Would You Rather? 13 HARDEST Choices

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hello everybody and welcome back to my youtube channel or welcome to my youtube channel i'm call me chris you can call me chris and i am in new york and uh while i'm in new york and i have this uh accent i just gotta say yeah i'm walking here i'm walking here but you can walk with me because you're looking fine today you're looking real nice today we are doing a little quizlet of would you rather i want to figure out what kind of person i am these are apparently like the hardest choices to test your brain and you kind of figure out who you are so i'm curious i'm probably gonna come out of this a terrible person might be my last video so we'll see play along with me and tell me what your answers are in the comments below can't wait to read them hopefully we get the same ones also like the video let's get to it [Music] hey first one who would you save first okay all my oh my god okay pause this and think your dog someone's kid or five thousand dollars oh my god the dog looks like kevin look at him see obviously the dog like someone's kid it's not my kid you can make another one of those and five thousand dollars no money could buy my dog the dog dog hundred percent the dog let's see what they say dogs can swim oh the dog can get the money and then you can go away with the dog so you got to save the kids well see i'm not thinking about that when my dog is in the water and also kevin can't swim he's an idiot so no still dog i'm a terrible person let's continue okay who would you save first oh god mother father a million dollars let me just okay so mom she does nag me a lot so that's that's not good points for her father i do have two of those so i could get rid of one i'm sorry being so bleak well my mother would kill me if i didn't save her but if she's not alive she can't kill me and a million dollars i feel like i shouldn't ever go for the i guess i would say my father sorry my mom's watching this she's going to call me and she's going to be so mad at me who is the kidnapper oh this is interesting okay uh a looks like they're walking together b looks like a hooded man the kid also has a hood on it so it might be winter i only have seven seconds c is a little girl and a man that's suspicious i'll say no a because he's walking away it is a a man is wait wait i gotta too fast let me write gather round because now is chris reads screams hey the man is grabbing the boy's hand b and see the kids holding the adult's hand okay now you know although everybody would think that my mom was kidnapping me because that's how she held us through costco you know she's just like reaming us out of there she's like let's go the apricots are on sale my mom has ever bought apricots how do you say apricots apricots not gay apricots yeah negative apple crops again not gonna work here anymore anyway abercrombie and fish you guys are total abercrombie i'm here to ask you oh would you rather question myself i may have just googled it but i think it's interesting and i kind of want to know more about you guys so tell me your answer down below and i'll pin my favorite one okay would you rather be in jail for five years or be in a coma for 10 years tell me why tell me why in the comments below whichever one you choose i'm very curious to hear your answers please make it very entertaining i'm excited okay i'll get back to the video which door will you choose you're locked in a room oh i like this it's like these adventure books the salvation lies beyond the closed three closed doors ooh i'm excited okay let me add it okay a serial killer who killed 300 people in 1890 okay very h homes very the whatever that serial killer's name is that nobody found an 830 degree fahrenheit flame you're dead what liquid nitrogen that'll freeze you are you kidding me i'm going through the serial killer door first of all he's from 18 whatever i could get like like a machine gun with me and i would just mow that mother down you know final answer uh serial killer i watch a lot of dateline too so i think i'd be safe am i dead if the killer killed people in 1890 he died a long time ago oh yes or that see i already knew the answer and i didn't even know the answer because i'm smart like that okay who would you help first oh this is okay one little granny two child a child no a child no three a crippled man or for a nurse that uh fell for all her brooks fell okay we got a seven second timer oh my gosh okay granny granny is just confused child i don't care about the crippled man i feel like the nurse because she can help everyone right am i right oh this tells you who you are you approach problems rationally never acting without having thought about it okay well that wasn't me two uh the child you're sensitive and you've been hurt more than once okay me but i didn't choose the child three you're the life and soul of the party and a lover of a good time okay good that wasn't me i did not pick the crippled man the nurse you're an easy going and optimistic person who sees life in bright colors and rarely pay attention the problems of the world that is so not even close to being me let's see this you're easy going i am a little easygoing but not with my own problem you're an optimistic person i am a pessimist realist no who sees the life in bright colors everything's great baby everything's black and gray a little bit of white mostly black and gray and you rarely pay attention to the problems of the world i am hyper aware of every problem happening in the world especially my own more others no this is false i don't agree okay another one who is the kidnapper okay a b or c c they're holding the hand b i don't know what they're doing a looks very questionable both a and b look like they could be doing something very inappropriate the adult get that out of my mind i'm gonna say b i don't know i don't know ah damn it c god damn it why see you don't need to hold your kid's hand in the elevator oh they're in an elevator well i didn't have that context look at this picture i didn't know they're in an elevator i've seen lots of kids hold their parents hands in an elevator not my parents but still um noted got it an old king had no children but had to choose a heir he gave a seed to every child in the kingdom okay what is it happening right now okay i'm watch okay okay the child who would grow the largest plant would earn the throne it's kind of up three months later all the children came to the palace with their plants that's kind of cute like this green project after he looked at all the plants mine would be dead i kill every plant i've ever owned he chose one girl with an empty pot to be the next queen i'm the queen why did he choose her oh oh i only have seven seconds oh my god why did he choose her because she knew she would stand out oh i don't know because she's an underachiever and he could he could i i don't know out of the time ran out i have no idea the king gave them fake seeds oh i was gonna i was gonna guess that don't look at me like that don't you're like i act straight i was i was gonna say they were all fake so the little girl was the only honest child who didn't switch the seeds honestly knowing me as a kid i would have switched them seeds i would have wanted to be queen so i'm not this child i mean i probably still would have killed the plant and there still would have been nothing in my pot so i might have won but not in a in a fair way you know what i mean can you make this hottest choice would you rather save your mother or daughter i don't have a dalton but i guess if i did have a daughter probably my daughter i guess because my mother oh the most important thing for you is giving back oh if you chose the mother the most important thing you just give me back i like giving back you put other people's feelings ahead of your own facts daughter facts learning a lot about myself through this very accurate youtube game make the hardest choice would you rather ooh be deaf or dumb is dumb mean mute i don't like talking anyway i guess dumb i'm already dumb so deaf for you giving is better than receiving okay was dumb it just says dumb you're balanced and live in harmony with yourself false i live in a constant state of chaos and horrible emotion five in a glass case of emotion would you rather be the only person in the world get bullied every day only person in the world i feel like most of the people in my comments will be that too tell me are you the only person in the world you're afraid of pain well that one hit a little too close to home who's there with me emotional damage yeah get bullied every day you never run away from problems okay yeah that's accurate i uh i do run away from my problems so oh i'm so glad we're learning so much about ourselves today emotional damage would you rather never eat pizza again let two puppies die what am i a monster never eat pizza again i don't give a about pizza i don't even care if i never see those puppies they're not dying you keep your priorities in order yeah i don't i don't keep my priorities in order so that makes sense you stand your ground whatever it takes you know what that's facts that's facts when i feel a certain way i stay on my ground what super power would you have oh lord earth the power of earth air metal [Music] metal fire water um i think water i feel like that could i could help people with water oh we have to count our points okay zero we're at zero shocking okay let's keep our points pick a color blue golden black like my soul red or purple ah blue because i'm a generic basic sorry okay we have two points we have two points on the board jay keep score somewhere because i'm probably not gonna be able to your strongest sense is touch smell taste sight here my strongest sense like as of thus now uh probably smell i got a strong sense of smell zero okay i think we're still in two points j will know though choose a picture ooh choose a picture tell me which picture you chose um we got the male dives we've got a sad lady looking out and the rain and a bunch of other nice players sad lady sad lady for sure that's me looks like a silhouette of me too okay i think we're at four which is my favorite number so that's fine choose an animal um tiger cat eagle wolf bear i'm from canada and we got a lot of bears so i'm going to choose bear bear final answer also keep score in the comments i want to know what your guys's score was three i already don't know where we're at me six seven i'm not very good man your biggest fear is oh i got lots disaster exam lie ghost death not death i'm not scared of that bring it on but like don't actually exam after all those things one okay i think we're at like seven where are we at i don't know jay's shaking his head right now teleportation you're relaxed intuitive faithful and friendly okay whoever has zero to four your teleportation regeneration you're conservative calm emotional and wise oh i think that's me oh my god that's fantastic oh i want telepathy if you're 10 to 14 you're sociable intelligent powerful experience mine's so lame 15 super strength i don't even know what regeneration is what is regeneration j tell the people what regeneration is i don't really know what it is in context for superhero power regeneration would be like say if you got stabbed and you're able to heal yourself like wolverine wolverine that's what it is so it's cool levitation ah well okay everybody i learned some disturbing things about myself i hope you did too please let me know what you've learned about yourself and also like the video if you liked the video i really appreciate it really helps with the channel and subscribe if you haven't already subscribed this is obviously this is youtube channel if also let me know in the comments what else you want me to do i thought this was a little fun get to know me and get to know yourself kind of thing but i can do other stuff too so let me know and i will see you a beautiful face in the next video okay bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 2,050,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: whzGj03SGqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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