Who Killed Guy Fieri? - Flavortown (VR)

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what the hell is happening is my fellow food I'm the sweet treat the salty serve on the savory Savior Billy Bunker here at my beautiful factory eat anything touch anything Joe anywhere your heart desires want to go home what's up guys welcome to flavortown a game about your investigation into the murder of Guy Fieri that's literally all I know and all I needed to know good morning I'm uh I'm running a little late for work today but it lets a serial out on the counter for you all right thanks a big favor pick up those shirts on the floor for me if it's not clean by the time I get home I'm not gonna be able to take it to your back to my gym tonight okay mom I'll clean up my room first then figure out who killed Guy Fieri right I am playing the right game aren't i we have poop wizards shirt which needs to go in the hamper okay yep that makes a whole lot of sense okay yeah poop wizards really don't screw around when it comes to laundry to-do list put dirty clothes away poop up okay I'm guessing you guys are probably dirty as well what do we have an I and cat not that cat though I hate days yeah my mom couldn't afford an actual Garfield poster that cheap bluesy there we go a whole lot of clean laundry we good so one thing down with dirty clothes away yeah next up we need to hoop up as you can probably tell from the way I hold the ball vr basketballs never really been my strong suits I'm more of a VR meme poster kind of guy right let's get this bread isn't that right gamers I mean like custom PC even has a bread dial on it why would anybody Jesus Christ okay you know what I already really like this game I am totally on board with the basketball in that letting me out of my room what the hell mom that's not a very cool feature but I feel that that's a little bit exploitative really I knew my mom was cheap but I didn't think she was family photo and silhouette cheap woman seriously refused to pay for colored ink and door knobs that are corporeal it's completely ridiculous oh I guess I'm just gonna head down in the eerie darkness of the kitchen make myself some cereal some alphabet spaghetti 's Ricola inside every box okay sure why not I'll have you were in a coma what the [ __ ] is this game you got anything else to say you oh you were in a coma okay this is actually freaky right now what the hell let me guess Guy Fieri the mayor of flavortown what am i playing right now now that's a spicy meatball oh okay his blood is butter I mean we already knew that I just figured I would point it out what else could it possibly be if I kill him he the murderer whoa whoa whoa that was a question listening not a confession now he knows you did it you see my badge you see his gun you know what that means it means [ __ ] you we know used it's easy we just started maybe we should ask him a couple questions right do it right so um what's your name buddy just shut the hell up this man is obviously a psychopath you ain't got no motive you definitely ain't got no soul just look into his eyes you see that [ __ ] beautiful dead blue eyes he's dead inside he's sick you'll [ __ ] say it cool down uh-huh I swear to God Biff Biff Biff what amore amore more in the moon that's it remember remember chief said one more time and you're off the case you kids here my little little meatballs all right all right wait hold on we didn't even ask him yet did you did you do it did you murder the mayor no no goodness listen hear me out I got an idea let's make him an honorary deputy I mean think about it he was at the crime scene before we were and were the first responders right why is there to solve the case than him yeah yeah that sounds about goop's to me I kid welcome to the force you have 48 hours now don't muck this up or what's my ass and hopefully you figure it all out and we could get your name cleared up so we won't have to lock you up I mean since you didn't do it after all right right right I didn't I didn't do it what the hell am i playing right now hello can i oh I can move right now around the station and head to the shooting range whenever you're ready pull one of those pictures off of the white board shooting range how did I go from being a kid in my room in a coma to a meatball deputy in flavortown I'm so confused oh they're best friends little buddy cop meatballs isn't that cute uh are these Billy bonkers funky barbecue bar I mean yeah sure why not one for the floor and one for me oh oh I don't think oh I don't like that at all that's too much saturation can we I need to wash that down with something that's that's a little much guys I might have eaten evidence is some kind of drug case work get yourself a cup of water yeah I'll do that I've done parched all that Billy bunkers going through me hold on there we go water oh that's better so how about that local sports team Jesus your legs are terrifying I get the feeling they want to send me on some kind of mission but I'm supposed to take a picture from the whiteboard and that'll send me on an investigation after one of the suspects but I'm already kind of busy investigating them they've got their own problems like heavily moustached wives donut to get just don't worry ma'am I mean he might not get shot but he's definitely been taking shots duck sorry story the party foul on my part I probably shouldn't be snooping but at the same time can't resist just a little taste of everything I fell ah yet that's confectionary sugar for the donuts right it's totally not booger sugar for your nose maybe I'll just go back over here I don't suppose you have anything to say about that no these donuts don't touch him by far and I have one though the best donut flavor town has to offer okay but just want one okay just just one come on I'm a deputy now you need to share doughnuts here we go big guy you see we're all on the same team here what the hell is that hey wait together we're gonna have so much fun we could start a game maybe start a riot or two try to make an escape Shawshank style and change our names on the outside I'll move to the Bahamas you don't probably stay more to the west coast I'll become a real estate agent for about five years come back to visit you then I find out that you killed another mayor so then I go and get the boys back together and then we make another break all over again it's gonna be a blast okay I just have one question are you a pile of diarrhea or dog poo because I don't even know what to call you Oh your name scum and they feed you doughnuts in a dog dish well isn't that just inhumane um not cool meatball guys so by the looks of it we have three suspects into the murder of Guy Fieri and I'm the only one who's gonna investigate this you gotta stand by the water cooler talk to nobody you've gotta stand by the doughnuts and guard scum that makes sense to everybody I mean there's a gun range but they're not gonna trust me with a gun yet right why don't we try eleven always returns at the scene of the crime so I've got to pull a bit of a CSI and reconstruct the scene do I well we were standing over there facing this direction and he was lying down here in a his own butter in front of the meaty Joe's garbage into eatery dumpster and the cops came from over there so what am I missing not seeing a whole lot of evidence even trace of a crime right they did a real good job cleaning everything up maybe there's a little bit of evidence over here in the dumpster or hiding in plain sight on top of the dumpster I suppose yep you know what a giant butter covered murder weapon would probably do it what does this say to my ungrateful tap-dancing ballerina of a son one day you put the ballroom shoes away okay well that's pretty frigging unique and good to see so we'll just take this she's just crazy I'd stay back I have a butter knife I had a butter knife welcome back to the land of the living the fuzz factory I heard shots actually could bother you shut up so like the main character could figure out what's going on I guess it's probably curious as to where he is yes welcome to the Waffle House scatter scatter you're probably wondering how you got here it's a Waffle House back you were drunk oh my god actually that was a funny joke make an impression how many times have I been through this like twelve nine I wasn't looking for an answer we have reason to believe that the mayor of flavortown hate like Guy Fieri yes like Guy Fieri oh hey the mayor of flavortown eats food yeah we think yeah actually and you probably poops - actually you know if it eats it poops I would imagine Guy Fieri does poop yes doesn't matter anyway we're all wondering how you killed that food eating son of [ __ ] yeah scatter anyway show us with this gummy bear and stick what you did did the mayor uh whoa no no no I'm not giving you guys some kind of confession okay I'm in enough trouble as it is that is one giant goddamn gummy bear I everybody paying attention now okay hey Donatello are you watching just something like and then uh huh yeah some people do get off that way you're right don't tell a good job and then okay keep it in your actually is it that the sauce boss guy in the background actually I can't see gone mind it's sort of a no I really can't think of why he would kill them there hey what a piece of try my god - may I flee the towns bed actually weren't we trying to kill her murky lock that guy up he's a criminal we got to get back and capture Bill Ivanka Eiffel why I gotta stay here and do it I'm a deputy because you'reyou're a rapper right Abby so I'm putting you in charge of the bars Oh God hmm that one hurt let's go get bill Ivanka I get it daily banca just don't eat his bars okay not these bars or his bars but the chocolate bars I'm gonna make you trip balls they screw up with the hue and the saturation and can you let me out please you look like the dumb one of the group considering you got a giant key in your forehead what did this say behind me how to be a good prisoner no standing no sitting no breathing no talking Markie if you lock yourself in the cell again what we are gone just to reach through the bars and unlock it you idiot oh yeah but I mean he's staring great he's probably stupid enough to not really realize I could be able to reach this oh there we go we cool I'm just gonna assume that I could come out all right then again what the hell am i playing this game has exceeded my expectations tenfold holy crap they got guns that's concerning can we talk with the why is it was being paid sorry chief I don't have Instagram follow me on Twitter at the captain sauce oh what's that oh [ __ ] woodpeckers my bro like it manly yeah I'm guessing that's why you got guns should I be arming myself against woodpeckers oh okay I didn't want any part of this gang war please stop please please please stop the rapping no stop the rapping not interested guys I didn't want any part of this I have a deputy I'm investigating the murder of Guy Fieri meanwhile I'm defending waffles for woodpeckers yeah this is a drug trip if I've ever seen one you got this yeah real quick there you go you got there in the end sure why not are they old aids oh wow oh man I got the whole thing on I see you live - like I'm basically the next Kodak black or like Roseanne you know thanks for helping dude so it was another gun right there for you or a box of them anyway I'm just gonna chill man I'm gonna fish up my stream you know I got I got some pipes out here trying to try to blow it up so you can just even just bounce bro okay I'm not really concerned that's all I wanted cool I'm gonna go back to police HQ and tell them that I found diddly [ __ ] actually no I found the murder weapon we're good come to think of it probably not a good idea to tell them about the murder weapon I kind of just picked it up without wearing any gloves so I got my one gross giant fingerprint all over it you didn't hear any of that okay this is all inner monologue I'm gonna go over here and I guess check out suspects number two yeah sure why not Billy banca capitalist scum Billy panca but they're going after him what the hell is happening my fellow food I'm the sweet treat the salty serve on the savory Savior Billy Bunker here at my beautiful factory eat anything touch anything go anywhere your heart desires I want to go home and so you have diabetes damn teenage mutant ninja waffles ruined everything he ran away it's like Willy Wonka's factory but gross and weird uh okay so I could just go anywhere I want do anything I want to keep clear of this should I you whatever scum was made out of yeah I'm not gonna ask that what the donuts are being made of god I shouldn't be eatin those who employees only do not enter yeah fat chance on that the hell is this of course Oh I'm the new employee dodo don't mind me I'm just here to do my job hello hello I'm Paul I'm Paul which button is the action button I'm confused and scared ah I'm gonna throw you I'm not gonna throw you over there I'm still confused and scared so that's where Mayo comes from dad's up I suppose and it's really difficult to throw with I'm right-handed so I'm just gonna [ __ ] dammit okay slow slow down I got like two giant fingers come on just gimme one gimme one second what don't I don't need Mayo I don't need Mayo Mayo is a crap I'm sure I can't throw anything what is this this is not in my job description screw you mayonnaise may barbeque your goods and the oomphel loop is song in the background is not helping they usually say that before some kid dies just okay Oh what's my quota chip just 20 25 is it gonna hit 25 there we hit 25 we should be good great I just let all of your others screw on hey we're good okay yes sir is the chopping block and oven the giant donut hole out front I I'd like to leave now so I have no idea what happened to Billy Baca or the Teenage Mutant Ninja waffles I didn't come any closer to figuring out anything about the murder and I didn't even see an oompa loompa this is a complete ripoff I am upset so far we've investigated two suspects and have clearly not found the killer I don't suppose you'd be willing to issue me a gun for the last one because something tells me this is the guy who did it yes let's go steeper than we thought much deeper yeah big around Frankfort me [Music] kill me no you killed the man it was you did you know you did no no I didn't do it you did you did no he's like whoa whoa whoa ha look at his face could you even trust someone that looks like that disgusting I don't suppose those are ballerina shoes are they what kind of food he is neither like you ever thought of casserole sure what the hell are you ah my father you lying the garlic bread tell him you're lying no you know II [ __ ] no this is the guy I know this is that him I had one of my nameless henchmen follow you around huh I know you [Music] yeah what you're the little dates are boy and then life that your father gave you he used to murder Katya dad you think I want to sit back here and order hits on all other types of granted maybe I like weeds and the pumpernickel maybe I even like the marbled rye breads do you know what my dream is that's the face of a disappointed father States a new yeast salsa dancing for the masses ah showing them that a bread can move just like a natural when he's thinking that being deep I'm sorry what do you excuse us for one second yes of course I'll just head back to the police station and let them know that he was the murderer right you gave him the knife very similar to your own it was engraved it completely described him the hell are you looking at okay never mind it wasn't a knife very similar to your own it's the same as your own I don't know why you have multiple knives this even has Guy Fieri's blood butter on it I'm confused I don't suppose you've seen anything off the line we have tons of orders backed up the stove is hot now let's get to cooking I thought with the tickets above the hot plates I've written all the ingredients out for you since you can't do a damn thing on your own oh [ __ ] what what since when I'm on in the kitchen with Gordon Ramsay brain pastor brain perm spaghetti for Haiti food I'm Duff drying I don't know what the hell you want from me uh instructions what do we have do not cook the lettuce if you cook the lettuce you will be made fun of fair enough make sure to cut the veggies before plating them the food will change color when it's fully cooked or burnt flippa plates is clear are they because just four of them and I don't seem to have a timer so I'm just gonna figure out what the hell I need to do real quick brain pastor Brian Brian spaghetti brain brain brain human meat brain bread let's get this and spaghetti okay so we need brain brain spaghetti but I probably need to cook up this ring cook the bloody food I am I'm done cooking the brain I'm cooking that brain and it's gonna change color when it's done because I know what I'm doing maybe can you oh there we go that that's cooked that's cooked those are cooked brains there you go so we're just gonna drop you likes that marvelous thank you okay and a little bit of spaghetti we don't even cook spaghetti do we do we have a boil no no no we're good we're good what would just uh good job okay that's done I made a little bit of a mess but you know what we got there with honestly a lot of time to spare would you recommend I would recommend scoring yourself oh I don't care yeah I don't care either you just get go do your thing and can I get back to the police station now a job that was a hell of a shift now go home and get some rest try not to burn anything on the way out Oh dry but no promises just so you guys know I don't actually need this job like I'm a part-time defense contractor for the Waffle House I'm a part-time employee at Billy bonkers I'm a part-time chef under Gordon fams II but right now I guess I'm part-time deputy getting ready to make some kind of accusation you're 48 hours up the trails going cold it's time to show us who killed the mayor kid yes finally you all right rookie it all leads to this who we throwing the book at go ahead and press one of those buttons in front of you do it Oh easy come on I mean I could send Mikey to jail but he's just too stupid he's hilarious I love the way he's animated he's also eight feet tall which is honestly about right that's terrifying okay okay okay what is my butter knife wha that to widemouth had a son of a [ __ ] I knew it was him with those two arms and his two eyes and that bluish brownish pinkish color he said man it means look at his red earlobes he knows we're talking about him look at his nostrils flaring look at him there he's just breathing I've seen your lobes or nostrils you did good today rookie thanks my meatball is ditching with justice right now I can feel it in my momma's sauce you know what you might wanna get that chances on me tonight let's go have a couple rounds huh to the Bob yeah to the bar to the bar yeah isn't that right happy boy you ready legs are still terrifying but let's get out of here you know let's cut the cheese Brooke yes so clever look at me I'm rook I'm so smart I solved the murder case Lottie [ __ ] da [Music] look rook I'm not gonna hurt you but I have a good thing going on here you get in my way again you're gonna be chopped up in a vinaigrette somewhat stout to 12th Street you ever been there it's not the kind of place for someone like you my best advice get out of flavortown kid yeah the bar yeah to the bar um yeah no dice you see here's the thing you really don't want to threaten me I know you're a giant meatball but I really doubt you have giant meatballs you threaten me again I'll bring you down to pound townn you little freak no dice you know what I think that's gonna be it for flavortown guys - holy crap this was the most surprising VR game I played this entire year like I always stumbled across it because I played this side up in three random games which is made by the same developer and I thought it looked kind of funny it would make for a video but I didn't expect it to be hilarious like we need more VR games like this I really hope these people go on to make a whole bunch more stuff because I could just live off of this but thanks for watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,668,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flavortown, flavortown vr, flavortown virtual reality, flavortown funny, flavortown funny moments, flavortown full game, flavortown walkthrough, flavortown playthrough, flavortown game, flavortown gameplay, flavortown let's play, flavortown htc vive, guy fieri game, food game, cooking game, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: M5X6NdvZ9d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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