Fixing up the Abandoned Vintage Tractor and putting it to work

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it's almost like it sunk into the ground the old david brown 25 that's going back a few years look at the state of those rooms just crumbling away um the old david brown 25s had quite a bit of interest quite a few of the comments on the video about this little tank here apparently some of these had two tanks so you could start it on petrol and then switch to cheaper kerosene when it was running but i don't think that's the case with this one i can't see any pipes coming off the big tank and there are quite a few rust holes in the bottom of it so i'm guessing that main tank got rusted out and i've just replaced it with this lawnmower tank a lot of people asking why it was abandoned when it was in such good condition if you look closely it does have quite a few issues if you have a look at this manifold you can see it's been rusted out and that's why it was so loud it's almost falling apart so we'll have to replace that at some stage i've had a look online and they are quite hard to get hold of so for now i'll just write our world patches over the holes until i can find a replacement lots of comments about how good these tyres look after being left outside for so long they look good from a distance but if you look closely you can see they're quite badly perished lots of little cracks in them they've definitely seen better days the tyres are also full of water so i suppose that's why they haven't gone flat after all these years so i got quite a few comments about this tarp as well a lot of people surprised that it was okay after so many years um it's a really good quality one i think that's why it held together so long it has been patched up with an inferior piece at some stage and that's what the sun does to non-treated tarps um so obviously this this one is quite good quality uv stabilized built to last in the old days what i'll do first of all is change this gearbox oil that's not great it's got a lot of water in there so that's why it's called milky that's the gearbox and hydraulic oil and the one tank and i'm hoping that will make the hydraulics work again they're barely moving so hopefully if i change the oil on there and apparently there's a pickup filter at the bottom somewhere so i'll give that a good clean and um try and get those hydraulics working [Music] oh man that seized right up put a pipe on it to get a bit more leverage oh look at that just crumbling away so much rust let's not look too hard at that now i'll attempt to get this cover off because i think there's a pickup filter behind it we'll see if they come out hope they're all like that [Applause] probably go down a size because it's just so rusty yeah so that's the size smaller than it should be so it shows how badly rested that that's just breaking off [Applause] and cover them rust here oh yes that's four four out [Applause] that could have been a real nightmare if i hadn't got those bolts out would have had to cut them with an angle grinder and extract the shaft of the bolts luckily i went to seize though just the head was rusted away oh yeah there's that screen this is the intake for the hydraulic system and if it's not getting oil through there it's not going to be able to move the hydraulics so hopefully it's a simple matter of cleaning this screen because it does look quite bad see there's a lot of rubbish in there it hasn't been cleaned for a long time oh yeah see that looks like a magnet put that aside for now and give this a bit of a cleanup yeah it's filthy man so it doesn't look like you can actually pull this apart but just needs to be cleaned i think you can see how long it takes that diesel to get through there no wonder it wasn't pumping too well ultrasonic cleaner is what it really needs but i don't have one of those little to me i think [Music] [Music] looks like the gear leaver boots are made out of an old wetsuit neoprene there's two i'll have to replace those that's where the water's been getting into the gearbox and making it milky not a bad idea but they're just a wee bit loose they're right if they were tighter probably just perished over the years ah that's a lot better crystal clear now the outer layer of the fabric is just peeling away it's turned to slime pretty much so we'll get another one of those all right i'll check that oil on the air filter that's an oil bath type so the air comes down the center and gets sucked through the oil and all the particles stay in the oil that's uh got quite a bit of water in there but look at it but that's not too bad so i'll recycle that put some fresh oil on it just uh use engine oil in there much better it's like a gauze mesh up there that doesn't want to come out so that'll be okay i think looks nice and clean so i can stay in there that'll do it all right that's the air filter done now we'll try and drain that radiator and put some antifreeze in there so that's just water in there so i'm pretty happy to just let that drain out and i'll put some anti-freeze coolant in there now got it totally rusted away at the back there i wonder she was loud this did have a plate on it but you can see it's so badly rusted i don't think the plate would seal up very well so i'll just weld a little plate on there too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just putting a bit of grease on here just to seal it up [Applause] so yeah but you have to tell me how to drive it that's so much more quiet and that works perfectly [Music] good yeah if you want [Applause] oh so what do you think of it it's a beauty isn't it yeah it's uh it's running pretty sweet now isn't that it's got a droopy eye has it seen fix that no we can't it's rusted there yeah i'm happy with that not bad for a 70 year old tractor is it so what are we going to do with this one [Music] right tree hoe a new garden for me that'd be nice i'll have to buy a rotary hose then sounds a lot quieter with the holes patched up and the hydraulics work perfectly so all that was wrong with it was that a screen filter i think they come up straight away now so it's good to know there's nothing wrong with that hydraulic pump i'll give it a bit of work and let it run up nice and warm and make sure the head gasket's all good and that and um it sure works well with no no major problems i'll start working on the rusty wheels because the next thing i think that that break is a wee bit seized up too so but they do work brakes work really well not just that the the spring doesn't work so well so it doesn't doesn't bounce back when you want to do this oh there's a spring there that'd be the problem so we'll put another spring on that and um get those brakes retracting this tree blew over in a storm the other night and um it's blocking the track as you can see so i'll cut that up and see if i can tow it out of here a bit of a climb up the hill but i think it'll be right [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] wow [Applause] um [Music] you
Channel: Marty T
Views: 825,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UlI3MpqBA34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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