He seems perfect 2024 #LMN Movies New Release - New Lifetime Movies 2024 - Based on a true story

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happy birthday thank you you did not have to do that six years is your assistant I had to oh come on you're way more than my assistant I hope you like it and these just arrived from Mr HS a combo gift to celebrate your birthday and for landing Rand Jefferson's new book series he also said you could leave early today now you know I'd never Liv that down right hey are you coming tonight oh yeah I'm your ride okay Jana didn't want any excuses about you having to work late Lord your 9:00 is here okay this is a lot worse than I thought it was you know Ben's going to be by tomorrow he's going to take some pictures and samples of the water the paint and the mold Jesus all right so you're doing the right thing Mrs a lot of people are getting very very sick because of this now by you filing this complaint you're their Saving Grace you're an amazing woman for this thank you Mr John no call me Michael you're not alone anymore all right I'm here to do the fighting for you happy birthday toy birthday to you happy birthday to you [Applause] as you guys know birthdays can be a little bit emotional for us ever since our parents passed but we're really blessed to have Mama Mary and all of you in our lives and you guys are our family we love you all so very much we love you too love you I've already had three of his imaginary children do you know you can't date your boss's brother right I know but if he gives me even half a signal my resignation letter which has been ready for 5 years is on my laptop ready to send Don't Judge Me girl this one of the reasons we fell in love with you at First [Music] Sight need to [Music] you congrats to my big brother by six minutes y'all just who will never let me live that down but in this moment you can have it I want to congratulate you on your latest Court Victory which saved a community health center I appreciate it congratulations all thank you guys I appreciate it thank you and let's hear for ammen and isi as they embark on their journey to adopt a baby be so wonderful to have a little one running around hey ear is acting up again okay get some tea for me girl giving you a hard time again sometimes he just needs to be put back in his place kind of like you ouch where's your girl Sophie right uh yeah that didn't really work out what did you do why is it always me that had to have done something and why are we always talking about my dating life instead of yours because that would be a very short and boring conversation Jan you've been divorced for almost 3 years I mean how are you not back out there yet okay so did you come here to harass me or do you actually need something my man wanted some tea oh well hurry up night guys you leaving already yeah I got a thing a you can't leave before the gifts I can be your present okay Lisa always a comedian yeah you know me all jokes all right well have fun at your thing what's this to wipe the desperation off your face bye Lisa that's from us he knows wait a minute wait a minute who got the Cubans y'all not the only ones who got a a plug yeah right last one this one is from all of us a dating book damn shots fired you are wasting all your good juicy years on working and not playing and it's more of a girlfriend let me give you some tips kind of book yeah I can't keep enough of them on the shelves Demetria shines a light on bad habits and misconceptions in relationships she writes about when women and men like you who leave people on fill their head with relationship hopes and then just leave them for the next thing walking how did this become about me you beautiful types are all the same what are you talking about don't mind her she just ran into her ex Delilah and it brought us some dark memories okay that makes some sense you two talk about your exes Amma was the first person I called when I ran into Satan my therapist was second and wait why wouldn't I suppressing my emotions is my superpower that ain't healthy honey okay for the record I'm not a love him and leave him kind of guy either oh Roberta Georgia Jasmine oh my we LED jasminea Michael you are a handsome thoughtful caring young man and any woman would be lucky to be with you oh thank you Michael welcome you are also an unmarried 33-year-old professional with no children that we know of about you're a unicorn you better be careful where you put that horn please you guys saw that one coming is she why you coming from me it's my birthday do you ever think about how these women feel when you whine them dying them and then dip I am not the one TR is we ruin relationships for ourselves I bet every girl that you date thinks that you were the one okay well two weeks in they looking for the L word what's that about well because even if you aren't sending out those signals they want you to be the one you're ideal you know you check all the boxes check the boxes oh that's real sexy I don't you know look I'm not trying to hurt anyone all right I just know that when I with someone and I know they're not the one I move on it's that simple love them and leave them okay so the question Still Remains Michael why haven't you settled down yes because better to wait for the one you know than just stay in a relationship because you're afraid of being in Al is J I'm not talking about you but he ain't lie come on now we all are afraid of being alone and you too Michael you're just better at hiding it I don't mind being alone I really don't dating takes way too much energy and I just like to keep things a certain way controlling no I just don't need a man to come in and just muck things all up you know I have to continue with enough minute work the last thing I need when I come home is another full-time annoyance so you consider a part-time annoyance it's possible at this point you possible God to take you to events to travel with to bring you soup when you're sick I've got a twin brother oh but what about the sex okay let's just change the subject dating is fun you're just out of practice isi and I met online and it was an instant connection what I won't be doing is meeting anyone online I don't know how many articles I have to send you ladies about women going out with strangers and being kidnapped oh gosh and strangled and Tangled and chopped up by strangers they met online on dating app come on you can meet men anywhere okay there have been at least three love Connections In This Very spot oh miss what was your excuse oh no no one Atomic level toxic relationship is enough for me you know I really wasn't talking about you it no it's it's fine you were right I stayed in a marriage for all of the wrong reasons but you trive sweetheart that's what matters wine more wine yes yes please M now what was that other gift I missed it what was it Micah which one is she talking [Music] about hey George how you doing Michael's right on Tire we good of course yeah mhm we should grab some dinner this week okay last night was fun girl wasn't it what was your thing oh I had a tender date so what did I miss wait isn't that your second date this week third did I miss anything good the usual probing of my private life and the topic of online dating weird its ugly head again so that's fun you talk it down but online dating is fun girl you find a guy no problem I'm pretty sure you're only saying that so you don't have to deal with me at 8: a.m. I seriously doubt any guy can get you off track but it' be good for you to mix things up a bit there's nothing to mix my dating life is pretty abysmal cuz you don't take chances and you're too what nothing just say it you are too rigid Micah you need to relax you do yoga flow lean in stretch good stretch you know what I mean I know someone I can introduce you to oh no no no no no no no no no no that's never a good idea I don't do hookups and if anything happens and we become strained this is Joey oh who hold on oh God you know him mhm like no I'm no I'm or oh mama the garden looks amazing thank you you know I've traveled all over the world somehow this is still my favorite place and it's even nicer now that you moved back in a thank you I do love being home too I'm very proud of you your father would be too I know no I don't want to rush you but maybe it's time for you to look for someone to share your life with yeah I don't know about that Mama well you know one thing never changes love only comes when you're open to it I tried that and I ended up looking like a fool you're not a fool honey you were in love and you we're trying to make it work now you have a new choice you want to wallow or do you want to grow cuz you can't grow if you're still holding on to the Past you are incredibly special you always have been you'll find love you ready for it where you know speaking of Love did I see you flirting with one of my regulars the other day mama okay tell me everything everything George is he such a gentleman he was a teacher for 37 [Music] years why didn't you call me to help you I did I've been calling you for the last 20 minutes can you just turn your damn ringer on I'm sorry I must have forgot to turn it on after class hey I said I'm sorry I heard you look this MO is a huge influencer and she is taking a chance on me I reminded you yesterday because I knew I couldn't screw up on the shoe and you keep flaking on me how are you talking about having a baby when you can't even remember we not me we how can we when I'm the one busting my ass covering all the bills making all the plans while you just meditate I need help sometimes and I'm here to help you but you're so controlling that you can't and won't trust me with anything because when I do this happens I had to drag this damn wreck three blocks all by myself and I already apologize for that did I not and I'm still behind schedule all because you couldn't remember to turn your damn ring are on and you want a baby is she isi look at me I know I screwed up today and I'm sorry but that doesn't mean that I do it all the time and that does not mean that I do it on purpose and when you say that I want a baby when you know that this has been our Dream you're just pushing your own fears and insecurities onto me and that is not fair look we can finish this conversation later but right now I'm here to help you so what time does everybody we get here any minute all right well let's get to [Music] [Music] work [Music] [Music] well um you know I hate it when you throw your psychology degree at me yeah and I'm sorry I I I I know you don't keep flaking on me and I know that you're there for me and I appreciate everything you do so I'm truth is I'm just scared of being a crappy parent there's no chance of that none whatsoever we are in this together me and you you stuck with me [Music] oh wow my God those are fantastic thanks yeah you know I like to use natural light so it gives it a softer look but the color still pop oh that one's my favorite the one at the bottom mhm that pop of color just worked be grateful and happy from within and with this we all say Namaste Namaste see you guys next week Namaste Namaste that was so good thank you I do not understand how you guys drink this sludge how is it that you always arrive after class it's by Design honey I don't do yoga your wife is a yoga instructor does matter actually she is quite flexible oh you know what forget I asked hey Lisa said she want to hook you up with one of her friends oh yeah he's stunning and and he's 23 what am I going to do with a 23-year-old how are you turning down hot sexy men how I knew you were going to say that you won't close up if you don't let a man in there soon I'm at the phase in my life where I don't even think about sex anymore like at all is that weird I can't even remember remember the last time I've had sex oh that's that's problem that's the problem that's SC that's you know what I should introduce you to my photographer Jason Riley Jason he's really really sweet and really fine actually he's your type this is Jon you see he is I called you last night to come to the cafe oh I passed out I read the book you read the book I did finally okay okay stop there's so much I didn't know there's so much I didn't know apparently I never really realized how many bad dating habits I had most people don't no most people just don't want to well look what did you think are you ready oh no I'm I'm still in the research and development face thank you oh wow getting there I'm getting there I'll get there you're too slow breakfast's get M oh we always have a good time here and I love her thank you so much for coming Michael George this is Michael who I was telling you about civil rights attorney very nice to meet you pleasure to meet you sir there are some very nice things about you glad to hear that we have somebody fighting the good fight yeah well it's been tough but I'm doing my best we'll see you after oh thank you baby thank you very much yeah retired teacher comes in every Tuesday for a mint tea and an oatmeal cookie a man's got a style wish I could wear a hat like that you know mama has a thing for well Dress Man daddy took his look very seriously yeah I remember he told me how to tie winds a tie when I was 10 how long's this been going on a few weeks he comes over and they take long walks together wait so you mean I spend all this money on my date and he takes Mama M on walks that's all it takes to impress you in the boss women a stroll in the park it depends on who's asking but clearly he's got way more going on than you do apparently oh hey how's that snow more case going we got the lab back that whole building's toxic so we going to take them to court well if you want to see some real change make the owners live there research time is over time to fly baby [Applause] [Music] bird isn't it cliche to meet at a bar I mean how many couples do you know I've met bar plenty if you didn't walk around with your nose and your phone or in a manuscript all day you notice there are men everywhere now what are you drinking um I have a m we'll have two top shelf Tequilas over ice make them doubles it's not what I said tonight is your first lesson in relaxing and putting your guard down I like my guard it protects me yes girl it's a 20ft iron fence with razor wire but you ain't never going to get any if you don't make a doorway I'm not telling you that you have to share a bank account with anyone but you want to go out and have fun for once please please I'm literally begging you fine okay good now step one yes I know I know that smile okay a little less Joker more Gabriel Union I don't know what that looks like [Music] really good nice suggest so did you get his number no did he get yours no he's hot wearing a $1,200 suit and a $10,000 watch what's the problem he is looking for a unicorn who's into SN and you said no what I'm joking are you though Dam that's what she's talking [Applause] about details three strikes and I was in bed by 10 damn well at least you went out I guess is she wants to set me up with her photographer friend but he's away on a shoot right now so Jason he's hot you know him I follow him on social he's mad talented but I thought he was dating a supermodel he probably is truth is I'm just not good at meeting anybody anymore I look and feel so awkward you know like anything it just takes practice maybe you're expecting too much just sit back and enjoy the ride I think I've proven that I suck at that you'll find the right guy and when you do just be you and not the you you think he wants you to be just don't be the one taking a backseat and making all the compromises you want to be with somebody who respects you for you and is comfortable sharing all the roles how do I find this magical man the magic is in you you make your own magic I want to be you when I grow up well I mean I am pretty perfect oh God you're all right go go go got to work love you leis we might get a ruling today you can uh have a seat anywhere here I just got to fill these out real quick now this judge that we're dealing with is no fan of Slum Lords which obviously is going to be a favor for us but there's no guarantees I know thank you for helping me well don't thank me just yet we still got some work to do I wanted you to come in today so we can start going over your next steps we found a great adoption attorney so now all we have to do is interview with some agencies and once we settle on one we can start the application process oh are you going private there are still agencies that won't allow gay couples to adopt so we're just staying open my God that is such bull I know like who you love has anything to do with your parenting skills I know but bigot tree is still alive and well my sister well any baby would be lucky as hell to have you guys as in moms thanks now I want God God mother status I know I know okay all right what are these self-help books be the you that matters stop the cycle look there should be one that says if you suspect he's up to something follow your brain and not your heart that would be a bestseller what I love you but seriously let it go let what go I'm just joking around no you're not it's been 3 years of this and 2 years before the divorce why are you still torturing yourself I'm not yes you are you fell in love you got married he was a cheating cheater who cheated you divorce Tim you win okay I do I win okay I'm fine no you're not and I know you don't want to hear this but therapy works you need to talk to someone before you blow no I won't because I'm completely fine okay you're a disaster I know what you're doing and it's not going to work is because I'm fine okay just fine you see I've lasted this long okay I I I work hard I play by the rules I do what I'm supposed to do I was just stupid what is wrong with me seriously what must be wrong with me because he cheated he lied he stole but I'm the one that quit I left so I'm the bad guy you know he never deserved me when things were falling apart and there were signs everywhere I tried to make it work but all I did was let it go and let it go so he would do it again and again and again he tried to convince me it was my fault did you know that he acted like I was to blame for his dumbass mistakes Isa gave him everything and I saved nothing for myself just like he knew I would but I'm not that person anymore no no you're not no you're strong come here do you feel better now I do good M so you're going to call my therapist in the morning right [Music] mhm be easy have fun and go slow getting to know people okay take your time before you invest your heart men respect what they work for and you are worth the effort Demetri girl you got some gems [Music] [Music] are you kidding me good [Music] [Music] come on [Music] oh this is a surprise yeah well I knew you was going to be closing up tonight and guess who was still open an's I figured we could eat together mhm now I hope you didn't mess up my order chicken tacos M no cilantro extra onions extra hot sauce and no tomatoes anywhere near your food very good you do know that the sauce has Tomatoes right okay how many times I have to explain this to you I know I know just eat wait what do you want to drink uh whatever you guys [Music] find [Music] [Music] is scooch scooch scooch scooch phone yeah come on you look like a puppy every time a couple walks past here you saw that M you're going to join the rest of the 5 million people online and dating I I no no no what age range you looking for uh 35 to 40 mhm okay and how close by do you want him to be um close um never mind uh what are you into music art dance good beaches or mountains Beach all right here you're done what yep where' you find all these pictures of me m your Facebook feed oh how' you make me look so good I know they barely look like you but no those are filters oh well I don't know whether to be impressed or insulted okay so now whatp right if you like this person I don't think you do so swipe left and now yeah okay so look at the pictures read the profile and then swipe mhm mhm you yes but guys no they just look at the first picture that you know they like they swipe sounds but you should definitely scan the profile I do know I will yeah I certainly will yeah all right yeah hey scooch hey hi hi oh I finally gave in good for you Terry okay okay oh I'm wait I'm going to read oh my okay really mhm oh but he's that's left that's see sorry that online dating isn't working out for you those are from Anon oh how sweet I've never heard of somebody getting flowers after two text conversations like ever wait how did he get the address here oh we talked about where I worked and you just told him yeah we talked about what we did and I told him I'm in publishing and I told him where I worked oh Lord this is how women end up in ditches isn't it yeah you need to at least meet in person before you give out that kind of information girl my job description does not include intercepting would be stalkers y'all are never going to let me live this down are you no name age marital status College children homeowner you made a dating spreadsheet it was hard to keep up with the details what is wrong with you I don't even know what's I I I don't get it I it's not hard what did I miss child you don't even want to know for the last time I'm not good at this I had to do what I had to do my have you called Jason yeah I did he's on a shoe like somewhere remote with crappy reception so we've been playing phone tag you know what it's probably the SI Swimsuit shoot oh yeah yeah yeah he did great say that as if I weren't intimidated enough I feel like we should just pull the plug no you can't the first guy will be here in what 10 minutes honey how can you possibly have four dates in one night you're not Lisa dates okay they're coffee meetups 4 5 minutes each in hour tops it's like a personalized speed dating service well I guess that's efficient and this event will take place here so you all can spy on me we got your twin is panicking please talk to her is this about your dataon what not helping I have to go where are you going I have a date oh of course you do oh well if he getss fresh you just give me a call I'll straighten him out right quick oh honey if he gets fresh I won't be calling anyone M that's how you live M that's your mama I have a class so I'll be back later but I want a full report okay make me proud baby you got [Laughter] this okay so what's the contingency plan if this goes sideways hand signals okay what yeah you remember ours no when I was in law school I had a big go my date canceled on me you came oh that's right and we came up with hand signals on the drive over to get us through the night and this right here this was rescue me uhhuh and remember this one right here was um it's time to go okay and if it just is terrible M can you like pour coffee on or something absolutely not Micah no I will figure something out you're going to be fine M you sure you want to go through with this I'm just saying it sounds like a lot of work for a date says the guy who literally has to run from females yeah okay I don't have it like you Mike okay just relax you know what you might have some fun he's right did you see the last guy was cute oh did you catch a glimpse of him before he bolted for the door okay didn't he say he's going to call you they all did even the one that looked nothing like his picture I am sorry my evening went so late did I miss it the last one just left honey are you okay no this started out fun now it's sucks I'm starting to second guess everything when they don't respond online I wonder was it my opening line that sent them running and when they do respond I'm wondering when how long I should wait to reply and then I get paranoid when is it too soon to go from texting to actually talking and when we are talking I'm stressed out wondering if I should make the first move but I know if I make the first first move it could make me seem pushy or aggressive or Worse desperate and I haven't even told you guys about the pen pics oh don't please don't please just don't you didn't have to go through this when you were younger why can't it be like the good old days honey don't let what Paul and I had fool you us getting together wasn't easy 40 years may seem like a lifetime ago but the 80s provided their own set of problems education ships women owning their own power all of it I didn't think about that a lot of men weren't emotionally secure with a stable and fulfilling job so imagine a woman having what they didn't not much has changed but you should be fueled by your freedom just like I was you have a career that you love you've got a great home wonderful family and friends so and if you have a partner that you want to share it with good for you go for it but you should be having fun with it relax be more spontaneous yes yes and you I think you could add a little more spontaneity to your life too tell her you two are coming with me no questions no arguments I can't go yes you can Terry and I can close up and you can go and have some fun for a change let's go I don't let's go let go have fun open your top follow me ladies but we can take it off if you want what you going to do and he do what he do when I do it's a no phone party ladies oh no I need my phone their no phones allowed at this event for privacy issues and why would there be privacy issues at a paint party someone have a copyright on the crappy Sunset I'm about to paint live in the moment I love painting parties I painted the dopest AIS last time is the one I have hanging over my r that's an owl you know what for real you all didn't see the sign sign this is going to be awesome are you kidding me you know I don't mess around when it comes to having a good [Music] time hiding behind these filters you're looking at a real one real one no fing that's just how the story goes perfectly J [Music] only this was the most fun I have had in such a long time you can't hang these up at the cafe we're not done what do you see on the wall everything that you ever want to be on the wall yeah on the wall like you'd never need acknowledgement confident radi child you're perfect take it from the one that really knows yourself you can let it show [Music] let I'm connected like AO the Michael what are you doing here Michael sent me a bunch of weird messages and then she didn't pick up when I call so I figured I'd check in myy you got to smell like you have fun Lisa kidnapped us we went to a paint party I saw I saw the biggest P wait what I don't feel good let's get you inside come on she okay yeah she going to be all right I don't remember the last time I saw her so drunk probably never but she needed this and she kept talking about how some guy wanted her to paint his bin oh God Lisa took us to a booze and nudes painting party a what uhhuh and then dancing at Eve oh y'all got Eve mhm that's a hard Club to get into I know at least you should get a raise for that damn well earned it because we had a great time but oh this was not a good time look at you wishing you were puffy all right that look was in no it wasn't no it wasn't it wasn't in when he did you can say what you want about puff but he made some great music he did he mixed all them old songs together W Prince made great music okay I'mma give you that mhm thank you I'm willing to bet you still got that purple suit yeah you're a dirty dog proudly okay Prince for life I still have my dad's original vinyl collection it is one of my most prized possessions man those are crazy times trying to figure out who we were you what we want to we want to do with our lives I thought I had it all together was college and then teach and then a house full of babies yeah wasn't fool he was crazy not to fight for you yeah maybe but you know if he had begged me or even asked me to stay I would probably still be married miserable and married so yeah if you could do it all over again would you I don't know maybe I mean I learned a lot about myself myself and I think I'm stronger because of it so I probably wouldn't trade that we all have regrets but I think what we go through makes us who we are right yeah well you turned out pretty great mhm I think so thank you the uh the gala that you were talking about earlier you kissed me that night yeah I did we almost slept together um but you were dating Pamela M she was super cute all right that's was wrong I did apologize for kissing you yeah you did honestly can you blame me God you look so beautiful that night dad what time is it oh it's late Micah you all right yeah here here here got some water you you're leaving thank you it's late okay yeah I'll drive you it's okay my driver's almost here hey I got to go I got to go is that him okay hi ladies hi nice to see you again good to see you again as well Jason this is my one of my best friends michah Jones hi hi you know I'm actually a huge fan of M yes you're publishing Randall Jefferson's book series we're frat brothers uh he told me that your notes and edits were the best he's ever received wow thank you very much he is an incredibly talented author speaking of incredibly talented we were going over Jason's final proofs from my last photo shoot oh he's such a good photographer I can't wait to see this like such a good photographer so here we go okay which guy is she seeing tonight oh oh he's cute yes financial advisor okay well at least he'll have his money to together that that's good yeah except after her drought she needs to be going out with an NFL linebacker or a firefighter mhm a man that's going to put her over his shoulders and pulverize that thing God yes please me too yes damn [ __ ] is good what time is amma's class over uh 9 she's literally missing everything I know but she's just oh oh no no no what do you mean no what is that and why is it even in your closet you know what that's it I'm taking over I love this dress I don't even care that I don't even want to hear what you're saying I can't even hear what you're saying you don't have any style you look like a funeral general home director oh it's this is too much work I know I know oh but what's up with Jason well we we had good conversations we're going to go out to dinner when he gets back in town okay I don't know he's around supermodels all day and I'm not sure my ego can handle that Micah girl I told you they ain't got nothing on you mhm I dated a supermodel once it's not always cracked up to be I mean he was great to look at but it was really hard to have an actual conversation I don't think we ever actually did H do you ever anyway I think it's great that you're you know putting yourself out there it's just like the lotto you got to be in it to win it m you know how hard it is to win the lottery Lisa that's not reassuring okay so honey you'll be fine just don't talk about work like you always do and do not tell that man how much you make a lot of guys are really intimidated by successful women yeah I say you sniff out that insecurity as soon as possible okay well I need you guys to decide which one you want me to go with she actually made a good point thank you all right new options on the bed okay did you get waxed what yeah it's been a long time since a man has been down there between your legs you don't want him to have to plow through a cotton field to get to your M make it easy for her right she's right girl you defin defitely need some non-committal sex to clear out those cobwebs sure was a lot of and um you don't want to get attached to the first guy that you know moans oh I love you before he climaxes they always do that I am not sleeping with him on the first date okay that's okay just pack some condoms and make sure they're from this decade ha haa better okay mhm and she say she ain't having sex that's a sex outfit oh back yes what is this what's going on I thought that you and I could spend a little time together you know every time I look at that tree right there my leg starts to ache oh okay here we go that was not my fault uh not your fault you broke my leg right there you fell you dropped me I told you to hold on oh you told me to hold on and then you let go it's not how it happened oh but we had some really good times birthday party and hide and go seat whoa so um about the other night the other night was nice yeah it um it was nice what honestly it was a mistake I just I'm going through all my crap right now and I finally got a therapist and it's really good it's hard but it's really good and sessions on FaceTime seem to work you know I the point is um I just think it would complicate things if we were to start anything why is it and what way would it complicate things because my life is nuts between taking care of the business and and taking care of my mom and I'm sure you are dating someone first of all your mother is taking care of us half the time M and I told you I'm not dating anyone does anyone think they're dating you no you're not going to do that you don't have to be afraid of this of course I do Michael I don't want to lose you as a friend I don't want to lose you okay but Michael I know how this ends with you I grew up with your exes crying on my shoulder I was in high school look at me hey hey I am not going to hurt you I swear to you like we can take all the time you need there's no rush let's just see where this goes we don't have to we don't have to I'm [Music] sorry yeah [Music] all of those amazing places in one year you don't ever get tired I do but the trade-off is see in the world you know seeing that there's so much more than what's outside of our front doors supermodels though yeah my pictures take me places but honestly I'd be happy to shoot baby elephants if it meant a trip to Nairobi AR me's doing that I get that I love to travel too that's why I love my job so much I get introduced to these amazing places and the pages of a writer's imagination you know the good ones the good ones make you forget you're not right there with him you know and you're intimidated by a super model huh you know Micah I don't think you realize how remarkable you really are stop hey I'm just so Jason where you next honestly I was thinking right about now staying put feels like the move good answer so now that you know my whole life story it's my turn how is it even possible that someone like you is still single honestly fear of of making the wrong decision making the right one and failing of being smothered left everything scary so what are you going to do about it I'm here guess that's a star yeah to Taking Chances to Taking [Music] Chances comp we win feels as if it's just me and you that exist in where we live feels better when I'm with you better I put the world against this when I'm you're there Shake [Music] Break oh [Music] yeah miles in our way fly conflict would [ __ ] our R walk away to put an end this so happy day I never say I need you just like you need me to win this race feels better when I'm you better when you're [Music] [Music] here yeah [Music] yeah yeah yeah wait a minute here's to you girls finding an adoption agency to complete your beautiful family thank you congratulations so we are so excited I bet oh and we're going to need you guys to write letters of recommendation so you better make them good okay you're demanding very this is important and I'm going to get serious for a minute if it's okay with you we want you to join our family profile book because you know y'all are family absolutely absolutely thank you oh my God yes sorry I got to cut look I know you don't like hugs oh and cheers to letting go oh me cheers really this is to Letting Go congratulations let go okay I'll give you that you're right it is better when you just let go letting go I like it on this side of things okay so does that mean you're going to destroy that spreadsheet please say yes I don't know maybe uhuh spill it spill it oh okay okay yes what was a good talk that about afterwards he took my picture and it was something different about this man something just so refreshing in a good way fireworks no no no no no no the last thing I'm looking for is fireworks okay why because fireworks are big and bright and shiny and before long they just become this gray streak screaming their way right back down to the damn dirt wow Micah you are really good at being a kill Joy like so good MH and know what I mean is with him it's real and I like it it's it's more grounded even if he does shoot skinny beautiful half naked supermodels oh my goodness would you stop it I did I uh tell you guys about this artist I dated in college oh yes no no you so sensual like completely uned yes that's the part his foreplay alone lasted like an hour I kid you not stroking and licking and kissing and by the time he found his way inside of me I completely lost it okay well look I think I can speak for all of us including Lisa who's on yet another date that we are very happy that you have successfully recovered from your dry drought dry drought no one called it dry it was dry drought I like it cheers may as well get in it I'll get it it was good though hi hey hey hey I sent you a few messages I thought maybe that you could oh got the whole group here that's what's up I got to go yeah tell my girl call her in the morning congratulations I love you guys already but you just man over here I got you you need a drink or something n it's work stuff hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey why'd you leave like that I didn't know you were coming over okay I don't want you to be uncomfortable in your system I was stopping by listen Michael I should not have blown your phone up like that I was just that was me call myself giving you space I was being a jerk look I don't ever want you to feel uncomfortable I'm finally over and honestly I'm just AF I'm in love with you I can't think of a time in my life that I wasn't I think we can both agree that in high school I I didn't really know how to talk about how I feel right now we both went our away to college and when I came back from law school you're with will when you guys split up I I saw what that did to you I had to give you your time but I can't do that anymore anymore I'm going to lose my chance again Jana has always been [Music] you wait what if this is just fireworks and it's not going to last because it's just emotion what you [Music] talk I don't [Music] know answer been here ifs then I'm not step that day hearing it call to me as I slowly back away I don't know how much a girl can take but I know it won't happen again to me seems like I'm stuck in a [Music] dilemma iin [Music] [Music] ready ready [Music] for [Music] ready trying hard watch that I'm stepping over the over my eyes I don't notice all the love I behind [Music] every hold on Jesus Mike what the hell what I've been blowing you up all night what's wrong with you Micah it's 7:00 in the morning yeah and you came over my house you disappear without saying anything and now you act like everything is okay I'm sorry you're right that's messed up but what happened well J yeah Jana got a flat tire and I I had to I helped her out with her tire and then that's what kept me what you changed her flat tire yeah yeah I did cuz when I had a flat tire we had to wait two hours for the tow truck just last year so why aren't you letting me in okay first of all we waited on the tow truck cuz you didn't have a spare in your trunk right and I'm not letting you in because I am trying to get ready for work are you yeah I got weekend meetings oh yeah J is in there isn't she okay yes but just keep it down please don't say anything no no no no no this is amazing you hurt or I kill you I'm not please don't say anything just keep it down why I can't tell the girl no especially not no no no no what about no no no no nobody nobody it's just it's too soon for her I think I don't know I mean she was just coming over here she waved me off so just please I don't want to mess this up don't say anything to nobody promise me not even Mama M okay all right thank you I'm happy for you guys I know me too don't screw it up come on okay are you cooking oh just she got you okay uh thanks for coming by sis I got to go now okay bro I forgive you call me later yeah okay [Music] goodbye hi morning sorry if I made that awkward I just think it's too early you know yeah no no I get it forget it I agree with you I um I think we should just keep things about you and me right now thank you come here I want to show you something oo look at you yeah well I feel like you deserve a nice [Music] [Music] breakfast okay [Music] [Music] breakfast so how is it going with Jason you made it a lot Jason yeah the photographer oh I'm so happy for you yeah I kept hearing you guys guys tell me to just relax and go with the flow and I admit I was still overthinking everything but with him I don't I realized that though I'd love a partner I don't need a man to complete my life just compliment it okay Jason is a very lucky man yes he's wonderful we have amazing conversation we go on these little adventures I feel really connected to him do so I'm just going to go with the flow oh yes finally I know so about you things are are great okay both of y'all know about it don't you yes I'm so excited so happy for you both okay what about you you're happy right I am I'm very happy but what's wrong no what did he do oh no no no he he didn't do anything he's he's amazing I am in it but mama what if I there just no what ifs after will you didn't break you didn't fade away you picked yourself up and you dusted yourself off girl you started a business all on your own you did that that's it and we all know how much Michael loves you and there bound to be some bumps we all have bad days but you just work through it together give me a smile both of my girls hey hi okay you wear this suit very well I don't know I have ever told you how much I love kissing you well now that we have the blessing and vigorous encouragement yes of our family there's no point in hiding it anymore you good I am all right cuz you know mik would kill me I do where we going on just follow me this is so great thank you for making this happen her agent wants us to publish one of her other clients books so no big girl pleas have friends toight places just don't let me forget to get my book signed I'll no I won here's your guy hey good to see you Jan good to see you too yes man hey I wrapped up my shooter early okay come with my baby oh my God you know I don't like waking up without you huh neither do [Music] [Music] I girl I am so proud proud of you no one deserves this promotion more than you do thank you I just wish y'all would have let me help plan this party no it was nothing my cousin has her own catering company and she handled it well clearly because this is amazing so beautiful it is deserve it thank you tell your cousin than [Music] absolutely you guys hey beautiful he so you having fun at your promotion party yes I am all my favorite people are here yeah especially you can't wait for our vacation a you going to love [Music] B looks like your brother could use an assist and a new shirt yeah good call be right back hey any chance you got another shirt what's wrong with my shirt nothing nothing you ready to do this mhm yes yes I am all right hello guys hi thank you all for coming tonight um you know when Mike and Jana and I were kids we spent nearly every day here at Mama maros this place really captured our childhood imagination yeah it's always been home so it's only right that we're all here together and I know we're celebrating my [Music] promotion but actually we're here for a much no CA the reason that we are here is because this is where I fell in love with you and there's no other place that I could imagine asking you the question I've wanted to ask you since I was 10 years old j marie leas will you make my greatest dream come [Music] true will you please marry me [Music] [Applause] [Music] iPhone foree Pro fore I foreign spee spee fore [Music] speee [Music] [Music] fore [Music] for
Channel: Rubel Hasan
Views: 109,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: African American Movies, LMN, Lifetime Movies 2024, Based On True Story, lifetime, African American Movies 2024, African American Black Movies 2024, Lifetime Movies 2023, African American, African American Lifetime Movies, Lifetime Movies, LMN Movies, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies 2023, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies, Based On True Story 2023, Best Lifetime Movies, Best Lifetime Movies 2023
Id: -0aNrgiSsFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 5sec (5105 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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