WoW TBC Tempest Keep - TK Raid Guide

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what's up my guys back at it again with the tempest keep raid guide as always as a full in-depth guide in the description below hope you guys enjoy it startled are as always you always hear me say it it's easy fight it's a really easy fight man it's a two-phase encounter both were really easy you pretty much knew this bird down big Phoenix and heat she goes from platform to platform the platform and you just keep nuking it down to phase 2 starts now you wanna pick four tanks keep three four upstairs and one for downstairs I could say upstairs because there are six possible platforms for the Phoenix to go fly to and if a tank does not buy her when she goes to the other platform and we complain about it and you don't wanna find Buffy you can take a couple stacks but just avoid it so get three three tanks upstairs spread out evenly among the six platforms so pretty much how it one tank of control two platforms just that's pretty odd for any I'm just assuming this Phoenix is a girl by the way that's why I'm saying she so if I'm wrong my well yeah just moving down the reason I say you need one downstairs because every time that every time a large switches platforms ads will spawn you want your patty tank to pick up the ass depending on what server you're on two or three ads will spawn or pick every servers different pretty much you have your pally tank pick the ads up cut out get them out of the way of everybody else because they explode on impact you want to be next one when they do that and have your melee and your Hunter's Newton down another possible spot that she can go to is up here in the air called flame coil so go spin around do at bat array damage you can hear a little bit it's not a lot you can heal it you're fine and then that's it that's the whole first face to keep nuclear closer to its platforms until goes Phase two [Music] [Music] my face too is just as easy if not easier then phase one is only a couple of biddies that gets added the first one would be melt Armour what happens is she melts your Armour but then you gotta off tank it so you have your other tank tank off and every time there's a melt armor another tank pool melt armor talk don't talk don't armor talk you get the picture really easy it's the only thing you need to worry about in this one actually yeah this one Matheny aware about it's probably the main mechanic at all fight it's really easy to deal with it's called meteor every now and then he will go in the air retreat and then slam a meteor down you guys group up move out of the way of it and every time the meteor comes down a couple hats will spawn like I said depending on each server you're playing so how the tank pick them up like you did the other add some melee and hunters nuke them down they still explode so don't be next to them and there's nuke the boss down out to the answer done rinse and repeat until the fights over that's it doesn't get any easier than that guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] next up Boyd River you might be getting tired of me saying this but this is a really easy fight man there's only two things to work out look out for one if your range and one one for me and one for ranged the main thing I guess since I'm a ranged perspective you can see his arcing orbs he will throw orbs at you and when it hits you it does a good amount of damage when it does about half my health on this server lost 5060 percent of health I miss on this server which is endless and also sciences you so don't get hit by it that that's it melee if your melee guess what you gotta watch out for pounding you don't even watch out for it you just get you just eat it you don't do anything you just sit there and eat it healers can out heal it if he's having trouble healing it then you know try to get up counting if you want but it happened so frequently you kind of decide to deal with it and then that's it that's it you'll see us up here that's a yep right there you see that webs happening you just move from them group up spread out your groups along the outer edges so you're not grouped up so like the Warlock group is on this side of the circle you know mage group on the other side hunter group in the middle you know so on wherever your Raider wants to put them you guys just group up so you can get in range of your totems and just move together as a unit and just dodged orbs that's the fight man it doesn't get any easier my dudes [Music] [Music] next up hi Ashton Master Soleri in an actual fight with mechanic it's kind of stupid let me pause a report ducks I need to explain this mechanic so this mechanic changes per server come on unless like I said so what it does is it gives us we have three groups because 3d buffs go out okay when these 3d buffs go out you need to make sure that each group no group has to debuff that's what you want you don't want each you want nobody should have to leave us in a group you're just [ __ ] if we do that so don't do that I say server to server because on this server we have 3d buffs on a different server you get 2d puffs on some servers you get one debuff and on some servers you don't even get a deep or you get one debuff but you don't it shares damage on explosions so you have to get that debuff run out of the raid let it blow up hit you in the air come back down get back to your group so just depends on the server right now I'm on in looks like I said so we have three deep buffs which is the worst you can possibly have on the pond isn't on it so if you're on this year in the right spot if yeah if you're on the server with 2d buffs then pretend there's two friggin D buffs obviously so what the debuff does is it does this right it's a dot and when it blows up it passes to the I don't know if it's like the closest person to appreciate its closest person to you that's why you're in groups right so when this fades off you need to get out of the group and run up here because you get dis debuff and if you don't run out of the group you have the possibility of getting the debuff bounced right back to you which stacks this debuff up you see I'm getting that so two two of these deep buffs you have 100% arcane damage increase three of them 150 so on and so forth she's doing arcade damage she'll one-shot you make sure you move up here with the debuff anyway this is a you know other than that it's easy fight this is two-phase mechanic two phase encounter every 45 seconds this just go into Phase two there's some ads come out you'll nukem then she'll come back and forth you just go back and forth and phase one and phase two you until phase three at 20% starts so just nuclear down soon here you'll see me with a debuff I believe yes so just nuclear down to the debuff start going out you'll start seeing people get debuff here soon like I got a debuff just right now so I have the debuff you see the timer on it four seconds three seconds and then you see me screwed up out of the way like I said run up out of the way so now the debuff can't be passed to me it can't be passed back to me because there's too many people in that group to catch the Deva form so you sit up here for the whole time until that debuff goes away it'll set up here this is what this sort of looks like up here until this debuff goes away when that deep up goes away then you'll get back into your group the tricky part is Oh face twos here and you still have to worry about the debuff so you don't want to go back through yet because this arcane image so face - like I said it'd be 45 to 50 seconds a bunch of ads will come out have your pally pull up all the ads you can't Patti take pull up all the ads let them build some threat and you guys just pump them down it's super easy 15 seconds after each phase - Silurian will come back but this time she comes back with two priests ads Nukem all you need to do is nukem that's phase one and two she goes back and forth until you get her to 20% when phase three begins so you see the priests route or new canoe priest just ignore her nuke the priests all the way down okay and then you go back on the boss guys that's it that's phase one and two it's hectic it's hard to get it first you got to keep you just have to keep track of the debuff stick it like I said it gets hectic further on the fight now there's bodies on the floor okay now you're trying to do all these deep buffs all the time without it see my debugger op that went back to my group you just sit here someone always has to be there you can't if there's only one person in the group you need someone to run over there with you and get that debuff otherwise I by myself right now if he didn't come get it I'm [ __ ] so now I don't be buff I dropped it off to him and I'm scooting up here where it's nice and safe Oh phase two will begin here soon in a little bit keep on top of it the whole time man that's all you got to do super super easy man [Music] all right here you're seeing phase three phase three she turns to a big-ass voidwalker and you don't have to worry about the debuff anymore you don't throw any mechanics finish off the ads obviously finish off all the ads and when she comes back as a Floyd Walker just smack her cheeks just smack the cheeks down man that's the end of the fight if you get this phase you win [Music] all right last but certainly not least Kael'thas Sunstrider now this is a hectic fight don't pause real quick it's a hectic fight it's a long fight and a lot of mechanics and there's five phases to it okay so to start phase one you're gonna be fighting as it advisors these are as for advisors you fight them in this order solid red sanguine our cap hernion Telemachus Salonika however you say it now you don't have a choice cuz they come out one two time anyway you fight one it dies blood comes out it dies other do comes out so you're that fire but phase three you find all of them at the same time so it's really good you have to pay attention to where these we're cutting them and where they die cuz where they die is where they get rezzed from when they come back in Phase three and you want them all in those positions for certain reasons okay so let's just get it started first guy my phthalo dread has no threat table all he does is hard focus one person for about ten five seconds and then switches to another person for five seconds and so on and so forth and you just run from that's it so pump away don't wear pop drums pop everything don't worry about pulling a girl and as you see you just kind of so all we do is kite this guy from left to right over and over and over again the whole time he's fixating on that guy you've caught him over there now he switches his fixation to him now you kind of back and forth just fist it fixes this fixation again so on and so forth you the picture easy next one's a winner so our there's also really easy all you really does is fear so you want your tank to tank and put him watch exactly where the tank has right now the reason you're doing this is because the tank to this guy fears right before he fears he can hello us the fear so put tremor totems down and just pretty much hope that at the ticks and you don't get feared or breaks or fear that's all this guy has so make sure it ain't just bins around the door so he does it give here except covering in this was kind of weird you need a tank to do it you need you need a tank I mean a lock to tank him sorry so misdirect ear lock tank had the lock removed salvation and to spam searing pain the whole time you can't be too closer you get conflict so you have to be with it outside of the 30 yards or you're gonna get cut flag and if you're super super close to her show arcane blast yeah so does have your tank spam searing pain at the end this when he dies make sure you guys read about the locker salvation again now this guy telling Telemachus is a engineer he throws bombs and toys okay the bombs get thrown to the boss he just you have a patty tank kite in there for easy threat with the consecration bring faps cuz if he throws his remote toy he would stuns you for a peer at or periodically stuns you for what 60 seconds and it's annoying as hell so bring faps and use a fat when it happens face tooth weapon face so after you kill the advisors you have to kill their weapons okay tank cosmic infuse ur way off away from the rest of the weapons because the cosmic diffuser does a holy Nova which will heal the rest of the weapons so put the cosmic infuser over here don't dump dump dump you want to dump this as soon as possible okay the reason by is because it you just get rid of it it holy knows so you kill this weapon it and you guys go on and nuke AoE nuke down these other ones after these weapons die you need to pick them all up each weapon to something different okay so cosmic your fears of one you kill first reduces damage taken healers to pick that up casters get the staff of disintegration in which protects and protects people around them from Sciences and stunts and stuff mainly picks up a warp slicer which is a heavy dot that it applies hunters pick up a longbow and the Infinity Blade the infinity blade is only used in order to dispel emcees so you'd use the bone then switch when you needed it you'll see a little bit not spam and tanks use the fascia bulwark under k+ damage some sort so after United Newcombe all down pick up your weapons [Music] now be careful pick up weapons and make sure you actually pick it up you see here I thought I picked it up right here but I didn't pick it up but I'm not sure why I didn't so just make sure you do and also use this macro you can use this macro what it does is equips your stuff it equips the weapon you just got you just put whatever weapon you do don't have to post app whatever weapon you're using if you're using phase with bulwark then put that in there or if you're using the infinity blade put that in there and then use that macro to equip it and use it for you now to start you're going you're gonna go you're not gonna go in the same order but you're gonna mix the last two up so start by the valid red 90 to fight all of them all the advance was rough so start with a dread like you did last time he's first new come down just kind of he does the same thing just kind of around avoid it if he gets close to you the guy he's chasing he knocks them back so try to make sure you're you know prepared for that okay next up staying on our same exact thing these is gonna fear man just make sure you get those tremor totalement down have the tank I love us of fear nothing changes on him nothing changes on any of these advisors they're the exact same the only difference is from phase 1 and phase 3 is that you're instead of doing cap Ernie and thin Telemachus tell on a kiss I don't know why it's so hard for me to say that word you doing backwards so you're doing him first so just nuke him the same way make sure you use fast if you're stun he still does the toy so he still does the bombs just knew his ass down if you're if you're warlock or a doc class while you're on the move so you're hiding something or you need to move out of something you can go ahead and dock the other guys up just to make it a little bit easier it's not that bad [Music] and last one once again capper nyan same exact thing warlock tank take off yourself mister there's a sand get a pump in the get the pumpkin everyday pumpkin anyway so the big of a deal and also please make sure you give salvation back to that warlock afterwards now the hectic phase all that is pretty easy this right here this is when it gets kind of hectic and many many many many many wipes what can happen so this face is just weird there's a lot of mechanics here uh he does a lot of fire but the main thing I guess fireballs simple kick him they do a good amount of damage just kick him you know just just kick him that's what I do nothing to watch out for his Flame Shrek you'll see him on the ground right now it's a huge circle right there run out of it don't be an idiot and get hit hit by it after flame strike like clockwork he'll start mind controlling you know when you the mind controls happen as soon as it goes out hunters equip that blade and activate it it'll get him out of that mind control you have to be quick at it because I've been one shot I get one shot in the next MC as well so there's some mcs happen if you're not quick at it you will get one drop [Music] okay so every time then he has a shock barrier you want to nuke it you want to break that barrier and immediately aftershock Barry he will pirate both two or three power blasts depending on servers so you want to nuke that barrier down get the shield down so you are able to kick or to able to kick the power bus otherwise your tank can get destroyed and now I'm dead because the MCS didn't go out quick enough now you see these eggs every now and then there's Phoenix's if you haven't noticed and they go around doing their own thing and you don't have to do them they do Hellfire so they kill themself slowly over time when they die they go on an egg you get to kill that egg if you don't nuke the egg down then you will another bird comes back up anyway just revise the bird so there's nuke the eggs as quick as possible now for the final phase grab your laps and another beam grab your laps is this it looks like you're swimming everywhere right you're just swimming around you want to make sure that you're low to the ground but not all the way to the ground if you're too close to people you get another beam in Chains so you want to spread out so you don't get another beam don't touch the ground cuz I'll throw you back in the air and eventually he'll phase out and you go back down and you just rinse and repeat that's it it's a lot to take in but it that more or less that's all you gotta do just be quick with the MCS don't get hit by flame strike don't stand each other by gravity laughs this is definitely the harder phase um as for the Phoenix is the only word about the to much I like the dot you can have your warlocks or instant dot still a dot up just to kind of help it go by a little faster but it's really not that important just make sure you get the eggs so the eggs are really really important because the birds just kill themselves anyway hey guys and that's the fight congratulations all right my brothers as always thanks for watching man like following sub for more imma be start doing mass amounts of warlock guides coming soon man it's gonna be a large warlock Channel I'm still gonna do all the raid contents as they release t6 coming out soon I'll be getting it updated there I do know that classic TBC is gonna be coming out I know other servers coming now and I will update these guides as fit if there's a big change on each of the boss mechanics okay thank you guys very much for watching man toss that thumbs up subscribe for more you can find me over at slash Crick's gaming underscore all warlock play baby enjoy
Channel: Crix Gaming
Views: 91,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: im0eaGgH7I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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