Leaky Fibreglass Boat with a Broken Motor... Can it be fixed??

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g'day guys i've dragged home another project uh it's a benito 4.9 meter fibreglass hull with an 85 horsepower two-stroke around 1985 vintage uh came up for auction and didn't meet the reserve so i offered 1100 and uh got it it does have a lot of issues which need sorting out before it's back in the water again the biggest thing is the outboard motor doesn't run last time it was used in 2014 the motor died while it was out at sea and had to be towed back to shore the owner lost interest in it and never got around to fixing it so it's been parked up ever since i tried the starter motor and it does turn over which means it's not seized i checked the compressions they're all even at around 135 psi no spark on any cylinders though there's something going on with the electrics the trim tilt works fine transom is good solid as it's spent most of its life in salt water so there is some corrosion to be expected with this age outboard it also has a hole in the hull this roller frame has broken at some stage and the metal upright has gone up through the hull this part has been repaired but i noticed another hole under here where it was uh bouncing around on that middle frame so i'll have to cut a hole in the floor and patch it up from the inside quite a few gel coat chips which i'll seal up to keep the water out of the fiberglass the trailer has some badly rusted sections so i have to do some welding and strengthen it up so there is a bit of work to do but i think it'll be worth the effort these are really well made hulls a nice deep fee so a comfortable ride even in rough weather the string is uh solid fiberglass so no rotten wood to worry about under the floor so that should keep me busy for a few weeks i think when i tested it the other day there was no spark on any of the cylinders so i'll have a quick look at the wiring and see if there's anything obvious and then just work my way through the coils and check that everything gives the right readings and if everything else is okay then it's probably the cdi that's just joiners in there i'll pull them all apart and give them a spray with crc and see if that helps there's a bit of corrosion forming around the outside of that see that one is like corroded together i can't even get that apart another corroded one i'm just using a uh fine sandpaper here just to get rid of the corrosion there's a little bit of a wear mark on that i think it's been rubbing on the corner of that head there it has worn through to the wire there so that could be earthing out pays to have a good look for um any wire fatigue or whether why has been rubbing on metal things any little thing like that could could just stop it from sparking so we'll check all these earths now and just make sure they're nice and clean a wee bit of corrosion in there there's a bit of corrosion on that so that's all the terminals cleaned up i'll see if it's gonna spark now i've made myself a starting pole here little groove in the end to fit over the key turn that and see what happens oh that's sparking look at that when i tried it the other day there was no spark on any of them and that's sparking as well nice that simplified the uh the repair somewhat i really don't like having to buy new cdi's for this sort of thing they get quite expensive so fingers crossed there's not much wrong with it and that's sparking we'll put some fuel on it and see what happens i've got a little bit of pre-mixed fuel here i'll just put that pipe in there and see if i can suck it through it seems to be filling those carbs up so we'll just flush all the oil fuel through no go try squeezing a bit more fuel through there can't smell any fuel on it this is still sparking yeah she runs that sounds pretty sweet actually so i think that's all it is it's just a fuel thing as soon as i put that fuel in the cylinders she started right up so that's a good sign so i'm gonna have to take those carbs off and see what's going on i think possibly the jets need cleaning automatic oiler that's obviously working so those reeds look okay they're popping open all right nice and crisp it's quite filthy in there that could be our problem you can see all that gunk and around that jet it's got a bit of gunk in there so we'll give that a good blowout with the air compressor all right that was actually quite filthy so hopefully it goes a bit better after that should be able to see through all those holes there should be no blockages so give it the blow test slow on this piece and um make sure it's letting fuel in and then shutting off when it's full [Music] so let's look at those reeds they seem good nice and crisp [Music] oh yes look at that it's got quite a bit of gunk in it look how filthy that is that one looks to be fully blocked up i can't see through it so that's definitely one of our problems run okay number three they're all sealing well no problems another filthy one gummed up with old oil by the look of it this one is the worst of the lot that's pretty much fully plugged up that jet [Music] much better you can actually see through it now that was just fully plugged that one now you can see through it again [Music] so it's pretty good uh i'll just see if it's going to run before i put everything back together i'll put some fuel in there pull up those cars [Music] let's see if the charging circuit works all right so i'm going to sync the carburetors now i've got these gauges here so i want to get them about even i'm not too worried where they go to i just want all three carburetors to have the same suction g'day mate what are you up to um i'm just riding the bike good boy do you want to go for a ride in the boat too yeah yeah we'll get it going oh and go for a fit all the metal parts want to be tied together that's what these wires are for and it ties it back to these anodes they are sacrificial anodes and so instead of the aluminium corroding the anodes go first there's another wire there i will actually test all those my tester and make sure it's continuity we won't hopefully won't fall off yes we are i'm not all the moving parts and all the rusty nuts and bolts that i might need to take off at some stage they will get a good dose of penetrating oil that should free them up a little bit for when you need to do work on the motor that's a new one how many boats have we got guys i got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten yeah do you think we need any more boats uh no no no you've been listening to mum haven't you you can never have too many boats guys there's the anodes up there i'm gonna give those a bit of a wire brush just to give some more surface area so i'm just testing what these wires are doing what they should and tying all the metal parts together so that it's all brought back to these anodes it reduces the corrosion okay that one's good that's good good oh yep that's good seems all good often people overlook those wires and they tend to get corroded on the inside of the terminal and then you lose your connection and one part will start corroding away because it's not connected to the anodes there's a few grease points on this one good to go i'll check this gearbox oil and make sure it's nice and clean that looks pretty good actually so i'll clean that up put it in hot water and see what it does i think it should open at around 50 degrees celsius that's why we flush our motors out after using them in salt water because you can see all this salty corrosive scale on there that builds up inside the uh all the water passages and eventually it gets blocked up so it's always a good idea to flush out especially after using salt water yep looks like it's opening up so that's working all right if your thermostat is not working or blocked up it'll either not let the water through so your engine will overheat or they get stuck open it doesn't burn efficiently and it's not good for your engine to run too cold so pretty important to check the thermostat just get the worst of that salt off there because there's a bit of corrosion in this space here really need to use a gasket sealant just to fill in all those gaps otherwise it could leak it's like an anti-corrosive lanolin grease which will stop the threads getting stuck in there oh that's looking good no leaks around the thermostat it is pumping water around the cooling circuit but that impeller probably hasn't been changed for over a decade so order a new one and put that in i'm pretty happy with the motor it seems to be running fine maybe a little bottom end noise there but i won't know how bad it is until i get a load on it and i give it the beans so i'll leave it there for now and uh in the next installment i'll fix up the hull strengthen up the trailer and get it back on the water thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Marty T
Views: 711,097
Rating: 4.9202185 out of 5
Keywords: Fixing, repairing, boat, hull, outboard, speedboat, diy, resin, epoxy, repair, cheap, bargain, bonito
Id: rttVJFiwygA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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