The Good Child 2024 #LMN Movies - New Lifetime Movies 2024 - Based On True Story

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[Music] another one of those weird Customs was the first come first serve thing on the surface it was pretty easy to understand good morning may if you got somewhere first whatever you got there first for was yours but this rule got a little fuzzy when they showed up [Music] straight nice arm did you see that combat last night yeah it was good now when it came to strange ways of doing things it didn't stop there they paid their fair and took their seats but we paid our fair this [Music] got off the bus and then would walk around to the back and then we would go through the back door the whole thing just seemed like a very inefficient way to load a vehicle once inside we would take our seats or not [Music] [Music] second oh let's go [Music] hey granddaddy that was my Grandad like granddaddy used to say more people don't necessarily mean more fun still nothing could kill my excitement of going to the big [Music] city downtown opalite where you never knew what you were going to see [Music] hey for instance on the TV it was usually people who look like me getting hit I didn't have much time to think about it cuz in a second we were headed off to Main [Music] Street to me the courthouse was so tall it almost touched the sky my granddad always said the traffic was so terrible on Main Street he'd never go down there but all that hustle and bustle I kind of liked [Music] it now the people who had to get off in the back sometimes went to the front and the people who got off in the front well they sometimes went to the back now the bus depot had so many folks dting in and out that they had two doors Claire one for them [Music] and one for us hey and just down the street there were even two kinds of drinking fountains and after a long hot bus ride I couldn't wait to take a drink [Applause] now when you're thirsty even warm rusty water tastes good but only to a certain point once you pretty much wet your lips well that was enough so it didn't quite add up when that boy kept drinking and drinking and that's when it hit the White Water must be different it must be [Music] better boy what you think you're doing nothing mama don't you nothing Mama me and don't you be getting those ideas in your head I spoked on have them options you hear me yes ma'am too late ideas were flowing heading home that white water was all I could think about but I didn't realize some thoughts could be deadly they do not know an evil is coming so the next few days that white water was stuck in my brain I tried to do things to keep my mind from thinking about it but to tell the truth it seemed like water was everywhere so it wasn't that easy and when a neighbor came over because her mama's well went dry well my cousin red seemed to notice her she seemed to notice him but all I could see was that water seemed like I couldn't concentrate on anything else and everything including my accurate ball tossing ability seem to be lost forever switch [Music] come to Jesus come to Jesus to Jesus Jesus knows it's going to hurt me a whole lot more than it's going to hurt [Music] you yeah that's what mama said but to tell the truth I don't think Jesus could possibly know how much it hurt me or else he wouldn't have been sitting on the sidelines just watching this happen or would he he will save he will either way I often wondered what team he was rooting for anyway just now just now you always getting your butt Warf to doing one thing and thinking about the other and I know what you're thinking about this time too no you don't yes I do no you don't oh what did you laugh for for thinking about her thinking about who Cassandra I saw you looking at Her She's Mine I was looking at her or thinking about her if you want then what were you thinking about go on spit it out the White Water the what you know no the water in there Fountain don't you ever think about it no well I do almost all the time I mean don't you ever wonder what it must taste like hell no well I'm pretty sure it tastes a whole lot better than n I'm going to ah now what I'm trying to knock sense into your stupid head but you didn't let finish I don't need you to finish telling me how you're going to do some type of crazy full thing like drinking out of a white only Fountain now get that white water out of your head before you get into a heap of trouble I Ain going to tell Mama about this are you [Music] now I could not let my mama find out anything about that white waterer as there was no telling what she might do she was the most Fearless person I [Music] knew what seems to be the problem here this girl don't want to pay for her new shoes cuz I ain't bought no shoes oh but you tried them on they hurt my feet I ain't going to buy no shoes that don't fit hold it who's going to buy these shoes after she done tried them on now I said I ain't going to buy them shoes ain't there other places you can buy shoes in this town yes sir then why don't you go do that then [Music] this was definitely not the time to pester my mama about any type of water next day I wasn't thinking about water or even looking at Water I was just trying to stay out of trouble but I guess I wasn't doing such a good job of that as there was no ball playing in our house and no going in the living room and definitely no going in my mama's room and messing with the sax of phone well that was really off limits see the saxophone was my dad's but my mama told me it was hers now till she got all the money he owed her back it sure was a pretty thing that saxophone and as far as I knew my daddy loved that saxophone more than life itself maybe that's why my mama wasn't too big a fan of my daddy I once heard her say he's a man who women love husbands hate and creditors can't find Michael life lessons number one don't ever put your lips on another man's mouthpiece pull it up thanks that mhm you give me a beat yeah okay I'll show you all right come on okay t t boom t t boom t t boom you can do it come on put your hands right there come on T boom T come on go ahead go ahead Come On Come On Tap keep it going T boom that's it that's it t tap boom T tap life lessons 2 through 10 it's all an attitude boy you got attitude hold on why don't you go double check and make sure that your momma and your granddad ain't around they ain't around mom went to town and grandpa is out working in the field yeah it is come on [Music] what is that a new car new to me why you say we uh take it for a ride yeah yeah while we at it might as well go get some dinner right all right okay have a seat you like it yes okay see what we got I guess we ain't going to be having no din not that's nonsense boy man's got to do what a man's got to do he figures things out makes him happen we going to get some food come on here [Music] like I told you I really don't need no insurance yeah I don't either can't stand it just another bunch of papers piling up in the house and to be honest there another bill I got to pay you sure right about that know but after that day I I saw you I remember I had to tell you something I couldn't sleep for a while well what do you got to say this whole insurance thing ain't about me ain't about you either it's about him that's right your boy and him my boy my flesh and blood My All In All know if the good Lord would call me home today and I didn't have those papers signed and filled out oh man my soul would just toss for eternity come on over son knowing that his belly was empty he didn't have a roof of over his head I would go to St Peter myself and have him send me straight to hell I don't know I guess my dress is caught on the fence must be ready get it [Music] unstuck Michel go over there and play with that boy keep him out here all right I got to go help this woman get her dress her stuck out the [Music] fence I won't be [Music] long what you doing you must have been a high fence because my daddy sure took some time and made plenty Ruckers trying to get that lady off it you wanty may who guy is this who you selling that poliy hi baby yeah yeah calm down okay I'll put your copy in the mail come on son time to go come on time to go you better run daddy said some folk just don't know how to appreciate a helping hand calm down why don't you stop doing this if this is the last time years fast as if seeing my daddy run half out a lady's house wasn't exciting enough now we were going into the fanciest restaurant I'd ever seen in all my seven years of [Music] life thank you important thing was she paid for the policy so we got food come on keep digging in life lesson number 11 any supper can be your last so you always always have your desert first never live life with regrets you always wonder what if another thing don't go telling people about your dreams they'll only tell you why they can't come true you hear me m [Music] okay Dad why you Mom break up sometimes a man got to make some hard decisions unpopular decisions dangerous decisions sometimes those decisions can cause conflict yeah about a conflict can I ask a personal question uhoh have you over tasted it sure I have but you even know what going to ask you what the white water white what you know the water there drinking fountain what about it well have you ever tasted it before hundreds of times but it tastes hot delicious would you want to try something yeah yeah Dad thing is you got to be real real real sneaky like a mous okay I can do that you can do that I can do that we'll finish up I don't know how that policeman knew what we were up to but he did before we even got there and now we were in trouble big trouble oh you know everything don't you huh well yeah you can bet that these folks know what you've been up to and so do I dog G it yeah you and that he is father of yours that's right you keep acting stupid that man's going to string you up he's going to put you underneath the gel he's going to make you eat the key and that's only if he's in a good mood come [Music] on Deputy you found my car thank goodness and thank you that's why you pay taxes ain't it well did you catch the lowlife skunk who stole it Sanders bring that boy out here [Music] Tera and you lucky I don't send you out to that tree right now you can't whoop that boy for listening to his daddy Annie his daddy is a man of bad ideas and even worse intentions hey you go get ready for bed we going to finish this later woo I swear if I never see that man again don't say what you don't mean oh I mean it all right hey Annie when did you get out was all a big misunderstanding uh-huh now what's not to understand about stealing cars no car was stolen just borrow and after cletta help clear things up they let me out you know um now it sure would be a lot easier to get you your money back if I had my sacks baby girl you know um baby girl maybe maybe you and me should um try to work things out come on CH I got work in the morning and you got work tonight you have got some nerve I am breaking my back trying to raise that boy right and like the wind you just come blowing into town keeping him up all hours of the night and putting all kind of crazy thoughts in his head next time you even get the notion to do that I will snatch out your wind pipe and feed it to them Hogs you understand me yes ma'am and little salvation wouldn't hurt you either you haven't seen the inside of a church since before Christ was [Music] born that's a miracle you ain't going to never see happen [Music] [Music] okay woman I'm coming [Music] meet Google pick [Music] [Applause] [Music] mama just came to say good night Michael I know you love your father that's a good thing just don't go chasing after his Pie in the Sky dreams okay you just going to end up just like him you know I love you you like well [Music] it's okay I know it's [Music] okay go on now [Music] [Applause] I sure didn't want to end up like my daddy Mama hated my daddy and I didn't want to end up with Mama hating me so I made a decision right then and there to put that white water out of my mind for good but the truth is some dreams don't die easy that night I saw found myself in a desert the sun was brutal my mouth was as dry as a sand and as I tripped across that desert that white water was like an oasis in the distance just calling my name but try as I might I couldn't reach it so by the next morning I had a new plan you know good World there ain't nothing wrong with you the only thing that's wrong with you is your bad acting hey this cousin of yours up at all hours of the night with no count father is it's no wonder you're sick now see child you got to keep it in your mouth for it to work you stay in bed today okay I want you chasing after that dog you hear me yes ma'am all right come on now red don't miss that bus my mama did cooking and cleaning for some folks down the road she'd be gone until 4: that's when her show came on Queen for a Day and nothing was going to keep her from her show and my grandpa well he wouldn't be back from the field till dark [Music] [Music] you boy don't you move oh I got a sneaky one on my hands I see I forgot Miss Wilkins towels and I guess you forgot you was sick oh no I know you're not trying to talk back come on tell you there ain't no rest for the we you think you slip you do don't you well you ate I know slip I'm very slip yes ma'am and Slick slit off you want slide up no come on come on in this house okay you must be out your M if you say so what you have to say for yourself now don't you say one damn word now get in this house mhm now go out there and get the switch I [Music] am he will save you he will save you he will save you just now just now he will save you he will save you just now he able he is able he [Music] able just now just [Applause] now Lord don't like liars I ain't raising a liar do you hear me boy yes ma'am and I ain't having no Liars living under this Ru do you understand me Michael yes ma'am see cuz first it's lying then it's stealing and then it's killing and with God as my witness I will not have lion stealing Killers under this roof do you hear what I'm talking about ma' just now just now call upon him call upon him just now [Music] I want to let you know there are no Sinners In Heaven There Are No schemers in heaven need I say there certainly are no buers in heaven I was sure he was talking about me probably even pointing at me but I knew he knew God knows exactly where you Sinners are God knows knows exactly what you're planning on doing before you do it Thou shalt not drink the White Water maybe it was my imagination but Reverend Stokes seem to always know about everything sweetie baby [Music] now sister dannie now if I didn't know better I'd swear that chicken girls come straight down from heaven I don't know why in a world you don't open up your own restaurant I always talking about her food you never talk about well I'm going to tell you why reving cuz I ain't got no time and no money and God only gave this color girl two hands well as you know the Lord works in mysterious ways oh brother Jean up the how you doing today dry R dry but I ain't t d drop so you say so you say God bless you brother take your wing and fly away hey Michael look how you been I've been dry too I'm sorry about drinking near drop [Music] you've been wanting some special water right I said the water so special a Old Miss Williams walk again you sure de side yeah stop warning little cousin I got this all figured out now I was no stranger to getting in trouble but with red it was a whole different kind of trouble who's first I'm first no I'm first no I'm first no I'm first no I'm first nobody's first this wasn't your run-of-the-mill sent no we got caught darn near Buck Naked about the horse around in the Lord's very own sacred baptismal pool that water might have made Old Miss Williams walk again but me and red weren't going to be sitting again for a long time [Music] come to Jesus come to Jesus just now just now mama said Jesus knows everything but even he seemed pretty surprised about this and that's when I realized Reverend Stokes must have a man on on the inside and if God filled him in on the skinny dipping thing it was only a matter of time till he tipped him off on what I might be scheming up next just [Music] now right then and there I knew I needed to make my brain work even harder so I could create my best plan yet [Music] red got to tell us a new idea I got you're going to love it this ain't about that white water is it is it you're crazy we don't lost your damn mind you know what them folk would do to you if you get caught they'll hang you out the hanging bridge for sure the hanging Bridge big wood brids outside the city they'll leave your limp behind swinging at the train tracks ever seen anybody hung before uh-uh first your ass pop out of your head then your lungs just blow up and sometimes head snaps clean off your body hits the ground with the Dum and bounces around like a basketball and if that ain't enough they'll get what's left of you and put you in a fire and Watch You Burn of course if they hang you a hanging Bridge the train will come along and smash you into Smither greens your body looks so bad after that when you get to heaven God won't even recognize you after all I told you you still ain't going to let this go is you uh well God help you cuz I sure as hell ain't going to [Music] [Music] at Marshall I got you pass your M now you're on your own [Music] damn that was the wish you were dead Deputy why do you call him that cuz he's meaner than a mad dog when he gets to be you with that club it hurt so bad you wish you were dead I'm going home you coming you're crazy you on your own cuz boy where's your mom she's at work sir where are you going boy I'm going to town to see my teacher on a Saturday morning I got to take a makeup test IND geography all right Einstein let's go all right all right hey all right all right hey now here we go [Music] look got a new walk everybody talking about the way I I said look at [Music] me back stra my love and I feel like love I sound like love nowadays I kind of smell like love cuz I'm in love son where's your mama she at the she at the bus depot and I'm just waiting for her she at the bus depot yes sir and you waiting on her uhhuh across the street well I guess I'll just sit right down and wait with you now it's okay sir I'll be all right no I'm sure you will but this will give us a chance to catch up a little bit aren't you busy with your preaching and all your other preacher stuff son I got all the time in the world [Music] you ever count on somebody to do one thing and they did another Well I wasn't counting on my daddy to drink from the color folks Fountain seeing my daddy walk past that white water was a bit of a let down really was and the day didn't get any better after [Music] that oh look that's the last bus of the day I pity anybody supposed to be on that bus because she is the last one of the day [Music] Come On Son I'll take you home boy you better get already did I'll be my Jesus picker switch four you're behind zero I was the one getting hit but it was Jesus who was turning the other cheek I was getting so many whooping it felt like the Lord had just given up on me all together come to [Music] Jesus come to Jesus just [Music] now yeah sister Annie you know some folks strong folks well there comes a time when they need something sister Annie as we talking about one of those times I'll take that as a yes I see that uh I see that your soul oh you know it's not it's not really anything much well if it's not much well it should be easy for us to go R but I'm just having trouble with Michael CU he just won't listen he won't listen he won't do what I say it's just not like him he's just gotten so contrary just like like his daddy just like his daddy Terrence who was killing me you know I know we ain't together and it ain't none of my business but I hear what he does and who he does it with and how he does it you know opal likea is a small town things get around and I just need him to step up and be a man and be an example for my boy and he just isn't doing it you know I need help with with with my nephew red red is trouble times 10 you know and my daddy my daddy tries to help but I mean he's old he's old and so by the time he gets home from work it's like I got three babies to take care of you know only one of them is 70 and I just I can't handle it I just can't I just it's too much sister sister sister oh now that does seem like that's a lot wrong let's pray about it right here in front of the Lord on all right now sister uh this is your prayer you need to petition the Lord Lord bless my daddy cuz that's Michael's Granddaddy and he's old and hry but he's ours that's our daddy Lord and Lord give me patience cuz I try to do my best by Michael but just give me the strength to do better give me the strength to do better and Lord give me calm give me calm to deal with Michael's trifling heathness father Yes Lord give us strength to deal with Michael's trifling daddy and heathenous heathenous he Heathen us and Lord I'm a young woman she young and I'm all alone she by herself and I don't do no wrong she don't do no WR cuz I'm a mother and a daughter and a child of God lord yes Lord amen yes Lord but I have a yearning and my loins feel a fire her loins feel a fire yes they do Lord and I need me a man sweet Jesus I need me a man to put that fire out yes Lord amen amen Lord put it out yes amen okay yes amen you think it heard me oh yes uh you were loud and clear sister you were loud and clear and and may I suggest that you and Michael bring yourselves by our weekly prayer meeting so the Lord can get to work on them things right away yes we'll be there all right thanks praise God Lord please send that woman the biggest holes you can find before she burns down this whole damn Town amen here's a Dr and if I can't whoop him out or sweat him out then I'm going to pray them out of you and this ain't going to be no regular praying do you hear me this going to be Revival praying now that's every night of the week for a month praying mhm you better get right with yourself look at yourself and get right with yourself come on now so let old ref Stokes know what's troubling you this evening Reverend do you think you can talk to God about getting our streets paved I mean when it rains that nasty red clay gets our our shoes then it's in our yard then next news you know it's trapped all over the house well I think that's something you probably should better take up with the mayor the mayor don't care nothing about us all he cares about is getting our taxes that's [Applause] right y re you're the only one I know that gets things done around here I think you should run for mayor [Music] yeah well S D I appreciate your confidence but uh I don't see any sign that the folks around here is ready for something like that well re maybe God will give you a sign well it have to be a mighty big sign son a mighty big one brother I'll be sure to let my husband know I ran into you okay but you better check out that Tommy come on but mama no we just started talking boy don't you give me no lip move we're going home right now s they just boys talking they just being friendly that's all well not here that ain't your father killed the both of us go on between not being able to see my friend Tommy and not being able to taste any white water I was pretty down in the dumps where's your head at it's sure on hitting any Targets what you hit me for to next some Sensi to skore now get that damn white water out of your head you ain't got enough skin left on your black behind to keep on doing this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey what's wrong with your cousin nothing let's go that fool just wants to taste that white water really you know what Michael I've always wanted to know what it tastes like too you have I've tried it before wait wait wait what you have a bunch of times where in town no I got a special place for it you do yeah you want to go there yeah great I'm in you [Applause] sure let's go [Music] how much longer my feet are tired mine too and we have double crossing y'll want that water don't you [Music] see I told you [Music] leg's first no it was Michael's idea he should go first give another shot hurry up meeting starts in 20 minutes coming what the hell run you three don't move damn it [Music] we need to split up but why cuz that's just what you do like on television you split up that's a shotgun split me that Devil's crossing that's right you little thieves he's going to arrest you if I don't shoot you first you want to stay after little [ __ ] forget him we got a meet to get to who the hell said you could use my gun nothing all right well if they turn up or if you hear anything they just give us a call all right [Music] then oh now Cassandra's mom says that Cassandra usually comes home like Clockwork and she has not seen them either she's just going to wait there in case they come back that way maybe they missed the bus or maybe it broke down or maybe it crashed now wait a minute don't jump to conclusions where were they last somebody must have seen him well maybe Reverend Stokes knows cuz he knows what everybody's up to I'm going to call him [Music] [Applause] I ain't going any further without Michael we can't stop now we got to keep on going and for all we know he's back at the house how do you know that Deputy didn't catch him how do you know that crazy old man didn't feel him for the buck shot how do you know he ain't dead [Music] eyes my heart [Music] wait come on maybe he's already inside no he'd be waiting out here and if I go inside with my cousin my and's going to kill me you're not the only one in trouble red and we have to help find Michael come on Reverend what's going on what's going on I'm here to help your folks look for you all where's Michael what you mean you lost him you don't just go losing your cousin boy lost him where look at me boy tell him at chamber County what could you possibly be doing in those parts of that time or not don't you know that's Clan country we wanted to taste the water from the r up Fountain he wanted to Sweet Jesus I'm swe they lay a hand on him m going to snatch each and every limb off their body no time to waste we got to find that boy before he gets bound yeah come on I'll drive [Music] yes sir we're here and there here but then it's too much it's too much when I go into town I see walking around look we trying to organize our now I didn't understand everything they were saying but I knew whatever it was it wasn't good for me all right now look I got a represent this is what we're talking about and this is what we need to get rid of yeah [Applause] [Music] yeah Tommy Michael what the heck are you doing here I kind of got lost what are you doing here I had to be my dy's going to get so mad at me I got it on my rope thanks to you ain't that thing hot yeah kind of itchy too how are you getting home getting lost is kind of scary yep it is I'd asked my daddy to give you a ride but I don't suppose that'd be a good idea just right now I don't suppose you Tommy go hurry run go hurry run what's wrong Tommy what's out there boy uh I I saw a snake yeah a a really big snake Christ it ain't nothing it's the boy just saw a snake that's all head on back I don't see him finding my way forward with node positive breast can cancer felt overwhelming at times but I never just found my way I made it so when I finished active therapy I kept moving forward and did everything I could to protect myself from recurrence vereno is the first treatment in overfeed what you here this ain't your home [Music] [Music] [Music] to sleep up the only place I'd ever heard folks sing singing and dancing like this was at church so I figured this must be some kind of church get together and since all the church people I knew were friendly enough I thought for sure one of the deacons or sisters in the choir would gladly give me a ride home but I could quickly tell this was no ordinary Church get together in fact I was pretty sure this had nothing to do with church at all but from what Reverend Stokes had always preached about it seemed these folks had most of their sinning bases covered but for a group of miserable Sinners they sure seem to be having a lot of [Music] [Music] fun damn hey how you get in here Sophia you know kids ain't allow in here they bad luck Mr pot you don't need no kid to bring you bad luck you looking at in the mirror this morning y'all go on ahead and keep playing and lose some more your money I got bills to pay good Heavens how did one little boy find so much dirt come on with me it's still a party even if I ain't in there come on baby sit right here oh oh so this is this dirty little boy have a name Micha why AR you home child I got lost but my daddy here now he could take me home when he don't play who's your daddy the saxophone player ter that's your daddy I didn't know he had a son around here where you from op Opa Leica it's a long way from here what you doing way out here something I wasn't supposed to be doing well what could you possibly be doing that was so bad I was sneaking in the town to taste the white water white water what do you mean you know the water from there founding I wanted to see what it tasted like don't play with me today young man do you know how dangerous that is they have killed men for less than that let me get you something to eat [Music] this is everybody's favorite kind of sandwich it's the free kind thank you ma'am my mama's name ma'am mine Sophia I'll check back in on you in a little bit ain't no credit today you going to pay up your bill let's go [Music] hey kid I got your problem solved I'm white right I got water go ahead see what you missing I ain't afraid to whoop a white man's ass if he messing with mine Michael this place is for grown folks [Music] Michael is this where you normally are I mean all the time you're not around son I know you don't understand but your mama's probably better off without me I'm the wrong man for [Music] her are you the wrong man for me [Music] [Applause] too come on Michael we got to go we got to go I can't I can't my leg it [Music] hurts you sit right here you don't come out until I come back and get you all right quiet as a mouse [Music] I'll clear out front how we doing here all right there oh it's there good [Music] [Music] if you saw something you shouldn't have seen son you got a big problem on your hands this is a paid I can't see nothing oh keep the faces d look Terence what you doing out we can't find Michael oh don't worry about it Annie I got him hid you got him hid yeah at the juk jump see there there was a raid and had to hatle Terrence why would you put a b in a juke joint I didn't boy just showed up he's fine Annie he's fine okay you go right back on over there and get [Music] him Michael come on here boy told the boy to stay put and Michael [Music] Michael not a good night for you boy not a good night at all here here boy out of the car why are you taking me I just see nothing I swear to God out of the car [Music] boy this is the T get brid isn't it you're going to find out about hanging Bridge boy tie it up there [Applause] you turn around here turn around get off of me let me go shut up boy let's get this taken care of I ain't got all night they ain't a soul in there you sure let me go Michael ain't there I had the boy head I don't understand I understand that you lost my son he's mine too well you sure don't act like it yo wait a minute stop now this ain't no time for all of that now now we got to find Michael where to next the bridge uh-uh Lord now all right yeah come [Music] [Music] on why are we looking for Michael here cuz sometimes when folks go missing they end up here I told that boy not to come here not this Michael ain't stupid he ain't come out of here now you wouldn't have any idea in hell where he is looks like bring the devil into this oh Jesus I can't be I can't look I can't y'all stay Qui oh damn it keep the kids back y'all stay put no no m is my baby hold on hold on just pull him up hold pull him up hold on pull him up no we need to tell the police about this Terence we need to we don't pull him up that Train's going to run right through him okay okay Terence pull up okay okay I got him I got him I got him I got him I got him he got it he got it he got it [Music] [Music] hey Michael don't you mind him daddy when we going home I got some business take care of first business I wouldn't have to do if folk weren't doing what they weren't supposed to be doing migraine hits hard so you hit back with you Broly you Michael Michael somebody thought this was funny well they sure as hell wrong about that he definitely ain't down there where could he be look you know I'm the last person to bring a lawn or something but we need to go into town come [Applause] on come on I'm going to call your mama to get you while I deal with this don't you move one in [Music] [Music] that's a cop that's Michael [Music] a strange thing happens after you stare death in the eyes you realize you don't have nothing to lose what is that boy doing and when you know that there ain't nothing that can stop you [Music] well why don't you stay put come on come on that stupid Fool's going to do [Music] [Music] it what the hell I remember what my dad said sometimes being a man involves making hard decisions unpopular decisions Michael dangerous [Music] decisions I thought that water was going to be cool and refreshing like from a mountain spring but instead it tasted just like the same hot rusty water from our [Music] Fountain hey boy why in the hell did you drink from that [Music] Fountain I want to know what it tastes like what it tastes [Music] [Applause] like that was the most peculiar thing I'd ever seen But seeing it was going to change my life forever I'd never seen The Fountains from that angle before for the very first time I could see they were both being fed by the same pipe it hit me like a freight train it was the same water just different fountains with different signs I've conjured up a picture of what that water would taste like based solely on the sign above the fountain an idea that as it turned out had nothing to do with reality [Music] [Laughter] [Music] for some reason by the end of that summer everybody was thinking just a little bit differently thank you Reverend Stokes well he ran for mayor good morning good morning ma'am thank you hey brother thank you thank you everybody I'm so and my mama she decided to open her own [Music] restaurant I guess hell froze over cuz my daddy actually came to church hey [Music] boy there was a rumor that some strange things might have happened to Tommy's home as well [Music] my cousin red developed the [Music] conscience and later that summer I discovered something way better than any water [Music] now that kiss was pretty special but I got something even more important a story a story I could tell one day to my children their children and [Music] you for fore for fore spe foree for fore fore for foree foreign foreign spee foree foreign fore for
Channel: Jalsha Clip Shorts Update 2
Views: 17,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: African American Movies, LMN, Lifetime Movies 2024, Based On True Story, lifetime, African American Movies 2024, African American Black Movies 2024, Lifetime Movies 2023, African American, African American Lifetime Movies, Lifetime Movies, LMN Movies, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies 2023, Lifetime Movies Christmas Movies, Based On True Story 2023, Best Lifetime Movies, Best Lifetime Movies 2023
Id: JPrcyU_azt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 45sec (5205 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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