6 Raid Bosses That TORE Guilds Apart in Burning Crusade - Classic WoW TBC

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hey everyone new media here so with burning crusader on the horizon i wanted to talk about the raiding encounters that tbc brought and specifically go over the most infamous and challenging ones players had to face back in the day vanilla classic while raiding brought some awesome raiding encounters that players had a blast re-experiencing but with tbc blizzard saw the opportunity of raiding and how players were always looking forward to clearing more and more raiding content as a cohesive group and they doubled down on that for tbc no longer would you have to fight bosses that had just a couple abilities at most now bosses would be way more complex and challenging and with raid sizes being shrunk down from 40 to 25 players it meant that everyone had to perform to the best of their ability no longer could you rely on a couple people to outperform that 40th slacker in your raid and go away with it encounters were designed for active 25 players in mind and the stories i'm gonna tell you about today all but prove that so in no particular order let's go over six of the hardest raid bosses that tore guilds apart in tbc number 1 kelpass so when you think of tough raid bosses this is the first one that comes to mind kel'thuz was for the longest time the hardest boss that guilds ever had to face in world of warcraft he went through so many nerfs before getting killed that the next raid black temple was released 10 days without anyone being able to zone in because no one could down kel'thuz keltas was a complex five-phase fight that required an excellent coordination perfect healing tanking and dps and also a bit of luck involved the fight would start with you fighting each one of the four advisors of keltas one after the other those mini bosses were tough by themselves then after you managed to kill all of them their weapons would get to life and now you had to fight all their weapons at once after you killed their weapons they would drop a legendary item which is basically each weapon you were fighting and those were necessary to deal with some mechanics later on so you would have to assign a weapon to a specific player of your raid mainly tanks to deal with those mechanics later and then after you managed to do that kael'thas would now resurrect all of his advisors at once which were a pain in the butt to fight individually and now you have to fight all of them at once and deal with all their mechanics simultaneously you had to kill all four of them fast enough if you had more than one or two advisors overlapping the next phase it pretty much meant a wipe so that was a dps check by itself and then during the next phase you could finally fight keltas himself who had multiple abilities that could easily wipe your raid if not dealt with correctly this fight was just a classical increasingly more chaotic fight that could overwhelm you if you just messed up one aspect of it and the worst part about it is that during its first iteration kael'thas was not only way too overtuned but also super buggy and that's the reason why it required so many nerfs for nehelem to get him down but even after he was killed by nihilum no one could kill him after that so blizzard had to nerf him even more number 2 archimonde archimonde is the last boss of mount hyjal and as far as bosses that would punish you for one misstep this one took the crown archimonde was a simple one-faced fight that had four main abilities to deal with but where the difficulty of this fight lied was a combination of not being able to do anything half of the fight and if one death occurs it would lead to a trickle-down effect where more and more players are gonna die until your whole raid is wiped and on top of all of that archimonde has an enraged timer that would just wipe everyone instantly with his iconic hand of death ability so the reason i was saying you couldn't do anything on this fight for most of the time is because of three abilities one air burst which is a knock away effect that would toss everyone around in a certain area in the air leaving you unable to cast any spells or do any melee attacks for the duration that you're airborne and number two doomfire which is a huge patch of fire that would follow a random person in the raid and sporadically switch to another player randomly and then on top of all of that archaemont also periodically fears everyone in your raid for 8 seconds so with all of that combined you can clearly see how frustrating this fight can be you're basically not in control of your character from either being knocked in the air feared or fleeing from the doom fire combine that with the fact that archimonde hits your tank like a truck you can clearly see how small real estate your healers have to heal and they need to be completely focused on keeping either themselves alive or the tanks if anyone messed up and ends up walking or being unlucky by being feared in a doom fire they're pretty much gonna die and if anyone dies archimonde gains a buff called soul charge which basically means that more and more players are gonna die after this leading to more soul charges and more deaths so this fight is just a survival fight where you're just incapacitated for most of the time coupled with a race to getting him down before he enrages so you can see why so many guilds had a tough time on archimonde number 3 lady vash lady vash is one of those fights that went through multiple nerfs before girls could finally down it it's a simple three-phase encounter where you fight vash herself with all her different abilities then fight mobs that come in waves and loot an item from them that lets you enable generators around the room to transition into phase 3 and then once you do that phase 3 is basically the same as phase 1 but with one specific nuance added to it you now have spores that deal a ton of aoe nature damage and spawn faster and faster the longer it takes for you to finish her in phase 3 so it's basically a race to getting her down as soon as possible otherwise it's back to square one as i said this fight went through many different iterations both nerfing her values down but also nerfing how mechanics work and fixing many bugs along the way that made her unkillable the footage you're seeing here on screen is method which managed to do the word second kill on flash back in 2007 in patch 2.0 and uh let's see what buffs they were using oh is that world buffs yeah war buffs were still a thing from patch 2.0 to best 2.1 and as you can see guilds were using them to get many bosses down that deserves a video on its own and i'll probably make one in the future to talk about this issue number 4 muru muru is probably the most popular boss for being an absolute roadblock in tbc sk gaming was the first guild to down this boss back in 2008 and in order to do that they had to basically bring 20 plus players with leather working to rotate drums of battle and they also had to bring five shamans one for each group to do bloodlust for the whole raid to even have a chance to down this boss this was the extent to what players had to go back in 2008 to get the final blow on muru that coupled with the fact that this boss was very overtuned he was also a boss that got nerfed multiple times before any reasonable number of guilds could down him muru is a simple two-phase fight where you first fight muro himself and a bunch of ad waves that spawn throughout phase one and then you have to fight entropius who deals an incredibly large amount of shadow aoe damage throughout phase two the difficulty of this fight resides in the fact that not only would the waves of ads spawn way too quick for anyone who wasn't using those crazy methods to be able to kill them before getting overwhelmed let alone being able to damage muru himself but also because you had to have a completely perfect transition into phase 2 to even stand any chance to be able to kill entropias fast enough this boss is considered by many the number one hardest boss in the history of world of warcraft and rightfully so number 5 brutalis while we're in sanwei plateau let's talk about brutalis the definition of a gear check brutalis was the second boss of sonora plateau and he was basically a patchwork on steroids but with more abilities for one he dealt a ridiculous amount of dps to your tank anyone who wasn't wearing full tier 6 gear would get clapped in one hit and then as you were fighting brutalis you had to think mainly about two things one his six minutes enraged timer which by the way was way faster than any guilds could pump at the time and two his meteor slash ability which was both the tank swab ability and the group soaking mechanic so you had to split your raid in two groups each group taking turns and soaking three meteor slash stacks and then swapping with the other group and by then melees were becoming extremely powerful at the start of patch 2.4 thanks to both having warglaives from illidan and the elixir of demons laying rogues and fury warriors were among the best dps classes to bring for this fight but to take advantage of their dps they needed to be behind the boss at all times meaning that they couldn't soak the meteor slash so bring too many melees and you couldn't survive the meteor slash bring too little and you couldn't bring bertallos down fast enough it was an extremely hard endeavor for many many guilds because very little melees by then were geared enough to be able to do enough damage to brutalis let alone having two warglaives and since melee sucked on the damage meters for the majority of the expansion many guilds straight up didn't have any so many guilds got stuck on this gear check of a fight for months similarly to home many guilds got stuck on four horsemen because they just didn't have eight tanks at their disposal and i wanted to include this boss to talk about this one point that i think many players are completely ignoring for tbc you get a ton of players saying that melees just suck in tbc and they just don't bring anything to the raids so everyone who's playing a warrior or a rogue right now in classic is already thinking about switching to another class but i want you to reconsider that for a second because warriors and rogues will become extremely valuable classes once they manage to get their hands on some tier 6 gear or a set of warglaives couple that with the elixir of demon slaying and you will become a killing machine and any gills that are smart enough will want to have a few trustworthy rogues and warriors early on and gear them for black temple and sunwell so i would consider that if you're thinking about completely abandoning your warrior or rogue for tbc number six illidari console so black temple was cleared in less than two weeks by nihilum in tbc this raid was not exactly the most challenging great blizzard ever offered in fact it was probably the easiest raid in tbc all along but black temple had a few memorable and challenging bosses to offer the most challenging one probably being the ilidari consul this fight is a four mini boss fight which had their health poles linked you had lady milond zerevor gaffios and varus each boss required a designated tank and you even had to have a mage tank for zerevor each of those bosses had their own long list of abilities to worry about i'm not gonna go over each one of them but the gist of this fight is basically to manage to nail the pole to avoid having this fight go out of hand quickly and then to have a perfect interrupt rotation on lady milan so that she doesn't heal every boss this boss is not the hardest one but because there's so many things that players need to manage all at once guilds back then would easily get overwhelmed and it's not uncommon to have guilds one-shotting every other boss in black temple and then getting stuck on this fight for a week or two now the big question is since so many players are mowing through the raiding content in classic currently do you think tbc raiding will be as challenging as it was back in the day do you think blizzard should bring those iconic bosses on their first iteration pre-nerf or do you think it doesn't really matter and they should just give us the game how it was on the last patch and let us play it like that now is your time give your thoughts in the comments below and maybe someone from blizzard sees this video so take advantage of that that's all i got i hope this trip down memory lane helped you guys remember some of those tough fights we had to overcome back in tbc and if you never play tbc i hope this will be helpful for you in the future if you guys think i missed the boss on this list or if there's a boss that i mentioned that your guild stomped through back in tbc let me know in the comments i'm curious to hear your experience with these encounters with that said remember to have fun take care of yourselves and your loved ones bye for now
Channel: Numidia - Classic WoW
Views: 78,948
Rating: 4.7395144 out of 5
Keywords: Classic WoW, Classic TBC, Burning Crusade, Sunwell Plateau, Black Temple, Tempest Keep, Kil'Jaeden, Brutallus, Kael'Thas, Archimonde, M'uru, Illidari Council, TBC Raids
Id: sM7AVAuUy8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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