Top 3 Goldfarms Season Of Discovery Phase 2 | WoW Classic

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what up boys and welcome back to yet another season of Discovery gold guide in today's video we're looking at three different gold Farms that is extremely good especially now with the new uh changes to uh like the supply boxes because as you probably noticed a lot of the materials and the crafted items themselves has gone up like crazy in price so in this video I want to look at three different Farm that you can do regardless of any profession or class to you make a lot of gold with these new changes to the supply boxes uh and if you guys don't know what the new changes is basically they uh added new items to the supply boxes reputation and uh you get depending on which box you hand in but you get up to 12 gold for handing in a completed box and up to 1,000 reputation so before we take a look at the specific Farms big thank you to every single one of you guys for the support on the complete gold guide for season of Discovery it's been absolutely amazing and if you have no clue what it is it's basically a gold guide featuring all the best gold Farms tactics and methods to make gold in season of Discovery even better once you pick up the gold guide it comes with a lifetime of three updates for every single phase sent directly to your email for free so if that sounds interesting you can find that link Down Below in the description so I made some of these videos uh in the past it's just way better now so we're going to take a look back at those and the first one that I want to look at is actually a material uh the elemental water which I used to sell it well last time sold 10 days ago 14 silver now it's more than doubled so the elemental water has gone up drastically in price now these bad boys right here can be farmed in a lot of different locations uh and they are uh needed for for instance the frost leather cloaks that is like one of those 850 reputation boxes level 30 uh and they need those together with elemental Earth so they've gone up drastically uh in price now as I said there's many different ways of farming these I prefer to farm the Lesser water Elementals in STV just because they hyperspawn like absolute crazy like I can show you guys a clip of me running around killing these guys you're never going to run out of mobs like even if you have competition so I know a lot of people are farming uh the ones in ATI Highlands because they also gives give the charms for the warrior Quest but those charms have gone down drastically in value they don't hyperspawn while these have an insane respawn rate uh super easy to kill going to have no problem killing him regardless of class and as you can see like when I'm killing these guys like you're never going to run out you just run in the circle and they will just constantly keep on spawning also a nice thing about this location is the fact that the the gray items are dropping uh vendors for quite a bit of gold so you're actually going to end up making roughly 12 gold raw just straight up selling the gray items from these mobs which uh I will show you guys uh in a second but super super good uh gold Farm High suggest you guys to try it out the mobs are also low level they're like level 36 level 37 so super e to kill regardless of class melee Caster like range doesn't matter at all so I had to do this for like a a 20 minute test lap just to see uh if it was as good as I recalled it from like 2019 classic and uh it was like these Astro deep shards like one stack uh um one stack of these bad boys sells for like eight silver the water alone like vendors for 27 silver um like each stack so pretty good you get a bunch of uh green items as well from these because you're killing so many mobs per hour it's good I mean none of these are going to have insane stats because they're going to be quite low level seeing that you're killing level 36 37 mobs that's why I just calculated them as raw gold you can of course disenchant them but if you were to vendor them that is uh also in the 20 minute test lap I got uh 10 Elemental water so if you average uh if you average 10 every 20 minutes that's obviously going to be 30 of those an hour so that's like another 12 golden hour in Elemental water but of course like always make sure that you check the prices on your realm before you go out and do something like this but just know that this is a very good alternative of gold Farms do right now with the increased prices uh the next one that I want to highlight is um one that I featured not too long ago and it's uh this one right here which is basically just going to swamp of Sorrow a swamp of Sorrow is right down here and this entire area is filled with spiders these spiders are killed uh in order to get the white spider meat and also silk but it's a nice raw gold per hour because youve vender the silk and all the gray items and the some of the green items but you can also get good blue bu epic bu Etc and are needed in order to craft the the spider sausage uh which is also A+ 12 stem plus 12 Spirit food so a lot of people are using it for raiding but also used for the way late supplies now my favorite farm right now and probably the highest yielding gold Prowler out of these Farms does require a profession for one part of it and I am talking about this bad boy right here in tanaris also recently uploaded on the channel where we going to be uh running around um like in Taris alongside the the sheline and killing Turtles now there's two reasons and two different Supply boxes to why you want to do this now the first one um the first reason why you want to do it is because you have uh these bad boys down here the Thousand reputation boxes which needs the the turtle scale bracer so the turtle scales have also gone up hundreds of percent in value uh probably the last time I checked they were up like 300% in value on the the turtle scales but you do need skinning in order to get the turtle scales uh you do not need any profession however to get the uh the turtle meat that's required for the 700 reputation box which needs 10 suiting Turtle bis like so there's two reasons to do the turtles if you have skinning it's an absolutely insane gold farm at the moment if you don't have skinning you can still do it for the turtle meat but just know that it's going to be higher gold Prower if you do have skinning now I'm going to link these individual videos Down Below in the description uh if you want to view them how the F it more into details and the results like the expected uh amount of materials per hour but with that being said that's pretty much it for today's video so thank you all so much for watching don't forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel because I got plenty of more sod videos coming with an even higher goal per hour and of course feel free to check out the uh complete gold guide for season of Discovery also linked down below with that being said appreciate you guys watching and I will see you all back in at tomorrow's video but until then bye-bye
Channel: Studen Albatroz
Views: 15,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, warcraft, gold, farm, farming, Goldfarm, Goldfarming, goldmaking, goldguide, goldcap, wow goldfarm, wow goldfarming, wow goldmaking, best goldfarm, world of warcraft, world of warcraft gold, world of warcraft goldmaking, best wow farm, best goldfarm wow, wow goldguide, wow goldguides, world of warcraft goldguide, season of discovery, season of discovery gold, season of discovery goldfarm, wow sod, wow sod gold, wow sod goldfarm, sod, sod gold, sod goldfarm, goldfarm wow sod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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