Somebody's Watching 2024 #LMN New Lifetime Movies 2024 Based On True Story 2024

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[Music] you [Music] on for [Music] [Music] I need a I don't care [Music] that's not all one story told us that after the pregnancy the marriage got even rockier we found this in the track outside [Music] this is Dar Setter hey left your door open again Heaven's Sake I wonder how that happened so how's everything well I'm worried about my mail I think someone's stealing it because I haven't received any letters from my kids in a long time and and and they always write well are they taking all email or or just letters no just the letters you think they take everything else wouldn't you they don't yeah well I'll talk to the super about it okay and if you want I'll keep an eye out too thanks hone I got dessert Oh Heaven sake I couldn't eat that whole thing okay I suppose I could eat some of it now and save the rest for later suppose here you uh I'm going to be home tonight if you need anything all right good okay bye me too yeah okay [Music] hey bab hey I know I'm early I'm not going to stay I just can't stop thinking about tonight glad to see you are you mad well you know we did say after rehearsal right no and I'll be back after rehearsal I just had to make sure you weren't having any second thoughts this is a good thing for us you know after rehearsal Cara how hard is it to fix a weak my outside key didn't work again either that guy with the dog finally let me in called the guy eight times already fix the damn leak just fix it so you you told Dwight you were going to be out of town this weekend huh is that the story yeah I know I don't get it I don't get a tip why lie why not just say Dwight I can't do it huh there's nothing wrong with that if it's how you feel it's easier yeah except now you can't even come see the show I'll say my plans fell through why why go through all that trouble it doesn't make any sense you know what here's Tepper here's Tepper and here's the truth and you go all the way around just to end up right back where you started or you could have just been straight up fromont the first place are your numers million silly as silly as pretending to not check your numbers when I know you to so I'll see you tonight right you'll be here yep yeah I'm just confirming that we have a date tonight Carly you waited 6 months right uhhuh do you want to spoil the whole thing no not if it's a good thing I'll see you tonight have fun with your poker putties okay and I'll see you tonight [Music] elephant juice I love you [Music] too hey loser it's C can't make it tonight um order for delivery please name is terer [Music] [Music] [Music] what listing please Avery Phillips what city Manhattan checking Avery phips no listing in Manhattan any other the Burrs no sir okay thanks thank you Avery you should keep a number in here buddy no one is Av yourone uh hi Victor if this is you I found a wallet tonight uh belongs to an Avery Phillips your number was inside the wallet so if you know this guy uh have them call me my name is terer and I'm at 55501 86 and actually I'm going to be here all night so if you want to tell him to stop by he can my address is 411 West 13th AV apartment number seven and if this isn't Victor uh sorry to bother you man bye [Music] 10 23 91 yeah it's fish I'm standing in a river out here let me in come on up fish tonight's big three jackpot is worth $6 million the winning numbers are 10 23 91 to hear the numbers again press one tonight's big three jackpot is worth $6 million the winning numbers are 10 23 911 hear the number 10231 okay right hey F you're not going to believe this do you ever check the numbers before we play what just say the word do you ever check the numbers before we play no no of course not why cuz the rule is you don't look you don't look I don't look Bowl doesn't look Cooper doesn't look but that pin head quigle look it's numbers time and he's got his freaking TV on so loud I can hear it from the stairwell and look I'm not saying he's checking the numbers but that kid puts the thought in my head you know I don't trust him T right I don't trust that kid why you friends with him makes no sense to me at all he's going to rub off on you you know that little rodent mole stink he's got he's going to rub off on you wake up one day be like ah Jesus Christ Mary and Joseph what does that stink oh my God I smell like quigly better yet wake up in 40 years and not have a friend is because of him some people they don't get it he doesn't get it all right give to the Red Cross give to the United Way but this whole friendship charity crap has got to stop all right look I'm done just need a beer need a beer like a crack cor needs a big fat Rock and please tell tell me you did not just buy them across the street from little punk it's too cheap to turn on his freezer oh you're killing me tap cold beer one week that's all I ask for we're playing unlimited tonight none is 50 Cent Max crap you know I owe everyone well bet that's bowling bet just bowling he's got to take a piss huh yeah Tapper it's fisherman get your ass in your bladder up here fish uh let me ask you something I I found some guy's wallet on my way home today no phone number no driver's license nothing and I left a message with this guy named Victor whose number was in the wallet got any money in it no no I don't want the money don't say you don't want the money cuz if you don't want the money I don't want the money okay but I'm just trying to figure out what I should do with it well they see what you do give it to a cop better chance of throwing out the window and him getting it so what you're saying I should just forget it don't worry about it if the guy's not smart enough to put his number on the wall yeah screw okay hey you're right just get rid of it holy cow I got to peek your consistent I'll give you that much I've been holding in so long it hurts shouldn't hold it in where your bladder out have to wear diapers oh that's all I need sterile and wearing depends at least I still got my hair huh easy we're playing unlimited tonight now that's 507 Max bull crap oh boy I think I may have done permanent damage this time you guys can say what you want but those pills are working thick as muff this thing I feel good I look good you know I shouldn't be playing at all tonight so much going on with Carla hey we should making an early one tonight okay so start already all what the deuce 101 fivr says it rains all night you know statistically I never win when it's wet I hate this crap yeah Jake poster please what's up fish what's up fellas who you like tomorrow see Notre Dam what are you making a bet no I'm having phone sex with your wife who do you like not D posters fish give me three bills on SC yeah that's very funny thanks I'm the one who played college ball you never ask me shiting up is not playing got to win some cash tonight you know I got guys after me that's cuz uh you bet with money you don't have stop by work with 2x4 Miss Me by 5 minutes I brought wine hey more pilage Poland don't it's not pillidge okay we're allowed so much a month yep for business for whatever I'm a wine salesman everybody does it it's part of the job what is it bar mitz you don't bring wine to poker for crying out loud my friends it's time to play you know what guys we need to get a moving here cuz I'm popping the question tonight so b b girly with the douche we have 5 minutes getting grief already I'm just saying a bottle here a bottle there please stop the lecture look if one of my counselors takes home a box of pencils it's three bucks it's no big deal right but if everybody takes home a box that's 300 bucks and somebody's paying for that me companies lose billions in employee theft oh now it's theft that's his point that's what pilfering is it's theft you know what screw you guys screw you if you don't want to drink it don't hey I'm not coming down on you buddy yeah you are Bing you always here dance with me what are you I I don't want to dance with you B when was the last time you loved yourself okay bowling you know what you got to stop with the therapy no it's not therapy this time it was a seminar power suggestion change your life save your breath bowling the quigly Mantra will always remain the same what they don't know won't hurt them my right temper yeah I'm staying out of that you know what you guys got to learn to live a little open yourself up to new things you know hey how's Jeopardy or was it wheel I forgot hey tap what is it that comes on right after the lottery numbers I don't watch the stuff fish yeah must have been another apartment did you guys see the ringy sore what the hell's he talking about about under the second drawer what's he talking about this is great got that for two bills look at that fell off the truck did it something like that it's a starter ring he can move up later looks like you're kind of rink quiggly you know what you're smart enough to invest lot there's nothing towards Cara but marriage can really suck no your marriage sucked cuz you're an idiot Carla's a keeper love that girl give me this hey T now that's class stolen ring great way to start a marry it's perfect it's just what I wanted all right give me a hell with this look depending on what date you set I got to get you the camp okay you hang out with the kids it's an experience it'll bring it closer okay okay okay one more thing dance class come with me yeah hey C calling know something's happening tonight right some damn well better happen she gave him a 6mon deadline it wasn't a deadline yeahhuh hey time to think whatever the point is you made the right choice T when you do it do it right get down on one knee make her feel cherished I mean she'll never forget it oh [ __ ] I uh hope these are okay they're the best I can find on short notice they uh should cost 10 but they're in the $5 bin so uh so we got a deal what guys said to put them in the fridge and uh keep fresh for hey quickly it's cool don't worry about it you guys want a beer yeah grab mine it's on the counter oh and a water okay and wine for the Wier listen um if you decide that uh later you know you want to get car something a little bit more substantial you know let me know okay cuz see I I got a guy I got a guy and uh he can hook you up trade that thing and get you something real special okay what I got a guy I got a guy where's C uh C he's not coming what do you mean he's not coming that putt SS me 50 bucks listen to me terer he calls and I want talk to his ass all right 6 million tonight fellas and it's all mine Kenny must have squeeze your brain you ain't taking [ __ ] all right I'm bank there's a surprise and we're playing unlimited tonight now it's 50 Ma's [ __ ] let's get that chair out of the Zone before us what are you doing that's not you see here will you turn that [ __ ] down sitting here tonight that's not your seat you sit here who cares where he sits I do yeah I'm sitting here tonight that's not his seat that's coup's seat you sit here fine fine like an old lady thank you cough it up let's go let's go what's this this isn't enough we're playing unlimited tonight we're not playing unlimited tonight yeah you know um I might have been the other chair over here but uh not now 50 C Max three raise limit same as always buddy thank you for your help thank you very much you're welcome the wine oh oh okay yeah thanks sto what is this $10 $10 quickly you got to be freaking kid that's all I got lay off every week it's the same thing cab right over C more you know that right you got to get married if only for the food we want me to walk now we're talking I got it you got Big Brother bowlan come back good evening this is Avery Phillips I'm here about the wallet yeah one second what happened I holy [ __ ] what' you do I'm not going to cut myself well do you have a a Band-Aid or hey you know see now this is the perfect time to have your sweetie that she wrapped that thing up for you and kiss your little face you know what why don't you get the one for quickly bring it in yeah yeah yeah hello hey terer damn near pulled a Bob at opening your pill fridge I had an opener one and poker like horse and church they don't belong together tap I had an opener what you think I'm going to show up here without an opener yeah well nobody's thinking about you at all quickly yeah this is a Phillips yeah you found my wallet uh yeah you're you're your ay yes you call my brother-in-law Victor can I come up yeah come on up favor [Music] listen I cop a squad and I drop a dece hey T what are you doing at the door the guy with the wallet he's coming by to pick it up I thought you said there was anything in it hey fish how the hell am I supposed to know the guy wants his wallet look this [ __ ] was so big Mary couldn't believe it you call your wife in when you take a dump I'm proud of it what I've got a secret that's sick that's intimacy hey tab stop banging on your freaking leg already you driving me nuts what is this thing so big I clogged the freaking bow I mean it cost me 65 bucks a snake I can't believe your wife has sex with you you know what twice last night and once again this morning and it's off the charts pretty soon she's going to be all bre going be kissing belly rubbing her little feet big brother Bowl's going to be big papa oh CH my sperm is screaming for nourishment what's up with the food pepper yeah I'm Avery Phillips I can't tell you how much I appreciate this New York City this doesn't happen you're a good Soul you know what it's no problem it's still kind of wet it's spite all right hope everything's in there that's how I found it sure it is well I good luck to you would you mind if I use your phone call my wife let her know I found it she's worri sick about the credit cards oh unless you're in the middle of something no no no you know what it's no problem it's fine come on in no are yeah uh phone's in the kitchen I won't be just a minute so what's the deal you found this guy's wallet yep Tempo did his good deed for the day he's not going to help him tonight though did you take the money there wasn't any in it see cuz that's what most people would do they take the money they leave the wall yeah that's what the P before him did no no that's a solid thing you did you know what that comes back to you yep yep y bowling it's your game wax on wax on I can't say know little game of cards even if it's only one hand you what you get a shirt you get a new shirt I got new shirts fish you know look at this guy don't take advantage of him come on Avery kick his ass kick his ass Avery kick you know what I'm going to bet you a dollar that Avery here kicks your ass a whole dollar you're on yeah oh he kicked your ass he kicked you owe me a buck yeah here you go well easy five bucks H ofier you're still a barely employed borderi alcohol with no future you know what make your life tolerable your little dollar let's play cards want a [ __ ] Avery let me get your stuff oh you hear that you hear that all you something is going down who's bleeding terer bleeding like a little girl got your blood on uh let me get your box the rain thing that's all only one game sit down we're just getting started check it out after all you did win the deal yes low stakes somewhat friendly wait what am I doing I you know I I I can get you number a real one sounds real tempy got like 100 extra point this game could use the money let me tell you yeah we got an open chair use your new shirt oh told you told you two cop cars right up front middle of the street baby you don't have to twist my arm no guys no uh not tonight I I I just it's just not a good night I got a you know a lot on my mind and uh I'm getting engaged tonight you know any other night it would be a good night but tonight's not a good night I'm sorry no I'm sorry T you're absolutely right you got a lot on your mind cops everywhere guys it's all right B it's just it's just not a good night thanks for understanding everyy I'm the one sorry I didn't mean to overate my welcome oh for crying out loud is this a poker game or an AA meeting everyone's so sorry about everything you know what another night huh Avery drop by again sure I won't forget what you did up good night good night get back in your apartment close and lock your door sir what are you D get your ass back in your apartment hey wait a minute wait this isn't his apartment this isn't his apartment I don't care whose apartment it is close the door oh it's got to be the fool they're going to seal her up hello this is Officer Campbell NYPD we've secured your building for police investigation do not open your door until you hear from an officer a if you want you know I should probably get you out of here now before you get stuck in the building oh no I I think I'll wait a second that is a smart man guys guys guys they closed off the building we're on lockdown hey what did I tell you hey T block that door I don't want to get shot what did I tell you see I know about this stuff roof is next then they're going to go door to door wait wait wait wait there's one guy that needs to get out he needs to get home just real quick okay man hello NYPD Avery NYPD yo yeah I know I I know I know you what do you do I'm uh I'm a bus driver there goes that h b last bus you took was short and yellow hey uh make sure it's a cop hey Mrs dmet how you doing honey why are all the police here you know what I'm trying to find that out myself they're all over the place yeah yeah yeah I know why don't you go back into your apartment and I'll find out what's going on okay hey Mrs DMS Setter lock your door and stay there until I tell you it's okay you you'll let me know yeah I'll tell you okay I can't believe they could close down an entire building only in New York look Avery I'm I'm sorry if you want I'll walk down with you okay what a you didn't hear the cop or closed up he's not going anywhere he's staying and he's playing huh am I right a well I must say it is a convenient excuse oo thank you fate throws that in your lap you got to grab it am I right huh Avery let me get that for you it's a 50 C Max three raise limit give me your cash and I'll give you some chips here to for known as the bank hey T where you going all getting something to drink you got drink sit the butt look I'm not a card player you just tell me win the bet and I'll do it woo that's what I like to hear why don't you get on him for 10 bucks huh what you grow a set up balls with that beard you did have a lucky throw it's your deal oh uh somebody else should go first oh I'll deal ah deal goes to Grizzly Adams six of Hearts six of Hearts six of Hearts six of Hearts six of Hearts just deal keskin come on C deal Happ what with these cards they all the same I don't know uh Carla got them at the MGM Grand in Vegas Bing that's the way they came it's not a salad deal seven card no pe oh already with the freaking gam keep keep it up I like wild cards monkey games tap sorry tap no pey what guys it doesn't matter it changes the way you bet you know what I it's okay I got to leave a message with Carla anyway see now he knows he doesn't have a hand ke we're one card in hey when you talk to her don't forget what I said way he's acting tonight you think this guy's getting circumcised not engaged he is getting circumcised he's getting married hey what's up sorry didn't mean to scare you no problem no problem at [Music] all I I got to get some new silver just getting ridiculous you know listen I want to thank you again my whole life was in that wallet well you know I'm glad it worked out for you mind as if well try again oh yeah sure there you go you mind you want some privacy I was on All My Children last week no way that's Mary's favorite show hello makes some pretty decent coin doing sub a guy in my office like Susan Luchi 10 rooms up briide this guy's on the phone all freaking night wait come on what block I can't tell you what do you mean you can't tell me stalkers and [ __ ] I can't tell he doesn't know he doesn't the [ __ ] I don't I know where a lot of people live and I can't tell you oh come on fish Mary loves that kind of stuff who's going to stalk Susan luch I don't know B but say I tell you okay and some freaking freak over here goes to Luchi house and bang she goes down cops the media the papers what happened nobody knows I know okay I know cuz I'm the one that talked what are you you you saying that uh you got code yeah yeah I got code what the [ __ ] the matter with you of course I got code I don't rat I don't cheat and I don't pay for sex now deal as a matter of fact you know what you lose a deal cuz you took too freaking long Texas Hold You know what I got a code too yes you do quickly it's messed up but you got one bowlan got code bowlan got code so pure he don't have to think about it just is but this kid this kid jury's still out on this kid got follow tell him yeah he doesn't even hear me you have the number give me the number what you looking for Avery I need a pencil that's silverware here you go here's a pencil what yeah you know honey you're right you call him for me thank you sweetheart yeah you have to call work and tell him it won't be in tonight hey freaking Frack we're playing Texas hold them are you in or out sure put a little hip in that hop so so how old are your girls Avery one eight and the other one just turned 10 last week October that's the same as mine I got a I got a 5-year-old then my granddaughter's actually just living with us for a while mine's in Florida lives with her mom for now anyway she's uh she's got the this prick lawyer dumb Cuban going out of his way to make me look bad you know I got a job got a suit got a tie I'm walking the walk you know I don't know what the hell else they want I don't know maybe they want you to move to Florida be a real father I would do that in a heartbeat I ever get out of debt you don't even know what debt is quigly you ever been divorced no no then shut your front door hey Avery 8 and 10's a good age huh billson's already into boys and baseball he's convinced he's going to marry this Derek Jeter fella I bet against Jeter once once never again Kid kill me in the ninth oh so good renaissance man that guy every uh does she have an autograph well how about that think she'd like it what's that your granddaughter do you think she'd like to have it damn T you already found the guy's wallet yeah I think you've done enough for me already I don't have any use for it it just sits there t you love that card I don't love the card fish it's just a card that's a pretty nice offer yeah for a guy you wanted g a beer ago I'm your best friend you never get my Taun or anything like that since when you was best friend and you are more than you guys what's a big deal Avery uh it would make me happy if you took it damn Avery take the card all right F that do doesn't mean I got to let you win does it all right hey everyone's happy can we play some freaking cards now can you never just enjoy a nice moment bone me play cards hey T I tried that elephant juice thing today it works wait what's elephant juice oh when you say elephant juice it looks like you're saying I love you yeah I'm the one who told T about it well it sounds like Dumbo coming in your hair it's from Mantic it's fifth grade it's talking around wait a second you're getting married and you still can't say I love you I can say it when was the last time when was the last time you said it February ' 89 Paula Valley took her to a Prince concert we rented a limo we wore purple and I told her I loved her to get in her pants no I meant it I did get in her pants but when I said it I meant it no it's not the same thing okay but don't think KLA doesn't know what you're doing cuz she knows I respect you for not saying it if you don't mean it but if you mean it I think you should say it amen to that good or bad truth only way to go right on roof is secure you hear that they're on our floor NPD still an apartment search and going door to door doing the old lady and we are next uh use the facility open the door if they're checking Apartments they're going to want to check the bathroom yeah not if I was just in there no need for that well then wait two seconds say hello then go do your business I'll just say a little hello through the door yeah don't worry every ypd we'll cover for you guy's acting like an ass huh sketchy Rond says open the door Campbell NYPD I'm going to have to look around all right Raymond come on out yeah good thing that the game is not going that late [Music] Raymond I hate the [Music] cops who the hell are you get out of the tub I got a bum leg just let let me uh get out let me okay okay uh come on there we go up up up there you go step out in the other room put your hands on the sink all right what's the story here somebody Talk t go ahead you're the one pointing like an arrow talk yeah I don't know you guys said you were looking for someone right right yeah and Avery we just met him tonight we don't know who he is and as soon as you knocked on the door he wanted to go run and hide in the bathroom three Mar two three Mary name last of Phillips first of Avery Avery you know I didn't know you just were acting weird the thing is Officer we were just trying to be cautious yeah that's that's the deal officer I mean you never know about people all right Avery Phillips you got a driver's license something with your face on it I did it's not in there nope well then somebody must have lifted it you see I lost my wallet earlier tonight and uh terer here called me over to pick it up yeah it's true I was just trying to do the right thing it was missing you're a fireman huh retired I drive a city bus now New York's bravest you stub your toe you're a hero we get shot we had it coming what's your route what's that bus rout Bronx specifically where Broadway all right Avery you're not who I'm looking for and I am sorry about that I'm ready to go home but I am curious to know why you were hiding well it's kind of complicated you see I got a couple of parking tickets parking tickets like I say it's kind of confusing see I uh I'm trying to get them sorted out I don't know the status Warr quek tiets well I'll give you a little update their warrants that's their status you're wanted city bus driver you could lose your job I'm aware you family man yes why would a man jeopardize his livelihood over a couple of parking tickets they were unjust and I'm contesting them well aren't you the moral one you need to arrest me go ahead if I decide I need to wrap you with my night stick upside that brave head of yours I'll do so I don't need your permission all right consider tonight a gift enjoy it um you know Avery really just wants to go home his wife is worried well and Avery shouldn't have wasted my time I'll tell you when you can leave all of you oh boy Avery you got to be kidding me you run from the cops you got warrant you're black man in this city and you get off that doesn't happen Toto wake me up there was some definite power issues going on look ay I I I'm sorry I wasn't trying to get you in trouble I understand hey what were you trying to do what what were you trying to do me what was I trying to do come on you guys weren't thinking the same thing soon as he heard the knock he wanted to go run and hide in the bathroom you know what T I don't care what went on but with all he's got on his mind I guess it's expected all right the fireman's fine all right false alarm zip and skip it let's play some cards huh come on are you okay yeah you sure yeah wait a second Avery Phillips Avery Phillips I knew I recognized that name you're Mr fire safety you spoke at my dad's summer camp EO [Music] Lake oh sure you're a hero hey this guy's a hero t i told about this right yeah yeah that's that's wild he saved his partner's life pulled his partner out of a hole with his leg this man with his freaking leg he pulled him out that was a long time ago still a hero if you're such a hero then why do they get you driving buses quickly you know I I got a pretty big family the feed and disability just doesn't go far enough so see Mr fire safety I don't know if you you heard about it but uh my dad passed about a year and a half oh gee I'm sorry man oh no thank you um uh but anyway I'm running the camp now and and we're doing great and we got all these kids with special needs and God we just got to get you back to Camp you know okay story time's over what do you say we play a little poker huh any poker at this point wild cards seven card peeky no pey I don't give a deuce I just want to play some cards please thank you you know I say we play last man juice things up a bit huh we haven't played a game or regular yet whatever you're not the boss come on yeah you're not the boss of us so play regular after yeah I thought you didn't give it Goose that's fine Avery you play for lottery tickets last man standing takes them all do you have a ticket Yes actually Avery why don't we uh why don't we trade places here I think uh the seat's going to be a little more comfortable on your knee there and I can sit over here in a CP seat there and uh oh that's nice I like that soft you are unbelievable tap let's go Annie in what oh yeah yeah yeah I'm not in this week the hell you want what do you mean you're not in I I forgot to buy a ticket as [ __ ] you're in I'm serious it just slipped my mind what you saying you don't have a ticket at all sorry I had a busy day you know I meant to buy one on my way home but then I found ay's wallet and I don't know I guess I just forgot well then I guess you don't mind if we check in your little hiding spot go ahead knock yourself out Sherlock it's not that we don't believe you I've got nothing to hide quickly how do you live with yourself how' you forget for the 10th time bowan I I just forgot it happens know what that's that's Ling you should you should be penalized for that what's the Big Damn deal the Big Damn deal is that's the way we play yeah that's the way uhhuh uhhuh we play it front pocket what's that left side shirt pocket what are you talking about [Music] empty the pocket [ __ ] you yo tab yo bowan what empty the pocket what's in the pocket what's in the pocket what's in the pocket get away come hey flying out loud guys it's time to settle down okay we're supposed to be having fun this isn't Camp bowling I came here to play cards I'm so sick and tired of SC screwing around terer you're acting more quigly than quigly you know what I'm so sick of you guys bagging on me why are you doing this we know you got a tickets you guys are the biggest bunch of dicks oh we're dicks oh we're dicks oh like you never bought an extra ticket right fish extra tickets what are you talking about you can buy a freaking 100 extra tickets for all I care all you need is one for here well I didn't have any time to buy extra ones all right this one's this one's for Carla for tonight man maybe he's got a winner yeah that's it that's it I I I I I got a winner no he's a winner if he had a winner he wouldn't be here wait a minute you really think I do don't you I just hope you're getting freaking flyer miles cuz you're all over the freaking map tonight kid call him if you do go ahead call him cuz I don't want this [ __ ] hanging over my head call him for crying out loud seriously fish call him up St fine all right you want me to call him fine I'll call forgive me for wanting to do something special for my girlfriend if I may when trust between friends is broken it can never be repaired and if you challenge him and you're wrong that could haunt this group forever neighbor's right this stupid so freaking ridiculous sit the butt let's settle this the rule is is you don't look ever for any reason that's the rule and it's very simple quigly look me in the eye did you check the numbers I never have Bowen I know the answer but I have to ask no T no bvery I don't know you but I'll Trust you if you know the numbers you can't be in the game do you know the numbers no okay [Music] then what about you no I never have and I never will right let's play Last Man Standing Avery you get this right you know you could lose your ticket winner or not I think you understand the game no M taking which is yours I'm sorry guys I I don't know what my problem is tonight I know what your problem is you're scared and you ought to be doing what you're doing is risky no it's only risky if you pick the wrong woman they haven't it's just marriage doesn't mean forever one way or the other it'll be over soon not soon enough let's play some cards all right Avery it's a very simple game five card draw ideal counterclockwise low man out on each hand stay off the bottom and you stay alive mhm that deck ever make his way around to me now fish always deals last man he doesn't trust anybody for some reason we indulge him new rule from here on out anyone gets up for any reason you're out all right agreed hey you guys does anybody smell that no that that that's cat piss T you need some rusic uh-oh witch doctor's got a good hand what you got Witch Doctor huh a pair maybe two why you call me that call me that every week what's it mean h you want to know okay all right seeing how is everyone's coming clean starting fresh I'm going to let you in on a little secret all you guys one of the reasons why I constantly kick your ass and you're going to remember me come Christmas time quickly every time you have a good hand you get so excited you start spinning things just like this twisting [Music] around yeah dead giveaway it's a tells me all I need to know everyone's got one you don't know you're doing it you just do it perfect example bowling every time bowling is bluffing starts tapping his foot like he's got py or something like he's screaming look at me I'm Lon I guarantee you he's got nothing first one out I bet you anything t on the other hand like a Russian novel very hard to read especially I need a guy tiger counter for him yeah you don't show much T haven't figured yours out yet what's yours quickly I just got done telling you it's unconscious if I knew I wouldn't do it that's why it's called a giveaway unbelievable I hand you the Keys of the Kingdom and you can't even walk through the freaking door all right big man Avery how many you want three three for the big man which doctor quickly huh well you got two pair going for that little Full House just play bowling one two three four cards thank you T don't need to tell to read that man takes three dealer takes three that I can't that stinks I can't believe you guys don't smell that what you got a turn them oh pair of sixes not too strong but strong enough to stay in the game I'm betting H bowling what you got quigly what's up right there which doctor working the Mojo two pair all you got to do is beat two sixes what you got bowling oh the Queen T all you got to do is beat a queen stay alive and he does pair of Threes it's a tough way to start the game humble oh yeah what do you got oh let's see here what do I have there's one boy oh here we go starting early oh and there's another the parir boys kicks the [ __ ] out of your [ __ ] bluffer holds true to form one down three to go see how it works last man alive gets the pot all right that cat piss is killing me I'm going to open the window you're out yes what it works you're up you're out no no no it's you can't get up during a hand bye-bye guys it worked what [ __ ] [ __ ] no bowlan it didn't work okay cuz I was that was a domestic thing I was doing it for everybody quickly check it out it didn't smell like cat piss I just said it did I suggested it you should have been at that seminar buddy what the [ __ ] are you talking about come on you guys are rough no kidding huh look enough of this Mickey Mouse crap this coming from a guy who call seven card no pey guys can can I get a little credit here I mean I think I should have been on all my children come on tap back me up here huh it's called tough love embrace it whatever I don't care anyway yeahhuh that leaves three of us all right we got a old and wise B good luck looking in young and see all the above let's just see what happens shall we boys pow how you feel about that one Bingo look at him banging off the yo yo yo I got little something something's in the window oh he's peeping again bowling please go suggest he' jump two girls one's clothed one's in a bra they're trying on clothes she is definitely 18 Bing check that out no thank you what's the matter with you D they've got the window they want you to look how high up do you think we are how high are you he you sure you don't want to take a look there fish little coet in the window just for you we are playing for 6 million bucks in here no time for high school peep shows okay we're down to panties now we're down to panties now and you can see right through them come on bow and three stories up straight across I talk give a sh maybe I'll spot the food guy spot the food guy spot the guy you know I've always uh question the fascination of voyerism yeah must be one's lack of holy mother of God oh [ __ ] you knew you knew the one time I looked the one time welcome to my seminar come here let me show you my table Avery how many you want two V how those feel Avery they feel sexy those cards t god oh Christ oh God you know what just go ahead deal no go clean that thing up I'm not leaving the table fish I'll watch the tickets go clean that thing up for crying out loud it's making me sick you sure yeah I'm sure hurry go God this means you're out wor some puberty in there this kid's like a Rabbid dog just going in what you said I think under the given circumstances right so like a home court advantage I guess you can call it that hold up every you want the tickets that bad you know just take them oh no wait hold on a second hold on a clip the lip first of all I'm still in this game second of all no one's out I said he could go what's going on you the king I didn't agree to anything maybe that's cuz you don't have a vote fish I got a ticket in that pot and I figure I got to vote well you figured wrong old man cuz you're an outsider and you're outnumbers don't come to my game and tell me how it's played off you're out he's up he's out he's not out whatever he's not out if I'm out he's out [ __ ] that you're out too he's not out I told him he could get up when did you become a Pit Boss Fishman how can you do this every single time you change the rules you're not the boss [ __ ] guys you know what we do when the kids can't get along we end the game hey hey bing bing Don't Panic Don't Panic did stop your freaking whining you're worse than my kids now I'll be the Arbiter okay that's fine what I say goes no arguing no debating just shut up for once Avery are you going to be okay with my call [Music] sure he's not out he's not out meaning he's still in so I'm in right yes you're in oh this is fun do you have to say that every five minutes what crying out loud you say it every other sentence so what so it's annoying so uh grow up ass fish and you can walk back to [Music] fuckland having fun yet [Music] Avery it must be great having kids huh is a wonderful first time around it's great now that I got the granddaughters light of my life i' do anything for my girls I bet you would you know all day I'm at Camp working with my kids but uh but I don't have any of my own yeah I got all these people telling me that uh I'm not ready I feel like you're only not ready if you haven't lived enough life for yourself I have I want them my wife and I having a a little trouble getting pregnant so I was at this clinic today and this nurse puts me in this little room and and gives me a big butt magazine so yeah I do my thing and uh and when I'm done I I I peep my head out and I what do I do with this container this nurse says leave it on the Shelf I'm sorry I mean my self-esteem is at an all-time low you know I'm in a little green closet with big butt magazine suspecting that my seen isn't poent and you want me to leave it on the Shelf so I I left it on the Shelf what' you do with the magazine he doing there uh yeah hey hey how can you stand fisherman he's ridiculous you mind I got a whiz sure bro fish I I literally can't do this with he's standing behind me there he is about time Avery and I made up BFF best friends forever sit it we'll play some cards has something like that I got lucky something I never have been unbelievable I lose with two freaking pair yeah I can't buy a freaking break where's the phone I got to cancel a bet I'll deal yeah let Houdini deal I got to get a plan there's a surprise what' you say nothing I'm a deal damn feel like a deck and a half in here what you say we use a new deck for the last hand huh yeah tell him Paul Fishman's on the line yes I'll will hold you know the funny thing about lottery tickets such a leap of faith I've been playing the lottery for 10 years now one ticket every week for 10 years and I always play the same numbers as soon I forget my birthday is my lottery numbers and I always buy them from the same little Korean fella he's got a place right across the street from our church and uh every Sunday after I thank the Lord for my blessings I sneak in a little prayer for myself I say dear Lord this week let me win I take the girls across the street and buy them juice a little Korean fella and buy me a lottery ticket the odd thing about this Sunday little fell wasn't there sick or something first time in 10 years but I buy the ticket anyway from his wife same numbers a different hand punching them into the computer and I say to myself is this a sign could this be the week I'm going to win maybe the good Lord knew I needed a different hand typing in the tickets so he made the little guy sick just so I could [Music] win then I go and lose the ticket and you find it and here you are gambling in a poker game now here's where the faith comes in if the good Lord intended me to win and mine is the winning ticket I'm walking out of here with it because he wouldn't do that play a trick on me like that cuz he's too busy screwing with me deal quigly oh you listen to me you little rap bastard you tell him Fisherman's calling back in 2 minutes and you better pick up the phone that's unbelievable I am the only book in New York with a freaking receptionist hands on the table fellas I don't want any controversy hey you guys think we'll still be playing poker in 50 years God I hope not and take your time 6 million reasons not to screw this [Music] up I think we should split it if someone wins since when I've always thought that you know especially after everything that's gone on tonight then why even play I don't know fish for the fun of it what is it with fun tonight this isn't supposed to be fun this is gambling there's winners and there's losers yes I'll hold how many a one or fre eight I just called a half hour ago hi Mr Dar Y how many well sure you can you've done it for me before four honey okay what do you think they know where to check the basement how many T the police draw time let's go how many t m m starsteer I don't know I'm sure they do well you tell me all the money I bet with you can't do me this one thing CU remember the Exterminator T come on come in he didn't know T pay attention and he's worked this building for you pissing me off this guy well so if he didn't know how are they going to know unbelievable draw many trying to talk to you I don't know but they know okay how you know what I want to do many hello I want to double my B I want six bills on SC tomorrow do you understand me maybe you should say something she's trying to talk I'd say something they're not old lady where are you little [ __ ] tap tap pissing me off this guy he tap where's your head up maybe if you said something would you put a [ __ ] sock in it oh God I'm sorry Mr storm I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean that oh God I didn't mean that I'm having a rough night here I would never hurt you I would never ever hurt you I'm so sorry you know that right you believe me right this isn't about you what happened just now was not about you you scared me I know I did I've never seen you like this yeah yeah me neither could you please forgive me I forgive you sh you maybe you want to you want to stay here and watch some TV no I I I I I guess i' better get back you know in case somebody calls are you sure you're all right I'm okay come on for [Music] [Music] I tell you already [Music] hey [Music] tap you got nothing [Music] you got a flush hey huh Jesus you don't draw a three for a flush and a Twan game that's idiotic you don't deserve to win you don't draw a three for a flush ever I mean the chances of that happening are like zero unbelievable quickly get out of my seat tap take your tickets why don't you ever play like that when my money's off freaking table take your tickets tap here you go I'm going to check the numbers I'll do it that's okay I got it quickly give me the phone now okay it's ringing still want to split it ton jackpot is million the winning numbers are 10 23 91 to hear the numbers again press one no winners hey thank God for that oh you got to be kidding me what's it the door will you get the door bowling all right turns out you guys are not the biggest idiots in the building Raymond got himself stuck in the garbage shoot ass end up I live off 229th I'm going to keep an eye out for you now you can leave thank you officer Campbell finally we can play some freaking cards too late t no take backs What's Done us done what are you doing I'm going home well no it's still early yet not for me oh Bing yeah guys I got to call it too what are you kidding me we've only played one freaking hand all night well we can go again tomorrow night no no I can't I can't play tomorrow tonight's my poker night hey guys I'm uh I'm cabin anybody want to share I'm so tired of humping this freaking ride guess it wasn't in the cars today huh fish and the son just sat on another day you gave head to quigly but what does that do for me huh mayy it was nice to meet you guys later bowling bye hey you want your cash I guess that's for me H you probably want to get going too Ivy let me let me get your jacket and stuff have no need to rush off just yet God I thought they me God sorry T this had to happen did you see that did you see how smooth I was huh three clubs right off the bottom boom boom boom like butter I'm going to get help no you didn't catch that actually because I'm crin [ __ ] come on what the [ __ ] it's okay it's okay son of a [ __ ] yo we got an emergency 411 West this doesn't work this doesn't work get away please hey the God we got $6 million God damn it quick what are you we got a winner here I'm protecting our money t our money we got get a winning ticket you said no winners T he lied he lied he had to and bow and bow and never go for it why you doing this quickly what the cuz it's his ticket cuz it was in his wallet and he can prove it what are you talking about cuz fireman Fred here plays his granddaughter's birthday neither one of you caught that did you no I did I did quickly did show them the ticket T show them the ticket first number 10 month October second number 23 day last number 91 year October 23rd 1991 he plays his granddaughter's birthdays and he's been doing it for 10 years and don't you think for a [ __ ] second that all his neighbors in the hood don't know about it probably planning a big old barbecue right about now huh huh we got no choice we got no choice here think about it think about it four four white boys four white boys rip off a a black man a hero no less we're [ __ ] at the very least we have Al sharpen up our asses for the rest of our Liv plus this is the kind of guy who doesn't even quit his job screw that okay screw that okay okay here I'm quitting I'm getting my daughter back you're getting those guys off your ass and tap you can do whatever you want going to be right oh God it's him or us I'll do it I'll do it I just got to know you're behind me don't [ __ ] stop it stop this was your idea stop please stop stop look out you guys shut up stop it hey hey it's me let me in baby I'm TR I want it to look so good for you too can I tell you something I am really nervous I know it probably sounds silly but I don't know it's like our first date all over again you're going to have to let me in my keys jammed again T don't bring Carla up here it's not a good place for her all right not now what are you doing up there I am freezing come on let's go let's go let me in help me with them if it's about the guys I don't care if they're still there you I'm sure know everything that's going on anyway trying real hard to give you the benefit of the doubt right now come on I've waited 6 months for tonight T if you have something to say to me then just say it don't leave me standing out here you know what the problem is you never chose me I asked you out I kissed you first I wanted to get married you never once took the initiative with anything you just let it happen now you're doing it again aren't you but I'm tired of waiting I am tired of spending every moment trying to figure out what it is you want and how I can be that I'm just tired we'll straighten it all out tomorrow t all right I promise you we'll straighten it out tomorrow no you won't fish you won't be straightening out tomorrow what are we doing man we're friends fish what are we doing oh come on yeah you're friends since when do friends cheat each other yep I caught that too t and since you're feeling all righteous tonight why don't you tell fish tell fish just how good a friend you are huh see T I figured out your tell when you're lying you look him straight in the eye yep he cheated you fish he looked you straight in the eye and he cheated you three Aces Three Aces my ass you cheating me TB did I'm sorry fish you dumb asses 30 years I've been waiting for a break like this and you screwed up in a night this what the wall was all about Jesus tap and quigly you smash his head cuz he's a threat to you did you listen to a word he said all night he's got a wife and kids man we know where he lives you don't have to hurt a guy like that now you know now it's a problem Avery your problem not if we split it look I'm a poor man today tomorrow I'm a millionaire either way H just just want a fair share you see quickly now there's a man who's thinking he's living in the moment half his head's freaking gone he's smarter than all three of us put together Avery I don't want to threaten you I know what that feels like but if we do this and you turn on us I don't want anybody else hurt right I got no problem with that I'm good with that too no we're not splitman what 10 minutes ago you Johnny split it all what are you the Moral Majority now what am I in the freaking 700 Club we splitting it t it's his it was his to begin with no t no no you found the wallet that ticket became yours and then you bet it in a game we're splitting it we're splitting it terer and you damn well ought to be happy about it seeing as how you cheated me don't complicate this terer please just don't complic okay this is the best way to do it we've all got something on each other all right no one's going to talk it only hurt us all so what we're going to do is I'm going to take the ticket I'll cash it out I'll divvy it up see I can handle that we're not splitting it it's his and he's leaving with it no what is this what is this terer huh come on is this about you feel guilty T is if you feel guilty give us the ticket give us a ticket T I'm doing this cuz it needs doing take your ticket over I appreciate the gesture but this doesn't seem decided yet it's not that simple is it guess who tick tick open the door I was two blocks away from getting clocked out I should have run the light what did I tell you T I told you they come officer I'm sorry I'm the I'm this is a little embarrassing I'm the one who called actually I I I panicked what happened to you like you said he panicked we were we were rough housing and uh I took a header and the little [ __ ] panics I thought he was hurt just panicked so he said I've grown tired of you guys I'm the one who called my one1 well I'm all out of gold stars why don't you work it out with your buddies yeah well that's cuz I done something illegal and I want to confess sorry fish you Wise Guys I'm finishing a double shift at the end of a very long week I got daughters home from school who are waiting to spend a little time with their dad you are cutting into my quality time and I do not appreciate it this ticket belongs to Avery not me and not us well then I suggest you give it to him the problem is it's a winner it's worth $6 million if I give this to you will you see that Avery gets home safely with it courtesy professionalism and respect that's me nice this is your ticket yes sir does that mean it's stolen property look uh I just want what's fair there's no problem Oh but there is a problem see I wanted to get out of here I wanted you guys to settle this thing on your own on kind of I got family at home but like a boil on my ass you guys just wouldn't go away so whether you want to press charges or not I have all the paperwork to do procedure I'm sure you know all about that I'll do Monday morning you'll find it in Lost Property with your name on it Avery yeah I'm 10 Ines are you bragging or are you doubting my word yeah just another dirty cop huh maybe you're right paperwork does have a way of getting misplaced you girls have a nice night terer please tell me just pull the fast one we're about to work this out like men right he didn't just give a New York City Cop a $6 Million lottery ticket right right I did the right thing fish you did oh for crying out loud he did congratulations T you just got code I just just wish it could have been tomorrow nice knowing you Avery caller [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I appreciate what you tried to do [Music] he did the right thing what oh seven [Laughter] there's no mistaken is there [Laughter] oh what this hey oh oh [Laughter] oh oh God this is Big Brother bowan sending the good love out to my two favorite [Music] people hey it's Carla leave a message and I'll call you back hey it's me [Music] like an Ang and I hope it's not too little too [Music] late before I was broken girl you me took my [Music] weakness how you doing you called my brother-in-law Victor about my wallet I'm Avery Phillips e e
Channel: Mr.Movies
Views: 16,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST Lifetime Movies, New Lifetime Movies, LMN, Lifetime, Movies, Based on a true story, Television program, Film, Entertainment, lifetime shows, lifetime movies, mylifetime, based on true story 2023, african american movies, new lifetime movies 2023, lmn, lifetime, full lifetime movies, based on true story 2024, new lifetime movies 2024
Id: -jSecX-_WYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 46sec (5566 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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