Grading YOUR Footage!! Ep01 | DaVinci Resolve 16 Tutorial

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[Music] this is cozy welcome to such an epic and most anticipated series grading your footage if you want me to pick your footage to grade then here's the criteria that you need to follow subscribe to my youtube channel follow me on instagram DM me on instagram with the subject line grading your footage with the link to your clip that should be available on Google Drive or Dropbox and a screen grab so I can see what your footage looks like then I'm gonna need in writing from you you have permission to use this footage for your paid or free tutorials so now you know the rules are pretty simple drop a comment below if you have any questions the point of this series is very simple I want to give you permission to push your images if you're not a professional colors then you don't know how far you can take your image whether you're working with an 8-bit Sony S lock footage or Alexa mini I've seen people just touch their images and then they're too scared to like really go further than that when we watch movies and when we watch TV commercials that we love trust me they're pushing their image to the max they're keeping it right at the sweet spot that's what you're gonna be discovering here we don't have a formula it's not gonna be popular film looks or anything like that here it's gonna be case to case basis okay I'm gonna be taking a shot depending on where it fits in the narrative we're gonna create a look based on that here's the shot that we're gonna be using in our episode one it came from Jake his Instagram handle is right here go check out his page give him a follow if you're a filmmaker he's putting out bangers every single day so how do we feel when we look at Jake's shot let me tell you how I feel to me it's a cold winter day in Chicago and I'm gonna build my grade around that so every single thing that you're gonna see here is gonna be supporting that narrative are you guys pumped or you guys ready and for those that want to level up their color grading game check out the link in the description one hour long training where I'm gonna show you how to get the perfect skin tones out of your sony s log 8-bit footage how to get the clean white look the go to commercial look how to get the creamy film look how to fix the dreaded gamma shift and much much more link is in the description and guys if you're enjoying the content on this channel smash that like button subscribe to my channel for more awesomeness follow me on Instagram you know I'm dropping belly bombs there every single day let's roll the intro all right so this time we're creating a really fun look so let's just dive right in and check out this clip first one thing right away that I can tell is shot really well well exposed white balances right on the money so we're not gonna be doing too much to get it in the ballpark so that's really good now I'm just gonna go ahead and select my hero frame so something like that I mean this is looking this is looking good so I'm gonna park it here first note let's just reserve it for noise reduction then I'm gonna create a second note and this is where we're gonna do our exposure and then let's create another one and this is where we're gonna do our saturation and the look is gonna be created right here and let's just line them up how I usually do so this is gonna come down right here and then look it's gonna go up like that and then I'm gonna create a layer mixer this time we're gonna be creating a really interesting look this is gonna be his skin this is gonna be our look adjustment this is gonna be our vignette so we're keeping the rest pretty traditional to what we usually do this is gonna be our global adjustment sharpening grain finishing nodes let's just keep them separate let's just get going so I'm gonna go pretty heavy on the contrast in the beginning and that's what we're gonna start off with because this is anytime you're creating a sports look like you can just really go places you know just have fun with it so I'm gonna push it somewhere around here then I'm gonna bring my gain down quite a bit to just like really let this image breathe and then I'm gonna raise my gamma up to somewhere around here I'm gonna raise nation up somewhere around here this is it this is looking pretty natural so so far so good let's move into our look note first thing that I want you to do is right-click here go under composite mode and usually this technique is used for a bleach bypass but we're not gonna be necessarily doing that so and this is really heavy-handed right like look how much everything is pushed so I'm gonna find like a happy medium by clicking on soft light this gives us somewhat of a happy medium but still not where we want to be it's still very much pushed so first thing that I'm gonna do is take my contrast and pull back a little bit like not too much just a tiny bit even something like that and then another thing that I want to do is I want to take my saturation and just kill it all the way well like just gone and just bear with me we're gonna create a really cool look now I'm gonna go under my skin and that's where I'm gonna just grab his skin and then that's where the look is gonna come from so let's go ahead click right here qualifier grab this much I'm gonna hit shift H to see what we're grabbing and let's open this up and this is pretty good and now what we want to do is let's see I'm going to open this up so we don't necessarily grab his eyes at all something like this and then I'm gonna raise this up a little bit to grab his ears and then blur it out quite a bit okay like I'm keeping it somewhere around here like really just push it and now this is looking really really clean so that's our key and it's gonna hold up so I'm gonna Park it on our hero frame and if I do before and after you can see that we pull the skin very nicely okay so we got that detail back even Anna's hair and everything so now what I want to do is a couple of things first of all let's start giving it some juice in here okay so I'm gonna go into my offset I'm gonna take my offset I'm just removing it to words like this warm color like we're really going for a nice interesting look I'm gonna go into my gamma and do the same unless we're raising it up to like warm it up a little bit not too much so even something like that I'm actually gonna take my offset and move it towards red too and then take my gamma and do the same somewhere around here this is looking pretty good another thing that I want to do here is clean it up so once you create this effect that we did in our layer mixer it dirties up the skin quite a bit and to counter that I'm gonna go under my mid-tone I'm gonna pull it back to open it up and just like really see soften everything up so if I do this is before and then this is after so you can see it opens it up quite a bit this is looking really nice okay one more thing here I'm gonna go in my RGB curves and I'm gonna take it from here and lift it up a little bit not too much that's it just that much okay now what we want to do is I'm gonna go in my look node and I'm gonna split the difference obviously we just don't want it pure black and white I mean this just does not look cool so I'm gonna go in here in my key settings and I'm gonna split the difference so I'm gonna start dialing it back so we can get some color back into our shot and I'm gonna Park it somewhere around here okay now obviously we see that our dude is just like there's way too much color on him and that's okay we can control it in a little bit right or we can even go in here and I can go into my saturation and just dial it back a little bit something like that that's looking fine and now what I'm gonna do is under my look adjustment I want to pop him out okay because we got but you still got tons of room to play with right so what I want to do is I'm gonna go in here I'm gonna click on my edit herbal splines I'm gonna click right here and just a little bit like just pop them so now what I want to do is just grab this and pull it down just a little bit like not too much I don't want it to be too contrasty but I mean that does the trick it looks really nice gives it a lot of pop okay now in this note that's where the magic is gonna happen so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna tell this note - hey take information from the skin node and then let's go in here and invert it so I want to make changes to everything that's outside of that skin that we selected and now here what I want to do is I want to go in here break the chain go into my red channel pull it down that's what's gonna give us that Chicago cold that we're going after so just watch okay first thing that I'm gonna do actually let me reset that and then I wanna uncheck editable splines and now if I go in and pull it down just look it's really giving us that look that we're going for another thing that's really cool is that it's also selecting his eyes and it's giving them that Viking look I don't like how this gets so teal so if we want to get some of that color back it's really easy I'm gonna go into my log wheels and I'm just gonna counter it I'm gonna balance it out so I'm gonna just raise up my highlights just to neutralize that a little bit okay and we just did that so we didn't have to do too much but it just brought some of that color back we can do it a little bit more but not too much because I still want to keep it that cold Chicago vibe that I'm going after and this is looking really nice I mean before and after so in my global adjustment node what I want to do is really just bring my black points down a little bit like they're a bit too high so I'm just gonna go in my log wheels and I'm gonna pull this down but obviously I only want to affect the bottom part I don't want to affect like his eyes in this area too much so I'm gonna control that with my low range and just my focus right now is on his eyes and I'm opening everything up I'm just affecting his shirt and even just the darkest parts of his shirt so if I do before and after you can see right here black points are very important in your image right because this is what creates this illusion of this crazy pop and we're gonna go into our sharpening and that's where we're gonna pull this guy down to add some sharpening and that makes a huge difference because if I punch in and do before and hold it here for a second so you guys can notice what's happening and then do after just look at the sharpening is like doing so much especially when you're working on something it's sports-related it goes a long way and then this is where it's really gonna sell the effect when we add our film grain and you know how much I love my phone grain but it is so appropriate to do it here with a shot like this and just to grunge it up and just look at right here and I'm gonna give you guys some time to like really notice it so let's remove it and just focus right here and now I'm gonna bring it back boom and now if we just do a playback swatch this everything holds up like the key is holding up nothing is out of whack like everything is holding up and I just look how clean it looks if absolutely insane one thing that I'm noticing right here around his shoulder this is where the key might be falling apart a little bit I can see like right there and I know what to do to fix that okay this is happening in this saturation node so if I punch in right here what I want to do is I'm gonna take this and pull it back just a tiny bit not a lot like literally 1.3 and now if I just come back see it fixed that problem boom gone a couple of things that I do want to mention before we check out the final look is if this is too distracting to you in the background like if I play it through and if you watch this one there is no way to clean this up because it's genuinely the same color as the skin and that's usually pretty normal and anytime you grab your skin and these things get selected ninety percent of the times it's okay to just leave it be because it's gonna benefit the entire image if you pop those colors out but let's just say that if you only want to work on this and you don't want to affect these or if you just want to find a happy medium because like right now it might be a bit too pushed we can do the same thing we did to our look note how we blended it in we can just go in here by selecting our skin node and then start pulling this back to like really dial it in to take the edge off and now if I look at the background if I do before and then if I do after like that we took the edge off quite a bit okay now obviously you can go in and create tons of custom shapes and you know track it and get rid of it that way but then if you're going from shot to shot it's not really gonna be feasible because you're gonna end up spending so much time and you know my style is always to give you guys something where it's more of a look DNA where you can apply it from like shot to shot to your entire scene if you think about a pale skin in this environment Chicago winter the skin is still believable now if we do want to push it a bit more we obviously can so what I can do is I can go in my gain and I can just start pushing it a little bit towards you know that warmth and bring that skin back one last thing that I would change now is I feel like there still spillage that's happening in my keys if I hit shift H and we look at it here some of the skin is still not selected around his eye so in order to do that I'm just gonna take my luminance I'm gonna pull it back you see this and I'm gonna pull it back up to this point and now if I punch in and get rid of my highlights right here and look at it before seed this area right here after even in his hair before after before and after and now it's much more believable okay now what I want to do is I just want to select all of this and let's go one by one and see where we started to where we ended up all right so this is our exposure started with our exposure then give it some saturation then we selected soft light in our composite mode and sucked all the saturation out at first grabbed our skin and give it some juice here by using our primaries wheel and then we moved on to our look adjustment where I use my editable splines to really pop the image quite a bit and then in my vignette I sent the information inverted our skin and then affected the background to create that wintry Chicago look then we moved on to our global adjustment where we created our black points to like really add an extra pop in our image and finally we added some sharpening and grain to finish it off and let's check out the final look in full screen I hope you guys picked up tons of cool tips and tricks you know the rules how to submit the footage drop a comment below let me know what you guys think about this series smash that like button subscribe to my channel check out the link in the description below follow me on Instagram and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Waqas Qazi
Views: 173,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci 16, davinci resolve, davinci, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, grading, davinci resolve studio, davinci tutorial, davinci resolve free, color correction tutorial, resolve color grading, color grading davinci resolve, colorist, color grade davinci resolve, theqazman, film grading, waqas qazi, davinci resolve color grading, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve color grading for beginners, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 16 color grading, color grading, resolve 16
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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