WotLK Healer Tier List for 3.3.5 (Warmane WoW)

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hi everyone grnav here healers are the banded drummers they don't really get that many fangirls but they absolutely carry the band so today we look at the healers in patch 3.3.5 and pit them up against each other exploring the strengths and weaknesses of each and also giving them a grade in our tier list so without further ado let's begin with the holy paladin [Music] holy paladin is in my opinion the most overpowered speck in the game every raid would be so much more difficult without them this is for a few reasons number one being judgment of light this spell alone basically replaces an entire healer and it's common courtesy that other paladins in the raid leave the yellow judgment to the holy palette so it shows up as his healing on skeda i mean this is what i'm talking about the judgment of light being as overpowered as it is 45 percent of the healing holy paladin is also extremely easy to play the only thing you do is keep beacon of light and sacred shield on the tank and spam holy light on the raid in wrath they also added glyphs with one of the strongest ones being glyph of holy light this glyph together with beacon of flight makes you an amazing great healer while already being the best tank healer in the game what i love to do is just spam holy light on the melees because they're always stacked together and get maximum value from the glyph they can also have infinite mana in theory with seal of wisdom and divine plea their only problem is their low mobility the only thing they can do while moving is to guest holy shock and renew their judgement this however isn't enough to ruin their value so paladins get an s rating just remember that with great power comes great responsibility so be ready to take a lot of from your raid mates if your tank dies [Music] shaman is personally my favorite healer in the game they have incredible utility and will always find a space in the raid because of heroism why i love them is their high skill ceiling meaning you can have hundreds of hours on them but still learn new things and adapt your playstyle in raids the talent that's responsible for that skill ceiling is tidal waves after casting either riptide or chain heal your next two heals are empowered and they will either have a faster cast or heal more meaning that you have to make split-second choices and think ahead of what spells you want to use shamans also have a very diverse kit being able to top tanks easily with earthshield and direct heals healing the raid with train heal and even putting hots on your allies with your riptide this diversity makes them the top choice for solo healers in my opinion the problem with shamans is that they're very gear dependent so you won't have a lot of fun before you reach 1000 haste they also run out of mana really easily and aren't very mobile so even though shamans have incredible utility they can't really compete with the pure heal per second from the holy paladin and you'll rarely see them top the healing meters and that's why shamans earn the bee tier [Music] discipline doesn't really excel that much at healing as much as they excel at preventing damage their bread and butter spell is power word shield at your job most of the time you'll be throwing it out on your squishy teammates they do have some healing in their kit though with spells such as prayer of mending and penance which you'll mostly use on the tanks playing a disco priest is a bit boring in my opinion because their job is very simple but you can't argue with the power they carry they're almost necessary on some fights such as the lich king where they completely nullify infest with their shields they're also probably the easiest and most mobile killers in the game and have an excellent mana pull with spells such as shadow fiend hymn of hope and talents like rapture the main problem with discipline though is their reliability on other healers they can prevent the damage but it's pretty difficult to heal your raid back up once the damage inevitably happens so they aren't really the best solo healers all that in mind combined with the incredible hps discipline dishes out puts them rightfully in the a tier [Music] next we have the druid the trees are famous for their healed over time spells and high mobility they can basically play 70 of most fights while moving so they're an excellent choice if you just began healing it's also really difficult to run out of mana playing arrested droid because you can cast your life bloom and clear casting procs for what is basically free mana they also have incredible utility with inner weight which they will throw out on other healers most of the time and combat trails which is one of the strongest spells in the game where druids fall off though is burst damage if you manage to prepare your hots in time you can top a group in a few seconds but if you aren't ready for the damage you'll have a difficult time with it that's why the beauty of playing arrested druid comes from preparing for the damage expecting it in front and throwing graduates on the whole raid which means that you'll be a great dresser droid if you're good at chess unfortunately for our druid friends however other healers will just dominate you on the meters meaning that you'll never really shine when playing resto so unfortunately i give them the sea tier [Music] finally we have the holy priest i only recently picked holy up because i've been told they suck for most of my time playing graph however when i finally picked them up i had so much fun that they're the only healer i want to play holi is incredibly diverse in their healing which makes them hard to play i feel i'll need 20 raids under my belt to truly grasp the specs potential they also have the best external defensive in my opinion in guardian spirit which is where they're brought to no buff lods a lot also they have the heart and soul talent which can speed up your teammates you rarely see it be useful but it's extremely fun to play with the problem with holy though is that even though they can do it all and even with them being incredibly diverse other classes can just do it better they don't have that one thing their best at other than guardian perhaps so even though holy is incredibly fun to play you can expect people to not invite you to raids unless you switch to discipline that's why with the heavy heart i have to put them at the sea tier together with the rest of druid one thing i'd like to add is that you should not decide what to play on a tier list you'll do best at what you have the most fun doing anyway that's it for my list like the video if you liked it and subscribe if you'd like to see similar ones in the future thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Gnev
Views: 112,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World of Warcraft, WotLK, Wrath of The Lich King, Healers, 3.3.5, Tier List
Id: WmG5bujdPSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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