Which Sibling Know’s Me Better?

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hello hello hello oh nope it's off it's you I know you're the problem you're the one that Taylor Swift was singing about hello sorry hello hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome to my YouTube channel I'm call me Chris you can call me Chris this is call me Jake that's call me Alyssa that's call me Jessica I don't know why but call me pretty girls names these are my siblings these are the other ones I walked out of my mom's whoa I didn't like that so today we are going to be finding out which one of these people knows me best and the winner I don't actually have a player I will take out to a fancy fancy dinner of your choosing how about that okay hmm oh is that not good enough no that sounds nice I'm just saying I don't really need a surprise well you can go to McDonald's if you'd like okay take my McDonald's or white trash like me so fancy dinner is McDonald's and maybe Dairy Queen ice cream yeah that sounds nice we have white boards for everyone that Jessica stole from her school just kidding I'm bringing it back to my classroom she's a teacher oh this is a nurse and Jake is going to be a police officer so police officer nurse teacher idiot no really the smart one here well we'll find out now I have questions here how well do you guys think you know me Jacob oh do you think you're going to do well on this I said I'm gonna get like a six out of ten it's not out of ten high you think you're gonna win or lose oh it's I'm looking at my talent they're not my talent my uh opponents yeah there you go I got days and chances Alyssa what do you think I tried to make the questions pretty even oh okay I think I could I think I would yes I think I have the best chances here but I know there's going to be questions that I'm gonna screw up on if I'm not first I know I'm second because there's no one they're gonna be like last not first your last there's no world if you're not first everybody click the thumbs up oh see Jacob watches if you're not first you're last I will be writing down the answer on this board let's go for this who knows thank you all right let's go with who knows call me Chris better I don't know what to call this competition that's right come on down to play who knows call me Chris better and Tom can you tell us what the winner gets to take home if they win well Jay the winner gets to choose a restaurant of their preference to go have a nice meal okay so we're starting out pretty easy all right if you guys don't get this ear out of the wheel so first question is what is my birthday bonus question for one bonus Point what is my horoscope in three two one Edgar oh Jacob what the hell is this you guys didn't know that I was a cancer I said bonus question I didn't have time to write you read time right Canada today Christina today that was important irrelevant but it's my first 1994 that's when Jessica was born no you get it wrong point two points the scores were looking looking Grim for the toy you all right next question pretty easy one as well what is my favorite kind of music bonus question what is is my favorite band there are two answers to this I will allow I don't know if I I guess you'll give me points I like reveal okay okay points two metal I do like heavy metal and you know what yes Nickelback I should have written that down I'm embarrassed but I wrote Queen and Fleetwood Mac but Nickelback's absolutely on that list so that's what that's two two here's the scores right now this is the next question and this is based off of my opinion what is my worst physical feature and what is my best physical feature based off of what I think about myself I'm probably gonna get really insecure if they put what I didn't know oh all right ready yeah reveal flatness you're an we like toes eyes Okay feet toes shoulders that's funny I'm gonna give you a point because I do complain about that a lot no so you get one Alyssa gets two and Jessica gets one I love how they all put my feet I have nasty feet how bad are my feet they're so so scary they're their own people but I have bad feet too what sound do I hate the most that makes me go being a feral if I hear it my audience probably knows a Long play along audience all right review balloon popping feet rubbing on carpet apartment don't do it my audience doesn't know this yet don't get me wrong I've seen I hate balloons probably I don't like it at all but if you rub your feet on the carpet I will butt you actually I've bit several of these people because they did it I hit them I don't know what's wrong with me like I actually hate it so much like I'm so scared that they're gonna do it right now to bug me I will slap you upside the head with this and it will go on the internet no I know they can attest oh we know we all have been bits all right this one's fun what are my three favorite things in the world there's five options that I'll allow but what are my three favorite things in the world besides my family and friends I don't feel confident about my 30 let's reveal I'm just curious ice cream maybe I'll allow if it's chocolate Halloween uh this is weak Kevin Rock food infants and snow suits kids in snow suits I love it they look like little Michelin men they're just walking around like they can't move their arms scary movies oh see that's good and Kevin I will give you the point I'll give you all points these are good but my other ones Kevin small things things are smaller than they're supposed to be like miniature items kids in snow suits chocolate and thunderstorms oh I knew all of those yeah I know it's pretty good it's pretty fast he's too cool 90s 19 but he's been smoking for 48. at what age did I run away from home I was like Forrest Gump I was always running away I just felt like running while they're writing their answers I packed up my little purse with granola bars and about twenty dollars got on my Dad's bicycle and I just biked away and then I got mugged and some guys some hobo stole my bike for me and then uh the police were called and then I I went home let's reveal oh Alyssa wearing blue Lulu hoodie and black sweats listening to she she's a little runaway she's in it oh that's true okay you know what shoot up the age wrong but I'll give her half no I'll give you a whole point for that what I could have put mugged with the bicycle she went all the way to Rotary Stadium how many bones have I broken oh I just told all my kids this time besides my heart my heart doesn't count it happened too many times but it's hard because you've broken yes I could be [Music] 13. oh six it's me I'm the closest no everyone else [Laughter] um zero wow how many phones have you guys broken you've broken none and two oh no I broke my arm I broke my humerus I broke my ankle this is that's why it remembers those are Universe yeah I was like collarbone for you clavicle humorous dislocated elbow I'm pretty sure at least two bones haven't you broken both ankles at the same time multiple toes multiple fingers and it's not 16. no my first break I was surfing on top or no surfing on a on a golf cart Jessica was driving and she pulled a Larry and I was surfing on it and I flew out the side because I was the one that broke everything years ago was still debating yeah what is my biggest fear fears I'll allow a few I feel like Jacob will get this one because he actually watches my YouTube channel if you get more than one I'll give you an extra point making them up as I go oh spiders that's that's fair noodles nice spiders I knew I should have put murder of self or loved ones oh I put that needles blood nice needles spiders Heights these are all good so I put balloons Birds needles my family being murdered and plane planes landing and log trucks we all get one okay what is my favorite liquid to drink there is only one answer oh what there's only one answer I know audience I hope you're playing alone and like the video movie Red Bull I didn't remember the last time I drank a Red Bull sparkly funny what the freaky to her you don't have any coffee spokesperson for coffee this is one I thought about the fly what is my favorite most used accent that I like to do besides my own obviously there's two that I use most often I don't know how to describe it and how often do I use different accents all the time I actually remember being like Christina do the accent do that accent when we were younger yeah yeah because I was so fascinated okay ready wait oh oh Boston British Midwestern British but okay you guys get it anytime you tell the story that's good Midwest no I don't do that one that often do that yes to be fair this has been in the states for a long time I've been in the midwest yeah I'd say even Southern is it's I use Southern more than the Midwest yeah he's British law and then everybody around me starts talking in in the British accent not very well then well yeah it's funny listening to them I'm not going to attempt oh that's pretty good that's what can go right here oh that's pretty good things see was that a sport see that's pretty good what a bowl of water a bottle of water or like a bottle of water bottle that's not bad not bad accents down below I'm just curious um what is my most annoying quality huh no hesitation they're like you'll be mad at us no because she knows exactly what I'm writing down I'm not going to treat I need to use telepathy radio you did it like three times today and I was like oh my God I bet you they're all different okay I can't wait to see all right you're not gonna like me ready how this work go belching out of nowhere know it all burping so I do this oh I can't burp now there's two bonus ones worth two points each and if you get this you're probably gonna take it away all right here we go this is a finish the sentence question hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome to my YouTube channel write it down if they get this wrong they're out of the will I'm so bad with lying finish the sentence was hello everybody and welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome to my YouTube channel I'm call me Chris you can call me Chris nice my name is Chris there's no and you can call me Chris compliment nice where I am call me Chris and that's not at all right though I have to go with accuracy I'm call me Chris and you can call me Chris this is exactly what I say yeah now he's tied with Alyssa if I have it correct I don't know no way last one is also a finish the sentence to end off the video all right here we go finish the sentence please like the video if you like the video and also subscribe if you have haven't subscribed oh I think Jacob might win this I'm sorry no I already subscribe we just go oh it's over we like it we're already subscribed finish the sentence please like the video If you haven't liked the video and also subscribe if you haven't subscribed I say it very fast though I know but I check out man I check because I'm already subscribed and I like every video that's all right did you get it in the comments below let me know all right ready to reveal you're gonna be like what all right ready this is obviously best issue to channel ever to All You Beautiful peoples no or don't honestly I think I've said that but no Jacob takes the case where do you want to go to dinner Jake Wendy's whoa when is it a little bit more expensive that's right Tom Jacob is the winner and he is hightailing out of here to go get some Wendy's watching the video Jay the final score is here there we go and Jay how did you do did you did you play along did you win did you get it put yourself in the video thank you nah I'm gonna stay out of this one but you best believe next time it's game night maybe get some Monopoly going really start separating the family this is a lesson don't get too cocky don't get too cocky there you go put it on the screen don't get too cocky come on guys anyway if you liked the video please like the video and also subscribe if you haven't subscribed this is obviously the best YouTube channel and I will see your beautiful face in the next video all right that's another thing goodbye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 1,435,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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