Wounded Sin 2024 #LMN Movies - New Lifetime Movies 2024 - Based On True Story

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[Music] that same try again same okay now that's better uh keep [Music] going that's [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what if you could focus on your happiest memories make them brighter more Vivid meet o o uses Neuroscience to strengthen your happiest memories with one tap you can experience the greatest moments of your [Music] life whenever and wherever o remember what matters I came home to tell my mom and she started crying because she was so happy and I remember it so well I could hear what was on the radio and I could smell her clothes I was there I was there you're father Mr Clay you're a genius for real and how about afterwards how did you feel inspired and energized like when the power company turns your lights back on when oo gave me that memory it gave me back this truth about myself that I could do anything if I put my mind to it and life tried to make me forget that that's what oo does it makes you remember the best of yourself that's all you Crystal the ooi is just an amplifier your memories your joy your power I love this woman thank you um what Crystal shared just now reminded me of how I felt many years ago when I was also very alone 15 years ago my mother took her life and it was a complete shock the last time I saw her she was happy and then she was just gone and for a while her leaving began to Define me it made no sense and I also went to a very dark place and it was my father who pulled me out he taught me that I could choose to remember my mother with sadness or I could choose to remember her as a warm and loving presence in my life and that is the choice I have made every day since then that's the important truth this is what the oo is about by changing your mind you change everything did you get what you needed what do you mean your footage I think so what did you think you're the marketing expert that's your call I thought we had some great stories why did you tell them about Mom I was it was moving what they were saying I wanted to be with them I understand it's a great pitch empathy you can't get more authentic than that exactly Sophie I know you don't like to hear it but we wouldn't be here without you you sell it better than any of us ever could I mean that thank you you want to ride back with me sit in on my interview I have an appointment celebrating with girlfriends well deserved I'll see you afterwards then Dad we're going to change the world aren't we yes we are [Music] is well hello are you drunk enough to be taken advantage [Music] him no one will warn you when you die for [Music] [Music] Sophie it's beautiful Sophie it's [Music] beautiful hey hey you know what you're crazy hey welcome mind your own business buddy you ready to go home the O launch is just two days away are you worried no well many analysts are skeptical about your projections they say you should stick to medical research and that your consumer marketing team are inexperienced some of those naysay frankly are showing a real bias Sophie Clay is my daughter but she also happens to be one of the best marketers in the industry full stop that must be a great deal of pressure for her then no excuse me is she the one carrying the show The O is a revolutionary device you've tried you've been delighted by it that's the show how's your brother he's good you find a job yet not yet but he's still looking you know we could find something for thank you but uh he needs to find something on his own why we'd be happy to the only way that he's going to make it is if you feel some pain right now you need some growing up pain you're a shitty brother spoken like an only child all right hang on I got you I got you [Music] [Music] what go no no [Music] [Music] no you were able to bypass regulation by classifying the oo as a non-medical device yet your own research shows that some subjects experienced memory loss no that's not it's in your own SEC filing subjects experience difficulties recalling memories associated with stress or painful the very next sentence as you know is that when they stopped using the oi their memories came back so it's a personal choice if you want to experience the focus The Joy the inspiration the oi is for you if you don't you don't help [Music] I want to talk to her then give us the code what code the code for the implant if you hurt her you'll get nothing we won't if you give us the code you can't use the code on her on who your daughter I want to talk to [Music] her do you have the implant I don't understand you do you have a brain imp plant what what do you want what is this what do you mean can you get the code for the implant just call my father he'll give you whatever you [Music] want just wait wait wait wait wait wait no just just wait wait wait wait [Music] wait [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] two three procedures five days a week you deal with it after lunch I can handle her there's my girl I can describe one of them a girl and and the room you already did we have all that our guys are tearing the place apart they have suspects I'm sorry you have nothing to be sorry about I thought I was going to die hi you're doing great I am so proud of you what did they want nothing they didn't make any sense she was on drugs yes [Music] probably what did she do to me nothing small cut Dr cesp checked you out he said you're perfectly fine you are one tough cookie you know that me look here any pain here a little or here no good I gave you something to help you relax you'll feel a little groggy but otherwise you'll be 100% by tomorrow the launch don't worry about that you can't push it back we'll talk about that later we're not going to push it back now please focus on getting some rest my phone do you want me to postpone the launch no then rest try to let the sedatives help you get back to sleep take care of yourself Sophie doctor's orders I would do anything for you you know that right I know then do this for me I don't want any negative thoughts this is a moment of joy for us do you [Music] understand I'll see you in a few [Music] hours [Music] less less there can you describe them chrysanthemums Magnolias and something else a glitch a no the chlorine from the pool the breeze changed for a [Music] [Music] for [Music] something it's [Music] [Music] Beau for [Music] Aiden yes we all make [Music] mistakes the next few days are very important for us will you help me [Music] always you've always been there for me I don't want anything to change promise I [Music] promise thank [Music] you [Music] so much for resting how are you feeling all right no pain no just a little shaken oh my god of course I don't think I'd be up and about if I were you two days to launch two days to launch this crashed this morning there was a loud noise and then it just stopped working well that's no good let me see there were glitches as well visual auditory yeah ghosting weird artifacts could it be the sedatives possible have you seen your father not yet he's giving a press store did you get this one from his house mhm that's what it is it's a demo model here take one of these and thanks for coming directly to me if anything else happens if you experience anything out of the ordinary you come back to me okay Sophie your father won't ever tell you but he was very scared we're all very proud of you thank you ready for the spotlight yes I [Music] am hi you're here he told you of course of course we're worried about you you sure you're up to this positive how are you feeling I'm good I'm fine how are the Press stores going great coached by the best any news I don't want you to worry about that we're handling it why don't we have lunch I've got a few minutes now I'm going to the edate to finish the tape that's taken care of no that's my job I'm going to finish it Sophie yes save your energy for the launch I'm doing both okay I'll stop by in a bit then I can do this I know you can I love you love you too and that's what o does it gives you the best of yourself o remember what slide that back so the line comes in with the music change that's the way it was you want to go back to what we had before yes thank you okay you got it anything else now that's it and that's what o does it gives you the best of yourself o remember what matters as I traveled around the country Gathering stories uh what comes after that in the C tape does it gives you the best of yourself that's all you Crystal okay fast forward please play from there 15 years ago my mother took her life and it was a complete shock the last time I saw her she was so so happy and then she was just what was that gone what the the image that just flashed I didn't see anything one sec the last time I saw her she was so happy and then she was just gone and for a while her leaving began to Define me it made no sense and I was in a very dark place and it was my father who pulled me [Music] out Sophie could you excuse us please how was the Press store Sophie you have to stop I'm almost done I saw what just happened you jumped out of your chair my eyes are tired what's this about what are you looking for it's okay you can tell me I think they did something to me something's wrong we ran every test you're fine I know it was a horrible shock but you have to go home and rest I can't remember the last time I saw mom I can't dad I saw what did you see blood so much blood and and and there was this sound it were you using the O were you using the O when you had these hallucinations Sophie I know what's going on I looked at your oo history you're using it too much you shouldn't have done that Sophie I miss her too not like I do it's not the same all I want is for you to be happy for you to be your own person and right now that means letting go you have to let her rest in peace from Dr CSP why for anxiety your prescription I'm not anxious just for the next few days the tape is basically done you need to rest and be ready to present Sophie I know you I know how much you want the launch to be a success and it will be if you let me help you trust me she would be so proud of you right now you know that don't you now please take one [Music] Something Beautiful what's wrong thank you taking any new medications right now something for anxiety I've been taking it for long no any complications before from the implant what your implant for epilepsy right I don't have implant any problems with memory I have to go hang on I'd like to keep you for observation until my neurologist get I'm staying here she she the bage she here sorry please go away what did they show you the implant your company did that no you're lying you going inside me too you injected me with something you're trying to make me crazy is that what your father said get off me do you want me to make it stop I can do that plug this into your father's computer and then I'll make it stop you're trying to destroy us all I want is the code for the chip that you and plant it inside of me get it for me and then I'll fix what I did to [Music] yours and you'll never see me [Music] again I am very disappointed in you do you understand me bring her home now yes sir right away Sophie Sophie she's going to remember no she's not because she doesn't want to it's a big risk if they know about Sophie's implant they know about the research if they leak it to the press or anyone we're done it's over no all anyone's going to care about is the product does it work will it make me happy and it does and it will could it be Elizabeth she tried before she doesn't talk to anyone she doesn't see anyone I made sure of that well it wasn't me what about Aiden why don't you go and get some rest take some pills or whatever it is you do you've done enough for [Applause] today Sophie this is Elizabeth she's going to help us hello Sophie it's nice to meet you how are you feeling I'm fine thank you do you need more time no I'm ready she took my hand that day there's nothing there now the temperature is right but it doesn't feel like her okay okay hold hold there she is hi [Music] Mom [Music] [Music] is [Music] is Sophie is your sleep well fine I went to the hospital last night to see another doctor that's great you feel any better don't you want to know why I went what they told me oh perfect we can get you both no I'm sorry it's just me we're in the car confence oh it'll be so much better with you Sophie are you sure you can't I can wonderful I'll see you both in there when we last spoke you said it was up to the consumer to decide whether or not losing memories that's incorrect they're never lost we talked about this before the interview we're not discussing this again well yes but I have a follow-up I've answered the question Sophie let's talk about Marketing in your teaser campaign you described the O as a device for creating happiness so has the O made you happier yes so you betting that the consumer would rather be happier than healthier or smarter both and happier is healthier health is smart is this because it's not a tested medical device is that why it has been tested extensively so with this very vague promise why should the consumer trust you I mean you're you're asking them to mess about with their memories I mean you say it will enhance their memories make them Vivid bright tangible in fact you're just asking the same question again let's move on so basically you're saying trust us with your memories yes of course why what's that why should they trust you is that a question for me why should they trust you that's a very good question I think what Sophie is reminding us is that we've spent 15 years developing the Technologies inside the O the chip alone has gone through over a hundred iterations all told involving a billion dollars they showed me at the hospital last night ask me this is the fun of working with family we work together we play together we're very competitive with one another last night Sophie toured a facility that [Music] [Music] [Music] he's hiding something it's a family affair Sophie he doesn't care what's happening to me she can help me they tried to kill you she could have but she didn't Aiden I'm in pain please what is it that they want from you Sophie she wants the code to the implant she says that that that we put it there in her head she says it's the same one he put in my head you're the only person I can ask will you help me get the code you are the only person I can trust do you understand that and just just get it from me right now just go upstairs it's not upstairs then take me where it is call your father tell him I'm taking you home tell them you're feeling better tell them you're sorry where are you I'm going to go home Aiden's going to take me there now now to my apartment that sounds like a very good idea I took the pills you were right I'm sorry I feel much better now fantastic bye goodbye what are you doing I'm getting what you want right now so do it we need to meet no we don't you're alone aren't you well so am I call me an an hour I'll you back for foreign speech tell to step outside and walk away from the car she wants you to step outside that's not going to happen Aiden trust me open the door Aiden tell them to keep walking keep walking why is he here he knows where it is make him tell you this is the only way he's going to take us open the door on your right and get out of the car why you're coming with me we'll follow him selfie get back in the car selfie take us there what did you do to me I hooked you up to a sensor to do what to see the chip inside your head was the same as mine how do you even know how to do that 3 years ago I started seeing [Music] things I went to a doctor and they found this thing inside my head they didn't know what it was or who put it there my family had no idea they adopted me when I was [Music] little and after 2 years of looking I found this this is what's inside us there was enough code on it for me to find out who made it for me to find you the one inside my head is shutting down and if I don't I get stop I'm going to [Music] die who is she her name is Elizabeth she can give you what you need does she work for my father she used to i' never thought I'd see you again why are you here did you design an implant for my father does he know you're here does he know she's here I need the code for the implant who are you she's dying because of what you and my father did to her do you want me to help you where did you find her do you know how it works yes then help me fix it what makes you think it is broken because it's shutting down it should have done that 15 years ago then get it out of me doesn't come out fix it I can't fix it I cannot be fixed what about mine what about it is it going to kill me too of course not yours lasts forever oh that's right wait we can go to my father I I can make him help you I already tried that why don't you stay here with me I'd like to know more about you I have some equipment here I can take a look it will be painless I promise no what did you do to her tell me what you did to her I ran tests that's what I did research and development your experiment on her she was one of many subjects yes how many were there a few hundred all of them children yes it was all legal and paid for you disgust me it's okay you don't remember what I've done for you I didn't ask for any of this where do you think the oo came from that's right DM plant yes yes she's fine she's just sleeping I have something else for you and my father put one in my head why so you could remember what matters go to Elizabeth bring all her files to me what about Elizabeth that's taken care of I already sent someone for her soie we have to go your father send someone for you my [Music] gun [Music] Sophie Sophie we have to go now what did you know God Sophie is that why you're helping me because you feel guilty Sophie get in the car and close the [Music] door right there cover her please so if you get in the car drop it drop it I'm sorry I'll take you where you want to go they find you they find us all that's not going to happen let's go [Music] please stop the car I can't stop stop here I need to get out I need to get out right now I don't think I can make it it's not safe here where do it safe for [Music] me better her go she's in pain leave her [Music] be [Music] very soon I'll be back very soon [Music] [Music] [Music] I love you [Music] [Music] do you want to start at the beginning yes [Music] Sophie sorry to interrupt but you have a visitor hi Sophie hi Dad so how is it it's perfect [Music] perfect [Music] are you all right I'll be right back Sophie get out of here we're leaving dad stop go over stay away from her come here please not leave don't you dare touch her shut up you stupid [ __ ] Sophie get out of here get out right now it's okay it's okay he killed her he killed my mother no let's get you out of this take me to the lunch you don't have to go there [Music] anymore she going to the lunch sopie I'm [Music] sorry sorry for [Music] what [Music] it's green [Music] Sophie Sophie you going to get hurt in there I don't care I'm telling everyone what he did you're going to regret this how dare you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] Aiden [Music] can you give us a minute no stay I just wanted you to know I was ready I dropped by your house this morning um I stayed at a hotel security made me nervous everything is going to be fine now you've been through so much you're so strong you feeling all right just nervous why it's a big day don't be we've moved things around you don't have to present I am presenting you join us on stage with the whole team that's the message we need to communicate today this is who we are this is what we stand for you approve I'll see you on stage Sophie we're going to change the [Music] world we've got together the brightest mind in neuroscience and Industrial design to manufacture the lightest the fastest the most versatile microchip ever made over 100 iterations a billion dollars in investment over 1 billion transistors on every chip but then we made it better by making it affordable the best technology that money can buy won't just be for the very few only just for the privilege hurry up but for hundreds of millions of consumers around the world there's a lot of people out there you don't have to do this personal techn you right now and everything will be fine I promise that technology can make us better can we combine Art and Science to help people remember not just an appointment or an event check the script you don't need to remember the best of who they really are when they're at their best that's what the O does it's done it for thousands in our beta program and starting today it will do that for Millions it's not now teachers artists students families everyone sorry we could have stopped there and it would have been a tremendous breakthrough but we kept going because the true measure of success is not how many units we shift it's how many lives would change that's the that's the team we've assembled I'd like to bring them on stage now starting with Sophie clay thank you I wow wow my father has been working on this for what 10 years 15 how many years has it been about that many and the O really is an incredible thing and in all this time I never once thought to ask you one question which I would like to ask you now after you killed my mother were you sorry microphone is off as I traveled around the country Gathering stories from our testers one word came up again and again Joy not because of something the U had done but because of something they had done the joy of the first I I'll tell you the joy of overcoming a great obstacle because the oo is about Joy the personal freedom joyful memories create I know what you did Elizabeth the implant the children so does Aiden does he know you killed her you have no idea what I've done for you I've died a hundred times so you could live your own life you killed my mother just shut up I have tried so hard to help you to cut her selfishness out of you but I just couldn't cut deep enough you should have killed me too you're embarrassing yourself I remember at all oh I hate you who's going to see this no one do you need more time no I'm ready I Sophie clay being of sound mind and body and disposing memory and not acting under duress do hereby affirm that I have requested the procedure I am about to undergo and acknowledge that it will alter my memory in the following conditions first I no longer wish to remember what do you remember Sophie H that I killed her is that what you want you're fighting you were fighting and you shoved her and and and you took me away from her no Sophie you're protecting yourself no you're lying oh Sophie you've exhausted me I want to leave let me out right now all right I will but first I need you to make an informed choice you need to know what you almost did just now what you were about to destroy you think I've done all this for myself no I've done all this for you this is what I remember so you don't have to you were out of control you didn't care about me or your mother shut shut up but you couldn't take this one back Sophie come here it almost killed you let her go Sophie please come here stop I hate you I hate you Sophie get out of here get out right now we all did what we had to do to protect you then you made a choice Sophie you chose to change and you can do that again right now you can choose to walk out of here and become the person who did that the person who killed their own mother or you can stay with me and be who you were meant to be a brilliant caring person who helps other people millions of people you can give them a second chance you can give them what what you have a choice so who do you want to be [Music] Sophie I'm the only one who really loves you remember that and I said God has brought this to me in my darkest hour that memory that oo gave me gave me a truth about myself that I could do anything if I if I put my mind to it and life was trying to make me forget that and that's what o does it gives you the best of yourself 10 million Sophie 10 million I know it's incredible well get used to it how does it feel amazing scary but amazing you know this is just the beginning they're going to expect more better cheaper faster I know but not today okay are you okay yeah such a beautiful day today it's just just it's like the last time I saw Mom it's a day just like today she would be so proud of you you [Music] know [Music] m fore fore foree foreign fore spee foree for foreign speeech foreign foree fore for fore [Laughter] foree fore fore fore foreign spe spee
Channel: Jalsha Clip Shorts Update 2
Views: 9,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: African American Movies, LMN, Lifetime Movies 2024, Based On True Story, lifetime, African American Movies 2024, African American Black Movies 2024, Lifetime Movies 2023, African American, African American Lifetime Movies, Lifetime Movies, LMN Movies, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies 2023, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies, Based On True Story 2023, Best Lifetime Movies, Best Lifetime Movies 2023
Id: iqWmFy7mv0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 16sec (5236 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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