WoW TBC Classic: Ultimate Resistance Gear Raiding Guide

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how's it going lads it's the ball boomer biosparks with the viewer pole deciding today's topic i'll be covering the boss fights you'll need or may want some resistance gear for every phase in tbc classic in this video you'll become fully aware of which bosses you should prepare resistance gear ahead of time so you and your guild aren't caught out especially since blizzard confirmed we will be getting pre-nerfed versions of bosses so let's get straight into it resistant skill requirements in tbc classic will range from helpful but not required once the boss is on the farm the other extreme of 100 required i'm sure many of you will remember when you were preparing for aq40 and you saw videos explaining how you would need all this nature resistance gear for princess huhuron but then in reality most raids would just be fully well buffed in their dps gear and just blow her up and use a nature protection potion when she enrages and pretty much just move on like it's a sunday stroll through the park the reason i'm saying this is because there are some fights in tpc classic that you will just not be able to do this since the boss fights are longer you won't have world buffs carrying your raid and the damage output without resistance gear on some bosses either outright kills you or makes the mana drain for your healers unsustainable so in phase one you will not need any resistance gear at all which means for karazhan gruel's lair and magtheridon's lair you can mainly focus on wearing your best in slot items however i have seen quite a few people saying on forums that majors will need to invest in fire resistance gear to tank crush firehand inside of ghoul's lair as part of the ogre council encounter this is 100 false so please do not waste valuable badges of justice buying fire resistance gear since his fire damage is completely unresistable and the mage simply has to focus on spell sealing his shield and maintaining aggro on him throughout the fight although it is recommended that the mage does wear some high stamina gear to help survive incoming damage and give the healers an easier time so the violet badge rocking 36 stamina on a trinket definitely comes in handy as well as a few stamina gems and some pvp gear moving over to phase two we have seven shrine cavern and tempest keep this is where your guild will have needed to use the time available in phase one to prepare some resistance items i dress the unstable the first boss you'll find in seven shrine cavern resistance gear in this encounter is mandatory idras maintains two forms throughout this fight he has a water form in which he deals pure thrust damage and a poison form in which he deals pure nature damage i'm sure you can figure out what kind of resistance will be needed here although it isn't the whole raid that needs resistance it's your two tanks which should have 365 resistance for frost or nature accordingly the reason why resistance gear will be needed is because of the debuffs called mark of hydros or mark of corruption the mark is applied every 15 seconds which affects the entire raid which stacks up to six times increases frost or nature damage by 10 25 50 100 250 and 500 depending on how many stacks you have so tank stops should be happening not long after full stacks or you're looking at an impending wipe with the basic main mechanic out of the way let's have a look at the gear your tanks will need starting with frost resistance you want your tank to hit 295 resistance so that the paladin aura or shaman totem can get them to the 365 resistance cap here are the items you'll want to acquire and here are the materials and reputations you'll need to craft these pieces i really recommend making a couple of glacial cloaks now in classic wow just in case you end up having new tank characters in the bernie crusade since you really don't want to be going back into max rammus and grabbing frozen runes just to craft them and now the same thing with nature resistance you'll want to hit 295 so that a hunter aspect or shaman totem can get your tank to 365 resistance if you want your tank to hit 295 resistance exactly you'll need to use one nature armor kit and the savage guard legend chant from zurga rip otherwise you'll need to use three nature armor kits instead here are the materials and reputations you'll need to craft these pieces now take a deep breath because here are all the materials and reputations you'll need for both sets as you can see these materials are not a walk in the park and if you leave it up to one person in your guild to manage all of this you're simply not going to have the materials or reputation crafters to make these items so this has to be a combined guild effort and if everyone chips in with a few primals and some materials then it doesn't look so daunting one thing i will say as a warning and i don't want to sound toxic when i say this but do not under any circumstances give these crafted items to tanks that you feel are going to bail on you you know the ones who didn't stop talking about classic wow before it released and quit before level 30 i'm talking about those guys the ones who cleared molten core a couple of times and then you never saw them again and now they're knocking on the door telling you how hyped they are for tbc classic i'm talking about those guys the ones you helped craft all their frost resistance gear for saffron and quit after you killed kel'thuzad for the first time i'm talking about those guys you want these items on the type of tank who has the 1 000 yard stare because they are still doing binding runs every single week from phase one to phase six because he still needs the other half of the thunder fury binding the one you know who won't give up at the first hurdle that's who you put this equipment on next up we have leo there's the blind who is also in second shrine cavern where resistance gear will be required you will need a warlock with maxed out fire resistance to tank the boss when he transforms into a demon leotheras will only use the spell chaos blast which will apply a debuff that increases fire damage taken by 1 675 which also stacks up to 20 times meaning that without fire resistance the warlock will get killed rather quickly luckily for us 365 fire resistance is nowhere near as bad as the two tanks for hydros again the target number is 295 so a shaman totem or paladin aura can give the warlock maximum resistance the best way to achieve this is to respec and grab five points in master demonologist for 75 resistance when a fell hunter pet is active next is all four pieces of inferno we fire resistance gear which will require 100 badges of justice so if you want to hit heroic dungeons early i really recommend you watch my dungeon leveling guide at launch this now puts you at 270 resistance and you can finish off with a pendant or frozen flame which requires a revered jaw crafter with the keepers of time to craft which puts you just over the resistance cap after the aura or totem is applied the reason why i recommend the pendant or frozen flame instead of flame armor kits is that they prevent you from enchanting your fire resistance gear which can really help the warlock throughout the fight so overall leotheras is not too bad to prepare for but if you have a warlock tank in your guild who's looking for some help farming badges of justice be a good guy and help them out especially if it's the warlock who stuck around for the whole of classic wow and tanked twin emperors for your guild moving on to tempest keep we have high astromancer solarium where arcana resistance would be very useful until you have very good gear now for those of you who don't know this boss went through four different versions throughout the burning crusade in the first two versions her spells were not affected by a resistance gear at all and were extremely difficult in fact the first version was never killed however i don't think blizzard will use those versions in tbc classic and since we know we will have pre enough bosses it definitely won't be the last very easy version so my prediction will be that the third iteration of the boss is what we'll be up against however that is pure speculation and i could be wrong but what we do know is that there is going to be a lot of arcane damage thrown around in this encounter arcane resistance will be very useful to deal with arcane missiles blinding light which does red wide damage and wrath of the astro monster which increases your damage taken by fifty percent be aware that you still need a good amount of dps in this encounter so you don't want to start equipping lots of arcane resistance gear the violet badge stacked with improved mark of the wild will give a decent amount of resistance and you can also use arcane protection potions for extra safety while you learn the boss fight as i said before there is a chance blizzard implements one of the harder versions in which arcane resistance gear was useless so keep your ear to the ground regarding this boss fight in particular moving into phase three in battle for mount hyjal we have kazura gal where shadow resistance is extremely useful but you can get by without it if you're optimizing your mana regeneration and consumables the main issue in this fight is mockup gal which is a raid wide debuff that drains 600 mana every second for 5 seconds for a total of 3 000 mana whatever happens your mana users have to keep their mana reserves up by any means necessary this means every class ability and mana consumable like mana tide innovate evocation shadow fiend mana potions dark runes and so on because if you're afflicted by mark of casrogel and your mana reserves hit zero you'll end up exploding doing 10 to 11 000 shadow damage to yourself and everyone around you so be very conservative with your mana in your first attempt at this boss you won't have access to shadow resistance gear since it's only available from the ashtang death swarm faction in the black temple so you'll have to rely on your class abilities and consumables at first however in the following weeks you will have the medallion of karibor from the black temple achievement quest an epic quality shadow resistance gear which will help you resist the mark of kazura gal completely so just by having the medallion of caribou knight's end and a priest shadow protection you will have 150 shadow resistance which will enable you to resist the mark of kazura gal thirty percent of the time on average which is massive for just having two items of shadow resistance gear which makes this boss fight much much easier next up we have mother shiraz in the black temple mother shiraz is a boss fight in which shadow resistance gear is essential for the entire raid apart from the three tanks who can get away with wearing most of their normal tanking gear for the other 22 members of the raid they should be pushing 365 shadow resistance as the main priority since there's going to be a huge amount of shadow damage being thrown around in this fight this boss fight is mostly tank and spank since your shadow resistance gear will be absorbing most of the damage the main mechanic to worry about is fatal attraction which teleports three players together and gives them demonic energy this is the damage of a time spell which takes every second for around 3 000 shadow damage to everyone within 15 yards of them to remove it all three players affected have to move 25 yards away from each other so while the mechanics of the boss fight are quite simple the resistance gear requirement for the raid members as soon as the black temple is released is going to be the main challenge i will be dedicating another whole video for securing shadow resistance gear for mother shiraz because the amount of preparation materials and execution that will be required to down this boss in the first weeks of black temple is not to be underestimated because it's going to be a huge guild wide effort to obtain enough shadow resistance for the raid next up is the betrayer illidan stormrage himself in terms of resistance gear this boss fight is actually very straightforward you will need two tanks with 365 fire resistance gear for phase two of the fight when illidan summons two flames of azeroth since they deal pure fire damage the fire resistance gear is easy to acquire for warriors paladins and druid tanks is an example of items that you can use to hit 365 resistance that will mostly require 100 badges of justice later on in phase 4 of the encounter illidan will transform into a demon which will need a shadow resistance capped warlock to tank him this can be achieved with a full set of the crafted gear from the ashton death swarm but if you're struggling for the materials you can always have the warlock respect into master demonologist to help close the gap moving on to phase 5 we have sunward plateau kellet ghost is the first boss in there which requires some arcane resistance to protect against the effect of his arcane buffet this ability continually increases damage taken by 500 each time you were hit by it if you had no resistance then this would quickly start ramping up towards taking 5000 increased damage which results in unsustainable raid healing the general recommendation is to use the violet badge and the cloak of arcane evasion with a resistance enchant with improved mark of the wild this will give you 125 resistance which results in avoiding 25 percent of the arcane buffets on average which in turn leads to receiving 43 less damage compared to someone who has no resistance this encounter requires a high amount of dps so raiders can't afford to stack too much arcane resistance which is why 125 resistance meets that sweet spot of enough survivability without sacrificing too much damage thalmist is another boss where our good old friend the violet badge will come in handy for guilds learning and progressing on this boss fight throughout this encounter players will be caught by an ability called encapsulate which will lift them up into the air and do five ticks of arcane damage to all players within 20 yards doing three and a half thousand damage per tick this damage happens very quickly and is quite unpredictable because it is completely random so having the violet badge along with arcane protection potions will assist you and your healers in surviving the burst damage in this fight ultimately your healers will have the main responsibility of healing through this burst damage and once your guild is familiar with the boss and they have access to more sunwell level gear you can consider removing the violet badge and arcane protection potions for more damage output and with that we have covered all the major boss fights that will either require resistance give or help the encounters go a little bit more smoothly as you're learning the mechanics remember that resistance gear preparation is an entire guild effort and just leaving a small group or the officer team to deal with it is just going to result in disaster and with that thank you very much for watching this is the board boomer biosparks signing out catch you lads next time
Channel: Biosparks TV
Views: 102,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, world of warcraft, wow classic, tbc classic, tbc, tbc raiding, tbc raiding guide, resistance gear tbc, biosparks
Id: xwc9aZjmxqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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