How to pick your class for WotLK Classic without losing your mind // WotLK class picking guide

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[Music] hello everyone wolfie here regardless of what'll being fresh or not the majority of players get to that point where they can decide what class to main either for not having any characters or having too many they level up in tbc same problem we can't all be tweets right whoops wrong script anyway you might have an itch for something new something different since you are tired of destroy warlocks combat rogues and just tons of fury warriors and hunters thanks to rattle lich king we are getting whole 30-ish specs that can be playable and viable in pve plus minus a few we're going to mention at some point starting with the new kid in the class death knights or commonly known as dks with the average name of xx artist xx or old new hype starting from level 55 you skip pretty much 95 percent of vanilla content and go through tbc where you learn how to tank or dps with this new class dks are versatile with three viable specs and few more others which are less viable in majority of expansion like blood dps or unholy tank blood decay tank will be strong always the amount of threat and self-healing struggleability abilities it has is massive plus hysteria buff for some melee that pays you good money to spam it on them however without the ability to block it has to rely mostly on dodge parry and huge health pool so closer to the end of the expansion it just takes over some traditional tanking class like warrior first and unholy dks as dps are similar but depending on the player's preferred play style it can differ you can play drums or you can bonk with a two-hander first usually uses two one-handers and it's prevalent on a single dps fight whereas unholy will do decent on a single target and mass damage in koe pools out of raid utilities dks do bring different stuff on the table such as melee haste increase spell damage and attack power with each spec respectively but more about it in dk specific video so stay tuned and strike that subscribe button to be notified when it goes live leveling a dk is a piece of cake actually just by going through the dead knight campaign and finishing all quests there you get a nice set of greens and blues that will carry your dead ass through the entire outland almost loads of damage and self-healing help you to level both this tank or dps since dungeon fighter will be sweet for tank leveling through instances which i do recommend if you want to pursue blood tanking as it's awesome practice do i see a lot of players playing that knights from day one yes definitely new toy new abilities freaking dead grip holy moly i wanna log mine right now both banking and eps in specs have interesting abilities and rotation combined with the new resource system runes and runic power offer this will be a go-to class for old bottle clovers and players general feeling of playing a dk is just nothing you have experienced in tbc or vanilla so far how overpowered it was and always has been will give you the sense of playing the boss npc and not just the class but not taran npc he was a wuss anyway regardless of your main class choosing i suggest at least make a decay and go through campaign and try to level it by that time you will either get hooked on or just go back to whatever class you enjoy more continuing the list is the hunters absolute unit and god tier in tbc as we all know especially in the last phase with the armor penetration tsunami of items given to them in wattle however i'll slap you with the harsh truth mother of all nerf hammers have landed upon thee many of the abilities and talents have gotten reworked and even pets now have their own talent tree kill command for example now can be activated whenever off of one minute cooldown and increases damage done by pet by sixty percent on next three special hits and after every hit the effect is reduced by twenty percent pretty lame also beast within only increases damage done by you by 10 but it does reduce mana cost of your abilities by 50 percent and so on surely base damage is higher but beast master hunter is only but limping behind many other classes and spec in battle lich king hunter now has all three specs viable to play in pve however the dominant one in majority of expansion is marksman hunter followed by survival in first half of expansion while beast mastery is keeping up from the beginning of expansion only to fall off far behind towards the second half leveling in northrend is best done as bm spec which this time around has the majority of talents boosting damage done by your pet while marxman can do good since pet can't hold aggro against you survival on the other hand can be interesting with a trap weaving and kiting but i would recommend it to someone who is not experienced with hunter in the first place no karen playing hunter in dbc only in tier 6 raid does not make you an experienced hunter although if you choose to level through dungeons and instances survival and base mastery might come on par do i see a lot of players playing this class i'd say yes but not as much as in tbc in the case of progressive servers yeah a lot of people will continue to play it as their true mains but in case of fresh not really no there will be a similar number of them general feeling of playing a hunter includes pet and mana management since swiper is quite punishing and dragon hawk is quite rewarding along with restocking your ammo still but keep in mind that quivers and ammo pouches don't increase haste anymore and ammo can be stacked up to a thousand as a hunter you won't be doing sick damage and especially won't be doing so through one button macro but rather you will have some utility and fun time being average dps which class is the second most populated dps class in tbc what do you think of course it's a warlock or at least it used to be since the majority of rogues and fury warriors were pushed and refuged into pvp anyway much like hunters destro warlocks were nerfed in order to make two other specs more viable this went on to make the other two specs way more competitive sometimes even overachieving what deathstroke used to be especially towards the end of the expansion unlike beastmaster hunter destro will push from the start but during the middle of expansion bursty demo with the good raid support will take over affliction warlock got some love and it just kept being good and getting better towards the end game it has constant output in dps fights with the wicked executed phase destro turns its burstiness towards pvp in twos with ls shaman for example they can obliterate anyone in just a double tap leveling spec doesn't matter that much you can go with whichever you want and it will do good both in open world questing and inside dungeon leveling will a lot of players play warlock most likely in case of progression servers but i see the number going down way down in case of fresh surely you can do decent damage with it but hardcore cast or mid maxers will go mage or stay as lock and others will choose a different main or pick up a new dk class for example general feeling of playing a lock shifts from pure damage to support and decent damage affliction gets interesting rotation a lot of abilities including minion abilities and replay style resembles a lot to shadow priests and tbc which further on means that not everyone will be a damage carrying affliction and raid terminology has a decent damage just like affliction with somewhat easy rotation that relies on talent procs but raids usually want one parade as it becomes more of a support class with spell damage raid wide buff playing it for metamorphosis is a legit reason to maintain what look destro asset earlier has nice bursts with mesmeric chaos bolt and juicy juicy foal fire crits highest flat damage in game so yeah warlock is still fun both in pve and pvp but will lag just a little bit under some other classes on dps meters warriors what do you think when you hear the word a warrior in rat to the lich king giga chat popularity and damage titan grip of dreams come true or just bladestorm all of that and even more you can say that warriors have aged pretty darn well especially since most of the streamers either main it or come back around for it just to claim lace anyhow aging well part can be said about protection warriors yeah they are playable and yeah they are capable of doing so much single target damage and thus threat but almost every other tanking spec in wattle can do the same or even better in some aspects apart from fury and protection spec there is still arms back as well just like in tbc test and grip is what puts stars in everyone's eyes dual wielding two-handed swords maces or axes is so epic but you gotta keep in mind that with that you need high hit rating decent amount of haste and creed so you're not rage starved since both main hand and off hand will spring every three or more seconds meaning fury will get its time to shine later on in expansion around tier nine until then blade storm arms warrior will have the spotlight along with protection warrior in pvp sphere warriors will be just as strong like dks warriors were always pure dps class and since they don't bring as much utility rate they do compensate for it in damage and since majority of buffs and auras of raid wide and what look it means that you can comfortably stack multiple warriors and achieve awesome results leveling a warrior doesn't differ from before even rewind spam protection warrior is viable especially for dungeon leveling will there be a lot of players playing it oh yeah i don't even need to say it i don't know what is people's craze about it is it at monotone playstyle or ability to focus only on dealing damage since you have zero raid mechanics you have to take care of unlike hunters for example from the beginning of expansion mostly it will be spread over prot and arm spec and then all of those will funnel at once into pure fury warrior as soon as we step into tots and icc there will be only 40. i mean fury warriors everywhere general feeling of playing this class is feeling of power with either bladestorm or titan grip crits no doubt that warrior is a beast in right hands but decently good in left hands as well if you have been with me for some time you're aware that my hate towards the yellow color and scum that plays it surely there are decent people who just happen to stick with rogues but overall i can't stand it too frustrating to pvp against or just to mind your own business in open world on the pvp realm however i'm getting milder towards them in waterlook i have grown and i'm ready to accept them as a proper class in pve scene without resenting them from the bottom of my sabatons from single viable pve spec rogues are getting an additional one assassination spec which is the prevalent one in early stages combat just won't do good early on due to scalability and gear dependency but it will pay back many times over in the end game with a lot of agility good weapons and armor penetration assassination will still be decently strong in the good hands but overall combat will just do more saying that rogue melee attacks actually do a lot of damage will bring a smile to many rogue mains from vanilla vowel sub will remain at pvp spec in its own league but that's all about it fresh and welcome addition to rogue's arsenal is definitely a fan of nice and availability with 50 energy cost on gcd with daggers adrenaline rush and huge amounts of mobs rogues can easily jump on top of the damage meters rogues raid and part utility changes a little bit with tot it acts as a nice thread boost for a tank since rogue's opening burst is among the biggest one in rattled lich king especially combined with adrenaline rush look at me talking about it like i'm in love with it which i'm definitely not maybe a little bit leveling a rogue is a piece of cake i don't even have to elaborate on that stun lock evasion and you can even solo elites do i see a lot of players playing rogues yes definitely pure dps slash with just as easy rotation but more damage will fill up the majority of raid spots always especially towards the end where raid leaders will look for combat rogues especially pick a rogue if you never played any other class or if you never played wow altogether level it up and then practice your rotation like a proper rogue not on a target dummy but on low base innocently leveling in straggle turn veil or in borean tundra and now to sing the song of fire and ice or fire an arcane to be precise since frost is by far the worst dps out of 3 image specs though it is still regarded as a really strong pvp spec surely it can do some damage and has interesting rotation on pve but arcane in early game and especially firing in late game will out dps it by far so there you go cold truth goes well with my preference of warmth over coldness in comparison with other classes and specs mages are still hanging there near the top of the damage meters just like in tbc and echoes of vanilla raidability has been increased the possibility of dalaran brilliance and focus magic which is symbiote buff mage can cast on other raid or party members actively increasing their spell crit by three percent and achieving same buff every time buffed players scores a critical hit leveling a mage is best to be done in frostback due to destroyability and pet usage do i see a lot of players playing a mage well more or less those who always play the mage since vanilla will continue to play it all the buffs and additions to mage arsenal 1 differentiated a lot from other casters especially in playstyle also with the fact that mage is just a pure dps such as fury warriors on the melee side of the dps spectrum as aforementioned arcane will scale better in early game but once you reach the high enough crit chance rating fireball plus pyroblast and hot streak will burn your name on top of the damage meters add sustained damage in both specs high mobility and excellent versus arcane i promise you mage is enjoyable as it always was the most desiresque of tvc is by far a shaman why well party-wide bloodlust the best ability in the entire game even though you might think well then it's probably the most played as well yes but no there was always a shaman missing because nobody liked to play them due to simple rotation totems low output although rest of shamans were peace in the last phases in model however with changes implemented for shamans their bloodlust is raid wide and leaves 10 minutes saturday debuff along with raid white totems which means you need 1 or 2 xiaomi's maximum parade rest of shamans state beasts but due to no more downranking they are quite mana unsustainable at lower gear it's just something that i found obnoxious from time to time but later on wrestle shamans were just incredible nicely optimized gear and a lot of mp5 does wonders that one or the one out of two shamans you take to what to create is definitely a restoration enhancement shaman what to say about that if you liked it in tbc you surely will in what look as well as it's awesome from the start they pulled break towards the end game though rotation remained ever so interesting especially for spell hand shaman but without sometimes annoying totem twisting way to a good enhancement is managing your cooldowns and shocks well if you manage to do so your goddamn tour with the axes elemental shaman remains meh yeah they are mid-tier to above meteor dps at the beginning of expansion so you might think that they are great that's true to some extent because they don't scale as much with gear like some other classes at the end of the expansion they are going to be decent if rng says so but nowhere near the top of damage meters utility elemental shamans gives the raid is not unique since beside totems any other utility is either same as some other classes or even worse than those leaving a shaman to be average dps that provides bloodlust or heroism for those on the wrong side of the conflict leveling is best done as enhancement due to awesome burst potential with rather short cooldown however consider rest to shaman if you want to level 2 instances well a lot of players play shaman no more than there are shamans at the moment the true mains the general feeling of playing a shaman is objective if you like the play style don't let any other caller even try to convince you otherwise it is a versatile and gimmicky class from creating and having cool visual abilities to dull but very op healing in the right gear set speaking of which gearing up a shaman is so easy to optimize mail gear especially wrestle shaman of course there is a holy paladin to steal a piece or two but they do have optimized plate healing items so just rub that on their face about priests well it goes from extreme to extreme this cooperates next to useless and tbc but now in retro hking it will be a must to have one parade class preventing or absorbing damage before it bites a part of character's hp pool is what they excel at even though atoms like recount don't pick that up it surely is a huge amount so you do want to prioritize a disco priests for 25 minute raids because their patterns and cheap flash shields are going to be less effective for example in dungeons but in dungeons damage is not that great but it still can add up even though their spells are costing a lot of mana they have nice replenishment for themselves from talents and abilities such as hymn of hope and all-time popular shadow fiend with more and more intellect disco becomes quite self-sustained and can carry out fights without going on on top of that it has two awesome cooldowns one which resembles hysteria from dks but does not stack with bloodlust and other one for naughty dpsers who over aggro holy priests the healing class of tbc just carrying both aoe healing and single target but now in watalok it just falls behind a little behind scaled up rest of shamans new rester druids and improved holy balance it still has the potential and really strong cooldowns to hell even light well is kinda viable now the holy praise strong side is its weakness at the same time being able to cover any type of healing needed and working synergy with other healers makes holy priest good at everything but not strongest in anything raid healing with palm paw or ko is great but mana intensive where a druid can just hot around like a madman and wild growth every cooldown for even higher output and half the mana cost main tank heel spamming with huge heels and guardian is also good but holy paladin literally laughs chats and watches wolfie videos on second monitor while doing it easier and more efficiently and so on so take it with a grain of salt and please by all means prove me wrong and say hey forehead holy praise is stronger than you think and here is why and then explain your stand through an essay or a video however the dps pack shadow priest found a new power in the form of new spells like mines here for example shadow priests will be quite decent dps throughout the entire expansion from start to the end and it's going to make some of us main shadow priests and tbc quite happy same thing with that buffed affliction warlock so much is doing the same for shadow priests and you know what i'm talking about purple colors nah i'm joking is the dot creating ability which is huge since the vast majority of shadow priest damage comes from dots also combine ao ability with the multi dots and you get really strong caster dps that has some awesome utility in form of debuffs on target can be stacked in great composition to boost overall dps heals while doing damage can dispel and disperse fade blah blah blah it's overall really rounded and fun to play with ever-changing and interesting rotation which is modified by stats and gear you have on top of that it remained the face melter in pvp still do i see a lot of players playing priests i'd say about the same amount as now maybe a tad bit more as shadow priest since it will have a nice output at the beginning but healing specs of it won't be stacked and will count at least one either holy or discipline or one of each as long as holy is not shielding anyone having a priest with either healing of spec in what look is not a bad choice if you are into this thing now for the one class that is definitely booming in bottle in every aspect of it is a paladin even before rotolo it had all three specs viable in race setup and any other content but now it just breaks free unleashing abilities to tank and threat to heal and save and do dps and strike with big two-handers protection paladin has the biggest improvement just sweeps out warrior off of its feet as a main tank even that nights on low gear level due to some awesome cooldowns and talents i mean dk tank is a dk tank a league of its own but pro pala rises from aoe tank to gigachat full tank behemoth now that paladins are no longer relying on spell power items to dish out threats and damage it can do much much more and by more i mean just being 4 dps in a dungeon sometimes beating even pure dps glasses and speck on damage done overall retribution as my favorite melee speck in dbc improved and it's quite decent in wonton they do scale well with more haste and crit especially in the end game they will be doing nice damage due to the majority of mouse being undead in the beginning however more or less frost decays will do better for example since retribution output will fall off outside of its burst cooldown what makes me happy about retribution is that seal twisting is a thing of the past and retribution now has a proper identity with rework spells cleavability and kept its rate utility along with cooldowns just like any paladin spec i think it's important to know that they do some off-healing while dealing damage both themselves and others around themselves which together with the plate armor and other cooldowns and bursts makes threats quite hard to deal with in pvp still holy paladins i won't say much because i believe they are mega popular and just a stronger single target healer throughout the expansion however with down ranking dead and your holy light coasting a bit over 1000 mana you might find yourself struggling with mana where even the wine play won't help after reaching a huge amount of intellect you can just spam away more being opie it doesn't mean it's fun to play surely you will top them healing meters but rotation well the amount of spells used is just cars so it will be dylon or d law for many players choosing holy paladins as their main so do i think there will be a lot of paladins in motok hell yeah providence residents and holodens alike will be all populated throughout the expansion the amount of rework spells for paladins is huge starting with blessings there is a reduced amount of it to the point where you almost don't even have to use a peli power but please do still same goes for seals the biggest change being taking out the entire seal of the crusader and some others along with some blessings were converted into hand spells so it's safe to say that minimizers from tbc will jump into the warrior wagon but when it fills up they will drop down into paladin joyride lastly cherry on top my favorite class of all druid remains epic as ever and i don't care what you think of them in tbc i assure you droids can be one of your top picks in motel either leafy healer cute kitty fuzzy burp or guardian bear just the sheer amount of specs available for one class is a selling point it was the same in tbc but now in wattalk you can actually stack droids easily without drawback and each one of them brings straight utilities restoration druid healing arsenal has been increased by two additional spells nourish and wild growth which makes restaurants highly versatile in a single target and raid wide healing i fell in love with this new restaurant and since it's so strong from the beginning to the end of the expansion boomkins went from decent support class for warlocks and mages to above average dps capabilities especially in the aoe fights with the new most op aoe ability in the game the starfall also next to aura which is raid wide now they have earth and moon which does the same thing as curse of elements does for example rotation now includes more than just one starfire rotation now includes more than just a starfire spam as well but with much better mana region and mana management feral bear tank it was my favorite class and my main for a long time in tpc i just loved it in motel it remains what it is a dodge hp tank that deals a lot of damage single target threat is amazing as always but now with 360 degree swipe you can aoe tank better than before surely it won't be uber threat like protherm's consecration or dks dnd but it will still be better than what it used to be on top of that bear got some new and improved cooldowns to boost its survivability kitty dps has fourth and last viable droid spec heavily played in motel is amazing it has the hardest rotation but if you manage to learn it and practice it enough you will see pretty high numbers especially in late game when you acquire a big chunk of armor penetration then you will easily compete for the first bottom damage them with fury warriors i won't go deeper into abilities and how to manage your rotation in this video maybe in the future do i see a lot of players playing trades yeah i do a decent amount who enjoyed raids in tbc will continue to like it in bottle but i predict some new players picking it up just because it is so versatile and if you can't decide what role to play you can make a choice down the road of leveling and still be viable before wrapping up a video i want to add a disclaimer this time around muslim added a lot of balance to all classes at the same gear level the majority will do almost the same amount of damage with several percents less or more also inside the class and spec itself there can be big oscillation in terms of mastering the rotation optimizing your gear reaching caps and having a good rng on procuring talents and such just pick the class you think you will have the most fun with and play it for fun when and if it comes to it that it becomes boring switchback or entire class even some that were boring in tbc are now really fun for example i personally never liked protodyns but i had a blast playing one through wattle so yeah there's that don't forget to pick that like button and subscribe if you think that artos did nothing wrong stay safe and have fun playing the game i'll see you in the next video bye bye you
Channel: Volfey
Views: 107,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WorldOfWarcraft, Wrath of the Lich King, wotlk, Raiding, Guide, wrath, Lich King, Guides, PvP, Walkthrough, Classes, Class, WOW, World of Warcraft, LK, Classic, PvE, Shadow, Classic WoW, Tanking, Heal, DPS, Damage, Meta, Min/max, list, mage, protadin, feral, how to, tank wotlk, gear, meme, funny, dps wotlk, dk, death knight, dual spec, attunement, druid, paladin, priest, hunter, warlock, warrior, shaman, rogue, world of warcraft, tbc, the burning crusade, burning, crusade, mmo, mmorpg, classic, classpick, class, pick, howto, aoe
Id: 6FbI0_MS_9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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