Worthless to Workhorse- David Brown Tractor gets Long Overdue Service/ Repairs then back to work..

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i found an old david brown 990 for 500. so i snapped it up it's been sitting in a paddock for about seven years apparently it just stopped and um he was having fuel issues with it there is actually a little bit of water in there so trying to get that out [Music] you can see air bubbles coming up through that inlet port that tells me it's getting air in the line somewhere between here and the fuel tank i don't think that seal is doing much good anymore so i'll take that off i get no ring to sit in there i might do it no more air coming out of there so i think that solved the problem that hydraulic cylinder rod is quite bent it's not retracting all the way in that's just about perfect now less than a millimeter on that there's quite a bit of play in the final drive bearings oh that's perfect nice and tight but still turning freely that'll do me all right i've got it running pretty well now and fixed up that bent hydraulic ram that's working well uh tightened up that wheel bearing but now i've done a little bit of work with it and found that two of the rams are leaking so i'll redo the seals on those and also the water pump leaks quite badly so uh whip that out and replace it and then i'll just do all the oils and filters and it should be ready to go back to work no wonder that room was a bit lazy look at the side of those o-rings man they're fully eaten up okay all right so there's a seal inside there and three on the outside so i just have to replace this wiper seal and the o-rings on this piston cap seal on there i'm not too worried about those internal seals because there was no leaks coming out of there and it still feels pretty tight so if it ain't broke don't fix it i've got the new seals for the bucket ram because the rod was bent so badly it's been riding on one side there's a bit of a sharp edge left on the edge of that groove where it's been rubbing that would cut the new seals up if i leave it like that so i'll just give it a quick file and clean it up making sure i don't scratch that internal surface with the edge of the file just holding it up with my finger there all i want to do is just take that sharp burr off all the way around and the file is on a bit of an angle so that i'm not taking any off the side surface either no more sharp edges on that that's nice and smooth got to make sure they're not twisted you can see the line all the way around that looks good these o-rings are so so much easier to put on than the hard seals all right that's ready to go back on so that cylinder bore has quite a bit of scoring in it so i'll give it a quick hone i've got the cylinder hone but it's obviously too short to reach right down the end so i'll have to make some sort of extension on it [Applause] this [Applause] that is better let's take a few of those lines away that drew me try and tighten all these up evenly so um puts even pressure on that plate looking good no legs so [Music] all right i've got the cap off there but there's a bushing in there that really doesn't want to come out i've had to look for any sort of locking tin but there's nothing on the outside so i have a feeling that i'm going to have to cut the end of the cylinder because there doesn't seem to be any way to pull out that bushing and it feels like solid steel up in there somewhere the way it sounds when i pull that ram out so a um that's one that you can't pull apart at this end so i took it around to my friend's place who's uh he's done hundreds of rams and um he's he knows this type so i'll let him over go and um he ended up having to cut the end off anyway which is pretty much where i was at so he did that for me and um got it all apart got the packing out of there unfortunately i wasn't there and i didn't film it so you just have to imagine what it looked like he got the new packing for me so they just go back in there like that and then the cap screwed on and then you weld this cap back on you can see it's just a displacement ram it doesn't have any piston or seals on the end of it it's just a um a ring to keep it centered inside the cylinder i'll give this rod a wee bit of a tidy up it's a little there's a weave of rust on it putting so i'll give that a good sand and clean it up and put it all back together the cup side goes towards the bottom of the ram because that's where the pressure will be coming from so i'll just wind that cap on loosely and then push the rod through and i'll do it up once it's all welded up make sure it's all seated properly in there feels pretty good i noticed there's a few marks from when it was disassembled so i'll just go through a little bit of sandpaper and knock off the high points that should be okay put a little bit of grease on that packing before i try and get the rod through oh i'll put some water in that fitting i'll just apply some air pressure there and that should show up any leaks there's not a drop of water coming out of this i'm pretty happy with that just use the old seal to knock that on wipers all evenly seated in there so that ram is ready to go back on [Music] do it [Applause] quite amazed that it actually lifted that up that must be a good half a ton there still no leaks so a load like that will show up any uh weaknesses and hoses and seals it all seems to be good though so far that's awesome all right i noticed the water pump is leaking coolant past the seal it drips out constantly and empties the radiator up down to that level over about three days i didn't try to pump it full of grease it stops the leak for a wee while but then um it pushes out through after it's been running for a few minutes it's the drain tap down there i think it must be clogged up there oh yeah go i will test this uh thermostat this water is about 80 degrees uh celsius so that should open up okay you can see that is opening up now so that's working right that'll let the water through just clean all the old sealants and rust off there [Applause] uh that's got it that's the seal there that they've given up you can see it's very well cracked and not really doing its jobs that's where the water was leaking through it is looking pretty pitted and rusty so i might as well just buy a new one that feels a lot better [Applause] uh so uh nice and snug i might as well change the oils and filters while i'm at it give it a full service now that i've come this far yeah it's fairly dirty getting you one of those in looks like the right size always supposed to check before you take it out of the bag in case you have to send it back spring when i took this bypass valve out it was around that way but it doesn't seem to fit into the filter so i reckon it goes around that way i better check the um the manual and have a look at that because the oil comes from the outside to the inside and that valve pushes inwards so it must go that way do you think yeah anyway have a look on the manual see what it says so the small end goes towards the engine um when it came out that end was facing the engine so we'll put it around the right way uh perfect caramel sauce my favorite we'll get a new one of those you can see it is quite full of crud in there i don't know how much filtering it was doing the way it was sort of crushed up there [Music] so oh look at that screen that's disgusting this is supposed to be like a fine mesh there and it's just fully clogged up with bypass valve put it in the dishwasher i don't think the missiles would appreciate that it's got quite a bit of rust in there and probably from those rusty front-end loader rams i suppose so a lot better than it was so that'll do me so i bought a whole lot of these little neo magnets i'll just pop a few in the corners and that should catch any metal and shavings so i'm putting gasket sealant on one side and uh grease on the other next time it needs to be pulled off it'll it'll stick and release on this greased surface and that'll prevent the gasket from ripping [Music] looks like another oil filter in there so crack that open have a look [Music] yeah that needs changing [Music] this up to the top of the lines you can barely see it it's so clean so that's the power steering reservoir there's a filter in there so i'll drain that out and change the filter okay oh that filter's falling apart look at that yeah that's quite dirty in there the fact that it's broken apart means it's probably been in there at least since last century probably 30 to 50 years so we got a new one this one's stainless steel so it should hold together a bit better it's from ag spares in new zealand they seem to stock a lot of parts for these old tractors okay that's the power steering filter and fluid change that gear lever boot has seen better days so i'll put a new one on because um if it gets rain in there it just goes straight into the gearbox um that'll keep the rain out that other one's pretty good so i won't worry about it there's no cracks in it all right the next job is to get rid of this old steel seat it's a real back breaker this one hope there are only 120 130 dollars from ag spares new zealand nice foam padding and suspension as well so so much easier on the back so put that in um hopefully it'll just bolt straight on but i might have to drill a couple of holes looks like there's only a couple of bolts there holding it on so it looks like i'll have to put a plate on there because this seats just a wee bit narrower [Applause] uh that's that's gonna be so much easier on the back [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that makes life easier being able to carry two bins around and um and the log splitter behind it so it's a good firewood machine everything's holding up well no leaks in the new seals they're all dry and no coolant coming out of there i've had 500 for it and probably spent another 600 on fluids filters and seals so i've got a pretty good tractor for eleven hundred dollars now very happy with that so that'll do it for now see you next time
Channel: Marty T
Views: 457,854
Rating: 4.9623475 out of 5
Id: CxohTY-AC-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 37sec (2017 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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