Family Tragedy 2024 #LMN Movies - New Lifetime Movies 2024 - Based On True Story

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[Music] who who whoa who who listen no no please please don't do don't don't do this I'm sorry I'm sorry but I had no choice okay I had to do it I'm sorry I had to please please don't don't do this don't [Applause] [Music] don't go [Music] [Applause] [Music] f i i fing I I got the work I fing I I got the work all right Mecca tell us what we can expect this season last year was such a huge transition for us between Damian's new position as head coach and Tara always trying to come for my neck it really was all eyes on us last season but Tara knows I'm not the one or the two so with a little luck will have Les Mayhem this year so what can viewers expect to see from you this season well I'm continuing to run mine in Damian's nonprofit which for that we're throwing an empowerment luncheon and of course we have our game dat cookbook which is set to be released just in time for us to play the big game hey let them know baby and your family life Damen and I are as much of a team as the Prospectors we are so solid any plans for new teammates the rookie league if you will love and want kids but when the time is right you know no I don't can you elaborate of course we want to expand our family but it just hasn't happened yet so um when the time is right um God will bless us and you're trying fish these questions are inappropriate it's a reality television show Trish it makes for good television Damian isn't that what you both want all right uh I think that's about it for today well I just have a few more questions you'll have to do that another time we have other appointments to attend thank you good baby I'm a little out of practice you know I always got you all right let's wrap it up people you know the nonprofits and the business ventures are not going to work this season it's not what the trophy wives audience want they want [Music] drama to a good season may it bring many Grand deals M mhm shoot went well then I mean it went as well as it could have Aaron kept pushing me to answer why we don't have kids yet he's the producer that's his job babe I told you when you joined the show they're going to get pushy and weirdly manipulative mommy mommy soie won't let me pick a show well did Sylvie suggest a show first okay well why don't you watch your sister's show first first and next episode it'll be your turn but her show is 20 minutes and mine is only 15 so what do we do when things don't feel Fair negotiate that's right he's so cute but girl I don't think I want all of America talking about my fertility issues remember all those memes they made about that wig hour last season oh girl I remember hey you never told me how your last round of IVF went not well Wonder fertility certainly hasn't done wonders for me honestly I don't know how much more it can take of this every time I get my hopes up just to just to still not be a mother what about adoption I don't know you don't know or Daman doesn't know Damen just wants to be a dad I feel like Daman would be happy if someone just left a baby at our doorstep so what's the problem honestly I don't think I could let go of the idea of having a baby to teach a little girl that she's beautiful or to teach a little boy to cherish and respect the woman in his life and you can't do that if the child isn't biologically yours I mean of course but I'm talking about a baby helping to shape a human from birth do you know how how rare infinite ad options are so it's the weight that is the problem M mommy St feel want to negotiate all right time to mediate come on [Music] hello hello and you had the nerve to copy me with your little Yoga Studio in toena do you ever have an original thought inside that skull of yours clearly not because you're still wearing platform Su from 2008 I'm staying out of terrorist drama but I can't say I'm out of here always a spectator Mecca jeez I'm coming we need to talk you're kicking me off the show aren't they of course not the network loves me and by extension you okay so what's up maybe you should sit down for this okay quit it with The Dramatics talk okay okay Don't Kill the Messenger but I thought it'd be best coming for me so that we can do damage control damage control for what Damian is being sued oh Christ what did he do this time I swear if he got into another screaming match with a fan it's a bit more serious than that Becca don't believe it baby don't believe it it isn't true okay jamian just stay out of it Trish I can't stay out of this because this needs to be man managed I'm your manager I don't even know this girl what girl if the Press gets a hold of this Mecca we need a game plan this could tank you if we don't play this smart the Press finds out about this oh what what is her name I don't know her enough explain Damian is being sued for child support this is this is a prank right like a really late April Fool's joke maybe you know I'd never cheat on you well shut up Trish baby this girl is a nut job okay con artist cuz I ain't been with nobody but you we'll get the DNA test and we'll put this to bed well if she really is a con artist she will fight you on the DNA test it doesn't matter we'll get one ordered by the court I already talked to my lawyer and he says that's standard for cases like this and all of this will be like a bad memory Trish yeah reschedule our meeting with Aon me too [Music] they're 15 minutes late we have toit Damen Mega this is Matt rein and his PL Angela Wright Angela this is Daman and Mecca Noble Mecca I um I just started watching your show it's a hoot I'm really sorry about all this sure you are very well shall we get started before we can discuss terms of custody or financial support we'll require Miss Right submit to a DNA test for The Unborn Child we're prepared to take this to a judge to get a court order if Miss Wright doesn't comply that won't be necessary really we've already taken the liberty of scheduling a DNA test at Griffith Memorial this afternoon Matt here thought that you might ask for one so I just thought let's get her done I don't have anything to hide well good couldn't agree more as soon as we get this situation cleared up the sooner we could all move on without okay I take it the meeting with the lawyers did not go well they agreed to a DNA test immediately already had it booked Jos and Damen were so certain that we need a court order but they didn't even put up a fight it's like they already know what the results are going to be you don't think that my husband stepped out on our marriage no no no you cannot think that way Damian loves you I have I've never seen anyone look at another person the way that man looks at you he would never cheat on you he already has what are you talking about it was after we got engaged and I didn't find out until a year into our marriage who was she groupy I think he said he needed to make sure that he was making the right choice and he couldn't do that without getting underneath someone else why didn't you ever tell me yes I was embarrassed Sammy and he said it was a one-time thing that marriage is sacred and blah blah blah there you go Damian would never break his vows but what if what a wife is supposed to give you children and after a first IVF failure he was so distant the team won their away game in Tampa and and I couldn't get a hold of him all night he always calls me after their wins except for that one time his team would never snitch on him if he was to cheat on me I would never find out unless unless he got someone pregnant exactly what about the girl oh she seems like a sweet Hometown girl yeah she didn't say much but she comes across very Innocent but you don't trust her sweet innocent girls don't hire sharks for lawyers coach where you been at man I've been waiting on you all day jayen what you need that book you said you was going to give me we all good yeah um sorry jay I just had a lot of my mind today what's up join me look that stays between you and me but I'm being sued for child support the man who says find a good woman and settle down cheated on his lady I did not cheat on Mecca okay all right she didn't cheat you didn't cheat unless you think you did I don't remember what happened that night at the Tempa game it's a complete Blank Spot the boy said you got wasted I didn't know that meant blackout drunk wasted I would never cheat on Mega if I was in my right mind okay but that doesn't really matter now does it if you fathered a child and that child is mine do you think Mecca can handle it honestly don't know well I know I've done some dumbass [ __ ] when I was blackout So speaking of which stay out of trouble come on Coach I'm in bed by 10 I haven't been to the club since preseason good team needs you at your best none of that [ __ ] from last season I know coach mhm coach defense was hoping to go over the new plays with you thanks McKenzie I'll be there in a minute oh all right then Coach good luck with the baby mama drama you good yeah it's just here again pick this up from the hospital directly Damian would you like to do the honors baby listen to me I [Music] now that we've settled that I hope that we can talk about what really matters here our baby maybe we can take a second to digest this shocking information look mea I I know that this is hard right now but I hope that we can learn to co parent together co-parent maybe even be friends Mecca can we talk about it oh so you want to talk to me now after lying to me about cheating after cheating I swear I didn't lie when we met that girl I saw the look of recognition on your face so was that really the first time you laid eyes on her that's what I thought I'm done Mecca baby you home [Music] [Music] m you Mak him friends Charlie's good people okay well let's just not do anything that anyone would want to tweet about whatever it happens all the time finding out your husband is a Flander skank on the other hand does not why don't we go back to my place H I got a great Pino my whole stupid life is wrapped around a man that doesn't even love me the producer of this stupid reality TV show that I'm on won't stop blowing up my phone I will deal with Aaron but you know Damian loves you I can do without that kind of love Trish I'll be better off building a new life for myself can I get to Jin and tonic please thank you come on right up okay let's say it's true let's say you are done with Damien and are ready to strike out on your own say goodbye to that brand image Mecca I mean you're coming out with a cookbook together God's sake yours is a family brand going to be hard to keep that up with no husband and no kids oh thank you well you pay me to tell you how it is and how it is is that we live in a sexist society that would jump on the chance to blame a woman for the breakup of her marriage girl you'll be rebuilding amongst a messy divorce from a man who left you for another woman whom he impregnated oh I don't care oh yeah I'm hardly the first reality TV star to go through a divorce that's all right maybe you're right maybe I can spend this senor favor you are beautiful college educated rebranding as an independent woman isn't not the table I will have to throw Damian under the bus I could Le to the press that he cheated on you while you are going through fertility issues yeah I will brand you as the Victorious hero and him as the villain monster you're okay with that right I first want to thank you for coming home I know none of this is easy for you but being willing to hear me out means everything that woman Angela I swear I don't know her I mean she look familiar but I really couldn't say well I seen her before I swear to you the Tampa away game I don't know but maybe I don't remember much from that night it's convenient come on we were celebrating and everything that was happening with us okay yeah I admitted I drank too much and I blacked out but I woke up the next morning in my hotel room with no sign that anyone else was ever there so you were fully closed so that Angela woman all of her claims are true then I'm sorry but you have to believe that at least I didn't expect any of this I love you so much you've said that before oh come on don't do that that ain't Fair did I lie listen I don't remember what happened and that's the truth I I don't believe I did it but I I must have and you want to be a father to her child I wouldn't be a man you love if I was willing to abandon a child I don't think I could do this hey what do you expect I just I I need time I need time to process all of this yeah yeah what what whatever you need yeah we could take it one day at a time yeah you can know as much or as little as you like and you you could be involved as much or as little as you like fine but I don't want her coming around here mea Daman I'm not playing with you it's just just all feels like too much yes hi I just wanted to confirm my menu for the luncheon yes that's right maoby okay thank you oh yes yes that's correct okay thank you so much what's in the folder medical records what for there for the doctors to do a full family medical history on the baby you you have a doctor's appointment an ultrasound I don't know how much of this you want to hear no it's it's it's good I I want to know it's just got to go hello who is this I missed you what the and the ultrasound this is for [Music] you look I want you to know that I had no idea that Damien was married that night I'm I'm from Safety Harbor Florida I didn't I didn't even know who he was really yeah I mean honestly I thought he was on the team he's 41 really huh I guess what they say is true Mecca I don't want to come between you and Damien I actually want us to be friends our baby's going to have two mommies that sounds like the luckiest baby in the world to me thank you so much Angela was it well Angela thank you for bringing this gift but I was actually just heading out so okay you know I'm really looking forward to getting to know you might go [Music] [Music] sh coach you guys looking for me yeah uh take a seat Jak what's this I he about uh argument in the locker room is that what this is about Coach you had me feeling like I was going to the principal's office jayen it was nothing coach nothing and nothing you want me to know about about always been talking huh I don't want you hanging around those people that are just going to pull you back into Old Habits I know coach but I promise you it's nothing I even been reading that book you gave me and everything oh yeah yeah Trish got me reading it she said it's good for my image all right well just come to me if you feel tempted by your old lifestyle all right of course coach anything else yeah Mecca's having a lunch in next week and I want you to come get you around a different crowd okay okay is there going to be any girls there there will be women there and yes the type of women that you be smart to have in your life okay say l say less all right now get going I got some work to do your baby mama paid me a visit today she brought over this gift because I guess you don't know how to set boundaries that's not fair is it not did you tell her not to come by the house because how does she even know our address Daman I can see you giving up for a fight no we're already in one she was in my house talking about her baby having two mommies and I'm sorry for that but you didn't exactly tell me what you want her to know well feel free to let her know that I'm not interested and being her sister wife Mecca I'm I'm doing the best that I can this situation is hard for me too do you think that this is how I imagined becoming a father I haven't promised her anything but I do have responsibilities to this child who by the way also didn't ask to be born into this insane situation now I don't know how any of this ends up but it could go all safe don't push your luck Daniel eventually we might have to talk about custody Daman that could be our way to limit our interaction with any look I don't want to talk to you about taking a child away from their mom be away [Music] f [Music] [Music] yeah Trish you just waking up do you want to meet early and go over talking points yeah yeah could be good as long as you stayy if he pressures you clam up I will take over got it got it how you feeling every night I remind myself that I love Damen and every morning I congratulate myself for not leaving in the middle of the night OMG what are the odds I guess pretty slim but here you are okay so I've been meaning to try this place but this must be serend okay because look I I didn't love how we left things yesterday so I'm I'm really glad that I get another chance oh excuse me hi um let me get oh one of those uh virgin mjos thanks and uh more bread do you mind Angela um we're actually in a business meeting is this about your empowerment Lon oh I saw you post about it on your stories uh no we are meeting with the producer of Mecca show oh tropy wise go you know you are so classy on there so will Tara be at the lunch in I I really want to meet her she seems fun Tara is super fun unfortunately there's a guest list oh there's always extra food at these things you'll barely notice little old me although suppose I am eating for two these days yeah it's just that this is my job hosting parties sounds like a fun job way less tiring than wrangling preschool kids all day let me tell you you know I I had to take maternity leave early because I just couldn't keep up with them in my condition oh I bet you know in your condition probably have nothing to wear to the luncheon I would be happy to connect you with my girl mhm her shop is nearby yeah so why can't you get you know what you could go by there right now and pick something out right now yes yes you're going to love it okay she did Kylie's pregnancy come on come on hun buun you going to be just fine yeah yeah yeah come on let's go quickly so we can't you finally you grace me with your presence you act like I don't have a show to produce with all this rescheduling who's your friend oh I she's just an old friend for modeling yeah is Trish joining us she's just taking a quick call so the crew will be filming my event and Tara and that girl that she's always fighting are are both invited for your request so I'm sure something juicy will pop off well that is Terror storyline dear we're here to talk about yours my husband took jayen cross under his wing last year because he wants to clean up his Playboy image he'll be in attendance because Damien wants to help set him up with a nice girl and you are going to personally set him up with someone yes I am and then Jaylen has agreed to discuss his love life on camera well no Mecca I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation my bosses are planning on replacing you well you need to give them a real glimpse into your personal life fights betrayals Secrets I don't need a scandal to entertain the audience the numbers beg to differ you know Tara trended off the charts because of her Feud with that hockey girlriend and you you trended for a second because people couldn't stop talking about that that one wig okay well what what do you want me to do manufacture a feud with one of the other football wives yeah maybe if it means I'm up for a promotion and gets me off the chopping block for when the new CEO comes in look I'm not the only one in danger I hear that Devon James's fianceé is sniffing around for a spot on show Damen and I are trying to start a family weak sauce give me something juicy maybe we should just wait till Trish's back she always sees reason invation quickly andet uh we haven't been successful because I because I suspect Damian has been cheating on me please tell me more Jos this can't be serious good evening to you too Trish uh so much for the hometown girl who just wants what's best for her baby she is trying to flee Damian it turns out when she said she was open to primary cust City she meant she wanted primary city and for them to pay for her lifestyle what kills me is that 3 weeks ago we didn't even know who this girl was now she's trying to come up off them H has the private investigator gotten back to you with that background check not yet we let me know when he does we can use any ammunition we can find we'll do hello [Music] [Music] [Music] you sneaky [ __ ] [Music] [Music] you ain't never seen nothing like this looking so good I'mma make it go you don't want to be messing with this TR across me and I think you mind this no disrespect but you what you get when then it's cool no swe co connect maybe we got be friends inity I pull [Music] up Trish just texted me that she's not going to make it you'll be fine event coordinators what do you need Trish for Mecca here we go thank you so much for inviting me this is this is beautiful we don't do stuff like this back home in Safety Harbor happy to have you Angela this says Sam so nice to meet you you too okay I love your dress oh thank you mine's new Trish set it up for me but kind of a shame it's a maternity dress but maybe I can take it in once I have my little gift from God speaking of Bambinos I noticed there aren't any kids here it's a childfree event oh wait so all of these people had to get child care just to be here oh well my husband is home with the kids gosh isn't it hard with that to live in nanny I mean especially with your husband's company it probably takes him so much of his time oh well aren't you all researched I've seen the show you know Mecca once our baby gets here we'll have to start having Child Care at these things I can't even imagine being away from her for so long her I asked to be surprised so doc only uses gender neutral terms but I do have a feeling that's as good as you excuse me I do oh thank you your is great can we set something up for Miss right to rest you probably want to get off your feet your cell okay why oh Angela just in case anybody asks how we know each other could you just I'm an old friend reconnecting after after a few years wow she seems a sweet she does doesn't she but you don't think so I messed up Sammy I told Aaron that I think Damen cheated on me what would you do that he was talking about replacing me and I just okay okay I mean maybe it's not that bad I me it's not like there's proof that he cheated except for the baby baby that's growing in that woman's belly Sammy what are you going to do what does Damien think they haven't told him yet meca I know and for some reason he thinks that we're going to get in full custody of that child now you tell me if that sounded like a woman that's willing to give up full custody of her child do you even want full custody I keep thinking about what the baby's going to look like I mean obviously it's not going to look like me but probably won't even look like no [ __ ] yeah so how am I supposed to get past any of this with a constant reminder of my husband's infidelity in my own home have you told Damian any of that hi beautiful I got to go I'll be back [Music] stop itop it I guess just seeing this is is bringing all that back up so well I'm sure you'll make a great mom you're not alone this baby's not alone you both got me yeah for now n that's my kid too you stuck with me I have to admit though I don't remember meeting you yeah I'm uh I'm not surprised you were you were really drunk everyone was so we met at the game one of your players invited us to VIP at the club and we took the party back to the hotel the Wilmore I think it was I can't go back out there my makeup's probably ruined I already feel like enough of a fat cow these days I can call you a taxi home can you give me a ride I live in a walk up and taxi drivers are rarely willing to help me up the steps all right yeah let's make it fast okay [Music] sorry I have so much stuff I I just want to be preparing right but I do always over yeah he's been helping me out a lot it's nice being someone's priority for once is is there a problem depends on what you really want because from my perspective it seems like you want my husband of course not I'm not that kind of girl H let me make something very clear to you Daman married me without a prenup because he loves me he'll never leave me so if you think this is about to be some sister-wife situation let me assure you it will not look Mecca you have such a beautiful life you've got the house the husband the fame but I can see why you'd still be threatened by little old me you know with this pregnancy I've really been coming into my maternal instincts and I know that's something you struggle with Damon's my husband and I'm not going anywh anywhere despite all your effort you still couldn't give him a child suppose we all can't excel at everything what happened you told Angela about our infertility issues now hold up a second the only thing I ever said was that we wanted a family then how does she know Damen what exactly did she say that I couldn't give you a child despite all of my effort don't let it get to you baby look listen why don't we take a trip just for a few days just you and me no football no pregnancy and definitely no TV show I'll tell Trish to check in on Angela a few days in Cabo sounds perfect Cabo it is Trish it's Mecca I'm coming in Trish Trish hello trash TR TR wake up TR TR Trish no no [Music] no TR TR TR sorry to hear about your friend she seemed nice she wasn't thanks for your condolences of course if either of you need anything I would we'll call a friend uh she's had a long day [Music] come on what you don't think so no l no it ain't like that what do you mean I really want to help however I can dam look I know that mea is dealing with her own thing right now so don't forget that I've got you yeah it's uh it's been a tough time for her and we Trish gone she's just not thinking straight Trish always gave it that clearity for to tastic daycare how can I help you hi I'm interviewing 90s and one of the candidates listed you as their former employer just wanted to know how she was with the kids her name is Angela Wright I'm so sorry ma'am but we don't have any employee record for someone with that name it's disappointing thanks for your time Jos we need to pause any negotiations with Angela did you find something out she lied about where she used to work what do we really know about this woman Trish had the same questions which is why she hired a pi Trish hired a pi I don't think you found anything but the last I heard she was waiting on an email from him thanks so much for coming of course I found that hit in an Angela's little gift it's off I took out the battery she's been spying on you she's also been lying at least about where she's worked but who knows what else does Daman know I need airtight proof before I can go to him or the police according to our lawyer Trish hired a PR private investigator to look into Angela okay so you want me to do what Sammy don't play quet we both know you're the reason why Terrence played D1 and got a computer science degree at the same time I just need you to get to email okay I got you there he is my man Aaron what can I do for you oh well I uh just in your books I checked in with your assistant oh yeah so McKenzie put you on my schedule I got a lot going on man uh are you sure I just wanted to get your side of the cheating story and see how much you're comfortable sharing on TV the what story oh Mecca's storyline about you two having trouble starting a family due to the cheating did mea say that yeah not today okay uh I'll just reschedule with MacKenzie then goodbye Ain I'll show myself out you do that [Music] so with all the personal information you know about Trish it actually didn't take long for my program to guess your password is that even legal not even kind of there's nothing here that that can't be aside from clients reaching out to her there's nothing strange here emails from Brands emails from clients emails from a lawyer but nothing from a pi check the trash there it is someone must have had access to the inbox in order to trash this maybe they did when they were in her [Music] house Angela is in her man this say she's from here this [ __ ] said she was from a small town in Florida wait wait stop go back what's that this is what the boys are up to at the club oh that's nothing check this out not a great look [Laughter] coach what the hell is this I swear it's just a little joke where Tampa after the game you were so wasted I had to put you to bed you put me to bed yeah you don't remember who the hell is Angela you reach Wonder fertility how can I help you hi I'm checking references for one of your former employees can I have that employees's name Angela Zimmerman oh back girl was fired total Fiasco for what I really shouldn't say look I get it I wouldn't want you to risk your job it's just I'm considering hiring this woman to be my nanny to be in my home to care for my kids I promise they they won't ever hear from me baby please call me back right now I think I remember what happened that night [ __ ] coach coach I got to talk to you coach I got to tell you something see not now coach look this is my ex the crazy one from Vegas I stole my watch remember yes that's the same girl I told you to break up with wait coach this is this isn't the girl that's living with you is it oh my God my God I got to get home all right I'm going to grab my keys I'm going come with you okay [Music] [Music] are you sure you don't want to come home with me at least until Daman gets home I'll I'll be fine I can out crazy a [ __ ] any day of the week please be safe I will don't worry I won't do anything until Daman home [Music] [Music] I just have to know did you ever trust me or was finding the camera in the last straw you crazy [ __ ] now I don't have a fancy degree like you but tell me is it smart to insult the person pointing a loaded gun at you I never trusted you too bad Dad we would have made a beautiful family drink it so this is your plan force me to drink poison and fake a suicide you're going to have to shoot me I can work with that [ __ ] D it D oh my God come on man [Music] Aon Aon thank God thank God this [ __ ] is crazy she's trying to kill me she's trying to kill me she's nuts she has a gun we got to get out of here we got to get out of here this is an even greater story line than I could have ever [Music] imagined I told you would be take this pleas you to hard of course God damn it your fast oh worst luck of my life being saddled up with you in your charitable Gallas until Angela we actually met at a barbecue you through last year raising money for autism you remember Aaron looked so bored producing it I was you were there with Jaylen you know I have to admit NFL players former girlfriend being knock Knocked Up by a married coach is a pretty epic storyline the type to get me my own show yeah I don't think the phrase Knocked Up applies when you inseminate yourself with sperm you stole from a fertility clinic is that true I am carrying Damien Noble's baby half him half me what difference does it make how it Happ the difference is a felony sweetheart and what about Damian's crimes I would still have my baby if it wasn't for him he told Jaylen end things with me when I got pregnant Damian would never do that Damen put him up to it no he didn't he took my baby so I took his you're insane I wanted to seduce him the oldfashioned way [Music] [Music] well you did I did wasn't really that hard to find out what Fertility clinic you were at all I had to do is get access to the cold storage a little turkey baser and well oh you are crazy but that won't be the official story I'll call 911 once we shoot Mecca claim it with self-defense and then you'll release you exclusive footage from my camera that proves just how jealous she is a me and Damian's special bond and then I we get your spot on trophy wives I'll to better job with your life than you ever could Aaron shoot her [Music] [Music] a about that no don't do anything I would you okay then calm down put down the gun I am not afraid to take everyone down with including your own baby no no no no no no no no no kids got great timing this isn't over yes it is Angela what the hell amian I'm fine I'm fine fine you heard your baby mama shot me what yeah with her little minion Aaron what Aaron okay she's not my baby mama she must have altered the DNA test because I never slept with her or anyone well that baby is yours it's the mother that that certifiable Dam she worked at her Fertility clinic she impregnated herself why would she do that Revenge did you ever tell jayen to break up with his girlfriend after she got pregnant what Jaylen got his girlfriend pregnant yeah I told jayen to break up with his girlfriend because I found him unconscious in a Vegas hotel room without a Rolex oh I would have told him a man up had I known any father a child I believe you you're the only one in all of this who never lied okay I'll let him know bye Joss that's my girl that's my girl who's dead who's that that woman sentencing hearing is coming up and Jos wants us to write Victim Impact statements jaylen's writing one too when will we be rid of her he promises this is the last thing yeah I sure hope so oh I got to go pick up the cake before my mama's plane lands yeah I see hi okay yeah who's a birthday girl okay let's read some of your cards wow happy first trip around the Sun see you [Music] soon yourd fore foree fore for for fore for for Fore foreign foree spe fore fore foree Forbe
Channel: Jalsha Clip Shorts Update 2
Views: 10,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: African American Movies, LMN, Lifetime Movies 2024, Based On True Story, lifetime, African American Movies 2024, African American Black Movies 2024, Lifetime Movies 2023, African American, African American Lifetime Movies, Lifetime Movies, LMN Movies, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies 2023, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies, Based On True Story 2023, Best Lifetime Movies, Best Lifetime Movies 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 34sec (4414 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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