TOP DPS and never get YOUR rotation wrong!

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with wrath of the lich king quickly approaching a lot of people's rotation on their classes is going to get a lot more complicated gone are the days a one button spam as a warlock instead what we're gonna have now is wrap paladins pressing one button and doing a full rotation you know what i'm talking about if you've seen my video from like two days ago but in general most classes do have a little bit more of a rotation now so you might need some assistance i've been reached out numerous times by i'm gonna call him out waylay he jumps on the stream he jumps on video comments he messages me on discord he's really wanted me to make a video about this add-on so i've sat today and played around with it and actually it's pretty good i'll be completely honest with you it only really does what weak auras does but probably a lot easier to use but with the same amount of flexibility so the same amount of customization and you can pretty much make it look how you want especially if you pair it with something like bartender so i'm going to log on a couple of low-level characters and just show you how it works i'll put a link to the download from curseforge in the description below so you can go and check it out and play about with it yourself i would say most classes don't really need this at the moment in tbc but it will be very very useful for some of you in wrath of the lich king so i'm here on my 25 warlock and as you can see i've got shadowbolt mla corruption and curse of agony now these may look a little bit like i've set weak auras up like i do on lots of my classes where i have the icons quite big for the primary abilities that i use but actually all it is is bartender i've just got a single bar up there that i've scaled up and just made it a bit bigger with just four buttons we can remove the padding as well so it brings the buttons a bit closer together but you know ultimately you can do it however you want and this does work with just standard blizzard bars as well so you don't need bartender you don't need dominoes you don't need lv wire you don't need any of that but it will work with all of them but you could just use the standard blizzard yeah bars if that's what you want to do so now if i just find a mob to kill you'll see exactly what this add-on does so at the moment it's telling me to press emulate so i'll press emulate then as soon as mlate's gone off it wants me to corruption then as soon as corruption goes off it wants me to curse of agony now it's telling me just a spam shadowbolt now the rotation isn't set in stone as in this is what it will tell a warlock to do i have done this myself so on every class that you set this up on you can obviously set up exactly how you want the rotation to be so let's say you've just gone on wow head and you've tried to find a generic guide of how to play your class and it says always keep up mla always keep up corruption always keep up curse of agony and then spam shadowbolt you can set that up exactly like that in here or if it was like always refresh corruption when there's two seconds left you can set that up in here let me show you how it works so if we go to rotation master which is what it's called you can see for this particular character so you can obviously set up lots of different profiles i'm just using the default profile at the moment and you can import and export all of these so if you do one of these and make it look exactly how you want it and play absolutely perfect to your class you could then export it and share it with a guildy for example so if we start here you can see this is the effect that i like which is the glow you can have ping star starburst so i'll just show you what a few of these look like so ping is just like a circle around it i don't think that's really clear enough i mean it's all right and it don't look too bad on the sort of default bars if you like but over the top of bartender i just don't think it looks very clear so you can play about with this yourself i personally just like glow because i think glow looks really nice and what you'll see is it actually shows it up before the global cooldown finishes so if you're going straight from like i did there corruption into immolate just as immolate hits i'm still on gcd and it's already telling me to shadowbolt so you're not wasting time so we go back into the setting so how i've done this is literally i've got mla and i've got it set to only want me to use mla when it's not on the target same for corruption same for curse of agony and then i've got shadowbolt as just a filler so it's got no conditions as long as all the conditions are met on one two and three then obviously it will go straight to shadowbolt if i put shadowbolt at the top so it's the only spell there is because there's no condition here it's only gonna make me shadowbolt it's never ever gonna get to step two so that's why i've got shadowbolt at the bottom so it'll get all of these on cooldown first or ticking on the mobs should i say and then obviously it goes to shadowbolt in spam now you could add cooldowns in here as well obviously i'm in level 25 so i haven't got many abilities but you know you can literally add what you want so now let me log on my paladin and we'll set a few up together so you can see exactly what the options look like and how it works so now i'm on my paladin once again we'll just go in and we'll open rotation master now on the rep paladin we're going to say we want to use consecrate on cooldown we always want to have seal of righteousness up we always want a judgment we want a judgment on cooldown and we want a crusader strike on cooldown so let's just add some things in so we're going to add a spell and we're going to add crusader strike that's it that's done so it's going to use it whenever it's available now we can add another one in we'll add a spell and we'll add consecrate by no means is this how you play a paladin i'm just demonstrating for you so we'll add seal of righteous and we'll move this to the top because we know we always want seal of righteousness up and we will get into the actual conditions in a minute as well and now let's just add judgment and that's it so we know we're going to always have sealer righteousness up we're going to crusader strike on cooldown we're going to consecrate on cooldown and we're going to judgment on cooldown so now straight away you can actually see crusader strikers got the nice glow effect around it because it's wanting me to actually press it it's a bit small down there so i don't particularly like it like that so what i would do is add a new bar this is now obviously in bartender we only added four abilities so we'll say these four abilities are our main sort of rotation for now so we'll just have four buttons we'll have no padding so they sit nicely together and then we'll just make the scale a lot bigger now this is gonna be perfect so just ignore all my buttons down there for now but we'll put in crusader strike we'll put in judgment we'll put in seal of righteousness obviously i should really be using command we'll do righteousness just for example purposes and we'll put in consecrate so now we've got sort of our bars that we're you know our main things that we're going to be using so if we now go back into the actual add-on itself we now need to add sort of conditions to when we're going to use these things so now here's all the options so you know different combat things so have pet have pet name points shape shift form you know lots of different options that you can pick spells you know by spell available spelling range spell cooldown all of those sorts of things and then buff so debuff present buff present all of that so what i use a lot is not so when you pick not and or you know these are obviously then gonna ask you for something else so if we put not for example now it's saying not what you know what is it not that sounded really awkward so when we go into the settings we want to select not so we're saying that the buff is not present and the buff that is not present we're going into here and going buffs off present click buff present saying no it's not and it's seal of righteousness so if seal of righteousness is not on us it will tell us to cast it then next down for judgment all we're literally going to do is just leave judgment as it is leave crusader strike as it is and use consecration as it is so it will then just use them rotationally in that order so we'll go judgment first into a crusader strike into consecration it's then going to go back and check for seal of righteousness assuming that's all right it's going to get us to use whatever's ready so after a little bit of fiddling around we'll just go in we'll just put seal of righteousness up so it's telling us to now judgment so we'll use judgment on the pool back into a seal of righteousness into a crusader strike into consecrate now it knows we've got nothing that we can do at the moment so it's just going to wait judgments back up seal of righteousness into crusader strike you know it's now just doing the rotation exactly as we've set out one thing i will mention is because i'm only using the bar at the top as a display more than anything else you can have your keybinds as it absolutely but for some reason with the paladin i didn't have this problem with a warlock so i just want to be completely honest and let you know the troubles that i've been having while making this video is it keeps just trying to track rank one so i've put in just rank one of everything here sealer righteousness and consecration but obviously my max ranks are actually down in my bars that i'm sort of pressing on but if i show you here how we've actually made all this come together obviously if we go to like the edit on judgement we've just put spell available so if you go here and you look at spells so spell available and then judgment so whenever the spell is available which is judgment it will try and use it done exactly the same thing for crusader strike so we've just added a spell available condition and then the same for consecrate so if i show you like on consecration when i actually select rank and then type in consecration it only does find one rank which is a bit strange now one thing you might notice is when you try and set the rank so you'll have it on your bar and it's not flashing and you'll be like you don't know why because it's not showing multiple ranks in the drop down menu i'll show you how you get around that so if you look up here these are actually max rank consecrate righteousness you know these are all max rank abilities and it took me a while to actually figure this one out but when you're actually on here once you put in what you want to track so let's say we also want to use let's say we want to use hammer of justice on cooldown for no reason whatsoever if we then go into the spellbook here we can actually drag hammer of justice on there once we've selected spell and now it will be the max rank hammer justice that is tracking so then if we was to go into edit and then we went please choose and we want to just use it when it's available you can then do exactly the same thing again here and just drag it in and then press ok so now if you look down here at hammer of justice when we go into the mob and we get all of our stuff ready and all on cooldown we'll go into that we've got righteousness back up crusader strike into consecrate and then like you can see here now hammer of justice is glowing because everything else is on cooldown but it is still prioritizing everything else let me just show you on one more mob over here so we'll go in it wants us to judgment into righteousness into a crusader strike get our consecrate down now it wants us to stun with hammer adjust this and then just everything else carries on as normal now the cool thing about this is if you've got like your loose rotation in so like the warlock one keeping your dots up spamming shadowbolt if someone turns around and says did you know it's actually a dps increase to corruption before immolate is easily solved just before we switch over to the warlock actually one other thing that's worth mentioning is the other add-on that really makes this really really good is omni cc so if you don't use omni cc it puts the cooldown timers on the bars so actually when you look at this as it is right now in like a couple of minutes that it's taken to set up you could confuse it for week or as quite easily because when we go in you can see it's showing the judgment cooldown it's showing the crusader strike cooldown it's showing the uh consecration cooldown it might seem basic but it's actually really really cool and once you get used to it it's not that bad so back to the warlock like i was saying if for some reason the rotation changes or you know some theory crafters say no actually you don't want to be emulating on the pool you want to be using corruption on the pool you can change your whole rotation literally by realigning things so we've just put corruption up on top now maybe let's put curse of agony above mla so now it will change the order completely just by having a click around so like you can see now it wants us to corruption first so corruption first then it should be agony next oh but that i've never really targeted yeah then agony next then mla and then it's going to get a shadow bolt in so you can very quickly change your rotation around on the fly which i think is pretty cool actually and that's it basically so whale actually wants me to do one of these like setups for each different spec so how i would set up yeah each spec in its own video you know a five-minute video on the rotations in wrath and how i would have all of this add-on set up maybe even export it and put it in the description so you can just then literally copy it if you think that's a good idea for a video series let me know in the comments below and i'll see you on the next one oh actually broadly outro like and subscribe all that stuff yeah bye there's lots of ways you can support the channel to keep me here putting out world of warcraft content and covering all future mmos consider joining the channel as a member you get access to emotes everyone will know you remember when you comment on future videos because you get a nice icon next to your name and you get access to members only videos which i'll be putting a lot of on the channel throughout the year additionally there's a patreon link in the description as well thank you for watching all the way to the end and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Scottejaye
Views: 76,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wow, tbc, classic, wotlk, wrath, of, the, lich, king, scottejaye, scottejaye87, world, Warcraft, Blizzard, mmo, new, fresh, server, Druid, PvE, PvP, feral Druid, feral, item, raid, guide, how to, dungeon, heroic, resto, metagoblin, rogue, hunter, priest, shaman, twitch, Dk, ulduar, servers, hard, Raiding, Feral, DRUID, dps, Resto, healer, best, items, glyphs, aoe, max, farming, beta, news, Hunter, pet, warrior, mage, druid, class, tier, paladin, 10 man, 25, phase, launch, before, Pre, patch, naxx, 71, pre, fun, most, lock, dk, Secret, farm, Rotation, master, weakaura
Id: iJ8akZ6VWBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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