Would You Let Joe Biden Run Your CASH REGISTER?! | Comedian Jeff Allen | Jukebox | Huckabee

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I'm always happy when Jeff Allen visits our show you know him from as many TV appearances including three hit dry bar comedy specials he's a frequent guest on my trips to Israel he'll be joining me on our steps of Paul Cruz and the Mediterranean this fall he's currently on tour All Over America on his Are We There Yet tour and it's based on his new book called what else are we there yet he made it here I want you to give a big welcome to my friend Jeff Allen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you all right yeah over the summer my wife and I celebrated our 37th wedding anniversary thank you and I have figured out after 37 years every conversation we have now turns into a game of Charades it's a constant guessing game anymore we can't remember anything we'll be driving along and she'll say something like I saw that guy you worked with in New York on TV the other day I go which guy she'll go you know that guy no I don't that's why I'm asking you the guy you worked with him in New York was that a city no Buffalo no Rochester no Syracuse no was the only places I work in New York well maybe it wasn't New York Jeff I don't know I said what do you look like she said a white guy well that narrows it down was he tall short she goes well by your height six foot six one no he wasn't that tall then he's not my height this goes on for like five more minutes and unfortunately we just both drift off there's no conclusion no ending I don't even know we're at the swimming pool last week she says I got some shrimp for dinner tonight great and she said I got that sauce what sauce the red stuff with the horseradish and then we start all over again neither one of us can remember the name of this sauce 20 minutes later she yells across the pool cocktail sauce you win you lost their minds I'm blaming it all on covet that's all blaming everything on Kobe she got mad at me during coven because I was golfing five days a week she says you're going to bring the cove at home like it's a human being I said I'm outside I'm golfing she goes what precautions are you taking I said for golf I don't know we quit kissing after birdies does that work for you besides we play walk off walk off is where you hit your tee shot then you pick the ball up and place it where you feel it should be yeah and like everything in the woke world there's not one root in reality so I've had 41 hole in ones yeah I don't get the woke World Tammy Tammy follows politics more than I do I was watching she calls me into the kitchen the other day to watch some video of Mitch McConnell and I'm making a sandwich and Mitch is talking all of a sudden he's not talking and I look at her and go is it buffering she goes no he's just staring at the camera and walk over and go holy cow retire I think it's time to go are you kidding me these guys are falling down we got politicians just falling down Biden's falling down McConnell's falling down this is what happens when you get your spine made in China yeah it's a joke don't email me at a woman with Carolina and a woman was so upset with me she sends me a page and a half email starts out you got to quit picking on our present he's just trying to save the Free World made me laugh too so you know again I'm a casual Observer of the culture but you know if you want to save the Free World I don't know you could start by not uh leaving 86 billion in military hardware in the hands of a 12th century worldview you know oh isn't that isn't that parenting 101 parenting 101 hey before you leave the house pick up your toys so I wrote her back a short little reply I said I see you're upset am I you know I don't want to upset you I have one question for you you don't even have to reply to me just answer this question honestly for yourself if you owned a Starbucks would you let Joe Biden run your register [Applause] you can let him greet at the door he's an affable guy right you let him Roth greet your customers because he's a great Storyteller right he would Regale them with stories how years ago he Joe Biden was raised in the Colombian Forest by Juan Valdez himself and he picked those beans they're roasting right now for your cup of coffee you'd be so impressed you'd say thanks Joe I just had a cup of joe with Joe how do I tip you Joe well you can tip me at venmo 10 for the big guy you know in a few yeah and if you really and if you really want to help me out you can run it through my son Hunter's account I got one more I got to tell you this before I go it's about three weeks ago Tammy went at three in the morning Tammy wakes me up she wakes she's going Jeff Jenna Jeff Jenna Jeff Jenna and I'm waking up what about him she says that's the guy you worked with in New York I couldn't remember his name you guys have been great thank you [Applause] hey for somebody that says he doesn't observe much of the culture you nailed it totally tonight hey this new book I love the title Are We There Yet yes that title we've all heard that expression but for you it's deeper than that it's a lot deeper it's a job when I got into recovery and um uh you begin a journey of recovery and it's like you're a child you're just in the back seat of a car and you don't know who's driving the vehicle yeah you have no clue and uh you're just kind of it's almost like your parents leave you at the rest area and leave you the keys to the car and they take off and you got to figure out where you're going to go it's you know it's a powerful story Jeff and I've known you a long time but there are a lot of things I didn't know about your struggles and how God has taken you through some tough tough times and it's really a miracle story I always say everything I did was self-inflicted well there's no stone cold sober I tell the audiences if you get through the first six chapters without killing yourself it's an uplifting Tale But you have the story of how you came through it right and that's what's powerful about it it's a phenomenal story everybody knows she was a funny guy and don't realize a lot of hurt deep down in there that had to get worked on well he did and Tammy when I gave her the last draft I said you need to go through this and be okay with my version of what I went through because this covers the first seven or eight years of our marriage and um she uh she read the first two chapters and put it down and said I can't read anymore we were just horrible people and I said that's the beauty of the story is if they stick to the end of the story Paul said when you are in Christ you are a new creation the old is gone and the new is here we're not those people yeah so we can sit 30 years later write about him and look at him and go holy cow you know what and then it's nice to see what God has brought you through you know and um from a bird's eye view of going on it is a beautiful beautiful story and I hope that you'll get a copy Jeff has upcoming tour dates all over the country from Fort Wayne to Honolulu so surely somewhere along the way you can support him on the road and go see him also you can pre-order this new book Are We There Yet go to huckabee.tv we will connect you how to get the book I don't know how busy you are but since you're clearly slacking off watching YouTube videos you probably got the time to subscribe to my channel and hit the notification Bell and the like button that way you get updates on new videos
Channel: Huckabee's Jukebox
Views: 301,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeff Allen, jeff allen comedian, jeff allen drybar comedy, jeff allen: honor thy wife, jeff allen testimony, jeff allen marriage, jeff allen wife code, jeff allen america's got talent, jeff allen: happy wife, happy life, jeff allen silly arguments between couples, jeff allen resentment in marriage, jeff allen full show, jeff allen the america i grew up in, jeff allen cars, mike huckabee, huckabee, huckabee show, huckabeeontbn, tbn, h7u7c7k7, h8u8c88ka, t1b1n1, a7b7e7e7, beeon22tbn
Id: f6TPUKph1ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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