WOTLK In Depth Guide to Fury Warrior (Part 1)

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hey it's Sherwin thanks for joining me I'm going to be taking you through an in-depth guide to Fury Warrior some of the things that will be included are the talents the stats that you need the rotations professions some of the add-ons that I think will be a huge help in order to increase your damage and I'll also be talking to you through a Sim to determine how much damage you should be doing so it's time to go through the spec and this is exactly what you should be going for if you want to min max your damage the first talent I'd like to go through is armor to the teeth and that gives you a free attack power but every 108 armor that means you need to prioritize going for a plate items over lever or mail it's going to make a huge difference the next biggest talent is going to be Precision where you get an extra three percent chance to hit and that's going to be super helpful at the start when you're just trying to Gear Up eventually where more bits of gear has more heat on it you might be able to drop a couple of these talents and move them into other places the next most important Talent is going to be Death Wish it's a nice ability that can increase our damage by 20 um but it only lasts 30 seconds it says it's got a three minute call down there but because of this Talent here it will reduce it down to two minutes the next important talent to discuss is going to be flurry this has obviously been in our country for quite some time now but this will increase your attack speed by 25 for your next free swings after dealing a melee Critical Strike I think that's Critical Strike rating is going to be very important especially at the start I will always try to aim for more than 50 correct fully buffed the next important Talent is going to be blood first it's going to be your most prioritized ability improve Berserker stance as you can see here it's got increased strength by 20 percent now that's very important when it comes down to how much attack power our characters will have and how we get the stats for our gear for that blood surge it's a brand new talent for Wrath of the Lich King and again it's incredibly important that we are using it the next thing we should talk about really is that we have impale which increases Critical Strike damage bonus of your abilities which ties in nicely when with what I was saying earlier about how important Critical Strike is not only for flurry but also it'll increase you've got an increase here on your abilities by 20 next to it is the worms now this is a very very important time to us in Wrath of the Lich King because as you can see here it will deal 48 of your melee weapons average damage over 6 seconds now if you're gonna crit again it doesn't just refresh this but it actually increases the amount your damage does with deep wounds so this is a very important talent and we should be making the most amount of credits possible so this is kept up all the time there are some other optional talents that include Rampage heroic Fury and improved Berserker rage so later on you might have too much hits you might be well over the hit count but it's up to you to decide whether or not you would rather go for Rampage so maybe you take a point out there put it in there great or you might want to use heroic Fury or Berserker rage at the moment I um I don't have anger management here because it's one range for three seconds it is quite nice but I would rather have a rampage purely because when I'm in a 10 man I can't guarantee that I'm gonna have a feral Druid in my RAID and when I'm out doing dailies and you know it might fall in heroics it's just a nice thing to have all the time for the sake of free one range every three seconds that being said if you want a min max put it in Anger Management and have a feral dragon in the raid you should also talk about the glyphs so I've got Glyph of Whirlwind execution and heroic strike the heroic strike means that if I create a thoracic strike it's only effectively cost me to rage the myoglyphs are up to you it's not really going to change your DPS that much but enduring Victory an extra five seconds to be able to have a free cast is great in my opinion not losing any health when I use blood range is really nice for me and you know just increasing the range of charge is also really helpful so the next thing I want to talk about are what stats are important especially when looking at a new item of gear to get so the most important start for us is going to be our hit chance but luckily with Precision it's very easy for us to reach our hit Gap now if you're on Alliance and you're going to be in a raid it's more than likely that one of the characters will be a drone eye so you you know as lines we need just one percent less so we will need 132 but the horde will need about 165. the next the next important one is going to be your strength this is going to be pretty much the biggest damage modifier you'll have so you know as a good example if you have 10 strength that's going to be equivalent to 20 attack power but we've improved Berserker stance as a talent that's got an extra 20 so that means 10 strength is worth 24 hour but when you have blessing King Blessing of Kings that's an extra 10 on top of that so that means 10 strength is 26.4 attack power Critical Strike rating is I think as important as strength one percent Critical Strike is going to be the equivalent of 62.5 agility or a Critical Strike rating of 46 let's say I would really hope that you know you aim for 50 correct buffed once you reach that sweet spot everything becomes a much smoother and much more enjoyable experience the next thing that you should be aiming for is expertise and it's the one stat that goes up in four increments because of the way the increments work just be very careful when you're jamming that you're not going to be not reaching a new expertise point it's worth noting that humans have mace and sword specialization so that means they get the first three points for free when they're using swords or maces and that Orcs have ax specialization there is also haste but it's not that important to us 25 haste is equivalent to one percent more Auto attacks so now I'd like to talk about professions and the most important and non-optional is engineering you have to get engineering the reasons are purely obviously the the saronite bomb and The Thermals have a charge huge amount of damage to increase your DPS in the raids even if there isn't any ants pop these things they're not expensive and they will just give you an extra maybe I often use probably two or three of these in a boss fights the next thing is the Nitro boost for your boots now they're not just there to for a bit of fun to make you go nice and fast but they also increase your Critical Strike rating by 24. there is the flex weave underlay which again is extra 23 agility but gives you a parachute so you know that's always helpful good fun you have the hyper speed accelerators that increase your haste rating by 340 for 12 seconds they're really cheap to have but they do consume all of the enchants that you would have in those places so you won't be able to put on a boots and charm and Nitro boosts it'll be one on the other the next thing you can also have is a frag belt now that does stack with the blacksmithing belt buckle also what's nice to have is a zap throttle Mo extractor and that will just get you go old as you can as and when you're flying around the zones the next important profession is dual crafting if you look at these wonderful gems they are so strong especially at the very start of the expansion each one of these gems would normally only give you 16 of these 16 create 16 expertise strength this is such a huge increase to our DPS at the start you've just got to be your crafting not only that it does give you the ability to maybe make some of your offspec pieces like the tanking trinkets absolutely get dual crafting and engineering and you will be very comfortable so let's go through the rotation for a single Target a bit like if you can imagine a patchwork fight first thing you want to do is get your five cylinders up and keep them up at all times it's a priority then if you get any blood surge procs you should be using them as a priority over anything else then you must use your blood first nice amount damage has a shorter cooldown on Whirlwind and it's all about trying to get as many casts as possible then you use your Whirlwind it does more damage than bloodthirst but because it has a longer cooldown you can leave it to afterwards if you have more than 60 rage then use heroic strike if your Sanders are up and there's no slam bloodthirst is all called out and while Winston cooldown then if you're feeling comfortable drop into Battle Stance use rent and then jump back into Berserker stance for your next blood first and whirlwind next is your rotation for execute phase and I get asked about this a lot first thing you want to prioritize obviously keep your Sanders up but blood first whirlwind execute a heroic strike so your slam prox your reins ignore those for now that you know don't worry about them at all so your AOE rotation is going to be whirlwind then blood first then cleave then if you've got any remaining range which I highly doubt will be slam do you remember that when you're cleaving you're going to be using up a lot of rage now the last thing I'd like to go through with you is the warrior Sim and the credit for this must go to grock's Empire Wingo 667 and jupa who are all on the Warrior fighting Club Discord um that will have a link down below and this Sim is just so helpful for fine tuning what gear would be an upgrade what gems you could put in there you know you can move all your gems around and then you you put literally press one button and it'll tell you what DPS you should be doing in that game if everything went perfectly well so I'm going to talk you through how to use it so here we are at the Sim I'll put a link for this down below but as you can see you've got all of the bits and gear that you can add so you can put in here maybe I've upgraded to that you just click that and then you can close or you can update the gems or the enchant up here get it to where your gear is currently at I'm gonna put this back [Music] but once every once you've got all your gear in here put all the enchants on all the gems yes it is an absolute pain in the ass doing this all the time but once it's there it saves it so you won't lose it again go into your talents you can select the talents that you want to you know use there there is presets like arms and fury you've got all the glyphs as well that people use you can go for and select which uh Buffs you will have on knowing what you have in your raid group you know what consumables you'll be using but the next thing you want to do is change the iterations to 20 to 30 000 that means it's going to test this gear 20 to 30 000 times while I'm running this now you also have all of the stats down the bottom here of what this gear will give you but this also includes all the Buffs as well so if you're suddenly thinking well my gear only shows 36 percent you know some of this here could be because the the Buffs and talents that you have so with this kind of gear set I should be well probably the most I could ever do is 6381 DPM but maybe you want to know okay well how can I increase that with the current you know phase of gear what what should I do all you need to do is go to stat weights and if you click calculate this does take some time and I'll skip ahead for it obviously when you're doing it keep an eye on the simulations completed up here once it's reached 180 000 it will then give you updated EP points down here so now it's updated all of the DPS EP here and you want to copy to current EP and that updates all of these boxes this now will help me to click on all of these weapons and or any of the any of the different slots then it will tell you okay if I've got that it's an extra 41 EP not DPS EP increase if I click on that that's and then I can go into here and I can change all of my gems around and essentially the more EP you go for hopefully the more DPS you will get so every time I finish a raid if I've won a bit of gear I go into here first and I will put the new gear slot in into here and then I straight away before I do any Gems or any chance or anything like that updating those I will again go on to that Rerun the whole thing again then simulate it then you can add on gems and then you can simulate it again how much would that increase it by it's a you know a really useful tool to be able to improve and make decisions and what gear is going to be best for you going forward and I'd highly recommend it to any Warrior out there so thanks again for watching another one of my videos I hope it's helped some of you out there to understand a bit more about Fury Warriors this would probably be part one there might be a few more videos to come especially with regards to the recourse but hopefully this will get you started again a massive thank you to the fight club Discord for warriors so helpful get on it now start talking to people find out information about what what we could be doing slightly differently let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to cover if there's anything you want me to talk about whether it is weak or as or more add-ons or you know abilities that I should be thinking about is there any particular boss fights you want me to be talking about and perhaps I'll do another video based on those things I'll try and you know reply to all your messages below um but yeah thank you so much for watching and I hope this has helped foreign
Channel: Sharwyn
Views: 23,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DdJSylDyO-Q
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Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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