How to Hydross The Unstable Guide. 2.4.3 TBC World Of Warcraft

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hello my name is tier stably and in this video I'm going to show you how to kill hydroxy and stable in serpentine cabins it is highly recommended to have two tanks for this boss as I would strongly recommend doing so as well I've attempted killing him with surly tanking in almost full best in slot tier 6 without resistance and I was taking way too much damage for a practical kill also warriors and paladin's are preferred over druids due to the lack of resistance gear available for tanks is the sweet spot 2 for the boss and two dedicated on ads depending on your tanks and quantity of warlocks to banish the ads you can get away with perhaps just one dedicated ad tank or if you want to play it safe you could even have three hunting's for this fight you will need your two tanks with the resistance gear for the best chance of success one with at least 365 frost resistance he will be starting to tank the boss at the beginning and the other with at least 365 nature of assistance gear in this video I am the nature of resist tank there's a lovely wild wiki page documenting the available TBC gear and enchants allowing you to achieve this level of resistance for either tank I am wearing the crafted blacksmithing wild guard pieces and the jewelcrafting pendant of withering and the natural award ring you want to aim for 295 resistance self buffed in order to reach the cap of 365 in raid by means of palden aura hunter aspect or shaman totem please note that 365 is the hard cap for a resistance and any value higher than 365 is wasted with all this gear and flask of chromatic wonder Arcanum of nature warding from salon expedition and a couple of nature armor kits from networking isotope 360 nature assistant self buffed my advice is to grab all the blacksmithing and jewelcrafting items and then the Helmand chant from rev vendor and use a resistance flask protip nature resistance gear is very likely to be cheaper to craft often by a substantial amount as we use two wires for this fight we will be grabbing one or two of the spawns ads on the right hand side that patrol around hydrogen's platform we do this to start with a hundred rage and most importantly so we don't have additional ad in the fight they do stop spawning once the boss is engaged the fosters this tank will then use invisibility potion and stand on the boss this is due to the magic line as we call it the magic line is a line between two flags but I use the texture on the floor for a more accurate Mele reference when hydros passes the magic line he will shift from water to poison form and also summon for ads which deal damage based on which form he has just changed it seems simple right why are you making video guide on this boss great question that's because hydrous has an agro reset at the point of changing form and if the tank you is picking him up messes up either by not preparing for the change not saving rage or high threat spell or indeed if there's bowel misses then things can get out of shape rather quickly I will show you an example here we have a holy paladin pellagra for just a split second but it is long enough between hydras changing form to frost resistant and the tank having a grey so not only does hydros turn from nature to frost which he should and summon for frost ads again which he should but then as the Paladin I guess I grow hydros moves back into the nature side past the magic line and summons another for ads and another our grow reset we have our priests canthus guitar grow from the boss for a split second also before the Paladin this is fine because the boss continues to move to the correct side of the magic line meaning no more ads and now I go reset and the other boss tanker would have picked up the boss a moment later and we'd have been fine but as you can see the other healer in this case the Paulding Ravello is still standing on the nature side of the magic line meaning when the Paladin gets aggro hydros crosses the magic line and hell isn't leash timing is key and relatively easy I said I tanked him in half nature half of a skier with no issues would be picking up through the transitions my advice to warrior tanks at least is to save up 100 rage you can have rage potions if you really need it but ideally you'd be using a haste potion the very most important thing is though saving shield slam you need to make sure shield slam is ready when your phase changing what I like to do is really commit to changing him in the forms and jump and really drag him over when you're changing his form this way you know for sure that he's definitely going to number one phase change but also the room for error for the time scale is minimal you know he's going to change form in about 0.2 seconds or less of changing from one side of the magic line to another so you can really queue up and time your first shield slam at the exact point as well as using this yo slam you want to be spamming heroic strike as soon as he changes color just so if your shields time does miss if you have a heroic strike straight behind it you also won't be stuck spamming your devastate for your next global cooldown unless you have revenge proc in which case of course is revenge for more threat the reason the tank swap is so important is because there's a stacking debuff called mark of hydros which is a raid wide debuff that stacks up to six times increasing frost or nature depending on which form he's in by 10 25 50 100 250 and 500 percent with a 30 second duration refreshing once and every new stack is applied this translates roughly into when your tanks have three or four stacks they're going to be hit very very hard and the way the nature of distance and frost resistance or any resistance works is it's a chance to resist between I think 20 and 75% of the damage so that's going to be very spiky damage on Thanks so just because you've not taken a lot of damage with four stacks for five or six seconds doesn't mean you're not going to go down to temps and HP the next time you get hit with the exact same attack from the boss with the exact same amount of debuff stacks so what normally we do is when the tanks are about to receive their 100 percent increase nature damage we stop the dots and then when the tank has just received the 100 percent increased damage debuff we then stop damage and then go for the transition over the magic line stopping of the dots is important just so damage dealers don't grab random aggro from their dots and then obviously we just stop all out damage when we're going for the transition it's not a damage fight whatsoever and if you're in car again you should be fine to do this the most important thing is to not have him go from one side of the magic line to the other and then again because that just wipes you and it gets so out of hand so quickly as he saw from my example earlier so without further ado I'm just going to have a bit of a running commentary through one of our attendants I say first of all shout out to Nym Obara the rogue he's probably gonna be number one damage meter he asked me to basically upload this video because it was a near-perfect attempt even though I think we do have a couple of people dying it's definitely nothing to do with him being number one on damage and perhaps setting a record on highest damage done on this encounter anyway yes apologies if this impromptu man tree sucks better you know it's completely off the cuff so we have our a frost resistance warrior using in this potion and run to hydras healers don't get too close because you will pull because there's a huge a great range of this boss so you can get count down and take me in this pot off or just wait for it to fade and then no one runs in we have to Mellie groups because in the water phase there is a water tool which you see here where it stuns you and anyone else stood within 8 yards of that player and there's also a very similar thing called vial sludge which essentially is the same in the nature phase so you basically just do as much damage as you can to begin with it's really easy because the rate just basically stays where they are now because they want to be standing ideally on the side that you're going to be dragging hydrops to so if for any unfortunate reason someone does play grow the boss will stay on that side of the magical line so here we go for a phase change I'm I've got a bit of rage I've got she us I'm ready she'll some hurt strike go out straight away as soon as he turns green I have agro good and the phase continues war stomp is very overpowered for the outs as excuse me is most forms of stuns I mean any any stuns very good for the ads but I mean particularly war stomper because Yolo Torin and its attacks all the mobs which is great you know try and mark one with a skull it can be really handy just so DPS are comfortable with nuking it down and so that the range can get back on to the boss straight away yes nelli do stay on the boss full-time I mean a warrior can go for the ads but why DPS studies can go for the ads bear movie in sweeping strikes you might deal too much threat and you might be in a sticky situation there but I mean our rogues for instance stay on boss full-time because they're you know they can't really do that much damage on the ads anyway and you know we need stable dps to be continuously on the boss so you see when I transitioned him from one form to another I really dragged him over and I over exaggerated the dragging just because if someone was to pull I grow you've got a little bit of wiggle room so if someone does play great got like a second or so for you to try and land a another global cooldown in there to PI grow and also makes it very obvious as well that he is yes he is now going into the phosphates as opposed to I'm going to backpedal slowly into the phase and it's a case of okay he's gonna move into the next form in in a second or two whereas when I drag him over it's a case of okay the boss has just lurched forward he's moved a great distance in a very short amount of time BAM used to shell slam grab a gray so we're gonna be so you see it my time here we're about to hit a hundred percent of mark of hydras boom now we have a hundred percent mark people know to move over people need to stop damage because you don't want 250 percent mark and that's the fifth mark you only want four stacks anymore and you just can get one shot so yeah don't do that so it seems we face transition I feel slam hurt strike if my shield slam misses my favorite strike will probably do it if I grow for me to have damage sorry for me to have I grow and then I'll be queuing up a revenge next so you know who a strike I probably will have I grow failing that you know everyone should be on that side of the room anyway so you can see how good people mostly out healers are on the right-hand side of the screen now because if they pull out row when we go back into the phosphate the boss won't run over the magical line again so where we now we're about to get the 50% mark which is fine so here we are 12 seconds away from the hundred mark I'll be yelling on teamspeak stop dots because we're going to be doing the faith transition in about ten seconds we'll say then we're about to hit the hundred percent debuff we have the help send debuff people know to run over I say stop damage we move over I really try and again commit to the phase transfer and you know he goes in the phosphate it gets picked up by the other tank so I've got hiccups and we just grabbed up the elementals again marking skill on the elementals is very beneficial just so I mean basically does mark Worman skull if you have taunt available so if someone does blow great you can grab it or you can just concussion blow it or whatever also chanting shouts really good I do have a cool-down I think I must have used it obviously if it's on cooldown if things do get a little bit sticky you can challenging shout and then last and or shield-wall challenging shout orgy whatever challenging shout use cooldowns because you know four of the ads do a lot of damage you definitely don't really want to be tanking all four I mean okay you definitely don't want to be taking off for because there's a very very real chance that you can't die so we're stopping dots here because we're close to a hundred percent debuff we have the hundred percent debuff I say stop damage the raid moves from one side to the other here comes hydros he gets Tovah heo slam hurt strike I have aggro now I have our great we had rossette defense were hugging for a second that's a bit awkward but oh oh I thought you actually died but no it was another medic that died then I can hey spot here you strike a lock just build up my normal threat rotation as anyone would you know Thunder happened demo shout are useful but it's generally not gonna die from that you're gonna die because of the huge amount of nature or frost damage mark one of the eyes with skull need get down my phone is ringing okay is that completely broke my train of thought anyway um yeah the important thing is just making sure that when you transition him from one form to another over the magic line that you really commit the mark that I use I mean I tried to explain it in the beginning of the fight with a picture but you kind of see to the right of the boss looking from this direction there's a bit of a cross on the screen on the floor rather the texture so I'm just gonna jump over the other side and you know anytime he's on that this half he'll be in frost phase anytime he's on the other half he is in the nature phase he's not going to necessarily change phase immediately which is why I try and really exaggerate the point of dragging him from one phase of one side of the room to the other so yeah that's about it if anyone has any questions feel free to leave in the comment section down below and fill out this kind of video you can subscribe but yeah I'll just let you have a bit of a bit of music and enjoy the rest in video thanks watching advert is to be bye you
Channel: WarriorTSW
Views: 47,205
Rating: 4.8487396 out of 5
Keywords: tsw, warriortsw, wow, warcraft, gaming, pc, 2013, video, youtube, the burning crusade, 2.4.3, corecraft, feenix, archangel, tank, warrior, guide, how to, tactic, dps, heal, threat, aggro, reset
Id: oneS53Efw74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2016
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