I Sold The Princess To A Chicken Dragon - Pilgrims

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knock-knock you a little old biddy guess what it's time to get evicted that's right Snorlax is here to teach you a thing or two about swinging for the fences I didn't think you would try to hook her in her crooked nose I just wanted you to shoot her right y'all quit your arguing okay there we go oh you need an acorn as well don't worry I got your back what's up guys welcome to Hill Grove a super funny little adventure card game and if you're like me and you here card game and your eyes gloss over and you think yourself this probably isn't for me it's not like this okay we're not playing cards they don't have any text on them they just represent the items in your inventory and the people that have joined your party and the idea is when you encounter something on your journey you get to choose who and what might serve the situation best so if you've run into a little lady and she has something that you want do you send out your polite party member with a flower to convince her or do you send out your bruiser party member with a gun to shoot her in the face so we're gonna get through this adventure we're gonna have to ask a whole lot of questions and pay very close attention to our surroundings I'm already wondering how would this guy manage to sleep in a tent for the middle of the day with birds outside I don't know how many of you guys have gone camping before but that doesn't happen it's a force to wake up at the crack of dawn kind of situation nature is very loud and bright good morning scruffy do you get enough beauty sleep doesn't look like it we're going on an adventure even though you don't look quite like a hobbit you look more like an 1800 gold miner what did you just throw oh okay yeah I guess if we're going on an adventure then we should probably know where we're going kind of first things first what are you willing to bet scruffy forgot something in the tent it's just like him to have something fall out of his hat or his mustache or his pocket right I knew it I know him well you'd think they'd leave him behind a straw penny isn't that big a deal but you could buy a wife for that much back then yes I get it you're tired okay but you're the one who gave me the maps where are we going next I thought we introduced ourselves to this guy seems like he has a big nose maybe he'd be willing to join us when I said big nose I meant that in the kindest least possible shoot me in the face kind of way hello stranger oh okay well he doesn't want my money or my life he wants a bowl of potatoes I don't have a bowl of potatoes I have an acorn could I interest you in an acorn maybe as an appetizer and then I could come with me no no no no I'll get your potatoes I'll be right back so who or what would have a steaming hot bowl of potatoes for our large nose Brenda maybe the fire because somebody down here who's just a little bit nicer or not okay well hold on we've got ourselves the pot and I'm willing to bet we can put that over the fire okay so we've got half the equation we've got a steaming hot bowl we just need the potato there aren't many places I can go right maybe we should go up to the potato patch I guess that would make some sense wait they're actually potatoes there are two I thought it was just being a smartass those are definitely potatoes all right little white flour and okay there we go I know you were hoping to dig up gold but you didn't have to pay your straw penny for that hoe so in the end I was partially wrong do we need water do you think you would care about that probably not right oh no we do need water of course you'd think I'd just be able to walk down to the water and fill up the pots right I don't really need a dock to get potato water I also don't need a little witch hello ma'am sorry to interrupt your sleep please don't turn scruffy into a bird he would make a really terrible birds maybe you want me to bring you a bird bird to abuse oh oh she scared away her bird we need to find her bird okay and she'll give me a ride yeah I don't really need a ride right now I'm gonna quest for potato water but I'll keep that in mind okay well it was nice meeting you see you later we got out of that one scruffy good job now to prepare Snorlax isma'il so we can move on with our life bet on their bill with bird haters you know the recipe do you think that's good good okay for a second there I thought they dissolved now scruffy is gonna give you your pot of boiling potatoes so that we can pass but I want you to keep in mind that we have a business opportunity for you as you pour that into your fat body okay there's room in this questing party for people who are willing to shoot little old ladies in the face so maybe you could give me the gun just join me one of the two oh you want to get drunk and you'll give me your gun that seems like a bad trade can I get the gun first whoa okay [Music] kind of expected it to tease things out a little bit but nope there's the whole world let's go on an adventure so we need to get him drunk I thought he would join us well there's a little old lady and we got no one to shoot her in the face hello ma'am oh you want a coin do you I don't know if I want to give you a coin I mean yeah all right fine we'll be generous scruffy is the nice guy in the group here you are okay I didn't pay you to dance wow that was amazing we're best friends now best friends give people things oh-oh-oh she joined the party I didn't want a little old lady to join me oh [Music] okay well alright then we're gonna need a name for you you shall henceforth be called Agnes maybe we should have Agnes wait here at the bridge I don't know if it's a good idea to have her running across all God's green earth in her decrepit States I'm seeing another individual over here underneath whatever the heck that is okay Agnes you're up you're really good at begging how about you get us that fishing line no we need to be friends or maybe we need to be friendly I know for a fact that scruffy is quite the friendly individual nope not even registering Oh oh we got our coin back I never even thought of the fact that if Agnes comes with us then we keep what we paid for her again scruffy I said that you could use this coin to buy yourself a wife and you're really just you know four to one trying no nothing don't tell me you want to bowl the hot potatoes - would you like nut and give you a nut there you go No okay then I'm just gonna be on my way now so he needs something to be our friend but we have no idea what maybe we go down to this house and find some friendship materials I'm gonna start off with Agnes again maybe you can hoho hey no that is a little old lady what does she want having a little old lady conversation Oh Oh is this Agnes is house this lady chaste Agnes out of her house and solar broom oh we really need to get Snorlax on our team she is definitely the one who's gonna get shot in the face can we steal her stuff yeah there we go okay we got some plants and that's about it Oh Agnes is fuming I'm sorry I don't think there's anything we can do we could try scruffy no you don't want to give us that broom okay made friends we've made enemies big really everything in between ever we tried this house up here the world's worst trick-or-treating hello little boy can i all I need that scruffy get that bottle of liquor from you young man you want a fish and if I want to get a fishing rods then I need to be friends with the guy under the pimple and hey that doesn't really help me oh you want a coin for your glass okay we can do that you want to be my friend you want to join the party you're just gonna give me the glass oh you'll give me a glass of beer that's it might be friendship material Oh scruffy you weren't supposed to drink it we got our coin back but now Scruffy's drunk what okay uh hold on a second it's interesting that you can see on their cards their abilities so Agnes is good at plucking flowers and flowers in general begging and brooming with scruffy is good at talking tents walking and boat riding not all that helpful scruffy got drunk I don't see how that helps us okay well guys head is the world's worst trick-or-treating we're just going somewhere we're getting loaded and then we're go beg for forgiveness you still don't you sober it up well good for you hello father I don't suppose you have anything of use for me what if I make a donation to the church she'd be willing to help no okay uh yes maybe you could bake right the church usually gives out stuff to poor old people maybe possibly anything he's got nothing he's holding out on us oh crap so just to be clear if we want to shoot the old lady in the face we need to get Snorlax and to get Snorlax we need to get the liquor and to get the liquor we need to get a fish and to get a fish we need to get a fishing pole and to get a fishing pole we got to become friends with the pimple desert guy with some kind of friendship device which we have yet to find maybe something up here run along Agnes I'm sure you can get there before scruffy somehow oh okay well we have things we can take a mushroom we can take some rope and we have another fire interesting don't really know how that's gonna help us either there's a bear up in a cave I don't suppose he would have some kind of friendship device would he is this a bad idea are we gonna feed a magnet's could he join our party because that would make me really happy we got ourselves a worm that would help with fishing I guess I don't suppose you could beg borrow or steal from the bear he seems kind of cool okay oh she's afraid she's afraid how about we send in scruffy scruffy the talker hello can I come in your cave maybe I'd really appreciate it as a new don't really know what I'm working with here how about I just get you super high no not one for the shrooms okay maybe I need to boil that mushroom into a soup if we go back and we fill the pot with water we can put the mushroom in it and then make some kind of different meal that work yes hello I don't care about your stupid bird I'm just here to fill this oh I just want somebody to help me with my bird for oblems happy that's the only bird she's asking for from scruffy let's get the hell out of here so now that we have that we can go back over to the fire there has to be a reason for multiple fires scruffy you go ahead and put this there and then put a mushroom in it could you do that for me yeah there we go I'm gonna make something uh okay so now we have mushroom soup I don't know why it's gotta be that this guy's hungry right hopefully could I interest you in some mushroom soup serve oh oh I ate it that's not what we were supposed to do oh we ate it and we got crazy high and we're gone scruffy scruffy watch it okay did he like that are we friends now see that coming yeah okay so now we're kinda free Oh what can I have this nail oh that's not enough really so close but not quite there's a small possibility that the planks from Agnes is front lawn aren't entirely legal maybe if I toss these in the pause are they gonna make some kind of super trippy goo okay then I guess we're gonna try eating that are you kidding me and the time it took me to go make some more psychedelic soup you got sad well hopefully this one is gonna send me into the stratosphere so you'll be far more entertained nope apparently this one makes me sleepy isn't gonna help me and now I don't have any more mushrooms so who we met that would want to sleep you look kind of disheveled I don't suppose I could interest you and some soup okay yeah there we go and then if you pass out I can get into your cave okay you didn't need to kick my pot that's kind of rude there we go finally down for the counts now skin him and wear him like a suit or steal his giant diamond yeah let's do that that sounds way better okay I've made more psychedelic soup and I'm really curious what would happen if agonist drank it would this you go early I feel like this was a mistake okay yeah she's still got plenty of get-up-and-go in here okay don't go over by the giant flaming holes in the ground that's probably a bad idea are we friends now you weird little munchkin Goblin leprechaun thing half so I need something else do you like worms how about worms what if I just juggled a worm yeah isn't that hilarious look at how bouncy it is that actually works I got an achievement funny granny can I have oh you want me to pay for it really alright fine here you go we're friends your friends don't pay friends that's not how this works but I really need that to get a fish to get liquor to get a gun to shoot an old lady in the face I'm sure you understand have that as well or you want a peg a cold for a sword wasn't that convenient friend I keep bothering the depressed Witch of the river when in all reality I haven't even bothered looking for her bird but if you guys seen any birds I feel like I've been keeping my eye out on reality I'm just interested in getting a fish oh no fishing here really so do I need to find your bird first where would I find a bird or maybe I could just go fish somewhere else that would make my life a whole lot easier screw you lady I'll find your bird someday but right now I'm a whole lot more interested in shooting an old lady in the face when I made that joke at the beginning of the video I did not think it was gonna be such a legitimate happening anything a huge part of the game would revolve around that okay hold on we've got a worm yeah I'm all over it might have been able to use that fly as well unless know what we got the fish right away that works so now we just need to cook it right we know where there are plenty of fires it just hit over here and maybe get would you like to cook it Oh their mushroom don't mind if I do should we cook it in a pot or not I don't know we don't want to cook it in a pot when we cook it with a stick okay perfect so we'll give this to the bartender and things will be set in motion hello there young man that's a lovely painting of what I can only assume is a demented rabbit on your wall here's that fish you were asking for just add it in my pocket throw it to you with my hands and let me guess you're gonna eat it like a single we'll take that coin we cool now oh I thought he just threw it on the ground I was gonna say that's really rude okay we're good now Snorlax are you ready to join us finally you had better be joining us I don't want the gun I don't want to do the dirty work myself kind of thing me that gun yes her liquor okay well I went through hell and back to give you this liquor so you better enjoy it right give me the give me the gun first you give me the gun first no I didn't want him to get drunk and then hand me the gun it's just a recipe for disaster oh no he's got a red yo I didn't give him an acorn does he want it no he wants an acorn okay well I really don't think getting him drunken and giving him ammo is a good idea but sure I like an acorn out of a blunderbuss could take out someone's eye oh yeah yeah just to spin it around near my face yes core you really appreciate that we could yeah yeah good good we're friends now yes perfect just like Delores right Delores Agnes I keep calling your Delores it doesn't matter okay Snorlax is one with the group knock knock you a little old biddy guess what it's time to get evicted that's right Snorlax is here to teach you a thing or two about swinging for the fences I didn't think you would try to hook her in her crooked nose I just want to get a shooter right y'all quit your arguing okay there we go oh you need an acorn as well don't worry I got your back loaded and ready to go how do you feel about that I'm gonna take that broom and kill her we kill her Oh what if I then get Agnes out here and then we give her the broom and you can get your revenge right because you were sweeping one day and then she took the broom from you and hit you with it so now we're gonna take the broom from her and you're gonna hit her with it symmetry I don't understand how this worked but it's fine by me because now you get to wacker yes okay okay that's enough okay we don't need this to be premeditated murder please for a little bit gods to chase her away she's going he's got fire coming out of her eyes I don't know what to do have eggs maybe a pot full of water would do the trick okay Agnes calm down jeez have enough Agnes it's it's too much you've been hanging around with Snorlax too long here we go okay just douse her and she's lime okay then we didn't take her eyes the fire did no court in the land would hold that against us oh no we lost Aggies but we got uh Birds hey hey hey bird bird bird birds no scruffy scruffy you really gotta catch that bird come on down nope you kidding me scruffy yes I know we need Oh we're one step closer to getting the bird race but we lost Agnes ah screw it okay so weird too next I never even saw the giant castle in the distance you think I would go there over the Bears nest bears nests the Bears cave oh oh I couldn't even get through here if I wanted to right because I probably need the muscle to pull this back there we go okay you're gonna have to forgive scruffy my lords he's a little bit dim in the head but just to be clear a giant chicken dragon landed on your castle squawked about demanding the princess may or may not have actually kidnapped her and then flew off and if we somehow managed to stop your day of mourning and kill the chicken dragon with a sword that we don't have she's gonna be sleeping there we cut his head off not a big deal apparently chicken dragons aren't all that dangerous I highly doubt that both chickens and Dragons are nuts but if we do manage to do that you will give us both the crown and your wife it's a pretty good deal it just so happens that I found this royal jewel in a bear cave not too far from here after totally not roof iing the bear that lives there but I'm noticing that there is a giant jewel in the window behind you your crown seems to have a big empty spot so maybe if I give you this I would curry favor with the king I don't need to take your crown and your wife I could just take your wife like an evening he's not that big a deal maybe the objective of this game is just to get scruffy lays yes your head is much fancier now congratulations oh okay yeah I suppose I could sell it for a bag of coins for the leprechaun that works too so we could go pay off our little green friend and get his Lucky Charms but right now I'm kind of curious what's up with this place over here right we haven't been here before scruffy care to investigate oh hey say long time no see can I get you a rope of rope I mean yeah I've got rope here you go what are you gonna use that rope for Satan probably nothing good are we friends now oh you wanna kidnap Oh oh wait we are friends now wait wait wait what are you actually good I was being sarcastic he wants to kidnap the bishop and toss him in a hole I mean I'm all for it that sounds amazing sure why not we're just gonna head back over here he was a jerk to us earlier grace or at least not very nice you didn't want to give anything to starving little ol Agnes so I guess we'll just send you out hello come on out now here we go where's that rope I'm sure I got it here somewhere we need to convince him to come out or can you lasso him out of there hmm could I interest you in a giant hole of roofies okay yes Satan made them himself now you'll be a little bit less struggling yeah there we go preciate it now will I sue you or do I need to get Satan to do it I don't think he's going anywhere now okay yeah what we'll switch out and then there we go just because he wanted me to I'm not getting any items out of this as far as I can tell with Eskridge of them in the hole there we go and we're good don't don't no don't you leave me I need you oh it was one step closer to the bird well I guess we can go have a talk with our leprechaun friend but it looks like there's somebody else waiting for us back at the church yeah can I have that sword now you want a bag full of coins yeah why not you want me to put it in a pot maybe lay it under a rainbow no or we goods are gonna save a princess maybe I'm still not even sure if there is a princess hey man you already took the gold okay that's right hey you be on your way now mission accomplished now what's going on over at the church somebody else here all of a sudden oh hello ma'am uh you probably don't want to talk to me I'm kind of friends with the devil these acquaintances I think we just got blessed how long does absolution last for because we've got some more sins to deal I need to lock the head off of a very angry and loud chicken dragon hello I don't suppose you have any princesses back there do you I'm not even really sure why I'm punching you and your ball sack Cheney face oh no no no throw it he's too fat to eat goods okay uh we can put a stick in his mouth no no screw the stick lop off his head I'm really happy I didn't make scruffy the hero he may have gotten eaten there yeah that's right you want the Queen's chest well what are we gonna agree with her like yeah I know the Queen's got a rock and set of taste but still we can't just find common ground in boobies kill the thing I'm really confused right now should we go talk to the Queen good evening sire there's been a bit of a development so I spoke with the chicken dragon and we've come to an agreement that your wife has a rockin set of BAPS so she's gonna have to come with us it's that a no I'm gonna have to get the muscle involved how about that yeah give me the Queen or else you were more than happy to give er up as a reward so how about a pre-emptive reward okay yeah you know what we're gonna have to get the gun there we go give me the Queen and no one gets hurt little does he know it's not even loaded with an acorn I legitimately got the Queen okay then I honestly didn't expect that to work all right well good news chicken dragon knew we got hurt please don't eat her please please please don't eat her though that would be a real bad ending to this Oh Oh your friends oh oh they might be more than friends oh that's a far worse n-no no oh if you were into that kind of thing you should have just told me princess if we come King and get a hot queen but no instead Snorlax ran off with a chest and I wasn't even the Queen's chest oh oh and the birds get the bird get the bird scruffy scruffy drive on the birds come on now oh my god is which needs a bird that's the objective of the entire game please there you go thank you little toucan sam can you come with me now get it get in my pocket wonderful so we scruffy doesn't even get a cut of the pay Snorlax did all the work technically I guess he was the one to slay the dragon and then the dragon slayed the Queen okay screw it I guess scruffy is gonna help you out with your bird and then we're gonna sail off to faraway lands together and live happily ever after can you turn into a hot witch because the bird woman was keeping young Lee maybe possibly I need anything okay scruffy needs a happy ending please yeah not what I was hoping for this is such a cool little game oh my god I loved it oh there are a lot of possibilities we only encountered a small portion of them and we didn't even have Snorlax become King in the end do you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of pilgrims guys and if you want to see another playthrough of this game be sure to leave a like in the video and let me know I would love to find out what else you could do I just assumed that I did everything properly would've errantly not and this was one of the most unique and cool little games that have played in a long time so I would honestly love to play it again I think so much watching his video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,469,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilgrims, pilgrims game, pilgrims gameplay, pilgrims funny, pilgrims funny moments, pilgrims full game, pilgrims walkthrough, pilgrims playthrough, card game, adventure card game, puzzle card game, pilgrims good ending, pilgrims dragon ending, pilgrims bad ending, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: GtqgVGhgdCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 3sec (1863 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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