WotLK Classic ALL DPS Tier List in 3.3.5 (Warmane Wrath of the Lich King)

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hi everyone grnav here welcome to my 3.3.5 dps tier list i went ahead and tried every dps class and spec in the game and studied some old logs to make this list the rankings on the list are based strictly on damage not on how much they contribute to the raid just pure dps so without further ado let's begin to start the list off we have beast mastery hunter is it fun running around with a big t-rex yes is it fun doing damage on an almost best-in-slot hunter definitely not this might be the best spec to play when your 3k gear score but it just doesn't scale well with gear every dps spell you do have is just better on a marksmanship hunter non-viable while getting clips for this video i entered holes of reflection on my warrior as arms and i was shocked at how much fun i had and how much damage it actually did i almost didn't want to leave however the truth hit me that i would just do double the damage as fury it is unfortunate that you can't rollwind on ghouls on an lod fight but a truth hurts c moonkin is one of my favorite classes to play in the game and even if i sometimes finish first on an lod fight i have to be honest with you its single target is just not the best the only fights the doomkin excels at are lady death whisper and the lich king unfortunately i have to give doomkin an a i never played assassination before making this video and i was really surprised just how fun it is most rogues play combat and i can't say that they've ever seen an assassination rogue dominate the dps charts but logs say that they are one of the best dps classes in the game i guess i just haven't met any good ones essa gets an s what can i say about feral that they haven't already said in my top 5 most fun classes and specs to play video yeah feral is really hard to play but it's incredibly satisfying and it hits really hard if you can get the hysteria from your blood dk while you're berserking you won't want to stop playing the game ever s blood might be the best spec to tank fit if you also put points in your improved icy talents talent but it's just to dps with and everybody who tells you otherwise is just delusional the only fun thing about the spec is that you can throw hysteria on yourself but it's kind of a waste since you don't do any damage see i really don't like playing marksmanship hunter yeah it can do damage here you have a pet but damn do you also have a lot of responsibilities we have to misdirect if you have to dispel rage on shambling horrors you have to throw traps from valyria and sourfang you have to hit orbs on princess you can never relax and enter dps nirvana even with me not liking it mm just does tons of damage so it gets an s ah now here's a spec where you don't have any responsibilities other than throwing out the few sanders and cleaving away fury is an amazing spec and it does incredible damage with shadowmourne it's one of the classes that stacks best with gear if you play it decently on an lod fight you're automatically first on scada and it also has the second best or best single target dps in the game just an amazing spec ss i never played survival before making this video and again i was surprised at how fun it was to play however this list isn't about fun and the fact is that it does dps a melee hunter just doesn't work blizzard non-viable frost was amazing when the rat of the rich king got released it did really good damage but just didn't scale that well with gear it can still pull off some really nice numbers mostly on single target and it's a really fun spec to play but it just gets outclassed by some of the other specs on this list frost dk gets a b haven't played combat that much and i generally don't like rogues but i can't talk about their damage even though they have one of the simplest rotations in the game their single target and aoe dps is amazing if you have a really good rogue in your guild and if you get hysteria you'll see what i'm talking about ss now for the frost mage it may look really fun to play and it is in pvp but unfortunately it just doesn't do any damage in pve you might think from the clip that i i'm showing that it can do damage but it falls off super hard when you don't have cooldowns with a tear in my eye i say frost is non-viable unholy is one of those specs that shines on just a few fights their single target really isn't that good but they are beasts at the lich king fight now many unholy dks horde their damage by renewing pestilence before the valkyries go up in the air and by spreading their diseases on the valkyries above the lich king so their numbers will be a little bit higher than their useful damage unholy gets an a ah my main spec this is the class with which i started playing the game and i couldn't have made a better choice they have together with fury warriors the best single target damage in the game with fire mage you excel at every fight in icc and you have no responsibilities outside of doing crazy dps fire mage is the best ss i spoke a bit about the affliction warlock in my top 5 most fun specs to play in the game and everything i said there still stands they have a really high skill ceiling meaning you can always improve on your play and they do crazy dps with that the kings of the execution phase get an s the arcane dream known for their crazy high burst damage arcane mages were really good at the start of the expansion but fire just stacked better with gear yeah you can pull off crazy numbers at the start of the fight but arcane mages just can't hold their dps in long fights they also run out of mana quite easily and would be impossible to play efficiently on the lich king fight which lasts longer than 15 minutes demo warlocks are usually brought to the raid for their spell power buff so many people just don't try hard when playing them that being said demonology can pump out some really serious damage their burst is insane with the demon form emulation aura and their execution phase is really good as well unfortunately demo just can't compete with some of the other classes on the list they get a b and her is one of the most fun and complex suspects to play in the game they are really hard to pull off and everyone thinks i'm gonna be the one that's gonna do crazy damage with anka but no one ever does it is unfortunate that it is so in regards to how much effort goes into playing them but and her get to see priests are mostly overlooked in the raid yeah they can pull off some really solid damage and yes they bring a lot of passive healing to the raid but other classes just do more they are usually the unspoken heroes of the raid contributing more than people give them credit for shadow priests get an a everybody wanted destruction to be really strong the animation for chaos bullet is hypnotic to look at and it's a shame that they just don't do damage they can be pretty strong in arena but unfortunately are really overlooked in pve their older brothers demonology and affliction just do more destruction gets a d [Music] if you decide to make a shaman and foolishly decide to play elle or anja you'll be met with so much backlash that you'll either immediately re-roll to restoration or just delete your shaman don't get me wrong ellie looks really cool and they're really fun to play but they just don't do damage ella gets a c [Music] ah retribution paladin why do kids always decide to play a red paladin we might never know contrary to their reputation there are some amazing retribution paladins out there that can do short tons of damage paired with the support they provide to raid retries aren't to be messed around with astier subtlety similarly to a frost mage is a strictly pvp spec they are made to with people with their crazy amounts of cc but their dps can really be worked on stick to hellfire peninsula non-viable that's it for my list did you enjoy it consider subscribing if you enjoyed the video and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Gnev
Views: 342,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GH7OoyicN-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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