WotLK - Naxxramas - 30 Second Guides - Updated

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[Music] a new brecon thank the boss here facing away from the raid ranging healers spread out around the boss off tanks tank the ads the ads cleave and a main priority to Nuke down as they spawn periodically throughout the fight when the ads spawn they also come with a load of scarabs if you die you spawn more scarabs kill them when the boss casts Locus swarm your tank needs to kite the boss around the room the tank can avoid getting hit by the Boss by using either a swiftness potion or having a hunter use aspect of the pack and running with them foreign [Music] ER nuke the follower adds first they randomly charge in silence around them so maybe kite them out of the group if you can't kill them fast enough leave the other ads alive for now the boss doesn't Reign of Fire ability move out of that also a poison volley you can Cleanse This the boss will enrage every one minute you need a priest to mind control one of the worshipers and cast The Silence on the boss it will dispel the enrage and kill the add on 10 man all you need to do is kill a follower ad to dispel the boss foreign ER tank this boss in the middle of the room facing away from everybody else have two off tanks pick up all the small spiders in the room throughout the fight they tend to spawn on opposite sides of the room group them up and AOE them down every now and then the boss web wrap three people which knocks you back to the edge of the room and cocoons you have a group of ranges assigned to attack these webs to get people out every 40 seconds the boss will cost web spray which will stun everyone in the raid for 8 seconds use your pre-hop the tank and maybe pop some cooldowns too if you need dispel poisons use nature resist pots or gear if you suck kill it [Music] not the pleasure the main mechanic of this fight is all about de-cursing curse of the plague bringer which if left too long will ripe The Raid you can tank this boss wherever you'll cast a blink which will slow everyone around him and drop aggro DPS should hold off attacking him until the main tank gains aggro back the blink usually coincides with ad spawning off tanks pick them up and DPS should swap to them and nuke them down after 90 seconds the boss will teleport away and you'll have to kill all the ads the boss will stay here until their ads are dead or until 90 seconds has passed this will happen two more times 110 seconds after it reappears and again three minutes after the second time he reappears [Music] hegan the dirty get ready to kick people from your guild because this is without doubt the easiest boss in the game ever the boss has a Mana burner ore around him so he lives in range stand on the boss Podium what's your melee and the Tank tank the boss on the lower ground tag him here to begin with the main mechanic will begin shortly the room is split into four parts in which sludge will come out of the ground in three quarters of the room avoid this the sludge will move across the room from left to right and back repeating until the second phase also the boss will teleport people outside the room run back before Phase 2 begins the second phase is simply the same eruption mechanic just a bit quicker and the boss teleports to the podium so now the melee can laugh at the massively inferior ranged and healers fail at this mechanic repeat Kill the Boss foreign this boss is a big DPS race spores will spawned throughout the fight than when they die will give five people around them a 50 increase Critical Strike bonus and no threat gain don't let this hit your tanks you need to make sure everyone gets this buff ASAP starting with your biggest Pumpers the main mechanic of this fight is necrotic Aura which he will cast every 20 seconds this reduces all healing done by 100 for 17 seconds which means you have a three second window to top up the tank and heal the raid you do only need one tank for this however if you are struggling to keep them alive you can have the off tank taunt when the main tank gets low foreign man this fight has pretty much one tactic which is hateful strike this deals a lot of damage to a person in melee ranged that both has the most health and is within the top four of threat this won't hit your main tank it is a good idea to have at least four tanks to be able to soak these heads heal up the off tanks ASAP so they can continue soaking the hateful strikes at five percent the boss will enrage so maybe hold cooldowns for that otherwise he also enrages at 7 minutes so get ready to make quick work of patchworth foreign Ola pull this boss to the edge of the room he drops a poison Cloud on his location which expands over time so you'll want to slowly kite him around the entire edge of the room the whole time make sure the main tank is the only one in front of the boss as he casts slime spray which spawns a slime for every Target that is hit nuke these down he'll randomly inject players with mutating injection the debuff lasts for 10 seconds and when it expires it deals AOE damage and drops a poison Cloud make sure to run away from the group when you get this and drop the poison cloud in a suitable location so you're not going to mess up the tank Route 30 seconds down the line at 30 he injects players more frequently so kill the boss before you run out of the room foreign facing the door the boss casts a 10 healing reduction every now and then so swap it four to five Stacks the boss will also fear everyone within 20 yards every 20 seconds so either fear Ward the tanks or prepare to die Hunters need to trank shot the enrage every 10 seconds zomboice will spawn near the great at the back of the room you need to have DPS aggro and kite these but keep them as far back as possible try to avoid getting hit by them slows and novas are very epic every 105 seconds the boss will cost decimate this drops all the zombies to five percent health and they will begin walking to the boss need to kill them all before they reach him otherwise they heal him after the third decimate the boss will permanently enrage so kill it quick foreign for the first phase you need to split your raid into two groups both groups need healers in a tank but the groups need to be merely in one and ranged in Casters in the other the melee group goes to Fergus whilst the range group goes to Stallone Stallone does a bit more damage than Fergus but Fergus drains Mana kill them both within a few seconds of each other jump over this ledge kick anyone that doesn't make it first try two raid wide debuffs will appear on you this is the polarity mechanic you will be assigned charge of positive or negative split the room into two sides with negative on the left and positive on the right tank the boss in the center of the platform if you're stacked with the wrong polarity you will cause and take damage from everyone around you if you're in the correct polarity you'll get big DPS buff every 30 seconds your polarity might change so pay attention you have 5 Seconds to get to the right side before the effect begins thadgis has a five minute enrage timer kill that boss [Music] instructor reservias for 25 men you need at least two priests the tactic of this fight is to mind control and add it and then taunt the boss you want to use the bone Shield ability and tank for its duration when it's close to running out I have another mind controlled ad taunt with their bone Shield up keep repeating this whilst you DPS down the boss on 10 men there will be orgs you can click whilst targeting an ad which might control it so you do not need a priest it's worth resetting your mind control after someone has taunted off you so that it doesn't passively drop when you're tanking have your tanks ready to pick up the ads when they drop you should also heal these ads when they are mind controlled as irregular tanks are too petite to withstand to blow from this Mighty Boss goth chick this boss is a lot easier to manage than in vanilla just have everyone in the raids down the life side kill ads that spawn and then keep an eye on the dead side ads coming through the gate throughout the fight after a Time ads will stop spawning and the boss will teleport down to one side it does a shadow bolt that does nothing so just kill him and move on [Music] the four horse body type ones the basis of this fight is to have at least one person on a boss at all times the front two bosses can be moved the back two will stay stationary after you pull each boss will put a stacking Aura on anyone around them try not to go above four Stacks have a Healer and DPS combo tank the back two bosses and swap sides when they reach four Stacks note that you don't need to be stood in melee range just in their Aura pull the front two bosses together and kill them DPS should stack while stain is still alive for meteor once they're dead move to the back of the room watch out for void zones on the ground at lady Bemo foreign pepperoni does a lot of frost damage so heal it while on the ground you will need to avoid blizzards and decrease life drain on players when the boss flies up into the air it will ice block five targets the ice block also does AOE damage when it's first cast is spread out if you can the boss will then cast frost breath which will one shot everyone to avoid this all you need to do is hide behind one of the five ice blocks now you just rinse and repeat until this boss is dead foreign Phase One ads will spawn have your tanks pick up the Abominations which deal a stacking mortal wound on the tank melee should nuke this down range should kill the soul Weavers as they'll knock people back when they get in melee range the range will also need to kill the soldiers the Frozen waste as soon as possible as they deal AOE damage on the entire raid when they hit someone when phase one is over calphase clown will be active it cannot be taunted you should try and pull him to the center of the room and have your raid spread out around the boss melee should form a diamond shape around him you will need to have an interrupt chain for frostbolt as this is a One-Shot ability every 10 seconds you can cast Shadow fissure which you simply step out of every 15 seconds you can cast an uninterruptable AOE frostball every 20 seconds he can cost Mana detonation which depletes someone's Mana by 50 and causes AOE damage every 30 seconds it costs Frost blast which freezes a player and anyone around within 10 yards of them it will continue to freeze anyone within 10 yards for the remainder of its duration you need to just heal through this until frostbloss wears off finally air every minute the boss will mind control the tank and four more players so your off tank needs to have secondary threat you should CC the Mind controls threat is also dropped phase 3 starts at 40 Health it is exactly the same as Phase 2 but 5 ads will spawn you can shackle three of them but two of them must always be tanked when a raid member dies they will gain a 15 damage increase you should ignore these ads and DPS power through on the boss keep up interrupts and spreading and you too can kill this boss [Music] [Music]
Channel: Farts Gaming
Views: 486,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wow, wow guide, naxxramas, naxx, naxx guide, naxxramas guide, naxx tactics, naxx wow, wow naxx guide, boss naxx, Naxxramas tactics, naxx dps, naxx healer, naxx tank, Naxx wow guide, Sapphiron, Kel'Thuzad, Kel'Thuzad guide, Naxx all bosses, Naxx 30 second guides, naxx all tactics, Spider quarter, plague quarter, military wing, Construct quarter, patchwork, gluth, gothik, thaddius, maexxna, Noth, Loatheb, four horsemen, heigan, farts, Wotlk Naxx, Wrath of the lich king, Wrath naxx
Id: cUm0Z2BNL7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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