Would You Rather?

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Absolute classic. Its the audible laughs that get me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Amberlily7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'll never not upvote this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Turn_off_the_Volcano πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Somehow I watched the entirety of that video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_georgesim_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies

Reminds me of the potion seller video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/riggard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2015 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to would you rather now I played will you press the button which is a version of would you rather but this is a legitimate online quickfire game of would you rather that you can actually play for yourself online right now there's a link in the description below that leads to the website but I'm gonna start out with this very very very very obvious one would you rather speak every language except the language of the country you're in or speak only the language of the country you're in but know the meaning of every single word in that language oh no I would have to travel around the world it'd be such a curse to have to experience other cultures and supposedly most people live their life speaking only the language of the country they're in and knowing half of the words what's really the difference duh thank you what really why oh oh maybe it's like no matter what country go to you only you only speak every other legs what that doesn't make sense you still oh no you'd have to meet people from other lands and speak their language it would be amazing just a thing you end the whole time I don't care it's stupid I'm right they're wrong this dumb next which you'd rather be four feet tall or be ten feet tall hey wait a minute I'm four foot two I don't think you'd I'd rather be four foot oh gosh oh no how horrible I'd be ten feet III meant to click the form anyway you're playing Kinect for against an emotionally unstable man with an explosive temper would you rather take him down or let him win I'll take him down he thinks he can take me on I own him and Kinect for bring it oh well okay a bunch of babies over here what a bunch of losers would you rather always speak all your thoughts out loud or never speak at all not even in sign language well I pretty much speak all my thoughts anyway as loud as I possibly can into every microphone pointed in my face so I think this is gonna be OK for my life it's good enough for me I could probably be a popular TV personality or in politics topical jokes let's see would you rather be forced to watch My Little Pony for 24 hours or have the same theme song stuck in your head for the rest of your life oh god I mean technically if you're forced to watch My Little Pony for 24 hours oh not endlessly oh okay so I don't want that stuck in my head for the rest of my life I'd rather just get it out of the way and watch it and then move on that does not mean I'm no brony I don't know in the comments section let's just move on with this one because apparently the majority agrees with me because I wouldn't want to live with that the rest of my goddamn life would you rather die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain oh this is that quote that I couldn't get last video hmm I think I'd rather die a hero it all comes full circle hooray would you rather be smart and unlucky or be dumb and really lucky well I mean it worked out for Forrest Gump so I don't see why I wouldn't work out for me oh come on guys come on would you rather always be naked or always be itchy I'm the only naked wonder am I just always walking around town fully clothed but very weird when I go up to people I don't know I mean people live their lives half-naked anyway so why not why not commit let's go full naked yeah everyone wants to be naked I don't know if I'm too happy about that one wait this is kind of similar would you rather live in a nudist colony or live with the Amish again I have to go with the nakedness I mean I'm full on about the nudity apparently people are learning a lot of weird things about me would you rather find five dollars or having your local WNBA team win the championship yeah let's go team oh come on guys you you naughty people I don't even know what my local WNBA team is but how dare you would you rather watch an uninterrupted WNBA double-header listen to an entire Nickelback CD in one sitting really what's wrong with people who would want to do that I will admit though and I probably shouldn't admit this cuz the comments are gonna go crazy again don't mind some Nickelback song would you rather be Chinese or be Japanese well technically speaking I'm Korean so this doesn't necessarily apply to me eenie meenie miney moe catch a tiger by the tail blah blah blah blah blah Japanese oh man people don't like to turn these would you rather live in Beverly Hills rosu copyright give me give me would you rather live in a mansion in Beverly Hills or a man penthouse in Manhattan well considering that I live in LA I guess I'd choose to be in Beverly Hills so I wouldn't have to move very far so yes oh wow very split so would you rather live in New York or LA is the question that I posed to you guys out there would you rather be the president or be a pokemon trainer okay now here's where people are really gonna be mad at me I don't like Pokemon I don't find I'll hit all that fast I don't know why people have such an obsession with it so I'll take the president oh crap I'm going to get roasted alive I'm sorry I played pokemon red so basically I've played every Pokemon game that's ever come out it's true would you rather win an Oscar win the Nobel Prize Nobel Prize easy peasy would you rather have to end every sentence with a racial epithet or have to drop two f-bombs in every sentence well I kind of dropped the f-bombs anyway so I think I'll take that route oh and everyone agrees with me no one wants to be a racist except 23 people would you rather have a slight Lisp or have a slight I I actually do have a slight Lisp I will I have grown up I've grown out I've got I can't talk period is the answer to that one I actually I actually have a speech impediment I cannot it took me a long time to get over saying things like sista Soros properly so I I guess I'd live with a slight Lisp thank you would you rather chocolate or vanilla chocolate yeah would you rather non-stop peeing for the rest of your life or non-stop crying for the rest of your life well both of those kind of interfere with daily life is it just like a constant stream is it a trickle is it just where's all this fluid coming from I feel like I feel like this would lead to a lot more problems than just what's seen on the surface so do you have to set up some kind of recycling system so you don't become dehydrated I guess I'll go with the being okay I'm the unpopular one here okay good would you rather be punched in the face with brass knuckles by Mike Tyson or punch a toddler and be seen by thousands of people oh oh oh but the first thought my brain went to was oh that would get a lot of use if I recorded this is where everyone announces to their entire families markiplier would rather punch a baby because it could why do I feel bad I blew up Detroit in the last one oh well whatever would you rather have a drunk personal driver or have a thieving maid or nanny I figure I'd rather go with the thieving nadir maid or nanny because drunk driving is a terrible terrible thing why why would you rather live to be 120 and accomplish nothing notable or live to be 50 and well-known for world-changing accomplishments um yeah the world-changing accomplishments duh would you rather never watch baseball again or never watch football again the crisis of my sport fandom oh my fantasies I don't give a I guess baseball I don't know I don't care I really don't care would you rather eat Nutella or eat bacon bacon bacon all the way bacon covered in Nutella would be deadly for you or don't do that don't eat that Oh would you rather live an average life and be forgotten and timer go down history for something terrible markiplier is already punching toddlers in the face and blowing it up Detroit why not go down in his aah no ho be remembered oh god that's I guess Hitler was remembered nevermind don't be remembered would you rather eat the same thing three meals a day for the rest of your life or eat whatever you want but have to eat a poop sandwich once a month oh no oh this is a good one oh there's a really good one oh do I eat the same things that would get so boring but then I could have whatever I want but I'd have to eat a poop sandwich why can't I live my life normally without the poop ah I gotta go with the poop sandwich really really you would go insane if you had to eat this oh you would have to eat the same three things if you would go out of your goddamn mind but what if you don't get the shoes what if it's a poop sandwich you have to eat three meals a day ah you drive you absolutely bonkers would you rather be James Bond or be Jason Bourne I gotta go with bond on this one this is easy good brother be born let's see would you rather be muscular with a busted face or be busty with a gorgeous face wait okay wait muscular with or busty with a gorgeous I mean one of these things is kind of it seems like I gotta go with boobs I'm assuming that's what it's talking about here I would rather have boobs and a gorgeous face seems like a win-win buy it boobs I just play with them all day long oh would you rather become a pokemon trainer or attend Hogwarts okay so you guys know my answer for this one it's pretty obvious what I would pick but I'm gonna leave this one up to you so answer in the comments below I'd love to get your input on which one you'd rather do and you can play this game for yourself through the link in the description thank you everybody so much for watching let me know if you enjoyed this video I really hope you did these are a lot of fun for me to do I do hope to do another will you press the button down in the future and I'm gonna play a few more flash games that have been very popular like akinator and whatnot so thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you oh my god it's all different its new like it let me know
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 10,689,174
Rating: 4.8326278 out of 5
Keywords: would you rather, markiplier, fun game, free game, online game, video games, gameplay, game, would you rather online, would you rather game, would you rather markiplier, funny moments, funny reactions, reactions, markiplier reacts, markiplier funny moments
Id: -4sCARhhUEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2015
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