Deadpool "King of the Monsters" - Full Story | Comicstorian

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there's an island of monsters and they need a king who are you gonna call deadpool this is the comic story channel why i take some of your favorite trade paperbacks and single issues and i break them down into digestible bites to help you understand then i read them dramatically back to you all all directions to the panel sex and images are to prevent copyright problems and all art is owned by its respective companies there was a short-lived series known as deadpool king of the monsters that we covered here at the channel and over the course of about a year it came to its conclusion so what that means is it's time for us to grab all of those old videos and put them together in a big full story right here at the channel deadpool king of the monsters [Music] you know that thing where you can just tell something is going to be extra painful yeah that's happening right now like you know being ripped in half and five minutes later as deadpool looks at his lower half hanging from a tree he sighs telling himself i hate being right but as he lays there a sophisticated bird-like monster leans down asking is everything all right deadpool tells him well from the fields of it i'm only half alright anyway do a friend a favor and grab the other half knitting back together takes a lot less time than regrowing everything as the bird monster starts to pull down deadpool's legs he tells him that this is terribly inappropriate why would you try and kill the king of the monsters deadpool asks why would any of you kill a monster king for money it was like a lifetime ago really and yesterday in deadpool's super secret base in new york city he was summoned to staten island by a random anonymous client but let it be known he wouldn't step foot onto staten island for any less than like 40 bucks anyway it was also his birthday and he could tell because of the letter that he received for his yearly dental appointment so they partied he and mailman carl there were cocktails cake and everything and even an ice sculpture okay maybe none of that happened and he actually kidnapped carl but that's not the point while sitting on the roof he thought maybe just maybe the client needed his help and that's when his conscience got the better of him so he left for staten island and while on the way the other fairy was attacked by a giant tentacle monster but you know what that is not deadpool's problem moving on the client's name was blaylock and he wanted the king of the monsters dead the king had migrated all of the monsters to staten island because of some new legal thing and some 17th century deal with some desperate humans the deal didn't sound right and eventually the real heroes would pick up the cause and that's when blaylock offered payment a boatload of gold bars and that young monster is why he came here the bird monster says his name is actually bellis and deadpool does him great as soon as my spine heals back together we're going to shove like 40 grenades down the monster king's throat bella tells him well how's the lord chamberlain i am currently serving the monster king so and deadpool asks are you going to stop me are you going to be a hero and save the king bellas tells him no i do not like the new king or staten island the people here wish to see him leave deadpool yells that's great all i need now is but before deadpool could finish a boot stomps on his head and elsa bloodstone asks what the bloody hell are you doing here through the coughing deadpool tells him ah working wait did blaylock hire you too i am not sharing those gold bars and so after being humiliated by a beautiful woman that clearly has an interest in deadpool he follows her up to a tower asking what are you doing here elsa looks out at the giant green monster king as it uses one of its many tendrils to eat people telling him i'm here for the king same as you deadpool tells her well maybe this is just going to be one of those david and goliath things so you could leave now elsa asks didn't you already get ripped in half once today whatever the case just stay out of the damn way deadpool runs out shouting that is going to be impossible because of how much you'll be in my way and so after an uncoordinated attack that seemed like a good idea at the time the two soon find themselves captured and about to be eaten by the monster king hanging upside down as they're hanging there deadpool says you know i was in a situation like this before once with spider-man but this this is so much better you seem less uptight and as the monster king gets ready to eat elsa and deadpool yells wait no eat me i'm delicious and full of cancer elsa's just full of silicone so deadpool pulls out a sword and gets to work slicing and dicing to save the beautiful elsa bloodstone except he gets one of his arms bitten off as the two fall back to the ground elsa asks what was the point of that you lost your damned arm and deadpool tells her it is all a part of my plan i did say that i was going to kill the king with like 40 grenades why does no one ever believe me you see the arm that was bitten off was the one holding the grenade the other one is where i kept all the pins just then the monster king stops moving after feeling a rumble in his tummy and boom as flaming monster chunks rain down pushing elsa onto deadpool he tells her you're pressing your lady parts against me i'm gonna assume you like me she laughs telling him i wouldn't flatter yourself i'd much rather rub against the flaming monster chunks but you did save me that at least earns you a human shield and just so we're clear there's nothing silicone about me once the monsters come back out to see their fallen king bellas announces as lord chamberlain of the monsters he officially proclaims deadpool as the new king of the monsters all hail the king as the monsters pick up deadpool and toss him into the air he just simply shouts wait what so this is the part where deadpool becomes king of the monsters because of some ancient monster law where if you kill a king you become a king deadpool sits on his giant throne clearly not meant for his size with his own crown and scepter to perform his kingly duties when he realizes that being a king sucks being a king is supposed to be fun not boring meeting people dealing with monster problems yelling at a giant tentacle monster to stop eating and looting people on fairies what could be worse and that's when deadpool fills a small shark bite on his leg it gets worse in the form of gwynpool gwenbell says that because of how uncertain her books have become she needs to leave jeff the land shark to live with deadpool because basically it's the equivalent of your friend dropping off their dog with you and so since gwenpoll had to leave jeff the shark with deadpool for fear of jeff the shark disappearing and they canceled the gwen pull a book deadpool stands there half regrowing in arm a land shark the size of a small dog biting him and he tells jeff that this sucks yesterday was my birthday and no one even called me but if there's one thing that i've learned it's that you gotta keep moving to survive gotta be like hey a shark bellas asks back to the to-do list then and deadpool tells them no being a king is a lot of nonsense i should be swimming lamps and my scrooge mcduck style pool of gold coins onward to get me some ice cream it's not birthday cake but it's a start and jeff will finally stop chewing on my butt also a plus later that night in the home of the lord chamberlain bellas turns on the lights to find that he has no power he sighs stating that he really hopes that it's not those pesky knife locks again and a voice in the shadow tells him that it's not and a spear is thrown into bellas the shadowy man pulls the spear out of the lifeless body telling him the king can make his plans but he can't change what this island has become a perfect monster hunting ground for craven the hunter to prove his worth so being the king is kind of weird and we all know that but what better way to get social acceptance from your monster populace than to advertise it that's why deadpool's promoting the new and improved staten island to be the place where monsters and humans can live in peace mostly residents and visitors can enjoy their innovative green initiatives like a monster that eats all your garbage or better yet fart monsters that absorb gas produced by said garbage monster which is why their progressive initiatives make the new island the perfect place to live work and play need to take a boat across the pond look no further than our new monster fairy cheaper faster and greener than the original fairies also way more fun sure it's slightly more dangerous but who wants to live forever take a risk everyone as filming ramps up on the commercial for the day deadpool meets with his war council consisting of virgo son of orgo the uncontrollable corian the alien collab the pile bun bund the destroyer and nightwolf the uh nightwolf their job is to find bellas however that proves to be difficult because unbeknownst to them bellas was killed by craven the next day deadpool gathers this monster crew to do some more shoots when a voice calls out asking if he really put an online vote on what to name the island and the highest vote is islandy mcisland face deadpool quietly tells himself that he really hopes that that's not cap but of course it is could i have a moment of your time wade there's something i'd like to discuss this whole thing you being the king of staten island aka king of monsters it's a powder keg waiting to go off and when it goes bad a lot of innocent people are going to get killed deadpool tells him you meant to say people and monsters right cap innocent people and monsters sure it's easy for you humans to want to protect humans but what about me remember what i am cap tells them that is not what i meant we don't have to be an opposite signs of this we can work together wait and deadpool doesn't yeah nah i'm the king of these monsters and if the other side wants a war then we're gonna give them a war buddy probably some innocent civilians are gonna get hurt in a war between humans and monsters but really it's totally your call cap looks a deadpool right in the eyes that is not how this has to be but do try and keep the situation under control or it's going to get messy deadpool deadpool tells him my whole life is messy doesn't mean it ain't worthwhile but anyways we should probably escort you back to the other side we have a teleporter here we call him hurl we call him that because the process is gross as hell so you'll want to hurl when you get home don't forget to write the giant pink monster named hurl looms over cap and then vomits all over him covering him in pink goo as the goo begins to contract before they know it cap disappears nightwolf quietly says oh my god and deadpool asks what it's not that bad besides camp's got a better sense of humor than people think but as deadpool looks back he sees a mob of dead monsters in the words who's the king now written on the wall craven sits up telling him i've been trying to get the attention of the king for a few days now perhaps i was being too subtle about it is this direct enough chet the only human on the war council and the only human unfortunately named chet in our story asks wasn't craven killed deadpool tells him yeah but this is the new guy son of craven or whatever apparently he thinks he's going to make a name for himself on our little island but that's not gonna happen craven tells him that is a bold statement considering how you've already lost a dozen of your people but now it is time to take the king's head as everyone chases down craven a is sprung capturing most of the war console while also firing off dozens of tranq darts deadpool pulls one out of his head telling him oh man that's the good stuff medical grade tranquilizer right there nobody let that crap hit chet might kill him but how is it eight on one and we're still losing most of my team along with most of a collab is stuck in a net also collab the whole thing about you being made out of dozens of tiny man babies you need to change that whenever i look at you all i see is butts it's getting awkward but while the monsters in the trap struggle the net snaps dropping them all back to the ground deadpool pulls himself out of the pile stating ah she's like everything in my life that could have gone better but where were we but before deadpool could finish that he notices a spear headed straight for jeff the land shark he quickly throws himself in front of the spear to take the hit and craven tells him i've come here to kill the monsters but when i found out that you were leading monsters well that's a whole different kind of monster craven lives deadpool off the ground but from across the way elsa bloodstone looks down her rifle telling him i'm sorry that i had to come to this but i'm really out of options here she pulls the trigger hitting deadpool in the head and with a bright green flash deadpool disappears as craven escapes elsa checks in with everyone asking if they're all right while nightwolf asks if they're supposed to believe that she cares she just shot their king in the head elsa sighs it's fine i didn't kill anyone i saved him in fact he should be here in two one at that moment deadpool is spit out of a dimension covered in a black goo asking what the hell was that you know what who cares whoever did that is going to die elsa tells him come on i saved you and deadpool asks from what a knife i'm a deadpool i'm not afraid of a knife now what i am afraid of is whatever tar-filled formless hell dimension you just sent me to now where the hell is craven but as he finishes another trap is sprung and bun bun burns through the net while another wave of tranq darts come flying out cronie and shields everyone while taking a majority of the darts but deadpool asks uh are you gonna be all right cornyn give some thumbs up and deadpool says you ain't much of a talker huh nightwolf explains that quonian is a mute he understands everything they say but he cannot speak deadpool gets back up telling everyone that they need to rethink their strategies all except elsa bloodstone she needs to get the hell off my island to stop coming back all you bring your problems but before long another spear is thrown with deadpool quickly grabbing one of his swords to chop it in half before it hits nightwolf a second one is thrown with jeff the land shark jumping up and chomping down on it before it hits deadpool nightwolf calls out to everyone that craven is beginning to focus on their king we will protect you at all costs deadpool tells them you guys know i'm an assassin right i don't need you to protect me from anything which is why we're gonna retreat co-lab here has the ability to open portals right one of the man babies leans out stating yes but i hate it going through another monster's hole is so personal a butt-shaped portal slowly begins to open up and everyone begins to jump through before nightwolf enters he asks deadpool you'll be right behind us right deadpool tells him totally also never trust anyone that says totally he kicks collab to shut the portal leaving himself alone to face off against craven the hunter as collab disappears deadpool calls out to craven all right now that the can of fodder is gone it's time for us to fight man to man craven leaps down from the wall with a deadpool laughing ah you're so dumb you had the advantage up until now also why are you using a spear that's just like so dumb kraven swings the spear cutting into deadpool's throat so that he can't talk and tells him that should shut you up for a bit he then lunges with the spear but as he misses a deadpool kicks him in the face and jumps up into the air before deadpool could strike craven spins back stabbing into deadpool tossing him aside the two go back and forth punching and hitting each other and then they manage to stab each other and they both fall to the ground craving gets back up pulling the sword out with deadpool coughing ouch out so much okay i can talk again there are so many things i could have said a true tragedy deadpool throws a fistful of snow into craven's face with craven asking really that's a cowards trick deadpool continues to throw more snowballs telling him it's a savvy strategy for a guy who's fought nearly everyone on earth and lived he then takes out a sword jumping into the air telling craven and this is where it ends the hunter becomes the hunted as deadpool slams down he stabs into craven over and over and over and over and over again he jumps back up telling him all right that was a bunch of stabby stabs how does bootleg get craven likeman now craven answers back by kicking deadpool in the head so hard that there's a loud crutch deadpool stumbles back asking did you just dislodge my eyeball okay we're good let's go back to but just then craven takes out one of deadpool's swords slicing off his arm deadpool responds as anyone would come on craving gets ready to attack again but deadpool jumps onto his head leaping towards the top of the wall while crawling up with his one arm deadpool tells him and i have the high ground also your dad craven senior or whatever he wasn't that great terrible guy really craven follows deadpool up onto the ledge but as he goes to attack deadpool takes his one good arm grabbing craven's head and slamming it into his knee he then pushes him off telling him you're not the only one with traps but as deadpool follows craven charges in it grabbing him by the head throwing deadpool to the ground craven then brings the sword to deadpool's neck telling him it's time we ended this little game and deadpool asks him really because i could still go for a little bit longer you know since i'm the one with the army at that moment zargo charges in slamming craven into the wall craven pulls out his knife stabbing into zergo asking must i fight its underlings so be it the rest of the war council runs in getting their hits in where they can collab begins to walk up and breaks apart into a horde of man-babies they all start to chase after craven but as craven gets ahead he pushes the button and captures most of collapse craving this scoff stating you are all the fools and then an arrow hits him right in the chest he looks up to see chet chet tells him you seem to have some vulnerable bits huh as everyone piles onto craven everyone can hear a hissing sound gas slowly begins to spread through the crowd and craven stands back up with a rebreather ah you all falter well the wolf man's pelt will have a place of honor on my wall or person deadpool jumps in kicking kraven back telling him no night wolf's pelt belongs to me and craven laughs ha ha you are a coward too afraid to fight one-on-one and deadpool tells him nah i'm just smart enough to know if you got an army use it craven laughs even louder your army can barely stand what are you going to do and deadpool asks who said this was the only army i built at that moment a crack it bursts out of the frozen pond and begins speaking in its monster language a deadpool tells them yes you can eat them the kraken lashes out as it grabs craven and nightwolf tells them that this plan is rather clever as deadpool looks down with the kraken leaving with craven he says i want to make a joke here or something but all i could think about is that we have to go bury bellas so a few days later deadpool holds a service for the monsters lost in the battle stating that he was dumb enough to think that being a monster makes you immune to death it has made him realize that he must return to his old apartment that smells like feet elsa picks up the crown the deadpool left on bella's grave stating that he knows better than most what a violent world they live in horrible things happen and as a leader it is his job to carry that weight and do a better job next time deadpool hugs jeff stating you should wear it and elsa tosses it telling him oh she sure as hell ain't doing that stop being a baby about it no one thinks you can do this so why not prove them wrong it'll be a great way to get back at them all so deadpool catches the crown telling her yeah you know what you're right but i still hate you meanwhile in alaska maybe the kraken that ate craven breaks out of the ice it begins to flail about as craven is flung from the top ripping off one of its tentacles the crack and then begins to escape with craven telling it that's right run you wanted an enemy well an enemy you shall have i will not rest until i kill deadpool the unkillable man it was another wonderful day at statin slash monster island as deadpool is taking some time to relax in the park sure there wasn't any women around and he isn't swimming in gold but sitting on a bench watching jeff play is nice the voice tells him that he shouldn't be letting them play and deadpool that's at a loud sigh not you again normally i wouldn't say this to an insanely hot woman but can you please leave me alone elsa bloodstone sits down beside deadpool telling him that she is a monster hunter so as long as he is the king of the bloody monsters then their fates will always be intertwined and that over there in the pond that shouldn't be happening deadpool asks why shouldn't jeff be playing with smash smash they're best friends and elsa asks you named it smash smash deadpool tells her yeah uh the giant kaiju kid smash smash what else would we name him elsa tells him no that monster is rafa mcgejara a hybrid of a giant monster from japan and slightly less giant but electrically charged monster from sweden and it's a youngling that means that it's particularly unstable deadpool yes come on look at them they're adorable elsa tells them right smash smash is already halfway to manhattan so a short while later he brings the night wolf and says all right stupid elsa was right he went to manhattan but i'm i'm going over there and i'm going over there alone to save this nightwolf tells him surely this is what your honor guard or roundish table was intended for my liege deadpool doesn't nope no offense but the last thing i need in manhattan right now is more monsters elsa says that she'll help but deadpool tells her that she will absolutely not come she was not invited but uh what's the fastest way to manhattan elsa so a short while later deadpool stating no no no no not hurl no way nightwolf tells him you wanted the fastest way letting girl cover you in his pink goo and teleporting you away is the fastest deadpool size fine make it quick then please jeffrey jumps up and sinks his teeth into deadpool's butt as hurl is well hurling all over deadpool a few seconds later deadpool and jeff plot in the middle of manhattan while smash smash is looking at a building and then smash mask says explosions with emojis deadpool yells out wait you just said explosions that's real bad try not to get in jeffrey as deadpool fires a grappling hook up onto one of the nearby buildings he calls out to smash smash asking what do you think you're doing you can't be doing this smash smash roars with a fire plus electricity emoji so deadpool says those are not great words to be using right now elsa jumps down onto the building telling him we need to hurry smash smash is beginning to charge up deadpool slaps his face you're like a bad penny a bad hot penny do i need to get a restraining order on you or something elsa tells them that this one's important if she were to leave it to him he would find a way to mess it up but while the two begin to bicker smash smash gets ready to release his blast and deadpool hands elsa jeffrey and pushes them out of the way smashmash releases his fiery electrical blast into deadpool and as his skin is sizzling deadbolt costs we're done here it's time to come home before this turns into something worse than extreme property damage and you know burning me alive and as your king this is an order elsa tells him you know you probably said the worst thing to him right smash smash doesn't respect your authority maybe when he's older but right now he's currently in a transitional phase for his kind which is destructive anti-authoritarian and very bad for new york city deadpool the only way you're gonna get out of this is by attacking smash smash's weakness if you can get under the horns on the back of his head and neck the flesh there is weak and and deadpool deals at her no stop we are not killing smash smash i'm trying to reason with him elsa and elsa asks and how did that work for you so far you were just burned alive what if that had been someone else me or even jeffrey everyone is already waiting for you to fail at this king thing but if smash smash kills a civilian it's going to be a whole lot worse deadpool and while they're trying to figure out their plan jeffrey decides to take his own initiative and he dives fins first straight at smash smash and into his mouth deadpool grabs his swords okay that was a big mistake give me back the shark he stabs into smash smash his head and when he doesn't get a reaction he asks what gives how did i not hit something important elsa tells him that smash smash's skin is three feet thick except behind the blasted horns so while deadpool and elsa hack and shoot their way into smash smash's head there's a loud chomp and jeffrey burst sound deadpool begins to yell alright gross but awesome he turns back swinging at the horns cutting them off exposing the soft fleshy skin underneath elsa gets ready to fire at them but deadpool tells her wait i still don't want to kill him smash smash actually hasn't hurt anyone yet we have to try elsa so deadpool gives smashmash a heart-to-heart talk but the two of them are more alike than he may think that neither of them fits in anywhere that they can't be destructive about it that they can't go eating small land sharks because if something bad happens it's open season on all of them all the monsters you understand right don't do this smash smash smash smash pauses for a moment and then yells explosion and it turns to vaporize to nearby citizens deadpool sighs asking himself why does it always have to come to this why can't i do something other than killing so he sinks his swords into the soft fleshy skin at smash smash screeches falling to the ground dead elser makes her way down and deadpool tells her that he thought he had him for a moment but she's right smash smash along with two people are dead now and elsa says that she isn't so sure that she was right she's been around monsters her whole life it's easy to assume that they're all the same but that's a mistake maybe she'd forgotten that a little bit but it's good to be reminded as she takes a deadpool's hand he asks why she won't leave him alone because she knows he can't do this and elsa tells him actually it's the opposite maybe he's really good at this and with a little help he might be able to make a difference maybe he's the kind of monster to make things better for everyone deadpool says yeah i think you know that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me you do know my face looks like hamburger right she says that she's been looking at monsters her whole life looking at his face would be like looking at boring wallpaper deadpool then says all right i was wrong that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me so as the meeting of the roundish table comes to a close deadpool decides to pass the time by playing a game of war with monster cards of monster island's finest monsters jeffrey plays hurl and deadpool says that that's a tough one to beat but hurl's got some limitations he can teleport people by barking at them but he doesn't have arms now nightwolf he's a game-winner because you're a shark and you're terrible at card games jeff jeffrey plays gelby and deadpool grabs it asking who's this i haven't seen this one before and shelby is a terrible name wait oh my gods look at what this guy can do so a short time later after calling together the roundish table deadpool says that he's had enough the snooty x-men and their fancy krakow and gates which is totally nuts because even though i'm not a mutant most people believe that i am a mutant because of that i should be able to enter those stupid gates meanwhile the mutants are sitting around while they have a cure for cancer it's like hello i have cancer how many times do i need to help those guys before they give a crap about me rogue is cool but everyone else sucks everyone sits in silence for a few moments and elsa bloodstone asks so you're saying that the x-men are a bunch of jerks and deadpool shouts yes elsa tells him we already knew that isn't that supposed to be a part of their charm and deadpool yells again yes but what i'm trying to say is that those jerks have it set so that only mutants can enter their flowery gate things and thanks to shelby here i can now answer cancer-free island shelby is a mutant and he can carry infinite things inside of him he stretches to fit around them with his purple blobby body isn't that right shelby so deadpool begins to climb into shelby's mouth with jell-b mumbling deadpool goes on telling him once i'm inside of shelby i can just go through that snooty x-men island gate thing once jeffrey latches on to deadpool's butt deadpool yells it's foolproof nightwolf says that if this doesn't cause an international incident i will be shocked so a short while later in manhattan deadpool walks into the crack cohen gate in washington and shouts that he is coming home hope you've got the pool ready as the world changes to the lush forest of krakowa deadpool dances around it's even more beautiful than i've ever imagined he crawls out of jell-beat stating that the smell in here isn't great by the way not bad but not great and next time we're definitely gonna have to be a little more flexible on whether or not jeffrey tags along but while he begins to set foot on the grass wolverine and the other x-men begin to ask what the hell are you doing here deadpool deadpool gets up dusting himself off stating i just assumed my invitation was lost in the mail bub but you know what you guys are a bunch of secret handshake jerks some of us out there are having cancer and you're living it up in here like kings oh people like us can come and live here you know what that sounds like fascism that's right the x-men are a bunch of fascists magic elbows deadpool and the nose and breaks it and deadpool shouts really you guys are the worst should the neil's done asking what do we do now also the shark is adorable can i keep it so a short while later in the council room deadpool walks in yelling emma darling you look magnificent emma tells him to shut up and stop kissing her butt also what is that thing beside you it looks like a fabulous handbag with legs and teeth i must have it deadpool asks how dare you that's not a thing or a handbag it's jeffrey and emma tells him very well back to business rogue has made an impassioned plea on your behalf deadpool noting that you should have been invited to visit given both your new status as the king of staten island and also as someone who has frequently been a friend and ally to the mutants deadpool asks will i get a summer home like the one i've heard about that's on the moon or an unlimited crack cohen pass to come and go as i please or one of those flower gates to put up in staten island great pleasure doing business with you guys but emma stops him no first i'll say this with the most genuine regret we do not have a cure for cancer as for the rest of your requests those are also a no we will look over this break-in at this time but right now if you wish to visit you must go through the proper channels deadpool asks why though and emma says to be honest you're dangerous and unstable we're trying to build a nation here and you're an x factor excuse the pun that we can ill afford we literally ran numbers on you and the over under of you burning this place down in less than a month is something like 97 percent as for the gates there are two gates in manhattan just a fairy ride away don't get greedy deadpool turns and walks off jerks fascists absolute jerks and fascists so five minutes later in the flower fields the deadpool says that he's taken this flower with him and no one can stop him but wolverine stabs him in the back telling him don't do this deadpool pulls out his swords yelling you started it by being absolute dilweeds the x-men all take turns punching into deadpool and after being electrocuted by storm deadpool picks up jeffrey stating this was called the fastball special the x-men love it he turns back chucking jeffrey at storm and polaris asks if he could just knock it off already he needs to stop before someone gets hurt and deadpool asks why should i not enough metal around feeling kind of vulnerable polaris she laughs telling him that she always brings her own besides he brought plenty one of his swords is suddenly ripped out of his hands and stabs him in the back and into the ground he screams out ah ouch oh god everything's wet something sharp definitely pierced my back or i just peed both are embarrassing to be honest jeffrey leaps over chomping down on polaris leg but before polaris can do anything deadpool yells run wolverine then stabs deadpool telling him don't make me go hard stand down and deadpool gels in pain asking that's you going easy forgot what a joyride you are to be around magic swings her sword asking why are you even here and deadpool yells because i don't like being excluded he then punches magic and the nose telling her and that's for breaking my nose but before he could go on a hand reaches out asking him to stop deadpool looks back and rogue says hi you gotta stop this i'm sorry that we can't fix you that we can't heal you deadpool but this acting out isn't going to work you're only making things worse and that's not good for anyone take this flower i will soothe things over with emma plant this on staten island help your people and don't be a stranger deadpool takes the flower throwing it onto the ground telling her it's a nice gesture but i don't need your pity i don't need it from any of you rogue tells them that it's not pity and wolverine tells him it's just friendship deadpool turns calling out the jelly telling him it's time for us to go shelby but shelby stops him i would like to stay if that's okay deadpool asks really you're doing this now i can't even get back home without you and magic then says that she will return him home and deadpool tells it sure after that tussle at breaking her nose i'll be surprised if i don't get stranded in limbo hell magic tells him that she would never do that to the shark as deadpool is teleported away he stands up and screams you're all fascists the next day deadpool gets to work on making a sign that says he doesn't need their pity that they don't need anyone's pity because he is a king still he can't believe that shelby stayed back with him he's surrounded by traitors jeffrey walks up and after hacking up he spits out the correct cohen flower that rogue gave deadpool deadpool pets jeffrey telling him nice krakow and flower covered in shark barf anyway who cares what the mutants do now that the first rule of new staten island is no more mutants if i can't go to their island they can't come here elsa then walks up stating that it's a nice sign get some elementary school kids to make it and deadpool tells her look sometimes you're mean sometimes you're nice all the time you're hot which makes it both ten times worse i've had a rough day and i'm too emotionally tapped to really bother with anything can we just table the confusing sexual tension for later she takes off her glove telling him that she's afraid that it's more urgent than that no more jokes as she holds at her hand deadpool sees a hole in the middle of her palm and dark energy shooting through her veins and elsa tells him i'm dying our story begins as deadpool has a wonderful dream and he's finally getting to kiss elsa bloodstone and her confessing her love to him until he's eaten by a giant lava dragon but as the merc violently awakens on his throne on the island formerly known as statin he yells that he's already said no more dream monsters as footstools they give him crazy vivid dreams as deadpool gets up he runs into elsa and she asks if he's sure that they have no other teleporting monsters that don't require them being barfed on in order to teleport deadpool tells her that he's not 100 sure but he's 82 percent sure and they could also go through collabs portal but that's kind of like crawling into someone's butt so after opting to not go the butt route they find themselves in greenland a few moments later and deadpool asks elsa why are we here again what are we walking into she holds out her hand to explain this situation showing that her bloodstone which gives her all of her powers is infected stating that they are going into the seam the tear between their dimensions and the dimension of the bone beast the plate is to go in kill the beast queen that infected her and go home saving her life deadpool pauses for a moment and says that she'll have to forgive him if he needs a bit more details than that like what in the hell is a damn bone beast elsa sighs and says that she doesn't know how to bloody explain it they're bone beasts they're all black and sort of fluid and swirly big sharp teeth hard to kill messy they have a hive mind sort of so the queen controls them kill her and the rest of them will just die off deadpool begins to yell dames are the literal worst i am such a chump for a pretty face but could we just skip the cagey mysterious thing this time so after another long drawn out sigh elsa begins with her flashback of how she encountered the bone beast she can't remember was she in greece or prague definitely prague anyway she was trying to save the world when she was suddenly being dragged into the seam the bone beast's world she fired a blast from her bloodstone into the scene before being fully sucked up and just like that she was free deadpool pokes his head into the flashback asking if she can wrap this up the book is called deadpool not elsa bloodstone shut it down elsa back in the present elsa says that it was a bit too late at that point she had already become infected and it had already begun deadpool points to the sky stating see the sun went down while you were yammering we should probably get this over with elsa then climbs up onto the ledge stating that okay there it is and deadpool looks down at the oozing floating hole in states okay that is so gross it's like the seam is pooping onto our world i hate and love it i'm very conflicted about this one bloodstone but they're in the village down there we should probably go save them elsa begins to tell him that they should just focus on the queen but seeing deadpool already pulling out a sword she gives up following suit they begin to plow down towards the town along with jeff jump into battle and deadpool asks what is the deal with these things anyway what is their motivation she asks them doesn't the name give it away they like to eat bones so deadpool hacks away through the group stating sure i get that but like what's their reasoning are they actually evil or are they trying to feed little baby bonebees elsa chops down another beast telling him no i don't think that there are any baby bone beasts or any great bone beast literature or museums or science think of them like worker bees deadpool at that moment deadpool sees one of their creatures eating a dog and stops himself right there wait these things are killing dogs okay that is inexcusable no more bones for you sir as deadpool gets to work elsa begins to feel the infection throbbing in her and falls to her knees deadpool quickly slices through the oncoming bone beast asking if she's okay elsa struggles telling him yes but they have to hurry deadpool pulls out his guns telling her okay come on bonebeast lots of bones no waiting and after completely obliterating the remaining creatures deadpool blows smoke from his gun telling her i needed that not out of shooting lately in these comics one of the villagers run up to thank deadpool but tells him that they also took their children please save the children the two begin to climb back up the mountain and elsa says that if things go pear-shaped it's okay to just leave her take jeff and get out remember when this closes we'll be trapped in here for like well longer than we want to be so let's just be our best fastest and most deadly selves okay deadpool tells her oh you stop flirting this is work time once they crawl inside of the portal deadpool refrains from making several jokes about climbing into a butt and the heroes walk through a cavernous mall with dozens of bone beasts trying to bite them deadpool holds up his torch telling her i can't tell what's a bone beast and what's just one wait do they have lawns who knows it all looks the damn same while avoiding getting his foot bitten off deadpool runs face first into a wall and a voice then says elsa bloodstone you have returned and as promised you have brought me he who shall replace you as my new host body as the beast queen roars deadpool stops for a moment and looks at elsa yelling are you freaking kidding me bloodstone so a short while later deadpool wakes up to hear voices telling him mr deadpool mr deadpool you need to wake up deadpool opens up his eyes to see several children and he begins to yell at them i'm awake already you made real sure of that also why is everyone's hair going up he looks around and realizes that they are actually all suspended upside down and simply says ah crap we got captured by the bone beast so i got a better question why was i sold out bloodstone elsa goes on right that i may have told a bit of a lie before i said that i escaped the bone beast realm i didn't escape as much as i was well let go so that i could bring back someone to be the queen's new host jeff begins to wiggle and growl but deadpool tells him relax jeff everyone prepare yourselves for a real threat just then a small knife pokes out of deadpool's bindings and elsa says is that it i thought it'd be bigger deadpool starts to saw away telling her hey beggars can't be choosers bloodstone i don't see you freeing us with a tiny knife as deadpool frees himself he epically lands superhero fashion and elsa tells him okay that was very impressive now free us you fool deadpool looks around and sees all of his equipment nearby and he goes wait they left all my guns here i have an idea after a majestic jump and twirl he frees everyone from their cocoons and elsa flicks off the last bit on her shoulders dating those are some nice cuts real clean deadpool deadpool yells i am not trying to impress you i am still mad at you bloodstone elsa then asks what they're going to do now and deadpool tells her that he has an idea so a few moments go by and we now have a bunch of children all swinging swords and guns elsa reminds him that they just gave children deadly weapons deadpool shrugs and says i didn't say i had a good idea but if any of you shoot or stab me elsa or jeff there's gonna be hell to pay and because we're kind of already in hell things are probably gonna remain the same elsa inches around the corner stating that she can see the exit and deadpool looks over her stating that they should escape through there i'll go distract the beast while you take the kids and jeff and you get the hell out of here she tells him that she likes the plan but she'll be the distraction the truth is she's not strong enough to protect them deadpool tries to think of something witty to say but when he comes up with nothing elsa asks him is that all it took to finally shut you up elsa picks up her gut and runs in stating go i'll do what i can while she creates a diversion deadpool takes all of the children to the alcove by the portal but one of the kids points asking what should they do now deadpool looks over and sees elsa knocked out and begins carving his way to save her once the group is cleared deadpool picks up elsa and sees the infection spreading on her telling her to hold on she weakly says that she never meant to betray him that she just thought he was so strong unkillable she thought he'd help her but she ran out of time she passes out and deadpool just says no no no no no this isn't happening i am real mad at you you can't die here when i've got so much yelling left to do but then it hits him the source of her infection is coming from the bloodstone why not remove it he takes out his knife and he pries the bloodstone out of her hand telling her that it might hurt but she'll be fine afterwards as he bandages up her hand he asks why they didn't do this ages ago sure she'd have a disfigured hand on the loss of all her superpowers but you know be alive the beast queen leans out stating that she didn't because she needed that because without it she'd have been eaten deadpool asks if she could just back the hell off and the queen yells i will not that stone is mine and so is elsa so deadpool picks up the magical bloodstone asking oh wait this is what you want we'll come and get it and he slams the jewel into his chest as it begins to take root deadpool says heroically but once he's supercharged with bloodstone's powers he says that's it that's the good stuff the infection sucks sure but these superpowers are serious business hope you brought an army the queen towers over the rest of her brood coming out asking you want an army no problem deadpool slices then double slices then triple slices and then slightly ineffectually kicks and then he slices again one of the creatures lunges in but deadpool punches through the bone beast's mouth and starts unloading as many bullets as he can but as he shakes the remains of the beast the queen says that he forgot something the infection means that she's already in his head deadpool begins to scream at her hey i am not that easy i require dinner and a movie first the queen tells him that he is wasting his time he won't be able to stop there merging together shall first start with wait did you call your island deadpool police and deadpool yells back at her maybe and the queen says that when she's done with it it'll be called the bone zone get it deadpool responds in turn that is a stupid name and jerky teenagers are going to think you're talking about but you know what they think you're going to talk about one of the larger bone bees jumps in chomping down on deadpool but as he rips him off he pulls off his glove to see the progression of the infection and when he sees that his arm has turned nearly black he says to himself oh that ain't good he looks over to see elsa bloodstone getting the last of the children out and then he comes up with a great idea if the queen wants to merge with them let's just skip the ceremony and merge screw it but i sure hope you like indigestion seeing as their time is running short elsa grabs the remaining kids and chucks them through the portal leaving only jeff remaining as she picks him up he squirms and elsa tells him to stop he can keep his mouth knife now hurry up and get through as everyone safely gets out elsa jumps to the portal and jeff begins to whimper elsa tells him that she knows but wade is very strong real hard to kill maybe he'll make it back inside of the scene the queen says that that is not how things are done your efforts are in vain i could still transfer myself into your body it'll just be messier and more painful this way deadpool tells us that she's a pretty smart pile of black goo but she forgot one thing she forgot that he has a whole mess of pockets and they're filled with more than just cool trading cards but more importantly you'll need an actual body to merge with later deadpool strikes the dynamite and his body explodes into a million bloody pieces a few moments pass and elsa peeks through the portal asking if he's alive the blown apart queen screeches as she begins to die and elsa sees deadpool's head the bloodstone states that the host of the stone is dead and the queen's infection has burned out of the bloodstone which means back and you go and as the jewel is set back into elsa's palm the queen makes one last attempt to attack but elsa turns back firing a blast to finish things off and with the queen finally dead she picks up deadpool's head telling him that she's so so sorry she isn't one for cheese-filled speeches but she hopes that he knows that his sacrifice saved her life jeff's life and all those kids it means something it's real one of the most real things that she's ever seen is she will never forget his sacrifice maybe he can come back she kisses his head and she waits for a moment and then she says that she supposes it was too much to hope that he'd come back to life from that just then his head springs back to life and he says you know that was nice and all but if i'm being honest i'm still looking for that apology they begin to argue over what's considered an apology and then they notice the portal to leave is closing she laughs as she takes off her jacket stating that they have to hurry there should be an open seam in egypt that they could escape from and as she creates a holder deadpool asks if they're dating now elsa nestles his head inside telling him maybe she's actually dated more bizarre things than just a sentient head with a miraculously functioning vocal cord now let's go home deadpool and there you guys have it one of my favorite but one of the shortest deadpool story lines that ever existed they started this one and then they started a whole new direction for the x-men and technically deadpools an x-men so i guess he fell under that whole like big change to the company idea either way what do you guys think of this do you wish that it had continued are you glad that it's over and they can do something else with them let me know in the comments down below and if you don't have an opinion either way but you want to help support the channel please consider just giving us a smiley face that's really all we're going to need thank you so much and i'll see you next time right here
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 100,499
Rating: 4.9564061 out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, deadpool, deadpool 2, deadpool movie, deadpool fight, ryan reynolds, deadpool scene, deadpool highway scene, marvel comics, deadpool red band, deadpool green band, red band deadpool
Id: 65Dub0xt16w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 35sec (2855 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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