 snacks 10 body armor nano drone parachute and phone that you can also carry which are estimated to be 94 kilograms this brings our total up to 426.5 kilograms or 940 pounds and of course let's not forget the ammo for the weapons you can carry 9999 pistol ammo assault rifle ammo smg ammo shotgun ammo sniper rifle ammo minigun ammo and mg ammo plus 50 rockets and 20 grenades for the grenade launcher this will equate to 7460 kilograms with a total weight of 786.5 kilograms or 17386.5 pounds this equates to 7.8 tons that our character is casually just carrying around in their pockets this is the equivalent of carrying an african bush elephant or a semi truck on your back and being completely fine of it it's fair to say that our characters are goddamn ripped out of their minds the perrico pistol is the only weapon in the game that makes your controller vibrate while reloading these keycard scanners in the casino can be broken if you run into it this statue called yellowdog with cone was turned into quite a big meme among the gta community it started with this teaser for the casino update which shows four pieces of artwork one of which was the yellow dog with cone statue when the update came out for some reason this statue was nowhere to be found people were understandably upset as this magnificent piece of vile was not available the yellow dog eventually came out a little while after the casino update dropped and players could finally have this glorious mark in their apartments when it came out someone decided to make a subreddit which focuses purely on worshiping the yellow dog it even had its own urban dictionary page due to all this commotion rockstar brought out some limited edition yellow dog with cone apparel there are five different ufo models in the game there's one that can be found underwater one that can spawn above mount chiliad one that can spawn above the sippy camp one that can spawn above fort san gudo and one that spawns during a gun running resupplier easter egg if you haven't got a house in gta online and you set your spawn location to random when you switch sessions you can sometimes find your character standing outside of a hotel it's likely that hotels were supposed to be part of the game from the start as there is an interior in the game called mp hotel mp meaning multiplayer this hotel interior has only been seen in a jack howitzer tv show and more recently in the casino heist prep in the mission breakdown recovery you have to drive a wastelander with this destroyed ruiner on the back this ruined ruiner model is just an edited version of a normal ruiner which means it has the same driving controls of the runer because of this modders can quite easily spawn this vehicle in and drive it around to mess with people if you shoot an rpg at the ground and pulls just at the same time your character will be inside of the explosion moreover if you go to the rockstar editor and then go in director mode it will show this unique error message director mode is not available whilst dead after accepting this alert you'll spawn outside of a hospital with this weird grainy wasted filter in this very recognizable artwork for gta 5 you can see that the background is completely wrong first of all the pier is way shorter than it actually is in game and second the skyline of los santos is in the wrong place if the camera is facing this direction in game it should only be able to see the skyline of the airport it should be impossible to see any of these skyscrapers while the camera is facing this direction in the pacific standard bank shooting these chandeliers with a mini gun will cause them to uncontrollably swing the best thing about this is that the chandeliers will never stop swinging and other players can see it too in gta online there's a random glitch that distorts your phone's sound effects here's what it sounds like normally and here's what it sounds like when distorted i have no clue what triggers this glitch or why it happens if you wear any one of these low beanies your friends will for some reason see their character's face on your character this will only work if both of you are in different sessions here's an example of what i mean this is what my friend looks like when i'm in his session and here's what he looks like after i leave his game and find a new session as you can probably tell his character now has all of my characters facial features you could probably mess with your friends by doing this at this location you can sometimes find some unusually large cockroaches these cockroaches will sometimes go off this ledge and fly over the water i would definitely not like to be here in real life when you get your clothes wet it takes one minute and 10 seconds for them to fully dry it doesn't matter if it's a sunny day or night it still takes the same amount of time to dry if you equip the double action revolver and then tap the weapon wheel button which in my case is lb you'll spin the revolver around this cutscene from the mc clubhouse starts game is glitched most of the time it'll randomly select any player from your session and use their character model in the place of your one here's a few enough to be examples darts come drown your sorrows when you're done the vulcan was a cut aircraft in gta 5 that got repurposed into the hydra it used the exact same model as the hydra the only difference being these letters on the back wing which says v22 instead of the h27 we have from the hydra today in the second trailer for gta 5 the vulcan is shown to have been able to fire two missiles at once there's also an unused description of this vehicle from the war stock cash and carry website laser sights were most likely supposed to be part of the game as there's some beta screenshots showing the police using lasers there's also some mentions in the game files that shows laser sights potentially being a attachment for assault rifles and pistols it's unknown why this was cut out of the game in the brady game's official guide of gta 5 is a section where it shows all of different weapons and weapon upgrades you can get in the game if we go to the rpg and look at its upgrades it says they can buy a grip that increases the stability and accuracy of the rpg in the actual game however no such grip can be found the fire extinguisher is a weapon that is commonly used by firefighters it was originally supposed to be usable by the player however this was removed sometime during development fortunately it's still possible to use this weapon if you give it to yourself with a trainer it actually functions as surprisingly well apart from the fact it doesn't actually put out fires rockstar made an official life invaded website that mimics the in-game version if you sign in using your social club account you can get some pretty cool perks by following stalking these accounts if you stalk war stock cash and carry you can get 10 off your next purchase this is also the same for legendary motorsports and elitist travel you can even get a free can of sprunk to be honest this is probably the least useless thing in this video there's a unique type of jerrycan in the game called the hazardous jerrycan this jerry can can only be seen and used during the first prep of the maintenance approach for the casino heist there was a glitch that allowed anyone who played this mission to keep this jerry can even after the mission was over however this has now been patched which now makes it an extremely rare item to have the golf club midi weapon can't be purchased the only way you can get one is by either killing a golfer and taking theirs or by picking one up in a player-made job the rubber gun is a weapon that was cut from gta 5 presumably very early on in development from this image in the game files it appears to have been a blue tinted uzi it's the same as the gold smg model from the ballad of gay tony there's also a rubber shooting sound effect in the game which could have been a sound effect that the gun used if i would have to guess i would say that this weapon was going to be a non-lethal joke weapon here's a little concept of what a gun could have looked and sounded like if put into the game there are 12 unique npcs in the casino that have their own individual names and personalities we have dean and carol a married couple that often bicker carol seems to be the instigator of most of their quarrels and dean seems to always try to defuse the situation and appease his wife there's vince a depressed and drunk man who has recently divorced with his wife because of this he is drowning his sorrows and gambling his last few dollars that he has because i've been divorced he's homeless and presumably hasn't got anywhere else to go he often complains out loud about the terrible situation that he's in and now we have taylor and lauren they're at the casino having a hem party to celebrate lauren getting married taylor seems to be the loudest and more extroverted one out of these two she's often being loud and is the only one that tries to instigate social games such as true for dare or dare cards she also has this shirt that says here for the fling which probably means that she's looking to get laid lauren on the other hand is a bit more introverted probably because she's nervous about her big wedding day next up is beth who looks and sounds like she's completely stoned this is proved by her saying that she mixed up her cmd and thc there's not much more to really say about her other than she always seems really transfixed on lucky will for some reason there's gabriel a rich italian man that often gloats about his wealth he also likes to insult the player's fashion sense whenever you get too close and he frequently insults america and americans overall he's quite a snobby guy now we have eileen a rather foul-mouthed and elderly woman that insults the slot machines when she loses she doesn't talk about anything else really so not too much is known about her ushi is a very rich chinese man who is in a real estate business with his father he mentions that his father is good friends with the cheng family who are billionaires so it's no wonder why ushi is so rich he often mentions his love for america he loves the movies the shows and the casinos now we have curtis i'm not the best of american accents but i would assume that he's from texas he seems to be a very confident and well established poker player often giving some questionable advice to other players on the table and of course let's not forget his best quality his awesome hat next up is blaine he looks and sounds to be somewhere in his 30s i'll assume that he's going through some sort of mid-life crisis as he's trying way too hard to tell jokes and use lingo that he doesn't seem to fully understand apart from that it sounds like he loves to party and drink last but not least we have calip he's an overly anxious and delirious man who seems very paranoid about the casino or he's listening and watching him after listening to some of his voice lines it's pretty clear they either suffers from a mental illness or is high on drugs you can email other players in-game through the internet on your phone not many people actually know about this mainly because it's almost completely useless and not practical to use at all at full health chain smoking 10 cigarettes in a row will kill your character in a rather slow and horrible way also my character started leaving behind the trails of blood behind him while i was smoking don't smoke kids it's not worth it there's a portable toilet in the docks that have knocked over reveals a poorly rendered portable toilets inside of it i have no idea why this is here if you take too many pictures what in the casino you'll get thrown out by security there's an unused garage interior that came out with the high life update back in 2014 this place is huge you would have probably been able to store around 30 or 40 cars here in the game files there are some unused weapon textures of a fire racks lasso shovel and a megaphone hopefully some of these will make a return in the future update in the game files there are some early concepts of a gta 5 logo i've got to say gta 5 would have been a completely different game if they actually used one of these logos on some very rare occasions it's possible to see a glitched out train on the tracks of los santos this train won't have any engine pulling it along which makes it look very strange and almost ghost-like if you dial a number get connected to a 199-367-3767 known as black cell phones a few seconds after dialing this number a small explosion will appear above your head and your phone will have this solid black background it's still unknown why this is in the game or what it could mean this metal container at the docks is completely weightless the original concept for gta online was a lot different than what we have today it was originally supposed to be built around four different gangs the vargos the police bikers and the families all of these gangs would battle it out in an all-out turf of the entirety of los santos this is proven by these images found on the lead graphic designer of gta 5's portfolio which shows all of these different areas that could be controlled by the gangs personally i would have loved to have seen how this idea would have played out welp that's the end of the video i hope you enjoyed listening to those completely useless facts about gta 5. if you know of any more useless facts then please let us know in the comments i'll make sure to pin the most useless one anyway i'll see you later
Channel: InControlAgain
Views: 8,031,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GTA, GTA V, Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto V, GTA Useless Info, Useless Information, 15 Minutes of Usless Information, GTA V Facts, Facts, Useless Facts, Interesting Facts, GTA V Facts you don't know, 50 facts about GTA V
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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