X-Men "Dawn Of X to X Of Swords to New X-Men Team" - Full Story | Comicstorian

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the dawn of x has come to a conclusion so what happened to the x-men in the last six months of marvel comics this is the comic story in general i take some of your favorite trade paperbacks and single issues and i break them down into digestible bites to help you understand then i read them dramatically back to you all alterations to the panels texts and images are to prevent copyright problems and all art is owned by its respective companies welcome to our full story series where i grab all of the related videos on our channel and turn them into one massive experience for you right here at the channel today we're going to be catching you up on the dawn of x and we covered most of it we did the original dawn of x run in a recap style video which we'll be opening up this video with then we covered issues one through three they established a bit more of the world building for issues 4 through 15 but we didn't come back to the coverage until the 10 of swords and you'll get all of the 10 of swords in today's video following that we did 16 all the way to 21 which was the conclusion to x-men and we'll talk more about that at the end of the video but here you go the dawn of x as it was covered here on comic story this is the beginning on a sunny day charles xavier sits on a bench watching families enjoy a carnival at oxford university he shares briefly for a moment until the realization of the future comes to his mind the thought makes him smile but his moment of quiet clarity is interrupted as a young woman comes over to speak to him she introduces herself as moira and asks what made him smile just now when he tells her that he dreamt of a better world moira explains that it wasn't a dream she offers to have charles read her mind so that he can see all that she has seen in her first life moira was a teacher she had a husband and child and lived a long and happy life but she had no place in the larger world of mutants and heroes as she died quietly the age of 74. yet once she died moira's second life began she awoke once more in her mother's womb fully aware of the life that she had just lived once born she became aware that she was a mutant with the power of reincarnation that is closer to resurrection with all the education and knowledge from her past life moira was seen as a genius and eventually she sees charles xavier and his x-men reveals to the world that they are mutants she decides to travel to america to meet this charles but her flight crashes into the ocean and that ends her second life in her third life moira decides to meet charles while they are both students at oxford yet she finds the young mutant arrogant instead of embracing mutant kind moira decides to instead focus on developing a cure for the mutant gene once she is successful moira's lab is attacked by pyromystique and destiny who is a pre-cock with her powers destiny realizes that moira is not only a mute but one who continues to live her life over and over again the group warns moira that if she moves against mutant kind in her next life they will find and they will kill her destiny also warns moira that her powers are not endless and one day she will not come back it is possible that she only has 10 lives with which to live and learn from moira is then killed once again and in her fourth life she is seen working alongside charles xavier eventually becoming romantically involved they both work towards a coexistence with humankind but the future is dark and eventually moira is killed by a sentinel once the machines have risen her fifth life sees charles and moira try to create a safe haven away from mutant kind yet once again the machines rise and moira is killed she watches as time passes and humanity gives way to the post-humans beings who engineer their own dna and augment themselves with technology mutants are now outnumbered by these superior beings and they're kept in preserves by being known as librarian eventually reaches out to phalanx hoping that humanity will be accepted and assimilated into the higher civilization wolverine and moira watch the end of the world looming over them knowing the future wolverine manages to kill the librarian and turns to moira she knows that she must go back and ensure that this dark future never comes to be she briefly feels a sharp pain of adamantium claws piercing her chest and this was her sixth life in her seventh life moira trains her body in her mind forging herself into a living weapon the plan is simple end the lives of all of those that would bring about the rise of the sentinels and the dark future that the machines have always led to the entire trask family was killed yet it seems that the future is almost always set and the sentinels arise anyway for humanity fears mutant-kind and artificial intelligence will always rise moira learns this as once again her life is taken by a sentinel giving up on charles and his dream of the future she decides to instead work alongside magneto fighting for a future where mutants will rule over the inferior humans but the heroes of the age work against them and the brotherhood is stopped by the x-men in the avengers ending her eighth life her ninth life saw her take the hand of apocalypse to take over the world she stood by his side for a time when the heroes of the world fell yet the machines rise as they always do 100 years in the future the world of man is ruled by nimrod the lesser who has created an army of sentiments few mutants remain some are from before the war but others are known as chimeras hybrids that were created by mr sinister by splicing together dna apocalypse leads his x-men on an assault against the church of ascendancy hoping to recover and gain information on the crystal one by one the x-men fall and only wolverine and apocalypse return to asteroid k the last remaining mutants yet the mission was successful and the information crystal details the rise of nimrod and his forces wooverine then moves to awaken mother acaba and moira is brought out of stasis with the knowledge of when and how nimrod will rise apocalypse orders wolverine to kill moira sending her to be reincarnated with this new knowledge thus ending the night life charles is momentarily stunned by everything that he just witnessed within moira's mind his heart falling as he sees that there is nothing that they could ever seem to do to change the dark future of mutant kind she tells him that this is her tenth life and she has come to charles to finally change history and the world believing her the pair traveled to magneto's secret debates and their moira opens her mind and passed to magneto as well with this knowledge the two former enemies decide to work together agreeing to plan for the future of mutant kind both magneto and xavier travel to see a man who will become known as mr sinister and they ask for his help in building a database of mutant dna although one of the sinisters refuses to help he is killed and the sinister that takes his place agrees to the terms charles would next meet with forge asking him to upgrade cerebro to store the mental patterns of every mutant that he has scanned though forge is hesitant though forge is hesitant and believe that he doesn't have the technology he eventually agrees and so years pass with xavier magneto and moira beginning their plans for the future and eventually charles arrives on the island of krakowa with cypher and yoon who has the ability to understand any form of language he is left on the island to develop an understanding with it and allow the rest of the mutants to communicate with it and with this the island sets up several systems to allow mutant kind to live within it next charles and magneto approach emma frost hoping that the hellfire club will aid them in their plants charles also offers her a position within the council to decide the laws of the nation of mutants and once emma agrees charles uses cerebro to call forth the mutants of the world telling them that they have a safe place to live on in gracoa members of the x-men bring flowers from krakowa to several parts of the world and the flowers bloom and create various habitats around the world as well as portals to krakowa itself with their systems finally in place charles then uses cerebro to make an offer to the world he tells the world that the island of krakowa is a sovereign nation of mutes from this moment on and those that recognize this new nation will be offered drugs and other things that will help make mankind healthier and happier due to this a group of humans who refer to themselves as orcas believe that they are the last hope for humanity and they travel to the forge which is built from a mother mold and orbits the sun magneto then sends teams to gather information on the orcas and the forge sabretooth toad and mystique break into damage control database and unfortunately the mission goes south and sabertooth kills several soldiers though the others have escaped back to kakoa sabretooth is detained by the fantastic four cyclops arrives citing that creed has a diplomatic immunity and wishes to take him back to krakow but the fantastic four refused and for a brief moment it looks like there may be a fight between cyclops and the fantastic four but cyclops decides against it allowing the team to take the villain eventually sabertooth is pardoned for his crimes and brought back to krakowa and with krakow in its infancy magneto and charles call cyclops to them sharing their fears that the mother mold will bring about the sentinels cyclops agrees and puts together a strike team to assault the forge the x-men arrive at the forge assaulting the base however the ship that they used to get there and would have used to return is destroyed by a suicide bomber in the assault so the x-men move through the base falling one by one as they attempt to destroy the control collars that hold the base in orbit wolverine and nightcrawler give their lives to destroy the last caller completing the mission and in the final moments cyclops is executed and gene floats through space in an escape pod suddenly attacked by sentinels however back on krakow it's revealed that a group of mutants known as the five are able to resurrect dead mutants and the x-men are reborn within coracoa and storm announces to the gathered crowd that the five allow them to defeat death and at the same time krakowa is recognized by the un as a sovereign nation a few days later the other members of the council arrive on krakowa and while they are mostly former villains of the x-men they will now be allowed to take part in planning the future the quiet council comes together deciding for the first time the laws of krakowa and the first of the three laws are as follows mutants must create other mutants mutants shall not murder humans and the land of cocoa must be respected with this done they passed judgment of sabertooth finding him guilty and sentencing him to exile within krakow with this done on the resurrection of the x-men the mutants of krakow celebrate the birth of their new nation with a large gathering fireworks are lit drinks and food are passed out and during the night magneto and charles visit moira in her no space after hearing the use of the quiet council moira expresses her distrust of emma she also discovers that emma wishes to have destiny resurrected she believes that this is a bad idea since she feels that the precog will ruin everything if she sees some of the potential dark futures but magneto and charles both assure her that this time the future of mutant kind will be different as the skies darken over the covert facility storm tells the others that they thought they could hide from them but they were wrong they have reached the heart of the last orcis stronghold on earth if you look close enough you can see the desperation in their eyes a storm goes off a red optic beam rips through the wall and just over her head into a robot cyclops turns the beam off telling her i'm surprised a giant purple robot was able to sneak up on you storm tells them it's because they're tired however she knows not of what she's more tired of the engines of death or the men who insist on making them the two continue on and cyclops says that the machines that they fight are the product of the greatest human minds on the planet the very best that they had to offer now they know no amount of ingenuity can stop what's coming storm tells him yes man should know when he is beaten he should know when to break and run or surrender and ask for unearned mercy yet these men do not scatter but rather they fall back like they're protecting something cyclops radios and telling them that they found the heart ready when you are and just then a metal ceiling rips open and magneto and polaris float down with magneto stating that he knows that he can be at times overly demanding but is it too much to ask a flawed world that i would like to not fight when my feet touch the ground cyclops gets to work on trying to open up the massive vibranium doors and magneto tells him step aside i will handle this on the other side of those doors a guard yells to dr mars asking what should they do the mutants will be here any minute dr mars continues his work asking how much of a redundancy do they have between the hub and the forge another guard says they have an 80 overlap and if they fall their brothers and sisters will retain a vast majority of the orcis knowledge base shout they begin purging the mainframes or should they destroy the data core dr mars examines a syringe as he injects himself stating that they will not lose any information that they have gained here better they make the ultimate sacrifice than surrender one inch to the mutants evolution is an unyielding unapologetic master the truth is they are too civilized to deal with these vandals these monsters can have my science when they pry it out of my cold dead fingers elsewhere cyclops polaris and storm walk up to a set of stasis tubes and storm quietly says there are dozens of them how little they must think of themselves to treat others this way as storm readies the gateway home polaris opens up one of the tubes in a woman with negative black skin and white hair falls to the ground gasping for air but not saying a word she looks around and then points at storm telling her that she is not here they do not see here storm asks what are you talking about we can see here now polaris pulls out a small device and scans the girl stating that the tachyon bleed suggests a massive temporal development so technically post-human the girl then says that she emerged before she was fully ready a child born out of time she had to there are wild gods loose on this world magneto walks up telling her the only gods on this planet stand before you but as magneto gets closer the girl projects an energy field around herself vanishing telling them all that she has to go polaris says that it would seem that the girl translocated should they follow her and magneto tells her yes she shouldn't have gotten far cyclops then stops him telling him no she is not our priority if the council wants to make it one then we can deal with it later but for now we have important things to do we have to get these children home later on krakowa the home of the mutants the people of the island give magneto and his team a roaring welcome home and while the team surrounds him polaris tells cyclops that it's like he's a young man again it's actually a little embarrassing and cyclops says yes however magneto waited a long time for this they all have meanwhile the orcis forge in a satellite orbiting the sun dr devo says that this was the greatest creation of the last gasp of the last generation a doomsday weapon composed of human minds the greatest ever free from the warring ideologies of the paralyzed civilian world they are scientists from shield aim armor and alpha flight the robotic woman karima adds that they also have a small army of hammer parasites and six six infernal genetics from hydra devo looks forward to the sun telling her yes there are lesser evils that we tolerate for the greater good because we do what we must to survive for our enemy is the future and this is what comes from forgetting that mutants over at the summer household cyclops stares out of his window into space with corsair telling him that gene sent him dinner is almost ready he didn't think about it at first but they just hung out under the stars happy to soak it all in but the more that he thought about it he really wanted a place with a view corsair looks up at the earth from the house on the moon telling him that he could tell a few moments later everyone gathers around the table and they begin to eat the gene stating that before they do they need to give corsair his present cyclops says right havoc bring dad as gift havoc walks out with a small flower and corsair says that it's a plant a flower ah what am i supposed to do with it cyclops tells them that it's a cricoid gate linked with the one that they have here at the house all he needs to do is plant that in the starjammer's greenhouse and no matter where in the universe he'll always be a short walk away corsair begins to laugh telling him that if that's the case he loves it cyclops smiles telling everyone that it's been a good day the first of many so let's eat but later back at the orcas forge dr greger looks up from her work stating that she heard that he had arrived always a soft bed for the man behind the curtain devo walks in stating that it sounds like she's angry at him and gregor asks should i be angry at you at us devo goes on stating that they had a funeral for those that they lost as well as for her husband she should have been there gregor pauses telling him that there wasn't enough left to bury and even if there was it would have just been a shell nothing more he currently lives inside of her heart and in her work devo says that her husband was the best military mind a great strategist a tower of a man memories are fine legacy is better but in losing him they've lost more than that gregor looks down at her machine and pulls out a small red crystal asking do you want to know a secret i know how to bring him back with everything happening at krakowa cyclops learns of disturbing news that could very well affect every mutant on the island he tells his children cable and prestige that with everything going on around them a second island appeared about 100 miles off the coast of their sentient mutant island no one knows why but krakowa is making itself aim straight for this other island what's more there are reports of hostile creatures and giant beasts roaming the island so he figured since he was heading out for a recon mission that they would like to help their old man out and beat up some monsters so as the three of them fly out cable double checks his pistol and rifle stating that these are all standard issue stuff should he have brought anything else when the second island comes into view a giant volcanic crater with tendrils lashes out and cyclops asks what do you think cable size telling him that he should have brought a bigger gun once the jet lands prestige scans the land stating that most of the things that she is seeing appear to have a low intelligence however there is something a little off something higher up on the food chain and it feels humanish cyclops asks where but prestige tells him that she'll give him one guess and the three begin to make their way to the center of the island as cyclops clears a path cable quickly begins to notice something a weird rhino thing cyclops gets ready to fire asking if it's too dangerous and cable tells them sure but it's definitely not a carnivore judging by those back legs and its feet it's not the wheels of immediate and then cable sees something moving a giant tentacle that reaches out picking it up shoving it into its massive gaping mouth cyclops tells them okay now that's a meat-eater and prestige asks what should they do so cyclops tells us that they don't have much of a choice fire a short while later out in the field prestige says that she's pretty sure that she still has pieces of a demon squid on her shoes cable wipes his face telling her that she's lucky he's pretty sure he still has some in his mouth as cable and prestige go back and forth cyclops stops them when he sees a strange being standing before them an all-white person with markings on their chest says hello in his native language but no one can understand it so cyclops listens closely stating that he hasn't heard anything like that before maybe they should try communicating with it somehow so cable comes up with an idea he's gonna give them something he walks forward handing something to the being knowing what it is other than a present and the being says thank you so cable comes back see i'm a good person i do good things and that's why people love me cyclops asks what did he give him and cable tells him something awesome a thermal grenade cyclops just pauses for a second to process that and then he looks back oh no the being inspects the grenade stating so shiny and then presses the button seconds later the grenade goes off and as everyone gets back to their feet cable says that he honestly didn't know what else he was thinking could have happened the being walks to the fire telling them that they have aired greatly can't they see what he is he is a summoner moments later creatures begin to form around him and they attack as cable cuts into the giant octopus he says that he could really use a thermal grenade right about now and cyclops blast into one of the other creatures asking prestige if there's any way that they could communicate with this person she did help download crack cohen into every mutant's mind right maybe try that so prestige tells him that that's a good idea she really should have thought of that before cable gave him a thermal grenade so moments pass as she uses her powers and cable asks if he can understand them now the being tells them yes why would they try to destroy him cable hangs upside down telling him that he wasn't trying to it was a gift he wasn't supposed to turn it on look can we just agree that we've made some poor choices in gifts the octopus drops cable on his head and cyclops tells the being that they don't want to fight they simply want to know why the island that they're from is heading for this island and if that's going to be a problem the being asked cyclops if he loves someone and he says that it's a uh complicated question right now but for the sake of expediency let's just say yes i love a single sub that being then asks you would want to be with them yes and cyclops says of course the being then points out telling him to watch and they will understand soon as krakowia gets closer the two islands reach out to each other with vines and they get to intertwine with each other prestige asks if the islands are and cyclops tells her i honestly don't want to know what these two sentient islands are doing once the islands begin to fully merge the being says that now the two are one as they should be as they always were and the being turns to leave with cyclops asking what now where are you going the being says that he isn't going anywhere he lives here and he lives here because he lives here and later that night the being stands out in a field talking out loud that his mother told him a lot about him it's fitting that he comes at night apocalypse steps out of the shadow telling him that for as night even new gods slumber we have never met but i would recognize that seat anywhere did you run away or were you sent the being says that the enemy has come that though the walls hold for now the children hold the point and soon arakawa will fall apocalypse thinks for a moment asking which of my children is a mother to you and the being steps forward telling him war apocalypse embraces the being and the being asks if he'll save them can he save them an apocalypse tells him i can and i will bring meaning to save all of my children those of krakowa and those of oracula now on to our next tale as the wildlife flourishes in the savage land the mutants gather the growing flowers when there's suddenly a loud popping sound coming out of the crack cohen gate everyone hurries over to see what's going on when suddenly four people in masks in military equipment to walk out the first woman asks if this is kansas really doesn't look like kansas she got into a lot of trouble in kansas and one of the mutants asks if they're new to this land the first woman says yes they are new but unfortunately for them and she begins to spray a green liquid with one of the mutants asking why would they do this and another woman asks why that's obvious isn't it we just love the s word out of flowers once the remaining mutants are subdued the first woman says that she expected more of a fight you know slightly more spirited security and the woman in back says what about social security i don't get social security the women begin to take off their masks revealing themselves to be much much older and the first one says now eat a spirited not social the second woman then says that it's not gonna matter augusta edith can't hear her with a d word eat it then yells you get d word my b word opal b word all the way to store it back before your smokies the final woman lily says no more smokies the doctor was very clear on her last visit the women all began to argue with one another and eat his shots okay how about we do what we came here to do and pick some flowers a few moments later cyclops emma frost and black king stepped through the gateway with lilly stating look we have more company how delightful for a moment and asks did we get invaded by octogenarians and cyclops steps forward stating you've caused quite a ruckus mind introducing yourselves augusta smells one of the flowers telling him that they are the horticulture and black king asks hoard to culture and lily says now horticulture no one wants to hear all about that business around kansas that augustus did augusta then says that she likes married men and taking their things it's not my fault that sometimes they die in car crashes lily then looks at emma and says speaking of unsavory women this one looks like a bit of a tot opal nods telling her she dresses like an s word with a serious p problem you need to wash yourself girl emma's mouth drops as everyone remains silent and after a few moments pass she says i will not fight older women and their minds are shielded somehow black king pushes through stating it's okay i'll handle this um ladies i am sebastian shaw i am the black king of the hellfire trading company who happens to be the rights holder to the product that you are taking now i'm not a prude but perhaps we can work out a deal the flowers can be shared but i would like to understand how you compromised what was believed to be a closed system of transit maybe there is something i can provide to you women what do you say black king is in blasted in the face with green goo and all of the women begin to beat on them with the butts of their guns but as they kick the black king a red flash blows everyone away and cyclops says that he would appreciate it if they would step away from the aristocrat we know that he can be an insufferable bore but he's our insufferable boar cyclops focuses his optic blast on edith's hover chair and that's when cyclops is struck from behind he whips around knocking augusta and opal over asking are you done yet and augusta rocks back and forth holding her leg standing oh god oh lord oh sweet jesus cyclops sighs walking over asking her is everything okay she pulls out her pistol and goo cyclops and the women all begin to beat at him like they did black king but just then emma screams enough what is wrong with all of you and after some persuading augustus sits down and explains that well mutants are screwing up our plants even though we are human horticulture like you have a problem with what mankind is doing to the planet all of us are radical botanists gardeners with the gift of the green thumb we are committed to returning this world to its proper state we have collectively spent over 200 years working on the best agrochemical and biotech companies do you have any idea what is going on inside of some of those places it's offensive they sold us on feeding the world but what they were really doing was using our gifts to create seedless slave plants that could no longer reproduce we replaced god's perfect cycle of death and rebirth with just death so that they could sell more product each year so for the past two years we have carefully sown the horticulture scene within theirs and in ten years we will control all the world's food supply we will decide what grows and what does not and we will decide who eats and who stars on earth with seven billion fewer people on it at least that's our plan and then the mutants showed up with your living island good news is that a good old human ingenuity is alive and well and it didn't take long for us to hack it any time that we'd like we can interrupt the gate's normal functions and take control of your method of transit which no lie is very good for us we needed samples of these plants and now we have it and we will see what makes krakow a tick and we will convince it to support our good works and find a way to bend it to our will and if it can do neither then we will find a way to pluck it like a weed you can bet your a word on that as the women leave emma returns to the quiet council telling them that okay we have a bit of a problem with some elderly women [Music] the armies gather outside the last watch tower in the kingdom of dry door in otherworld one of the gods dressed as anubis looks on at the tower that has so long defied them the tower it offends me it has always offended me he growls his siblings agree angered that they have not feasted on the bones of the free people in the free land for some time his sister turns the flames of her being curling upwards say the word and i'll give you your war she tells them death death to all of them with a raise of her hand the demonic horde charges forward weapons of war assaulting the tower inside one of the d'alore brush forward reporting to their king of this disaster the king yells for his squire who gives him his scepter and orders him to fly to saturn 9 to warn her of what happens the squire hops aboard his pterodactyl flying away famine looks up seeing the rider trying to escape do we want any word getting out they ask only if the word is true put your mark on him sister death says looking at pestilence pestilence draws her bow firing and the arrow sails through the air piercing the messenger's chest let them know that we are coming pestilence whispers later in the starlight citadel the attendants tell their queen to stay back as the messenger continues to curl up in a ball on the floor his lips moving as he whispers warnings of the walls falling they lean in trying to understand him when finally the messenger uses the last of his strength to scream his warning the tower has fallen a rocko oracle has fallen he screams saturn nine turns to her attendance i need the cards she commands the attendants stepped through a portal to another time and another place with others pulling a creature from the heart of a great light the tentacled monster snarls at them speaking in a language that had been lost to time don't be like that you shouldn't think of this as your end but as a fulfillment of what you're supposed to be the chief attendant tells the creature she holds out her hand and the creature condenses down to fit in her palm saturn nine the omniversal ruler walks through the starlight citadel and in the depths of her palace the creature has been forged into an amulet saturday night takes that amulet turning to one of her attendants and the young woman opens up a box revealing a stack of golden cards let's see what the future holds shall we saturn 9 whispers as she takes up both objects she draws the first card which is the card of judgment the death of death and the new way forward the card shows apocalypse standing before a gate the four of wands a family that has been fighting for eons has one final confrontation the card depicts four horsemen fighting hordes of monsters the hanged man apocalypse leading a group of mutants through a gate the eight of clubs a queen with two faces the ten of swords apocalypse standing surrounded by swordsmen meanwhile three mutants stand to guard at the external gate on a racco point a noise sounds telling them that something is coming through and the gems shatter as a massive tentacle creature comes through the being known as the summoner on its back help me please he yells cradling banshee they quickly bring him to the healing chambers where the healer orders them to be careful his life force is flickering he warns an apocalypse quickly appears questioning his grandson we were ambushed on the other world on the way to oracle there was an army on the march grandfather there is a war underway summoner warns apocalypse nods come with me in a short time the pair stand before the quiet council as apocalypse informs them of the recent events at first magneto questions why apocalypse would create the external gate in the first place but the ancient mutant merely looks at krakowa krakowa acknowledges and accepts the gift of the external gate cipher translates once the living island rumbles in response apocalypse continues explaining the history of the land of okara krakowa and oraco he tells them of summoner's return of him sending his grandson back through the gate summoner steps forward explaining how he banshee and eunice stepped through that gate the gate opens up in the middle of otherworld we looked up and we were blinded by the majesty of the starlight citadel in the sky and we did not see what waited on the horizon it was the dark army that had broke a racco serving the twilight sword they hate the living and they love annihilation summoner explains describing the trio's fight against the demonic hordes eunice was captured banshee was wounded and i fled with him and returned here i bring the fall of aracho my message is of an unavoidable end of this world wonderful emma frost whispers the council begins to argue and shaw orders apocalypse to shut the gate and lock out the armies but the others argue against leaving eunice and the starlight citadel to their fates jean stands stating that she'll get scott on the others to lead a rescue mission no i will go apocalypse rumbles and mr sinister smiles perfect you walk through and then we shut the door behind you i have to say after a mundane start this meeting is really beginning to pick up they continue to discuss the purpose of the external gate and apocalypse informs them that it is not merely mutants who can use it then we should destroy it now emma states and the council agrees taking a vote on the matter but though the vote passes cypher interjects and informs them that krakowa orders that the gate remain open apocalypse is not shocked and he knows that he and the island want the same thing but it is magneto that leads forward telling him that whatever he is planning on doing he does so without the aid of the council of course i will ask for volunteers apocalypse nods a short time later the group gathers at the external gate havoc lorna archangel beast siren richter monette summoner and apocalypse they've all gathered and they volunteered for their own reasons and with that they stepped through the portal to arako to save the day to prevent a war with the demons though in the healing gardens rachel is watching over the injured banshee she hears a voice and looks up to see young cable entering the chamber i know that look looks like trouble he smiles at her and rachel looks back at banshee she and nate can both hear it his mind is screaming and they both put their hands on the man's temple ready to dive into his mind the group meanwhile is stepping through the gate shocked to see the massive hoarded demons attacking the lower reaches of the starlight citadel look there beast cries seeing euros being captured and tortured a demonic warden stands guard and the monster looks at apocalypse and points my god the ancient mutant whispers and looking in the distance he sees the four horsemen riding over their armies who are they archangel asks him my light my fire something lost i dared not believe to find my sons my daughters they are my children apocalypse tells them as he begins to stride towards the army meanwhile back at the healing gardens rachel and nate are looking through the memories that are passing through banshee's mind how this all began when banshee urus and summoner all went through the gate the trio stepped through the external gate finding themselves an otherworld where they're greeted by the massive army of demons summit are stepped forward walking towards their herald but in our current time period in otherworld apocalypse strides towards his family he kneels down not able to believe that they are still alive father please stand death tells him apocalypse stands gathered around his sons and daughters tell me of a racco if it fell by what miracle have you returned to me he asks them they tell him what they've been through that they've been through hell that their mother fell to the twilight blade i'm sorry apocalypse tells them but war steps forward telling him that regret is for the weak would you like to know the one thing that kept us alive all those years she asks she reaches forward caressing his cheek it wasn't love she snarls her blade coming up fast piercing apocalypse's chest as summoner stabs him in the back siren reacts fast her voice quaking the ground around them throwing the horsemen away but meanwhile in banshee's mind nate and rachel see as this all started they see that once summoner banshee and eures entered summoner turned an evil smile on his face the demons attacked the mutants fought back but the memories begin to shift and suddenly they're looking down at the starlight citadel on saturn nine watching the hordes beneath them the ruler looks up staring back at the watching humans i see you looking mutant but you're looking at the wrong thing she hisses staring up into the memories and an image quickly flashes through their minds in the healing chamber nate and rachel are tossed back the two mutants are shocked and rachel orders nate to go tell their parents i'm going to stay here and go back into banshee's head and see if there's anything else to unlock rachel tells cable back in otherworld saturnine comes out of her trance and walks through the palace it is almost time she looks down from the starlight citadel at the war beneath them tell me are you going to help them her attendant asks beneath the citadel the mutants continue to fight against the demonic horde we have to get apocalypse back through the gate rockslide yells as he fights against the monsters you can't save him friend he cannot be saved summoner warns rock slide he summons a shadowy blade into his hands and then cuts the mutant in half in a single blow richter continues to drag apocalypse forward but suddenly a black arrow pierces his chest alex time for a tactical retreat bcl's you go get help i'll stay here and make sure nobody gets through that gate alex tells him as he and lorna continue to fight meanwhile back on the mainland cable arrives at the summer's home on the moon yelling for his mom and dad gene and cyclops he quickly fills them in on what's happening gene linking their mind so that he can share his memories easily but the image that was shown that saturnine showed to cable is the image of a strange orb like object cable asks if they know what it is in scott nods telling him that he even knows where to find it meanwhile back in otherworld the mutants continue to fight monette looks up questioning why the starlight citadel isn't aiding them maybe you should invite them to join us lorna offers using her powers to toss aside another group of demons monette suddenly appears before saturn 9 yelling at her for not aiding the mutants i'll do as i please child and i promise it won't have anything to do with the whims of you and your ilk now run along the queen says to her with a wave of her hand the psychic image of monette shatters on the ground the mutant is thrown aside landing hard that is not a nice woman she whispers alex looking up from the fight well maybe she needs some encouragement to do the right thing that citadel is a mighty big piece of floating metal lorna he tells her so lorna reaches out her hands using her powers to grab the citadel meanwhile back on earth the summer family takes several gates to find their destination they suddenly appear in front of that massive orb okay like wow there it is so what is it nate asks back in otherworld the citadel begins to twist and fall towards the planet her attendance warn that they will be pulled out of the sky but saturn 9 doesn't think so everything is as she has foreseen it she holds up her hand flashing light suddenly filling the sky and now it is time to show all who exactly rules this land forever constant and without question she says suddenly the queen and her attendants stand on the battlefield and with a snap everything stops moving the real question is what am i going to do with all of you she wonders uh unfreeze me monette answers in mid punch but meanwhile back with our other friends standing before the orb scott summers tells them that he believes that this is the igniter that powers the whole station but you need an independent power source to start it hey dad uh i think i got an idea cable says stepping forward with his glowing sword back on the battlefield saturn nine steps up to death questioning what made them think that they could march an army into horrylands you think we answer to you witch death snarls saturn nine just glares in this land all answer to me she tells him magic subtly swirling around the horsemen as she demands to know what right he has come by the right of the twilight sword and our liege who wields it he tells her warning that her magic nor his destruction is enough to deter them we will have krakowa and the way through there is through here if we have to break a million bodies against the walls of your citadel we will you have my word the queen leans forward demanding to know it death is willing to fight in a manner of their choosing we will meet you in any arena of your choosing he snarls at her the queen smiles standing back up in three days time i will summon your champions of araco to duel with the champions of otherworld death bows before her telling her that it won't matter who she sends the attendant steps forward questioning who their champion will be who will fight for starlight citadel who will fight and die to stop the arako horde from traveling from here to krakowa the queen smiles turning back to the mutants now child speak screw you monette snaps yeah we'll fight alex nods the queen holds up her hands and the magic swirls again lorna and pestilence begin to recite the ten swords that will do their battle and meanwhile back in deep space nate places his sword into the orb back on the battlefield saturn declares that they have three days and in space the sword orbital space station activates siren pulls richter through the gate trying to get him to the healing gardens but the man follows diseased tumors growing on his body siren takes a deep breath screaming for help that echoes across the island archangel and beast try to tend to apocalypse who is also injured but the ancient mutant has a massive hole in his chest there is little that they can do worse richter apocalypse questions tumors appearing on his face and he turns his head seeing the dying mutant close at hand richter can you hear me fight this poison damn you i'm you in fights he snarls at the young man suddenly the other mutants arrive working to get the two wounded to the healing chambers before they can leave though the others come back through the portal bringing with them the remains of rockslide dead lorna whispers when dr ray questions his status in otherworld saturn nine watches lorna who is acting oracle for krakowa and the queen wonders whether she figured anything out she steps up to the external gate holding a ball of magic in her hand in the meantime let us assure that there will be no further trespassers in the otherworld she says throwing the magical orb at the gate sealing it off with gems the mutants scatter as the gems explode out of the gate on the crack coast side on krakowa the island begins to rumble in its anger that it has now been sealed off from its sister island arako later rachel is diving through lorna's mind but saturn nine is suddenly there throwing her out i told you no getting past that witch you just triggered the same psychic trap that i tried to get past over and over monette tells her but rachel reminds the woman that they need to figure out these swords and who's going to wield them but lorna sits up knowing that she can't figure out a mystical prophecy on her own elsewhere in the healing gardens richter is clinging to life giant sucks he gasps apocalypse looks up from his own table ordering the healer to help the boy no scared richter gasps again apocalypse looks up the healer realizing that he is allowing the boy to die so that he can be resurrected then you will join him apocalypse growls reaching out with his mind healer begins to gasp for air as his body becomes a rigid but suddenly apocalypse goes rigid as his mind is assaulted get out of my head telepath he bellows but a voice tells him that she had to stop him from killing healer images of his children stabbing him flash through his mind but apocalypse forces her out of his head sitting up in his bed and the arbor magna hatchery xavier steps away from his duties sensing that lorna is troubled she steps forward asking them what the protocols for the casualties of war are the others begin to question why she would ask that until xavier dives into her mind he sees the battle on otherworld senses the and with these images in his mind xavier turns to the five of the council and tells them to resurrect rockslide and richter within the hour we simply must adapt in times of war he tells them when they question the speed within the hour the two mutants crawl out of their eggs proving that they can still be revived from the dead and death means nothing to mutants xavier steps forward placing his hand on victor's head and parting his memories back into him but the man is still confused and xavier explains that hope will use polaris memories of his death to fill on the blanks since his last cerebro update however next he steps up to rockslide but when xavier places the mutant's memories back into his mind there's a feedback in cerebro he screams falling to the floor and the five also drop to the floor hit by a psychic feedback elsewhere the other cerebral crackle with feedback polaris rushes over grabbing the crumbling rock slide hold on hold on it's gonna be okay everything will be okay she yells and rock slide gasps as he begins to fall apart the five struggle back to their feet shocked that they can't feel the connection between themselves cerebro and krakowa anymore they begin to freak out trying to figure out what went wrong and in their panic they decide that the eggs must have been bad and need to be destroyed through her tears polaris looks up as rock slide begins to reconstruct himself and stand before her you you're not rock slide she gasps xavier begins to wake up pulling himself from the floor and the five suddenly gasp as the connection is activated once again as xavier pulls himself to his feet he is shocked by the destroyed eggs no it cannot be why are all the eggs destroyed what have you done they all point to rockslide and he reaches out with his mind connecting to the creature's thoughts this both is and is not rockslide he tells them that it is rockslide but not the one that they knew and then he turns to richter trying to discern whether he is the same yo guys i'm fine i swear richard tells them but xavier suddenly stops the arguments informing the group that that is in fact richter hope is the one who finally steps up figuring out what happened to rockslide later she stands before the council explaining that because roxlight died in otherworld his cerebro backups were corrupted so who is this mystique asks motioning towards the new rock slide this is a roll of the dice the five explained that dying in otherworld erases your identity and cerebral backup becomes an amalgamation of every possibility of what you might have been which also explains why cerebral briefly shorted out yes it was the corrupted backup overriding everything that rockslide was to us hope confirms with professor x then we lost rockslide forever and it is through his terrible sacrifice that we gain a bleak understanding of our catastrophic failures emma tells the group the five try to explain that the copy is a version of you but emma growls angrily at them that is still death this is a permanent death that we are discussing creating a new person does not overturn the loss of one of our people she snaps standing she angrily demands that they call off the tournament but xavier looks at her reminding her of the horrors of araco and that their champions will most likely volunteer magneto nods turning to his daughter asking what she has discovered about the clues that saturday gave her polaris is speechless you dare dally we need to know this information if we're going to survive magneto shouts at his donner his angry words suddenly sparks something in polaris as she begins to recite she drops the pieces of rock slide that she was holding her head snaps back as she continues to mumble the prophecy magneto stands quickly grabbing his daughter before she can fall to the ground you're all right to daughter do you not see how easy that was if you had listened to me sooner magneto tells her but lorna pulls away from his arms tears in her eyes as she reaches for the pieces of rockslide that have fallen to the ground she runs out of the room with xavier telling magneto to let her go she needs to grieve we have a visit to a range he tells his old friend on the hillside lorna works tirelessly placing the stones in the right places and finally as the sun peeks over the horizon she is finished she gathers the others to see what she has created a casting circle she explains as the champions retrieve their swords that they will return to find a position in this circle when each of these symbols is touching its corresponding sword at the same time it will open up a portal to the tournament tears fill her eyes as she tells them that to build this she had to use rockslide's remains and now it stands as a permanent memorial to him well damn let's get ready to show these iraqi our finest karcon diplomacy magic smiles as she steps into the crowd she places the tip of her sword onto one of the signals causing it to light up pound of the war drums [Music] the molten pits of hell bubble and they spit fire leaping from the stones as adamantium claws break through the surface earlier logan stands before the massive tree-like entity known as the island of krakowa the physical manifestation of the island stares at him as logan speaks he knows that krakow wanted the external gate to oracle left open he knows that krakow wanted war he puts on his mask this place is supposed to be a fresh start for all of us yet here you are dragging us back in time logan looks at krakow this isn't the first fight that he went into blind he isn't for losing and he turns and he walks away i'm gonna find the mirror of blade and i'm going to make somebody bleed and i'm going to win and i don't think i'm ever going to trust your green ass again as wolverine walks away he thinks back on his past he knows that part of lorna's prophecy spoke of him and spoke of the maramasa blade the weapon that was once forged for him by the greatest swordsmith in japan in the quarry he finds the silver samurai training the samurai turns to face logan not surprised to find his old foe here you want to know how to find the maramasa he states simply in wolverine stalks across the arena he knows that the silver samurai doesn't want to tell him where the swordsmith is he knows that he believes that he should be in the tournament logan suddenly launches himself through the air so i guess i'm gonna have to earn your help by beating it out of you he snarls popping his claws katana meets claws as the two warriors duel you have no respect or discipline it should have been me that was chosen for the battle the samurai snaps and logan agrees as he flips over the warriors back driving his claws into his flesh there's no reshuffling the deck tell me where it is meanwhile on a raccoon pestilence and war fly to one of the first towers to fall in the second great war they dismount their monsters entering the great tower and they search for one man one who has been locked away for a hundred seasons he will not be humbled pestilence tells his sister then we will humble him war snaps the pit is beyond mercy for him he will not escape it lightly the slayer of my husband does not deserve freedom unless it finally brings forth the death that he deserves war tells her brother but she knows that they will not find a warrior within the pit they will find somebody broken by time thinned by starvation and feeble by boredom as they reach the edge of the pit the prison for this man they hear a clear voice calling up ah dear friends i assume you've come seeking a favor solemn calls out he sits on a bed of pillows surrounded by food and entertainment as he drinks from a chalice of wine the two horsemen are shocked knowing that the prisoner is the one who should be seeking favor getting smiles at them again many bring me gifts so i am quite comfortable within my prison i want for nothing so what do you want war he asks anger flaring up in war as she sees the man's comfort you killed my husband you robbed me of my love in my child of his father she snaps it is not my fault that he demanded to fight me for his so-called honor he tells them solomonicity is a tender hearted poet but he also reminds them that he is a killing machine do you remember what i told you more when you put me in this hole i said that you would come back here one day and you would beg beg for my help a raccoon needs her a champion solemn tells them so i ask you again are you here for a favor because it won't be easy to convince me to leave this cozy little vacation he smiles pestilence looks down telling him that aracho is going to war with krakowa the witch of the otherworld has drawn her cards and has chosen her ten swords she named you solemn solemn smiles wide raising his hands in chair excellent i'll assume i will fight their greatest warrior then nothing less will do he tells them the horseman looked down at him telling him that he'll need a sword but he shakes his head reaching beneath the pillows he pulls free a dagger that war gave him a long time ago to kill himself with but pestilence shakes his head telling solemn that he needs the maramasa blade was a maramasa and where do i find it salam asks we have no idea how long do i have he questions three days pestilence tells him war glaring at him asking if he'll accept the challenge oh i accept solemn tells them raising his arms and his shackles fall away leaping over their heads he lands atop the stairs and he begins upwards see you in the arena he calls out to them meanwhile logan finds himself in tokyo fighting his way through gangsters and goons he breaks down every door that needs breaking and he finds his way to a monastery searching for the legendary maramasa he asks for help from new and old friends alike and eventually he finds himself in the mountains shadows stalking his every move he has learned that something dark has come to the maramasa he makes his way up the winding steps to the temple above lightning crashing in the distance logan opens up the doors weapons lining the walls of the dark chamber beyond and on the floor in a dark ritual and behind him the hands and ninjas flood through the door later in the bowels of a hell logan's skeleton pulls itself out of the lava pits of the dark realm as a cursed maramasa stares at him save me loganson the weapon smith asks in the mountain temple logan looks down at the weaponsmith in front of him light swirling and logan knows that he is looking into a gateway to hell the hand continues to creep behind him and logan turns his claws popping with a schnick the ninjas leap at him and logan is shocked to see them fill the room the horde of ninja charge at logan who leaps into the fray with his claws slashing blades piercing his skin as logan draws blood from the hand revealing that they are undead beneath their masks what have you got yourself caught up into muramasa wolverine whispers as more of the ninjas pile onto him he continues to fight swords sticking out of his torso until finally he reaches for the gateway to hell tumbling through he falls downwards into the molten pits of lava below his skin burning off as he pulls himself free discovering a cursed murmasa standing at the forge demons reaching for logan's skeleton as the swordsmith continues to craft a new blade the heat of hell acting as his forge if i am to be a prisoner in this place at least i can take comfort and pride knowing that there will never be a better blade in existence miramasa tells him as he brings his hammer down now i am the greatest sword smith in all the worlds he continues later logan's body begins to pull itself back together as he lays in a cell within the bowels of hell he has discovered the location of the swordsmith and now he must find the sword and get out except he's made a new friend well i'm certainly glad we found each other even if the accommodations are rather substandard solemn tells them turning away from the bars looking down at logan's body i am so curious about you especially your ability to regenerate are you unkillable then he asks and even though logan doesn't answer solemn sits by him how about this while you do your thing i'll keep us entertained by telling you how i got here solemn tells him of the story of how he set off from his prison seeking the muramasa blade he went to a place where riddle's our answer to the oracle of araco he found the blind woman hunched in a cave and she turns her head to him telling him that the answer he seeks comes at a cost solemn nods knowing that the oracle has been trapped in this cave by her sister reaching into the bag that he carries he pulls out a severed head will her severed head suffice or would you like me to fetch the rest of her he asks the smile the oracle laughs sticking out her tongue to reveal an eye that looks at solemn muramasa is dead but there's still a way to find him she tells the warrior pointing at the dagger that war had given him the black blade marked with the seal of hell anyone bit by that blade will go straight to hell and hell is where you will find muramasa the oracle tells him i'm afraid my ego is far too massive to consider suicide my dear sodom tells her as he draws the black dagger the oracle gestures to the wall telling him that the blade is a key that will open up the door to hell so solemn places the blade into the wall and turns it as he begins to step through the glowing gate the oracle continues to speak there you will find a mutant made of metal a mutant who will serve you as a guide to your muramasa and with his story finished solemn looks down at the almost completely healed logan so here you are and here i am now take me to my sword little man the warrior finishes as logan sits up with a gasp staggering to his feet popping his claws he tells solemn that he is the only one searching for the blade wait am i hearing you correctly will the unkillable champion of krakkoa face off against the unbeatable champion of arako i love the idea even if i dislike the terms of our engagement solemn tells them with a smile logan tries to go through the bars through their cell but solemn explains that they were forged in hell fire logan turns sharply cutting against solemn's chest but the warrior just smiles revealing that he doesn't even have a scratch adamantium enforced think of it like a microfiberist version of chainmail you can touch it all you like he says with a smile while logan expresses his surprise solemn holds up the keys to their cell shall we be on our way muramasa is waiting he tells logan and the two men enter the cell while logan demands to know what game solemn is playing at a deadly one to be sure the warrior whispers as he begins to sneak through the halls of hell they find themselves back at muramasa's anvil as logan begins to track the old swordsman continuing to sneak forward they find themselves looking down at a demonic ceremony a great demon sitting upon a throne as two of its followers stand before it we are here to celebrate the union of my right left hand on my right right hand the beast rumbles as he points summoning muramasa to bring forth the two swords the procession of demons raise their own blades and muramasa walks among their ranks his fiery swords clashing against their own steel he kneels before the demonic ninjas presenting them with his two finest swords two swords guess we don't have to kill each other to decide who goes home with the steel logan notes that he turns to find solemn behind him with two of the demon ninjas i would hate to show up to the wedding under dressed it's bad form the warrior smiles the beast continues its speech telling the ninjas to consummate their marriage with a clash of steel so the ninjas all stab muramasa in the chest the blades drinking the soul of the sword smith wait i have something for the happy couple solemn shouts as he throws his dagger the dagger plunging into a ninja's throat killing him solemn then leaps forward grabbing the muramasa blade as it falls leaping to attack the other ninja you killed my husband and steal his sword for this there will be hell to pay the ninja hisses as their blades clash the second blade cutting across solemn's chest drawing blood impossible he whispers as he stares down at the wound when suddenly logan is there knocking the ninja down forgot to mention something tough guy muramasa blaze could cut through adamentium the beast suddenly reaches out snatching logan from the ground solemn picks up the second sword staring at it i have both katanas i have killed the groom stabbed to the bride it could easily abandon you to this demonic wedding party but i'll admit i'm feeling generous you help me get this far after all the warrior turns to the approaching horde of ninjas knowing that logan questions why he would help him when they might face off against each other and the ten of swords the contest that is to come the answer is i'm a good fair generous person want to buy a blade little man logan turns to his potential enemy what do you want for it later logan steps to the gate on krakowa he has his sword but it came with a price he nods at magic as he places the tip of the blade on the seal that lorna created causing it to glow only time will tell if the blade was worth the cost storm stands ready the gardens of krakowa are around her as she thinks about lorna's prophecy and what it means thought i'd find you here you tend to surround yourself with green whenever you have something weighing on your mind kitty pride dressed in her marauders finest tells her as she steps through the gate behind storm kitty looks at storm questioning whether she understands the prophecy and knows where her sword is yes i do but i do not know if i'm ready for what taking it will mean storm tells her kitty questions are further asking what could taking that sword mean the end i think heartache and strife at least storm sighs heavily and kitty nods but then smiles asking her friend to let her come along add her cutlass to her fight but aurora tells her that she must do this alone and after stepping it through the gate she thinks back on the history that she knows the history of wakanda they say it began with a blinding light with the sky splitting open and striking a sacred mountain the ancestors of wakanda found a metal so pure that touching it in its raw form was to know the truth of the universe the first king of wakanda forging it into a mighty weapon that would speak with a boom of thunder he called this sword the sky breaker and it was passed from king to king protector to protector studying the metal allowed wakanda to advance in science and technology pushing wakanda into the future making it the country that it is today and in the present day storm is ushered into the throne room greeted by the queen mother ensuring she hugs her former mother-in-law greeting her with a warm smile where is the king she questions but the queen smiles telling her that once again black panther has been called away sure he steps forward smiling what brings you to wakanda storm are you here as a sister or as a diplomat for krakowa storm stands before them quickly filling them in on the situation with krakowa and araco if krakkoa falls then the world will fall storm tells them the queen nods telling her that they will send warriors from wakanda to aid the crack cohens but storm tells them that they can only have their champions with their own swords which brings her here today shuri exclaims that they will make her a sword with whatever specification she needs but the queen shakes her head knowing that a contest of this type requires weapons with history and offers storm the strongest weapons within the wakandan armory storm lowers her eyes telling the queen mother that she requires the skybreaker but the queen and the princess look shocked as they lean forward do you know that's impossible the queen whispers and the queen and princess explained that they would have rioting in the streets the others would use this as an excuse to try and overthrow the government and storm pleads with them but the queen finally puts her hand up to silence her and explains that they will have to wait for t'challa who will return within the next few days until then you will be our honored guest of course the queen states storm baus thanking her for her mother-in-law but shuri looks at aurora with suspicion that night in her stately apartment storm reaches into the bag that she brought with her she says that she knows what she has to do and pulling out her black uniform she quickly changes and leaps into the night sky lightning flashing in the distance as she flies over the wakandan capital memories of t'challa showing her the temple of the heart of wakanda flashed through her mind she was queen and he explained to the history of the skybreaker and the defenses that had been put in place to protect the ancient weapon which should become a sacred symbol of their people lightning cracks from her hands destroying the perimeter drones that guard the temple walls overloading the generators plunging the interior into darkness allowing her to sneak on the priests that guard the interior corridors one tries to stop her swinging his staff as a weapon but storm dodges quickly kicking the man hard in the face leaving him unconscious on the floor inside skybreaker's chamber itself she uses a freezing storm to cover the laser sensor that acts as the last line of defense for the weapon and she pauses hoping that the screeching sirens in closing doors will not greet her as the lasers are deactivated silence fills the room and floating upwards she holds up a replacement sword hoping that it will give her the extra time to escape but the laser shoots out knocking the sword out of her hand hoping that my intuition was wrong and i would not find you here sherry tells her dressed in full battle armor storm floats down meeting her former sister stand aside princess shuri she orders but the princess shakes her head you know i can't if you take skybreaker it will cause strife among the people brother will fight brother all because you could not wait for t'challa sure he tells her but storm prepares to fight knowing that she doesn't have time you are my sister sherry i'm sorry that it has come to this storm tells her she launches herself at the princess trading blows which jury pleading with her to give up this course of action but storm explains that she is trying to save them all as she kicks and blocks another blow from shuri's power glove another icy storm kicks up freezing shuri's gauntlets quickly but the young woman throws them aside pulling free a blade you underestimate me sister you forget that i have worn the mantle of protector as often as the inventor she snaps and storm retrieves her own sword from where it has fallen i will ask one final time shuri stand down help me save us all storm commands as the blades clash moving across the room the steel ringing against steel but with a flash shuri disarms storm and points her sword at her you will come back with me to the palace at once and together we will speak to t'challa i'm sorry sister storm whispers as she reaches out touching the tip of the blade lightning coursing through the metal ripping into shuri's body throwing her to the ground storm floats back up with the sky breaker quickly replacing it with a blade of her own but the sensors are strong and the building quickly locks down she escapes through the corridors blasting through the doors that block her path robotic sentries attacking her next and with anger filling storm because she has finally had enough she confines her own lightning with that of the skybreaker cutting the robots quickly once outside the temple she moves towards the krakow and gate quickly but there blocking her way stands t'challa with an assortment of gods my mother said you came claiming to be in need of aid and yet here you are stealing from those who welcomed you the king tells us rain pours from the sky storm lands before him telling him that she has no time the guards raised their weapons seeing the woman who carries the skybreaker and t'challa raises his hand and tells them to stand down he removes his helmet questioning why she would betray him like this this has nothing to do with us i am here to save my people storm tells him she becomes angry telling him to step aside or it will be the end of everything and t'challa nods ordering his soldiers to move but as she passes them he puts a hand on her shoulder we could have done this together my love i would do anything for you this is bigger than you and i t'challa bigger than wakanda and krakowa and i could not wait for you to decide if you had the time as she leaves t'challa puts on his helmet and orders the guards to destroy the gate if the emissary of kokoa wishes to return it will not be as a thief in the night but with the permission and grace of wakanda if we so choose storm returns to the seal of krakowa knowing what she has lost but also knowing who she is and what she would do for her people she places the skybreaker against the seal allowing her spot to start glowing never doubted you for a second darling wolverine nods to her welcome to the party magic smiles empath punches his way free of a crack co and egg he crawls out covered in thick yolk of the egg itself and professor xavier reaches down placing the mutant's memories back in his mind where the hell am i empaths shout angrily what's your name child what's your name keep your freaking hands off me empath continues to shout and xavier finally turns away asking hope to finish for him empath continues to be angry demanding to know why he died but hope doesn't know either and with empaths angry question the young mutant decides to leave him alone a short while later the quiet council has gathered they discussed the relevance of the coming contest and with kitty finally asking whether they should do something to aid krakowa sinister finally smiles and stands let's have everyone's attention on me please the heroes of krakowa and arako are traveling the globe in search of their swords now looking for their champions what if we denied the iraqi that privilege what if we let my hellions do what we do best lie cheat steal until the auraco's swords are ours how will they challenge us with no challengers force a forfeit emma muses you see emma loves it sinister shouts with glee although someone should tell her face he continues to whisper the council brings it to a vote finally deciding to go forward with sinister's plan bennett smiles next agreeing that the hellions will head into other worlds where the challenge should be hosted and that sinister would lead them there wait what was that last part sinister asks the smile draining from his face the council votes again but this time only four hands are raised oh thank god sinister whispers believing that he'll be staying behind the master mutant telling the council that he'll need the full team including havoc he smiles as he leans over magneto's desk i heard about your little trip to other worlds following your daughter like a puppy dog i'm beginning to think that she's a bad influence he smiles eric stares at him for a second i'd like to change my vote he says to the council a short while later psylocke and havoc are briefing the hellions on their mission explaining that if they are captured the world will probably end havoc steps forward telling them that death and other world means they won't be coming back either you'll be jazzed to know that empath made it under the wire grey gal who'll be joining us alex says to his teammate who recently had shot empath in the head the group begins to argue but alex interrupts him remember that no one comes back if we die in other words we all understand that right alex asks in his chambers sinister finishes telling his freshly thought clone what his mission is but the clone doesn't think that he should be the one to have to go so the two settle it with the only way that they know how winner keeps the cape they say as they begin to play rock paper scissors the team gathers at the avalon gate with empath asking which one of them got him killed last time remember grey cow's warning to not use your powers to manipulate the team that's an important thing to remember psylocke tells him empath stops draping his arm over greycow's shoulder did you shoot me in the head he demands to know i did do it again and i'll cut you in half grey cow warns him they're all interrupted as sinister strides towards them rambling through a few lines of an inspiring speech speech out of the way everyone's up to speed right let's get to moving we have swords to steal he says quickly psylocke comes forward shocked that sinister is coming with them coming with you cute way to put it no i'll be leading you into enemy territory he tells you before turning to the rest of the team as your general jockeying for my affection is encouraged favoritism is rampant and arbitrary he tells the team he steps through the portal into the throne room of avalon sinister begins to announce himself but is interrupted by king jamie braddock who is continuing to yell at a beautiful horse and the peasants trying to get it under control down princess silverman you said you weren't a question mumford you said that you were raised around horses jamie shouts i said no such thing mumford whispers as he fights to keep the horse under control jamie finally looks up shocked at how amazing sinister's cape is the king using this moment to announce their intentions about journeying into otherworld but jaime sighs telling them that saturn nine won't allow it there would be trouble and we can't have that or fun either not anymore apparently but sinister steps forward explaining to jamie that the mutants who die another world do not come back he tells the king that he can help him give him clones and jamie nods agreeing that such an arrangement would be advantageous to both parties but surely we must seal our bargain by exchanging our gifts mumford bring the princess jaime shouts leaning back against his throne the horse continues to fight as jaime offers it to sinister to seal their deal and what will you give me in return the king questions of the smile on his face zero nothing i don't want the horse sinister tells the king glaring but jamie leans forward his smile disappearing as he explains we can't seal our bargain with gifts then perhaps i will have to tell saturn 9 about your arrival in avalon what do you want brad sinister size a short while later the team is walking through the local market with sinister stomping angrily ahead capless slow down essex psylocke calls out you look fine havoc adds trying to help i don't want to talk about it sinister snaps and as the team continues forward they suddenly are ordered to halt you have transgressed against her luminance opal lunacider9 the guard bellows the sinister stepping forward trying to suit the situation but the guard points to princess silverman you shine a possession of stolen property the blessed steed of the queen herself anger flashes through sinister as he realizes what jaime braddock did to them and he leans over to empath ordering the mutant to take control of the guards nah i'm good empath smiles the group begins to argue but then they're interrupted when the guards order them to their knees cedarstone looks at empath telling him that he can have anything he wants i'll do it if you make grey crow my pet he says with a smile cut in half it is gray crow snarls as he draws his sword the mutant charges but sinister tells empath that he has a deal and suddenly grey crow snaps into a smile you are one radiant soul he tells empath the guards suddenly smile too turning away from the group but sinister smiles pointing out that they could use some horses for their journey a short while later the team is riding through the city this adventure is going to end badly psylocke tells essex don't they all dear sinister notes laughing as he charges ahead on his horse magic sits at the seal the sun's setting in the horizon as she reaches for her communicator calling up cable and cyclops the two mutants appear before her as holograms kind of in the middle of something iliana can this wait cyclops asks her she nods but turns to cable telling him that they need him on krakowa and he needs to bring his nifty little space sword is that bad cyclops asks and the team leader nods telling her that they'll be back as quick as they can maybe we'll make some plans magic asks never know it could rain cyclops tells her understood she nods and with that she signs off elsewhere cipher looks up i'm gonna die he whispers sitting across from warlock with krakow behind him he questions why he would be chosen to fight the deeper meaning behind him and warlock being in this tournament when warlock transforms into a sword and wraps around his arm cipher then heads into the woods to train but he's interrupted by magic first lesson make sure you bring a sword to a sword fight she tells him as they begin their training they clash with cipher doing everything that he can to dodge her strikes but he blocks another blow and receives a kick to the face how he groans from the ground magic stabs a sword into the earth next to his face and sits on his chest reminding him that if he dies another world he won't get to come back later sinister leaves the council chamber on his mission with the hellions while cypher argues with krakowa professor xavier interrupts them asking what that issue is and cipher climbs down explaining to xavier that krakow suggests that someone else takes cypher's place in the tournament he explains that krakowa is worried that if seifer dies he'll have no voice to the mutants but the rules have been set and i was chosen cypher states stubbornly i need to show everyone that i'm not just a translator i to go i want to prove myself xavier smiles telling him that he hopes none of the mutants will have to put their lives on the line let us hope that sinister is successful in ending this before it starts xavier tells the young mutant later cipher's training continues and he blocks another a magic's blow smiling at her but she swings pushing him away don't smile at me you're clumsy your stance is a disgrace your balance is worse have you not been practicing she snaps at him but he laughs blocking another blow only to be punched in the face suddenly vine shoot out of the water wrapping her up cypher tell the island to let me go it's not helping you by interfering it will not be there to coddle you in battle she snaps krakow releases her and magic decides that it is enough for the day you know i'm just trying to keep you alive she tells the young mutant she puts away her sword turning her back on her friend and when the fighting starts stay close to me i'll do what i can she tells him as she stalks away into the woods but krakow is still worries that cipher will die that it will no longer have a voice and cipher finally stands before the great tree that represents the island i know you're afraid for me i know that i may not return and i'm terrified but you have to let me do this he tells krakow a short while later magic launches herself at cipher he dodges slashing at her with an impressive strike uh we might make a warrior out of you yet she tells him as he avoids another of her blows he explains that he can read her body language and know when her attacks are coming and they clash again and cipher realizes you're holding back you're letting me win why you've gotten better i'm proud of you she tells him you think i have a chance cypher asks her and magic stares at him for a moment before asking if he wants the truth if you raise that sword to fight someone another world it'll be the last thing you ever do but there's not a damn thing you can do to stop it she tells him so they step through the portal and cypher puts his blade against the seal as the others watch him scott gene and cable are walking through the quarters of the sword station that they activate at the end of our last episodes are you feeling anything scott asks no cable answers i was asking the telepath of the family i'm a telepath cable huffs you don't practice enough scott tells his son and gene finally asks them to be quiet telling them that the background interference is stopping her from reading so they split up searching the station for a crew as scott and cable move through the quarters they discuss whether scott should take his son's place and battle about what kind of people would let their children fight wars for them and finally they come across a large door that is hastily wielded shut cutting through it with his optic blast nate steps in front of his father i'm already a warrior and what the hell cable hisses as he stares into the dark room both mutants stare up at the object as scott calls the gene gene we found something in science lab 14 you should see he tells his wife she lets him know that she'll be there shortly as she continues to move through the station pushing a button on the wall and the doors slide open to reveal a man hello she says simply and the man has his back to her looking out to the vastness of space you turned it back on didn't you you powered the station back on why would you do that the man asks why wouldn't we where is everyone gene asks him the man begins to ramble telling her of the noises that they heard the screams half the station was dead before we could re-group half of them were gone like they never existed they were the lucky ones death would have been better he tells her as he turns his eyes dark and shallow staring at her sightless who did this to you gene whispers but the man tells her that it wasn't a who it was a what that they weren't prepared for the enemy that wasn't bound by their laws of physics she tries to reach into his mind to see what happened but he pushes back and it hits her heart but in a flash she sees all now you know the man tells her reaching out for the level release of the airlock she screams but the man is sucked out into the vastness of space she rushes through the station telling her husband and son not to open any doors and she finds them in the lab staring at the glowing gate what's on the other side cable questions and they all look at it faceless death something called the vescora gene tells them and as if on cue the door activates and three creatures come through cleanse dissect learn they course all three mutants open fire with their powers and weapons and the creatures fall but more continue to come through replacing those that have been lost we've got to kill the power of this station you've got to remove the sword from the igniter jean tells her son cable nods rushing out the door and as he leaves jean projects her mind wishing to see through the door the darkness permeates on the other side of the vescore surge forward coming from a dark station she rocks back to her physical body looking up at her husband don't hold back scott she whispers as the scorer begin to flood out into the chamber as you wish he nods opening fire with his optic beams they continue to fire both blasting away at the invading creatures until finally cable reaches the igniter and pulls his sword free the station goes dark you guys okay he calls out in the darkness yeah great job proud of you son later cable steps through the gate putting his sword on the seal causing it to light up as cyclops and gene come through the gate magic looks at them telepathically and they discuss what they can do about this tournament scott tells magic that they need to work on communication and transportation and gene tells magic to look after their son happy to magic smiles scott nan's putting his hand on his son's shoulder telling him that if he needs them just call why are you smiling cable asks because we're going to be okay scott tells him what remains of the quiet council waits grumbling at mr sinister's lateness when finally he leans the door sorry i'm late you were right to send me over there now i can tell you what an absolute show it is he tells them sinister explains that the mutants of araco have been at war for a thousand years kate stands if our people are in danger let's go back over there and get them back she shouts but sinister shakes his head you're not listening nobody that went over there swinging a sword above their head is coming back he turns to the others telling them they should blow up the gate and prepare for an invasion krakow rumbles behind xavier harming the gate is currently not an option the professor states and sinister turns to leave telling the council that holding the gate could cost them everything back in otherworld the mutants stand ready up first is cable and bay to the death begin saturday night shouts and bae does not hesitate attacking immediately with her sword cable barely gets his blade up before she's beating him back she screams in rage bringing her sword down again and he blocks it but the force of the blow knocks him to the ground energy crackles from the blade throw throwing bay back with a scream of pain cable moves quickly prepared to make the killing blow but he hesitates bae is his friend's new wife it is in that moment of hesitation that allows bay to knock cable's feet out from underneath him he falls into the mud and she's on top of him pushing his face deep into the muck he tries to raise his sword but she grabs his arm squeezing it until the bones snap and as she stands ready to deliver the killing blow cipher runs over to her stop the kid's beat he begs if he's a new wife saturn nine looks at them both i declared that this fight was to the death however some deaths are in spirit you may stay your blade she says to the group araco 18 krakow 5. after his arm is wrapped cable walks away in defeat reaching out mentally to his mother and his father it's tough but his parents can hear him they feel his pain he hangs his head apologizing for losing that krakowa is going to lose the tournament and the tear falls from his eye you guys need to prepare for war they're going to invade cable thinks to his parents and at that time saturnine puts her hand on cable's shoulder i tolerated the spying for long enough she says snapping her fingers and the connection between the family is severed back over on krakkoa scott shouts for his son falling to his knees telling his wife that they can't lose him and gene tells him let's go fix this on otherworld saturn nine prepares for the next match gorgon versus the white sword you will face me after you make it through my swords all 100 of them the white sword tells gorgon the first warrior comes but gorgon cuts through him with one blow two and three come together but he slides through them with his blades they continue to press on more and more grouped together each time gorgon uses his power but one of the warriors takes his eyes send them all white sword shouts as he claps gorgon stands breathing heavy come and die he bellows as he prepares his blades the others watch as the warriors continue to fight on by my count gorgon has slain 13 of the white swords champions giving krakowa a narrow lead of 19 to 18. she tells the group it is war who then turns to the white sword ordering him to finish it the warrior steps forward seeing gorgon covered in blood swaying from exhaustion but his sword is still ready it is over and when it is done i will restore you and he will serve me the white sword tells gorgon as he stands before him but gorgon shakes his head readying his own blade never i walk my own path he gasps i could impose my will the white sword says as he raises his hand not over me so be it the white sword snarls as he stabs gorgon through the chest the mutant falls as the white sword turns away from him that is how a mutant dies children apocalypse rumbles to the group saturn 9 stands before them the contest is tied and she holds up the final cards but genesis steps forward there is no need for theatrics which we know what is to come next apocalypse finishes the statement as he reads his blade the husband and wife step forward towards each other with their weapons it's a duel faded millennia go x-men number 15. back over on krakowa jean and scott are preparing to make their argument they step before the quiet council on other worlds saturday night sits upon her throne shogo curled around her genesis and apocalypse stand in the arena the final battle between husband and wife to decide the contest of champions if i am to die and die at your hands is it really to be like this with your face hidden from me behind a mask apocalypse questions his wife though the mask speaks genesis pulls it from her face telling apocalypse that she wanted to spare him the shame of remembering who is fit and who is weak shall we dance she asks with a smile and the two lash out at each other energy erupting from their swords as the blades all meet on krakow a genius scott fill the council in on what they heard from cable before the connection was severed it is magneto that questions going to get their son during the contest i am going to go get him scott simply states they explain that krakowa is losing the contest and that there's nothing that they can do to stop the invasion magneto steps forward asking scott if he even has a plan i'd like to take a strike team on a smash and grab to get our people back we get our people out and then we close the gates for good he tells the group to save our people then close the gates and save our nation does that cover it magneto asks and the others discuss the plan but it is exodus who questions what happens if scott fails look at me i'm the mutant who has yet to fail this council do you think i'm going to start now scott asks and they continue to discuss it until scott finally explains that there's no talking amount of it and gene raises their hand stating that she is going as well a nightcrawler arrives raising his hand with all this talk of swords i was offended i wasn't invited in the first place he says with a smile and kate nods are raising her own hand and shaw points out that they can't lose that many council members i demand that we vote on this and that leaving means giving up your seat on the council he says the council votes in favor but gene is still going she tells kurt to stay that he is the soul of the group and kate is pissed when is pointed out that they're going through one of the gates but it is pointed out that if they leave the gate open for scots strike force they are leaving krakowa open for invasion so it's voted on again that they should close the gate behind them xavier apologizes to scott but tells him that he can't think of just a few mutants anymore no matter how much they mean to me he says and scott nods but explains that he is still going because he knows the difference between right and wrong that's how i was raised he tells the professor with a smile on the other world genesis and apocalypse are continuing the final battle she twists slashing him across the chest drawing first of blood while back on krakowa magneto asked scott what will you do the x-men are heroes we'll save those who need saving no matter the cost scott tells him he takes jean's hand and the two walk out of the chamber good boy eric whispers next to him xavier smiles meanwhile over on otherworld genesis steps back raising her blade you are wounded and weak my love i give you one last kiss then i will hear your surrender and welcome you back to your rightful place at my side she says that she prepares to strike again she swings the weapon and apocalypse blocks her blow but his sword shatters genesis looks at them demanding that he yields i will not yield not to fear not to doubt not to love he snarls dodging another blow twisting and snatching genesis sword from her hand he whirls again slashing her through the stomach on the ground she demands that he finish it but apocalypse refuses dropping the blade on the ground with a clatter i don't want this he whispers but saturn shakes her head explaining that things must be settled so genesis struggles to her feet putting the mask back on energy crackling around her as the dark voice speaks settled nothing is settled witch i am not dead and i have not yielded nothing is settled excalibur 15. the servants run through the halls of the starlight citadel looking out the windows the demons of araco have arrived outside the mutants of krakowa have met the enemy in the battlefield amidst the battle apocalypse stands ready as genesis steps forward her voice is dark controlled by the power of the mask she raises her blade prepared to strike but lightning cracks from the sky striking genesis bringing a scream of pain wolverine and captain avalon are there trying to pull apocalypse away she's summoned reinforcements we have to move now brian shouts but apocalypse shrugs them off refusing it is storm who finally gets through to him she will not be stunned for long the storm cloud will not rage forever around them the storm continues to strike though holding the army of araco at bay and amidst that destruction the champions of araco sit and wait it is the white sword whose first stance ordering his men to leave we didn't come for a battle we came for a fight and we won he tells them iska shouts of the warrior is a coward but finally she stands we are down to half a dozen let's fight them for sport she hisses but bae suddenly turns and rushes through the enemies her sword slashing the demons as she runs what is she doing iska questions but war understands that specific foolishness is so precious to mortals she's true she's choosing love over war with the armies of morocco attacking saturn 9 retreats to the citadel she leads shogo into one of the chambers ordering her servant to give her the box with captain britain's shards in it she dumps the shards onto the floor and begins to put them together like a large puzzle back out on the main battlefield the mutants continue their fight now that apocalypse is old ladies off our tail i'm tired of running i say we hold the line and take on a wave wolverine snarls as he slashes another demon apocalypse throws another blast at the demons before turning and arguing with captain avalon about what the end means but suddenly a blade comes whistling out of the smoke apocalypse catches it but bae rushes avalon slamming him into the ground apocalypse turns to attack the woman but cipher steps between them don't she's my wife she begs and storm descends questioning whether bae will join their side of course she wants to help you guys you don't know her at all doug begins but bae covers her ears and hits the group with a piercing shriek that throws them all to the ground she picks up doug and begins to flee from the armies and the mutants and inside of the citadel shogun continues to whine and snort dragon fire wishing to help his friends but saturn 9 orders him to behave continuing to put together her puzzle of betsy but if you really want to breathe dragon fire we can talk she says with a smile outside storm has lost sight of doug as she descends on the group telling them that the storm cloud is weakening we are running out of time before nothing holds back the armies of a meth she tells the group and the group continues to fight holding back the waves of demons suddenly arrows fly and pierce the monsters from behind i'll be damned wolverine says of the smile as jubilee launches forward behind her a small army of flying archers looks like the priestess of the green and i showed up just in time she says with a smile captain avalon looks at the warriors questioning whether saturn 9 sent them she does not send us anywhere we'll fight to protect the citadel your friend told us that the raging storm meant that her friends were fighting for it too the priestess explains the group begins to fight towards the citadel as jubilee explains that they need shogo and his dragon fire but logan and brian explains that they can't abandon the grounds that the waves of demons will wash over the citadel if they do the priestess is nod explaining that they have to leave if anything happens to me down here he likes you guys too much already jubilee begins to say but the priest is nods about shogo it would be our honor they say as they're leaving jubilee nods as she begins to power up let's finish this up i miss my kid she whispers and far from the battle bae puts cipher into the ground she throws down her weapon as he tries to convince her to take him back to his friends they both need their help come with me you can come back to krakowo with me and stay in my place he tells her as he stands on his tippy-toes and he hugs her as the mutants of regroup it seems that the armies of a meth are slowing down storm is concerned as she turns but smiles as she sees bay and doug returning don't shoot we're friendly i promise he calls out as he waves but the armies begin to circle again eyes up team krakowa looks like everyone came to get their asses kicked logan growls on the army's part revealing the champions of araco you smell like puke magic says the pestilence but genesis arrives declaring that they have won that araco will take otherworld avalon and krakowa we will erase your name so that you are another failed experiment all that will remain a crack koa will be the memory of how easily you were played as pawns she says and in the citadel saturn nine places the last piece of the puzzle the calls go out to every reality and when the citadel calls captain britain must answer seeing her work complete saturn nine stands up with a gasp no she whispers as she looks down at the image of betsy but a portal opens up and the captain britain core descends x of swords destruction the captain britain core is reborn descending upon the battlefield with captain avalon looking up with a smile on his face my god look up mutants look up he shouts renewed strength filling his body as he lashes out against the demon hordes with his blade the captain britain gore has retired he bellows and the corps arrives joining the battle against the forces of amenth some fight others fall they have summoned an army seminars war genesis orders she lifts her hand and the sign appears in the sky and the summoners approach gathering together to open a portal and from it a host of monsters descend upon the battlefield okay that's not good iliana whispers and above them saturn nine watches the battle a wounded cable is brought forward and he questions why she doesn't stop this and the queen shakes her head explaining that none of these events rest on her suddenly cable isn't listening anymore as scott's voice rings out in his head hang in there i'm on my way he tells his son and in the sword installation gene and the cuckoos redirect the link to magic so captain i take it things are dire and the weather's looking grim it ain't great and honestly you're cutting it pretty close i was worried you weren't going to make it she tells them difficult people complicated times want to kick the door open for us magic smiles slamming her sword into the ground energy cracking as she opens a portal above the citadel revealing a massive sword installation as it descends upon them from the installation descends a host of krakow and mutants to me my x-men gene cries to them and in seconds the x-men are in the fight rogue punching through the demons while gambit is throwing his cards domino firing guns letting luck aid her aim while moonstar fires her bow and at the head of the charge scott and jean grey stand launching their attacks into the horde of amenth but apocalypse stands against his wife as she drives her blade into his stomach bringing out blood and a cry of pain the fight is all i have left annihilation cannot be beaten she snarls at him and he reaches for her grabbing a hold of her body surrendering is not the same thing as losing i can heal the breach i can make us whole he tells her and for a second genesis seems to waver but the mask takes a hold of her once more throwing apocalypse away purple lightning cracking through the air as dennis's orders the summoners to bring forth the full darkness of a month above them cable looks down on the battle he knows that they've lost can you put me down there if this is how it ends i want to be with my family he tells sadder9 but she doesn't even look at him what card were you dealt boy she asks and cable hangs his head as he tells her the fool yes a fool with a sword and only a fool would think that that is actually what he's holding she says glancing at him for a moment cable ponders this before looking at the blade in his hands i am such an idiot he hisses as he reaches out with the connection telling ileana and his parents that he needs them to come get him in moments they are all inside of the sword installation with scott helping his son as he reaches out with the sword powering up the station opening the door to other dimensions that they had sealed not so long ago as the monsters move forward out of the sword installation magic swings her blade opening up a new portal allowing the techno monsters to descend upon the battlefield the creatures move through the summoners in a blur slashing and killing as they swell forward genesis is distracted by these creatures these monsters that have come out of space and time she swings her blade slashing through them and in a blur of motion apocalypse is on her slamming her into the ground before tearing that mask off of her face the energy cracks as he bellows and he fights against that power then everyone turns to see this titanic struggle go on finish it saturday night whispers from above as genesis is shocked as she watches her husband place the mask upon his own face i am remade annihilation the end of all things he rumbles in a dark voice and genesis looks at her husband whoever defeats the helm claims the helm whoever wears the crown controls the land and the helm controls them she whispers but apocalypse is struggling against the helm's control he is fighting it and the dark voice is speaking through him telling him that he cannot win this fight that his will is not strong enough and finally apocalypse straightens with genesis looking up questioning what her husband is doing what needs to be done he says as he raises his sights to saturn nine go on she calls to him and the dark voice begins to scream no no it bellows but apocalypse is in control now do you see me saturn nine apocalypse annihilation he calls to her and she nods as he falls to his knees then see clearly i surrender the helm screams in rage and saturn nine nods accepting she mounts shogo and the two descend upon the battlefield the dragon fire burning out destroying every fabric of reality it touches she lands before apocalypse the helm still bellowing its rage and she reaches out taking it from his head she cannot change it but she morphs it and shifts it to make it more manageable it will still be corrupting but now it won't have dominion over its wielder she says she shifts the helm into a scepter and turns to the gathered armies the contest now over other world is triumphant krakowa survives and aracho yields but she looks at those gathered saturn declares that one mutant from each side must leave their land to stay with the enemy i demand a show of good faith she tells them and she turns to genesis asking what mutant she chooses to stand with a rakko can i choose you my love genesis asks apocalypse as she takes his hand and he nods but he warns her that he is not the same mutant that she left all those years ago saturn nine nonce turning and asking who speaks for krakowa scott steps forward but apocalypse stays with him in this i speak for krakowa i choose the mutant island of arako he states saturnine raises an eyebrow reminding apocalypse about the mutants who live on that island and he nods drawing a smile from saturn nine that wasn't in the carts well done apocalypse she says and with a crack of energy she orders everyone to leave as everyone does begin to leave scott and jean step up to apocalypse asking if there's anything that the mutant would like them to tell the council just one thing i will see you all again one day apocalypse says before leaving with his family with the contest over things return to some form of normalcy jubilee is reunited with shogu the sword installation returns to the heavens and storm returns the sword to wakanda though the trust is broken and cannot be easily returned the quiet council has been broken the start of the end in the citadel the captain britain corps has been reestablished loyal nice to saturday night opal luna saturn 9 the rightful ruler of otherworld long may she reign as cyclops and his children cable and rachel stand on a cliff staring at the aracho point cable asks so how is this supposed to work i would be lying if i thought anything i was about to tell you would make sense that'll do my best the aracho point is a small dormant piece of a racco that joined with krakowa the two halves of it are a single island okara right now krakowa is pushing the arako point away from itself disengaging the smaller island because that's where the eternal gate is located which by inverting the gate is supposedly how we'll be able to get the whole of a rako here cable says okay but again how's that work cyclops stops him honestly i have no idea cable just then the gate activates bringing a bright pink light and as it fades a rakko appears as the roots begin to intertwine they suddenly stop and pull away with cable asking if it's just him or does something feel wrong like it doesn't look like there's any love on these islands cyclops says no son it appears that there is not so later at the quiet council cypher says that he's got bad news merging a ratco in krakowa to create okara is not going to happen there's not going to be a reunification of the islands which is saddening because that was the entire point of the ten of swords bout and tournament xavier asks why not cypher says that it's been a thousand years they don't seem to be interested in the idea honestly he isn't sure they even like each other anymore so magneto then asks what was the point of all of this the swords the rituals the tournament xavier asks seifer if possible would he ask if there's any way for their islands to find a common ground cypher size are you willing to change your mind buddy and krakowa responds he tells everyone that krakkoa says that there really isn't an issue on their end it's the other island and its intractability he can't really stress how different they sound it might extend to all of them as well storm asks who in cypher says the mutants of a ratco there's something else that he found when they were talking as well it would seem that there are about 20 times as many mutants on a ratco as there are on krakkoa these are mutants that were in a different dimension and they've aged and evolved differently emma says that that's a problem well beyond two islands talking to each other what are they going to do with all of those mutants cyprus says well that feels like an entirely different conversation than this one doesn't it so later on a raccoon a creature begins to peek out from the brush when it suddenly its head is cut off iska the unbeaten steps out stated that she doesn't assume that they know much about these creatures you'll have to root them out entirely these demons they reproduce asexually and if you leave one alive in a month it will breed an entire pack this is how the fallen world was yes everything can kill you but any apathy would kill you just as surely as tooth and claw so we make sure understand leave no enemy alive ever magneto tells her i understand but you can never be too careful however charles is a hopeless romantic it's unfortunate that he is quick to trust and gives a wide berth isca says that she will keep that in mind so how do they wish to proceed with the situation charles says that she can expand on what she thinks the situation is so iska says that she has spoken with cipher was his name right he has informed her of the intention of a rat code the islands will remain as two islands but the question is what of their two peoples xavier says of course well before we can get to that we have brought a gift a gateway flower it will enable us to travel from morocco to krakowa without having to cross the water iska smiles stating he's their travel for comfort xavier tells her yes as to the other what does she propose intentions beyond peace of some kind of unification they were hoping for a coalition or to offer some kind of shared power structure between the two islands isca says that the great ring of araco is the government on this island and they have been for the last thousand years what of yours magneto says that krakow's government is the quiet council it's a noble body of full of wise leaders who will rule for a thousand years and beyond isca pauses for a moment and then says i see through you all the way to the truth you are children running a child government which of course is not necessarily a bad thing just inexperienced and prone to bearing fruit of that tree why don't you tell me of this world that you will rule tell me of your earth xavier tells you that it is a beautiful place it has its problems but what world does it however you should know we do not rule it we share it with humanity this guy asks what is humanity as in humans i'm surprised that that's a thing that persists here still thousands of years growth intervention survival these have a way of sharpening a tool and if you share the world with humanity then they must be formidable worthy of this impasse magneto says that they are just men and isca pauses again when she speaks she tells them that she knows that they are both from different ways of life time has changed their two lands changed them she needs them to listen to her they are hard people made harder by war they have no peace in them perhaps with time with a little grace they can become as the people of krakowa are accepting gentle soft but she must warn the people of krakowa do not come to this place again like this with dreams in your heads and flowers in your hands for this is a land of swords as eska leaves she sheaths her sword telling them that she will take their offer to the ring they will consider it later back on krakkoa gene asks xavier if he thinks that there's going to be a problem xavier says that he thinks that they will need to be at their strongest to weather these uncertain times with their resignation an apocalypse's prolonged possible permanent absence from the council there are two open seats on the quiet council magneto then says that there should be a vote of course but they will need the numbers to push it through gene your reclamation should be a formality scott your reputation should make yours one as well gene and cyclops look at each other for a moment and then they'd both turn back stating no they do not wish to be on xavier and magneto's government magneto scowls why not gene tells them because they both feel that they have something more important to do right now the x-men if there's going to be one thing that her and scott have learned through the beginning of this great cohen experiment it's this the people of the nation of krakowa feel like someone is acting on their behalf they feel like this quiet council is doing everything now deciding what's best for the people of krakowa not deciding what is and is not in their best interest but someone who fights for the people of krakowa that's them xavier looks at him and says there's no talking out of this is there and gene says no there isn't magneto asks if they've decided who's going to be on their x-men team the representatives of the actual people of krakowa and cyclops says that they could always hand pick a team to get the job done but that feels wrong xavier asks what do they plan on doing then and cyclops smiles we are going to let the people vote on the x-men across the super cluster of galaxies that make up the sector of this universe quadrant is in turmoil for thousands tens of thousands of years the one thing that has outlasted wars invasions annihilation events and celestial disruptions was what held most of these ancient societies together commerce trade wealth but no matter if it's shia or brood cree or skrull wraith or chameleon the worlds are collapsing and it's only kept in line by the might of the prietor these are not yet the black days of end times but the sun is setting and there's a new regiment on the throne of the shia empire like all new monarchs this is a particularly vulnerable time for zandra court politics and imperial machina nations were bad enough but now the magistrate in waiting has disappeared and when such a situation arises death bird calls on the one group of people that she knows who can find sandra quietly she says that her paramour promised that they not only could do this favor for the empire but that she could trust them was she correct cyclops tells her we do have that quality and frankly we're in the saving the day kind of mood death bird asks how soon can they get here in cyclops smiles an hour later on the chandela jean steps through the flower gate stating that they're here put them to work and smasher tells her that that was fast she'll get everything ready and then head over to the royal chambers a few moments later in front of the palace smasher explains that death bird is keeping things locked down tight and from what she understands zandra disappeared sometime last night she was in the royal wing the guards were on duty and they were found dead but the security footage doesn't show anyone having entered or existed in that room that could either mean that this is an inside job or that whoever this was has the technical prowess to bypass the best security that the shiar empire has to offer storm asks what of the staff and smasher goes on stating normally they're vetted heavily but really in desperate times anything is possible once the team is before the staff death broad says that this is everyone who is on call the night of the abduction oracle says that she probed them all telepathically both as a group and individually and she found nothing so she isn't sure why they're wasting gene stops her we want to be thorough and leave no stone unturned in the hunt for an imperial princess she begins to project herself navigating through the staff's minds she's not looking for a specific action but rather the absence of certain thoughts see the mask for what it truly is when she returns to her body she points that one and the staff in question shouts deaf desandra death to the tyrants but before they get attacked both cyclops and storm hit them knocking them out one of the aides looks down at the assassin stating that the disguise is fading it's stygian their innate resistance to telepathy explains how she got through and as for why well and death bird says yes it's all becoming clear now meanwhile in the catacombs of chandelar sandra's kepter says that the empire has given them these gravity-heavy worlds mind them the shiars said make the empire rich the shiars said the empire will provide them and their people that she are said but where are the she are now where is their money and the gratitude that it buys gone with a great collapse i'm sorry they say no one could have seen this coming we regret that your people starve even more we regret that there's nothing we can do we were told that we should be grateful it is not often that the unseen hand of the subjugation is revealed and revealed to be that of an entitled child were you born evil does your family name narmani taint your entire existence zandra tells her kept her that he has to know that someone will come for her and they kept her last dating do you not see the weapon that i hold that is the great maul of the stygia and with it i have executed every member of your puppet shard government my own blood tasted this metal for i am the justice of my people i am er zandra tells him that he is a monster and er tells her i am what the universe made me what the shiar made me the bill has come due little empress time to pay seconds later the x-men and smasher descend into the catacombs with gene stating that the assassin's mind is like a fog but it is clear that this deep-seated anti-imperial sentiment was always there this financial collapse must have made it worse but she is sure that it wasn't that hard to position their people into place for something like this they clean up after the shiar they wash their clothes they make their food this has probably been a long time coming back with the princess er says that they will make her an example they will break the throne which then breaks the hole the empire has on its vassal world it begins with a blood sacrifice any last words little tyrant zandra says that she has ruled for less than the blink of an eye and that short term has almost certainly been defined by the collapse of the universe is currently facing he has no idea what she would have done but that doesn't matter to him he thinks that he is righteous but this this makes him a murderer so swing true villain we children care so very little for dying badly over sins that we did not commit er scoffs you cannot guilt me with hell we're already in it as ur brings up his mall the wall is blasted and cyclops and storms begin to take down the underlings storm tells smasher to protect the empress they'll handle the rest and er asks is that so is that what you really believe and he cracks cyclops in the back of the head storm quickly turns her focus to er with er asking why so few of you and for a task well beyond bravery and valor you are desperate people i am willing to die here are you as the fighting continues xander tells smasher that she can help the others they can run and send for help and but smasher tells her it won't be necessary she came prepared and presses a button while storm is holding er she tells him that she does not know him but she does know a little of the circumstances here it begs for grace this spot that he finds himself in so for him she has grace but in a small measure stand down er yells never and then there's a rumble with smasher stating we gave him a chance just then the guards burst to the wall with smasher yelling that they want to replace her one day on the imperial guard they want to be the super guardian well this is how they do it protect the throne protect the empire amidst the chaos er raises the mall high above with zandra stating that they may all die to pay but it's a fair price to pay to see the end of the nirmani rule as ur brings the hammer down with all his strength storm deflexus stating that wherever tomorrow finds him remember he was warned so later back in the throne room jean says congratulations your majesty you're back where you belong with only a slight headache for the trouble sandra says yes she is returned but changed death bird has educated her on how to handle these complicated times in the winter an iron hand is never a good idea storm asks what are the priests and those involved in the plot sandra smirks the good people of stygia will be sent home as for ur well he's a bit of a zealot in a brute i'm punishing him he'll be a diplomat to the throne on the matters of stitchia i am making the true believer a politician hypocrisy is a fate worse than death wouldn't you say and as for you storm of a vanquisher of a rebellion and a friend of the throne to you i owe a debt and in the coming days should you need anything of me feel free to collect at any time [Music] in south america there is the vault it's unknown what is really in there with the help of some fellow mutants a team was able to sneak inside however inside of the vault time flows differently it waves and wanes in temporal tides the team to get inside would consist of sync darwin and x-23 their objective was to ascertain the threat level and potential weakness of the vaults and the full capabilities of what lies within and those of the children these mutants have the ability to heal live forever and if they were to finally die in the vault due to the mutants new technology they would be reborn with those memories they could report back to the x-men so as the team enters they see a massive city before them sync asks how many people could fit in here a million maybe more darwin tells them that it could certainly hold that but it's pretty unlikely one of the main reasons that they have entered is because they don't know enough about the mutants of the vault it's been theorized that for whatever the reason the children of the vault have engaged in strict population control and after scanning the area it would seem that that is true the city is pretty sparsely populated sink borrows darwin's abilities and looks for himself telling him that he's right maybe they can do this and not be seen just get home in time for dinner x23 tells them that that isn't going to happen if they don't keep it down sync looks at her asking himself how would he feel about that an x23 looks back at him taking out her claws asking what are you looking at sync just smiles telling himself that he feels pretty good soon the team moves out with any luck they'll be out in a few days weak tops however as the three descend into the vault in the center of it is the dome and the dome is watching it begins to process one of the next children uploading their memories and objects informing her and the others that the vault will remain closed current child level is two level three is necessary for successful operation and subjugation for external environment warning asymmetrical breach scanning for contagion scan complete to subjects unidentified class unknown level unknown anomaly detected protected the city protect the city and just as the recon team reaches the lowest levels of the city they are greeted by the children each with their own special abilities as soon as the elevator door opens one of them sends a fiery blast into the tube with another one stating that she doesn't smell anything the intruders must have gotten off before they reach the bottom floor x-23 leaps down from above stabbing one of the children and nearly rips her in half the fire user blasts sink in x-23 quickly jumps in slamming her claws into the child while reaching back telling sync to take her powers to heal however sync doesn't copy x-23s he copies the fire users and with no idea as to why he could since he can only take the powers of mutants he doesn't question it and incinerates two more of the children the final child screams that they're going to pay for that but before x-23 could attack sync grabs her stating that the kid is going to blow they need to get clear the kid says that it's always the same with the mutants thinking that they can run from this well run all you want run as fast as you can it's not going to matter you can't outrun us you can't outrun the future the mission for the team was to take back what they learned and escape with that knowledge they did their best and on day one they already knew they had no idea how they were gonna get home that explosion took out a good chunk of the city and thanks to x-23s healing they managed to survive barely the destroyed part of the city needed to be rebuilt this would be strange but not for the people of the vault this was normal survive this is what they needed to do now in the first 50 years for sync x23 and darwin those were the longest the team began to build out their own stronghold the children must have thought nothing of it or assumed they were dead because there were no attempts to locate the three of them they laid low and they set up inside of the outer ring to avoid the builders that were engaged in the edge of creation darwin found out pretty quickly that there were also genetic sniffers built into most of the architect of the city his body adapted to shed a field of the child gene replica to mask their comings and goings later on they learned to either recognize or avoid them or disable or fool them the city would pulse and breathe as it underwent the ebb and flow of the evolutionary leaps the team would time their reconnaissance missions for when the city slept and the children grew two months of dormancy for every two of growth during their season night the team haunted the dreams of those sleeping children by the end of the sixth of those cycles they gained a surface understanding of the vault city mapping of the power nodes hatching chambers in the brain of the city itself it was just enough time for fear to have disappeared and their thin layer of knowledge to hide an ocean of ignorance the child madre exists inverted from the rest of the children while they sleep she works and while they live and grow she rests on their first pass through the creche where like their mutant arbor magna the bodies of the reborn children classes wait for rebirth and upgrade the team would then avoid confrontation for their first attempt inside but on their second visit to the rebirth pods their luck ran out they made a mistake and mistakes have consequences their mistake wasn't getting caught it was their plan of how to deal with this happening they had established a safe house of sorts as close to the inner ring of the vault as possible they prepared an exit strategy which included leaving behind evidence of their second death inside their error was believing that if they were caught and gave the children a win it would be enough and that their defeat would satisfy the children but they would treasure the trophy they didn't understand that these people don't celebrate victory they take their trophy and use it for other means primarily beating you to death with it when they had taken their game of little discoveries and survival as far as they could they decided to change the rules seize fire from the source acclimate real knowledge the child diamante was a living repository of the vault's history his power was memory he knew the city and everything that the city knew years ago the x-men had an encounter with the children of the vault these were the first generation of children and from their defeat at the hands of mutant dumb earth's first post-humans learned that they had to evolve and the second generation of children was produced and let loose on the world these children were captured dissected and repurposed by the orcas as potential weapons at the creation of their nation state one of them seraphina escaped and when the city learned of their fate it was decided that yet another evolutionary leap was needed this was the third and final generation of the children before they were released from the vault to claim the earth as their own and with this they learned what they needed it was time for the recon team to return home but x-23 darwin and sync could not return home even after 100 years with this knowledge they could not find a way through the vault shield trapping them inside in their temporal prison they only had one option continue to study continue to learn until they found a way to escape and make their way home and eventually at the apex of a dormant cycle they gambled and infiltrated the heart of the vault the city itself they gambled and they lost the children had laid out the perfect trap and they had waited patiently for decades for them to walk right into it in retrospect it was obvious they went after darwin x23 and sync were an afterthought though x-23 was captured as well sink spent decades no longer alone in his thoughts survival and observation could only fill so many hours or weeks or years living at the whim of post-humanity's stirred memories looming death inevitable death demanding an audience with the ghosts of his childhood sink waited and collected and built and as he walks up to x-23's prison he thought back on something that his father said to him once son most people don't know how to explain it but i sure do so listen carefully do you know the difference between caring for someone and loving for them if you love someone then you're willing to die for them and that's the difference that's how you know it's real sink lived that day that he rescued x-23 he could have died but he did it anyway so the two planed again this time to get darwin and when they found him they knew what the vault was going to do with him they were using his ability to adapt and amplified it to bring the fourth generation of children out but atomized him repeatedly right now sync and x23 had to escape and the only way would be to go through the shield that would ultimately end them however sync built something that could disrupt it long enough to allow them through though it would still hurt like hell the professor needs to know what is going on they have to tell the x-men sink and x-23 throw themselves through the barrier reverting to their younger selves but nearly killing themselves in doing so of course the children came and x-23 told sync that one of them has to make it and he doesn't have powers she might not be able to stop them but she will be able to slow them down he saved her once now let her save him sink managed to escape but hardly made any difference between him and the vault before he was struck down by the children he called out to the professor asking if he could hear him and what answered was the children telling him that he will die here that they're going to wipe his kind for the face of the planet they are the future not the x-men later reborn sink with all of his memories crawls out of his pod reborn the professor heard him he made it back he was resurrected with the secrets of the vault what they had become what they were becoming and some ideas of how to stop them that's just information data here's what he really learned friend confident partner lover those are human words to describe a human relationship measured in human ears and he can still hear him his father stating that he loved his mother so much that they were willing to die for her human words useless words love is not dying for someone it's living for them sink watches as x23 is reborn the woman that he just spent decades with the woman that he now loves he begins to think of the lifetimes that he got to spend with her in there that he knew her better than anyone else on the planet more than anyone will ever know now and he wonders how do you explain this to her how do you tell her about everything how do you even start that conversation because since she died in the vault she doesn't have the memories x23 stares at him popping her claws asking what are you looking at and sink smiles yeah okay that'll work [Music] as mystique looks around at forge's lab forge tells her that the problem is that she tells a creative person like him that they need something that'll leave an impression that could be taken in a number of ways because there's like blowing up stuff and then there's sowing raised earth with salt so as to never see life exist here again so exactly how much of an impression are you trying to make mystique she looks at one of the many weapons on the walls telling him that she has annihilation on her mind and looking at all the things here she has come to the right place but that does bring about a particular question how does one sleep at night surrounded by all of this forge pauses for a moment and tells her that he sleeps just fine take a stick for instance you can craft it and shape it into something or you could use it to beat someone to death it's a simplistic argument a human argument but that's how he sees it the combustible engine computer processes atomic energy genetic engineering look at all of the glorious things that humankind has made they take a useful tool and then they find a way to use it for destruction both human and mutant tools it's what they do it's the lie that humans tell themselves we started with such good intentions now he won't lie when he makes something he makes it with a single function and purpose be it a tool or a weapon which brings them back to the stick in the end it's not the instrument that matters is the one who wields it and the kind of person that they are so how do you sleep at night mystique she pauses for a moment tells him that she sleeps fine so later at the house of mystique presents the weapon that forge made stating that he called it a microscopic singularity generator apparently when it goes off it'll release a miniature black hole that will exist for a fractional amount of time before collapsing in on itself it will eat the orchest forge but it won't be big enough to reach sentinel city or their systems on the orbital platforms anything larger they'd risk the sun magneto looks at her of course because if there's one thing that this seems to be an exercise in it's restraint mystique tells him that this isn't some kind of selective surgery it's cancer cut it out at the root treating it in some other way does no one any good leave no doubt that's what you want here isn't it charles looks at her it's possible that up to this point we've over managed the job so you're the one executing it perhaps we should leave the details of the mission to you in the end the only thing that matters is preventing nimrod from coming online mystique scoffs so the slaughter starts and you want your hands clean such leadership here at krakowa magneto says that this isn't servitude they made a deal anytime she wishes to end it she could simply let them know that she is not the right tool for the job charles adds you are among other monsters some who do not lie to themselves about what they are mystique suits up when i return successful you'll have irene moved to the front of the resurrection queue right magneto tells her of course and charles says we made a deal only your failure prevents its completion so later at the orchest forge dr greger gathers her scientists around stating that this is it the crystal that she holds is something wonderful it's human life her husband's in fact before he died saving this station aramis was a subject of a very special experiment the idea behind it was that using holographic memories grown in crystalline shells she could properly restore the essence the extrapolation of the saved data back into a human body the container would have to be the same material self-healing and replicating to keep up with the violent rebirth of a man but alive and returned from the abyss so they are gathered here today to witness the resurrection of aramus if successful the greatest achievement of her life a scientific marvel and yet her only concern is love as gregor places the crystal inside of the nimrod body everyone watches as it comes to life and asks ella i feel so strange gregor says that she knows and he must be so very confused it's a partitioned memory node for when he is ready he can access it and know all that has happened slowly this is not just then aramis accesses all of the events and screams as he calms down he tells her i died i died you wept the world changed and you brought me back gregor says yes he is back but not in flesh and blood in a form where they can never hurt him again aramis begins to access all of nimrod's features stating that the capabilities and the things that he is able to do they are incredible duplications energy absorption weapons systems tactical databases he has more than he was but he cannot give her a child gregor says that it doesn't matter what matters is that he is back and that'll do until the end of days as aramis hugs gregor he stops for a moment and then he points that that's a mutant all of the scientists turned to the one that airmas pointed to and mystique in disguise yells crap as she changes back she says congratulations on all of your success here it's quite an achievement i'll make sure that you're fully credited when i carve it into your tombstones mystique activates forges bomb and throws it and aramis replicates himself to send one body after mystique while tending to the bomb gregor says that she knows a bomb when she sees one an aramis says yes but this this is more hard shell atomic decay anti-proton singularity gregor then asks if this is meant to destroy the entire station and aramis tells her yes you built this body with an internal translocator it used the mass of this machine as a counter lever matter displacement i can regrow rebuild any mass lost by the host machine can be replaced but the infinite data has been portioned equally we have to wait for the memory core to grow and replicate throughout the host body if we were to lose one of the bodies the portion of them will be lost as well gregor tells him no she can't lose him again she can't but aramis says i am so sorry for what i am about to do but i am as i always have been and i would never save myself if the sacrifice meant losing you duplicate the duplicate walks gregor away stating think of it this way my love you brought me back so that i could save you one more time so i will as aramis uses his host body to teleport himself in the singularity bomb out it explodes disappearing within seconds the duplicate tells her it is done the station is secure gregor looks up are are you in there my love the duplicate looks at her we are so sorry for what we were about to tell you up ahead mystique runs towards the flower game but before she can pass through nimrod grabs her telling her that she should take a good look you have failed when you return home tell your masters today that i was bored through existence and the first thing that i experienced beyond the love for my creator was pain and loss at your hands i am nimrod the hunter and you were my beginning i swear i will see your end as nimrod fires a blast into mystique's stomach launching her through the gate later she breaks out of her resurrection pod and magneto says that they tried to save her but she died from her wounds immediately after her return but now that she is reborn so do tell what happened she coughs you backed up my mind you know what happened magneto looks at her i want you to say it i i failed it's online nimrod is online charles looks at her this changes everything and magneto says in short time it'll clarify others we need to but charles stops them yes no point in putting it off we should do that now as they turn to leave mystique crawls towards them wait wait what what about irene and charles looks down at her what about her [Music] as the guests gather around for the reception of the first ever cohen hellfire gala neymar sits on the balcony staring off into the ocean after finishing his glass of wine and getting another he looks to see charles and magneto and he tells them both congratulations on the party it seems well attended if this were the event and these were the attendees one might desire charles tells him thank you you are of course our north star of all of our invited guests magneto tells them yes and you grace us with your presence we are honored and humbled namor neymar takes another drink and after a short pause he asks how is the empire building charles laughs that depends entirely on forming new alliances to dissuade new adversaries that have swooped in to fill the vacuum of vanquished old enemies to that end have we reached the inevitable time when you'll throw your lot in with ours magneto tells him that's a question of influence changes are coming to the quiet council we can offer you a seat name or looks at them offer i'm fairly certain that if i was to step foot in the council chamber there would be a rush to surrender a seat to me even if one was not available frauds tend to flee at the sight of a true aristocrat i am a real king after all never forget that charles says then he should return home claim his rightful place among his people i say this truly as night when i dream i dream the entire world is under my thumb i am seated on the throne of thrones and the people human mutant and all living beings under the sun they cry out and cheer with love and affection for the blind to finally see me as i really am which i can assure you is not me being on a console with those who pretend to be my peers charles and magneto stay quiet to this and namor finishes his glass i have dominion over 70 of the planet you currently control what an island get back to me when you have something actually to offer until then my interests whatever they may be will remain divided later cyclops and gene stand up asking if they may have everyone's attention they've reached the point in the evening when it's time to introduce to them their newest team of x-men of course before they do that they have to be selected gene gene calls out to everyone telepathically stating that she requests they open their minds to her mutants across the globe listen in and once they are all present jean begins to go forward and with just a few moments she smiles stating that it is done done and well step forward rogue sunfire wolverine sink and polaris ladies and gentlemen humans and mutants i give you your x-men the rest of the party for the evening goes off without a hitch everyone's celebrating and having fun as the new team of x-men is formed for the night's end emma frost tells everyone that it is an interesting thing an ending yes it is often simply a matter of perspective what seems to be an ending for you might be a beginning for someone else or more appropriately what seems to be an ending of an occasion let's call it a party or a gala might be the start of a new proceeding altogether a second event unto itself expansion if i were to put a word to it i would connect all of your minds all of you human and mutant and what i want to offer is a unique view of the show you can refuse of course but fair warning this is one of those where were you when moments and it would be a shame if being closed-minded made you miss it everyone begins to open up their minds to emma and she tells them that that's it take a deep breath and a soft exhale fireworks at the evening's end which is not the end at all but the beginning of a new age [Music] with the hellfire gala underway emma frost promised the world that this night would be the most consequential night in the storied history of mutant kind and she was right there were fireworks but not the typical kind that one might expect it would take power immense power and precision for the mutants were not just showing the world their feats they were in fact creating life on mars they cracked open the surface creating a molten iron core and then sealed it they let it stir they let it build this plan begun four days prior when magneto came to isca with his idea it would take a few days to gather the resources that he needed and the mutants to help but his plan would be one that would allow the mutants to prosper once the pieces were in place only then did iska offer her assistance laktuka the knower sir borner of the depths and zelo the first offender of this broken land they will help him in his quest but now as the warriors of aratco are known for with the mars sustaining its new heated core la tuca would offer his blood he'll mark this land with his body and from his unique chemistry he would create oceans now with water and land storm marries them with the winds that will nourish this mutant garden world xylo unravels himself passing through the very soil creating the life that the universe took millennias to create only in a matter of mere hours and with that the helmets can be lifted and there is now life on mars mutant life finally with the help of gene grace a borner uses his powers now amplified to pull all of oraco and its mutants land and all to the now livable planet for the second time in as many weeks araco is uprooted koa and its lush greenery remain rooted on the third planet in the solar system while the ratco's red flora finds purchase on the fourth planet in the system the external gate is aimed exactly on target slingshotting the island millions of miles into space a rakkai fought bravely for every inch of land that they've ever held and now perhaps their constant warring was at an end racco exhales it is another day of conquest for this living land but for the first time it is a bloodless victory at dawn hellas bassin was one of the largest impact craters in the solar system lake helles was transformed into a placement to challenge the arakai casting them into a new role that of host the lake hellas diplomatic ring is where the sole system hopes to end a wars before they can begin diplomats will receive full protections of their station while they work on lake helles but travel beyond its borders and they will be subject to iraqi law thousands of years have fallen away since the two lands were won and in that time millions of mutant lives have lived loved fought and died in lands near and far the only question uttered when the dead pile of the high was why perhaps it was so that this dawn could come araco defeated its enemies and now it faces its greatest threat peacetime they will not face their struggle alone as the two islands have become one in the sea of stars no war will be made in this valley it is a sacred place to remember the ones that did not reach this promised land but there is still more work to be done and that is why the monarch is here gene tells them that she has an idea an infectious idea one that will seed itself deep in one's mind and because he cannot help but create to warp and change reality it is an idea that she thinks that he will give birth to as gene and quinton touch the monarch's mind he sees their vision and says oh the monarch grabs his stomach as it swells and quinton asks what is uh happening and jesus wait oh god he took me literally a few moments later monarch gives birth to a space station gene holds the large station with her mind and tosses it into the sky telling magneto to catch magneto does telling them back on the surface to breathe easy sword station two is in orbit and ready to defend aracho jean kneels down telling monarch that she hopes that that was fun for him she is pinching off the pain receptors while elixir patches him back up monarch laughs telling her that she really knows how to show a fella a good time somebody owes him supper as monarch gets up putting on his cape he says that he supposes it'll need a control tower right instead of birthing the next one monarch holds out his hands creating a control tower telling him that he presents port prometheus it's only fair they can't invite the galaxy without being able to provide parking gene says okay now we can return to the party to the hellfire gala and elixir tells her that he actually has a feeling that the party is about to come to them once the flower gate finishes growing the goers of the hellfire gala begin to step through with magneto welcoming them telling them welcome my friends to planet orecco and there you go what we did for donovak now there was a debate in the office to do those missing six issues but honestly it's just more world building and we thought we just needed to move forward with the x-men the conclusion of this is the brand new x-men team and we will be covering the new run of that new team right here at the comic story and channel so please consider sticking around by hitting that like button hitting that subscribe button and well you know just checking back on a regular basis thank you so much for you guys continued support and i'll see you next time right here at comic store
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 161,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, xmen, x-men, x men, wolverine, magneto, professor x, xmen in the mcu, funny xmen moments, cyclops, marvel comics, jean grey, apocalypse, mcu, storm, mutants, x-men apocalypse, x-men in the mcu, animated x men
Id: cZTBqNy6Qyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 54sec (8634 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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